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See Also
Text Fields discusses the two types of text fields: regular and secure. A regular text field is a control that displays text that the user can select or edit. A secure text field lets the user enter secure data, like a password, so that others can’t see it.
You should read this document if you need to understand what text fields do and which classes implement them.
This document contains the following articles:
“About Text Fields” gives basic information on text fields.
“About Secure Text Fields” gives basic information on secure text fields.
For more information related to text fields, refer to the following documents:
“Text Fields, Text Views, and the Field Editor” provides basic descriptions of these important text objects.
“Using Keyboard Interface Control in Windows” describes how to set up text fields so the user can shift focus one to the next by pressing the Tab key.
“Using the Window’s Field Editor” describes the field editor, which is shared by all the text fields in a window, and which handles the editing of text in the field.
© 1997, 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2004-02-09)