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Using PowerPlant in Universal Binaries

You can use PowerPlant on an Intel-based Macintosh computer only after you make the changes detailed in this section. Most of the substantial changes that you need to make are to the PowerPlant LStream class. PowerPlant uses LStream for a number of different I/O tasks, of which the most important is reading to and writing from 'PPob' resources. “Changing LStream Code” provides a detailed description of all the LStream-related changes that are required.

If you use the LDataBrowser PowerPlant class and the 'DBC#' resource, you might also need to write a resource flipper. See “Flipping the 'DBC#’ Resource Type.”

In this section:

Changing LStream Code
Flipping the 'DBC#’ Resource Type

Changing LStream Code

The changes discussed in this section cause LStream to always read and write big-endian data. After you make these changes

Make sure that you evaluate all calls to the methods in Listing 5-1 (including calls to any subclassed versions of these methods) to see if they require byte swapping.

Listing 5-1  Calls that may require swapping bytes

LStream::operator << (Handle inHandle)
LStream::operator >> (Handle &outHandle)

If you have custom classes in a PPob resource, you should change their LStream constructors to avoid calling LStream::ReadData. Specifically, you need to change the code in the same way as the LStream constructors for LControl, LListBox, and other PowerPlant classes are changed in the following sections. The sections, organized by the files you need to change, describe the required code changes:


Change the operator << (const Rect&inRect) method from a single WriteBlock call to the following:

Rect rect;
rect.top = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(inRect.top);
rect.left = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(inRect.left);
rect.right= CFSwapInt16HostToBig(inRect.right);
rect.bottom = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(inRect.bottom);
WriteBlock(&rect, sizeof(rect));

Change the operator << (const Point &inPoint) method from a single WriteBlock call to the following:

Point pt;
pt.v = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(inPoint.v);
pt.h = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(inPoint.h);
WriteBlock(&pt, sizeof(pt));

Change the operator << (SInt16 inNum) method from a single WriteBlock call to the following:

SInt16 n;
n = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(inNum);
WriteBlock(&n, sizeof(n));

Change the operator << (UInt16 inNum) method from a single WriteBlock call to the following:

UInt16 n;
n = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(inNum);
WriteBlock(&n, sizeof(n));

Change the operator << (SInt32 inNum) method from a single WriteBlock call to the following:

SInt32 n;
n = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(inNum);
WriteBlock(&n, sizeof(n));

Change the operator << (UInt32 inNum) method from a single WriteBlock call to the following:

UInt32 n;
n = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(inNum);
WriteBlock(&n, sizeof(n));

Change the operator << (float inNum) method from a single WriteBlock call to the following:

CFSwappedFloat32 swappedFloat;
swappedFloat = CFConvertFloat32HostToSwapped(inNum);
WriteBlock(&swappedFloat, sizeof(swappedFloat));

Change the operator << (bool inBool) method from a single WriteBlock call to the following:

UInt32 boolValue;
boolValue = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(inBool);
WriteBlock(&boolValue, sizeof(boolValue));

In the operator >> (Rect &outRect) method, add this after the ReadBlock call:

outRect.top = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(outRect.top);
outRect.left = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(outRect.left);
outRect.right= CFSwapInt16BigToHost(outRect.right);
outRect.bottom = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(outRect.bottom);

In the operator >> (Point &outPoint) method, add the following after the ReadBlock call:

outPoint.v = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(outPoint.v);
outPoint.h = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(outPoint.h);

In the operator >> (SInt16 &outNum) method, add the following after the ReadBlock call:

outNum = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(outNum);

In the operator >> (UInt16 &outNum) method, add the following after the ReadBlock call:

outNum = CFSwapInt16BigToHost(outNum);

In the operator >> (SInt32 &outNum) method, add the following after the ReadBlock call:

outNum = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(outNum);

In the operator >> (UInt32 &outNum) method, add the following after the ReadBlock call:

outNum = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(outNum);

In the operator >> (float &outNum) method, replace the ReadBlock call with the following:

CFSwappedFloat32 swappedFloat;
ReadBlock(&swappedFloat, sizeof(swappedFloat));
outNum = CFConvertFloat32SwappedToHost(swappedFloat);

In the operator >> (bool &outBool) method, replace the ReadBlock call with the following:

UInt32 boolValue;
ReadBlock(&boolValue, sizeof(boolValue));
outBool = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(boolValue);


In the operator << (double inNum) method, change the #if TARGET_CPU_PPC block to the following:

// PowerPC and Intel doubles -- they're 8 bytes already, so just swap
// if necessary and write.
Assert_(sizeof(inNum) == 8);
CFSwappedFloat64 swappedDouble = CFConvertDoubleHostToSwapped(inNum);
WriteBlock(&swappedDouble, sizeof(swappedDouble));

In the operator >> (double& outNum) method, change the #if TARGET_CPU_PPC block to the following:

// PowerPC and Intel doubles -- they're 8 bytes already, so just read
// and swap if necessary.
Assert_(sizeof(outNum) == 8);
CFSwappedFloat64 swappedDouble;
ReadBlock(&swappedDouble, sizeof(swappedDouble));
outNum = CFConvertDoubleSwappedToHost(swappedDouble);


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&controlInfo, sizeof(SControlInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> controlInfo.valueMessage;
*inStream >> controlInfo.value;
*inStream >> controlInfo.minValue;
*inStream >> controlInfo.maxValue;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&listInfo, sizeof(SListBoxInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> listInfo.hasHorizScroll;
*inStream >> listInfo.hasVertScroll;
*inStream >> listInfo.hasGrow;
*inStream >> listInfo.hasFocusBox;
*inStream >> listInfo.doubleClickMessage;
*inStream >> listInfo.textTraitsID;
*inStream >> listInfo.LDEFid;
*inStream >> listInfo.numberOfItems;

In the RestorePlace(LStream*inPlace) method, replace the following line:

 inPlace->ReadData(&theRect, sizeof(Rect));

with this line:

*inPlace >> theRect;

Further down in the method, just under the if (vScroll != nil) line, replace this line:

inPlace->ReadData(&theRect, sizeof(Rect));

with this line:

*inPlace >> theRect;

And once more in the same method, just under the if (hScroll != nil) line, replace this line:

inPlace->ReadData(&theRect, sizeof(Rect));

with this line:

*inPlace >> theRect;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&thePaneInfo, sizeof(SPaneInfo));

with the following lines:

SInt32 viewPtr;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.paneID;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.width;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.height;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.visible;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.enabled;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.bindings.left;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.bindings.top;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.bindings.right;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.bindings.bottom;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.left;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.top;
*inStream >> thePaneInfo.userCon;
*inStream >> viewPtr;
thePaneInfo.superView = reinterpret_cast<LView *>(viewPtr);


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&thePrintoutInfo, sizeof(SPrintoutInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> thePrintoutInfo.width;
*inStream >> thePrintoutInfo.height;
*inStream >> thePrintoutInfo.active;
*inStream >> thePrintoutInfo.enabled;
*inStream >> thePrintoutInfo.userCon;
*inStream >> thePrintoutInfo.attributes;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&scrollerInfo, sizeof(SScrollerInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> scrollerInfo.horizBarLeftIndent;
*inStream >> scrollerInfo.horizBarRightIndent;
*inStream >> scrollerInfo.vertBarTopIndent;
*inStream >> scrollerInfo.vertBarBottomIndent;
*inStream >> scrollerInfo.scrollingViewID;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&tableInfo, sizeof(STableInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> tableInfo.numberOfRows;
*inStream >> tableInfo.numberOfCols;
*inStream >> tableInfo.rowHeight;
*inStream >> tableInfo.colWidth;
*inStream >> tableInfo.cellDataSize;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&viewInfo, sizeof(SViewInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> viewInfo.imageSize.width;
*inStream >> viewInfo.imageSize.height;
*inStream >> viewInfo.scrollPos.h;
*inStream >> viewInfo.scrollPos.v;
*inStream >> viewInfo.scrollUnit.h;
*inStream >> viewInfo.scrollUnit.v;
*inStream >> viewInfo.reconcileOverhang;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&windowInfo, sizeof(SWindowInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> windowInfo.WINDid;
*inStream >> windowInfo.layer;
*inStream >> windowInfo.attributes;
*inStream >> windowInfo.minimumWidth;
*inStream >> windowInfo.minimumHeight;
*inStream >> windowInfo.maximumWidth;
*inStream >> windowInfo.maximumHeight;
*inStream >> windowInfo.standardSize.width;
*inStream >> windowInfo.standardSize.height;
*inStream >> windowInfo.userCon;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&cInfo, sizeof(SControlInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> cInfo.valueMessage;
*inStream >> cInfo.value;
*inStream >> cInfo.minValue;
*inStream >> cInfo.maxValue;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&cInfo, sizeof(SControlInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> cInfo.valueMessage;
*inStream >> cInfo.value;
*inStream >> cInfo.minValue;
*inStream >> cInfo.maxValue;


In the LStream constructor, replace this line:

inStream->ReadData(&scrollerInfo, sizeof(SScrollerViewInfo));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> scrollerInfo.horizBarLeftIndent;
*inStream >> scrollerInfo.horizBarRightIndent;
*inStream >> scrollerInfo.vertBarTopIndent;
*inStream >> scrollerInfo.vertBarBottomIndent;
*inStream >> scrollerInfo.scrollingViewID;


In the LStream constructor, replace these lines:

inStream->ReadData( &mBackColor, sizeof(RGBColor));
inStream->ReadData( &mFaceColor, sizeof(RGBColor));
inStream->ReadData( &mPushedTextColor, sizeof(RGBColor));

with the following lines:

*inStream >> mBackColor.red;
*inStream >> mBackColor.green;
*inStream >> mBackColor.blue;
*inStream >> mFaceColor.red;
*inStream >> mFaceColor.green;
*inStream >> mFaceColor.blue;
*inStream >> mPushedTextColor.red;
*inStream >> mPushedTextColor.green;
*inStream >> mPushedTextColor.blue;

Flipping the 'DBC#’ Resource Type

If you use the LDataBrowser PowerPlant class, you might be using a 'DBC#' resource. If so, you will need to write a resource flipper similar to that shown in Listing 5-2.

Listing 5-2  Code that flips the 'DBC#' resource type

struct DataBrowserColumnSetup {
    DataBrowserTableViewColumnID    propertyID;         // UInt32
    DataBrowserPropertyType         propertyType;       // unsigned long
    SInt32                          nameStrIndex;
    DataBrowserPropertyFlags        propertyFlags;      // UInt32
    UInt16                          minimumWidth;
    UInt16                          maximumWidth;
    UInt16                          initialWidth;
    ControlContentType              btnContentType;     // SInt16
    ControlButtonGraphicAlignment   btnContentAlign;    // SInt16
    SInt16                          btnContentDataID;
    ControlButtonGraphicAlignment   titleAlignment;     // SInt16
    ControlButtonTextPlacement      titlePlacement;     // SInt16
    SInt16                          titleFontTypeID;
    SInt16                          titleFontStyle;
    SInt16                          titleFontSize;
    UInt16                          titleOffset;
typedef struct DataBrowserColumnSetup   DataBrowserColumnSetup;
OSStatus FlipDBC_(OSType dataDomain, OSType dataType,
                  short id, void* dataPtr, UInt32 dataSize,
                  Boolean currentlyNative, void* refcon)
    DataBrowserColumnSetup *dbc;
    UInt16 count;
    int i;
    if (currentlyNative) {
        count = *(UInt16 *) dataPtr;
        *(UInt16 *) dataPtr = EndianU16_NtoB(count);
    } else {
        *(UInt16 *) dataPtr = EndianU16_BtoN(count);
        count = *(UInt16 *) dataPtr;
    dataPtr += sizeof(UInt16);
    dbc = (DataBrowserColumnSetup *) dataPtr;
    for(i = 0; i < count; i++, dbc++) {
        dbc->propertyID = Endian32_Swap(dbc->propertyID);
        dbc->propertyType = Endian32_Swap(dbc->propertyType);
        dbc->nameStrIndex = Endian32_Swap(dbc->nameStrIndex);
        dbc->propertyFlags = Endian32_Swap(dbc->propertyFlags);
        dbc->minimumWidth = Endian16_Swap(dbc->minimumWidth);
        dbc->maximumWidth = Endian16_Swap(dbc->maximumWidth);
        dbc->initialWidth = Endian16_Swap(dbc->initialWidth);
        dbc->btnContentType = Endian16_Swap(dbc->btnContentType);
        dbc->titleAlignment = Endian16_Swap(dbc->titleAlignment);
        dbc->titlePlacement = Endian16_Swap(dbc->titlePlacement);
        dbc->titleFontTypeID = Endian16_Swap(dbc->titleFontTypeID);
        dbc->titleFontStyle = Endian16_Swap(dbc->titleFontStyle);
        dbc->titleFontSize = Endian16_Swap(dbc->titleFontSize);
        dbc->titleOffset = Endian16_Swap(dbc->titleOffset);
    return noErr;

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