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Modifying an Installation With Scripts

You can use scripts (or other executable files) to configure the destination environment before installation or to perform additional processing after installation.


Modifying With Scripts Overview
Executable Names
When Files Are Executed
Executable File Placement in a Package
Environment Variables
A Sample Postflight Shell Script

Modifying With Scripts Overview

The Installer application looks for certain named executable files in the installation package and, if found, executes them at specified times during installation. These times take place after the user has performed any required introductory steps, such as authenticating, accepting a license agreement, specifying a volume, and so on. For a detailed description of what takes place during an installation, see “The Installation Process.”

Important: For pre- and postprocessing to work correctly, each executable tool or script must have its executable bit set. This is done automatically when you build a package with PackageMaker.

Note: Most executable files used for pre-and postprocessing are likely to be shell scripts. Such scripts can use any shell, as long as it starts with a standard #! comment to identify the shell.

The following sections describe:

Scripts are not the correct place to try to “fix” issues such as incorrect file permissions (for more on permissions, see “Authorization, File Ownership, and Permissions”). In general, the scripts described here should be used only when absolutely necessary.

For tips on working with scripts, see “Working With Script Files”

Executable Names

When a user clicks the Install button to start the installation process, Installer looks for the following files at specific points in the installation process and executes them if found. The files must be executable and have the names shown here:

When Files Are Executed

See “The Installation Process” for a look at the larger picture of what happens during an installation.

Execution Order for a Single Package

For a single package installation, Installer performs the following steps:

  1. Executes the preflight file (if present).

  2. For an install, executes the preinstall file (if present).

    For an upgrade, executes the preupgrade file (if present).

    For information on how Installer determines whether to perform an install or an upgrade, see “Installs and Upgrades.”

  3. Extracts the package’s files and places them on the target volume.

  4. For an install, executes the postinstall file (if present).

    For an upgrade, executes the postupgrade file (if present).

  5. Executes the postflight file (if present).

Execution Order for a Metapackage

See “Execution Order for a Complex Metapackage” for information on which files are executed and when.

Executable File Placement in a Package

All files executed as part of an installation should be placed in the Resources directory of the package. When you build a package with PackageMaker, this is done automatically. The items labeled -1- through -6- in Listing 1 show the placement in a test package.

Listing 1  Location of executable files in a package

            postflight      -1-
            postinstall     -2-
            postupgrade     -3-
            preflight       -4-
            preinstall      -5-
            preupgrade      -6-


When Installer runs an executable file, it provides the following arguments:

Environment Variables

When Installer runs an executable file, the file may have access to several environment variables. These variables are discussed next.

Possible Environment Variables

These are the environment variables that a file may have access to when executed:

The section that follows lists executable files and the environment variables they can access.

Which Environment Variables a Script Can Access

The following list shows which scripts have access to which environment variables:

A Sample Postflight Shell Script

Listing 2 shows a simple postflight script that merely echoes the values of its arguments and of the available environmental variables to the Installer Log window in the Installer application. To show that window, choose File > Show Log. You can print the log window contents or save them to a file. You can open the log window at any time before you quit Installer.

Alternatively, you can redirect output to a log file, using script statements like the following:

echo "Start postflight script" >> /tmp/scripts.log

Note: Although this script has been tested, you should use care in cutting and pasting it from this document. For more information, see “Troubleshooting Packages and Installation.”

Listing 2  A postflight script that displays arguments and environment variables

# This postflight script echoes the values of the available
# arguments and environmental variables.
echo "Start postflight script"
echo ""
echo "Arguments:"
echo ""
echo "\$1: full path to the installation package"
echo "     $1"
echo "\$2: full path to the installation destination"
echo "     $2"
echo "\$3: mountpoint of the destination volume"
echo "     $3"
echo "\$4: root directory \"/\" for the current System folder"
echo "     $4"
echo ""
echo "Environment variables available to a postflight executable:"
echo ""
echo "\$INSTALLER_TEMP: scratch area used by Installer for temporary work files"
echo "     $INSTALLER_TEMP"
echo ""
echo "\$PACKAGE_PATH: full path to the installation package; should be same as \$1"
echo "     $PACKAGE_PATH"
echo ""
echo "\$RECEIPT_PATH: full path to directory containing the file being executed"
echo "     $RECEIPT_PATH"
echo ""
echo "\$SCRIPT_NAME: name of the file being executed"
echo "     $SCRIPT_NAME"
echo ""
echo "\$TMPDIR: if set, a path to a location on a writable destination volume"
echo "     $TMPDIR"
echo ""
echo "End postflight script"
exit 0

Listing 3 shows the Installer Log window output from this script for one installation. Note that the output does not contain a value for $TMPDIR because that value is only set for a network or CD installation, and this output was generated for a local installation.

Listing 3  Output from postflight script in the Install Log window

    Start postflight script
    $1: full path to the installation package
    $2: full path to the installation destination
         /Volumes/External_12_GB/Temporary Items
    $3: mountpoint of the destination volume
    $4: root directory "/" for the current System folder
    Environment variables available to a postflight executable:
    $INSTALLER_TEMP: scratch area used by Installer for temporary work files
    $PACKAGE_PATH: full path to the installation package; should be same as $1
    $RECEIPT_PATH: full path to directory containing the file being executed
    $SCRIPT_NAME: name of the file being executed
    $TMPDIR: if set, a path to a location on a writable destination volume
    End postflight script

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