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Class at a Glance

NSText declares the most general programmatic interface for objects that manage text. You usually use instances of its subclass, NSTextView.

Commonly Used Methods


Reads an .rtf or .rtfd file.


Writes the receiver’s text to a file.


Returns the receiver’s text without attributes.


Returns the receiver’s text with attributes.


Returns the receiver’s text with attributes and attachments.


The NSText class declares the most general programmatic interface to objects that manage text. Cocoa offers a subclass of NSText, NSTextView, that extends the interface declared by NSText and provides much more sophisticated functionality than that declared in NSText.

NSText’s constructor creates an instance of a concrete subclass, such as NSTextView. Instances of any of these classes are generically called text objects.

Text objects are used by the Application Kit wherever text appears in interface objects: A text object draws the title of a window, the commands in a menu, the title of a button, and the items in a browser. Your application can also create text objects for its own purposes.

Interfaces Implemented




Getting the Characters

Setting Graphics Attributes

Setting Behavioral Attributes

Using the Font Panel and Menu

Using the Ruler

Changing the Selection

Replacing Text

Action Methods for Editing

Changing the Font

Setting Text Alignment

Setting Text Color

Setting Superscripting and Subscripting

Underlining Text

Reading and Writing RTF Files

Checking Spelling

Constraining Size


Setting the Delegate

Editing text

Changing text formatting



Creates an NSText with a zero-sized frame rectangle.

public NSText()

Creates a text object with frameRect as its frame rectangle.

public NSText(NSRect frameRect)


This method actually substitutes an instance of a concrete subclass of NSText, such as NSTextView, and configures that instance to archive itself.

Instance Methods


This action method applies center alignment to selected paragraphs (or all text if the receiver is a plain text object).

public void alignCenter(Object sender)

See Also


This action method applies left alignment to selected paragraphs (or all text if the receiver is a plain text object).

public void alignLeft(Object sender)

See Also


Returns the alignment of the first selected paragraph, or of all text for a plain text object.

public int alignment()


This value is one of the alignments described in “Constants.”

Text using NaturalTextAlignment is actually displayed using one of the other alignments, depending on the natural alignment of the text’s script.


This action method applies right alignment to selected paragraphs (or all text if the receiver is a plain text object).

public void alignRight(Object sender)

See Also


Returns the receiver’s background color.

public NSColor backgroundColor()

See Also


This action method changes the font of the selection for a rich text object, or of all text for a plain text object.

public void changeFont(Object sender)


If the receiver doesn’t use the Font panel, this method does nothing.

This method changes the font by sending a convertFont message to the shared NSFontManager and applying each NSFont returned to the appropriate text. See the NSFontManager class specification for more information on font conversion.

See Also


Replaces the selected word in the receiver with a corrected version from the Spelling panel.

public void changeSpelling(Object sender)


This message is sent by the NSSpellChecker to the object whose text is being checked. To get the corrected spelling, ask sender for the string value of its selected cell (visible to the user as the text field in the Spelling panel). This method should replace the selected portion of the text with the string that it gets from the NSSpellChecker.


This action method searches for a misspelled word in the receiver’s text.

public void checkSpelling(Object sender)


The search starts at the end of the selection and continues until it reaches a word suspected of being misspelled or the end of the text. If a word isn’t recognized by the spelling server, a showGuessPanel message then opens the Guess panel and allows the user to make a correction or add the word to the local dictionary.

See Also


This action method copies the selected text onto the general pasteboard, in as many formats as the receiver supports.

public void copy(Object sender)


A plain text object uses NSPasteboard.StringPboardType for plain text, and a rich text object also uses NSPasteboard.RTFPboardType.

See Also


This action method copies the font information for the first character of the selection (or for the insertion point) onto the font pasteboard, as NSPasteboard.FontPboardType.

public void copyFont(Object sender)

See Also


This action method copies the paragraph style information for first selected paragraph onto the ruler pasteboard, as NSPasteboard.RulerPboardType, and expands the selection to paragraph boundaries.

public void copyRuler(Object sender)

See Also


This action method deletes the selected text and places it onto the general pasteboard, in as many formats as the receiver supports.

public void cut(Object sender)


A plain text object uses NSPasteboard.StringPboardType for plain text, and a rich text object also uses NSPasteboard.RTFPboardType.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s delegate, or null if it has none.

public Object delegate()

See Also


This action method deletes the selected text.

public void delete(Object sender)

See Also


Returns true if the receiver draws its background, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean drawsBackground()

See Also


Returns the font of the first character in the receiver’s text, or of the insertion point if there’s no text.

public NSFont font()

See Also


This action method informs the receiver to ignore misspelled words on a document-by-document basis. This method is sent by the NSSpellChecker instance.

public void ignoreSpelling(Object sender)


Returns true if the receiver allows the user to import files by dragging, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean importsGraphics()


A text object that accepts dragged files is also a rich text object.

See Also


Returns true if the receiver allows the user to edit text, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean isEditable()


You can change the receiver’s text programmatically regardless of this setting.

If the receiver is editable, it’s also selectable.

See Also


Returns true if the receiver interprets Tab, Shift-Tab, and Return (Enter) as cues to end editing and possibly to change the first responder; false if it accepts them as text input.

public boolean isFieldEditor()


See the NSWindow class specification for more information on field editors. By default, NSText objects don’t behave as field editors.

See Also


Returns true if the receiver automatically changes its width to accommodate the width of its text, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean isHorizontallyResizable()


By default, an NSText object is not horizontally resizable.

See Also


Returns true if the receiver allows the user to apply attributes to specific ranges of the text, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean isRichText()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver’s enclosing scroll view shows its ruler, false otherwise.

public boolean isRulerVisible()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver allows the user to select text, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean isSelectable()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver automatically changes its height to accommodate the height of its text, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean isVerticallyResizable()


By default, an NSText object is vertically resizable.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s maximum size.

public NSSize maxSize()

See Also


Returns the receiver’s minimum size.

public NSSize minSize()

See Also


This action method pastes text from the general pasteboard at the insertion point or over the selection.

public void paste(Object sender)

See Also


This action method pastes font information from the font pasteboard onto the selected text or insertion point of a rich text object, or over all text of a plain text object.

public void pasteFont(Object sender)

See Also


This action method pastes paragraph style information from the ruler pasteboard onto the selected paragraphs of a rich text object.

public void pasteRuler(Object sender)


It doesn’t apply to a plain text object.

See Also


Attempts to read the RTFD file at path, returning true if successful and false if not.

public boolean readRTFDFromFile(String path)


path should be the path for an .rtf file or an .rtfd file wrapper, not for the RTF file within an .rtfd file wrapper.

See Also


Replaces the characters in aRange with aString.

public void replaceCharactersInRange(NSRange aRange, String aString)


For a rich text object, the text of aString is assigned the formatting attributes of the first character of the text it replaces, or of the character immediately before aRange if the range’s length is 0. If the range’s location is 0, the formatting attributes of the first character in the receiver are used.

This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Replaces the characters in aRange with RTF text interpreted from rtfData.

public void replaceCharactersInRangeWithRTF(NSRange aRange, NSData rtfData)


This method applies only to rich text objects.

This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Replaces the characters in aRange with RTFD text interpreted from rtfdData.

public void replaceCharactersInRangeWithRTFD(NSRange aRange, NSData rtfdData)


This method applies only to rich text objects.

This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Returns an NSData object that contains an RTFD stream corresponding to the characters and attributes within aRange.

public NSData RTFDFromRange(NSRange aRange)


Throws a RangeException if any part of aRange lies beyond the end of the receiver’s characters.

When writing data to the pasteboard, you can use the NSData object as the first argument to NSPasteboard’s setDataForType method, with a second argument of NSPasteboard.RTFDPboardType.

See Also


Returns an NSData object that contains an RTF stream corresponding to the characters and attributes within aRange, omitting any attachment characters and attributes.

public NSData RTFFromRange(NSRange aRange)


Throws a RangeException if any part of aRange lies beyond the end of the receiver’s characters.

When writing data to the pasteboard, you can use the NSData object as the first argument to NSPasteboard’s setDataForType method, with a second argument of NSPasteboard.RTFPboardType.

See Also


Scrolls the receiver in its enclosing scroll view so the first characters of aRange are visible.

public void scrollRangeToVisible(NSRange aRange)


This action method selects all of the receiver’s text.

public void selectAll(Object sender)


Returns the range of selected characters.

public NSRange selectedRange()

See Also


Sets the alignment of all the receiver’s text to mode.

public void setAlignment(int mode)


mode may be one of the alignments described in “Constants.”

Text using NaturalTextAlignment is actually displayed using one of the other alignments, depending on the natural alignment of the text’s script.

This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s background color to aColor.

public void setBackgroundColor(NSColor aColor)


This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s delegate to anObject, without retaining it.

public void setDelegate(Object anObject)

See Also


Controls whether the receiver draws its background.

public void setDrawsBackground(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver fills its background with the background color; if flag is false, it doesn’t.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver allows the user to edit its text.

public void setEditable(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver allows the user to edit text and attributes; if flag is false, it doesn’t. You can change the receiver’s text programmatically regardless of this setting. If the receiver is made editable, it’s also made selectable. NSText objects are by default editable.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver interprets Tab, Shift-Tab, and Return (Enter) as cues to end editing and possibly to change the first responder.

public void setFieldEditor(boolean flag)


If flag is true, it does; if flag is false, it doesn’t, instead accepting these characters as text input. See the NSWindow class specification for more information on field editors. By default, NSText objects don’t behave as field editors.

See Also


Sets the font of all the receiver’s text to aFont.

public void setFont(NSFont aFont)


This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Sets the font of characters within aRange to aFont.

public void setFontInRange(NSFont aFont, NSRange aRange)


This method applies only to a rich text object.

This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver changes its width to fit the width of its text.

public void setHorizontallyResizable(boolean flag)


If flag is true it does; if flag is false it doesn’t.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver allows the user to import files by dragging.

public void setImportsGraphics(boolean flag)


If flag is true, it does; if flag is false, it doesn’t. If the receiver is set to accept dragged files, it’s also made a rich text object. Subclasses may or may not accept dragged files by default.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s maximum size to aSize.

public void setMaxSize(NSSize aSize)

See Also


Sets the receiver’s minimum size to aSize.

public void setMinSize(NSSize aSize)

See Also


Controls whether the receiver allows the user to apply attributes to specific ranges of the text.

public void setRichText(boolean flag)


If flag is true it does; if flag is false it doesn’t. If flag is false, the receiver is also set not to accept dragged files. Subclasses may or may not let the user apply multiple attributes to the text and accept drag files by default.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver allows the user to select its text.

public void setSelectable(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver allows the user to select text; if flag is false, it doesn’t. You can set selections programmatically regardless of this setting. If the receiver is made not selectable, it’s also made not editable. NSText objects are by default editable and selectable.

See Also


Selects the receiver’s characters within aRange.

public void setSelectedRange(NSRange aRange)

See Also


Replaces the receiver’s entire text with aString, applying the formatting attributes of the old first character to its new contents.

public void setString(String aString)


This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.


Sets the text color of all characters in the receiver to aColor.

public void setTextColor(NSColor aColor)


Removes the text color attribute if aColor is null.

This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Sets the text color of characters within aRange to aColor.

public void setTextColorInRange(NSColor aColor, NSRange aRange)


Removes the text color attribute if aColor is null. This method applies only to rich text objects.

This method does not include undo support by default. Clients must invoke shouldChangeTextInRanges or shouldChangeTextInRange to include this method in an undoable action.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver uses the Font panel and Font menu.

public void setUsesFontPanel(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver responds to messages from the Font panel and from the Font menu and updates the Font panel with the selection font whenever it changes. If flag is false the receiver doesn’t do any of these actions. By default, an NSText object uses the Font panel and menu.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver changes its height to fit the height of its text.

public void setVerticallyResizable(boolean flag)


If flag is true it does; if flag is false it doesn’t.

See Also


This action method opens the Spelling panel, allowing the user to make a correction during spell checking.

public void showGuessPanel(Object sender)

See Also


Resizes the receiver to fit its text.

public void sizeToFit()


The text view will not be sized any smaller than its minimum size, however.

See Also


Returns the characters of the receiver’s text.

public String string()


For performance reasons, this method returns the current backing store of the text object. If you want to maintain a snapshot of this as you manipulate the text storage, you should make a copy of the appropriate substring.

See Also


This action method applies a subscript attribute to selected text (or all text if the receiver is a plain text object), lowering its baseline offset by a predefined amount.

public void subscript(Object sender)

See Also


This action method applies a superscript attribute to selected text (or all text if the receiver is a plain text object), raising its baseline offset by a predefined amount.

public void superscript(Object sender)

See Also


Returns the color of the receiver’s first character, or for the insertion point if there’s no text.

public NSColor textColor()

See Also


This action method shows or hides the ruler, if the receiver is enclosed in a scroll view.

public void toggleRuler(Object sender)


This action method underlines selected text for a rich text object, or all text for a plain text object.

public void underline(Object sender)


This action method removes any superscripting or subscripting from selected text (or all text if the receiver is a plain text object).

public void unscript(Object sender)

See Also


Returns true if the receiver uses the Font panel, false otherwise.

public boolean usesFontPanel()

See Also


Writes the receiver’s text as RTF with attachments to a file or directory at path.

public boolean writeRTFDToFile(String path, boolean atomicFlag)


Returns true on success and false on failure. If atomicFlag is true, attempts to write the file safely so that an existing file at path is not overwritten, nor does a new file at path actually get created, unless the write is successful.

See Also


These constants specify text alignment:




Text is visually left aligned.


Text is visually right aligned.


Text is visually center aligned.


Text is justified.


Use the natural alignment of the text’s script.

These constants specify the reason for a change of editing focus among text fields, in essence answering the question “why am I leaving the field?” They are the possible values for the TextMovement key of the TextDidEndEditingNotification userInfo dictionary. The field editor makes sure that these are the values sent when the user presses the Tab, Backtab, or Return key while editing. The control then uses this information to decide where to send focus next.




Currently unused.


The Return key was pressed.


The Tab key was pressed.


The Backtab (Shift-Tab) key was pressed.


The left arrow key was pressed.


The right arrow key was pressed.


The up arrow key was pressed.


The down arrow key was pressed.


The user cancelled the completion.


The user performed some undefined action.

These constants specify several commonly used Unicode characters.




The paragraph separator character: 0x2029


The line separator character: 0x2028


The tab character: 0x0009


The back tab character: 0x0019


The form feed character: 0x000c


The newline character: 0x000a


The carriage return character: 0x000d


The enter character: 0x0003


The backspace character: 0x0008


The delete character: 0x007f

Delegate Methods


Informs the delegate that the text object has begun editing (that the user has begun changing it).

public abstract void textDidBeginEditing(NSNotification aNotification)


The name of aNotification is TextDidBeginEditingNotification.


Informs the delegate that the text object has changed its characters or formatting attributes.

public abstract void textDidChange(NSNotification aNotification)


The name of aNotification is TextDidChangeNotification.


Informs the delegate that the text object has finished editing (that it has resigned first responder status).

public abstract void textDidEndEditing(NSNotification aNotification)


The name of aNotification is TextDidEndEditingNotification.


Invoked from a text object’s implementation of becomeFirstResponder, this method requests permission for aTextObject to begin editing.

public abstract boolean textShouldBeginEditing(NSText aTextObject)


If the delegate returns true, the text object proceeds to make changes. If the delegate returns false, the text object abandons the editing operation. This method is invoked whenever aTextObject attempts to become first responder. It is also invoked when the user drags and drops a file onto the text object.

See Also


Invoked from a text object’s implementation of resignFirstResponder, this method requests permission for aTextObject to end editing.

public abstract boolean textShouldEndEditing(NSText aTextObject)


If the delegate returns true, the text object proceeds to finish editing and resign first responder status. If the delegate returns false, the text object selects all of its text and remains the first responder.

See Also



Posted when an NSText object begins any operation that changes characters or formatting attributes.

The notification object is the notifying NSText object. This notification does not contain a userInfo dictionary.


Posted after an NSText object performs any operation that changes characters or formatting attributes.

The notification object is the notifying NSText object. This notification does not contain a userInfo dictionary.


Posted when an NSText object completes any operation that changes characters or formatting attributes.

The notification object is the notifying NSText object. The userInfo dictionary contains the following information:




Possible movement code values are described in “Constants.”

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