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NSFontManager is the center of activity for the font conversion system. It records the currently selected font, updates the Font panel and Font menu to reflect the selected font, initiates font changes, and converts fonts in response to requests from text-bearing objects. In a more prosaic role, NSFontManager can be queried for the fonts available to the application and for the particular attributes of a font, such as whether it’s condensed or extended.

You normally set up a font manager and the Font menu using Interface Builder. However, you can also do so programmatically by getting the shared font manager instance and having it create the standard Font menu at runtime.

You can then add the Font menu to your application’s main menu. Once the Font menu is installed, your application automatically gains the functionality of both the Font menu and the Font panel.

As of Mac OS X version 10.3, font collections are managed by NSFontManager.



Getting the Shared Font Manager

Getting Available Fonts

Setting and Examining the Selected Font

Action Methods

Converting Fonts Automatically

Converting Fonts Manually

Getting a Particular Font

Examining Fonts

Enabling the Font Panel and Font Menu

Setting the Font Menu

Getting the Font Panel

Setting the Delegate

Setting the Action Method

Setting Attributes

Working with Font Descriptors

Implemented by responders



Returns the shared font manager, creating it if necessary.

public NSFontManager()

See Also

Static Methods


Returns the shared instance of the font manager for the application, creating it if necessary.

public static NSFontManager sharedFontManager()

Instance Methods


Returns the action sent to the first responder when the user selects a new font from the Font panel or chooses a command from the Font menu.

public NSSelector action()

See Also


Adds a font collection named collectionName to the font manager with a set of options described in “Constants.”

public boolean addCollection(String collectionName, int collectionOptions)

See Also


Adds an array of font descriptors to the font collection specified by collectionName.

public void addFontDescriptors(NSArray descriptors, String collectionName)

See Also


This action method causes the receiver to send its action message up the responder chain.

public void addFontTrait(Object sender)


When a responder replies by providing a font to convert in a convertFont message, the receiver converts the font by adding the trait specified by sender. This trait is determined by sending a tag message to sender and interpreting it as a font trait mask for a convertFontToHaveTrait message.

See Also


Returns the names of the font families available in the system.

public NSArray availableFontFamilies()


These fonts are in various system font directories.

See Also


Returns the names of the fonts available in the system whose traits are described exactly by fontTraitMask (not the NSFont objects themselves).

public NSArray availableFontNamesWithTraits(int fontTraitMask)


These fonts are in various system font directories. You specify the desired traits by combining the font trait mask values described in “Constants” using the C bitwise OR operator.

If fontTraitMask is 0, this method returns all fonts that are neither italic nor bold. This result is the same one you’d get if fontTraitMask were UnitalicMask | UnboldMask.

See Also


Returns the names of the fonts available in the system (not the NSFont objects themselves).

public NSArray availableFonts()


These fonts are in various system font directories.

See Also


Returns the names of the currently loaded font collections.

public NSArray collectionNames()

See Also


public NSDictionary convertAttributes(NSDictionary attributes)


Converts attributes in response to an object initiating an attribute change, typically the Font panel or Font menu. Returns the converted attributes dictionary, or attributes itself if the conversion isn’t possible. Attributes unused by the sender should not be changed or removed.

This method is usually invoked on the sender of changeAttributes. See NSTextView for more information.

See Also


Converts aFont according to the object that initiated a font change, typically the Font panel or Font menu.

public NSFont convertFont(NSFont aFont)


Returns the converted font, or aFont itself if the conversion isn’t possible.

This method is invoked in response to an action message such as addFontTrait or modifyFontViaPanel. These initiating methods cause the font manager to query the sender for the action to take and the traits to change. See “Converting Fonts Manually” for more information.

See Also


Returns an NSFont whose traits are as similar as possible to those of aFont except for the typeface, which is changed to typeface.

public NSFont convertFontToFace(NSFont aFont, String typeface)


Returns aFont if it can’t be converted. A typeface is a fully specified family-face name, such as Helvetica-BoldOblique or Times-Roman.

This method attempts to match the weight and posture of aFont as closely as possible. Italic is mapped to Oblique, for example. Weights are mapped based on an approximate numeric scale of 0 to 15.

See Also


Returns an NSFont whose traits are as similar as possible to those of aFont except for the font family, which is changed to family.

public NSFont convertFontToFamily(NSFont aFont, String family)


Returns aFont if it can’t be converted. A family is a generic font name, such as Helvetica or Times.

This method attempts to match the weight and posture of aFont as closely as possible. Italic is mapped to Oblique, for example. Weights are mapped based on an approximate numeric scale of 0 to 15.

See Also


Returns an NSFont whose traits are the same as those of aFont except for the traits, which are changed to include the single trait fontTrait.

public NSFont convertFontToHaveTrait(NSFont aFont, int fontTrait)


fontTrait may be any one of the traits described in “Constants.”

Using UnboldMask or UnitalicMask removes the bold or italic trait, respectively.

Returns aFont if it can’t be converted.

See Also


Returns an NSFont with the same traits as aFont except for the traits in fontTraitMask, which are removed.

public NSFont convertFontToNotHaveTrait(NSFont aFont, int fontTraitMask)


fontTraitMask is a mask created using the C bitwise OR operator to combine the traits described in “Constants.”

Using BoldMask or ItalicMask removes the bold or italic trait, respectively.

Returns aFont if it can’t be converted.

See Also


Returns an NSFont whose traits are the same as those of aFont except for the size, which is changed to size.

public NSFont convertFontToSize(NSFont aFont, float size)


Returns aFont if it can’t be converted.

See Also


Returns an NSFont whose weight is greater or lesser than that of aFont, if possible.

public NSFont convertWeight(boolean increaseFlag, NSFont aFont)


If increaseFlag is true, a heavier font is returned; if it’s false, a lighter font is returned. Returns aFont unchanged if it can’t be converted.

Weights are graded along the following scale. The list on the left gives Apple’s terminology, and the list on the right gives the ISO equivalents. Names on the same line are treated as identical:

Apple Terminology

ISO Equivalent

1. ultralight

2. thin

W1. ultralight

3. light, extralight

W2. extralight

4. book

W3. light

5. regular, plain, display, roman

W4. semilight

6. medium

W5. medium

7. demi, demibold

8. semi, semibold

W6. semibold

9. bold

W7. bold

10. extra, extrabold

W8. extrabold

11. heavy, heavyface

12. black, super

W9. ultrabold

13. ultra, ultrablack, fat

14. extrablack, obese, nord

NSFontManager’s implementation of this method refuses to convert a font’s weight if it can’t maintain all other traits, such as italic and condensed. You might wish to override this method to allow a looser interpretation of weight conversion.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s delegate.

public Object delegate()

See Also


Returns an array of the font descriptors in the collection specified by collectionNames.

public NSArray fontDescriptorsInCollection(String collectionNames)

See Also


Returns the menu that’s hooked up to the font conversion system, creating it if necessary if createFlag is true.

public NSMenu fontMenu(boolean createFlag)

See Also


Returns the application’s shared Font panel object, creating it if necessary if createFlag is true.

public NSFontPanel fontPanel(boolean createFlag)

See Also


Attempts to load a font with the specified characteristics, returning the font if successful and null if not.

public NSFont fontWithFamily(String family, int fontTraitMask, int weight, float size)


family is the generic name of the font desired, such as Times or Helvetica. weight is a hint for the weight desired, on a scale of 0 to 15: a value of 5 indicates a normal or book weight, and 9 or more a bold or heavier weight. The weight is ignored if fontTraitMask includes BoldMask.

You specify fontTraitMask by combining the font trait mask values described in “Constants” using the C bitwise OR operator.

Using UnboldMask or UnitalicMask loads a font that doesn’t have either the bold or italic trait, respectively.


Returns true if the font named typeface has all the traits specified in fontTraitMask, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean fontWithNameHasTraits(String typeface, int fontTraitMask)


You specify the desired traits by combining the font trait mask values described in “Constants” using the C bitwise OR operator.

Using UnboldMask returns true if the font is not bold, false otherwise. Using UnitalicMask returns true if the font is not italic, false otherwise.


Returns true if the font conversion system’s user interface items (the Font panel and Font menu items) are enabled, false if they’re not.

public boolean isEnabled()

See Also


Returns true if the last font selection recorded has multiple fonts, false if it’s a single font.

public boolean isMultiple()

See Also


Returns a localized string with the name of the specified font family and face (for example, "Times" and "Roman"), if one exists.

public String localizedNameForFamily(String family, String face)


The user’s location is determined from the user’s Languages default setting. The method also loads the localized strings for the font, if they aren’t already loaded.

If face is null, this method returns the font family only.


This action method causes the receiver to send its action message up the responder chain.

public void modifyFont(Object sender)


When a responder replies by providing a font to convert in a convertFont message, the receiver converts the font in the manner specified by sender. The conversion is determined by sending a tag message to sender and invoking a corresponding method:

Sender’s Tag

Method Used


None; the font is returned unchanged.


The Font panel’s panelConvertFont.













See Also


This action method causes the receiver to send its action message up the responder chain.

public void modifyFontViaPanel(Object sender)


When a responder replies by providing a font to convert in a convertFont message, the receiver converts the font by sending a panelConvertFont message to the Font panel. The panel in turn may send convertFontToFamily, convertFontToHaveTrait, and other specific conversion methods to make its change.

See Also


This action method opens the Font panel by sending it an orderFront message, creating the Font panel if necessary.

public void orderFrontFontPanel(Object sender)

See Also


This action method opens the Font styles panel.

public void orderFrontStylesPanel(Object sender)



Removes the collection specified by collectionName.

public boolean removeCollection(String collectionName)

See Also


Removes the font collection named collectionName from the collection specified by collection.

public void removeFontDescriptor(NSFontDescriptor descriptor, String collection)

See Also


This action method causes the receiver to send its action message up the responder chain.

public void removeFontTrait(Object sender)


When a responder replies by providing a font to convert in a convertFont message, the receiver converts the font by removing the trait specified by sender. This trait is determined by sending a tag message to sender and interpreting it as a font trait mask for a convertFontToNotHaveTrait message.

See Also


Returns the last font recorded with a setSelectedFont message.

public NSFont selectedFont()


While fonts are being converted in response to a convertFont message, you can determine the font selected in the Font panel like this:

NSFontManager fontManager = NSFontManager.sharedFontManager();
panelFont = fontManager.convertFont(fontManager.selectedFont());
See Also


Sends the receiver’s action message up the responder chain, initiating a font change for whatever conversion and trait to change were last requested.

public boolean sendAction()


Returns true if some object handled the message, false if the message went unheard.

This method is used internally by the font conversion system. You should never need to invoke it directly. Instead, use the action methods such as addFontTrait or modifyFontViaPanel.

See Also


Sets the action that’s sent to the first responder when the user selects a new font from the Font panel or chooses a command from the Font menu to aSelector.

public void setAction(NSSelector aSelector)


You should rarely need to change this setting.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s delegate to anObject.

public void setDelegate(Object anObject)

See Also


Controls whether the font conversion system’s user interface items (the Font panel and Font menu items) are enabled.

public void setEnabled(boolean flag)


If flag is true they’re enabled; if flag is false they’re disabled.

See Also


Records aMenu as the application’s Font menu.

public void setFontMenu(NSMenu aMenu)

See Also


Informs the paragraph and character formatting panels when text in a selection has changed attributes.

public void setSelectedAttributes(NSDictionary attributes, boolean flag)


flag is used to inform the panel that multiple fonts or attributes are enclosed within the selection. Used primarily by NSTextView.

See Also


Records aFont as the currently selected font and updates the Font panel to reflect this.

public void setSelectedFont(NSFont aFont, boolean flag)


If flag is true, the Font panel indicates that more than one font is contained in the selection.

An object that manipulates fonts should invoke this method whenever it becomes first responder and whenever its selection changes. After all fonts have been converted, the font manager itself records the new selected font.

See Also


Returns the traits of aFont.

public int traitsOfFont(NSFont aFont)


The traits are returned as a mask created by combining these options with the C bitwise OR operator.

Font trait mask values are listed in “Constants.”


Returns a rough numeric measure the weight of aFont, where 0 indicates the lightest possible weight, 5 indicates a normal or book weight, and 9 or more indicates a bold or heavier weight.

public int weightOfFont(NSFont aFont)


NSFontManager categorizes fonts according to a small set of traits. You can convert fonts by adding and removing individual traits, and you can get a font with a specific combination of traits. The traits defined and available for your use are:

These pairs of traits are mutually exclusive:

This constant specifies options accepted by addCollection:

Delegate Methods


Requests permission from the delegate to display fontName in the Font panel.

public abstract boolean fontManagerWillIncludeFont(Object theFontManager, String fontName)


fontName is the full PostScript name of the font, such as Helvetica-BoldOblique or Helvetica-Narrow-Bold. If the delegate returns true, fontName is listed in theFontManager; if the delegate returns false, it isn’t.

Important:  This delegate method is not called in Mac OS X versions 10.3 and 10.4.

This method is invoked repeatedly as necessary whenever the Font panel needs updating, such as when the Font panel is first loaded, and when the user selects a family name to see which typefaces in that family are available. Your implementation should execute fairly quickly to ensure the responsiveness of the Font panel.

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