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An NSTextField is a kind of NSControl that displays text that the user can select or edit and that sends its action message to its target when the user presses the Return key while editing.

NSTextField uses NSTextFieldCell to implement its user interface.



Controlling Editability and Selectability

Controlling Rich Text Behavior

Setting the Text Color

Controlling the Background

Setting a Border

Selecting the Text

Working with the Responder Chain

Using Keyboard Interface Control

Setting the Delegate

Text Delegate Methods



Creates an NSTextField with a zero-sized frame rectangle.

public NSTextField()

Creates an NSTextField with frameRect as its frame rectangle.

public NSTextField(NSRect frameRect)

Instance Methods


Returns true if the receiver is editable, false otherwise.

public boolean acceptsFirstResponder()


Returns true if the receiver allows the user to change font attributes of the receiver’s text, false if the user isn’t permitted to do so.

public boolean allowsEditingTextAttributes()


You can change text attributes programmatically regardless of this setting.

See Also


Returns the color of the background that the receiver draws behind the text.

public NSColor backgroundColor()

See Also


Returns the receiver’s bezel style.

public int bezelStyle()


Possible return values are described in NSTextFieldCell’s “Constants.”

See Also


Returns the receiver’s delegate.

public Object delegate()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver’s cell draws its background color behind its text, false if it draws no background.

public boolean drawsBackground()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver allows the user to drag image files into it, false if it doesn’t accept dragged images.

public boolean importsGraphics()


You can add images programmatically regardless of this setting.

See Also


Returns true if the receiver draws a bezeled frame around its contents, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean isBezeled()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver draws a solid black border around its contents, false if it doesn’t.

public boolean isBordered()

See Also


Returns true if the user is allowed to select and edit the receiver’s text, false if the user isn’t allowed to edit it (though the user may be able to select it).

public boolean isEditable()

See Also


Returns true if the user is allowed to select the receiver’s text, false if the user isn’t allowed to select it.

public boolean isSelectable()


Selectable text isn’t necessarily editable; use isEditable to check for editability.

See Also


This action method ends editing and selects the entire contents of the receiver if it’s selectable.

public void selectText(Object sender)


However, if the receiver isn’t in some window’s view hierarchy, this method has no effect.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver allows the user to change font attributes of the receiver’s text.

public void setAllowsEditingTextAttributes(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the user is permitted to make such changes; if flag is false, the user isn’t so permitted. You can change text attributes programmatically regardless of this setting.

See Also


Sets the color of the background that the receiver draws behind the text to aColor.

public void setBackgroundColor(NSColor aColor)

See Also


Controls whether the receiver draws a bezeled border around its contents.

public void setBezeled(boolean flag)


If flag is false, it draws no border; if flag is true, it draws a bezeled border and invokes setDrawsBackground with an argument of false.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s bezel style to be style.

public void setBezelStyle(int style)


Possible values for style are described in NSTextFieldCell’s “Constants.” You must have already sent the receiver setBezeled with an argument of true.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver draws a solid black border around its contents.

public void setBordered(boolean flag)


If flag is true, then it draws a border; if flag is false, it draws no border.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s delegate to anObject.

public void setDelegate(Object anObject)

See Also


Controls whether the receiver draws its background color behind its text.

public void setDrawsBackground(boolean flag)


If flag is true, then it does; if flag is false, then it draws nothing behind its text.

See Also


Controls whether the user can edit the receiver’s text.

public void setEditable(boolean flag)


If flag is true, then the user is allowed to both select and edit text. If flag is false, then the user isn’t permitted to edit text, and the receiver’s selectability is restored to its previous value. For example, if an NSTextField is selectable but not editable, then made editable for a time, then made not editable, it remains selectable. To guarantee that text is neither editable nor selectable, simply use setSelectable to turn off selectability.

See Also


Controls whether the receiver allows the user to drag image files into it.

public void setImportsGraphics(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver accepts dragged images; if flag is false, it doesn’t. You can add images programmatically regardless of this setting.

See Also


public void setSelectable(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the receiver is made selectable but not editable (use setEditable to make text both selectable and editable). If false, then the text is made neither editable nor selectable.

See Also


Sets the color used to draw the receiver’s text to aColor.

public void setTextColor(NSColor aColor)

See Also


Sets the receiver’s string value to aString, using the first character preceded by an ampersand (‘&’) as the mnemonic and stripping out that first ampersand character.

public void setTitleWithMnemonic(String aString)


Mnemonics are not supported in Mac OS X.


Returns the color used to draw the receiver’s text.

public NSColor textColor()

See Also


Posts a ControlTextDidBeginEditingNotification to the default notification center.

public void textDidBeginEditing(NSNotification aNotification)


This action causes the receiver’s delegate to receive a controlTextDidBeginEditing message. See the NSControl class specification for more information on the text delegate method.

See Also


Forwards this message to the receiver’s cell if it responds and posts a ControlTextDidChangeNotification to the default notification center.

public void textDidChange(NSNotification aNotification)


This method causes the receiver’s delegate to receive a controlTextDidChange message. See the NSControl class specification for more information on the text delegate method.

See Also


Handles an end of editing NSNotification aNotification.

public void textDidEndEditing(NSNotification aNotification)


After validating the new value, posts a ControlTextDidEndEditingNotification to the default notification center. This posting causes the receiver’s delegate to receive a controlTextDidEndEditing message. After this message, sends endEditing to the receiver’ cell and handles the key that caused editing to end:

See the NSControl class specification for more information on the text delegate method.

See Also


public boolean textShouldBeginEditing(NSText textObject)


If the receiver isn’t editable, returns false immediately. If it is editable and its delegate responds to controlTextShouldBeginEditing, invokes that method and returns the result. Otherwise simply returns true to allow editing to occur. The textObject argument is the NSText object that invoked this method. See the NSControl class specification for more information on the text delegate method.

See Also


Performs validation on the receiver’s new value using NSCell’s isEntryAcceptable, sending the receiver’s error action to its target if validation fails.

public boolean textShouldEndEditing(NSText textObject)


If the new value is valid and the delegate responds to controlTextShouldEndEditing, invokes that method and returns the result, in addition beeping if the delegate returns false. The textObject argument is the NSText object that invoked this method. See the NSControl class specification for more information on the text delegate method.

See Also

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