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Functions and Callbacks

This section describes the functions that make up the DNSServiceDiscovery API and provides prototypes of the callbacks you need to implement. The callbacks are required to handle the asynchronous replies that many of these functions generate. The functions and callbacks are organized into the following sections:

In this section:

Functions by Task

Functions by Task


These functions allow services to register with the mDNS responder. Once a service is registered, it can be found—either by name or by browsing for services of this type—using multicast DNS requests.

Mach Port Accessor

These functions help the applications programmer establish a connection with a Mach reply port.

Service Browser

These functions allow applications to discover network services by browsing:

Service Address Resolver

These functions resolve the current IP address and port of a given service instance.

Domain Enumeration

These functions list the recommended and default domains for registration or browsing:

Reference Record Deallocation

This function described in this section deallocates a dns_service_discovery_ref record and disconnects any associated Mach port.

Dynamic Update

These functions provide the ability to add to, update, or delete registration information stored in the mDNS responder dynamically, after you have registered and while your service is running. An example would be updating the text record associated with a printer to indicate a change in printing capabilities. Bonjour automatically handles most update tasks, such as sleep/wake and location changes, so these functions are rarely needed.



Returns a list of all network services of a specified type in a specified domain.

dns_service_discovery_ref DNSServiceBrowserCreate(
const char *regtype,
const char *domain,
DNSServiceBrowserReply callBack,
void *context);


The type of service, as specified by the IANA; _printer._tcp is an example.


The domain to search for the specified type of service; local. is an example. Pass an empty string ““ to search the default domain.


The DNSServiceBrowserReply_handler function to be called when a service has been found or removed. See “MyDNSServiceBrowserReply_handler.”


A user-specified context that will be passed to the callback function.

Return Value

This function allocates and returns a dns_service_discovery_ref record. The caller is responsible for deallocating the record.


Use this function to browse for a list of available services of a given type in a given domain. The requested service data is sent asynchronously to your callback function as a DNSServiceBrowserReply. Your callback may receive a number of calls asynchronously. Do not update your user interface (list of available services) while the DNSServiceBrowserReply has the “More” flag set, but do not disable the user interface or change the cursor while waiting for data. Your callback should remain active as long as your service browser is running. To use a service found by this function, obtain the actual address information for that service by calling DNSServiceResolverResolve. To search for multiple service types, or to search multiple domains, make multiple calls to DNSServiceBrowserCreate.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Deallocates a dns_service_discovery_ref record and closes the connection to the server.

void DNSServiceDiscoveryDeallocate(
dns_service_discovery_ref dnsServiceDiscovery);


A dns_service_discovery_ref record as returned from calling DNSServiceRegistrationCreate, DNSServiceBrowserCreate, or DNSServiceDomainEnumerationCreate.

Return Value



You are responsible for deallocating dns_service_discovery_ref records returned by creation or enumeration calls. For registration or browsing, you typically make a single creation call, and the returned record remains active until your application terminates. In these cases, it is not necessary to deallocate the record. The enumeration function can also be called once, and the callback left active, or it can be called as needed. In the latter case, you should deallocate the record before calling the enumeration function again to prevent a memory leak.

A Mach reply port is set up for your application when you call DNSServiceRegistrationCreate. Deallocating the returned dns_service_discovery_ref disconnects your application from the Mach port and unregisters your service. You can use this technique if you need to unregister and re-register your service without shutting down your application.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Returns a Mach reply port.

mach_port_t DNSServiceDiscoveryMachPort(
dns_service_discovery_ref dnsServiceDiscovery);


A dns_service_discovery_ref a s returned from DNSServiceRegistrationCreate.

Return Value

This function returns a Mach reply port. A NULL value indicates that no address was specified or some other error occurred which prevented the resolution from being started.


This function returns a Mach reply port which will be sent messages as appropriate. These messages should be handled by the DNSServiceDiscovery_handleReply function, which needs to be integrated into your run loop. See DNSServiceDiscovery_handleReply.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Handles messages from your Mach port.

void DNSServiceDiscovery_handleReply(void *replyMsg);


The Mach message.


Install this function as a callback to handle messages from your Mach port if you are providing a network service and using the mDNS responder.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Lists the recommended domains in which to register a service or browse for services.

dns_service_discovery_ref DNSServiceDomainEnumerationCreate(
int registrationDomains,
DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReply callBack,
void *context);


A Boolean indicating whether you are looking for recommended registration domains (equivalent to the AppleTalk zone list in the AppleTalk Control Panel) or recommended browsing domains (equivalent to the AppleTalk zone list in the Chooser).


The DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReply_handler function to be called when domains are found or removed See “MyDNSServiceDomainEnumerationReply_handler”.


A user-specified context that will be passed to the callback function.

Return Value

This function allocates and returns a dns_service_discovery_ref record. The caller is responsible for deallocating the record. This record does not contain the requested domain data—that information is sent to your callback function asynchronously.


You can use this function obtain a list of recommended domains in which to register your service or a list of recommended domains in which to browse for services. This is not necessary if you want to simply register in or search the default domain. You can pass an empty string ““ as the domain parameter for the registration and browser functions, and they will use the default domain without requiring you to look it up. Use this function if you need to do something more complex.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Request that the mDNS Responder append an additional record to the DNS resource information associated with your service.

DNSRecordReference DNSServiceRegistrationAddRecord(
dns_service_discovery_ref dnsServiceDiscovery,
uint16_t rrtype,
uint16_t rdlen,
const char *rdata,
uint32_t ttl);


The dns_service_discovery_ref for your service, as returned from a DNSServiceRegistrationCreate call.


A standard DNS Resource Record Type, as defined at http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters.


Length of the data block to follow (rdata).


Opaque binary Resource Record data—up to 64 kB of whatever you need to store.


Time-to-live for the added record. The TTL can be set to any signed 32-bit value.

Return Value

A DNSRecordReference, an opaque reference that can be passed to DNSServiceRegistrationUpdateRecord or DNSServiceRegistrationRemoveRecord to update or remove this record. If an error occurs, this value will be zero or negative.


This function appends a resource record to your existing DNS service registry. This should not be necessary for existing services.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Allocates and initializes a dns_service_discovery_ref record, sets up a Mach reply port for the service, and registers the service in the specified domain.

dns_service_discovery_ref DNSServiceRegistrationCreate(
const char *name,
const char *regtype,
const char *domain,
uint16_t port,
const char *txtRecord,
DNSServiceRegistrationReply callBack,
void *context);


The name of this service instance (e.g. "Steve's Printer").


The service type, such as "_printer._tcp." For the service type specifications, see RFC 2782 (DNS SRV).


The domain in which to register the service, such as "local." Set this parameter to ““ (empty string) to use the default domain(s).


The local IP port on which this service is being offered (in network byte order).


Optional protocol-specific additional information. This parameter is provided to support legacy protocols that have no capability negotiation and require text configuration, such as LPR printing. If you are creating a new protocol, please not use text records.


The DNSServiceRegistrationReply_handler callback function to be called with any flags or errors. See “MyDNSServiceRegistrationReply_handler”.


A user specified context which will be passed to the callback function.

Return Value

Allocates, initializes, and returns a dns_service_discovery_ref record, an opaque data structure. Use this record to obtain your Mach port address from DNSServiceDiscoveryManPort. This record is also used to identify your service to other functions in this API. You are responsible for deallocating the returned record when you are finished with it.


Use this function to create register a service. Calling this function also sets up a Mach reply port for your service. To obtain the Mach port address, pass the returned dns_service_discovery_ref record to DNSServiceDiscoveryMachPort. Deallocating the returned record also closes your connection to the Mach reply port. Your service needs a network socket and an IP address, and should be ready to respond to service requests, when you call this function.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Request that the mDNS responder remove a record from your service’s registration information.

DNSServiceRegistrationReplyErrorType DNSServiceRegistrationRemoveRecord(
dns_service_discovery_ref ref,
DNSRecordReference reference);


A dns_service_discovery_ref as returned from a DNSServiceRegistrationCreate call


A dnsRecordReference as returned from calling DNSServiceRegistrationAddRecord. To remove your primary record, as returned from DNSServiceRegistrationCreate, pass a zero in this parameter.

Return Value

A DNSServiceRegistrationReplyErrorType. If an error occurs, this value will be nonzero.


Call this function to remove a record from your service’s DNS registration information. You do not need to do this in the ordinary course of events. If you remove your primary record, you effectively unregister your service, but this is a side effect, not a design feature—it does not deallocate your registration record or disconnect your Mach port, for example.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Request the mDNS responder to update a DNS record for your service. Most services will never need to do this.

DNSServiceRegistrationReplyErrorType DNSServiceRegistrationUpdateRecord(
dns_service_discovery_ref ref,
DNSRecordReference reference,
uint16_t rdlen,
const char *rdata,
uint32_t ttl);


A dns_service_discovery_ref as returned by DNSServiceRegistrationCreate.


A dnsRecordReference as returned by DNSServiceRegistrationAddRecord. To update information in your primary record, as returned from, set this parameter to zero. You might do this, for example, if you need to update the text field for a legacy protocol while a service is running.


Length of the data block to follow (rdata).


Opaque binary resource record data, containing up to 64 kB of whatever data you choose.


Time to live for the updated record. The TTL can be set to any signed 32-bit value.

Return Value

A value of type DNSServiceRegistrationReplyErrorType. If an error occurs, this value will be non-zero.


You might use this function to update a text record associated with your service, if you are supporting a legacy protocol and the information stored in the text record changes. Otherwise, you are unlikely to have use for this function.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Finds the current IP address and port for a service instance, as returned to your DNSServiceBrowserReply_handler callback function after a call to DNSServiceBrowserCreate.

dns_service_discovery_ref DNSServiceResolverResolve(
const char *name,
const char *regtype,
const char *domain,
DNSServiceResolverReply callBack,
void *context);


The name of the service instance, as returned from DNSServiceBrowserCreate.


The type of service, as returned from DNSServiceBrowserCreate.


The domain in which to find the service, as returned from DNSServiceBrowserCreate.


The DNSServiceResolverReply_handler function to be called when the specified address has been resolved. See “MyDNSServiceResolverReply_handler.”


A user specified context which will be passed to the callback function.

Return Value

This function returns a dns_service_discovery_ref record, an opaque data type. The requested service address data is sent to your callback function asynchronously as a DNSServiceResolverReply.


Use this function to resolve the current IP address of a service after you have obtained its name, service type, and domain from DNSServiceBrowserCreate. The IP address can change dynamically, and services can be removed or unplugged at any time, so call this function immediately before using any network service, and call it each time you use the service.

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Your application implements this callback function to handle replies from DNSServiceBrowserCreate. The reply is a DNSServiceBrowserReply.

static void MyDNSServiceBrowserReply_handler(
DNSServiceBrowserReplyResultType resultType,
const char *replyName,
const char *replyType,
const char *replyDomain
DNSServiceDiscoveryReplyFlags flags,
void *context)


The DNSServiceBrowserReplyResultType. Possible values are DNSServiceBrowserReplyAddInstance and DNSServiceBrowserReplyRemoveInstance.


The name of the service instance; Sales Printer is an example.


The type of service; _printer._tcp is an example.


The domain of the service; local. is an example.


Any error codes or flags. See DNSServiceDiscoveryFlags in “Constants and Data Types.” If there are multiple known services, the kDNSServiceDiscoveryMoreRepliesImmediately flag will be set until you have received replies for all of them. Do not update the user interface (list of services) while this flag is set, but do not disable the user interface or change the cursor while waiting for this flag to clear.


A user-specified context that will be passed to the callback function.

Return Value

Not applicable.


This is a prototype for your callback function, to be passed in to DNSServiceBrowserCreate. Your callback function will be called once for every service instance of the specified type found in the domain. It will be called again if new instances are added to the domain or known instances are removed. The sum of these replies is the current list of service instances. Note that you receive individual records; your application is responsible for building and maintaining a list.

This callback should remain active as long as your service browser is running. That way the list of available services will always be up to date.

Your callback is sent a DNSServiceBrowserReply record, a structure containing the reply type (add or delete a service instance from your list), instance name, service type, and domain, any flags or errors, and a context that will be returned to the callback function. A simple code sample follows.

static void browse_reply(DNSServiceBrowserReplyResultType resultType,
    const char *replyName,
    const char *replyType,
    const char *replyDomain
    DNSServiceDiscoveryReplyFlags flags,
    void *context)
char *op =
(resultType == DNSServiceBrowserReplyAddInstance) ? Found" : "Removed";
printf("Service \"%s\", type \"%s\", domain \"%s\" %s", replyName, replyType,  replyDomain, op);
if (flags) printf(" Flags: %X", flags);

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Your application implements this callback function to handle replies from DNSServiceDomainEnumerationCreate. The reply is a DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReply.

static void regdom_reply(
DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyResultType resultType,
const char *replyDomain,
DNSServiceDiscoveryReplyFlags flags,
void *context)


The DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyResultType. Possible values are DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyAddDomain, DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyAddDomainDefault, or DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyRemoveDomain.


A domain in which to register or browse; local. is an example.


Any error codes or flags. See DNSServiceDiscoveryFlags in “Constants and Data Types.” If there are multiple recommended domains, the kDNSServiceDiscoveryMoreRepliesImmediately flag will be set until you have received replies for all of them.


A user-specified context that will be passed to the callback function.

Return Value

Not applicable.


This is a prototype for your callback function, to be passed in to DNSServiceDomainEnumerationCreate. Your callback function will be called once for every recommended domain. It will be called again if domains are added or removed, or if the default changes. The sum of these replies is the current list of recommended domains.

Your callback is sent a DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReply record, a struct containing the reply type (add or delete a domain from your list), a domain name, any flags or errors, and a context that will be returned to the callback function. A code sample follows.

#define DomainMsg(X) (
(X) == DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyAddDomain
? "Added"               :        \
(X) == DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyAddDomainDefault
? "(Default)"               :        \
(X) == DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyRemoveDomain
? "Removed"             : "Unknown")
static void regdom_reply(
    DNSServiceDomainEnumerationReplyResultType resultType,
    const char *replyDomain,
    DNSServiceDiscoveryReplyFlags flags,
    void *context)
    printf("Recommended Registration or Browse Domain %s %s", replyDomain,  DomainMsg(resultType));
    if (flags) printf(" Flags: %X", flags);

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Your application implements this callback function to handle replies from DNSServiceRegistrationCreate. The reply is a DNSServiceRegistrationReply.

static void reg_reply(
DNSServiceRegistrationReplyErrorType errorCode,
void *context)


Any error codes or flags. See DNSServiceDiscoveryFlags in “Constants and Data Types.”


A user-specified context that will be passed to the callback function.

Return Value

Not applicable.


This is a prototype for your callback function, to be passed in to DNSServiceRegistrationCreate.

Your callback is sent a DNSServiceRegistrationReply, consisting of either no flags, a message conflict flag, or an error code. If your requested DNS name is already in use, choose another name and re-register. For example, your default service name may be in use by another copy of your service on the same network, such as an identical printer. If your service has no user interface for naming, it is good practice to append a number to your default name and retry, incrementing the number as necessary to obtain a unique name. A code sample for a service with a user interface follows.

static void reg_reply(
    DNSServiceRegistrationReplyErrorType errorCode,
    void *context)
    printf("Got a reply from the server: ");
    switch (errorCode)
        case kDNSServiceDiscoveryNoError:
            printf("Name now registered and active\n"); break;
        case kDNSServiceDiscoveryNameConflict:
            printf("Name in use, please choose another\n"); exit(-1);
            printf("Error %d\n", errorCode); return;

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.


Your application implements this callback function to handle replies from DNSServiceResolverResolve.

static void MyDNSServiceResolverReply_handler(struct
sockaddr *interface,
struct sockaddr *address,
   const char *txtRecord,
   DNSServiceDiscoveryReplyFlags flags,
   void *context)


A sockaddr containing the IP address of the host’s network interface. If the host is connected to more than one local network, such as an ethernet LAN and a wireless LAN, this identifies which network contains the service.


A sockaddr containing the link-local IP address and port number of the service.


A character string containing any additional information, such as a print queue name. If there is no additional information, this is an empty string.


Any error codes or flags. See DNSServiceDiscoveryFlags in “Constants and Data Types.”


A user-specified context that will be passed to the callback function.

Return Value

Not applicable.


This is a prototype for your callback function, to be passed in to DNSServiceResolverResolve. Your function will be called when the service address has been resolved. Your callback will receive a DNSServiceResolverReply record. This struct contains the host interface IP address, the service IP address and port, an optional text record with any additional demultiplexing information, any flags or errors, and a context that will be returned to the callback function.

A code sample follows.

static void resolve_reply(struct sockaddr *interface,
    struct sockaddr *address,
    const char *txtRecord,
    DNSServiceDiscoveryReplyFlags flags,
    void *context)
if (address->sa_family (!= AF_INET)
    printf("Unknown address family %d\n", address->sa_family);
    struct sockaddr_in *ip = (struct sockaddr_in *)address;
    union { uint32_t l; u_char b[4]; } addr = { ip->sin_addr.s_addr };
    union { uint16_t s; u_char b[2]; } port = { ip->sin_port };
    uint16_t PortAsNumber = ((uint16_t)port.b[0]) << 8 | port.b[1];
    const char *src = txtRecord;
    printf("Service can be reached at %d.%d.%d.%d:%u", addr.b[0],
                     addr.b[1], addr.b[2], addr.b[3], PortAsNumber);
    while (*src)
        char txtInfo[256];
        char *dst = txtInfo;
        const char *const lim = &txtInfo[sizeof(txtInfo)];
        while (*src && *src != 1 && dst < lim-1) *dst++ = *src++;
        *dst++ = 0;
        printf(" TXT \"%s\"", txtInfo);
        if (*src == 1) src++;
    if (flags) printf(" Flags: %X", flags);

Sample code: SamplemDNSClient.c

Version Notes

Introduced in OS X version 10.2.

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