Sound Input Manager

This chapter describes the Sound Input Manager, the part of the Macintosh system software that controls the recording of sound through sound input devices. You can use the Sound Input Manager to display and manage the sound recording dialog box. This ensures that the user is presented with a consistent and standard user interface for sound recording. You can, however, also use Sound Input Manager routines to record sound without the sound recording dialog box or to interact directly with a sound input device driver.

To use this chapter, you should already be familiar with the information in the chapter "Introduction to Sound on the Macintosh" earlier in this book, and in particular with the portions of that chapter that concern sound recording. That chapter explains how your application can record either a sound resource or a sound file using the standard sound recording dialog box. You need to read this chapter only if you need to interact with the Sound Input Manager at a lower level than is allowed by the high-level functions SndRecord and SndRecordToFile . For example, you need to read this chapter to learn how to

To use this chapter, you should also be familiar with the chapter "Sound Manager" in this book, especially the portions of that chapter that describe

If you are writing a sound input device driver, you should already be familiar with writing device drivers in general, as described in the book Inside Macintosh: Devices .


About the Sound Input Manager

Using the Sound Input Manager

Sound Input Manager Reference

© 1999 Apple Computer, Inc.