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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   W   X   

access control entries. See ACEs
access control lists. See ACLs
access rights. See permissions
  self-restricted 1
  system-restricted 1
Accounts system preferences 1
ACEs 1
ACLs 1+
  in AFP 1
Active Directory 1
admin group 1 2
AFP 1 2
allow ACE 1
Apple Filing Protocol. See AFP
AppleCSP 1
AppleCSP/DL 1
AppleFileDL 1
AppleX509CL 1
asymmetric key cryptography 1
authentication 1+
  APIs 1
  definition 1
  digital certificate 1
  Kerberos 1
  one-time pad 1
  public key 1 2
  shared secret 1
  single signon 1
  time-based 1
authentication server 1
authorization 1 2+
  definition 1
  Kerberos 1
Authorization Computation Services 1
Authorization Services 1 2
bibliography 1+
BSD 1+
  admin group 1 2
  definition 1
  file system security policy 1 2
  in security architecture 1
  nobody 1 2
  owner-or-root security policy 1
  root EUID security policy 1
  root user 1 2 3
  wheel group 1
buffer overflow 1
CA. See certification authority
Caesar cipher 1
  in security architecture 1
  plug-in 1
CDSA plug-in 1+
certificate chain 1
certificate extensions 1
certificate library 1
Certificate, Key, and Trust Services 1 2
certificate. See digital certificate
certification authority 1 2
CFHTTPAuthentication 1
CFNetwork 1 2 3
CFReadStream 1
CFStream Socket Additions 1
CFWriteStream 1
ciphertext 1
CL module 1
code execution, restrictions 1
code signing 1
Common Crypto 1
Common Data Security Architecture. See CDSA
Common Internet File System. See SMB/CIFS
Common Security Services Manager. See CSSM
cryptographic hash 1 2
Cryptographic Message Syntax Services 1
cryptographic service provider 1
Cryptographic Services 1
Cryptographic Services Manager 1
  APIs 1
  asymmetric key 1
  private key 1
  public key 1
  secret key 1
  symmetric key 1
CSSM 1 2 3 4
CSSM services 1+
data storage library 1
decryption 1
deny ACE 1
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange 1
digital certificate 1+
  authentication 1
  certificate chain 1
  certification authority 1 2
  contents 1
  displaying contents 1
  identity 1
  keychain access 1
  root 1
  Secure Transport API 1
  verifying 1
  X509TP Module 1
digital signature
  AppleX509CL module 1
digital signatures 1+
  code signing 1
  creation 1
  S/MIME messages 1
  verification 1 2
DL module 1
effective user ID 1
encryption 1
  of messages 1
  RSA 1
  strength of 1
execution of code, restrictions 1
file system ACLs. See ACLs
FileVault 1
FTP 1 2
HTTP 1 2 3
https 1
identification 1 2
identity 1
inheritance of permissions 1+
KDC. See Key Distribution Center
kerberized 1
Kerberos 1+ 2
  authentication 1
  authentication server 1
  authorization 1
  Key Distribution Center 1 2
  realm 1
  ticket-granting server 1
Key Distribution Center 1 2
  asymmetric 1
  cryptographic 1 2
  Diffie-Hellman 1
  private 1 2 3
  public 1 2 3
  secret 1
  session 1
  symmetric 1
keychain 1 2 3
Keychain Access 1
Keychain Manager 1
Keychain Services 1 2 3
LDAP 1 2
level of trust 1
libSystem 1
local security 1 2
MAC framework. See Mandatory Acccess Control framework
Mach 1
Mach port rights 1
man-in-the-middle attack 1
Mandatory Acccess Control framework 1
message digest 1
message encryption 1
Movie Toolbox Access Keys 1
Network File System. See NFS
networking. See also secure communication
  file systems 1+
nobody 1 2
one-time pad 1
permissions 1+
  ACL file permission bits 1
  AFP 1
  BSD 1 2
  BSD file system security policy 1 2
  BSD owner-or-root security policy 1
  BSD root EUID security policy 1
  definition 1
  evaluating 1
  inheritance 1 2
  Mach port rights 1
PKI. See public key infrastructure
plaintext 1
policy, trust 1
port rights, Mach 1
private key
  cryptography 1
  identity 1
privileged operations 1
public key authentication 1+
public key cryptography 1
public key infrastructure 1
quarantine 1
QuickTime 1
random numbers 1
Randomization Services 1
real user ID 1
realm 1
references 1 2
remote transport security 1 2
root certificate 1 2
root certification authority 1
root user 1 2 3
RSA encryption 1
running as root 1
sandboxing 1
saved user ID 1
secret key cryptography 1
secure communication 1+
  CFNetwork 1
  protocols 1
  Secure Transport 1 2
  SSL/TLS 1 2 3 4
  URL Loading System 1
Secure Socket Layer. See SSL
secure storage 1 2
Secure Transport 1 2 3 4 5
Security Agent 1
security contexts 1
Security Objective-C API 1
Security Server 1 2 3
Security system preferences 1
  local 1 2
  remote transport 1 2
self-restricted access 1
Server Message Block. See SMB/CIFS
setgid bit 1
setuid bit 1
SFAuthorization 1
SFAuthorizationView 1 2
SFCertificatePanel 1
SFCertificateTrustPanel 1
SFCertificateView 1
SFChooseIdentityPanel 1
SFKeychainSavePanel 1
SFKeychainSettingsPanel 1
shared secret 1
signatures, digital. See digital signatures
signing code 1
single signon 1 2
Smart Card Services 1
SSL 1 2 3 4 5
sticky bit 1
superuser 1
symmetric key cryptography 1
system-restricted access 1
ticket-granting server 1
ticket-granting ticket 1
  Kerberos 1
  ticket-granting 1
time-based authentication 1
TLS 1 2 3 4 5
TP module 1
Transport Layer Security. See TLS
trust policy 1 2
trust policy plug-in 1
URL Loading System 1 2
user ID 1 2
USS Pueblo 1
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning. See WebDAV
WebDAV 1
wheel group 1
X.509 ITU standard 1

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