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Class com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication

Added Methods
WOResourceManager createResourceManager() Creates a new instance of WOResourceManager.
Number defaultUndoStackLimit() Return the number of levels of undo for a session's default editing context.
String directConnectURL() Returns the URL to connect to the application directly without going through the web server and WOAdaptors.
WOResponse handleActionRequestError(WORequest, Exception, String, WORequestHandler, String, String, Class, WOAction) Invoked when an action handler throws an exception in handleRequest.
NSMutableDictionary handleMalformedCookieString(RuntimeException, String, NSMutableDictionary) Invoked when a malformed cookie is parsed.
String servletConnectURL() Returns the URL to connect to the application through a servlet container.
void setDefaultUndoStackLimit(int) Set the limit size for the undo stack for a session's default editing context.
void setWebServiceRequestHandlerKey(String) Deprecated do not use.
String streamActionRequestHandlerKey() Returns the key which identifies URLs directed at Stream based requests.
String webServiceRequestHandlerKey() Returns the key which identifies URLs directed at Web services.
String webserverConnectURL() Returns the URL to connect to the application through the web server and WOAdaptors.

Changed Methods
boolean monitorEnabled() Now deprecated.
monitorEnabled no longer supported
boolean monitoringEnabled() Now deprecated.
monitoringEnabled is no longer supported
void setAdaptor(String) Now deprecated.
Use the system property WOAdaptor instead
void setAdditionalAdaptors(NSArray) Now deprecated.
Use the system property WOAdditionalAdaptors instead
void setComponentRequestHandlerKey(String) Now deprecated.
Use the system property _ComponentRequestHandlerKey instead
void setDirectActionRequestHandlerKey(String) Now deprecated.
Use the system property _DirectActionRequestHandlerKey instead
void setDirectConnectEnabled(boolean) Now deprecated.
Use the system property WODirectConnectEnabled instead
void setListenQueueSize(Number) Now deprecated.
Use the system property WOListenQueueSize instead
void setLoadFrameworks(NSArray) Now deprecated.
Use the system property WOLoadFrameworks instead
void setMaxSocketIdleTime(Number) Now deprecated.
Use the system property WOMaxSocketIdleTime instead
void setPort(Number) Now deprecated.
Use the system property WOPort instead
void setResourceManager(WOResourceManager) Now deprecated.
use createResourceManager instead.
void setResourceRequestHandlerKey(String) Now deprecated.
Use the system property _ResourceRequestHandlerKey instead
void terminateAfterTimeInterval(double) Now deprecated.
This method is deprecated, and currently just calls setTimeOut.