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Class com.webobjects.appserver.WODirectAction

The superclass changed from java.lang.Object to com.webobjects.appserver.WOAction.

Added Methods
String getSessionIDForRequest(WORequest) Returns the session ID or null if one does not exist.

Changed Methods
boolean canAccessFieldsDirectly() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction. WOAction's implementation of this static method returns true indicating that key-value coding is allowed to access fields in this object if an appropriate method isn't present.
WOContext context() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction. Returns the current WOContext object.
void debugString(String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction. use NSLog instead.
WOSession existingSession() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction. Restores the session based on the request.
Object handleQueryWithUnboundKey(String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
void handleTakeValueForUnboundKey(Object, String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
void logString(String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction. Now deprecated.
Use NSLog instead
WOComponent pageWithName(String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction. Returns the page with given name.
WORequest request() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction. Returns the WORequest that created this Action object.
WOSession session() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction. If there is no session this method first tries to restore the session that the request's session ID refers to.
void takeValueForKey(Object, String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
void takeValueForKeyPath(Object, String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
String toString() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
void unableToSetNullForKey(String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
Object validateTakeValueForKeyPath(Object, String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
Object validateValueForKey(Object, String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
Object valueForKey(String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  
Object valueForKeyPath(String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from WOAction.  

Added Fields
String actionText