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Interface com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate

Changed Methods
void adaptorChannelDidChangeResultSet(EOAdaptorChannel) Change in signature from Object to EOAdaptorChannel.
Invoked from fetchRow when a select operation resulted in multiple result sets.
void adaptorChannelDidEvaluateExpression(EOAdaptorChannel, EOSQLExpression) Change in signature from (Object, EOSQLExpression) to (EOAdaptorChannel, EOSQLExpression).
Invoked from evaluateExpression to tell the delegate that a query language expression has been evaluated by the database server.
void adaptorChannelDidExecuteStoredProcedure(EOAdaptorChannel, EOStoredProcedure, NSDictionary) Change in signature from (Object, EOStoredProcedure, NSDictionary) to (EOAdaptorChannel, EOStoredProcedure, NSDictionary).
Invoked from executeStoredProcedure after storedProcedure is executed successfully with the arguments in values.
void adaptorChannelDidFetchRow(EOAdaptorChannel, NSMutableDictionary) Change in signature from (Object, NSMutableDictionary) to (EOAdaptorChannel, NSMutableDictionary).
Invoked from fetchRow after a row is fetched successfully.
void adaptorChannelDidFinishFetching(EOAdaptorChannel) Change in signature from Object to EOAdaptorChannel.
Invoked from fetchRow to tell the delegate that fetching is finished for the current select operation.
Throwable adaptorChannelDidPerformOperations(EOAdaptorChannel, NSArray, Throwable) Change in signature from (Object, NSArray, Throwable) to (EOAdaptorChannel, NSArray, Throwable).
Invoked from performAdaptorOperations.
void adaptorChannelDidSelectAttributes(EOAdaptorChannel, NSArray, EOFetchSpecification, boolean, EOEntity) Change in signature from (Object, NSArray, EOFetchSpecification, boolean, EOEntity) to (EOAdaptorChannel, NSArray, EOFetchSpecification, boolean, EOEntity).
Invoked from selectAttributes to tell the delegate that some rows have been selected in the database server.
NSDictionary adaptorChannelShouldConstructStoredProcedureReturnValues(EOAdaptorChannel) Change in signature from Object to EOAdaptorChannel.
Invoked from returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation to tell the delegate that object is constructing return values for the last stored procedure evaluated.
boolean adaptorChannelShouldEvaluateExpression(EOAdaptorChannel, EOSQLExpression) Change in signature from (Object, EOSQLExpression) to (EOAdaptorChannel, EOSQLExpression).
Invoked from evaluateExpression to tell the delegate that the adaptor channel object is sending expression to the database server.
NSDictionary adaptorChannelShouldExecuteStoredProcedure(EOAdaptorChannel, EOStoredProcedure, NSDictionary) Change in signature from (Object, EOStoredProcedure, NSDictionary) to (EOAdaptorChannel, EOStoredProcedure, NSDictionary).
Invoked from executeStoredProcedure to tell the delegate that the adaptor channel object is executing storedProcedure with the arguments in values.
NSDictionary adaptorChannelShouldReturnValuesForStoredProcedure(EOAdaptorChannel, NSDictionary) Change in signature from (Object, NSDictionary) to (EOAdaptorChannel, NSDictionary).
Invoked from returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation to tell the delegate that object is returning values for a stored procedure.
boolean adaptorChannelShouldSelectAttributes(EOAdaptorChannel, NSArray, EOFetchSpecification, boolean, EOEntity) Change in signature from (Object, NSArray, EOFetchSpecification, boolean, EOEntity) to (EOAdaptorChannel, NSArray, EOFetchSpecification, boolean, EOEntity).
Invoked from selectAttributes to ask the delegate whether a select operation should be performed by the adaptor channel object for the attributes of entity using the fetch specification fetchSpec locking the database rows or not according to the Boolean parameter lock.
void adaptorChannelWillFetchRow(EOAdaptorChannel) Change in signature from Object to EOAdaptorChannel.
Invoked from fetchRow to tell the delegate that a single row will be fetched.
NSArray adaptorChannelWillPerformOperations(EOAdaptorChannel, NSArray) Change in signature from (Object, NSArray) to (EOAdaptorChannel, NSArray).
Invoked from performAdaptorOperations to tell the delegate that object is performing the EOAdaptorOperations in operations.