WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use D2WComponent
com.webobjects.directtoweb Provides the framework for rapid development of HTML-based WebObjects applications. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating user interfaces in Java Client applications that use the rule system. 

Uses of D2WComponent in com.webobjects.directtoweb

Subclasses of D2WComponent in com.webobjects.directtoweb
 class BASConfirmPage
 class BASEditRelationshipPage
 class BASErrorPage
 class BASInspectPage
 class BASListPage
 class BASMasterDetailPage
 class BASPlainListPage
 class BASQueryAllEntitiesPage
 class BASQueryPage
 class D2WCompactInspectComponent
 class D2WConfirmPage
          The D2WConfirmPage class provides the behavior for the confirm page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASConfirmPage, NEUConfirmPage, and WOLConfirmPage.
 class D2WCustomComponent
          The D2WCustomComponent class is a component that allows you to use a WebObjects reusable component as a property-level component.
 class D2WCustomQueryComponent
          The D2WCustomQueryComponent class is a component that allows you to use a WebObjects reusable component as a property-level component that performs queries.
 class D2WDisplayBoolean
          The D2WDisplayBoolean class is a property-level component that displays a boolean stored as a number on the server.
 class D2WDisplayDate
          The D2WDisplayDate class is a property-level component that displays a date with an optional formatter.
 class D2WDisplayHyperlink
          The D2WDisplayDate class is a property-level component that displays a hyperlink.
 class D2WDisplayImage
          The D2WDisplayImage class is a property-level component that displays an image served from the database.
 class D2WDisplayImageFromPath
          The D2WDisplayImageFromPath class is a property-level component that displays an image whose name is stored in the attribute.
 class D2WDisplayLargeString
          The D2WDisplayLargeString class is a property-level component that displays a string in a multi-line text field.
 class D2WDisplayMailTo
          This property-level component displays an e-mail address within a hyperlink.
 class D2WDisplayNumber
          This property-level component displays a number with an optional formatter.
 class D2WDisplayString
          This property-level component displays the attribute as a string.
 class D2WDisplayStyledDate
          This property-level component displays a date with an optional formatter.
 class D2WDisplayStyledNumber
          This property-level component displays a number with an optional formatter.
 class D2WDisplayStyledString
          This property-level component displays the attribute as a string.
 class D2WDisplayThresholdColoredNumber
          This property-level component displays a number with an optional formatter.
 class D2WDisplayToMany
          This property-level component displays the first few objects of a to-many relationship in a list.
 class D2WDisplayToMany2
          This property-level component displays the objects of a to-many relationship in a table.
 class D2WDisplayToManyBrowser
          This property-level component displays the objects of a to-many relationship in a browser.
 class D2WDisplayToManyFault
          This property-level component displays a hyperlink representing a to-many relationship.
 class D2WDisplayToManyTable
          This property-level component displays the objects of a to-many relationship in a table.
 class D2WDisplayToOne
          This property-level component displays a hyperlink representing a to-one relationship.
 class D2WDisplayToOneFault
          This property-level component displays a hyperlink representing a to-one relationship.
 class D2WEditBoolean
          This property-level component allows the user to edit a boolean stored as a number on the server.
 class D2WEditDate
          This property-level component provides a text field for the user to enter a date.
 class D2WEditLargeString
          This property-level component provides a multi-line text field for the user to enter a string.
 class D2WEditNumber
          D2WEditNumber is a property-level component that provides a text field for the user to enter a number.
 class D2WEditRelationshipPage
          The D2WEditRelationshipPage class provides the behavior for the edit-relationship page Direct to Web templates: BASEditRelationshipPage, NEUEditRelationshipPage, and WOLEditRelationshipPage.
 class D2WEditString
          D2WEditString is a property-level component that provides a text field for the user to enter a string.
 class D2WEditToManyFault
          D2WEditToManyFault is a property-level component that displays a hyperlink representing a to-many relationship.
 class D2WEditToManyRelationship
          D2WEditToManyRelationship is a property-level component that allows the user to choose which objects are in a to-many relationship.
 class D2WEditToOneFault
 class D2WEditToOneRelationship
          D2WEditToOneRelationship is a property-level component that allows the user to choose the destination object of a to-one relationship.
 class D2WEditUneditable
          D2WEditUneditable is a property-level component that displays a message stating that the property cannot be edited by the user.
 class D2WErrorPage
          The D2WErrorPage class provides behavior for the error page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASErrorPage, NEUErrorPage, and WOLErrorPage.
 class D2WHead
          The D2WHead class provides the behavior for the D2WHead component.
 class D2WInspectPage
          The D2WInspectPage class provides behavior for the inspect page and edit page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASInspectPage, NEUInspectPage, and WOLInspectPage.
 class D2WKeyPathContainer
          This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private.
 class D2WListPage
          The D2WListPage class provides the behavior for the list page and select page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASListPage, NEUListPage, and WOLListPage.
 class D2WMasterDetailPage
          The D2WMasterDetailPage class provides the behavior for the master-detail page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASMasterDetailPage, NEUMasterDetailPage, and WOLMasterDetailPage.
 class D2WPage
          D2WPage is the parent class for the Direct to Web templates.
 class D2WPlainListPage
          The D2WPlainListPage class provides the behavior for the plain-list page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASPlainListPage, NEUPlainListPage, and WOLPlainListPage.
 class D2WQueryAllEntitiesPage
          The D2WQueryAllEntitiesPage class provides the behavior for the query-all page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASQueryAllEntitesPage, NEUQueryAllPage, and WOLQueryAllPage.
 class D2WQueryAnyField
          This property-level component builds a query based on the destination objects of a relationship.
 class D2WQueryBoolean
          This property-level component builds a query based on a boolean attribute which is stored as a number on the server.
 class D2WQueryDateOperator
          This property-level component builds a date query based on a date and an operator (for example, equal to).
 class D2WQueryDateRange
          This property-level component builds a date query based on the range between two dates.
 class D2WQueryNumberOperator
          This property-level component builds a number query based on a value and an operator (for example, equal to).
 class D2WQueryNumberRange
          This property-level component builds a number query based on the range between two numbers.
 class D2WQueryPage
          The D2WQueryPage class provides the behavior for the query page Direct to Web templates: BASQueryPage, NEUQueryPage, and WOLQueryPage.
 class D2WQueryRangeComponent
          This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private.
 class D2WQueryRelationship
          This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private.
 class D2WQueryStringComponent
          This property-level component builds a query based on a string using WODisplayGroup's default values for stringMatchFormat (#@*) and stringMatchOperator (caseInsensitiveLike).
 class D2WQueryStringOperator
          This property-level component builds a query based on a string and an operator (for example, "starts with" and "contains").
 class D2WQueryToManyField
          This property-level component builds a query based on the value for a particular key of a destination object of a to-many relationship.
 class D2WQueryToManyRelationship
          The D2WQueryToManyRelationship class is a property-level component that builds a query based on the value for a particular key of a destination object of a to-many relationship.
 class D2WQueryToOneField
          The D2WQueryToOneField class is a property-level component that builds a query based on the value for a particular key of a destination object of a to-one relationship.
 class D2WQueryToOneRelationship
          The D2WQueryToOneRelationship class is a property-level component that builds a query based on the value for a particular key of a destination object of a to-one relationship.
 class D2WQueryUnavailable
          The D2WQueryUnavailable class is a property-level component that displays a message stating that a query cannot be built based on this property.
 class D2WRemoteControl
 class D2WStandAloneWebAssistantFrame
 class D2WStatelessComponent
          The D2WStatelessComponent class represents a stateless Direct to Web component.
 class D2WTabInspectPage
          The D2WTabInspectPage class provides the behavior for the tab-inspect page Direct to Web templates, specifically NEUTabInspectPage and WOLTabInspectPage.
 class D2WWebAssistantFrame
 class D2WWebAssistantPage
 class EditComponent
          This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private.
 class EditRelationship
          The EditRelationship class provides an implementation of the replacementAssociationForAssociation method to components that implement the editing of relationships.
 class NEUCompactInspectComponent
 class NEUConfirmPage
 class NEUEditRelationshipPage
 class NEUErrorPage
 class NEUInspectPage
 class NEUListPage
 class NEUMasterDetailPage
 class NEUPlainListPage
 class NEUQueryAllPage
 class NEUQueryPage
 class NEUTabInspectPage
 class QueryComponent
          This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private.
 class QueryOperatorComponent
          This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private.
 class WOLCompactInspectComponent
 class WOLConfirmPage
 class WOLEditRelationshipPage
 class WOLErrorPage
 class WOLInspectPage
 class WOLListPage
 class WOLMasterDetailPage
 class WOLPlainListPage
 class WOLQueryAllPage
 class WOLQueryPage
 class WOLTabInspectPage

Uses of D2WComponent in com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules

Subclasses of D2WComponent in com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules
 class EOActionButtonsController
 class EOActionController
 class EOActionMenuController
 class EOActions
 class EOActionTrigger
 class EOAssistantActions
 class EOAvailableSpecifications
 class EOBoxController
 class EOCheckBoxController
 class EOComboBoxController
 class EOComponentController
 class EOController
 class EODefaultSpecifications
 class EODetailSelectionController
 class EODialogController
 class EODisplayStatisticsController
 class EOEditor
 class EOEntityController
 class EOEnumerationWindow
 class EOForm
 class EOFormController
 class EOFormElement
 class EOFrameController
 class EOHelpWindowAction
 class EOImageViewController
 class EOInsertAction
 class EOInspectorController
 class EOList
 class EOListAction
 class EOListController
 class EOMenuSwitchController
 class EOModalDialog
 class EOModalDialogController
 class EOMultipleValuesEnumerationController
 class EOOneValueEnumerationController
 class EOOpenAction
 class EOProgrammaticSwitchController
 class EOPropertyKeys
 class EOQuery
 class EOQueryAction
 class EOQueryController
 class EOQueryWindow
 class EOQuickTimeViewController
 class EORangeTextFieldController
 class EORuleComponent
 class EOSelect
 class EOSelectForm
 class EOSpecification
 class EOSplitController
 class EOStandardApplicationAction
 class EOStandardControllerHierarchyAction
 class EOStandardWindowObserverAction
 class EOStaticIconController
 class EOStaticLabelController
 class EOStaticTextFieldController
 class EOStringArray
 class EOStringDictionary
 class EOSubform
 class EOTableColumnController
 class EOTableController
 class EOTabSwitchController
 class EOTextAreaController
 class EOTextFieldController
 class EOToolWindowAction
 class EOTreeController
 class EOUserInterfaceParameters
 class EOWindow
 class EOWindowAction
 class EOXMLComponent

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.