WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use D2WContext
com.webobjects.directtoweb Provides the framework for rapid development of HTML-based WebObjects applications. 

Uses of D2WContext in com.webobjects.directtoweb

Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb that return D2WContext
 D2WContext D2WComponent.d2wContext()
          Returns the Direct to Web context of the receiver.
 D2WContext D2WComponent.localContext()
 D2WContext D2WStatelessComponent.d2wContext()
          Provides access to the local instance of D2WContext.
 D2WContext D2WStatelessComponent.localContext()
static D2WContext D2WUtils.makeSubContextForDynamicPageNamed(String pageName, WOSession session)
static D2WContext D2WUtils.makeSubContextForTaskAndEntity(String task, EOEntity entity, WOSession session)
 D2WContext DefaultAssignment.d2wContext()
 D2WContext D2WKeyPathContainer.subContext()
          This method is intentionally undocumented.
 D2WContext D2WSwitchComponent.subContext()
          Gets the sub-context.
 D2WContext D2WQueryAnyField.relationshipContext()
          This method is intentionally undocumented.

Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb with parameters of type D2WContext
 void D2WComponent.setLocalContext(D2WContext newValue)
          Sets the Direct to Web context for this component to newValue.
static NSArray D2WUtils.readOnlyEntityNames(D2WContext c)
static NSArray D2WUtils.visibleEntityNames(D2WContext c)
 Object Assignment.fire(D2WContext context)
          This method is invoked when a rule fires.
 Object Assignment.value(D2WContext context)
 void D2WListPage.setLocalContext(D2WContext newValue)
          Sets the local context to the specified D2WContext.
 void D2WPlainListPage.setLocalContext(D2WContext newValue)
          Sets the local context to the specified D2WContext.
 Object TabDictionaryComputer.fire(D2WContext context)
 Object DefaultAssignment.fire(D2WContext context)
protected  Vector D2WModel.candidates(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
          Gets rules from the local rule caches for the specified key path.
protected  Vector D2WModel.fireAllRulesForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
          Fires all candidate rules for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context; aggregates the results of all firings.
protected  Object D2WModel.fireRuleForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
          Fires the first candidate rule for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context.
protected  Object D2WModel.fireSystemRuleForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
          Fires the first candidate rule for the specified key path that can fire in the specified context but is not authored by the Web Assistant.
 boolean D2WModel.isPageStatic(String pageName, D2WContext aContext)
          Indicates whether the page with the specified name is static in the specified context.
protected  Vector D2WFastModel.fireAllRulesForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
protected  Object D2WFastModel.fireRuleForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
protected  Object D2WFastModel.fireSystemRuleForKeyPathInContext(String keyPath, D2WContext context)
 boolean Rule.canFireInContext(D2WContext context)
          Indicates whether the rule can fire by evaluating the left-hand side with the specified context.
 Object Rule.fire(D2WContext context)
          Fires the right-hand side with the specified context.
 Object EntityAssignment.fire(D2WContext context)
          Gets the entity, in the default model group, specified by the value method.

Constructors in com.webobjects.directtoweb with parameters of type D2WContext
D2WContext(D2WContext parentContext)
          Creates a new instance with the values of parentContext.

Uses of D2WContext in com.webobjects.webservices.generation

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.generation that return D2WContext
 D2WContext WOOperation.d2wContext()
          Returns this operation's D2WContext
 D2WContext WORuleSerializationStrategy.d2wContext()
          Returns the D2WContext this object uses to implement its serialization strategy.
 D2WContext WOOperationWSDLTemplate.d2wContext()
          Returns the template's D2WContext.

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.generation with parameters of type D2WContext
 void WOOperation.setD2wContext(D2WContext context)
          Sets this operations D2WContext
 void WORuleSerializationStrategy.setD2wContext(D2WContext context)
          Sets the D2WContext this object uses to implement its serialization strategy.
 void WOOperationWSDLTemplate.setD2wContext(D2WContext context)
          Sets the template's D2WContext.

Constructors in com.webobjects.webservices.generation with parameters of type D2WContext
WORuleSerializationStrategy(D2WContext context)
          Creates a new WORuleSerializationStrategy that uses context to implement its strategy.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.