WebObjects 5.2

Interface EOAssociationConnector

All Known Implementing Classes:
EOEntityController, EOAssociationController, EORangeValueController

public interface EOAssociationConnector

EOAssociationConnector is an interface that defines a controller that can assume the responsibilities for connecting and disconnecting the associations of a transient subcontroller.

Method Summary
 void takeResposibilityForConnectionOfAssociation(EOAssociation association)
          Invoked when one of the receiver's subcontrollers is disposed as a transient controller.

Method Detail


public void takeResposibilityForConnectionOfAssociation(EOAssociation association)
Invoked when one of the receiver's subcontrollers is disposed as a transient controller. Instructs the receiver to assume responsibility for managing the subcontroller's EOAssociation, association.
association - the transient subcontroller's EOAssociation

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

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