WebObjects 5.2

Package com.webobjects.eoapplication

Provides application logic utility classes to the client side of Java Client applications.


Interface Summary
EOAction.ActiveWindowDependentAction If an EOAction object implements the EOAction.ActiveWindowDependentAction interface, it is given the opportunity to update its settings (like the menu accelerator) when the user switches the active window.
EOAction.Enabling The EOAction.Enabling interface defines a method, canPerformActionNamed, which allows an action receiver to specify if an action (sent by an EOAction object) is enabled for the receiver.
EOAssociationConnector EOAssociationConnector is an interface that defines a controller that can assume the responsibilities for connecting and disconnecting the associations of a transient subcontroller.
EOComponentController.ActionCollector The EOComponentController.ActionCollector interface identifies controllers that display actions of subcontrollers collectively (for example in tool bars).
EOComponentController.Activation The EOComponentController.Activation interface identifies controllers that which have components can be explicitly activated (for example window controllers).
EOComponentController.EndEditing The EOComponentController.EndEditing interface identifies controllers that edit data objects and might need to flush uncommitted user changes.
EOComponentController.Modal The EOComponentController.Modal interface identifies controllers that can run modal user interfaces (modal dialogs).
EOComponentController.ResetUserInterface The EOComponentController.ResetUserInterface interface identifies controllers that have components that can reset their interface to an original state (for example switch controllers).
EOController.Enumeration EOController.Enumeration is an interface that defines an enumeration that iterates over a set of EOController objects.
EODocument EODocument is an interface that defines the behavior of a controller that displays and edits enterprise objects.
EOEditable EOEditable is an interface that defines an API for managing the editability of a branch of the controller hierarchy.
EOModalDialogController.ModalActions The EOModalDialogController.ModalActions interface defines the methods subcontrollers of modal dialog controllers have to implement to handle closing of the dialog.
EOObjectDisplay EOObjectDisplay is an interface that defines the behavior of a controller that displays enterprise objects.
EOObjectDisplayDocument EOObjectDisplayDocument is an interface that combines the EOObjectDisplay and EODocument interfaces.

Class Summary
EOAction EOAction objects are abstract representations of operations the user can invoke from the user interface.
EOApplication Java Client applications typically execute as a desktop application (often referred to as a "Java application"), launched through Web Start or through a command line or as an applet running in a browser.
EOApplication.ApplicationSupport EOApplication.ApplicationSupport can encapsulate behavior of Java Client applications used in different architectures.
EOApplicationSupport EOApplicationSupport is an EOApplication.ApplicationSupport subclass used with two-tier Swing/EOF applications.
EOArchive EOArchive is used to load interface files created with the Interface Builder application.
EOArchiveController As a subclass of EOComponentController, EOArchiveController manages a user interface component (which be default is just an empty view to hold subcontroller components).
EOComponentController The EOComponentController class provides behavior for controllers that manage user interface components.
EOController The EOController class defines basic behavior for controller objects that are responsible for managing and sometimes generating the user interface for the client side of a Java Client application.
EODefaults EODefaults objects are used to collect user defaults like window sizes and positions.
EODialogs The EODialogs class offers several static methods which can be used to run alert panels and dialogs.
EODocumentController The EODocumentController class provides behavior for displaying and editing enterprise objects in a user interface.
EOEntityController The EOEntityController class provides behavior for displaying enterprise objects in a user interface that can optionally be loaded from an interface file archive (a .nib file).
EOInterfaceController EOInterfaceController serves as a convenient base class for logic related to the interface of client-side applications.
EOResourceBundle EOResourceBundles are registered with EOUserInterfaceParameters to localize icons and strings.
EOURLClassLoader EOURLClassLoader is an URLClassLoader that can be used to add classes to your program at runtime.
EOUserFileDefaults EOUserFileDefaults manages the defaults of an application by storing and loading them from the file system.
EOUserInterfaceParameters EOUserInterfaceParameters has many static methods used to localize strings and icons and to determine several aspects (fonts, colors, border sizes) of the user interface.
EOWindowController EOWindowController extends EOComponentController for windows and dialogs.
EOXMLUnarchiver EOXMLUnarchivers are used to unarchive objects (controllers and actions) from an XML description.

Package com.webobjects.eoapplication Description

Provides application logic utility classes to the client side of Java Client applications.


The EOApplication layer isolates the developer from the idiosyncrasies of each execution environment (desktop applications, applets, and Web Start applications). It provides the classes that are used to manage application-level data and resources, including transient and persistent defaults, localization information, menu operations like save and quit, documents, user interface controls, and so on.

JFC/Swing does not provide a full suite of application logic utility classes, so the Java Client application layer steps in and provides other basic services as well, such as application startup and shutdown.

For more information on the application layer, see Inside WebObjects: Java Client Desktop Applications.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.