WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use EOArchive
com.webobjects.eoapplication Provides application logic utility classes to the client side of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating complete user interfaces in Java Client applications from XML descriptions of controller hierarchies. 

Uses of EOArchive in com.webobjects.eoapplication

Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication with parameters of type EOArchive
 Object EOEntityController.objectForOutletPath(EOArchive archive, String outletPath)
          Returns an object for an outlet path to be substituted in an interface file archive loaded by the receiver.

Uses of EOArchive in com.webobjects.eogeneration

Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration with parameters of type EOArchive
 Object EOQueryController.objectForOutletPath(EOArchive archive, String outletPath)

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.