WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use EOEditingContext
com.webobjects.appserver Provides the WebObjects application server, session management classes, component classes, and classes to manage the request-response loop. 
com.webobjects.directtoweb Provides the framework for rapid development of HTML-based WebObjects applications. 
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.eoapplication Provides application logic utility classes to the client side of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eocontrol Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. 
com.webobjects.eodistribution Provides the communication mechanism between the client and server components of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eodistribution.client Provides the communication mechanism between the client and server components of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating complete user interfaces in Java Client applications from XML descriptions of controller hierarchies. 
com.webobjects.eointerface Provides the infrastructure to display data for the control layer in a desktop application's user interface. 
com.webobjects.jndiadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects Frameworks adaptor for JNDI data sources. 
com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml Provides serializers and deserializers for the WebObjects Web services feature. 

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.appserver

Methods in com.webobjects.appserver that return EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext WOSession.defaultEditingContext()
          Returns the default EOEditingContext for the receiver.

Methods in com.webobjects.appserver with parameters of type EOEditingContext
 void WODisplayGroup.editingContextPresentErrorMessage(EOEditingContext editingContext, String message)
          Deprecated. Use NSLog instead. No user code should implement or depend upon this.
 void WOSession.setDefaultEditingContext(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Sets the editing context to be returned by defaultEditingContext.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.directtoweb

Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb with parameters of type EOEditingContext
 void D2WInspectPage.setEditingContext(EOEditingContext newEditingContext)
          This method is intentionally undocumented.
 boolean D2WEditRelationshipPage.editingContextShouldValidateChanges(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          This method is intentionally undocumented.
protected  void D2WEditRelationshipPage.setEditingContext(EOEditingContext newEditingContext)
          This method is intentionally undocumented.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext EODatabaseDataSource.editingContext()
          Returns the EOEditingContext into which objects from this data source are fetched.
 EOEditingContext EOAccessGenericFaultHandler.editingContext()
          Returns the current EOEditingContext associated with this fault handler.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EOEditingContext
 void EODatabaseDataSource.setEditingContext(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Used internally.
 void EODatabaseChannel.selectObjectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEditingContext context)
          Selects objects described by fetchSpecification to be fetched into context.
 void EODatabaseChannel.setCurrentEditingContext(EOEditingContext context)
          Sets the EOEditingContext into which objects are fetched to context.
protected  void EOAccessGenericFaultHandler.setContext(EODatabaseContext dbcontext, EOEditingContext ec)
 void EOEntityClassDescription.awakeObjectFromInsertion(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOEditingContext ec)
          Propagates inserts for the newly-inserted Enterprise Object object in the editing context ec.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOEntityClassDescription.createInstanceWithEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec, EOGlobalID gid)
          Creates and returns an Enterprise Object in the editing context ec by using the EOGlobalID gid to query the receiver's EOEntity for the appropriate class of object to instantiate.
static void EOUtilities.connectWithModelNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary overrides)
          Connects to the database using the connection information in the specified model augmented by the overrides dictionary.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.createAndInsertInstance(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName)
          Creates a new Enterprise Object for the specified entity, inserts it into ec, and returns the new object.
static EODatabaseContext EOUtilities.databaseContextForModelNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name)
          Returns the database context used to service the specified model.
static NSDictionary EOUtilities.destinationKeyForSourceObject(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject object, String name)
          Returns the foreign key for the rows at the destination of the specified relationship.
static EOEntity EOUtilities.entityForClass(EOEditingContext ec, Class theClass)
          Returns the entity associated with the specified class.
static EOEntity EOUtilities.entityForObject(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject obj)
          Returns the entity associated with the provided Enterprise Object.
static EOEntity EOUtilities.entityNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name)
          Returns the entity with the specified name.
static NSDictionary EOUtilities.executeStoredProcedureNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary args)
          Executes the specified stored procedure with the provided arguments.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.faultWithPrimaryKey(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, NSDictionary pkDict)
          Returns the Enterprise Object identified by the specified primary key dictionary.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.faultWithPrimaryKeyValue(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, Object value)
          Fetches the Enterprise Object identified by the specified primary key value.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.localInstanceOfObject(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Translates the specified Enterprise Object from another editing context to the specified one.
static NSArray EOUtilities.localInstancesOfObjects(EOEditingContext ec, NSArray objects)
          Translates the specified Enterprise Objects from another editing context to the specified one.
static EOModelGroup EOUtilities.modelGroup(EOEditingContext ec)
          Returns the model group associated with the editing context's root object store, an EOObjectStoreCoordinator.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectFromRawRow(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary row)
          Fetches the object corresponding to the specified raw row (using faultForRawRow).
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectMatchingKeyAndValue(EOEditingContext ec, String name, String key, Object value)
          Creates an EOKeyValueQualifier with the specified key and value and returns the matching Enterprise Object.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectMatchingValues(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary values)
          Creates EOKeyValueQualifiers for each key-value pair in the specified dictionary, ANDs these qualifiers together into an EOAndQualifier, and returns the matching Enterprise Object.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, String fetchSpecName, NSDictionary bindings)
          Fetches the Enterprise Object retrieved with the specified fetch specification and bindings.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectWithPrimaryKey(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, NSDictionary pkDict)
          Fetches the Enterprise Object identified by the specified primary key dictionary.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectWithPrimaryKeyValue(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, Object value)
          Fetches the Enterprise Object identified by the specified primary key value.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectWithQualifierFormat(EOEditingContext ec, String name, String format, NSArray args)
          Creates a qualifier with the provided format string and arguments, and returns the matching Enterprise Object.
static NSArray EOUtilities.objectsForEntityNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name)
          Fetches the Enterprise Objects associated with the specified entity.
static NSArray EOUtilities.objectsMatchingKeyAndValue(EOEditingContext ec, String name, String key, Object value)
          Creates an EOKeyValueQualifier with the specified key and value and returns matching Enterprise Objects.
static NSArray EOUtilities.objectsMatchingValues(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary values)
          Creates EOKeyValueQualifiers for each key-value pair in the specified dictionary, ANDs these qualifiers together into an EOAndQualifier, and returns matching Enterprise Objects.
static NSArray EOUtilities.objectsOfClass(EOEditingContext ec, Class aClass)
          Fetches the Enterprise Objects associated with the specified class.
static NSArray EOUtilities.objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, String fetchSpecName, NSDictionary bindings)
          Fetches the Enterprise Objects retrieved with the specified fetch specification and bindings.
static NSArray EOUtilities.objectsWithQualifierFormat(EOEditingContext ec, String name, String format, NSArray args)
          Creates a qualifier with the provided format string and ordered arguments, and returns matching Enterprise Objects.
static NSDictionary EOUtilities.primaryKeyForObject(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Returns the primary key dictionary for the specified Enterprise Object.
static EOQualifier EOUtilities.qualifierForEnterpriseObject(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Returns an EOQualifier for the specified Enterprise Object.
static NSArray EOUtilities.rawRowsForSQL(EOEditingContext ec, String name, String sqlString)
          Evaluates the specified SQL and returns the resulting raw rows.
static NSArray EOUtilities.rawRowsForStoredProcedureNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary args)
          Executes the specified stored procedure with the provided arguments and returns the resulting raw rows.
static NSArray EOUtilities.rawRowsMatchingKeyAndValue(EOEditingContext ec, String name, String key, Object value)
          Creates an EOKeyValueQualifier with the specified key and value and returns matching raw rows.
static NSArray EOUtilities.rawRowsMatchingValues(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary values)
          Creates EOKeyValueQualifiers for each key-value pair in the specified dictionary, ANDs these qualifiers together into an EOAndQualifier, and returns matching raw rows.
static NSArray EOUtilities.rawRowsWithQualifierFormat(EOEditingContext ec, String name, String format, NSArray args)
          Creates a qualifier for the specified entity and with the specified qualifier format and returns matching raw row dictionaries.
 NSArray EODatabaseContext.arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, String name, EOEditingContext context)
          Creates and returns a to-many fault for the relationship name whose source entity must be the entity identified by globalID in the editing context context.
 void EODatabaseContext.batchFetchRelationship(EORelationship relationship, NSArray objects, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Clears all the faults for relationship pointed by the source objects in objects and performs a single, efficient fetch or, at most, two fetches if the relationship is many-to-many.
 void EODatabaseContext.editingContextDidForgetObjectWithGlobalID(EOEditingContext context, EOGlobalID gid)
          Invoked when the editing context context is no longer using the object corresponding to gid.
 EOEnterpriseObject EODatabaseContext.faultForGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext context)
          Creates a to-one fault for the object identified by globalID and registers it in the editing context context.
 EOEnterpriseObject EODatabaseContext.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Returns a fault for a raw row.
static EODatabaseContext EODatabaseContext.forceConnectionWithModel(EOModel model, NSDictionary overrides, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Forces the stack of objects in the EOAccess layer to be instantiated, if necessary, and then makes a connection to the database.
 void EODatabaseContext.initializeObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext context)
          Initializes the enteprise object object in the editing context context based on the snapshot for gid.
 boolean EODatabaseContext.isObjectLockedWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext ec)
          Returns true if the row corresponding to the globalID gid has been locked in an open transaction held by this database context.
 void EODatabaseContext.lockObjectWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext ec)
          Attempts to lock the database row corresponding to gid in the underlying database server on behalf of the editing context ec.
 NSArray EODatabaseContext.objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, String name, EOEditingContext context)
          Services a to-many fault.
 NSArray EODatabaseContext.objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOEditingContext context)
          Fetches objects from an external store into context.
 void EODatabaseContext.prepareForSaveWithCoordinator(EOObjectStoreCoordinator coordinator, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Prepares to save changes.
 void EODatabaseContext.refaultObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext context)
          Refault the Enterprise Object identified by globalID in the editing context context.
static EODatabaseContext EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(EOModel model, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Finds the EOObjectStoreCoordinator for editingContext and checks whether it already contains an EODatabaseContext cooperating store for model.
 void EODatabaseContext.saveChangesInEditingContext(EOEditingContext context)
          Sent by an EOEditingContext context to its EOObjectStore to commit changes.
 void EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextDidFetchObjects(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, NSArray array, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOEditingContext ec)
          Invoked from objectsWithFetchSpecification after fetching objects into the editing context ec using fetchSpec.
 NSArray EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextShouldFetchObjects(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOEditingContext ec)
          Invoked from objectsWithFetchSpecification to give the delegate the opportunity to satisfy ec's fetch request (using the criteria specified in fetchSpec) from a local cache.
 void EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextWillFireArrayFaultForGlobalID(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, EOGlobalID gid, EORelationship rel, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOEditingContext ec)
          Invoked just before the Framework-generated fetch specification, fetchSpec, is used to clear the fault for the specified globalID (gid) and relationship(rel).
 void EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextWillFireObjectFaultForGlobalID(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, EOGlobalID gid, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOEditingContext ec)
          Invoked just before the Framework-generated fetch specification, fetchSpec, is used to clear the fault for the specified globalID, gid.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type EOEditingContext
EODatabaseDataSource(EOEditingContext anEditingContext, String anEntityName, String fetchSpecificationName)
          Constructs a new EODatabaseDataSource to fetch objects into anEditingContext for the EOEntity specified by anEntityName using the fetch specification fetchSpecificationName.
EODatabaseDataSource(EOEditingContext anEditingContext, String anEntityName)
          Constructs a new EODatabaseDataSource to fetch all objects for the EOEntity specified by anEntityName into anEditingContext .
EOAccessFaultHandler(EOKeyGlobalID globalID, EODatabaseContext dbcontext, EOEditingContext ec)
          Returns a new fault handler with all of the information necessary to fetch the object when the fault is fired.
EOAccessArrayFaultHandler(EOKeyGlobalID sourceGlobalID, String relationshipName, EODatabaseContext dbcontext, EOEditingContext ec)
          Creates and returns a fault handler initialized with all of the information necessary to fetch the appropriate objects when the fault is fired.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.eoapplication

Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication that return EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext EOEntityController.editingContext()
          Conformance to EOObjectDisplay.
 EOEditingContext EOEntityController.nestedEditingContext()
          Creates a new, nested editing context to the editing context from its closest supercontroller conforming to the EOObjectDisplay interface and returning an editing context.
 EOEditingContext EOEntityController.newEditingContext()
          Creates a new editing context with the default parent object store.
 EOEditingContext EOObjectDisplay.editingContext()
          Returns the editing context the receiver uses to manage the graph of its enterprise objects.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication with parameters of type EOEditingContext
abstract  EODataSource EODataSourceFactory.newMasterDataSource(EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification)
abstract  EODataSource EODataSourceFactory.newMasterDataSourceWithFetchSpecificationName(EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName, String fetchSpecificationName)
 void EOEntityController.setEditingContext(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Sets the editing context used by this controller.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eoapplication with parameters of type EOEditingContext
EOInterfaceController(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Creates a new interface controller using the editing context editingContext.
EOInterfaceController(EOEditingContext editingContext, String archiveName)
          Creates a new interface controller using a special interface file name archiveName (usually the interface file name defaults to the class name) and using the editing context editingContext.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.eocontrol

Subclasses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.eocontrol
 class EOSharedEditingContext
          The EOSharedEditingContext class defines a mechanism that allows EOEditingContexts to share enterprise objects for reading.

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol that return EOEditingContext
static EOEditingContext EOEditingContext.substitutionEditingContext()
          Returns the global substitution EOEditingContext if you have been specified.
 EOEditingContext EODataSource.editingContext()
          Implemented by subclasses to return the receiver's EOEditingContext.
 EOEditingContext EOArrayDataSource.editingContext()
          Returns the receiver's editing context.
 EOEditingContext EODetailDataSource.editingContext()
          Returns the editing context of the master data source, or null if there is not one
 EOEditingContext EOCustomObject.editingContext()
          Returns the editing context that contains the receiver or null if none is set.
 EOEditingContext EOEnterpriseObject.editingContext()
          Returns the EOEditingContext that holds the receiver.

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol with parameters of type EOEditingContext
abstract  NSArray EOObjectStore.arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, String relationshipName, EOEditingContext context)
          Implemented by subclasses to return the destination objects for a to-many relationship, whether as real instances or as faults (empty enterprise objects).
abstract  void EOObjectStore.editingContextDidForgetObjectWithGlobalID(EOEditingContext context, EOGlobalID gid)
          Invoked to inform the object store that it can stop keeping data about an object it passed to a child.
abstract  EOEnterpriseObject EOObjectStore.faultForGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext context)
          If the receiver is context and the object associated with globalID is already registered in context, this method returns that object.
abstract  EOEnterpriseObject EOObjectStore.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext context)
          Returns a fault for the enterprise object corresponding to row, which is a dictionary of values containing at least the primary key of the corresponding enterprise object.
abstract  void EOObjectStore.initializeObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext context)
          Implemented by subclasses to set object's properties, as obtained for globalID.
 Object EOObjectStore.invokeRemoteMethod(EOEditingContext context, EOGlobalID gid, String methodName, Class[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments)
          Invokes methodName on the enterprise object identified by gid in context, using arguments.
abstract  boolean EOObjectStore.isObjectLockedWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext context)
          Returns true if the object identified by globalID is locked, false if it isn't.
abstract  void EOObjectStore.lockObjectWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext context)
          Locks the object identified by globalID.
abstract  NSArray EOObjectStore.objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, String relationshipName, EOEditingContext context)
          Returns the destination objects for a to-many relationship.
abstract  NSArray EOObjectStore.objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEditingContext context)
          Fetches objects from an external store according to the criteria specified by fetchSpecification and returns them in an array for inclusion in context.
abstract  void EOObjectStore.refaultObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext context)
          Turns object into a fault (an empty enterprise object), identified by globalID in context.
abstract  void EOObjectStore.saveChangesInEditingContext(EOEditingContext context)
          Saves any changes in context to the receiver's repository.
 NSArray EOEditingContext.arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, String name, EOEditingContext context)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore.
 void EOEditingContext.editingContextDidForgetObjectWithGlobalID(EOEditingContext context, EOGlobalID gid)
          Invoked to inform the EOObjectStore that it can stop keeping data about an object it passed to a child.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOEditingContext.faultForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext context)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOEditingContext.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext context)
          Returns a fault for the raw row row by invoking faultForRawRow on this EOEditingContext's parent EOObjectStore with context as the editing context.
 void EOEditingContext.initializeObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext context)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to build the properties for the object identified by gid.
 Object EOEditingContext.invokeRemoteMethod(EOEditingContext context, EOGlobalID gid, String methodName, Class[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments)
          Executes a remote method on the server.
 boolean EOEditingContext.isObjectLockedWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext context)
          Returns true if the object identified by gid in context is locked, false otherwise.
 void EOEditingContext.lockObjectWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext context)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to attempt to lock the object identified by gid in context in the external store.
 NSArray EOEditingContext.objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, String name, EOEditingContext context)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to service a to-many fault for a relationship named name.
 NSArray EOEditingContext.objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec, EOEditingContext context)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to fetch objects from an external store according to the criteria specified by fetchSpec and return them in an array.
 void EOEditingContext.refaultObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext ctx)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to refault the enterprise object object identified by gid in ctx.
 void EOEditingContext.saveChangesInEditingContext(EOEditingContext context)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to tell this EOEditingContext's EOObjectStore to accept changes from a child EOEditingContext.
static void EOEditingContext.setSubstitutionEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec)
          Assigns ec as the global replacement EOEditingContext to substitute for one in the process of being de-serialized.
 void EOEditingContext.Delegate.editingContextDidMergeChanges(EOEditingContext context)
          Invoked once after a batch of objects has been updated in anEditingContext's parent object store (in response to an ObjectsChangedInStoreNotification).
 NSArray EOEditingContext.Delegate.editingContextShouldFetchObjects(EOEditingContext context, EOFetchSpecification fetchSpec)
          Invoked from objectsWithFetchSpecification.
 boolean EOEditingContext.Delegate.editingContextShouldInvalidateObject(EOEditingContext context, EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID globalID)
          Sent when an object identified by globalID has been explicitly invalidated.
 boolean EOEditingContext.Delegate.editingContextShouldMergeChangesForObject(EOEditingContext context, EOEnterpriseObject object)
          When an ObjectsChangedInStoreNotification is received, anEditingContext invokes this method in its delegate once for each of the objects that has both uncommitted changes and an update from the EOObjectStore.
 boolean EOEditingContext.Delegate.editingContextShouldPresentException(EOEditingContext context, Throwable exception)
          Sent whenever an exception is caught by an EOEditingContext.
 boolean EOEditingContext.Delegate.editingContextShouldUndoUserActionsAfterFailure(EOEditingContext context)
          Sent when a validation error occurs while processing a processRecentChanges message.
 boolean EOEditingContext.Delegate.editingContextShouldValidateChanges(EOEditingContext context)
          Sent when an EOEditingContext receives a saveChanges message.
 void EOEditingContext.Delegate.editingContextWillSaveChanges(EOEditingContext context)
          Sent when an EOEditingContext receives a saveChanges message.
 void EOEditingContext.Editor.editingContextWillSaveChanges(EOEditingContext context)
          Invoked by context in its saveChanges method, this method allows the editor to flush any pending edits and, if necessary, prohibit a save operation.
 boolean EOEditingContext.Editor.editorHasChangesForEditingContext(EOEditingContext context)
          Invoked by context, this method should return true if the editor has any unapplied edits that need to be saved and false if it does not.
 void EOEditingContext.MessageHandler.editingContextPresentErrorMessage(EOEditingContext context, String message)
          Invoked by context, this method should present message to the user in whatever way is appropriate (whether by opening an attention panel or printing the message in a terminal window, for example).
 boolean EOEditingContext.MessageHandler.editingContextShouldContinueFetching(EOEditingContext context, int count, int originalLimit, EOObjectStore objectStore)
          Invoked by objectStore (such as an EOAccess layer EODatabaseContext) to allow the message handler for context (often an interface layer EODisplayGroup) to prompt the user about whether or not to continue fetching the current result set.
 NSArray EOObjectStoreCoordinator.arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, String relationshipName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Implementation for arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID inherited from EOObjectStore.
 void EOObjectStoreCoordinator.editingContextDidForgetObjectWithGlobalID(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOGlobalID gid)
          Invoked to inform the object store that it can stop keeping data about an object it passed to a child.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOObjectStoreCoordinator.faultForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Implementation for faultForGlobalID inherited from EOObjectStore.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOObjectStoreCoordinator.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Implementation for faultForRawRow inherited from EOObjectStore.
 void EOObjectStoreCoordinator.initializeObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Implementation for initializeObject inherited from EOObjectStore to set object's properties, as obtained for gid.
 boolean EOObjectStoreCoordinator.isObjectLockedWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Returns true if the object identified by gid in editingContext is locked, false otherwise.
 void EOObjectStoreCoordinator.lockObjectWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to attempt to lock the object identified by gid in editingContext in the external store.
 NSArray EOObjectStoreCoordinator.objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, String relationshipName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Returns the destination objects for a to-many relationship.
 NSArray EOObjectStoreCoordinator.objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Overrides the EOObjectStore implementation to fetch objects from the receiver's cooperating object stores.
 void EOObjectStoreCoordinator.refaultObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Turns object into a fault (an empty enterprise object), identified by globalID in editingContext.
 void EOObjectStoreCoordinator.saveChangesInEditingContext(EOEditingContext context)
          Overrides the EOObjectStore implementation to save the changes made in context.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOSharedEditingContext.faultForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext editingContext)
 void EOSharedEditingContext.initializeObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext editingContext)
 NSArray EOSharedEditingContext.objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          A thread-safe version of the superclass implementation that binds the results to fetchSpecification's entity.
 void EOSharedEditingContext.refaultObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext editingContext)
 void EOClassDescription.awakeObjectFromFetch(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Overridden by subclasses to perform standard post fetch initialization for object in editingContext.
 void EOClassDescription.awakeObjectFromInsertion(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Assigns empty arrays to to many relationship properties of newly inserted enterprise objects.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOClassDescription.createInstanceWithEditingContext(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOGlobalID globalID)
          Overridden by subclasses to create an object of the appropriate class in editingContext with globalID.
 void EOClassDescription.propagateDeleteForObject(EOEnterpriseObject obj, EOEditingContext ec)
          Propagates a delete operation for an object in an EditingContext, according to the delete rules specified in the EOModel.
 boolean EOClassDescription.ClassDelegate.shouldPropagateDeleteForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOEditingContext ec, String key)
          Invoked from propagateDeleteForObject.
 void EOCustomObject.awakeFromClientUpdate(EOEditingContext ec)
          Invoked on a server-side enterprise object after it has been updated with changes from a client application.
 void EOCustomObject.awakeFromFetch(EOEditingContext ec)
          Overridden by subclasses to perform additional initialization on the receiver upon its being fetched from the external repository into ec.
 void EOCustomObject.awakeFromInsertion(EOEditingContext ec)
          Overridden by subclasses to perform additional initialization on the receiver upon its being inserted into ec.
 void EOCustomObject.propagateDeleteWithEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec)
          Deletes the destination objects of the receiver's relationships according to the delete rule for each relationship.
abstract  void EOCooperatingObjectStore.prepareForSaveWithCoordinator(EOObjectStoreCoordinator coordinator, EOEditingContext context)
          Overridden by subclasses to notify the receiver that a multi-store save operation overseen by coordinator is beginning for the EOEditingContext, context.
 void EOEnterpriseObject.awakeFromClientUpdate(EOEditingContext ec)
          Invoked on a server-side enterprise object after it has been updated with changes from a client application.
 void EOEnterpriseObject.awakeFromFetch(EOEditingContext ec)
          Overridden by subclasses to perform additional initialization on the receiver upon its being fetched from the external repository into an EOEditingContext.
 void EOEnterpriseObject.awakeFromInsertion(EOEditingContext ec)
          Overridden by subclasses to perform additional initialization on the receiver upon its being inserted into an EOEditingContext.
 void EOEnterpriseObject.propagateDeleteWithEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec)
          Deletes the destination objects of the receiver's relationships according to the delete rule for each relationship.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eocontrol with parameters of type EOEditingContext
EOArrayDataSource(EOClassDescription desc, EOEditingContext ec)
          Creates and returns an EOArrayDataSource object where desc contains information about the objects provided by the EOArrayDataSource and ec is the EOArrayDataSource's editing context.
EOCustomObject(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOClassDescription classDescription, EOGlobalID gid)
          Deprecated. the default or 0 argument constructor should be used instead
EOGenericRecord(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOClassDescription classDescription, EOGlobalID gid)
          Deprecated. the default or 0 argument constructor should be used instead

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.eodistribution

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution that return EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext EODistributionContext.editingContext()
          Returns the editing context used by the distribution context.

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution with parameters of type EOEditingContext
 boolean EODistributionContext.Delegate.distributionContextShouldSave(EODistributionContext distributionContext, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Returns whether the client application of this distribution context should be permitted to save the state of the editing context editingContext (which is the editing context of the distribution context).

Constructors in com.webobjects.eodistribution with parameters of type EOEditingContext
EODistributionContext(WOSession session, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Creates a new distribution context for the session session, using editingContext as the editing context which controls the server-side representation of the enterprise object graph fetched by the client.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client that return EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext EODistributedDataSource.editingContext()

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client with parameters of type EOEditingContext
 void EODistributedClassDescription.awakeObjectFromFetch(EOEnterpriseObject eo, EOEditingContext ec)
          Called every time an object is fetched in an editing context.
 void EODistributedClassDescription.awakeObjectFromInsertion(EOEnterpriseObject target, EOEditingContext ec)
          Automatically creates related objects for relationships which propagate primary keys.
 EOEnterpriseObject EODistributedClassDescription.createInstanceWithEditingContext(EOEditingContext ec, EOGlobalID gid)
          Creates an enterprise object of the appropriate class.
 void EODistributedDataSource.setEditingContext(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Sets the receiver's editing context.
 NSArray EODistributedObjectStore.arrayFaultWithSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, String relationshipName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Creates a to-many fault in the editing context editingContext and returns an array of the destination objects for the to-many relationship identified by relationshipName.
 void EODistributedObjectStore.editingContextDidForgetObjectWithGlobalID(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOGlobalID globalID)
          Invoked if a child editing context forgot an object to clear out the snapshots.
 EOEnterpriseObject EODistributedObjectStore.faultForGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Creates a to-one fault for the enterprise object identified by the global ID globalID, registers it in the editing context editingContext, and returns the fault.
 EOEnterpriseObject EODistributedObjectStore.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Creates a to-one fault for an enterprise object identified by the raw row row and the entity name entityName, registers it in the editing context editingContext, and returns the fault.
 void EODistributedObjectStore.initializeObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Initializes the enterprise object object with its attributes and relationships using key-value coding.
 Object EODistributedObjectStore.invokeRemoteMethod(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOGlobalID globalID, String methodName, Class[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments)
          Pushes the changes of the object graph in editingContext to the server-side editing context (but does not save the changes to the database) and invokes the method named methodName with the arguments passed remotely on the enterprise object identified by the global ID globalID.
 Object EODistributedObjectStore.invokeRemoteMethod(EOEditingContext editingContext, EOGlobalID globalID, String methodName, Class[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments, boolean shouldPush)
          Invokes the method named methodName with the arguments passed remotely on the enterprise object identified by the global ID globalID.
 Object EODistributedObjectStore.invokeRemoteMethodWithKeyPath(EOEditingContext editingContext, String keyPath, String methodName, Class[] argumentTypes, Object[] arguments, boolean shouldPush)
          This method invokes a remote method on an object on the server side that can be specified with a key path (not just an enterprise object) relative to the invocation target of the server side EODistributionContext (for example "session").
 boolean EODistributedObjectStore.isObjectLockedWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Returns whether an object has been locked by the underlying data store.
 void EODistributedObjectStore.lockObjectWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Places a persistent lock on the object in it's underlying data store.
 NSArray EODistributedObjectStore.objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, String relationshipName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Returns the destination objects for the to-many relationship identified by relationshipName.
 NSArray EODistributedObjectStore.objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Fetches objects from the server according to the criteria specified by the fetch specification fetchSpecification and returns them in an array for inclusion in the editing context editingContext.
 void EODistributedObjectStore.refaultObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, EOGlobalID globalID, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Turns the enterprise object object back into a fault (an empty enterprise object, identified by the global ID globalID) in the editing context editingContext.
 void EODistributedObjectStore.saveChangesInEditingContext(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Requests the server to commit changes to the enterprise objects in the editing context editingContext.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client with parameters of type EOEditingContext
EODistributedDataSource(EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName, String fetchSpecificationName)
          Creates a new EODistributedDataSource for the entity identified by entityName.
EODistributedDataSource(EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName)
          Creates a new EODistributedDataSource for the entity identified by entityName.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.eogeneration

Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration that return EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext EOQueryObjectDisplay.queryEditingContext()
 EOEditingContext EOQueryController.newQueryEditingContext()
 EOEditingContext EOQueryController.queryEditingContext()

Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration with parameters of type EOEditingContext
 void EOQueryController.setQueryEditingContext(EOEditingContext editingContext)

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.eointerface

Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface with parameters of type EOEditingContext
 void EODisplayGroup.editingContextPresentErrorMessage(EOEditingContext editingContext, String message)
          Invoked by editingContext as part of the EOEditingContext.MessageHandlers interface, this method presents an attention panel with message as the message to display.
 boolean EODisplayGroup.editingContextShouldContinueFetching(EOEditingContext editingContext, int count, int limit, EOObjectStore objectStore)
          Invoked by editingContext as part of the EOEditingContext.MessageHandlers interface, this method presents an attention panel prompting the user about whether or not to continue fetching the current result set.
 void EODisplayGroup.editingContextWillSaveChanges(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Invoked by editingContext in its saveChanges method as part of the EOEditors informal protocol, this method allows the EODisplayGroup to prohibit a save operation.
 boolean EODisplayGroup.editorHasChangesForEditingContext(EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Invoked by anEditingContext as part of the EOEditors interface, this method returns false if any association is editing, true otherwise.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor

Methods in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor that return EOEditingContext
static EOEditingContext JNDIAdaptor.createEditingContext(String modelName, String serverUrl, String username, String password)
          Creates a new instance of EOEditingContext with the specified model, server URL, username, and password.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.webservices.generation

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.generation that return EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext WOOperation.editingContext()
          Returns this operation's EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext WORuleSerializationStrategy.editingContextForDeserialization(String entityName, EOGlobalID gid)
          Returns the current Session's EOEditingContext if the request has a session.
static EOEditingContext WOServiceUtilities.editingContextForContext(WOContext context)
          Returns an EOEditingContext based on information in context.

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.generation with parameters of type EOEditingContext
protected  void WODeleteOperation.delete(Object value, EOEditingContext ec)
          Deletes the object value from EOEditingContext ec.

Uses of EOEditingContext in com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml that return EOEditingContext
 EOEditingContext WOEnterpriseObjectSerializationStrategy.editingContextForDeserialization(String entityName, EOGlobalID gid)
          The default implementation returns EOEditingContext.substitutionEditingContext() If that is null it creates a new one and sets it as the substitution editing context.

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml with parameters of type EOEditingContext
 Object WOEnterpriseObjectSerializationStrategy.instantiateSubject(String entityName, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext ec)
          Invoked during deserialization to create the target object.
 EOEnterpriseObject WOEnterpriseObjectSerializationStrategy.promoteGlobalIDToObject(String entityName, EOGlobalID gid, EOEditingContext ec, boolean shouldAttemptFetch)
          A utility method to attempt several different ways to promote a EOGlobalID into an EOEnterpriseObject.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.