WebObjects 5.2 | |||||||||
Packages that use EODisplayGroup | |
com.webobjects.eoapplication | Provides application logic utility classes to the client side of Java Client applications. |
com.webobjects.eogeneration | Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating complete user interfaces in Java Client applications from XML descriptions of controller hierarchies. |
com.webobjects.eointerface | Provides the infrastructure to display data for the control layer in a desktop application's user interface. |
Uses of EODisplayGroup in com.webobjects.eoapplication |
Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication that return EODisplayGroup | |
EODisplayGroup |
Conformance to EOObjectDisplay. |
EODisplayGroup |
Conformance to EOObjectDisplay. |
EODisplayGroup |
Creates a new display group using a data source provided by newDataSource . |
EODisplayGroup |
Creates a new display group using a data source provided by newDataSource , configured to not use optimistic
refresh. |
EODisplayGroup |
Returns a display group containing the receiver -- an EOController or subclass. |
EODisplayGroup |
Returns the display group the receiver uses to display its enterprise objects. |
Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication with parameters of type EODisplayGroup | |
void |
EOArchiveController.setControllerDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
Sets and prepares the controller display group - the display group that contains the receiver itsself. |
void |
EOEntityController.setDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
Sets the display group used by this controller. |
Uses of EODisplayGroup in com.webobjects.eogeneration |
Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration that return EODisplayGroup | |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
EODisplayGroup |
Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration with parameters of type EODisplayGroup | |
void |
EODisplayStatisticsController.setDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
protected abstract EOAssociation |
EOAssociationController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
void |
EOAssociationController.setDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
void |
EOAssociationController.setEnabledDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOTextFieldController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOTableController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOCheckBoxController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
void |
EOQueryController.setQueryDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOTitlesController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
void |
EOTitlesController.setTitlesDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOMultipleValuesEnumerationController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected abstract EOAssociation |
EORangeValueController.newMaximumAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected abstract EOAssociation |
EORangeValueController.newMinimumAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
void |
EORangeValueController.setDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
void |
EORangeValueController.setEnabledDisplayGroup(EODisplayGroup displayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOComboBoxController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOTextAreaController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOTableColumnController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOOneValueEnumerationController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOImageViewController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EODetailSelectionController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOQuickTimeViewController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EORangeTextFieldController.newMaximumAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EORangeTextFieldController.newMinimumAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOActionController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
protected EOAssociation |
EOTreeController.newAssociation(JComponent widget,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String enabledKey,
EODisplayGroup enabledDisplayGroup)
Uses of EODisplayGroup in com.webobjects.eointerface |
Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface that return EODisplayGroup | |
EODisplayGroup |
EOAssociation.displayGroupForAspect(String aspect)
Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface with parameters of type EODisplayGroup | |
void |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupCreateObjectFailed(EODisplayGroup group,
EODataSource dataSource)
Invoked from insertNewObjectAtIndex to inform the delegate that group has failed to create
a new object for dataSource . |
void |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidChangeDataSource(EODisplayGroup group)
Informs the delegate that group 's EODataSource has changed. |
void |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidChangeSelectedObjects(EODisplayGroup group)
Informs the delegate that group 's set of selected objects has changed, regardless of
whether the selection indexes have changed. |
void |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidChangeSelection(EODisplayGroup group)
Informs the delegate that group 's selection has changed. |
void |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidDeleteObject(EODisplayGroup group,
Object eo)
Informs the delegate that group has deleted eo . |
void |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidFetchObjects(EODisplayGroup group,
NSArray objects)
Informs the delegate that group has fetched objects. |
void |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidInsertObject(EODisplayGroup group,
Object eo)
Informs the delegate that group has inserted eo . |
void |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDidSetValueForObject(EODisplayGroup group,
Object value,
Object eo,
String key)
Informs the delegate that group has altered a property value of eo . |
NSArray |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupDisplayArrayForObjects(EODisplayGroup group,
NSArray objects)
Invoked from updateDisplayedObjects, this method allows the delegate to filter and sort group 's
array of objects to limit which ones get displayed. |
boolean |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldChangeSelection(EODisplayGroup group,
NSArray newIndexes)
Allows the delegate to prevent a change in selection by group . |
boolean |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldDeleteObject(EODisplayGroup group,
Object eo)
Allows the delegate to prevent group from deleting eo . |
boolean |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldDisplayAlert(EODisplayGroup group,
String title,
String message)
Allows the delegate to prevent group from displaying an attention panel with title
and message. |
boolean |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldFetch(EODisplayGroup group)
Allows the delegate to prevent group from fetching. |
boolean |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldInsertObject(EODisplayGroup group,
Object eo,
int index)
Allows the delegate to prevent group from inserting anObject at index . |
boolean |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldRedisplay(EODisplayGroup group,
NSNotification notification)
Invoked whenever group receives an ObjectsChangedInEditingContextNotification , this method allows
the delegate to suppress redisplay based on the nature of the change that has occurred. |
boolean |
EODisplayGroup.Delegate.displayGroupShouldRefetch(EODisplayGroup group,
NSNotification notification)
Invoked whenever group receives an InvalidatedAllObjectsInStoreNotification , this method allows
the delegate to suppress refetching of the invalidated objects. |
void |
EOAssociation.bindAspect(String aspect,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String key)
Defines the receiver's link between its display object and an EODisplayGroup. |
void |
EOValueAssociation.bindAspect(String aspect,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String key)
Defines the receiver's link between its display object and displayGroup . |
void |
EOValueSelectionAssociation.bindAspect(String aspect,
EODisplayGroup displayGroup,
String key)
Defines the receiver's link between its display object and displayGroup . |
Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003. | |||||||||