WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use NSCoder
com.webobjects.appserver Provides the WebObjects application server, session management classes, component classes, and classes to manage the request-response loop. 
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.eocontrol Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. 
com.webobjects.eodistribution.client Provides the communication mechanism between the client and server components of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.foundation Provides a set of robust and mature core classes, including utility, collection, key-value coding, time and date, notification, and debug logging classes. 

Uses of NSCoder in com.webobjects.appserver

Methods in com.webobjects.appserver with parameters of type NSCoder
 void WODisplayGroup.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
 Object WODisplayGroup.initWithCoder(NSCoder coder)

Uses of NSCoder in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type NSCoder
static Object EODatabaseDataSource.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Decodes and returns an EODatabaseDataSource using coder.
 void EODatabaseDataSource.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Conformance to NSCoding.

Uses of NSCoder in com.webobjects.eocontrol

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol with parameters of type NSCoder
static Object EONotQualifier.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
 void EONotQualifier.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
static void EOEditingContext.encodeObjectWithCoder(EOEnterpriseObject object, NSCoder coder)
          Invoked by an EOEnterpriseObject object to ask the EOEditingContext to encode object using encoder.
static Object EOEditingContext.initObjectWithCoder(EOEnterpriseObject object, NSCoder coder)
          Invoked by an EOEnterpriseObject object to ask the EOEditingContext to initialize object from data in decoder.
static Object EOAndQualifier.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          (Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
 void EOAndQualifier.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder.
static Object EOFetchSpecification.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          (Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
 void EOFetchSpecification.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder.
static Object EOKeyGlobalID.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          (Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
 void EOKeyGlobalID.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder.
static Object EOKeyValueQualifier.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          (Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
 void EOKeyValueQualifier.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder.
static Object EOQualifierVariable.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          (Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
 void EOQualifierVariable.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder.
static Object EOTemporaryGlobalID.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
 void EOTemporaryGlobalID.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
static Object EOSortOrdering.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Conformance to NSCoding.
 void EOSortOrdering.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Conformance to NSCoding.
static Object EOOrQualifier.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          (Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
 void EOOrQualifier.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder.
static Object EOKeyComparisonQualifier.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          (Re)creates an object based on type information and data stored in coder.
 void EOKeyComparisonQualifier.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Archives the receiver's type information and data into coder.

Uses of NSCoder in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client with parameters of type NSCoder
static Object EODistributedClassDescription.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Decodes (re-creates) an EODistributedClassDescription from the stored definitions in the coder.
 void EODistributedClassDescription.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Encodes (stores) the defining values of this EODistributedClassDescription object into the given coder.
static Object EOAttribute.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Decodes (re-creates) an EOAttribute from the information in the given coder.
 void EOAttribute.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Encodes the information defining this EOAttribute into the given coder.
abstract  Object EODistributionChannel.responseToMessage(Object message, NSCoder coder)
          Subclasses have to implement this method to send a message to the server and synchronously receive a response.
 Object EOHTTPChannel.responseToMessage(Object message, NSCoder coder)
          Sends the message message from the client to the server using the HTTP POST command.
static Object EORelationship.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Re-creates (decodes) an object of this class from the values stored in a NSCoder.
 void EORelationship.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Encodes this object (its defining values) into the specified NSCoder.

Uses of NSCoder in com.webobjects.foundation

Methods in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSCoder
static Object NSSet.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Creates an NSSet from the data in an NSCoder.
 void NSSet.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
static Object NSNotification.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Creates an NSNotification from the data in coder.
 void NSNotification.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Encodes the receiver using coder.
static Object NSArray.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Creates a new NSArray from the data in coder.
 void NSArray.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
 void NSCoding.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
          Encodes the receiver using coder.
abstract  Object NSCoding.Support.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Implemented by subclasses to decode an object of a specific type from the data in coder.
abstract  void NSCoding.Support.encodeWithCoder(Object receiver, NSCoder coder)
          Implemented by subclasses to encode an object receiver of a specific type using NSCoder coder.
static Object NSTimestamp.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Provides an NSTimestamp from data in coder.
 void NSTimestamp.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
static Object NSData.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Creates an NSData from the data in coder.
 void NSData.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
static Object NSDictionary.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Creates an NSDictionary from the data in coder.
 void NSDictionary.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
static Object NSKeyValueCoding.Null.decodeObject(NSCoder coder)
          Returns the shared instance of NSKeyValueCoding.Null stored in the NSKeyValueCoding constant NullValue.
 void NSKeyValueCoding.Null.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder)
static Object NSTimeZone.decodeObject(NSCoder aDecoder)
          Provided for compliance with com.webobjects.foundation.NSCoding.
 void NSTimeZone.encodeWithCoder(NSCoder aCoder)

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.