WebObjects 5.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use NSLocking
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.eocontrol Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. 
com.webobjects.eodistribution.client Provides the communication mechanism between the client and server components of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.foundation Provides a set of robust and mature core classes, including utility, collection, key-value coding, time and date, notification, and debug logging classes. 

Uses of NSLocking in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Classes in com.webobjects.eoaccess that implement NSLocking
 class EODatabaseContext
          EODatabaseContext is the basic EOObjectStore for the EOAccess Framework.

Uses of NSLocking in com.webobjects.eocontrol

Classes in com.webobjects.eocontrol that implement NSLocking
 class EOCooperatingObjectStore
          EOCooperatingObjectStore is a part of the control layer's object storage abstraction.
 class EOEditingContext
          An EOEditingContext object manages a graph of enterprise objects in an application; this object graph represents an internally consistent view of one or more external stores (most often a database).
 class EOObjectStore
          EOObjectStore is the abstract class that defines the API for an "intelligent" repository of objects, the control layer's object storage abstraction.
 class EOObjectStoreCoordinator
          EOObjectStoreCoordinator provides the abstraction of a single object store by coordinating one or more EOCooperatingObjectStores.
 class EOSharedEditingContext
          The EOSharedEditingContext class defines a mechanism that allows EOEditingContexts to share enterprise objects for reading.

Uses of NSLocking in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client

Classes in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client that implement NSLocking
 class EODistributedObjectStore
          An EODistributedObjectStore functions as the parent object store on the client side of Java Client applications.

Uses of NSLocking in com.webobjects.foundation

Classes in com.webobjects.foundation that implement NSLocking
 class NSLock
          An NSLock object is used to coordinate the operation of multiple threads of execution within the same application.
 class NSMultiReaderLock
          The NSMultiReaderLock class provides reader and writer locks.
 class NSRecursiveLock
          NSRecursiveLock defines a lock that may be acquired multiple times by the same thread without causing a deadlock (a situation where a thread is permanently blocked waiting for itself to relinquish a lock).

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

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