WebObjects 5.2

Class WOBindingTag


public class WOBindingTag

This is a sub-tag of WOComponentTag used to pass bindings. WebObjects supports the use of WOComponents in JSP through the use of a Tag Library. While WOComponentTag specifies the WOComponent that is used in a JSP, this specifies the key-value pair to be passed to the WOComponent as a binding. This tag has no body but has the following attributes:

See Also:
WOComponent, WOComponentTag

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int doStartTag()
          Standard method to start using the tag.
 void setKey(String key)
          Sets the attribute key for this tag.
 void setValue(Object value)
          Sets the attribute value for this tag.

Constructor Detail


public WOBindingTag()
Method Detail


public int doStartTag()
               throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
Standard method to start using the tag. Calls its parent WOComponentTag to set key-value binding.
SKIP_BODY, as this tag has no body.
See Also:


public void setKey(String key)
Sets the attribute key for this tag. See the class description for more details. This is called by the servlet container framework to pass in the value given the JSP.
key - the key of the binding


public void setValue(Object value)
Sets the attribute value for this tag. See the class description for more details. This is called by the servlet container framework to pass in the value given the JSP. Can be any kind of Object.
value - the value of the binding

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.