WebObjects 5.2

Package com.webobjects.jspservlet

Provides the infrastructure that supports the use of WebObjects API in JavaServlet Pages and the deployment of WebObjects components as Servlets.


Class Summary
WOBindingTag This is a sub-tag of WOComponentTag used to pass bindings.
WOComponentTag This is a regular JSP taglib handler that enables the use of a WOComponent within a JSP.
WODirectActionTag This is a regular JSP taglib handler that enables the use of a WOComponent within a JSP.
WOExtraHeaderTag This is a sub-tag of both WOComponentTag WODirectActionTag used to pass HTTP headers.
WOFormValueTag This is a sub-tag of WODirectActionTag used to pass form values.
WOServletAdaptor This class is an adaptor that allows a WebObjects application to appear as a servlet to a servlet container, using the normal doGet/Post methods.
WOServletContext Subclass of WOContext providing custom URL generation, to account for JSP Session IDs.
WOServletSessionStore This is a subclass of WOSessionStore, and is intended to replace the WOServerSessionStore subclass.

Package com.webobjects.jspservlet Description

Provides the infrastructure that supports the use of WebObjects API in JavaServlet Pages and the deployment of WebObjects components as Servlets.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.