WebObjects 5.2

Class WODirectActionTag


public class WODirectActionTag
extends com.webobjects.jspservlet.WOTag

This is a regular JSP taglib handler that enables the use of a WOComponent within a JSP. Please see WOtaglib_1_0.tld for the most authoritative definition of the tag library, including the description of this class. This tag handler has the following tag attributes:

This tag's body content is labelled "jsp". What this means is that its body should be parsed for additional tags. For this version, the body contains one or more WOExtraHeaderTag or WOFormValueTag.

See Also:
WODirectAction, WOExtraHeaderTag, WOFormValueTag

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 int doEndTag()
          Standard method to end the tag.
 int doStartTag()
          Standard method to start using the tag.
 void setActionName(String name)
          Sets the attribute actionName for this tag.
 void setBodyContentOnly(boolean bodyContentOnly)
          Sets the attribute bodyContentOnly for this tag.
 void setClassname(String className)
          Sets the attribute className for this tag.
 void setClassName(String className)
          Sets the attribute className for this tag.
 void setContentStream(InputStream is)
          Sets the content of the WOResponse as seen by the Direct Action.
 void setExtraHeader(String key, String value)
          Sets a key-value pair to be set as an extra HTTP header to either the WOComponent or the Direct Action.
 void setFormValue(String key, String value)
          Sets a key-value pair to be passed to the Direct Action as a form value in the queryString.
 void setMergeResponseHeaders(boolean mergeResponseHeaders)
          Sets the attribute mergeResponseHeaders for this tag.

Constructor Detail


public WODirectActionTag()
Method Detail


public int doEndTag()
             throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
Standard method to end the tag.
doEndTag in class com.webobjects.jspservlet.WOTag
EVAL_PAGE, to ensure that the rest of the JSP gets evaluated


public int doStartTag()
               throws javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
Standard method to start using the tag.
doStartTag in class com.webobjects.jspservlet.WOTag
EVAL_BODY_TAG, to ensure that the tag body is evaluated, as it might contain one or more formValues or extraHeaders
See Also:
WOFormValueTag, WOExtraHeaderTag


public void setActionName(String name)
Sets the attribute actionName for this tag. See the class description for more details. This is called by the servlet container framework to pass in the value given the JSP.
className - the Direct Action name


public void setContentStream(InputStream is)
Sets the content of the WOResponse as seen by the Direct Action. This is optional.
is - the InputStream representing the content


public void setFormValue(String key,
                         String value)
Sets a key-value pair to be passed to the Direct Action as a form value in the queryString.
key - the key of the form value
value - the value of the form value


public void setBodyContentOnly(boolean bodyContentOnly)
Sets the attribute bodyContentOnly for this tag. This is called by the servlet container framework to pass in the value given the JSP.
bodyContentOnly - indicates if only the WOResponse body content is required; the HTML headers will be stripped off if this is true; default is true


public void setClassName(String className)
Sets the attribute className for this tag. See the class description for more details. This is called by the servlet container framework to pass in the value given the JSP.
className - the class name of the WOComponent or Direct Action


public void setClassname(String className)
Sets the attribute className for this tag. See the class description for more details. This is called by the servlet container framework to pass in the value given the JSP.
className - the class name of the WOComponent or Direct Action


public void setExtraHeader(String key,
                           String value)
Sets a key-value pair to be set as an extra HTTP header to either the WOComponent or the Direct Action. Passing a null object will cause the appropriate existing header to be removed from the request.
key - the header key
value - the value of the header


public void setMergeResponseHeaders(boolean mergeResponseHeaders)
Sets the attribute mergeResponseHeaders for this tag. See the class description for more details. This is called by the servlet container framework to pass in the value given the JSP.
mergeHeader - indicates if only the WOResponse headers should be merged with the ServletResponse's headers; default is false

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.

Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.