WebObjects 5.2


objCValueClassName() - Method in interface com.webobjects.jndiadaptor.JNDIType
Gets the Objective-C value class name.
object - Variable in class com.webobjects.woextensions.WOEventRow
object - Variable in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WDefaultCustomComponent
The Enterprise Object (for D2WCustomComponent).
OBJECT_TAG - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.foundation.xml.NSXMLObjectStreamConstants
Object element tag name.
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSNotification
Returns the object associated with the notification.
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSValidation.ValidationException
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException
This method returns the value that NSKeyValueCoding operations were using at the time of the error, or null if it is unavailable.
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseOperation
Returns the receiver's Enterprise Object.
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.woextensions.WOAggregateEventRow
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.woextensions.WOEventDisplayPage
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOAssociation
Returns the receiver's display object.
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WComponent
Returns the EOEnterpriseObject, defined in the EOControl Framework, displayed by this component.
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WStatelessComponent
Provides access to the local instance of EOEnterpriseObject.
object() - Method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WInspectPage
Returns the Object displayed by the inspect or edit page.
ObjectActionPriority - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOAction
The priority of the actions sent to business objects.
ObjectActionsCategoryPriority - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOAction
The priority of the Object actions category.
objectAtIndex(int) - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray
Returns the Object reference stored at index within this NSArray.
objectEnumerator() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSSet
Provides an Enumeration object that can be used to access each member of this NSSet.
objectEnumerator() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray
This method creates a java.util.Enumeration which can used to iterate through the array's elements.
objectEnumerator() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSDictionary
This method provides a java.util.Enumeration which can be used to access each value in this dictionary.
objectForGlobalID(EOGlobalID) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext
Returns the EOEnterpriseObject associated with gid in this EOEditingContext or its shared context, or null if no such object exists.
objectForGlobalID(EOGlobalID) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext
objectForKey(Object) - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSDictionary
This method returns the Object associated with key
objectForKey(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession
Returns an Object stored in the session under a given key.
objectForOutletPath(EOArchive, String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOEntityController
Returns an object for an outlet path to be substituted in an interface file archive loaded by the receiver.
objectForOutletPath(EOArchive, String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOQueryController
objectFromPListFile(File) - Static method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.Services
objectFromRawRow(EOEditingContext, String, NSDictionary) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Fetches the object corresponding to the specified raw row (using faultForRawRow).
objectIdentifier() - Method in interface com.webobjects.jndiadaptor.JNDIType
Gets the object identifier.
ObjectKey - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator
ObjectKey - Static variable in class com.webobjects.jndiadaptor.JNDIAdaptor
A connection dictionary value representing object scope.
objectKeysTaken() - Method in class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOAssociation
Overridden by subclasses to return the names of display object outlets that instances assume control of.
objectKeysTaken() - Method in class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOWidgetAssociation
Overridden by subclasses to return the names of display object outlets that instances assume control of.
objectMatchingKeyAndValue(EOEditingContext, String, String, Object) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Creates an EOKeyValueQualifier with the specified key and value and returns the matching Enterprise Object.
objectMatchingValues(EOEditingContext, String, NSDictionary) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Creates EOKeyValueQualifiers for each key-value pair in the specified dictionary, ANDs these qualifiers together into an EOAndQualifier, and returns the matching Enterprise Object.
objectPropertyValue() - Method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WComponent
Returns the value of the current property for the object that the receiver displays.
objectPropertyValueIsNonNull() - Method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WComponent
This method is intentionally undocumented.
objects() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray
objects(NSRange) - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray
Copies a subset of this array into a Java array.
objectsByEntityName() - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext
The dictionary keys are entity names and the corresponding values are NSArrays of enterprise objects for that entity.
objectsByEntityNameAndFetchSpecificationName() - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext
Returns the objects fetched into the receiver with bindObjectsWithFetchSpecification.
objectsChangedInEditingContext(NSNotification) - Method in class com.webobjects.appserver.WODisplayGroup
Redisplays the changed objects in the WODisplayGroup.
objectsChangedInEditingContext(NSNotification) - Method in class com.webobjects.eointerface.EODisplayGroup
Notification sent by the notification center when the data source (usually an EOEditingContext) that this display group observes has its objects changed.
ObjectsChangedInEditingContextNotification - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext
This notification is broadcast whenever changes are made in an EOEditingContext.
ObjectsChangedInStoreNotification - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStore
objectsForEntityNamed(EOEditingContext, String) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Fetches the Enterprise Objects associated with the specified entity.
objectsForKeys(NSArray, Object) - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSDictionary
This method takes a subset of the dictionary as specified by the array of keys and returns an array of the value objects associated with each of the keys.
objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID, String, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStore
Returns the destination objects for a to-many relationship.
objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID, String, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext
Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to service a to-many fault for a relationship named name.
objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID, String, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator
Returns the destination objects for a to-many relationship.
objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID, String, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext
Services a to-many fault.
objectsForSourceGlobalID(EOGlobalID, String, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.client.EODistributedObjectStore
Returns the destination objects for the to-many relationship identified by relationshipName.
objectsInvalidatedInEditingContext(NSNotification) - Method in class com.webobjects.appserver.WODisplayGroup
Refetches all objects from the dataSource of the WODisplayGroup after some or all of them have been invalidated.
objectsInvalidatedInEditingContext(NSNotification) - Method in class com.webobjects.eointerface.EODisplayGroup
Notification sent by the notification center when the data source (usually an EOEditingContext) that this display group observes has its objects invalidated.
objectsMatchingKeyAndValue(EOEditingContext, String, String, Object) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Creates an EOKeyValueQualifier with the specified key and value and returns matching Enterprise Objects.
objectsMatchingValues(EOEditingContext, String, NSDictionary) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Creates EOKeyValueQualifiers for each key-value pair in the specified dictionary, ANDs these qualifiers together into an EOAndQualifier, and returns matching Enterprise Objects.
objectsNoCopy() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSSet
This method should be used only by subclasses.
objectsNoCopy() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray
This method should only be used by subclasses.
objectsNoCopy() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSDictionary
This method should only be used by subclasses.
objectsOfClass(EOEditingContext, Class) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Fetches the Enterprise Objects associated with the specified class.
objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute, EOAttribute) - Method in interface com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSchemaSynchronization
Compares schemaAttribute with modelAttribute and returns a change dictionary of state that is different between the the two.
objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute, EOAttribute) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSynchronizationFactory
objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute, EOAttribute) - Method in class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory
objectStoreForFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator
Returns the EOCooperatingObjectStore responsible for fetching objects with fetchSpecification.
objectStoreForGlobalID(EOGlobalID) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator
Returns the EOCooperatingObjectStore for the object identified by gid.
objectStoreForObject(EOEnterpriseObject) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator
Returns the EOCooperatingObjectStore that owns object.
ObjectsWithFetchSpecification - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext.EditingContextEvent
A constant for ObjectsWithFetchSpecification events.
ObjectsWithFetchSpecification - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext.DatabaseContextEvent
The type of DatabaseContextEvent that is logged whenever the method objectsWithFetchSpecification is invoked.
objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext
Equivalent to :
objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStore
Fetches objects from an external store according to the criteria specified by fetchSpecification and returns them in an array for inclusion in context.
objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext
Overrides the implementation inherited from EOObjectStore to fetch objects from an external store according to the criteria specified by fetchSpec and return them in an array.
objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator
Overrides the EOObjectStore implementation to fetch objects from the receiver's cooperating object stores.
objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext
A thread-safe version of the superclass implementation that binds the results to fetchSpecification's entity.
objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext
Fetches objects from an external store into context.
objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOFetchSpecification, EOEditingContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.client.EODistributedObjectStore
Fetches objects from the server according to the criteria specified by the fetch specification fetchSpecification and returns them in an array for inclusion in the editing context editingContext.
objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(EOEditingContext, String, String, NSDictionary) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Fetches the Enterprise Objects retrieved with the specified fetch specification and bindings.
objectsWithQualifierFormat(EOEditingContext, String, String, NSArray) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Creates a qualifier with the provided format string and ordered arguments, and returns matching Enterprise Objects.
objectToAddToRelationship() - Method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WEditRelationshipPage
Returns the EOEnterpriseObject, defined in the EOControl Framework, that is added to the relationship edited by the receiver.
objectTypeForQName(Object) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.client.WOWebServiceClient
Return the object class to which DOM elements with name aQNameObject will be deserialized.
objectValueForString(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSNumberFormatter
Converts a string to a java.lang.Number using this NSNumberFormatter's pattern.
objectWillChange(Object) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext
This method is automatically invoked when any of the objects registered in this EOEditingContext invokes its willChange method.
objectWillChange(Object) - Method in interface com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObserving
Informs the receiver that object's state is about to change.
objectWillChange(Object) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOSharedEditingContext
Raises an exception.
objectWillChange(Object) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Implemented by EODelayedObserver to enqueue the receiver on its EODelayedObserverQueue.
objectWillChange(Object) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOArchiveController
Change notification for the controller itsself if it's edited through an association of the controller display group.
objectWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(EOEditingContext, String, String, NSDictionary) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Fetches the Enterprise Object retrieved with the specified fetch specification and bindings.
objectWithPrimaryKey(EOEditingContext, String, NSDictionary) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Fetches the Enterprise Object identified by the specified primary key dictionary.
objectWithPrimaryKeyValue(EOEditingContext, String, Object) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Fetches the Enterprise Object identified by the specified primary key value.
objectWithQualifierFormat(EOEditingContext, String, String, NSArray) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOUtilities
Creates a qualifier with the provided format string and arguments, and returns the matching Enterprise Object.
observerForObject(Object, Class) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObserverCenter
Returns an observer for eo that is of class aClass.
observerNotificationSuppressCount() - Static method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObserverCenter
Returns the number of suppressObserverNotification messages in effect.
ObserverNumberOfPriorities - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the number of priorities(8).
ObserverPriorityFifth - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the priority of a notification in the queue.
ObserverPriorityFirst - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the priority of a notification in the queue.
ObserverPriorityFourth - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the priority of a notification in the queue.
ObserverPriorityImmediate - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the priority of a notification in the queue.
ObserverPriorityLater - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the priority of a notification in the queue.
ObserverPrioritySecond - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the priority of a notification in the queue.
ObserverPrioritySixth - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the priority of a notification in the queue.
ObserverPriorityThird - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Constant to represent the priority of a notification in the queue.
observerQueue() - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
Overridden by subclasses to determine the receiver's designated EODelayedObserverQueue.
observersForObject(Object) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObserverCenter
Returns all observers of eo.
observingAssociations() - Method in class com.webobjects.eointerface.EODisplayGroup
Returns all EOAssociations that observe the receiver's objects.
ok() - Method in interface com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOModalDialogController.ModalActions
The action method invoked when the user wants to finish the modal dialog.
ok() - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOFormController
ok() - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOListController
OkayActionPriority - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOAction
The priority of the Okay action.
omitXMLDeclaration() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.xml.NSXMLOutputFormat
Returns true if the XML document declaration should be ommited.
One - Static variable in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WModel
A constant that represents a logical true value.
OneCentury - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSLocking
Number of milliseconds in one century
OneDay - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSLocking
Number of milliseconds in one day
OneHour - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSLocking
Number of milliseconds in one Hour
OneLevelKey - Static variable in class com.webobjects.jndiadaptor.JNDIAdaptor
A connection dictionary value representing one-level scope.
OneMinute - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSLocking
Number of milliseconds in one Minute
onEndElement(String, String, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOEnterpriseObjectDeserializer
onEndElement(String, String, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOGlobalIDDeserializer
onEndElement(String, String, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOTimeZoneDeserializer
onEndElement(String, String, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOStringKeyMapDeserializer
OneSecond - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSLocking
Number of milliseconds in one Second
OneWeek - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSLocking
Number of milliseconds in one Week
OneYear - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSLocking
Number of milliseconds in one Year (defined as 365.2425 days)
ONFAULTCLIENTREQUEST - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOSecurityDelegate
String name of the client side request undo delegate method
onFaultClientRequest(MessageContext) - Method in interface com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOSecurityDelegate
Called during processing of an Axis fault on the client side as a request is being sent to a server.
ONFAULTCLIENTRESPONSE - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOSecurityDelegate
String name of the client side response undo delegate method
onFaultClientResponse(MessageContext) - Method in interface com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOSecurityDelegate
Called during processing of an Axis fault on the client as the response is being returned by the Axis stack.
ONFAULTSERVERREQUEST - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOSecurityDelegate
String name of the server side request undo delegate method
onFaultServerRequest(MessageContext) - Method in interface com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOSecurityDelegate
Called during processing of an Axis fault on the server as the request is being passed through Axis to the service method.
ONFAULTSERVERRESPONSE - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOSecurityDelegate
String name of the server side response undo delegate method
onFaultServerResponse(MessageContext) - Method in interface com.webobjects.webservices.support.WOSecurityDelegate
Called during processing of an Axis fault on the server as the response is being returned through the Axis stack from the service method.
OnlyJavaIdentifiersAllowed - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EODialogs
onStartChild(String, String, String, Attributes, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOEnterpriseObjectDeserializer
onStartChild(String, String, String, Attributes, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOGlobalIDDeserializer
onStartChild(String, String, String, Attributes, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOTimeZoneDeserializer
onStartChild(String, String, String, Attributes, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WORangeDeserializer
onStartChild(String, String, String, Attributes, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOStringKeyMapDeserializer
onStartElement(String, String, String, Attributes, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml.WOEnterpriseObjectDeserializer
opaqueState() - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOCustomObject
opaqueState() - Method in interface com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject
This methods returns an opaque object which encapsulates state private to EOF.
OpenActionPriority - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOAction
The priority of the Open action.
OpenBasePlugIn - class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn.
OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseExpression - class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseExpression.
OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseExpression(EOEntity) - Constructor for class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseExpression
OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory - class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.
OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory(EOAdaptor) - Constructor for class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory
OpenBasePlugIn(JDBCAdaptor) - Constructor for class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePlugIn
openChannel() - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAdaptorChannel
An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to put the channel, and both its context and adaptor, into a state where they are ready to perform database operations.
openChannel() - Method in class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel
openChannel() - Method in class com.webobjects.jndiadaptor.JNDIChannel
openedImageFileName() - Method in class com.webobjects.woextensions.WOCollapsibleComponentContent
openGlobalIDsWithEntityName(String, NSArray) - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOControllerFactory
openGlobalIDWithEntityName(String, EOGlobalID) - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOControllerFactory
openInProjectBuilderAction() - Method in class com.webobjects.woextensions.WOProjectBuilderAction
openModalDialogForTaskName(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOControllerFactory
openObjectWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID) - Method in interface com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOControllerFactory.Open
openObjectWithGlobalID(EOGlobalID) - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOFormController
openServerSideWebAssistantAction() - Method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WActions
openSingleWithEntityName(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOControllerFactory
openWebAssistantAction() - Method in class com.webobjects.directtoweb.D2WActions
openWindowForTaskName(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOControllerFactory
openWithEntityName(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOControllerFactory
openWithTask() - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOEditingController
openWithTask() - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOFormController
openWithTask() - Method in class com.webobjects.eogeneration.EOListController
operatingSystem() - Method in class com.webobjects.woextensions.WOStatsPage
OperationClassNameKey - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOServiceUtilities.RuleSystemConstants
String key for accessing the name of the class that implements the operation named operationName
operationInputName() - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOOperationWSDLTemplate
Returns the local part of the operation input message name.
operationName() - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOOperationWSDLTemplate
Returns the operation name.
operationNamed(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.client.WOWebService
Return the operation named name.
OperationNameKey - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOServiceUtilities.RuleSystemConstants
String key for accessing the name of the current operation
OperationNamesKey - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOServiceUtilities.RuleSystemConstants
String key for accessing the names of all manually added operations
operationOutputName() - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOOperationWSDLTemplate
Returns the local part of the operation output message name.
operationsDictionary() - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.client.WOWebService
Return an NSDictionary containing name to WOClientOperation mappings for all operations published in this service.
operationsDictionaryForService(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.client.WOWebServiceClient
Returns an NSDictionary containing a mapping of operation name to WOClientOperation instance for for all operations defined on the Web service named serviceName.
operationTypesSchema() - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOOperationWSDLTemplate
Returns the content that will be added the WSDL types element of the service this operation is grouped in.
operatorForKey(String) - Static method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray
OperatorNameKey - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOServiceUtilities.RuleSystemConstants
This key is intentionally not documented.
operatorNames() - Static method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSArray
Returns the names of the operations that can be performed on array elements.
operatorSelectorForSelectorNamed(String) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier
Returns a named operator selector.
operatorSelectorForString(String) - Static method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier
Returns an operator selector based on the string string.
optimizeForMac() - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOUserInterfaceParameters
OptimizeForMacKey - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOUserInterfaceParameters
optimizeMenuAccelerators() - Static method in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOUserInterfaceParameters
Returns whether standard menu accelerators like Command-n (new), Command-o (open) should be constantly updated to affect the active type of document (object).
OptionalOperation - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EODialogs
OraclePlugIn - class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn.
OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression - class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression.
OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression(EOEntity) - Constructor for class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression
OraclePlugIn.OracleSynchronizationFactory - class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn.OracleSynchronizationFactory.
OraclePlugIn.OracleSynchronizationFactory(EOAdaptor) - Constructor for class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn.OracleSynchronizationFactory
OraclePlugIn(JDBCAdaptor) - Constructor for class com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OraclePlugIn
orderByString() - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpression
Returns the comma-separated list of "attribute direction" pairs ("LAST_NAME asc, FIRST_NAME asc", for example) for use in a SELECT statement.
OrderedAscending - Static variable in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSComparator
Returned when the object arguments are in ascending order (the value of the first argument is less than the value of the second).
OrderedDescending - Static variable in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSComparator
Returned when the object arguments are in descending order (the value of the first argument is greater than the value of the second).
OrderedSame - Static variable in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSComparator
Returned when the values of the object arguments are equivalent.
originalException() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSForwardException
otherNamespaces() - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOOperationWSDLTemplate
Returns the additional namespace attributes that will be added the WSDL defenition element of the service this operation is grouped in.
otherParameterName - Variable in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.WOJavaClientComponent
A public variable used in a repetition to create a list of all non-standard bindings.
otherParameterName - Variable in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.WOJavaClientApplet
Deprecated. A public variable used in a repetition to create a list of all non-standard bindings.
otherParameterNames() - Method in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.WOJavaClientApplet
Deprecated. Returns an array containing the names of the non-standard bindings added to the receiver.
otherParametersString() - Method in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.WOJavaClientApplet
Deprecated. Returns a string containing the parameter names and values of the non-standard bindings added to the receiver.
otherParameterValue() - Method in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.WOJavaClientApplet
Deprecated. Returns the value of the parameter corresponding to the otherParameterName instance variable.
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILElement
Returns the value of the otherTagString property.
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILRegion
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILMediaObject
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILPar
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILRootLayout
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILSeq
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILHeadMeta
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILDocument
otherTagString() - Method in class com.webobjects.smil.WOSMILAnchor
out - Static variable in class com.webobjects.foundation.NSLog
Print stream logger sending output to system output file.
OutParameter - Static variable in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute
Integer constant representing one of four possible parameter directions for EOAttributes that represent arguments to a stored procedure.
outputFormat() - Method in class com.webobjects.foundation.xml.NSXMLOutputStream
Gets the current NSXMLOutputFormat object.
outputPartKeyPaths() - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOOperation
Returns the EOProperty keys/key paths associated with the public names of the operation's output message parts.
outputPartNames() - Method in class com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOOperation
Returns the names of the operation's SOAP output message parts.
OutputPartNamesKey - Static variable in interface com.webobjects.webservices.generation.WOServiceUtilities.RuleSystemConstants
String key for accessing the XML element names of properties the current operation will return
outputPath() - Method in class com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication
Return the path to which logs will be written.
overridesPrototypeDefinitionForKey(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute
Returns true if the attribute has an override, false if the requested key gets its value from the prototype attribute.
ownsDestination() - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship
Returns true if the receiver's source object owns its destination objects, false otherwise.
ownsDestination() - Method in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.client.EORelationship
Returns whether the related object(s) is (are) owned by the source object of this relationship.
ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription
Overridden by subclasses to determine whether the objects at the destination of the relationship specified by relationshipKey should be deleted if they are removed from the relationship.
ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOCustomObject
Returns true if the receiver has a relationship identified by key that owns its destination, and false otherwise.
ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey(String) - Method in interface com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject
Returns true if the receiver has a relationship identified by relationshipKey that owns its destination, false otherwise.
ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntityClassDescription
Returns true if the the objects at the destination of the relationship specified by relationshipKey should be deleted if they are removed from the relationship rather than transferred to the corresponding relationship of another object.
ownsDestinationObjectsForRelationshipKey(String) - Method in class com.webobjects.eodistribution.client.EODistributedClassDescription
Returns whether or not the objects in the destination of the given relationship should be deleted if they are removed from the relationship (and not added to the corresponding relationship of another object).
ownsGlobalID(EOGlobalID) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOCooperatingObjectStore
Overridden by subclasses to return true if the receiver is responsible for fetching and saving the object identified by globalID.
ownsGlobalID(EOGlobalID) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext
Returns true if the receiver is responsible for fetching and saving the object identified by globalID, false otherwise.
ownsObject(EOEnterpriseObject) - Method in class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOCooperatingObjectStore
Overridden by subclasses to return true if the receiver is responsible for fetching and saving object.
ownsObject(EOEnterpriseObject) - Method in class com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext
Returns true if the receiver is responsible for fetching and saving object, false otherwise.

Last updated Fri Feb 21 13:15:00 PST 2003.
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.