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Inside Macintosh: Cyberdog Programmer's Kit /

Preface About The Programmer's Kit xiii

Chapter 1 Introduction to Cyberdog 21

Figure 1-1 The Cyberdog Starting Point 24

Figure 1-2 Cyberdog mail 25

Figure 1-3 Cyberdog news 26

Figure 1-4 Navigating to and displaying network content 28

Figure 1-5 Cyberdog item icons in the Finder 32

Figure 1-6 A Cyberdog text part 33

Figure 1-7 A Cyberdog Gopher part 34

Figure 1-8 The Connect To dialog box 38

Figure 1-9 The Preferences dialog box 39

Figure 1-10 Storage relationships in a Cyberdog process 40

Figure 1-11 The Cyberdog log 42

Figure 1-12 The Cyberdog notebook 44

Figure 1-13 The address browser 45

Figure 1-14 The Cyberdog navigator 46

Figure 1-15 An opener part, an example of a progress part 48

Figure 1-16 Monitoring and displaying progress 49

Chapter 2 Development Overview 51

Figure 2-1 Classes for creating a Cyberdog display part 55

Figure 2-2 Classes for creating a Cyberdog service 56

Figure 2-3 Classes for creating supporting parts 58

Figure 2-4 Object relationships of the Cyberdog session 60

Figure 2-5 Object relationships of Cyberdog display parts 61

Figure 2-6 Object relationships of progress monitoring objects 62

Figure 2-7 Object relationships of the log and notebook 63

Figure 2-8 Object relationships of service menu objects 64

Figure 2-9 Object relationships of the Preferences dialog box 65

Figure 2-10 Object relationships of the Connect To dialog box 66

Figure 2-11 The Gopher display part embedded in the navigator 67

Figure 2-12 Gopher display part object relationships 68

Figure 2-13 The text display part 69

Figure 2-14 Downloading object relationships 70

Chapter 3 Adding Cyberdog Features to an OpenDoc Part 87

Figure 3-1 A Cyberdog item in the button part 90

Figure 3-2 The button part embedded in a graphics part 90

Figure 3-3 A Cyberdog item for locating a mail address 91

Listing 3-1 The CybTxtBtn class definition 92

Listing 3-2 Initializing the button part 95

Listing 3-3 The button part's ReleaseAll method 95

Listing 3-4 The CybTxtBtn destructor 96

Listing 3-5 The button part's InitPart method 97

Listing 3-6 The button part's InternalizeContent method 99

Listing 3-7 The button part's ExternalizeContent method 99

Listing 3-8 Opening the Cyberdog item 101

Listing 3-9 The button part's DragEnter method 102

Listing 3-10 The button part's Drop method 103

Listing 3-11 Creating Cyberdog's menus 105

Listing 3-12 Recreating the menu bar 106

Listing 3-13 Acquiring the Cyberdog service menu's focus 107

Listing 3-14 The button part's FocusLost method 108

Listing 3-15 The button part's AdjustMenus method 109

Listing 3-16 The button part's HandleMenuEvent method 110

Chapter 4 Creating a Cyberdog Display Part 113

Listing 4-1 The text-viewer sample's part extension class definition 116

Listing 4-2 The somInit method of the text-viewer's part extension 118

Listing 4-3 The BaseRemoved method of the text-viewer's part extension 118

Listing 4-4 The OpenCyberItem method of the text-viewer's part extension 119

Listing 4-5 The GetCyberItemWindow method of the part extension 120

Listing 4-6 The CybTxtViewer class definition 121

Listing 4-7 The text-viewer part's HasExtension method 124

Listing 4-8 The text-viewer part's AcquireExtension method 125

Listing 4-9 The text-viewer part's ReleaseExtension method 125

Listing 4-10 The text-viewer part's ReleaseAll method 126

Listing 4-11 Releasing the text viewer's Cyberdog part extension 127

Listing 4-12 The CybTxtViewer constructor 127

Listing 4-13 Initializing the Cyberdog environment 128

Listing 4-14 The CybTxtViewer destructor 129

Listing 4-15 The text-viewer part's Open method 131

Listing 4-16 Reading the window-position hint from storage 132

Listing 4-17 Using the window-position layer hint 133

Listing 4-18 Using the window-position coordinate hint 134

Listing 4-19 The OpenCyberItem method of the text-viewer part 135

Listing 4-20 The text-viewer part's HandleEvent method 136

Listing 4-21 Handling downloaded data 137

Listing 4-22 The GetCyberItemWindow method of the text-viewer part 139

Listing 4-23 The HandleEvent method of the text-viewer part 141

Listing 4-24 The HandleMenuEvent method of the text-viewer part 142

Listing 4-25 The kODNameMappings resource 143

Chapter 5 Embedding a Cyberdog Display Part in a Navigator 145

Listing 5-1 The CybTxtNavViewer class definition 148

Listing 5-2 The OpenCyberItem method of the embedded text-viewer part 150

Listing 5-3 Creating a parameter set object 152

Listing 5-4 Opening a Cyberdog item from an embedded display part 153

Listing 5-5 The GetContainingNavigator method of the embedded text-viewer part 154

Listing 5-6 The InitiateDownload method of the embedded text-viewer part 156

Listing 5-7 The embedded text-viewer's abort callback function 157

Listing 5-8 Adding a progress broadcaster 158

Listing 5-9 The DisplayFrameRemoved method of the embedded text-viewer part 158

Listing 5-10 Sending status messages to the navigator 160

Listing 5-11 The HandleCommand method of the embedded text-viewer's part extension 161

Listing 5-12 The HandleCommand method of the embedded text-viewer's part 163

Chapter 6 Types, Constants, and Global Functions 167

Figure 6-1 'srvc' resource 178

Table 6-1 MIME media types, part kinds, and reference kinds 184

Chapter 7 Classes and Methods 197

Table 7-1 Format of a flattened Cyberdog item 227

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996