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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 2 - DrawSprocket / DrawSprocket Reference
DrawSprocket Functions / Drawing and Double Buffering


You can use the DSpContext_FadeGammaOut function to completely fade out a display to a color of your choice.

OSStatus DSpContext_FadeGammaOut (
DSpContextReference inContext,
RGBColor *inZeroIntensityColor);
A reference to the context whose display is to be faded. If you pass NULL for this parameter, the fade operation applies simultaneously to all displays.
A pointer to the color that is to correspond to zero intensity. If you pass NULL for this parameter, the zero-intensity color is black.
function result
A result code.
The DSpContext_FadeGammaOut function automatically performs a gamma fade on the display of the context specified in the inContext parameter. It fades the display from 100 percent to 0 percent intensity over a period of one second. You specify the zero-intensity color in the inZeroIntensityColor parameter. A key press or a mouse button click will jump the fade to its end point immediately.

You can perform a manual fade with the DSpContext_FadeGamma function (page 2-45). For a complete discussion of gamma fades see "Gamma Fading" (page 2-9).

Do not call this function during an interrupt.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996