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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 2 - DrawSprocket / DrawSprocket Reference
DrawSprocket Functions / Drawing and Double Buffering


You can use the DSpContext_GetMonitorFrequency function to get the frequency for the display associated with a context.

OSStatus DSpContext_GetMonitorFrequency (
DSpContextReference inContext,
Fixed *outFrequency);
A reference to a context for which you want to get the display frequency.
On exit, the display frequency.
function result
A result code.
The DSpContext_GetMonitorFrequency function takes a reference to a context in the inContext parameter and returns the frequency of the display associated with that context in the outFrequency parameter. The context must have been active for a reasonable amount of time (at least two seconds) in order to receive a correct value, because the value returned is calculated by timing the frame rate of the context in its active state.

Do not call this function during an interrupt.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996