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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 3 - InputSprocket / InputSprocket Reference
InputSprocket Functions / Configuring the Application


You can use the ISpDevices_Activate function to activate devices.

OSStatus ISpDevices_Activate (
	UInt32 inDeviceCount,
	ISpDeviceReference *inDevicesToActivate);
The number of references in the array pointed to by the inDevicesToActivate parameter.
A pointer to an array of device references.
function result
A result code.
You pass in a pointer to an array of references to the devices to be activated in the inDevicesToActivate parameter and pass in the number of references in the array in the inDeviceCount parameter. The ISpDevices_Activate function activates the devices. When a device is activated, InputSprocket receives events from it.

The following categories of devices are inactive by default: kIspDeviceClass_SpeechRecognition, kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, and kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996