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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 4 - NetSprocket / NetSprocket Reference

Options for Hosting, Joining, and Deleting Games

These constants are used to control games. You use these constants in the inFlags parameter of the NSpGame_Host, NSpGame_Join, and NSpGame_Delete functions.

enum {
   kNSpGameFlag_DontAdvertise= 0x00000001,
   kNSpGameFlag_ForceTerminateGame= 0x00000002
When this flag is passed with NSpGame_Host, the game object is created, but the game is not advertised on any protocols. By default, a call to NSpGame_Host advertises the game on the protocols in the protocol list.
When the host calls NSpGame_Delete with this flag set, NetSprocket will end the game without attempting to find a host replacement. All the players will receive a message that the game has been ended, and any further calls from them will return an error. Normally, a call to NSpGame_Delete by the host will cause NetSprocket to negotiate a new host.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996