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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /

Chapter 4 - NetSprocket

This chapter describes NetSprocket, the component of Apple Game Sprockets that your game can use to provide easy-to-implement, high performance data transmission between players. By implementing NetSprocket in your game, you can enable a player to play a game of chess via modem or join a game with dozens of others on the Internet.

Before reading this chapter, you should be generally familiar with Apple Game Sprockets, as described in the preface to the book. You should know the basic principals of networking before reading this chapter.

This chapter begins by describing the basic capabilities of NetSprocket. In the section "Using NetSprocket," you'll learn how to use some of these capabilities. The section "NetSprocket Reference" is where you'll find descriptions of the constants and data structures, along with complete explanations and descriptions of each function included in NetSprocket. The reference section is followed by "Summary of NetSprocket," which contains a comprehensive listing of the constants, data structures, and functions provided by NetSprocket.

This chapter describes the application programming interface supported by versions 1.0 and later of NetSprocket.

Chapter Contents
About NetSprocket
Players, Groups and Messages
Key Features of NetSprocket
High Level Network Interface
Multiple Protocol Support
Client/Server Topology
Network Efficiency and Speed
Human Interface Elements
Using NetSprocket
Initializing NetSprocket
Hosting a Game
Creating a Protocol Reference and Advertising Your Game
Creating a Protocol List
Adding Protocols to the Protocol List
Presenting the Host Dialog Box
Using the Host Function
Disposing of the Protocol List
Joining A Game
Receiving Messages From Other Players
Sending Messages to Other Players
Ending The Game
NetSprocket Reference
Network Message Priority Flags
Network Message Delivery Flags
Options for Hosting, Joining, and Deleting Games
Network Message Types
Reserved Player IDs for Network Messages
Topology Types
Data Structures
Game Reference
Protocol Reference
Protocol List Reference
Address Reference
Player Information Structure
Player Enumeration Structure
Group Information Structure
Group Enumeration Structure
Game Information Structure
Message Header Structure
Error Message Structure
Join Request Message Structure
Join Approved Message Structure
Join Denied Message Structure
Player Joined Message Structure
Player Left Message Structure
Host Changed Message Structure
Game Terminated Message Structure
NetSprocket Functions
Initializing NetSprocket
Human Interface Functions
Hosting and Joining a Game
Sending and Receiving Messages
Managing Network Protocols
Managing Player Information
Managing Groups of Players
Utility Functions
Summary of NetSprocket
Network Message Priority Flags
Network Message Delivery Flags
Options for Hosting, Joining, and Ending Games
Network Message Types
Reserved Player IDs for Network Messages
Topology Types
Data Types
Opaque Game Reference Structures
Player Information Structure
Player List Structure
Group Information Structure
Group Enumeration Structure
Game Information Structure
Message Header Structure
Error Message Structure
Join Request Message Structure
Join Approved Message Structure
Join Denied Message Structure
Player Joined Message Structure
Player Left Message Structure
Host Changed Message Structure
Game Terminated Message Structure
NetSprocket Functions
Initializing NetSprocket
Human Interface Functions
Hosting and Joining a Game
Sending and Receiving Messages
Managing Network Protocols
Managing Player Information
Managing Groups of Players
Utility Functions
Result Codes

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996