Summary of NetSprocket
#define kNSpMaxPlayerNameLen 31 #define kNSpMaxGroupNameLen 31 #define kNSpMaxPasswordLen 31 #define kNSpMaxGameNameLen 31 #define kNSpMaxDefinitionStringLen 255Network Message Priority Flags
enum { kNSpJunk = 0x10000000, kNSpNormal = 0x20000000, kNSpRegistered = 0x30000000 };Network Message Delivery Flags
enum { kNSpFailIfPipeFull = 0x00000001, kNSpSelfSend = 0x00000002, kNSpBlocking = 0x00000004 };Options for Hosting, Joining, and Ending Games
enum { kNSpGameFlag_DontAdvertise = 0x00000001, kNSpGameFlag_ForceTerminateGame = 0x00000002 };Network Message Types
enum { kNSpSystemMessagePrefix = 0x80000000, kNSpError = kNSpSystemMessagePrefix | 0x7FFFFFFF, kNSpJoinRequest = kNSpSystemMessagePrefix | 0x00000001, kNSpJoinApproved = kNSpSystemMessagePrefix | 0x00000002, kNSpJoinDenied = kNSpSystemMessagePrefix | 0x00000003, kNSpPlayerJoined = kNSpSystemMessagePrefix | 0x00000004, kNSpPlayerLeft = kNSpSystemMessagePrefix | 0x00000005, kNSpHostChanged = kNSpSystemMessagePrefix | 0x00000006, kNSpGameTerminated = kNSpSystemMessagePrefix | 0x00000007 };Reserved Player IDs for Network Messages
enum { kNSpAllPlayers = 0x00000000, kNSpServerOnly = 0xFFFFFFFF };Topology Types
typedef enum { kNSpClientServer = 0x00000001 } NSpTopology;Data Types
typedef SInt32 NSpEventCode; typedef SInt32 NSpGameID; typedef SInt32 NSpPlayerID; typedef NSpPlayerID NSpGroupID; typedef UInt32 NSpPlayerType; typedef SInt32 NSpFlags;Opaque Game Reference Structures
typedef struct NSpGamePrivate *NSpGameReference; typedef struct NSpProtocolPrivate*NSpProtocolReference; typedef struct NSpListPrivate *NSpProtocolListReference; typedef struct NSPAddressPrivate *NSpAddressReference;Player Information Structure
typedef struct NSpPlayerInfo { NSpPlayerID id; NSpPlayerType type; Str31 name; UInt32 groupCount; NSpGroupID groups[kVariableLengthArray]; } NSpPlayerInfo, *NSpPlayerInfoPtr;Player List Structure
typedef struct NSpPlayerEnumeration { UInt32 count; NSpPlayerInfoPtr playerInfo[kVariableLengthArray]; } NSpPlayerEnumeration, *NSpPlayerEnumerationPtr;Group Information Structure
typedef struct NSpGroupInfo { NSpGroupID id; UInt32 playerCount; NSpPlayerID players[kVariableLengthArray]; } NSpGroupInfo, *NSpGroupInfoPtr;Group Enumeration Structure
typedef struct NSpGroupEnumeration { UInt32 count; NSpGroupInfoPtr groups[kVariableLengthArray]; } NSpGroupEnumeration, *NSpGroupEnumerationPtr;Game Information Structure
typedef struct NSpGameInfo { UInt32 maxPlayers; UInt32 currentPlayers; UInt32 currentGroups; NSpTopology topology; UInt32 reserved; Str31 name; Str31 password; } NSpGameInfo;Message Header Structure
typedef struct NSpMessageHeader { UInt32 version; SInt32 what; NSpPlayerID from; NSpPlayerID to; UInt32 id; UInt32 when; UInt32 messageLen; } NSpMessageHeader;Error Message Structure
typedef struct NSpErrorMessage { NSpMessageHeader header; OSStatus error; } NSpErrorMessage;Join Request Message Structure
typedef struct NSpJoinRequestMessage { NSpMessageHeader header; Str31 name; Str31 password; UInt32 type; UInt32 customDataLen; UInt8 customData[kVariableLengthArray]; } NSpJoinRequestMessage;Join Approved Message Structure
typedef struct NSpJoinApprovedMessage { NSpMessageHeader header; } NSpJoinApprovedMessage;Join Denied Message Structure
typedef struct NSpJoinDeniedMessage { NSpMessageHeader header; Str255 reason; } NSpJoinDeniedMessage;Player Joined Message Structure
typedef struct NSpPlayerJoinedMessage { NSpMessageHeader header; UInt32 playerCount; NSpPlayerInfo playerInfo; } NSpPlayerJoinedMessage;Player Left Message Structure
typedef struct NSpPlayerLeftMessage { NSpMessageHeader header; UInt32 playerCount; NSpPlayerID playerID; } NSpPlayerLeftMessage;Host Changed Message Structure
typedef struct NSpHostChangedMessage { NSpMessageHeader header; NSpPlayerID newHost; } NSpHostChangedMessage;Game Terminated Message Structure
typedef struct NSpGameTerminatedMessage { NSpMessageHeader header; } NSpGameTerminatedMessage;NetSprocket Functions
Initializing NetSprocket
OSStatus NSpInitialize (UInt32 inStandardMessageSize, UInt32 inBufferSize, UInt32 inQElements, NSpGameID inGameID, UInt32 inTimeout); typedef pascal void (*NSpCallbackProcPtr) (NSpGameReference inGame, void *inContext, NSpEventCode inCode, OSStatus inStatus, void* inCookie); OSStatus NSpInstallCallbackHandler (NSpCallbackProcPtr inHandler, void *inContext);Human Interface Functions
NSpAddressReference NSpDoModalJoinDialog (ConstStr31Param inGameType, ConstStr31Param inEntityListLabel, Str31 ioName, Str31 ioPassword); Boolean NSpDoModalHostDialog (NSpProtocolListReference ioProtocolList, Str31 ioGameName, Str31 ioPlayerName, Str31 ioPassword);Hosting and Joining a Game
OSStatus NSpGame_Host (NSpGameReference *outGame, NSpProtocolListReference inProtocolList, UInt32 inMaxPlayers, ConstStr31Param inGameName, ConstStr31Param inPassword, ConstStr31Param inPlayerName, NSpPlayerType inPlayerType, NSpTopology inTopology, NSpFlags inFlags); OSStatus NSpGame_Join (NSpGameReference *outGame, NSpAddressReference inAddress, ConstStr31Param inName, ConstStr31Param inPassword, NSpPlayerType inType, Uint32 inUserDataLen, void *inUserData, NSpFlags inFlags); OSStatus NSpGame_EnableAdvertising (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpProtocolReference inProtocol, Boolean inEnable); OSStatus NSpGame_Delete (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpFlags inFlags); typedef pascal Boolean (*NSpJoinRequestHandlerProcPtr) (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpJoinRequestMessage *inMessage, void* inContext, Str255 outReason); OSStatus NSpInstallJoinRequestHandler (NSpJoinRequestHandlerProcPtr inHandler, void *inContext);Sending and Receiving Messages
OSStatus NSpMessage_Send (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpMessageHeader *inMessage, NSpFlags inFlags); NSpMessageHeader *NSpMessage_Get(NSpGameReference inGame); void NSpMessage_Release(NSpGameReference inGame, NSpMessageHeader *inMessage); typedef pascal Boolean (*NSpMessageHandlerProcPtr) (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpMessageHeader *inMessage, void *inContext); OSStatus NSpInstallAsyncMessageHandler (NSpMessageHandlerProcPtr inHandler, void *inContext);Managing Network Protocols
OSStatus NSpProtocol_Create (const char* inDefinitionString, NSpProtocolReference *outReference); void NSpProtocol_Delete(NSpProtocolReference inProtocolRef); OSStatus NSpProtocol_ExtractDefinitionString (NSpProtocolReference inProtocolRef, char *outDefinitionString); OSStatus NSpProtocolList_Create (NSpProtocolReference inProtocolRef, NSpProtocolListReference *outList); void NSpProtocolList_Delete (NSpProtocolListReference inProtocolList); OSStatus NSpProtocolList_Append (NSpProtocolListReference inProtocolList, NSpProtocolReference inProtocolRef); OSStatus NSpProtocolList_Remove (NSpProtocolListReference inProtocolList, NSpProtocolReference inProtocolRef); OSStatus NSpProtocolList_RemoveIndexed (NSpProtocolListReference inProtocolList, UInt32 inIndex); UInt32 NSpProtocolList_GetCount (NSpProtocolListReference inProtocolList); NSpProtocolReference NSpProtocolList_GetIndexedRef (NSpProtocolListReference inProtocolList, UInt32 inIndex); NSpProtocolReference NSpProtocol_CreateAppleTalk (ConstStr31Param inNBPName, ConstStr31Param inNBPType, UInt32 inMaxRTT, UInt32 inMinThruput); NSpProtocolReference NSpProtocol_CreateIP (InetPort inPort, UInt32 inMaxRTT, UInt32 inMinThruput);Managing Player Information
NSpPlayerID NSpPlayer_GetMyID (NSpGameReference inGame); OSStatus NSpPlayer_GetInfo (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpPlayerID inPlayerID, NSpPlayerInfoPtr *outInfo); void NSpPlayer_ReleaseInfo (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpPlayerInfoPtr inInfo); OSStatus NSpPlayer_GetEnumeration (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpPlayerEnumerationPtr *outPlayers); void NSpPlayer_ReleaseEnumeration (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpPlayerEnumerationPtr inPlayers); UInt32 NSpPlayer_GetRoundTripTime (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpPlayerID inPlayer, UInt32 inTimeout); UInt32 NSpPlayer_GetThruput (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpPlayerID inPlayer, UInt32 inTimeout);Managing Groups of Players
OSStatus NSpGroup_Create (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpGroupID *outGroupID); OSStatus NSpGroup_Delete (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpGroupID inGroupID); OSStatus NSpGroup_AddPlayer (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpGroupID inGroupID, NSpPlayerID inPlayerID); OSStatus NSpGroup_RemovePlayer (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpGroupID inGroupID, NSpPlayerID inPlayerID); OSStatus NSpGroup_GetInfo (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpGroupID inGroupID, NSpGroupInfoPtr *outInfo); void NSpGroup_ReleaseInfo (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpGroupInfoPtr inInfo); OSStatus NSpGroup_GetEnumeration (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpGroupEnumerationPtr *outGroups); void NSpGroup_ReleaseEnumeration (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpGroupEnumerationPtr inGroups);Utility Functions
void NSpClearMessageHeader (NSpGameReference inGame, NSpMessageHeader *ioMessage); UInt32 NSpGetCurrentTimeStamp (NSpGameReference inGame); NSpAddressReference NSpConvertOTAddrToAddressReference (OTAddress *inAddress); OTAddress *NSpConvertAddressReferenceToOTAddr (NSpAddressReference inAddress); void NSpReleaseAddressReference (NSpAddressReference inAddress);Result Codes
0 No error kNSpInitializationFailedErr
-30360 NetSprocket could not be initialized kNSpAlreadyInitializedErr
-30361 NetSprocket has already been initialized kNSpTopologyNotSupportedErr
-30362 The requested topology is unimplemented, or invalid value kNSpMessageSizeTooBigErr
-30363 Current memory conditions prevent message from being sent kNSpBufferTooSmallErr
-30364 The buffer allocated is too small to handle the data kNSpReceiveDataErr
-30365 A problem occurred when attempting to receive data kNSpProtocolNotAvailableErr
-30366 A protocol reference indicated a protocol that is unavailable kNSpInvalidGameRefErr
-30367 An invalid game reference was passed kNSpInvalidNetMessageErr
-30368 An invalid message was passed kNSpInvalidParameterErr
-30369 A generic parameter error occurred kNSpOTNotPresentErr
-30370 Open Transport is not installed or not installed correctly kNSpHostFailedErr
-30371 An attemp to host a game failed kNSpNotHostAddressErr
-30372 The address specified does not identify a NetSprocket host kNSpMemAllocationErr
-30373 NetSprocket has run out of memory kNSpAlreadyAdvertisingErr
-30374 The game is already being advertised on the specified protocol kNSpNoTypeSpecifiedErr
-30375 An AppleTalk protocol reference that does not specify an NBP type was passed to the host kNSpNotAdvertisingErr
-30376 The game is not being advertised at this time kNSpInvalidAddressErr
-30377 An invalid address was passed kNSpFreeQExhaustedErr
-30378 NetSprocket has exhausted its allocated queue elements and new messages will be dropped kNSpRemovePlayerFailedErr
-30379 Your attempt to remove a player failed kNSpAddressInUseErr
-30380 You are attempting to use an address that is already in use NSpFeatureNotImplementedErr
-30381 You called a NetSprocket function that is not implemented NSpNameRequiredErr
-30382 You atemped to join a game without specifying a player name NSpInvalidPlayerIDErr -30383 You tried to send a message to or get information about a player that is not currently in the game NSpInvalidGroupIDErr -30384 You tried to send a message to, or get information about a group that is not currently in the game NSpNoPlayersErr -30385 Returned by NSpPlayer_Enumerate
when there are no playersNSpNoGroupsErr -30386 Returned by NSpGroup_Enumerate
when there are no groupsNSpNoHostVolunteersErr -30387 Returned by NSpGame_Delete
when called by a host and there are no other players capable of taking over the gamekNSpCreateGroupFailedErr -30388 The attempt to creat a group failed NSpAddPlayerFailedErr -30389 An attempt to add a player to a group failed NSpInvalidDefinitionErr -30390 A invalid protocol definition string was passed to NSpProtocol_Create
NSpInvalidProtocolRefErr -30391 An invalid protocol reference was passed NSpInvalidProtocolListErr -30392 An invalid protocol list was passed kNSpTimeoutErr -30393 A time out error has occurred kNSpGameTerminatedErr -30394 An attempt to terminate the game has failed kNSpConnectFailedErr -30395 A connection attempt has failed kNSpSendFailedErr -30396 An attempt to send a message has failed kNSpPortTakenErr -30397 The port you attempted to use is already in use kNSpNotPlayingErr -30398 The player you sent a message to is not playing the game