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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 4 - NetSprocket / NetSprocket Reference
Data Structures

Game Information Structure

Basic information about the game is organized in the game information structure. You can use this structure to maintain and obtain basic information about key elements in the game, including information about players, groups, and topology. The game information structure is defined by the NSpGameInfo data type.

typedef struct NSpGameInfo {
   UInt32                     maxPlayers;
   UInt32                     currentPlayers;
   UInt32                     currentGroups;
   NSpTopology                topology;
   UInt32                     reserved;
   Str31                      name;
   Str31                      password;
} NSpGameInfo;
Field descriptions

The maximum number of players allowed in the game, as specified in the inMaxPlayers parameter NSpGame_Host function. A value of 0 means there is no limit.
The number of players currently participating in the game.
The number of groups in the game.
A constant describing the topology of the network.
This field is reserved for future use in NetSprocket. Do not modify or rely upon any data in this field.
The text descriptor identifying the game.
The password required to join the game. A value of NULL means no password is required.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996