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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 4 - NetSprocket / NetSprocket Reference
NetSprocket Functions / Initializing NetSprocket

Your Callback Function

You can define a callback function that NetSprocket will call for various asynchronous events. You do not need to define a callback function unless you plan to use certain advanced features of NetSprocket.

typedef pascal void (*NSpCallbackProcPtr) (
	NSpGameReference inGame,
	void *inContext,
	NSpEventCode inCode,
	OSStatus inStatus,
	void* inCookie);
An opaque reference to the game object making the callback.
A pointer that you passed in to the installation function.
A value describing what kind of event is being passed to your generic callback function when the callback is made.
A status code containing noErr, a NetSprocket error, or an Open Transport error.
A pointer that may be NULL or point to certain extra data for certain kinds of events.
NetSprocket 1.0 does not make any generic asynchronous callbacks.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996