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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /
Chapter 1 - SoundSprocket / SoundSprocket Reference
Sound Manager Functions / Getting and Setting Sound Channel Information


You can use the SndGetInfo function to get information about a sound channel.

pascal OSStatus SndGetInfo (
SndChannelPtr chan,
OSType selector,
void *infoPtr);
A pointer to a sound channel.
A sound channel information selector specifying the kind of information you want to get about the sound channel. See "Sound Channel Information Selectors" (page 1-23) for a description of the selectors defined by SoundSprocket.
A pointer to a buffer in which the information is to be returned. This buffer must be large enough for the type of information specified by the selector parameter.
function result
A result code.
The SndGetInfo function returns, in the infoPtr parameter, a pointer to a buffer holding the information of the type specified by the selector parameter about the sound channel specified by the chan parameter.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996