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Inside Macintosh: Apple Game Sprockets Guide /

Chapter 1 - SoundSprocket

This chapter describes SoundSprocket, the part of Apple Game Sprockets that you can use to provide spatial filtering for sounds. For example, you can use SoundSprocket functions to make a sound appear to move from the listener's right to left as an image moves from right to left on the screen. Or, you can use SoundSprocket functions to make a sound appear to approach the listener at a specific speed from a specific direction.

Before reading this chapter, you should be generally familiar with Apple Game Sprockets, as described in the preface to this book. To use this chapter, you should already be familiar with the Sound Manager, as described in Inside Macintosh: Sound. You need to know how to create and manage sound channels, through which the spatially filtered sounds are played. You also need to use the Sound Manager to load and play sounds (which can be stored in resources or data files, or generated dynamically at run time).

To use this chapter, you might also want to be familiar with QuickDraw 3D. SoundSprocket uses some QuickDraw 3D data types (such as TQ3Point3D) to describe the location of sounds in space and to describe rotations or other manipulations on those locations. See 3D Graphics Programming With QuickDraw 3D for a description of the data types borrowed by SoundSprocket.

This chapter begins by describing the basic capabilities of SoundSprocket. Then it shows how to use some of those capabilities to make sounds appear to move in three-dimensional space. The section "Summary of SoundSprocket" (page 1-70), provides a complete reference to the constants, data structures, and functions provided by SoundSprocket. This section also describes two Sound Manager functions, SndGetInfo and SndSetInfo, that were added to Sound Manager version 3.1 and which are used by SoundSprocket; see "Getting and Setting Sound Channel Information" (page 1-67) for details.

This chapter describes the application programming interfaces supported by versions 1.0 and later of SoundSprocket.

Chapter Contents
About SoundSprocket
The Virtual Audio Environment
Sound Sources
Optimizing Sound and Performance
Experiencing Game Sound Via Speakers and Headphones
Using SoundSprocket
Configuring Sound Output Devices
Installing the Localization Component
Controlling Filters
Accessing Version Information
Changing Localization Parameters
Determining CPU Load Steps
Changing Speaker Configurations
Creating Listeners and Sound Sources
Updating the Virtual Audio Environment
Using the Low-Level Interfaces
SoundSprocket Reference
Component Types and Subtypes
Sound Channel Information Selectors
Speaker Types
Sound Media
Source Modes
Data Structures
Filter Version Structure
Sound Component Link Structure
3D Sound Setup Structure
Source Location Structure
Virtual Source Structure
3D Sound Information Structure
SoundSprocket Functions
Controlling Sound Output Devices
Creating and Managing Listeners
Creating and Managing 3D Sound Sources
Sound Manager Functions
Getting and Setting Sound Channel Information
Summary of SoundSprocket
Component Types and Subtypes
Sound Channel Information Selectors
Speaker Types
Sound Media
Source Modes
Data Types
Filter Version Structure
Sound Component Link Structure
3D Sound Setup Structure
Source Location Structure
Virtual Source Structure
3D Sound Information Structure
SoundSprocket Functions
Controlling Sound Output Devices
Creating and Managing Listeners
Creating and Managing 3D Sound Sources
Sound Manager Functions
Getting and Setting Sound Channel Information
Result Codes

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996