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Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials /
Chapter 6 - Dialog Manager / Dialog Manager Reference
Dialog Manager Routines

Handling Text in Alert and Dialog Boxes

The Dialog Manager provides several routines for manipulating text. You can use the ParamText procedure to supply text strings, such as document titles, dynamically
in the static text items of alert and dialog boxes. The GetDialogItemText and SetDialogItemText procedures are useful for determining and changing text in both static text and editable text items. You can use the SelectDialogItemText procedure to select and highlight text in an editable text item.

When a dialog box containing an editable text item is active, use the DialogCut procedure to handle the Cut editing command, the DialogCopy procedure to handle the Copy command, the DialogPaste procedure to handle the Paste command, and the DialogDelete procedure to handle the Clear command.

Once you determine that an event occurs in a modeless or movable modal dialog box, you can use the DialogSelect function, which is described on page 6-132, to handle key-down events in editable text items automatically. The ModalDialog procedure
uses DialogSelect to handle key-down events in the editable text items of modal dialog boxes.


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© Apple Computer, Inc.
11 JUL 1996