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Leopard Reference Library: Porting
Apple provides many programming resources for creating Mac OS X applications, some of which are suited to developers bringing applications over from the Windows Win32 platform. Developers can use these resources tol help make informed decisions when porting a Win32 application to Mac OS X.

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BasicPlugIn (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses the CFPlugin to locate, load, execute plugin. Derived from the SillyBalls sample.
Sample Code 2003-07-28
Embedding Bonjour in Windows Applications (HTML)
TN2210: Details the proper steps necessary for a Windows Developer to include Bonjour for Windows in their application.
Technical Notes 2008-01-17
Porting to Mac OS X from Windows Win32 API (HTML) (PDF)
Describes how to port your Windows Win32 applications to Mac OS X.
Guides 2009-05-06
Setting environment variables for user processes (HTML)
QA1067: Tells how to set environment variables for user processes.
Technical Q&As 2001-10-25