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The Reference Library is a comprehensive collection of Apple technical resources, including Articles, Guides, Reference, Release Notes, Sample Code, Technical Notes, and Technical Q&As. Each of the links below leads to the resources for a specific topic.

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Audio Queue - Looping Compressed Audio (HTML)
QA1636: Discusses the format information required to seamlessly loop compressed audio using Audio Queue.
Audio Technical Q&As 2009-02-20
Audio Queue Services Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes how to play and record audio using Audio Queue Services.
Audio, Carbon, Cocoa Guides 2007-10-31
Audio Queue Services Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes a high-level programming interface for recording and playing back audio data.
Audio, Carbon Reference 2008-07-08
Audio Toolbox Framework Reference (HTML)
Describes the Core Audio API to access audio files and convert between linear PCM and compressed audio formats.
Audio Reference 2006-11-07
Audio Unit Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use Core Audio frameworks and the Core Audio SDK to create audio units.
Audio, Carbon, Cocoa Guides 2007-10-31
Audio Unit Resizing (HTML)
QA1343: Discusses the host's responsibilities when resizing Audio Units.
Audio Technical Q&As 2004-03-23
Audio Unit Validation Using the auval Tool (HTML)
TN2204: Test the conformance of audio units to Audio Unit Services.
Audio Technical Notes 2008-09-08
Audio Units: Embedding a Carbon View in a Cocoa Window (HTML)
TN2213: Carbon-Cocoa Integration for Audio Units
Audio Technical Notes 2008-02-29
AudioBurn (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to create an object conforming to the DRTrackProduction protocol to create a RedBook audio CD.
Cocoa Sample Code 2005-03-17
audioburntest (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses the DRTrackCallbackProc and track properties to create a RedBook audio CD from AIFF files.
Carbon Sample Code 2003-01-14
AudioCDSample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to discover audio CDs and access the TOC information presented by the CD-DA filesystem.
Audio, Hardware & Drivers Sample Code 2005-10-04
AudioChannelLayout - What's the Audio Channel Order when the Layout has a Channel Bitmap? (HTML)
QA1638: Explains the audio channel order when a channel layout is tagged as kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelBitmap.
Audio, QuickTime Technical Q&As 2009-04-12
audiocodec (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A Sound Manager compressor and decompressor example supporting the uLaw format.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-01-14
audiocodec.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
An example codec, a compressor and decompressor supporting the uLaw format.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-01-14
audioconverter.win (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
SoundConverter routines to convert AIFF and AIFC files into AIFF/AIFC or QuickTime. Parse AIFF/AIFC files.
QuickTime Sample Code 2003-01-14
AudioConverter: How do I know when I am done? (HTML)
QA1532: Describes how to correctly signal AudioConverter when a conversion is completed.
Audio Technical Q&As 2007-08-23
AudioDevice sample rates (HTML)
QA1196: Getting, setting and converting sample rates with Audio Devices.
Audio Technical Q&As 2003-12-09
AudioDeviceNotify (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates how to enumerate audio devices attached to the system and how to handle device notifications
Audio, Carbon, Cocoa Sample Code 2006-04-21
AudioQueueTest (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates AudioQueue, an audio playback API introduced in Mac OS X 10.5
Audio, Carbon Sample Code 2006-08-01
AudioQueueTools (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates usage of the AudioQueue API
Audio Sample Code 2007-06-08
AUGraphs and AudioUnit connections (HTML)
QA1174: Discusses AudioUnit connection issues when using more than one AudioUnit or an AUGraph.
Audio Technical Q&As 2003-12-09
AuthForAll (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to use Authorization Services to create a self-restricted application.
Security Sample Code 2005-10-26
Authorization for Everyone (HTML)
TN2095: Describes applications of Authorization Services beyond simple privilege requesting.
Carbon, Security Technical Notes 2008-01-30
Authorization Plug-in Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the C API for implementing an authorization plug-in.
Carbon, Security Reference 2007-05-15
Authorization Services C Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the C API for adding fine-grained control of privileged operations in an application.
Carbon, Security Reference 2005-11-08
Authorization Services Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to add fine-grained control of privileged operations in an application.
Carbon, Cocoa, Darwin, Open Source, Security Guides 2009-01-06
AuthorizationCreateFromExternalForm 100022 Error Explained (HTML)
QA1498: Explains the undocumented 100022 return value from AuthorizationCreateFromExternalForm.
Security Technical Q&As 2007-01-04
Automatically starting and stopping application instances without using Monitor (HTML)
QA1064: Describes how to use WebObjects' monitor utility to stop and start application instances.
Tools Technical Q&As 2001-07-25
Automating Development Tasks with Automator and Xcode (HTML)
Learn to streamline daily tasks in your development projects using Automator.
Apple Applications, Scripting & Automation, Tools Articles 2006-08-07
Automator AppleScript Actions Tutorial (HTML) (PDF)
Guides you through the procedure for creating a simple Automator action implemented in AppleScript.
Apple Applications, Scripting & Automation Guides 2007-07-18
Automator Constants Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the constants defined in the Automator framework not described in individual classes.
Apple Applications, Cocoa Reference 2007-05-10
Automator Framework Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the Objective-C API for creating and working with actions used by the Automator application.
Apple Applications, Cocoa, Scripting & Automation Reference 2006-10-26
Automator Programming Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the concepts and tasks for developing actions, which are bundles loaded by the Automator application.
Apple Applications, Cocoa, Scripting & Automation, Tools Guides 2007-12-11
Automator Reference Update (HTML) (PDF)
Summarizes the symbols added to the Automtor framework.
Apple Applications, Cocoa, Scripting & Automation Release Notes 2007-07-25
Automator Release Notes (HTML)
Updated for changes in Mac OS X version 10.5.
Apple Applications, Cocoa, Scripting & Automation, Tools Release Notes 2007-10-31
AutomatorHandsOn (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Illustrates several methods for building Automator Actions
Apple Applications, Scripting & Automation Sample Code 2007-06-12
AutoSample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
How to run and display Automator workflows in your application.
Cocoa, Scripting & Automation Sample Code 2007-05-23
AutoUpdater (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
This sample demonstrates Cocoa networking using the NSURL loading classes, NSURLConnection and NSURLDownload.
Cocoa, Internet & Web, Networking Sample Code 2005-06-01
Availability of Quartz Composer Patches in Web Kit (HTML)
QA1505: Details which Quartz Composer patches are available in Web Kit
Apple Applications, Carbon, Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging, Internet & Web, Networking Technical Q&As 2007-03-05
Available FireWire Isochronous Bandwidth (HTML)
QA1356: Discusses attempting to "pre-flight" an isochronous bandwidth allocation request by reading the currently available bandwidth.
Audio, Hardware & Drivers, QuickTime Technical Q&As 2004-07-07
Avoiding Kernel Event Conflicts (HTML)
QA1063: Documents the namespace for the vendor_code field of the kern_event_msg structure.
Carbon, Darwin, Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 2001-09-14
Avoiding Pauses When Looping Audio files with QuickTime (HTML)
QA1371: Demonstrates how to avoid pauses when looping audio files with QuickTime
Audio, Carbon, Games, QuickTime Technical Q&As 2004-09-08
Avoiding the -42 error with DiscRecording (HTML)
QA1292: Explains how to workaround the -42 error when using the DiscRecording API.
Carbon, Cocoa Technical Q&As 2004-05-25
Background-only apps with NSStatusItems become active in 10.1 on NSStatusItem clicks (HTML)
QA1081: Preventing background-only apps from activating when their NSStatusItem(s) are clicked in Mac OS X 10.1.
Cocoa Technical Q&As 2001-10-30
BackgroundExporter (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates techniques which can be used to export QuickTime movies in a separate export process.
Carbon, Cocoa, QuickTime Sample Code 2005-07-22
Backup Core Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes the C API for managing the backup exclusion status of files and folders.
User Experience Reference 2006-07-31
Base Utilities Reference (HTML) (PDF)
Describes basic Core Foundation functions.
Core Foundation Reference 2007-01-15
Base-Derived async image codecs must implement ImageCodecQueueStarting and ImageCodecQueueStopping (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1157: Describes why base-derived codecs that set canAsync must implement ImageCodecQueueStarting and ImageCodecQueueStopping.
Carbon, QuickTime Technical Q&As 2002-07-09
BasicCocoaAnimations (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
"BasicCocoaAnimations" demonstrates the use of the animator proxy to easily animate Cocoa views and windows.
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging, User Experience Sample Code 2007-06-11
BasicDataBrowser (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows how to create a basic, functional data browser.
Carbon Sample Code 2003-05-08
BasicInputMethod (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
An input method implemented as a text service component for Mac OS X.
Carbon, Text & Fonts, User Experience Sample Code 2003-01-14
BasicPlugIn (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Uses the CFPlugin to locate, load, execute plugin. Derived from the SillyBalls sample.
Carbon, Porting Sample Code 2003-07-28
Batch Exporting movie sound tracks with ConvertMovieToFile() (HTML)
QTMTB62: Explains how to configure ConvertMovieToFile to use the same configuration information for more than one call.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2000-09-05
Be careful when using AuthorizationCreate (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1172: Explains why you should avoid determining allowable rights when creating an AuthorizationRef.
Security Technical Q&As 2002-09-20
BeginMediaEdits -2050 badDataRefIndex error after calling NewMovie (HTML)
QTMTB58: Describes reasons why BeginMediaEdits would return the -2050 badDataRefIndex error code during a media-editing session.
QuickTime Technical Q&As 2000-09-05
The Benefits of HIToolbox: the Evolving Widget Set (HTML)
Learn how to get started working with HIView control types.
Carbon Articles 2004-06-14
BetterAuthorizationSample (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows the recommended way to access privileged functionality from a non-privileged application on Mac OS X.
Security Sample Code 2007-11-27
Big Top User Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to monitor the use of resources on Macintosh computers, locally and over a network.
Tools Guides 2007-10-31
Binary Data Programming Guide for Cocoa (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to create and use Cocoa data objects, object-oriented wrappers for byte buffers.
Cocoa Guides 2009-05-06
Binary Data Programming Guide for Core Foundation (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to create and use Core Foundation data objects, object-oriented wrappers for byte buffers.
Carbon, Core Foundation Guides 2006-01-10
Binding your Preferences in Cocoa (HTML)
Learn to use bindings by creating a simple app.
Cocoa Articles 2004-04-26
BindingsJoystick (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Illustrates a bindings-enabled subclass of NSView.
Cocoa Sample Code 2005-06-01
Birthdays (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Dashboard widget with a plug-in that queries AddressBook.framework for contacts with upcoming birthdays.
Apple Applications, Tools Sample Code 2008-09-10
Shows how to draw directly to the screen without syncing to the VBL of the monitor.
Graphics & Imaging, Performance Sample Code 2003-01-14
Shows how to have Mac OS X try its best to sync to the VBL for you.
Games, Graphics & Imaging, Hardware & Drivers, Performance Sample Code 2003-01-14
BlockAnimation (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
A bit of java code which INCORRECTLY handles animation
Java, Tools Sample Code 2006-08-01
BlockedEventQueue (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Counter-example: shows hang when Java ActionListener blocks AWTEventQueue
Java Sample Code 2006-04-13
Bluetooth Developer Note (HTML)
Provides an overview of Bluetooth technology and describes its implementation in Mac computers.
Hardware & Drivers Guides 2008-04-28
Bluetooth Device Access Guide (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to develop applications that access Bluetooth-enabled devices.
Hardware & Drivers Guides 2007-12-11
Bluetooth Framework Reference (HTML)
Describes the C and Objective-C APIs that support user-space access to Bluetooth devices.
Darwin, Hardware & Drivers Reference 2008-10-15
Bluetooth Radio Power Class for Apple Systems (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1278: Notes Preferred Bluetooth Transmitter Characteristics for products designed for Apple Systems.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 2003-08-06
Bluetooth User Interface Framework Reference (HTML)
Describes the C and Objective-C APIs that provide a consistent user interface to Bluetooth services.
Darwin, Hardware & Drivers Reference 2008-04-08
BoingX (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Shows off using Quartz Extreme to provide borderless OpenGL content on the desktop.
Cocoa, Games, Graphics & Imaging Sample Code 2007-11-06
Boinx Starts with Sample Code: FotoMagico Is a Powerful Digital Slideshow (HTML)
Starting with Apple sample code, tools and technologies, Boinx wrote FotoMagico in a matter of months.
Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging, QuickTime, Tools, User Experience Articles 2007-12-11
BOM characters in 'utxt' clipboard flavor (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
QA1221: Explains the use of the BOM character in 'utxt' scrap data
Cocoa, Internationalization Technical Q&As 2003-01-20
Bonjour and wake from sleep (HTML)
QA1290: Explains why applications that use Bonjour should stay registered and continue browsing on sleep.
Carbon, Cocoa, Networking Technical Q&As 2003-09-18
Bonjour enforces the service type format in Panther (HTML)
QA1198: Explains why registering a Bonjour service might fail on Panther.
Carbon, Cocoa, Hardware & Drivers, Networking Technical Q&As 2004-03-23
Bonjour enforces the TXT record format in Panther (HTML)
QA1306: Explains how mDNSResponder enforces the proper TXT record format in Panther.
Carbon, Cocoa, Core Foundation, Darwin, Networking Technical Q&As 2004-07-14
Bonjour Overview (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use Apple's zero-configuration networking architecture in Cocoa applications.
Games, Networking Guides 2006-05-23
Bonjour Printer Subtype for HTTP (HTML)
QA1555: Describes how printer vendors can register their bonjour service such that Safari can see them.
Apple Applications, Carbon, Cocoa, Core Foundation, Darwin, Enterprise IT, Networking, Open Source, Printing Technical Q&As 2008-03-25
Bonjour service types used in Mac OS X (HTML)
QA1312: Provides a list of common Bonjour service types used in Mac OS X.
Hardware & Drivers, Networking Technical Q&As 2004-07-14
Bonjour TXT record rate limiting in Panther (HTML)
QA1293: Explains how mDNSResponder implements TXT record rate limiting in Panther.
Carbon, Cocoa, Hardware & Drivers, Networking Technical Q&As 2003-10-23
Boot Blocks (HTML)
Deprecated - DV03: Warns that Boot Block form and function will change and describes undocumented Boot Blocks features.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Notes 1987-03-01
Booting after invoking the Open Firmware user interface (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
HW48: Tells how to boot a system after entering the Open Firmware user interface.
Hardware & Drivers Technical Q&As 1999-02-15
BootstrapDump (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Print Mach bootstrap namespace information.
Darwin Sample Code 2008-06-18
Bouncy (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demostrates using Shark For Java to profile Java Applications
Java Sample Code 2006-04-17
Bound Button (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Illustrates using Cocoa bindings to bind a button's target and action parameters.
Cocoa Sample Code 2007-06-08
BowelsOfTheMemoryManager (aka YourHeapIsProbablyCorrupt) (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
Deprecated - ME05: What the symbol BowelsoftheMemoryManager means and the most probable cause of this symbol in MacsBug.
Carbon Technical Q&As 2001-02-01
Boxes (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use Cocoa boxes.
Cocoa, User Experience Guides 2003-02-15
BrideOfMungGrab (HTML) (DMG) (ZIP)
Demonstrates the use of overlay windows and CG to draw text on captured video.
Carbon, QuickTime Sample Code 2005-08-12
Browser Plugins in Mac OS X (HTML) (日本語 HTML)
TN2020: Describes the format of web browser plugins for Mac OS X.
Apple Applications, Carbon Technical Notes 2001-05-31
Browsers (HTML) (PDF)
Explains how to use Cocoa browsers.
Cocoa, User Experience Guides 2004-08-31
Program sample demonstrates how to send and receive raw LLC Ethernet packets.
Carbon, Core Foundation, Hardware & Drivers, Mac OS X Server, Networking, Performance, Security Sample Code 2003-06-12
Bug Reporting Best Practices (HTML)
Provides information regarding the best means in which to file a bug report.
Tools Articles 2007-05-25
Building a JNI Universal Application with Xcode (HTML)
Learn to add Mac OS X features into your Java application using JNI and Xcode.
Internet & Web, Java, Tools Articles 2006-03-20
Building an Open Source Universal Binary (HTML)
Learn to build a universal binary through this sample build that uses OpenSSL.
Darwin, Open Source Articles 2006-04-24
Building Customized User Client Drivers for USB Devices (HTML)
Learn how to write the setup code for card readers, bill validators, and other devices.
Hardware & Drivers Articles 2006-06-26
Building Darwin (HTML)
Explains how to work with the Darwin build system using the build tools provided.
Darwin Guides 2001-10-08
Building Objective-C static libraries with categories (HTML)
QA1490: Describes how to properly build Objective-C static libraries that contain categories on existing classes.
Cocoa, Tools Technical Q&As 2006-10-03
Building Universal Binaries from "configure"-based Open Source Projects (HTML)
TN2137: Describes some methods for building some existing "configure"-based Open Source packages as universal binaries.
Darwin, Enterprise IT, Open Source Technical Notes 2006-10-05