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Sequence Grabber - Ensuring the SG TimeBase is being driven by the Sound Clock.
QA1314: Ensuring the Sequence Grabber TimeBase is being driven by the Sound Clock when recording audio and video.
QuickTime |
Bonjour TXT record rate limiting in Panther
QA1293: Explains how mDNSResponder implements TXT record rate limiting in Panther.
Carbon, Cocoa, Hardware & Drivers, Networking |
Registering a Bonjour service multiple times
QA1311: Explains why registering the same Bonjour service twice on the same machine doesn't cause a name conflict.
Carbon, Hardware & Drivers, Networking |
Third party VFS can't unmount on Mac OS X 10.3
QA1308: Describes changes in unmounting behavior for VFS plug-ins under Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther."
Carbon, Cocoa |
How to handle audio data with magic cookie information
QA1318: How to handle sound files with magic cookies when using an AudioConverter.
Audio |
Important Java Directories on Mac OS X
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QA1170: Mac OS X equivalents of common Java runtime and development directories.
Java |
QuickTime 6.4 & AvailabilityMacros.h on Mac OS X 10.2.x
QA1316: Fixing compilation issues when upgrading to QuickTime 6.4 on Mac OS X 10.2.x systems.
QuickTime, Tools |
Sharpening Full Scene Anti-Aliasing Details
QA1268: Using full scene anti-aliasing (FSAA) in OpenGL applications.
Graphics & Imaging |
Sleep vs. Doze on Mac OS X
QA1309: Discusses and demonstrates sleep versus doze detection on Machintosh Mac OS X
Darwin, Hardware & Drivers, Performance |
Exception in JFileChooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed
Deprecated - QA1280: Workaround for a known issue in Java 1.4.1 Update 1 on Jaguar.
Java |
paramErr returned from ConvertMovieToFile when exporting to .wav
QA1313: Avoid a paramErr returned from ConvertMovieToFile by setting up a Sound Description when exporting to a .wav file.
QuickTime |
PCI/PCI-X slots on the Power Mac G5
QA1307: Discusses installing PCI/PCI-X cards of different speeds in the Power Mac G5.
Darwin, Hardware & Drivers |
Providing QuickDraw with a Known Good Port
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Deprecated - QA1237: How to use SetPort( NULL) to provide QuickDraw with a known good port.
Graphics & Imaging |
How can I tell if a PCI device has on board I/O space?
QA1287: Demonstrates "how to" tell if a PCI device has on board I/O space.
Hardware & Drivers |
Sequence Grabber - Setting the sound channel play through state
QA1303: Setting the Sound play though state when previewing and recording a sound channel with the Sequence Grabber.
QuickTime |
Bonjour and wake from sleep
QA1290: Explains why applications that use Bonjour should stay registered and continue browsing on sleep.
Carbon, Cocoa, Networking |
NSL and how it relates to Bonjour
QA1299: Explains the relationship between NSL and Bonjour.
Carbon, Networking |
Debugging arbitrary applications with Xcode
QA1305: Debugging an application with Xcode without requiring the project that built the application.
Tools |
How to add other pasteboard types to an HFS Promise drag in Cocoa
QA1300: Explains how to add other pasteboard types to an HFS Promise drag in Cocoa.
Cocoa |
How to remove the "Open Recent" menu item in a Document-based Cocoa application
QA1289: Explains how to remove the "Open Recent" menu item in a Document-based Cocoa application.
Cocoa |
How to set a custom drag image when doing an HFS Promise drag in Cocoa
QA1200: Explains how to set a custom drag image when doing an HFS Promise drag in Cocoa.
Cocoa |
Spaces in project names: solving "Missing file or directory" errors in Project Builder
QA1301: Explains "Missing file or directory" errors when building with Project Builder.
Tools |
Remote or Two-Machine Debugging Applications with GDB
QA1279: Explains how to setup a remote or two-machine debugging configuration using gdb and ssh.
Tools |
Sequence Grabber - How do I save user settings as CFPreferences?
QA1286: Saving UserData settings returned from the Sequence Grabber as CFPreferences.
QuickTime |
CFXML to CFPropertyListRef (and back!)
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QA1208: Describes to how save and restore a CFPropertyListRef to and from an XML file.
Carbon, Cocoa, Core Foundation |
Correcting a PackageMaker version.plist and BundleVersions.plist problem
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QA1281: Describes how to correct a PackageMaker version.plist and BundleVersions.plist problem.
Tools |
Getting owner and group name references for PackageMaker package contents
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QA1285: Describes how to get owner and group name references for PackageMaker package contents.
Tools |
PackageMaker's NeedsAuthorization value causes install to fail
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QA1283: Provides a workaround when PackageMaker's NeedsAuthorization value causes a Mac OS X 10.1 installation failure.
Tools |
SDRAM Problems With Self-Powered USB Devices
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HW82: Alerts that non-compliant, self-powered USB devices plugged into a G4, can cause problems with low-voltage-sensitive SDRAM .
Hardware & Drivers |
Non Mac OS X Bundled data-fork based Resources
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QA1098: Mac OS X Bundled data-fork based Resources
Carbon, Mac OS X Server |
Using a QuickTime time base callback to detect when a movie has stopped
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QA1282: Using a QuickTime time base callback (NewCallBack) to detect when a movie has stopped.
QuickTime |
Bluetooth Radio Power Class for Apple Systems
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QA1278: Notes Preferred Bluetooth Transmitter Characteristics for products designed for Apple Systems.
Hardware & Drivers |
Security Credentials
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QA1277: Discusses AuthorizationCopyRights and the relationship between Authorization Services, authorization sessions, Security Server, credentials, and the credentials cache.
Security |
Customizing Component Border Colors
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QA1272: Retaining Aqua background for JComboBox menus with custom control borders.
Java |
Filtering QuickTime media types in Navigation Services
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QA1274: Describes how to filter QuickTime media types in a Navigation Services filter procedure.
Carbon, QuickTime |
The Data Browser GetDataBrowserUserState API
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QA1270: Explains a problematic Data Browser API definition and how to work around it.
Carbon |
CGImageRef contents are immutable
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QA1276: Explains that CGImageRef contents are considered immutable once created.
Carbon, Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging |
Sequence Grabber Source, Video, and Channel Bounds
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QA1250: Explains the QuickTime Sequence Grabber's relationship between the Source, Video, and Channel Bounds when capturing video.
QuickTime |
Tioga PostScript Printing Plugins in Mac OS X 10.2
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QA1085: Why Tioga printing plugins for PostScript printing aren't called on Mac OS X 10.2 and later.
Graphics & Imaging, Printing |
Image Decompressor Data-loading Procs
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QTMCC19: Explains how to use an image decompressor's data-loading proc.
QuickTime |
DRAM DIMM power pin connections for Macintosh Computers
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QA1271: Discusses design considerations for DRAM DIMM power pin connections for Macintosh Computers.
Hardware & Drivers |
Updating OpenGL Contexts
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QA1209: When and why to update an OpenGL context in response to system and user actions.
Carbon, Games, Graphics & Imaging |
Power adapter Sensing for the 17" PowerBook
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QA1266: Details Design and detection considerations for 17-inch PowerBook power adapters
Hardware & Drivers |
Can't attach during two-machine debugging with GDB
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Deprecated - QA1019: Describes a workaround for a problem attaching during two-machine debugging on Mac OS X 10.0.x.
Darwin, Tools |
How do I count the frames in an MPEG movie?
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QTMTB54: Talks about using the QuickTime Movie Toolbox function GetMovieNextInterestingTime with MPEG media tracks.
QuickTime |
Empty Memory Objects
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QA1259: Describes how two memory management edge cases are handled by the common Mac OS memory allocators.
Carbon, Hardware & Drivers |
Is ColorSync thread safe?
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QA1261: Discusses ColorSync thread-safety issues.
Carbon, Cocoa, Games, Graphics & Imaging, Mac OS X Server, Performance, QuickTime |
Notifying the Finder of changed or newly created files
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QA1260: Recommended approach to notifying the Finder to update its open windows of a file creation or change.
Carbon |
PPPoE Server for Testing
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QA1252: Describes how to configure Mac OS X as a PPPoE server for testing purposes.
Carbon, Cocoa, Networking |
Can I have parameters of type typeHIRect instead of type typeQDRectangle in my kEventControlBoundsChanged message handler?
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QA1246: Details the automatic coercions between QuickDraw and Quartz types provided by the Carbon Event Parameter accessors.
Carbon |
'dynamic shared library not made a weak library in output with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET...' bug
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QA1233: Why 'ld' may give a warning about the Mac OS X_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable and its failure to weak link.
Tools |
FSSetCatalogInfo versus UID and GID
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QA1251: Describes why FSSetCatalogInfo does not set the UID and GID of the file, and provides a work around.
Carbon, Cocoa |
Internet Connect Speed
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QA1165: Describes how to get the modem connection speed from the System Configuration framework dynamic store.
Carbon, Core Foundation, Games, Internet & Web, Mac OS X Server, Networking |
Disabling QuickTime Error Dialogs When Opening or Tasking a Movie
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QA1164: How to disable QuickTime error dialogs which may be presented when opening or tasking a movie.
QuickTime |
Project Builder 2.1 needs projects to be checked into CVS to enable CVS support
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QA1245: Explains how to workaround a bug in Project Builder that blocks CVS functionality.
Tools |
QuickTime Error -2127 qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr Explained
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QA1244: QuickTime qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr error code (-2127) occurs when the user's Connection Speed preference setting is too slow.
QuickTime |
Using cmpWantsRegisterMessage not recommended on Mac OS X
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QA1192: Describes why using the cmpWantsRegisterMessage flag is not recommended on Mac OS X.
QuickTime |
How can I verify that a Movie can actually draw into a non-RGB GWorld?
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QA1243: Techniques to verify that a Movie can actually draw into a non-RGB GWorld.
QuickTime |
Viewing multi-page PDF files
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QA1247: How to draw each page of a multi-page PDF document using the QuickTime movie importers.
QuickTime |
How do I use PMSessionGetGraphicsContext to get a CGContextRef?
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Deprecated - QA1216: Describes how to use PMSessionSetDocumentFormatGeneration and PMSessionGetGraphicsContext to get a CGContextRef for printing.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, Printing |
Quartz 2D Thread Safety
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QA1238: Explains the thread-safety issues for the Quartz 2D API.
Carbon, Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging, Performance, Printing |
Accessing HTTPS Proxy Settings
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QA1234: Describes how to programatically access Secure Web Proxy information.
Carbon, Core Foundation, Games, Internet & Web, Mac OS X Server, Networking, Security |
Text Encodings in VFS
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QA1173: How to handle text encodings correctly when writing a file system (VFS) plug-in for Mac OS X.
Carbon, Darwin |
Converting to Precomposed Unicode
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QA1235: Describes how to convert a string to precomposed Unicode.
Carbon, Cocoa, Core Foundation, Internationalization, Text & Fonts |
Movie Export Components - Supporting a MovieProgressProc
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QA1230: Explains the steps needed to support a movie progress proc in a movie export component.
QuickTime |
Adding menu separator items to controls in a Sherlock channel
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QA1219: Using menu-item separators in an NSPopUpButton control of a Sherlock channel.
Apple Applications |
BOM characters in 'utxt' clipboard flavor
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QA1221: Explains the use of the BOM character in 'utxt' scrap data
Cocoa, Internationalization |
File Manager Text Encoding Hints
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QA1223: How to use Text Encoding Hints.
Carbon, Darwin |
Why does my identity matrix look strange?
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QA1227: Discusses the MatrixRecord structure and QuadToQuadMatrix function.
QuickTime |
Using QTSetAtomData
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QA1231: Explains what QTSetAtomData does with the data passed into it.
QuickTime |
Video Output Components - QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor
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QA1226: Discusses the QTVideoOutputGetIndImageDecompressor call.
QuickTime |
Using Clip Region and Buffer Rectangles with OpenGL Carbon
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QA1222: Shows the basics of using buffer rectangles and clip regions with AGL.
Carbon, Games, Graphics & Imaging |
How do I tell if a particular display is being hardware accelerated by Quartz Extreme?
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QA1218: Describes how to use CGDisplayUsesOpenGLAcceleration to see if a display is accelerated or not.
Carbon, Cocoa, Games, Graphics & Imaging, Performance |
How can I programmatically determine the DPI of the current video mode?
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QA1217: Describes how to compute the DPI for a given display in a given mode using Core Graphics.
Carbon, Cocoa, Games, Graphics & Imaging |
GetProcAdress and OpenGL Entry Points
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QA1188: Technique for finding function pointers for OpenGL entry points in Cocoa and Carbon
Carbon, Games, Graphics & Imaging |
Problems recording CopyBits into a PICT on Mac OS X 10.2
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QA1189: Identifies a problem with CopyBits and PICT on Mac OS X 10.2 and gives a simple workaround.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, Porting |
Are the root control, the root view, and the content view the same entity?
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QA1214: Details the differences and similitudes between the root control, the root view, and the content view of windows.
Carbon |
CGContext parameter missing in my kEventControlDraw event
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QA1212: Explains in which case your kEventControlDraw handler wouldn't receive a CGContext parameter.
Carbon |
Do I have to call CreateRootControl after creating my window?
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QA1215: Explains when and when not to call CreateRootControl after creating a window.
Carbon |
HIObjectRegisterSubclass returns paramErr
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QA1213: Explains in which case HIObjectRegisterSubclass would return paramErr and gives a work around.
Carbon |
What is the minimal set of Carbon Events I need to override in order to implement a simple custom push button?
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QA1210: Details the minimal set of Carbon Events needed to implement a simple custom push button HIView.
Carbon |
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QA1128: Explains when to use QDSwapPort.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, Porting |
Using cmPathBased profile locations on Mac OS X
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QA1203: Shows how to correctly specify cmPath-based profile locations on Mac OS X
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging |
Why does logging keep my Printer Module from working?
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Deprecated - QA1182: Describes some problems with standard printf logging in a Printer Module on Jaguar.
Graphics & Imaging, Hardware & Drivers, Printing |
Quartz 2D Interpolation
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QA1186: Explains how to control Quartz 2D's image interpolation.
Carbon, Cocoa, Graphics & Imaging, Printing |
QuickDraw Text Anti-Aliasing using Quartz 2D
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QA1193: Describes APIs added to Mac OS X to allow applications to draw QD text using CG anti-aliasing.
Carbon, Graphics & Imaging, Porting |
Video Output Components - Implementing QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput on Mac OS X
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QA1206: Describes how to support the QTVideoOutputGetIndSoundOutput function in Mac OS X.
QuickTime |
Documentation updater for Project Builder shipping with Mac OS X 10.2
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QA1207: Updating Project Builder to find new symbols, including the Bluetooth framework under Mac OS X.
Tools |
Getting the name of a profile
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QA1205: Shows how to programmatically get the name of a ColorSync profile.
Graphics & Imaging |
Setting Sequence Grabber Sound Input Device Driver Parameters
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QA1204: Setting sound input device driver parameters for QuickTime sequence grabber audio channels.
QuickTime |
Why don't all of my PDE localizations show up in all applications?
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QA1185: Explains why some PDE localizations might not appear in all applications.
Graphics & Imaging, Hardware & Drivers, Printing |
Why does -stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: give me an empty string result when it shouldn't?
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QA1202: Why -stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: sometimes returns an empty string result in Mac OS X 10.2.x when it shouldn't.
Cocoa |
URL Access and the Missing Progress Dialog
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Deprecated - QA1140: Explains a known bug in URL Access related to progress dialogs.
Carbon, Networking |
Be careful when using AuthorizationCreate
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QA1172: Explains why you should avoid determining allowable rights when creating an AuthorizationRef.
Security |
Stay away from custom Authorization dialogs
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QA1199: Explains why you shouldn't create a custom authorization dialog.
Security |
Setting request headers in URL Access
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Deprecated - QA1073: Explains how to work around a bug in URL Access when setting request headers.
Carbon, Networking |
Filtering the Effects List returned by QTGetEffectsList
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QA1190: Shows how to edit the list of effects returned by the QTGetEffectsList function.
QuickTime |
Preserving embedded ICC profiles when using QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporters
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QA1145: Shows how to preserve the embedded ICC profile when using the QuickTime Graphics Importer/Exporter routines
Carbon, Games, Graphics & Imaging, QuickTime |
Saving playback hints in a Movie
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QA1194: Demonstrates how to use the SetTrackLoadSettings function to save the hintsHighQuality playback hint in a movie.
QuickTime |
The Gamma function in the Mac OS X 10.2 Math Library
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QA1143: How various gamma functions are implemented in Mac OS X
Porting |