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Control Manager Reference

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Your application uses the Control Manager to create and manage controls. Controls are onscreen objects that the user can manipulate with the mouse. By manipulating controls, the user can take an immediate action or change settings to modify a future action. For example, a scroll bar control allows a user to immediately change the portion of the document that your application displays, whereas a pop-up menu control for connection speed might allow the user to change the rate by which your application handles subsequent data transmissions.

Virtually all applications need to implement controls, at least in the form of scroll bars for document windows. Other standard Mac OS controls include buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and pop-up menus. You can use the Control Manager to create and manage these controls, too.

In Mac OS X v10.2 and later, Control Manager controls may be implemented as HIViews. View-based controls offer additional flexibility and extensibility for developers. For more information, see the document HIView Programming Guide.

Important:  Documentation for the data browser control is available separately in Data Browser Programming Guide.

Carbon supports most Control Manager functions, with the following changes:

Functions by Task

Creating and Removing Controls

Embedding Controls

Displaying Controls

Handling Events in Controls

Manipulating Controls

Handling Keyboard Focus

Accessing Control Settings and Data

Manipulating Menus in Controls

The functions described in this section can only be called for pop-up button and pop-up group box controls, which can support pop-up menus that activate when the user presses the control with the mouse.

Manipulating Bevel Buttons

Bevel button controls have additional features that you can or should manipulate to display them properly. This section describes the functions you can use to manipulate these features.

Managing Control UPPs

Obsolete Functions

These functions are outdated and are not recommended.



Activates a control and any latent embedded controls.

OSErr ActivateControl (
   ControlRef inControl


A handle to the control to activate. If you pass a window’s root control, ActivateControl activates all controls in that window. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The ActivateControl function should be called instead of HiliteControl to activate a specified control and its latent embedded controls.

An embedded control is considered latent when it is deactivated or hidden due to its embedder control being deactivated or hidden. If you activate a latent embedded control whose embedder is deactivated, the embedded control becomes latent until the embedder is activated. However, if you deactivate a latent embedded control, it will not be activated when its embedder is activated.

If a control definition function supports activate events, it will receive a kControlMsgActivate message before redrawing itself in its active state.

Related Sample Code
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Advances the keyboard focus to the next focusable control in a window.

OSErr AdvanceKeyboardFocus (
   WindowRef inWindow


A pointer to the window for which to advance keyboard focus.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The AdvanceKeyboardFocus function skips over deactivated and hidden controls until it finds the next focusable control in the window. If it does not find a focusable item, it simply returns.

When AdvanceKeyboardFocus is called, the Control Manager calls your control definition function and passes kControlMsgFocus in its message parameter and kControlFocusNextPart in its param parameter. In response to this message, your control definition function should change keyboard focus to its next part, the entire control, or remove keyboard focus from the control, depending upon the circumstances. See ControlDefProcPtr for a discussion of possible responses to this message.

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Automatically embeds a control in the smallest appropriate embedder control.

OSErr AutoEmbedControl (
   ControlRef inControl,
   WindowRef inWindow


A handle to the control to be embedded.


A pointer to the window in which to embed the control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The Dialog Manager uses AutoEmbedControl to position dialog items in an embedding hierarchy based on both visual containment and the item list resource order. As items are added to a dialog box during creation, controls that already exist in the window will be containers for new controls if they both visually contain the control and have set the kControlSupportsEmbedding feature bit. For this reason, you should place the largest embedder controls at the beginning of the item list resource. As an example, the Dialog Manager would embed radio buttons in a tab control if they visually “fit” inside the tab control, as long as the tab control was already created in a'DITL' resource and established as an embedder control. For more information on embedding hierarchies in dialog and alert boxes, see the function EmbedControl.

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Changes a property attribute.

OSStatus ChangeControlPropertyAttributes (
   ControlRef control,
   OSType propertyCreator,
   OSType propertyTag,
   OptionBits attributesToSet,
   OptionBits attributesToClear


The control whose property’s attributes you want to change. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


An OSType signature, usually the signature of your application. Do not use all lower case signatures, as these are reserved for use by Apple.


An OSType signature, defined by your application, defining the property whose attributes you want to change.


A bit field indicating the attributes you want to set for this property.


A bit field indicating the attributes you want to clear for this property.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


If you have associated control properties with a control (by calling SetControlProperty, you can also assign arbitrary attribute bits to the property. You can use these attributes to indicate information about the property data.

Currently, kControlPropertyPersistent is the only control property attribute that is defined.

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Removes the keyboard focus for the currently focused control in a window.

OSErr ClearKeyboardFocus (
   WindowRef inWindow


A pointer to the window in which to clear keyboard focus.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


When the ClearKeyboardFocus function is called, the Control Manager calls your control definition function and passes kControlMsgFocus in its message parameter and kControlFocusNoPart in its param parameter. See ControlDefProcPtr for a discussion of possible responses to this message.

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Makes a copy of the control’s title as a Core Foundation string.

OSStatus CopyControlTitleAsCFString (
   ControlRef inControl,
   CFStringRef *outString


The control whose title is to be copied. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A copy of the control’s title.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the number of embedded controls within a control.

OSErr CountSubControls (
   ControlRef inControl,
   UInt16 *outNumChildren


The control whose embedded controls are to be counted. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer value. On return, the value is set to the number of embedded subcontrols.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The CountSubControls function is useful for iterating over the control hierarchy. You can use the count produced to determine how many subcontrols there are and then call GetIndexedSubControl to get each.

Related Sample Code
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Creates a bevel button control.

OSStatus CreateBevelButtonControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   ControlBevelThickness thickness,
   ControlBevelButtonBehavior behavior,
   ControlButtonContentInfoPtr info,
   MenuID menuID,
   ControlBevelButtonMenuBehavior menuBehavior,
   ControlBevelButtonMenuPlacement menuPlacement,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the desired control in the window’s local coordinates.


The title of the control.


The thickness of the button. For possible values, see “Control Bevel Thickness Constants.”


The behavior the button is to have. For possible values, see “Bevel Button Behavior Constants.”


A value of type ControlButtonContentInfoPtr for the content information.


The menu ID. This parameter may be 0 if you don’t have a menu. Icon suite, picture, color icon, and IconRef are supported on Mac OS X v10.0 through Mac OS X v10.4. Values of type CGImageRef are supported in Mac OS X v10.4.


The behavior of the menu. For possible values, see “Bevel Button Menu Constant.”


The placement of the menu. For possible values, see “Control Bevel Button Menu Placement Constants.”


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a chasing arrows control.

OSStatus CreateChasingArrowsControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the desired control in the window’s local coordinates.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


This control automatically animates via an event loop timer.

Declared In


Creates a checkbox control.

OSStatus CreateCheckBoxControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   SInt32 initialValue,
   Boolean autoToggle,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the checkbox control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the desired checkbox in the window’s local coordinates.


The title of the checkbox.


The initial setting of the checkbox. Set to a non-zero value to indicate the checked state.


If set to true, clicking the checkbox will automatically toggle its state (checked or unchecked).


On return, outControl points to the new checkbox. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a group box control that has a check box as its title.

OSStatus CreateCheckGroupBoxControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   SInt32 initialValue,
   Boolean primary,
   Boolean autoToggle,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The title of the control. The title is used as the title of the check box.


The initial value of the check box.


A Boolean whose value is true to create a primary group box or false to create a secondary group box.


A Boolean whose value is true to create an auto-toggling check box. Auto-toggling check box titles are only supported on Mac OS X; this parameter must be false when used with CarbonLib.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a clock control.

OSStatus CreateClockControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   ControlClockType clockType,
   ControlClockFlags clockFlags,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the desired control in the window’s local coordinates.


The clock type. For possible values, see “Control Clock Type Constants.”


Clock options. For possible values, see “Clock Value Flag Constants.”


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a new instance of the Disclosure Button Control.

OSStatus CreateDisclosureButtonControl (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   const Rect *inBoundsRect,
   SInt32 inValue,
   Boolean inAutoToggles,
   ControlRef *outControl


The WindowRef in which to create the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounding rectangle for the control in the window’s local coordinates. The height of the control is fixed and the control will be centered vertically within the rectangle you specify.


The initial value; either kControlDisclosureButtonClosed or kControlDisclosureButtonDisclosed.


A Boolean value indicating whether its value should change automatically after tracking the mouse.


On successful exit, this will contain the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


CreateDisclosureButtonControl is preferred over NewControl because it allows you to specify the exact set of parameters required to create the control without overloading parameter semantics. The initial minimum of the Disclosure Button will be kControlDisclosureButtonClosed, and the maximum will be kControlDisclosureButtonDisclosed.

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Creates a disclosure triangle control.

OSStatus CreateDisclosureTriangleControl (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   const Rect *inBoundsRect,
   ControlDisclosureTriangleOrientation inOrientation,
   CFStringRef inTitle,
   SInt32 inInitialValue,
   Boolean inDrawTitle,
   Boolean inAutoToggles,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The desired position, in the window’s local coordinates, for the disclosure triangle.


The direction the disclosure triangle should point when it is “closed.” Passing kControlDisclosureTrianglePointDefault is only legal as of Mac OS X and CarbonLib 1.5. For other possible values, see “Control Disclosure Triangle Orientation Constants.”


The title for the disclosure triangle. The title is displayed only if the value of the inDrawTitle parameter is true. Displaying the title only works on Mac OS X.


The initial state of the disclosure triangle. A value of 0 causes the disclosure triangle to be drawn initially in the “closed” state, and a value of 1 causes the triangle to be drawn initially in the “open” state.


A Boolean whose value is true if the disclosure triangle should draw its title next to the widget. Displaying the title only works on Mac OS X.


A Boolean whose value is true to enable auto toggling; otherwise, false. When auto toggling is enabled, the disclosure triangle automatically changes from “open” to “closed” and from “closed” to “open” when it is clicked.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


A disclosure triangle is a small control that gives the user a way to toggle the visibility of information or other user interface. When information is in a hidden state, a disclosure triangle is considered “closed” and should point to the right (or sometimes to the left). When the user clicks it, a disclosure triangle rotates downwards into the “open” state. The application should respond by revealing the appropriate information or interface.

On Mac OS X, a root control is created for the window if one does not already exist. If a root control exists for the window, the disclosure triangle control is embedded in it.

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Creates a new edit text control.

OSStatus CreateEditUnicodeTextControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef text,
   Boolean isPassword,
   const ControlFontStyleRec *style,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The text of the control. May be NULL.


A Boolean indicating whether the field is to be used as a password field. Passing false indicates that text entered in the field is to be displayed normally. Passing true means that the field is to be used as a password field; any text typed into the field is displayed as bullets.


The control’s font style, size, color, and so on. May be NULL.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


This function is the preferred way of creating edit text controls. Use it instead of the CreateEditTextControl function. The resulting control handles Unicode text and draws its text using anti-aliasing. Controls created by CreateEditTextControl do not handle Unicode text and are not drawn with anti-aliasing.

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Creates a group box control.

OSStatus CreateGroupBoxControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   Boolean primary,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the desired control in the window’s local coordinates.


The title of the control. This parameter can be NULL if you don’t want the control to have a title.


A Boolean whose value is true to create a primary group box or false to create a secondary group box. Secondary group boxes are intended to be contained within primary group boxes and have a slightly different appearance.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates an icon control.

OSStatus CreateIconControl (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   const Rect *inBoundsRect,
   const ControlButtonContentInfo *inIconContent,
   Boolean inDontTrack,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The descriptor for the icon you want the control to display. Mac OS X and CarbonLib 1.5 (and beyond) support all of the icon content types. Prior to CarbonLib 1.5, the only content types that are properly respected are kControlContentIconSuiteRes, kControlContentCIconRes, and kControlContentICONRes.


A Boolean whose value is true to indicate that the control should not be highlighted when it is clicked; false means that the control should be highlighted and the mouse tracked when the control is clicked.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates an image well control.

OSStatus CreateImageWellControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   const ControlButtonContentInfo *info,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The image that is to be displayed in the image well. The image can be an icon suite, picture, color icon, or an IconRef in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. It can be also be a CGImageRef in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


An image well control is a control that displays an image inside a frame (or “well”). The user can drag other images onto the well.

Declared In


Creates a list box control.

OSStatus CreateListBoxControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   Boolean autoSize,
   SInt16 numRows,
   SInt16 numColumns,
   Boolean horizScroll,
   Boolean vertScroll,
   SInt16 cellHeight,
   SInt16 cellWidth,
   Boolean hasGrowSpace,
   const ListDefSpec *listDef,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


A Boolean whose value is true to enable auto-sizing; otherwise, false. When auto-sizing is enabled, the control automatically resizes itself as necessary to ensure that the height of the control is an exact multiple of the cell height.


The number of rows the control is to have.


The number of columns the control is to have.


A Boolean whose value is true if the control is to have a horizontal scroll bar; otherwise, false.


A Boolean whose value is true if the control is to have a vertical scroll bar; otherwise, false.


The height of cells in the control.


The width of cells in the control.


A Boolean whose value is true to indicate that the control is drawn so that there is room for a size box; otherwise, false.


A pointer to the list definition function you want to associate with the new control. This parameter may be NULL if you want to use the standard list definition function, which only displays text.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The list is created with default values, and uses the standard LDEF (0) if you don’t specify a custom list definition function in the listDef parameter. You can set the LDEF to use by using kControlListBoxLDEFTag. You can change the list by getting the list handle. To get the list handle, call GetControlData and pass the kControlListBoxListHandletag constant.

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Creates a little arrows control.

OSStatus CreateLittleArrowsControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   SInt32 value,
   SInt32 minimum,
   SInt32 maximum,
   SInt32 increment,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The initial value of the control.


The minimum value the control can have.


The maximum value the control can have.


The amount to increment each time an arrow is clicked.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


This control implements the little up and down arrows seen in the Date & Time system preferences panel. To change the value of this control, you need to create a control action proc. The following sample code creates the control and sets the action proc:

CreateLittleArrowsControl(&rect, minimum, maximum, increment,  value);
SetControlAction(Arrows, LittleArrowActionProc);

Here is sample code for the action proc:

void LittleArrowActionProc(ControlRef cref, ControlPartCode part)  {
    SInt32 val = GetControl32BitValue(cref);
    SInt32 s = 0;
    GetControlData(cref, 0, kControlLittleArrowsIncrementValueTag, sizeof(SInt32), &s, nil;
    switch (part) {
        case kControlUpButtonPart:
            SetControl32BitValue(cref, val+s);
        case kControlDownButtonPart:
            SetControl32BitValue(cref, val-s);
Declared In


Creates a picture control.

OSStatus CreatePictureControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   const ControlButtonContentInfo *content,
   Boolean dontTrack,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The descriptor for the picture you want the control to display. Only picture content is supported. You can change the picture by calling SetControlData and passing the kControlPictureHandleTag constant.


A Boolean whose value is true to indicate that the control should not be highlighted when it is clicked; false means that the control should be highlighted and the mouse tracked when the control is clicked.


On return, the new control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a placard control.

OSStatus CreatePlacardControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounding box of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a pop-up arrow control.

OSStatus CreatePopupArrowControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   ControlPopupArrowOrientation orientation,
   ControlPopupArrowSize size,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The orientation of the control.


The size of the control.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a pop-up button control.

OSStatus CreatePopupButtonControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   MenuID menuID,
   Boolean variableWidth,
   SInt16 titleWidth,
   SInt16 titleJustification,
   Style titleStyle,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The title of the control.


The ID of a menu that should be used by the control. A menu with this ID should be inserted into the menubar with InsertMenu(menu, kInsertHierarchicalMenu). You can also pass -12345 to have the control delay its acquisition of a menu; in this case, you can build the menu and later provide it to the control with SetControlData and kControlPopupButtonMenuRefTag or kControlPopupButtonOwnedMenuRefTag.


A Boolean whose value indicates whether the width of the control is allowed to vary according to the width of the selected menu item text (true), or should remain fixed to the original control bounds width (false).


The width of the title.


The justification of the title. Use a TextEdit justification constant (teFlushDefault, teCenter, teFlushRight, or teFlushLeft).


A QuickDraw style bitfield indicating the font style of the title.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a group box control that has a pop-up button as its title.

OSStatus CreatePopupGroupBoxControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   Boolean primary,
   MenuID menuID,
   Boolean variableWidth,
   SInt16 titleWidth,
   SInt16 titleJustification,
   Style titleStyle,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The title of the control. The title is used as the title of the pop-up button.


A Boolean whose value is true to create a primary group box or false to create a secondary group box.


The menu ID of the menu that is to be displayed by the pop-up button. A menu with this ID should be inserted into the menubar with InsertMenu(menu, kInsertHierarchicalMenu). You can also pass -12345 to have the control delay its acquisition of a menu; in this case, you can build the menu and later provide it to the control with SetControlData and kControlPopupButtonMenuRefTag or kControlPopupButtonOwnedMenuRefTag.


A Boolean whose value is true if the pop-up button is to have a variable-width title or false if the pop-up button is to have a fixed-width title. Fixed-width titles are only supported by Mac OS X; this parameter must be true when used with CarbonLib.


The width in pixels of the pop-up button title.


The justification of the pop-up button title. Use a TextEdit justification constant (teFlushDefault, teCenter, teFlushRight, or teFlushLeft).


The QuickDraw text style of the pop-up button title.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a progress bar control.

OSStatus CreateProgressBarControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   SInt32 value,
   SInt32 minimum,
   SInt32 maximum,
   Boolean indeterminate,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The initial value of the control.


The minimum value of the control.


The maximum value of the control.


A Boolean whose value is true if you want the control to display a rotating barber pole effect to indicate that something is happening (an indeterminate progress bar) or false if you want to display a determinate progress bar that uses the values of the minimum and maximum parameters to show progress from minimum to maximum.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a push button control.

OSStatus CreatePushButtonControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The control title. May be NULL.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a push button control containing an icon or other graphical content.

OSStatus CreatePushButtonWithIconControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   ControlButtonContentInfo *icon,
   ControlPushButtonIconAlignment iconAlignment,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control, in local coordinates of the window.


The control title. May be NULL.


The control graphic content. The value of this parameter can be kControlContentCIconRes in Mac OS X v10.0 and later. It can also be kControlContentCGImageRef in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.


The alignment of the control graphic content.For possible values, see “Control Push Button Icon Alignment Constants.”


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a radio button control.

OSStatus CreateRadioButtonControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef title,
   SInt32 initialValue,
   Boolean autoToggle,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The control title. May be NULL.


The initial value of the control. Should be 0 (off), 1 (on), or 2 (mixed). The control is automatically given a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 2.


A Boolean whose value indicates whether this control should have auto-toggle behavior. If true, the control automatically toggles between on and off states when clicked. This parameter should be false if the control is embedded into a radio group control; in that case, the radio group handles setting the correct control value in response to a click.


On return, the new control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a radio group control.

OSStatus CreateRadioGroupControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


This control implements a radio group. It is an embedding control and can therefore only be used when a control hierarchy is established for its owning window. You should only embed radio buttons within it. As radio buttons are embedded into it, the group sets up its value, min, and max to represent the number of embedded items. The current value of the control is the index of the sub-control that is the current “on” radio button. To get the current radio button control handle, you can use the Control Manager call GetIndexedSubControl, passing in the value of the radio group.

Note that when creating radio buttons for use in a radio group control, you should not use the auto-toggle version of the radio button. The radio group control handles toggling the radio button values itself; auto-toggle radio buttons do not work properly in a radio group control on Mac OS 9.

Declared In


Creates a relevance bar control.

OSStatus CreateRelevanceBarControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   SInt32 value,
   SInt32 minimum,
   SInt32 maximum,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The initial value of the control.


The minimum value of the control.


The maximum value of the control.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates the root control for a specified window.

OSErr CreateRootControl (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   ControlRef *outControl


A pointer to the window in which you wish to create a root control.


On input, a pointer to a ControlHandle value. On return, the ControlHandle value is set to a handle to the root control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Establishing an embedding hierarchy can be accomplished in two steps: creating a root control and embedding controls within it.

To embed controls in a window, you must create a root control for that window. The root control is the container for all other window controls. You create the root control in one of two ways—by calling the CreateRootControl function or by setting the appropriate dialog flag. The root control can be retrieved by calling the function GetRootControl.

The CreateRootControl function creates the root control for a window if no other controls are present. If there are any controls in the window prior to calling CreateRootControl, an error is returned and the root control is not created. Note that the minimum, maximum, and initial settings for a root control are reserved and should not be changed.

The root control is implemented as a user pane control. You can attach any application-defined user pane functions to the root control to perform actions such as hit testing, drawing, handling keyboard focus, erasing to the correct background, and processing idle and keyboard events.

Once you have created a root control, newly created controls will automatically be embedded in the root control when you call NewControl or GetNewControl. You can specify that a specific control be embedded into another by calling EmbedControl.

By acting on an embedder control, you can move, disable, or hide groups of items. For example, you can use a blank user pane control as the embedder control for all items in a particular “page” of a tab control. After creating as many user panes as you have tabs, you can hide one and show the next when a tab is clicked. All the controls embedded in the user pane will be hidden and shown automatically when the user pane is hidden and shown.

In addition to calling CreateRootControl, you can establish an embedding hierarchy in a dialog box by either setting the feature bit kDialogFlagsUseControlHierarchy in the extended dialog resource or passing it in the inFlags parameter of the Dialog Manager function NewFeaturesDialog. An embedding hierarchy can be created in an alert box by setting the kAlertFlagsUseControlHierarchy bit in the extended alert resource. It is important to note that a preexisting alert or dialog item will become a control if it is in an alert or dialog box that now uses an embedding hierarchy.

The embedding hierarchy enforces drawing order by drawing the embedding control before its embedded controls. Using an embedding hierarchy also enforces orderly hit-testing, since it performs an “inside-out” hit test to determine the most deeply nested control that is hit by the mouse. An embedding hierarchy is also necessary for controls to make use of keyboard focus, the default focusing order for which is a linear progression that uses the order the controls were added to the window. For more details on keyboard focus, see “Handling Keyboard Focus”.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Creates a new instance of the round button control.

OSStatus CreateRoundButtonControl (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   const Rect *inBoundsRect,
   ControlRoundButtonSize inSize,
   ControlButtonContentInfo *inContent,
   ControlRef *outControl


The WindowRef in which to create the control.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates. The height and width of the control are fixed (specified by the ControlRoundButtonSize parameter) and the control will be centered within the rectangle you specify.


The button size; either kControlRoundButtonNormalSize or kControlRoundButtonLargeSize.


Any optional content displayed in the button. In Mac OS X v10.0 and later, kControlContentIconRef is supported.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


CreateRoundButtonControl is preferred over NewControl because it allows you to specify the exact set of parameters required to create the control without overloading parameter semantics.

Declared In


Creates a scroll bar control.

OSStatus CreateScrollBarControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   SInt32 value,
   SInt32 minimum,
   SInt32 maximum,
   SInt32 viewSize,
   Boolean liveTracking,
   ControlActionUPP liveTrackingProc,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The initial value of the control.


The minimum value of the control.


The maximum value of the control.


The size of the visible area of the scroll bar content. If this parameter is a non-zero value, this function creates a proportional scroll bar thumb; a value of 0 causes a non-proportional scroll bar thumb to be created.


A Boolean indicating whether or not live tracking is enabled for this scroll bar. If set to true and a valid liveTrackingProc is also passed in, the callback is called repeatedly as the thumb is moved during tracking. If set to false, a semi-transparent thumb called a “ghost thumb” draws and no live tracking occurs.


If the value of the liveTracking parameter is true, a ControlActionUPP callback is to be called as the control live tracks. This callback is called repeatedly as the scroll thumb is moved during tracking.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a scrolling text box control.

OSStatus CreateScrollingTextBoxControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   SInt16 contentResID,
   Boolean autoScroll,
   UInt32 delayBeforeAutoScroll,
   UInt32 delayBetweenAutoScroll,
   UInt16 autoScrollAmount,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The resource ID of ‘TEXT’ and (optionally) ‘style’ resources whose contents are to be displayed.


A Boolean whose value is true to enable automatic scrolling; otherwise, false.


The number of ticks to wait before scrolling automatically. This parameter is ignored and can be set to 0 if the value of the autoScroll parameter is false.


The number of ticks to wait between automatic scrolls. This parameter is ignored and can be set to 0 if the value of the autoScroll parameter is false.


The number of pixels to scroll. This parameter is ignored and can be set to 0 if the value of the autoScroll parameter is false.


On return, outControl points to the newly-created control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


This control implements a scrolling box of text that cannot be edited. This is useful for credits in about boxes.

The standard version of this control has a scroll bar, but the autoscrolling variant does not. The autoscrolling variant needs two pieces of information to work: delay (in ticks) before the scrolling starts, and time (in ticks) between scrolls. This control scrolls one pixel at a time if created by NewControl, unless changed by calling SetControlData.

Declared In


Creates a separator control.

OSStatus CreateSeparatorControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The horizontal or vertical orientation of a separator line is determined automatically based on the relative height and width of its control bounds.

Declared In


Creates a slider control.

OSStatus CreateSliderControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   SInt32 value,
   SInt32 minimum,
   SInt32 maximum,
   ControlSliderOrientation orientation,
   UInt16 numTickMarks,
   Boolean liveTracking,
   ControlActionUPP liveTrackingProc,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window that is to contain the control. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The initial value of the control.


The minimum value of the control.


The maximum value of the control.


The orientation of the control. For possible values, see “Control Slider Orientation Constants.”


The number of tick marks the slider control is to have.


A Boolean whose value is true to enable live tracking for the control; otherwise, false.


If the value of the liveTracking parameter is true, a ControlActionUPP callback is to be called as the control live tracks. This callback is called repeatedly as the slider is moved during tracking.


On return, outControl points to the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Mac OS X has a “Scroll to here” option in the General pane of System Preferences that allows users to click in the page up or page down regions of a slider and have the indicator jump directly to the clicked position, which alters the value of the slider and moves any associated content appropriately. As long as the mouse button is held down, the click is treated as though the user clicked the indicator.

If you want the sliders in your application to work with the “Scroll to here” option, you must do the following:

  1. Create live-tracking sliders, not sliders that show a “ghost” thumb when you click on it. You can request live-tracking sliders by passing true in the liveTracking parameter to CreateSliderControl. If you create sliders with NewControl, use the kControlSliderLiveFeedback variant.

  2. Write an appropriate ControlActionProc and associate it with your slider by calling SetControlAction. This allows your application to update its content appropriately when the live-tracking slider is clicked.

  3. When callingHandleControlClick or TrackControl TrackControl, pass -1 in the action proc parameter. This is a request for the Control Manager to use the action proc you associated with your control in step 2. If you rely on the standard window event handler to do your control tracking, this step is handled for you automatically.

Declared In


Creates a new static text control.

OSStatus CreateStaticTextControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   CFStringRef text,
   const ControlFontStyleRec *style,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The text of the control. May be NULL.


The control’s font style, size, color, and so on. May be NULL.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a tabs control.

OSStatus CreateTabsControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   ControlTabSize size,
   ControlTabDirection direction,
   UInt16 numTabs,
   const ControlTabEntry *tabArray,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The control tab size. See “Control Tab Size Constants” for possible values.


The control tab direction. See “Control Tab Direction Constants” for possible values.


The initial number of tabs.


Information about each tab. There must be the same number of entries as specified by the numTabs parameter.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


If you want to customize the accessibility information provided for individual tabs of a tabs control, such as by handling various kEventClassAccessibility Carbon Events and by calling HIObjectSetAuxiliaryAccessibilityAttribute, you need to know how to build or interpret AXUIElement reference that represent individual tabs. The AXUIElement representing an individual tab must be constructed using the tab control’s ControlRef and the UInt64 identifier of the one-based index of the tab to which the element refers. A UInt64 identifier of 0 represents the tabs control as a whole. You cannot interpret or create tab control elements whose identifiers are greater than the count of tabs in the tabs control.

Declared In


Creates a user pane control.

OSStatus CreateUserPaneControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   UInt32 features,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


The user pane features with which the user pane is to be created. For possible constants, see “Control Features Constants.”


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


User panes have two primary purposes: to allow easy implementation of a custom control by the developer, and to provide a generic container for embedding other controls.

In Carbon, with the advent of Carbon-event-based controls, you may find it easier to write a new control from scratch than to customize a user pane control. The set of callbacks provided by the user pane will not be extended to support new Control Manager features; instead, you should just write a real control.User panes do not, by default, support embedding. If you try to embed a control into a user pane, you will get the errControlIsNotEmbedder. You can make a user pane support embedding by passing the kControlSupportsEmbedding flag in the features parameter when you create the control.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Creates a window header control.

OSStatus CreateWindowHeaderControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   Boolean isListHeader,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which the control is to be placed. This parameter may be NULL in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.


The bounds of the control in the window’s local coordinates.


A Boolean whose value is true if the control should have an appropriate appearance to be the header of a list; otherwise, false.


On return, the new control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Deactivates a control and any latent embedded controls.

OSErr DeactivateControl (
   ControlRef inControl


A handle to the control to deactivate. If you pass a window’s root control, DeactivateControl deactivates all controls in that window.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The DeactivateControl function should be called instead of HiliteControl to deactivate a specified control and its latent embedded controls.

An embedded control is considered latent when it is deactivated or hidden due to its embedder control being deactivated or hidden. If you activate a latent embedded control whose embedder is deactivated, the embedded control becomes latent until the embedder is activated. However, if you deactivate a latent embedded control, it will not be activated when its embedder is activated.

If a control definition function supports activate events, it will receive a kControlMsgActivate message before redrawing itself in its inactive state.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Disables a control.

OSStatus DisableControl (
   ControlRef inControl


The control to disable. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Decrements a control’s reference count and destroys it if the reference count becomes 0.

void DisposeControl (
   ControlRef theControl


The control you want to dispose of. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The DisposeControl function reduces the control’s reference count and, if the reference count becomes 0, releases the memory occupied by the control structure and any data structures associated with the control. Before destroying the control, DisposeControl removes the control (and any embedded controls it may possess) from the screen and deletes the control from the window’s control list.

To destroy all of the controls from a window you want to keep, use the function KillControls. If an embedding hierarchy is present, passing the root control to the DisposeControl function is the effectively the same as calling KillControls. In that situation, DisposeControl disposes of the controls embedded within a control before disposing of the container control.

You should use DisposeControl when you want to retain the window but remove one of its controls. The Window Manager functions CloseWindow and DisposeWindow automatically remove all controls associated with the window and release the memory the controls occupy.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Disposes of a control action UPP.

void DisposeControlActionUPP (
   ControlActionUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a CNLT to collection UPP.

void DisposeControlCNTLToCollectionUPP (
   ControlCNTLToCollectionUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Not recommended

void DisposeControlColorUPP (
   ControlColorUPP userUPP

Carbon Porting Notes

Instead of specifying a callback to redraw your background, you should make the background a control and then embed your other controls within it.

Declared In


Disposes of an edit text validation UPP.

void DisposeControlEditTextValidationUPP (
   ControlEditTextValidationUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a key filter UPP.

void DisposeControlKeyFilterUPP (
   ControlKeyFilterUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a user pane activate UPP.

void DisposeControlUserPaneActivateUPP (
   ControlUserPaneActivateUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a user pane background UPP.

void DisposeControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP (
   ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a user pane draw UPP.

void DisposeControlUserPaneDrawUPP (
   ControlUserPaneDrawUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a user pane focus UPP.

void DisposeControlUserPaneFocusUPP (
   ControlUserPaneFocusUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a user pane hit test UPP.

void DisposeControlUserPaneHitTestUPP (
   ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a user pane idle UPP.

void DisposeControlUserPaneIdleUPP (
   ControlUserPaneIdleUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a user pane key down UPP.

void DisposeControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP (
   ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of a user pane tracking UPP.

void DisposeControlUserPaneTrackingUPP (
   ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Disposes of an edit unicode post update UPP.

void DisposeEditUnicodePostUpdateUPP (
   EditUnicodePostUpdateUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be disposed of.

Declared In


Draws and moves an outline of a control or its indicator while the user drags it. (Deprecated. Use Drag Manager functions if you want drag-and-drop support for controls. See Drag Manager Reference.)

Not recommended

void DragControl (
   ControlRef theControl,
   Point startPoint,
   const Rect *limitRect,
   const Rect *slopRect,
   DragConstraint axis


A handle to the control to drag. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The location of the cursor at the time the mouse button was first pressed, in global coordinates. Your application retrieves this point from the where field of the event structure.


A pointer to a rectangle—whose coordinates should normally coincide with or be contained in the window’s content region—delimiting the area in which the user can drag the control’s outline.


A pointer to a rectangle that allows some extra space for the user to move the mouse while still constraining the control within the rectangle specified in the limitRect parameter.


The axis along which the user may drag the control’s outline. Specify the axis using one of the following values: noConstraint (no constraint), hAxisOnly (drag along horizontal axis only), vAxisOnly (drag along vertical axis only).


The DragControl function moves a dotted outline of a control, such as a scroll box, around the screen, following the movements of the cursor until the user releases the mouse button. When the user releases the mouse button, DragControl moves the control to the new location.

The function TrackControl automatically calls the DragControl function as appropriate; when you use TrackControl, you don’t need to call DragControl.

Before tracking the cursor, DragControl calls the control definition function. If you define your own control definition function, you can specify custom dragging behavior.

Declared In


Draws a control and any embedded controls that are currently visible in the specified window.

void Draw1Control (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control to draw. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


Although you should generally use the functionUpdateControls to update controls, you can use the DrawOneControl function to update a single control. If an embedding hierarchy exists and the control passed in has embedded controls, DrawOneControl draws the control and embedded controls. If the root control for a window is passed in, the result is the same as if DrawControls was called.

If you are using compositing mode, you generally do not need to call Draw1Control. If you call Draw1Control in compositing mode, keep in mind that it draws the specified control as well as all other controls that intersect the control.

Declared In


Draws a control in the current graphics port.

void DrawControlInCurrentPort (
   ControlRef inControl


A handle to the control to draw. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


Typically, controls are automatically drawn in their owner’s graphics port with the functions DrawControls, Draw1Control, and UpdateControls. DrawControlInCurrentPort permits easy offscreen control drawing and printing. All standard system controls support this function.

Declared In


Draws all controls currently visible in the specified window.

void DrawControls (
   WindowRef theWindow


A pointer to a window whose controls you want to display.


Because the UpdateControls function redraws only those controls that need updating, your application should generally use it instead of DrawControls when you receive an update event for a window that contains controls. You should typically call either DrawControls or UpdateControls after calling the Window Manager function BeginUpdate and before calling EndUpdate.

While the Dialog Manager automatically draws and updates controls in alert boxes and dialog boxes, Window Manager functions such as SelectWindow, ShowWindow, and BringToFront do not automatically update the window’s controls.

When the Appearance Manager is not available, the DrawControls function draws all controls currently visible in the specified window in reverse order of creation; thus, in case of overlapping controls, the control created first appears frontmost in the window. If you only wish to draw controls in need of update, call UpdateControls instead.

Note that DrawControls generally should not be called if you are using compositing mode.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Writes a textual representation of the control hierarchy for a specified window into a file.

OSErr DumpControlHierarchy (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   const FSSpec *inDumpFile


A pointer to the window whose control hierarchy you wish to examine.


A pointer to a file specification in which to place a text description of the window’s control hierarchy.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The DumpControlHierarchy function places a text listing of the current control hierarchy for the window specified into the specified file, overwriting any existing file. If the specified window does not contain a control hierarchy, DumpControlHierarchy notes this in the text file. This function is useful for debugging embedding-related problems.

Declared In


Embeds one control inside another.

OSErr EmbedControl (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlRef inContainer


The control that is to be embedded. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The control in which the control specified by inControl is to be is to embedded. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Establishing an embedding hierarchy can be accomplished in two steps: creating a root control and embedding controls within it.

To embed controls in a window, you must create a root control for that window. The root control is the container for all other window controls. You create the root control in one of two ways—by calling the CreateRootControl function or by setting the appropriate dialog flag. The root control can be retrieved by calling GetRootControl.

The root control is implemented as a user pane control. You can attach any application-defined user pane functions to the root control to perform actions such as hit testing, drawing, handling keyboard focus, erasing to the correct background, and processing idle and keyboard events.

Once you have created a root control, newly created controls will automatically be embedded in the root control when you call NewControl or GetNewControl. You can specify that a specific control be embedded into another by calling EmbedControl.

Note that an embedding hierarchy must be established before your application calls the EmbedControl function. If the specified control does not support embedding or there is no root control in the owning window, an error is returned. Prior to Mac OS X, if the control you wish to embed is in a different window from the embedder control, an error is returned. On Mac OS X, however, you can use EmbedControl to move a control from one window to another. On Mac OS X v.10.0 and v.10.1, you can move all controls except for the edit text and unicode edit text controls. Support for the edit text controls is available in Mac OS X v.10.2 and later.

By acting on an embedder control, you can move, disable, or hide groups of items. For example, you can use a blank user pane control as the embedder control for all items in a particular “page” of a tab control. After creating as many user panes as you have tabs, you can hide one and show the next when a tab is clicked. All the controls embedded in the user pane will be hidden and shown automatically when the user pane is hidden and shown.

In addition to calling CreateRootControl, you can establish an embedding hierarchy in a dialog box by either setting the feature bit kDialogFlagsUseControlHierarchy in the extended dialog resource or passing it in the inFlags parameter of the Dialog Manager function NewFeaturesDialog. An embedding hierarchy can be created in an alert box by setting the kAlertFlagsUseControlHierarchy bit in the extended alert resource. It is important to note that a preexisting alert or dialog item will become a control if it is in an alert or dialog box that now uses an embedding hierarchy.

The embedding hierarchy enforces drawing order by drawing the embedding control before its embedded controls. Using an embedding hierarchy also enforces orderly hit-testing, since it performs an “inside-out” hit test to determine the most deeply nested control that is hit by the mouse. An embedding hierarchy is also necessary for controls to make use of keyboard focus, the default focusing order for which is a linear progression that uses the order the controls were added to the window. For more details on keyboard focus, see “Handling Keyboard Focus”.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Enables a control.

OSStatus EnableControl (
   ControlRef inControl


The control that is to be enabled.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains the location of a mouse-down event in a control.

ControlPartCode FindControl (
   Point testPoint,
   WindowRef theWindow,
   ControlRef *theControl


A point, specified in coordinates local to the window, where the mouse-down event occurred. Before calling FindControl, use the GlobalToLocal function to convert the point stored in the where field of the event structure (which describes the location of the mouse-down event) to coordinates local to the window.


A pointer to the window in which the mouse-down event occurred. Pass the window pointer returned by the FindWindow function.


A pointer to a control handle. On output, FindControl returns a handle to the control in which the mouse-down event occurred or NULL if the point was not over a control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

The control part code of the control in which the mouse-down event occurred; see “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and“ Control State Part Code Constants.” For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


The FindControl function is not recommended when the Appearance Manager is available. When the Appearance Manager is available, you should call FindControlUnderMouse to determine the location of a mouse-down event in a control. FindControlUnderMouse will return a handle to the control even if no part was hit and can determine whether a mouse-down event has occurred even if the control is deactivated, while FindControl does not.

If the Appearance Manager is not available, then, when a mouse-down event occurs, your application can call FindControl after using the Window Manager function FindWindow to ascertain that a mouse-down event has occurred in the content region of a window containing controls.

When the user presses the mouse button while the cursor is in a visible, active control, FindControl returns as its function result a part code identifying the control’s part the function also returns a handle to the control in the parameter theControl.

If the mouse-down event occurs in an invisible or inactive control, or if it occurs outside a control, FindControl sets the value referenced through theControl to NULL and returns 0 as its function result.

The FindControl function also returns NULL in the value referenced through the parameter theControl and 0 as its function result if the window is invisible or if it doesn’t contain the given point. (However, FindWindow won’t return a window pointer to an invisible window or to one that doesn’t contain the point where the mouse-down event occurred. As long as you call FindWindow before FindControl, this situation won’t arise.)

After using FindControl to determine that a mouse-down event has occurred in a control, you typically call the function TrackControl to follow and respond to the cursor movements in that control, and then to determine in which part of the control the mouse-up event occurs.

The pop-up control definition function does not define part codes for pop-up menus. Instead, your application should store the handles for your pop-up menus when you create them. Your application should then test the handles you store against the handles returned by FindControl before responding to users’ choices in pop-up menus.

The Dialog Manager automatically calls FindControl and TrackControl for mouse-down events inside controls of alert boxes and dialog boxes.

Declared In


Obtains the location of a mouse-down event in a control.

ControlRef FindControlUnderMouse (
   Point inWhere,
   WindowRef inWindow,
   ControlPartCode *outPart


A point, specified in coordinates local to the window, where the mouse-down event occurred. Before calling FindControlUnderMouse, use the QuickDraw GlobalToLocal function to convert the point stored in the where field of the event structure (which describes the location of the mouse-down event) to coordinates local to the window.


A pointer to the window in which the mouse-down event occurred.


On input, a pointer to a signed 16-bit integer value. On return, the value is set to the part code of the control part that was selected; see “Control Part Code Constants ,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.”

Return Value

A handle to the control that was selected. If the mouse-down event did not occur over a control part, FindControlUnderMouse returns NULL. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


You should call the FindControlUnderMouse function instead of FindControl to determine whether a mouse-down event occurred in a control, particularly if an embedding hierarchy is present. FindControlUnderMouse will return a handle to the control even if no part was hit and can determine whether a mouse-down event has occurred even if the control is deactivated, while FindControl does not.

When a mouse-down event occurs, your application should call FindControlUnderMouse after using the Window Manager function FindWindow to ascertain that a mouse-down event has occurred in the content region of a window containing controls.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains a control’s optimal size and text placement.

OSErr GetBestControlRect (
   ControlRef inControl,
   Rect *outRect,
   SInt16 *outBaseLineOffset


A handle to the control to be examined.


On input, a pointer to an empty rectangle (0, 0, 0, 0). On return, the rectangle is set to the optimal size for the control. If the control doesn’t support getting an optimal size rectangle, the control’s bounding rectangle is passed back.


On input, a pointer to a signed 16-bit integer value. On return, the value is set to the offset from the bottom of control to the base of the text (usually a negative value). If the control doesn’t support optimal sizing or has no text, 0 is passed back.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


You can call the GetBestControlRect function to automatically position and size controls in accordance with human interface guidelines. This function is particularly helpful in determining the correct placement of control text whose length is not known until run-time. For example, the StandardAlert function uses GetBestControlRect to automatically size and position buttons in a newly created alert box.

Declared In


Gets the content information for a bevel button.

OSErr GetBevelButtonContentInfo (
   ControlRef inButton,
   ControlButtonContentInfoPtr outContent


The control reference for the button to query.


A value of type ControlButtonContentInfoPtr for the bevel button’s content information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Gets the menu handle for a bevel button.

OSErr GetBevelButtonMenuHandle (
   ControlRef inButton,
   MenuHandle *outHandle


The control reference for the button to query.


A pointer to the menu handle.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Gets the value of a bevel button menu.

OSErr GetBevelButtonMenuValue (
   ControlRef inButton,
   MenuItemIndex *outValue


The control reference for the button to query.


A pointer to the value of the bevel button menu.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the maximum setting of a control.

SInt32 GetControl32BitMaximum (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control whose maximum setting you wish to obtain. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

The maximum setting of the control.


Your application may use the GetControl32BitMaximum function to obtain a 32-bit value previously set with the function SetControl32BitMaximum.

If your application uses a 32-bit control maximum value, it should not attempt to obtain this value by calling the pre–Mac OS 8.5 function GetControlMaximum because the 16-bit value that is returned does not accurately reflect the current 32-bit control value.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains the minimum setting of a control.

SInt32 GetControl32BitMinimum (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control whose minimum setting you wish to obtain. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

The minimum setting of the control.


Your application may use the GetControl32BitMinimum function to obtain a 32-bit value previously set with the function SetControl32BitMinimum.

If your application uses a 32-bit control minimum value, it should not attempt to obtain this value by calling the pre–Mac OS 8.5 function GetControlMinimum because the 16-bit value that is returned does not accurately reflect the current 32-bit control value.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains the current setting of a control.

SInt32 GetControl32BitValue (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control whose current setting you wish to obtain.

Return Value

The current setting of the control.


Your application may use the GetControl32BitValue function to obtain a 32-bit value previously set with the function SetControl32BitValue.

If your application uses a 32-bit control value, it should not attempt to obtain this value by calling the pre–Mac OS 8.5 function GetControlValue because the 16-bit value that is returned does not accurately reflect the current 32-bit control value.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Returns a pointer to the action function associated with a control structure.

ControlActionUPP GetControlAction (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to a control.

Return Value

The action function associated with the control. The action function is called by the HandleControlClick and TrackControl functions if you set the InAction parameter to (ControlActionUPP)-1. See ControlActionProcPtr for an example of an action function.


The action function returned by the GetControlAction function defines an action to take in response to a mouse button being held down while the cursor is in the control. An action function is usually specified in the InAction parameter of the functions HandleControlClick and TrackControl. You can use the function SetControlAction to change the action function.

Declared In


Gets the bounds of a control.

Rect * GetControlBounds (
   ControlRef control,
   Rect *bounds


The control to query. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


On input, a pointer to a QuickDraw rectangle. On output, the rectangle contains the bounds of the control in local coordinates.

Return Value

A pointer to the rectangle passed in the bounds parameter.


When called in a composited window, this function returns the view’s frame, which is equivalent to calling HIViewGetFrame.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Finds a control in a window by its unique ID.

OSStatus GetControlByID (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   const ControlID *inID,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window to query.


The control ID.


A pointer to a value of type ControlRef that, on output, is filled in with the control reference for the control specified by inID. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


As of Mac OS X v10.3, this function is superseded by the HIViewFindByID function, which is preferred over the GetControlByID function. The first parameter to the HIViewFindByID function is a view and not a window, so you can start the search at any point in the hierarchy.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Gets the control’s preferred behavior for responding to particular click.

OSStatus GetControlClickActivation (
   ControlRef inControl,
   Point inWhere,
   EventModifiers inModifiers,
   ClickActivationResult *outResult


The location at which the control was clicked.


Information from the modifiers field of the event structure specifying the state of the modifier keys and the mouse button at the time the event was posted. .


A pointer to a value of type ClickActivationResult containing the result. For possible values, see “Click Activation Constants.”

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Some complex controls, such as Data Browser, require proper sequencing of window activation and click processing. In some cases, the control might want the window to be left inactive yet still handle the click, or vice- versa. This function lets a control client ask the control how it wants to behave for a particular click.

Declared In


Gets the command ID for a control.

OSStatus GetControlCommandID (
   ControlRef inControl,
   UInt32 *outCommandID


A pointer to the command ID.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains control-specific data.

OSErr GetControlData (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlPartCode inPart,
   ResType inTagName,
   Size inBufferSize,
   void *inBuffer,
   Size *outActualSize


A handle to the control to be examined.


“Control Meta Part Code Constants”The part code of the control part from which data is to be obtained; see , “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.” Passing kControlEntireControl indicates that either the control has no parts or the data is not tied to any specific part of the control. For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


A constant representing the control-specific data you wish to obtain see the data tag constants in the “Control Manager Constants” section.


The size (in bytes) of the data pointed to by the inBuffer parameter. For variable-length control data, pass the value returned in the outMaxSize parameter of GetControlDataSize in the inBufferSize parameter. The number of bytes must match the actual data size.


On input, a pointer to a buffer allocated by your application. On return, the buffer contains a copy of the control-specific data. If you pass NULL on input, it is equivalent to calling GetControlDataSize. The actual size of the control-specific data will be returned in the outActualSize parameter. For variable-length data, the number of bytes must match the actual data size.


On input, a pointer to a Size value. On return, the value is set to the actual size of the data. You can pass NULL if you don’t care about this value.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.” The result code errDataNotSupported indicates that the inTagName parameter is not valid.


The GetControlData function will only copy the amount of data specified in the inBufferSize parameter, but will tell you the actual size of the buffer so you will know if the data was truncated.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains a handle to control-specific data. (Deprecated. Use custom HIViews instead of custom CDEFs. See HIView Programming Guide.)

Handle GetControlDataHandle (
   ControlRef control

Return Value

A handle to control-specific data.


The control data handle is for control-specific data used by a control’s implementation. The control data handle is set by calling SetControlDataHandle.

In general, you should not attempt to interpret the contents of this handle if you did not implement the control yourself. For controls that are provided by the operating system, the format of the data handle may change from one release of the operating system to the next.

Declared In


Obtains the size of a control’s tagged data.

OSErr GetControlDataSize (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlPartCode inPart,
   ResType inTagName,
   Size *outMaxSize


A handle to the control to be examined.For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The part code of the control part with which the data is associated; see“Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.” Passing kControlEntireControl indicates that either the control has no parts or the data is not tied to any specific part of the control.


A constant representing the control-specific data whose size is to be obtained see the data tag constants in the “Control Manager Constants” section.


On input, a pointer to a Size value. On return, the value is set to the size (in bytes) of the control’s tagged data. This value should be passed to SetControlData and GetControlData to allocate a sufficiently large buffer for variable-length data.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.” The result code errDataNotSupported indicates that the inTagName parameter is not valid.


Pass the value returned in the outMaxSize parameter of GetControlDataSize in the inBufferSize parameter of SetControlData and GetControlData to allocate an adequate buffer for variable-length data.

Declared In


Obtains the features a control supports.

Not recommended

OSErr GetControlFeatures (
   ControlRef inControl,
   UInt32 *outFeatures


A handle to the control to be examined. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer value. On return, the value contains a bit field specifying the features the control supports. For a list of the features a control may support, see ControlDefProcPtr.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.” The result code errMsgNotSupported indicates that the control does not support Appearance-compliant features.


The GetControlFeatures function obtains the Appearance-compliant features a control definition function supports, in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

Carbon Porting Notes

Some feature bits may not be relevant when using Carbon event-based messages.

Declared In


Gets the highlight status of a control.

UInt16 GetControlHilite (
   ControlRef control


The control to query. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value
Declared In


Gets the control ID for a control.

OSStatus GetControlID (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlID *outID


The control to query. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A pointer to a value of type ControlID that, on return, contains the control ID of the control specified by inControl.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Related Sample Code
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Returns the kind of the given control.

OSStatus GetControlKind (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlKind *outControlKind


The control to query. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


On successful exit, this will contain the control signature and kind. See ControlDefinitions.h for the kinds of each system control. For a description of this data type, see ControlKind.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


GetControlKind allows you to query the kind of any control.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains a control’s maximum setting. (Deprecated. Use GetControl32BitMaximum instead.)

Not recommended

SInt16 GetControlMaximum (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control whose maximum value you wish to determine. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

The specified control’s maximum setting.


When you create a control, you specify an initial maximum setting either in the control resource or in the max parameter of the function NewControl. You can change the maximum setting by using the function SetControlMaximum.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains a control’s minimum setting. (Deprecated. Use GetControl32BitMinimum instead.)

Not recommended

SInt16 GetControlMinimum (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control whose minimum value you wish to determine.

Return Value

The specified control’s minimum setting.


When you create a control, you specify an initial minimum setting either in the control resource or in the min parameter of the function NewControl. You can change the minimum setting by using the function SetControlMinimum.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Returns the window to which a control is bound.

WindowRef GetControlOwner (
   ControlRef control


The control to query. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

The window reference to which the control is bound, or NULL if the control is not bound to a window.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Gets the menu handle for a pop-up control.

MenuRef GetControlPopupMenuHandle (
   ControlRef control


The pop-up control to query.

Return Value

See the Menu Manager documentation for a description of the MenuRef data type.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Gets the menu ID of a pop-up menu.

short GetControlPopupMenuID (
   ControlRef control


The pop-up control to query.

Return Value

The menu ID.

Declared In


Obtains a piece of data that has been previously associated with a control.

OSStatus GetControlProperty (
   ControlRef control,
   OSType propertyCreator,
   OSType propertyTag,
   ByteCount bufferSize,
   ByteCount *actualSize,
   void *propertyBuffer


A handle to the control whose associated data you wish to obtain.


Your program’s signature, as registered through Apple Developer Technical Support. If your program is of a type that would not normally have a signature (for example, a plug-in), you should still register and use a signature in this case, even though your program’s file may not have the same creator code as the signature that you register. The ‘macs' property signature is reserved for the system and should not be used.


The application-defined code identifying the data.


A value specifying the size of the data to be obtained. If the size of the data is unknown, use the function GetControlPropertySize to get the data’s size. If the size specified in the bufferSize parameter does not match the actual size of the property, GetControlProperty only retrieves data up to the size specified or up to the actual size of the property, whichever is smaller, and an error is returned.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the actual size of the associated data. You may pass NULL for the actualSize parameter if you are not interested in this information.


On input, a pointer to a buffer. On return, this buffer contains a copy of the data that is associated with the specified control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


You may use the function GetControlProperty to obtain a copy of data previously set by your application with the function SetControlProperty.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Gets the property attributes for a control.

OSStatus GetControlPropertyAttributes (
   ControlRef control,
   OSType propertyCreator,
   OSType propertyTag,
   OptionBits *attributes


The control to query. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The OSType signature, usually the signature of your application, for the property creator of the attributes that are to be obtained.


The OSType signature for the property tag for the attributes that are to be obtained.


A pointer to a value of type UInt32 that, on return, contains the attributes of the control specified by control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the size of a piece of data that has previously been associated with a control.

OSStatus GetControlPropertySize (
   ControlRef control,
   OSType propertyCreator,
   OSType propertyTag,
   ByteCount *size


A handle to the control whose associated data you wish to examine. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


Your program’s signature, as registered through Apple Developer Technical Support. If your program is of a type that would not normally have a signature (for example, a plug-in), you should still register and use a signature in this case, even though your program’s file may not have the same creator code as the signature that you register. The ‘macs' property signature is reserved for the system and should not be used.


The application-defined code identifying the data.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the actual size of the data.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


If you want to retrieve a piece of associated data with the function GetControlProperty, you will typically need to use the GetControlPropertySize function beforehand to determine the size of the associated data.

Declared In


Obtains a control’s current reference value.

SRefCon GetControlReference (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control whose current reference value you wish to determine.

Return Value

The current reference value for the specified control.


When you create a control, you specify an initial reference value, either in the control resource or in the refCon parameter of the function NewControl. The reference value is stored in the contrlRfCon field of the control structure. You can use this field for any purpose, and you can use the function SetControlReference to change this value.

Declared In


Obtains the region corresponding to a given control part.

OSStatus GetControlRegion (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlPartCode inPart,
   RgnHandle outRegion


A handle to the control whose part region you want to obtain.


A constant identifying the control part for which a region is to be obtained. You may specify the kControlStructureMetaPart and kControlContentMetaPart control part codes, as well as the standard control part codes. See “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants” for descriptions of possible values.


On input, a value of type RgnHandle. On return, GetControlRegion sets the region to contain the actual dimensions and position of the control part, in local coordinates.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains a control’s current setting. (Deprecated. Use GetControl32BitValue instead.)

Not recommended

SInt16 GetControlValue (
   ControlRef theControl


On input, a handle to a control.

Return Value

The current setting of the control.


When you create a control, you specify an initial setting either in the control resource or in the value parameter of the function NewControl. You can change the setting by calling SetControlValue.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Returns the variation code specified in the control definition function for a particular control. (Deprecated. Use custom HIViews instead of custom CDEFs. See HIView Programming Guide.)

Not recommended

ControlVariant GetControlVariant (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control whose variation code you wish to determine.

Return Value

The variation code for the specified control see the control definition IDs in the “Control Manager Constants” section for descriptions of control variation codes. For a description of this data type, see ControlVariant.


A control definition function can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Carbon Porting Notes

Use only if you are using message-based custom controls (CDEFs).

Declared In


Obtains the size of the content to which a control’s size is proportioned.

SInt32 GetControlViewSize (
   ControlRef theControl


A value of type ControlHandle. Pass a handle to the control whose view size you wish to obtain.

Return Value

A value equal to the current size of the content being displayed, expressed in terms of the same units of measurement as are used for the minimum, maximum, and current settings of the control.


Your application should call the GetControlViewSize function to obtain the current view size of a control. This value is used by the scrollbar control to support proportional scroll boxes.

Declared In


Gets information about the content of an image well.

OSErr GetImageWellContentInfo (
   ControlRef inButton,
   ControlButtonContentInfoPtr outContent


The control reference to query.


On return, the value type ControlButtonContentInfoPtr for the control specified by inButton.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains a handle to a specified embedded control.

OSErr GetIndexedSubControl (
   ControlRef inControl,
   UInt16 inIndex,
   ControlRef *outSubControl


The control from which an embedded control handle is to be obtained. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A one-based index—an integer between 1 and the value returned in the outNumChildren parameter of CountSubControls—specifying the control you wish to access.


On input, a pointer to a ControlHandle value. On return, the ControlHandle value is set to a handle to the embedded control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.” If the index passed in is invalid, the paramErr result code is returned.


The GetIndexedSubControl function is useful for iterating over the control hierarchy. Also, the value of a radio group control is the index of its currently selected embedded radio button control. So, passing the current value of a radio group control into GetIndexedSubControl will give you a handle to the currently selected radio button control.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains a handle to the control with the current keyboard focus for a specified window.

OSErr GetKeyboardFocus (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   ControlRef *outControl


A pointer to the window for which to obtain keyboard focus.


On input, a pointer to a ControlHandle value. On return, the ControlHandle value is set to a handle to the control that currently has keyboard focus. Produces NULL if no control has focus.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The GetKeyboardFocus function returns the handle of the control with current keyboard focus within a specified window.

Declared In


Creates a control from a control resource.

ControlRef GetNewControl (
   SInt16 resourceID,
   WindowRef owningWindow


The resource ID of the control you wish to create.


A pointer to the window in which to place the control.

Return Value

A handle to the control created from the specified control resource. If GetNewControl can’t read the control resource from the resource file, it returns NULL. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The GetNewControl function creates a control structure from the information in the specified control resource, adds the control structure to the control list for the specified window, and returns as its function result a handle to the control. You use this handle when referring to the control in most other Control Manager functions. After making a copy of the control resource, GetNewControl releases the memory occupied by the original control resource before returning.

The control resource specifies the rectangle for the control, its initial setting, its visibility state, its maximum and minimum settings, its control definition ID, a reference value, and its title (if any). After you use GetNewControl to create the control, you can change the control characteristics with other Control Manager functions.

If the control resource specifies that the control should be visible, the Control Manager draws the control. If the control resource specifies that the control should initially be invisible, you can use the function ShowControl to make the control visible.

When an embedding hierarchy is established within a window, GetNewControl automatically embeds the newly created control in the root control of the owning window.

Declared In


Obtains a handle to a window’s root control.

OSErr GetRootControl (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   ControlRef *outControl


A pointer to the window to be examined.


Pass a pointer to a ControlHandle value. On return, the ControlHandle value is set to a handle to the root control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


You can call GetRootControl to determine whether or not a root control (and therefore an embedding hierarchy) exists within a specified window. Once you have the root control’s handle, you can pass it to functions such as DisposeControl, ActivateControl,and DeactivateControl to apply specified actions to the entire embedding hierarchy.

Note that the minimum, maximum, and initial settings for a root control are reserved and should not be changed.

Related Sample Code
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Obtains a handle to an embedder control.

OSErr GetSuperControl (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlRef *outParent


A handle to an embedded control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A pointer to a ControlHandle value. On return, the ControlHandle value is set to a handle to the embedder control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The GetSuperControl function gets a handle to the parent control of the control passed in.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Gets the content rectangle for a tab.

OSErr GetTabContentRect (
   ControlRef inTabControl,
   Rect *outContentRect


The tab control reference to query.


On return, the value of this parameter is a pointer to the content rectangle for the tab specified by inTabControl.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Responds to cursor movements in a control while the mouse button is down and returns the location of the next mouse-up event.

ControlPartCode HandleControlClick (
   ControlRef inControl,
   Point inWhere,
   EventModifiers inModifiers,
   ControlActionUPP inAction


A handle to the control in which the mouse-down event occurred. Pass the control handle returned by FindControl or FindControlUnderMouse.


A point, specified in local coordinates, where the mouse-down event occurred. Supply the same point you passed to FindControl or FindControlUnderMouse.


Information from the modifiers field of the event structure specifying the state of the modifier keys and the mouse button at the time the event was posted.


A universal procedure pointer to an action function defining what action your application takes while the user holds down the mouse button. See ControlActionProcPtr for a description of such an action function. The value of the inAction parameter can be a valid procPtr, NULL, or -1. A value of -1 indicates that the control should either perform auto tracking, or if it is incapable of doing so, do nothing (like NULL). For custom controls, what you pass in this parameter depends on how you define the control. If the part index is greater than 128, the pointer must be of type DragGrayRegionUPP unless the control supports live feedback, in which case it should be a ControlActionUPP.

Return Value

Returns a value of type ControlPartCode identifying the control’s part see “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and“ Control State Part Code Constants.” For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


Call the HandleControlClick function after a call to FindControl or FindControlUnderMouse. The HandleControlClick function should be called instead of TrackControl to follow the user’s cursor movements in a control and provide visual feedback until the user releases the mouse button. Unlike TrackControl, HandleControlClick allows modifier keys to be passed in so that the control may use these if the control (such as a list box or editable text field) is set up to handle its own tracking.

The visual feedback given by HandleControlClick depends on the control part in which the mouse-down event occurs. When highlighting is appropriate, for example, HandleControlClick highlights the control part (and removes the highlighting when the user releases the mouse button). When the user holds down the mouse button while the cursor is in an indicator (such as the scroll box of a scroll bar) and moves the mouse, HandleControlClick responds by dragging a dotted outline or a ghost image of the indicator. If the user releases the mouse button when the cursor is in an indicator such as the scroll box, HandleControlClick calls the control definition function to reposition the indicator.

While the user holds down the mouse button with the cursor in one of the standard controls, HandleControlClick performs the following actions, depending on the value you pass in the parameter inAction.

For 'CDEF' resources that implement custom dragging, you usually call HandleControlClick, which returns 0 regardless of the user’s changes of the control setting. To avoid this, you should use another method to determine whether the user has changed the control setting, for instance, comparing the control’s value before and after your call to HandleControlClick.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Allows a control to display a contextual menu.

OSStatus HandleControlContextualMenuClick (
   ControlRef inControl,
   Point inWhere,
   Boolean *menuDisplayed


The location that was clicked.


Pointer to a Boolean whose value is true if the control displayed a contextual menu; otherwise, false.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Tells a control to accept the data from a drag.

OSStatus HandleControlDragReceive (
   ControlRef inControl,
   DragReference inDrag


The drag reference that was dropped on the control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Call this function when the user drops a drag on a control in your window to give the control an opportunity to take any interesting data from the drag. Before calling this function, you must call SetControlDragTrackingEnabled to enable drag and drop support for the control.Note that this function should not be called in a composited window. Instead, the SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow API should be used to enable automatic control drag tracking.

Declared In


Tells a control to respond visually to a drag.

OSStatus HandleControlDragTracking (
   ControlRef inControl,
   DragTrackingMessage inMessage,
   DragReference inDrag,
   Boolean *outLikesDrag


A drag message indicating the state of the drag above the control. The meaning of the value you pass in must be relative to the control, not the whole window. For when the drag first enters the control, you should pass kDragTrackingEnterControl. While the drag stays within the control, pass kDragTrackingInControl. When the drag leaves the control, pass kDragTrackingLeaveControl.


The drag reference that is over the control.


On output, a pointer to a Boolean whose value is true if the control can accept the data in the drag reference or false if the control cannot accept the data. If the value is false,there is no need to call HandleControlDragReceive when the user drops the dragged object onto the control because the control cannot accept the data.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Call this function when a drag is above a control in your window and you want to give that control a chance to draw appropriately in response to the drag. Before calling this function, you must call SetControlDragTrackingEnabled to enable drag and drop support for the control.Note that this function should not be called in a composited window. Instead, the SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow API should be used to enable automatic control drag tracking.

Declared In


Requests that a control set the cursor based on the mouse location.

OSStatus HandleControlSetCursor (
   ControlRef control,
   Point localPoint,
   EventModifiers modifiers,
   Boolean *cursorWasSet




The location of the mouse.


Information from the modifiers field of the event structure specifying the state of the modifier keys and the mouse button at the time the event was posted.


Out output, a pointer to a Boolean whose value is true if the cursor was set; otherwise, false.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Makes a control, and any latent embedded controls, invisible.

void HideControl (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control to hide.


The HideControl function makes the specified control invisible. This can be useful, for example, before adjusting a control’s size and location. It also adds the control’s rectangle to the window’s update region, so that anything else that was previously obscured by the control will reappear on the screen. If the control is already invisible, HideControl has no effect.

When hiding groups of controls, the state of an embedded control that is hidden or deactivated is preserved so that when the embedder control is shown or activated, the embedded control appears in the same state as the embedder. If the specified control has embedded controls, HideControl makes the embedded controls invisible as well.

An embedded control is considered latent when it is deactivated or hidden due to its embedder control being deactivated or hidden. If you call HideControl on a latent embedded control, it would not be displayed the next time ShowControl was called on its embedder control.

To make the control visible again, call ShowControl.

You can also call SetControlVisibility to hide or show a control without causing it to redraw.

Declared In


Changes the highlighting of a control.

Not recommended

void HiliteControl (
   ControlRef theControl,
   ControlPartCode hiliteState


A handle to the control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A value from 0 to 255 that specifies the highlighting state of the control. The value of 0 signifies an active control with no highlighting. A value from 1 through 253 signifies a part code designating the part of the (active) control to highlight. Values 254 and 255 signify that the control is to be made disabled or inactive, respectively, and drawn accordingly. For a description of part code constants, see “Control Part Code Constants ,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.”


If the Appearance Manager is available, you should call the functions ActivateControl and DeactivateControl instead of HiliteControl to activate or deactivate a control. This is important if the control is in an embedding hierarchy, since calling these functions will ensure that any latent embedded controls will be activated and deactivated correctly.

If the Appearance Manager is not available, then when you need to make a control inactive (such as when its window is not frontmost) or in any other way change the highlighting of a control, you can use the HiliteControl function.

The HiliteControl function calls the control definition function to redraw the control with the highlighting specified in the hiliteState parameter. The HiliteControl function uses the value in this parameter to change the value of the contrlHilite field of the control structure.

Except for scroll bars, which you should hide using HideControl, you should use HiliteControl to make all controls inactive when their windows are not frontmost. The function TrackControl automatically uses the HiliteControl function as appropriate; when you use TrackControl, you don’t need to call HiliteControl.

Carbon Porting Notes

If you are activating or deactivating a control, you should use ActivateControl or DeactivateControl instead. Otherwise okay to use.

Declared In


Invokes a control action UPP.

void InvokeControlActionUPP (
   ControlRef theControl,
   ControlPartCode partCode,
   ControlActionUPP userUPP


The control for which the control action UPP is to be invoked. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The part code for which the control action UPP is to be invoked. For possible values, see “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.”


The UPP that is to be invoked.

Declared In


Invokes a control-to-collection UPP.

OSStatus InvokeControlCNTLToCollectionUPP (
   const Rect *bounds,
   SInt16 value,
   Boolean visible,
   SInt16 max,
   SInt16 min,
   SInt16 procID,
   SRefCon refCon,
   ConstStr255Param title,
   Collection collection,
   ControlCNTLToCollectionUPP userUPP


The bounds of the control.


The value of the control.


A Boolean whose value is true if the control is visible; otherwise, false.


The maximum value of the control.


The minimum value of the control.


The proc ID.


The refcon.


The title of the control.


The collection.


The UPP that is to be invoked.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Not recommended

OSStatus InvokeControlColorUPP (
   ControlRef inControl,
   SInt16 inMessage,
   SInt16 inDrawDepth,
   Boolean inDrawInColor,
   ControlColorUPP userUPP

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Carbon Porting Notes

Instead of specifying a callback to redraw your background, you should make the background a control and then embed your other controls within it.

Declared In


Invokes a control edit text validation UPP.

void InvokeControlEditTextValidationUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlEditTextValidationUPP userUPP


The control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The UPP that is to be invoked.

Declared In


Invokes a control key filter UPP.

ControlKeyFilterResult InvokeControlKeyFilterUPP (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt16 *keyCode,
   SInt16 *charCode,
   EventModifiers *modifiers,
   ControlKeyFilterUPP userUPP


The control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The key code.


The character code.


Information from the modifiers field of the event structure specifying the state of the modifier keys and the mouse button at the time the event was posted. .


The UPP that is to be invoked.

Return Value

For a description of this data type, see ControlKeyFilterResult.

Declared In


Invokes a control user pane activate UPP.

void InvokeControlUserPaneActivateUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   Boolean activating,
   ControlUserPaneActivateUPP userUPP


The control.


A Boolean whose value is true if the user pane is being activated; otherwise, false.


The UPP that is to be invoked.

Declared In


Invokes a user pane background UPP.

void InvokeControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlBackgroundPtr info,
   ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP userUPP


The control.


A pointer to information such as the depth and type of the drawing device. For a description of the ControlBackgroundPtr data type, see ControlBackgroundRec.


The UPP that is to be activated.

Declared In


Invokes a user pane draw UPP.

void InvokeControlUserPaneDrawUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlPartCode part,
   ControlUserPaneDrawUPP userUPP


The control.


The part.


The UPP that is to be activated.

Declared In


Invokes a user pane focus UPP.

ControlPartCode InvokeControlUserPaneFocusUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlFocusPart action,
   ControlUserPaneFocusUPP userUPP


The control.


The action.


The UPP that is to be activated.

Return Value

For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.

Declared In


Invokes a user pane hit test UPP.

ControlPartCode InvokeControlUserPaneHitTestUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   Point where,
   ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP userUPP


The control.


The location.


The UPP that is to be activated.

Return Value

See ControlPartCode for a description of the ControlPartCode data type.

Declared In


Invokes a user pane idle UPP.

void InvokeControlUserPaneIdleUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlUserPaneIdleUPP userUPP


The control.


The UPP that is to be activated.

Declared In


Invokes a user pane key down UPP.

ControlPartCode InvokeControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   SInt16 keyCode,
   SInt16 charCode,
   SInt16 modifiers,
   ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP userUPP


The control.


The key code.


The character code.


The modifiers.


The UPP that is to be activated.

Return Value

For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.

Declared In


Invokes a user pane tracking UPP.

ControlPartCode InvokeControlUserPaneTrackingUPP (
   ControlRef control,
   Point startPt,
   ControlActionUPP actionProc,
   ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP userUPP


The control.


The starting point.


The action proc.


The UPP that is to be activated.

Return Value

For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.

Declared In


Invokes a Unicode post update UPP.

Boolean InvokeEditUnicodePostUpdateUPP (
   UniCharArrayHandle uniText,
   UniCharCount uniTextLength,
   UniCharArrayOffset iStartOffset,
   UniCharArrayOffset iEndOffset,
   void *refcon,
   EditUnicodePostUpdateUPP userUPP


The UPP that is to be activated.


The length of text in Unitext parameter.


The starting offset.


The ending offset.


The refcon.


The UPP that is to be activated.

Return Value
Declared In


Indicates whether automatic drag tracking is enabled for the specified window.

OSStatus IsAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   Boolean *outTracks


On output, a pointer to a Boolean whose value is true if the Control Manager’s automatic drag tracking is enabled for the window; otherwise, false.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


For more information on automatic drag tracking, see SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow.

Declared In


Returns whether a control is active.

Boolean IsControlActive (
   ControlRef inControl


A handle to the control to be examined.

Return Value

A Boolean whose value is true if the control is active; otherwise, false.


If you wish to determine whether a control is active, you should call IsControlActive instead of testing the contrlHilite field of the control structure.

Declared In


Indicates whether a control’s drag track and receive support is enabled.

OSStatus IsControlDragTrackingEnabled (
   ControlRef inControl,
   Boolean *outTracks




On output, a pointer to a Boolean whose value is true if automatic drag tracking and receive support is enabled for the control; otherwise, false.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Call this function to determine whether drag and drop support is enabled for a control. Some controls don’t support drag and drop; these controls don’t track or receive drags even if the outTracks parameter indicates a value of true.

Declared In


Indicates whether a control is enabled.

Boolean IsControlEnabled (
   ControlRef inControl


The control that is to be queried.

Return Value

A Boolean whose value is true if the control is enabled; otherwise, false.

Declared In


Indicates whether or not the control is highlighted.

Boolean IsControlHilited (
   ControlRef control


The control that is to be queried.

Return Value

A Boolean whose value is true if the control is highlighted; otherwise, false.

Declared In


Determines whether a control is visible.

Boolean IsControlVisible (
   ControlRef inControl


A handle to the control to be examined.

Return Value

If true, the control is visible. If false, the control is hidden.


If you want to determine whether a control is visible, call IsControlVisible. Note that this function indicates the actual user visibility; if the control is marked visible, but its owning window or view is hidden, isControlVisible returns false. (In compositing mode, if a window is hidden, its root view is also marked as hidden. Similarly, any subviews of a hidden view are considered hidden.) A control’s latent visibility (its visibility ignoring the visibility of its parents) can be determined by calling the HIView function HIViewIsLatentlyVisible.

Declared In


Reports whether a given handle is a control handle.

Boolean IsValidControlHandle (
   ControlRef theControl


A value of type ControlHandle. Pass the handle to be examined.

Return Value

true if the specified handle is a valid control handle; otherwise, false.


The IsValidControlHandle function confirms whether a given handle is a valid control handle, but it does not check the validity of the data contained in the control itself.

Declared In


Removes all of the controls from a window that you wish to keep.

void KillControls (
   WindowRef theWindow


A pointer to the window whose controls you wish to remove.


The KillControls function disposes of all controls associated with the specified window. To remove just one control, use DisposeControl. If an embedding hierarchy is present, KillControls disposes of the controls embedded within a control before disposing of the container control.

You should use KillControls when you wish to retain the window but dispose of its controls. The Window Manager functions CloseWindow and DisposeWindow automatically remove all controls associated with the window and release the memory the controls occupy.

Declared In


Moves a control within its window.

void MoveControl (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt16 h,
   SInt16 v


A handle to the control you wish to move.


The horizontal coordinate (local to the control’s window) of the new location of the upper-left corner of the control’s rectangle.


The vertical coordinate (local to the control’s window) of the new location of the upper-left corner of the control’s rectangle.


The MoveControl function moves the control to the new location specified by the h and v parameters, using them to change the rectangle specified in the contrlRect field of the control structure. When the control is visible, MoveControl first hides it and then redraws it at its new location.

For example, if the user resizes a document window that contains a scroll bar, your application can use MoveControl to move the scroll bar to its new location.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Creates a UPP for a control action callback function.

ControlActionUPP NewControlActionUPP (
   ControlActionProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your control action callback function. See ControlActionProcPtr for information about defining this function.

Return Value

A UPP to your control action callback function.

Declared In


Creates a UPP for a control-to-collection callback function.

ControlCNTLToCollectionUPP NewControlCNTLToCollectionUPP (
   ControlCNTLToCollectionProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value

A UPP to your control-to-collection callback function.

Declared In


Not recommended

ControlColorUPP NewControlColorUPP (
   ControlColorProcPtr userRoutine

Carbon Porting Notes

Instead of specifying a callback to redraw your background, you should make the background a control and then embed your other controls within it.

Declared In


Creates a UPP for a control edit text validation callback function.

ControlEditTextValidationUPP NewControlEditTextValidationUPP (
   ControlEditTextValidationProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlKeyFilterUPP NewControlKeyFilterUPP (
   ControlKeyFilterProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlUserPaneActivateUPP NewControlUserPaneActivateUPP (
   ControlUserPaneActivateProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP NewControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP (
   ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlUserPaneDrawUPP NewControlUserPaneDrawUPP (
   ControlUserPaneDrawProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlUserPaneFocusUPP NewControlUserPaneFocusUPP (
   ControlUserPaneFocusProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP NewControlUserPaneHitTestUPP (
   ControlUserPaneHitTestProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlUserPaneIdleUPP NewControlUserPaneIdleUPP (
   ControlUserPaneIdleProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP NewControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP (
   ControlUserPaneKeyDownProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP NewControlUserPaneTrackingUPP (
   ControlUserPaneTrackingProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


EditUnicodePostUpdateUPP NewEditUnicodePostUpdateUPP (
   EditUnicodePostUpdateProcPtr userRoutine

Return Value
Declared In


Registers an old-style control definition.

OSStatus RegisterControlDefinition (
   SInt16 inCDEFResID,
   const ControlDefSpec *inControlDef,
   ControlCNTLToCollectionUPP inConversionProc


The virtual resource ID you want to assign to the control definition.


A pointer to the control definition function you want to register. Pass NULL if you want to unregister a given CDEF proc ID.


A UPP to a callback function to place initialization data (such as the bounds, min and max values, and so on) into a collection.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Mac OS X does not allow you to store custom control definitions in resources. However, some older functions such as GetNewControl expect a resource ID when creating controls. To work around this, you can use RegisterControlDefinition to register “virtual” resource IDs for your control definition functions.

Since custom control definitions receive initialization data as a collection in the param parameter, you must provide a callback to properly package this information. See “Control Collection Tag Constants” for a list of tags you can apply to the collection. If you do not supply a conversion callback, the Control Manager sends an empty collection to your control definition.

To unregister a control definition, pass NULL in the inDefSpec parameter for a given CDEF proc ID.

In Mac OS X v10.2 and later, you should consider reimplementing your custom control code using custom HIViews. See Introducing HIView for more information.

Declared In


Removes a piece of data that has been previously associated with a control.

OSStatus RemoveControlProperty (
   ControlRef control,
   OSType propertyCreator,
   OSType propertyTag


A handle to the control whose associated data you wish to remove.


Your program’s signature, as registered through Apple Developer Technical Support. If your program is of a type that would not normally have a signature (for example, a plug-in), you should still register and use a signature in this case, even though your program’s file may not have the same creator code as the signature that you register. The ’macs' property signature is reserved for the system and should not be used.


The application-defined code identifying the associated data.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Your application may dissociate data it has previously set with the SetControlProperty function by calling the RemoveControlProperty function.

Declared In


Returns keyboard focus to the prior focusable control in a window.

OSErr ReverseKeyboardFocus (
   WindowRef inWindow


A pointer to the window for which to reverse keyboard focus.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The ReverseKeyboardFocus function reverses the progression of keyboard focus, skipping over deactivated and hidden controls until it finds the previous control to receive keyboard focus in the window.

When ReverseKeyboardFocus is called, the Control Manager calls your control definition function and passes kControlMsgFocus in its message parameter and kControlFocusPrevPart in its param parameter. In response to this message, your control definition function should change keyboard focus to its previous part, the entire control, or remove keyboard focus from the control, depending upon the circumstances. See ControlDefProcPtr for a discussion of possible responses to this message.

Declared In


Sends a message to a control definition function. (Deprecated. For custom controls, use a custom HIView instead of a control definition function. See HIView Programming Guide.)

Not recommended

SInt32 SendControlMessage (
   ControlRef inControl,
   SInt16 inMessage,
   void *inParam


A handle to the control that is to receive a low-level message. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A bit field representing the message(s) you wish to send; see ControlDefProcPtr.


The message-dependent data passed in the param parameter of the control definition function.

Return Value

Varying data, depending upon the message sent in the inMessage parameter.


Your application does not normally need to call the SendControlMessage function. If you have a special need to call a control definition function directly, call SendControlMessage to access and manipulate the control’s attributes.

Before calling SendControlMessage, you should determine whether the control supports the specific message you wish to send by calling GetControlFeatures and examining the feature bit field returned. If there are no feature bits returned that correspond to the message you wish to send (for messages 0 through 12), you can assume that all system controls support that message.

Carbon Porting Notes

Don’t send messages to standard system control definitions.

Declared In


Enables or disables automatic drag tracking for a window.

OSStatus SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   Boolean inTracks


A Boolean whose value is true to enable the Control Manager’s automatic drag tracking support or false to disable automatic drag tracking support.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


By default, your application is responsible for installing drag tracking and receive handlers on a given window. The Control Manager, however, has support for automatically tracking and receiving drags over controls that you can enable by calling this function with the inTracks parameter set to true.

The Control Manager automatic drag tracking detects the control the drag is over and calls HandleControlDragTracking and HandleControlDragReceive appropriately. By default, the Control Manager’s automatic drag tracking is disabled.

Earlier versions of system software enabled automatic drag tracking by default, but as of Mac OS X v10.1.3, Mac OS 9.2, and CarbonLib 1.4, you must call this function to enable automatic drag tracking.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Sets the content information for a bevel button.

OSErr SetBevelButtonContentInfo (
   ControlRef inButton,
   ControlButtonContentInfoPtr inContent


The control reference for the bevel button whose content information is to be set.


A value of type ControlButtonContentInfoPtr for the content information that is to be set.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the alignment for a bevel button.

OSErr SetBevelButtonGraphicAlignment (
   ControlRef inButton,
   ControlButtonGraphicAlignment inAlign,
   SInt16 inHOffset,
   SInt16 inVOffset


The control reference for the bevel button that is to be aligned.


The alignment that is to be set. For possible values, see “Bevel Button Graphic Alignment Constants.”


The horizontal offset, in pixels, that is to be applied to the alignment specified by the inAlign parameter.


The vertical offset, in pixels, that is to be applied to the alignment specified by the inAlign parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the value of a bevel button menu.

OSErr SetBevelButtonMenuValue (
   ControlRef inButton,
   MenuItemIndex inValue


The control reference for the bevel button whose menu value is to be set.


The value that is to be set.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the alignment of the text for a bevel button.

OSErr SetBevelButtonTextAlignment (
   ControlRef inButton,
   ControlButtonTextAlignment inAlign,
   SInt16 inHOffset


The control reference for the bevel button whose text is to be aligned.


The alignment that is to be set. For possible values, see“Bevel Button Text Alignment Constants .”


The horizontal offset, in pixels, that is to be applied to the alignment specified by the inAlign parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the placement for bevel button text.

OSErr SetBevelButtonTextPlacement (
   ControlRef inButton,
   ControlButtonTextPlacement inWhere


The control reference for the bevel button whose text is to be placed.


The placement that is to be set. For possible values, see “Bevel Button Text Placement Constants .”

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the transform for a bevel button.

OSErr SetBevelButtonTransform (
   ControlRef inButton,
   IconTransformType transform


The control reference for the bevel button whose text is to be placed.


The transform that is to be set. For possible values, see the IconTransformType enumeration described in the Icon Services and Utilities Reference.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Changes the maximum setting of a control and, if appropriate, redraws it accordingly.

void SetControl32BitMaximum (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt32 newMaximum


A handle to the control whose maximum setting you wish to change. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The new maximum setting of the control. In general, to avoid unpredictable behavior, do not set the maximum control value lower than the current minimum value.


Your application may use the SetControl32BitMaximum function to set a 32-bit value as the maximum setting for a control.

If your application uses a 32-bit control maximum value, it should not attempt to obtain this value by calling the pre–Mac OS 8.5 function GetControlMaximum because the 16-bit value that is returned does not accurately reflect the current 32-bit control value. Instead, use the function GetControl32BitMaximum.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Changes the minimum setting of a control and, if appropriate, redraws it accordingly.

void SetControl32BitMinimum (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt32 newMinimum


A handle to the control whose minimum setting you wish to change. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A value specifying the new minimum setting of the control. In general, to avoid unpredictable behavior, do not set the minimum control value higher than the current maximum value.


Your application may use the SetControl32BitMinimum function to set a 32-bit value as the minimum setting for a control.

If your application uses a 32-bit control minimum value, it should not attempt to obtain this value by calling the pre–Mac OS 8.5 function GetControlMinimum because the 16-bit value that is returned does not accurately reflect the current 32-bit control value. Instead, use the function GetControl32BitMinimum.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Changes the current setting of a control and redraws it accordingly.

void SetControl32BitValue (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt32 newValue


A handle to the control whose current setting you wish to change. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A value specifying the new setting of the control. If the specified value is less than the minimum setting for the control, SetControl32BitValue sets the current setting of the control to its minimum setting. If the specified value is greater than the maximum setting, SetControl32BitValue sets the control to its maximum.


Your application may use the SetControl32BitValue function to set a 32-bit value as the current setting for a control.

If your application uses a 32-bit control value, it should not attempt to obtain this value by calling the pre–Mac OS 8.5 function GetControlValue because the 16-bit value that is returned does not accurately reflect the current 32-bit control value. Instead, use the function GetControl32BitValue.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Sets the action function for a control.

void SetControlAction (
   ControlRef theControl,
   ControlActionUPP actionProc


A handle to the control whose action function is to be changed.


A universal procedure pointer to an action function defining what action your application takes while the user holds down the mouse button. See ControlActionProcPtr for a description of an action function.


The SetControlAction function associates the action function specified by actionProc with the control specified by theControl. If the cursor is in the specified control, the HandleControlClick and TrackControl functions call the specified action function when the user holds down the mouse button. You must provide the action function, and it must define some action to perform repeatedly as long as the user holds down the mouse button. HandleControlUnderClick and TrackControl always highlight and drag the control as appropriate.

SetControlAction should be used to set the application-defined action function for providing live feedback for standard system scroll bar controls.

Note that the action function associated with a control is used by TrackControl only if you set the action function to TrackControl to Pointer(–1). Also, an action function can be specified in the actionProc parameter to TrackControl, so you don’t have to call SetControlAction to change it.

Declared In


Sets the bounds of a control.

void SetControlBounds (
   ControlRef control,
   const Rect *bounds

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Associates a ControlColorUPP with a given Control, thereby allowing you to bypass the embedding hierarchy-based color setup of SetUpControlBackground/SetUpControlTextColor and replace it with your own.

Not recommended

OSStatus SetControlColorProc (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlColorUPP inProc


The ControlRef with whom the color proc should be associated. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The color proc to associate with the ControlRef. If you pass NULL, the ControlRef will be dissociated from any previously installed color proc. For a description of the ControlColorUPP data type,

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.” An OSStatus code indicating success or failure. The most likely error is a controlHandleInvalidErr resulting from a bad ControlRef.


Before an embedded Control can erase, it calls SetUpControlBackground to have its background color set up by any parent controls. Similarly, any Control that draws text calls SetUpControlTextColor to have the appropriate text color set up. This allows certain controls (such as tabs and placards) to offer special backgrounds and text colors for any child controls. By default, the set up functions only move up the Control Manager embedding hierarchy looking for a parent which has a special background.

This is fine in a plain vanilla embedding case, but many application frameworks find it troublesome; if there are interesting views between two controls in the embedding hierarchy, the framework needs to be in charge of the background and text colors, otherwise drawing defects will occur.

You can only associate a single color proc with a given ControlRef.

Carbon Porting Notes

Instead of specifying a callback to redraw your background, you should make the background a control and then embed your other controls within it.

Declared In


Sets the command ID for a control.

OSStatus SetControlCommandID (
   ControlRef inControl,
   UInt32 inCommandID


The control to set.


The command ID that is to be set.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets control-specific data.

OSErr SetControlData (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlPartCode inPart,
   ResType inTagName,
   Size inSize,
   const void *inData


A handle to the control for which data is to be set.


The part code of the control part for which data is to be set; see “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.” Passing kControlEntireControl indicates that either the control has no parts or the data is not tied to any specific part of the control.


A constant representing the control-specific data you wish to set see the data tag constants in the “Control Manager Constants” section.


The size (in bytes) of the data pointed to by the inData parameter. For variable-length control data, pass the value returned in the outMaxSize parameter of GetControlDataSize in the inSize parameter. The number of bytes must match the actual data size.


A pointer to a buffer allocated by your application. This buffer contains the data that you are sending to the control. After calling SetControlData, your application is responsible for disposing of this buffer, if necessary, as information is copied by control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.” The result code errDataNotSupported indicates that the inTagName parameter is not valid.


The SetControlData function sets control-specific data represented by the value in the inTagName parameter to the data pointed to by the inData parameter. SetControlData could be used, for example, to switch a progress indicator from a determinate to indeterminate state. For a list of the control attributes that can be set, see the data tag constants in the “Control Manager Constants” section.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


(Deprecated. Use custom HIViews instead of custom CDEFs. See HIView Programming Guide.)

Not recommended

void SetControlDataHandle (
   ControlRef control,
   Handle dataHandle

Carbon Porting Notes

Only useful for message-based custom controls (CDEFs).

Declared In


Sets the drag tracking state for a control.

OSStatus SetControlDragTrackingEnabled (
   ControlRef inControl,
   Boolean inTracks


The control for which the drag tracking state is to be set.


A Boolean whose value is true if you want the control to track and receive drags or false if want to disable support for drag and drop.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Call this function to enable a control’s support for drag and drop. If you don’t enable drag and drop support, the control won’t track drags.

Some controls don’t support drag and drop; these controls won’t track or receive drags even if you call this function with the inTracks parameter set to true.

Related Sample Code
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Sets the font style for a control.

OSErr SetControlFontStyle (
   ControlRef inControl,
   const ControlFontStyleRec *inStyle


A handle to the control whose font style is to be set. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A pointer to a ControlFontStyleRec structure. If the flags field is cleared, the control uses the system font unless the control variant kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant has been specified (control uses window font).

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The SetControlFontStyle function sets the font style for a given control. To specify the font for controls in a dialog box, it is generally easier to use the dialog font table resource. SetControlFontStyle allows you to override a control’s default font (system or window font, depending upon whether the control variant kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant has been specified). Once you have set a control’s font with this function, you can cause the control to revert to its default font by passing a control font style structure with a cleared flags field in the inStyle parameter.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Sets a control’s ID.

OSStatus SetControlID (
   ControlRef inControl,
   const ControlID *inID

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Changes the maximum setting of a control and redraws its indicator or scroll box accordingly. (Deprecated. Use SetControl32BitMaximum instead.)

Not recommended

void SetControlMaximum (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt16 newMaximum


A handle to the control whose maximum setting you wish to change.


The new maximum setting.


The SetControlMaximum function changes the maximum value of a control to the value specified by the newMaximum parameter and redraws its indicator or scroll box to reflect its new range.

When you set the maximum setting of a scroll bar equal to its minimum setting, the control definition function makes the scroll bar inactive. When you make the maximum setting exceed the minimum, the control definition function makes the scroll bar active again.

When you create a control, you specify an initial maximum setting either in the control resource or in the max parameter of the function NewControl. To determine a control’s current maximum setting, use the function GetControlMaximum.

Related Sample Code
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Changes the minimum setting of a control and redraws its indicator or scroll box accordingly. (Deprecated. Use SetControl32BitMinimum instead.)

Not recommended

void SetControlMinimum (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt16 newMinimum


A handle to the control whose minimum setting you wish to change. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The new minimum setting.


The SetControlMinimum function changes the control’s minimum value to the value specified by the newMinimum parameter and redraws its indicator or scroll box to reflect its new range.

When you create a control, you specify an initial minimum setting either in the control resource or in the min parameter of the NewControl function. To obtain a control’s current minimum setting, use the function GetControlMinimum.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Sets the menu handle for a pop-up control.

void SetControlPopupMenuHandle (
   ControlRef control,
   MenuRef popupMenu


The pop-up control.


The menu handle to set.

Declared In


Sets the menu ID for a pop-up control

void SetControlPopupMenuID (
   ControlRef control,
   short menuID


The pop-up control.


The menu ID to set.

Declared In


Associates data with a control.

OSStatus SetControlProperty (
   ControlRef control,
   OSType propertyCreator,
   OSType propertyTag,
   ByteCount propertySize,
   const void *propertyData


A handle to the control with which you wish to associate data. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


Your program’s signature, as registered through Apple Developer Technical Support. If your program is of a type that would not normally have a signature (for example, a plug-in), you should still register and use a signature in this case, even though your program’s file may not have the same creator code as the signature that you register. The 'macs' property signature is reserved for the system and should not be used.


A value identifying the data. You define the tag your application uses to identify the data.


A value specifying the size of the data.


On input, a pointer to data of any type. Pass a pointer to a buffer containing the data to be associated; this buffer should be at least as large as the value specified in the propertySize parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


Your application may use the SetControlProperty function to associate any type of data with a control.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Changes a control’s current reference value.

void SetControlReference (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SRefCon data


A handle to the control whose reference value you want to change. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The new reference value for the control.


The SetControlReference function sets the control’s reference value to the value you specify in the data parameter.

When you create a control, you specify an initial reference value, either in the control resource or in the refCon parameter of the function NewControl. Call GetControlReference to obtain the current value. You can use this value for any purpose.

Declared In


Routes mouse-down events to the embedder control.

Not recommended

OSErr SetControlSupervisor (
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlRef inBoss


A handle to an embedded control. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A handle to the embedder control to which mouse-down events are to be routed. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


The SetControlSupervisor function allows an embedder control to respond to mouse-down events occurring in its embedded controls.

An example of a standard control that uses this function is the radio group control. Mouse-down events in the embedded controls of a radio group are intercepted by the group control. (The embedded controls in this case must support radio behavior if a mouse-down event occurs in an embedded control within a radio group control that does not support radio behavior, the control tracks normally and the group is not involved.) The group handles all interactions and switches the embedded control’s value on and off. If the value of the radio group changes, TrackControl or HandleControlClick will return the kControlRadioGroupPart part code. If the user tracks off the radio button or clicks the current radio button, kControlNoPart is returned.

Carbon Porting Notes

If you are using the Carbon Event Manager, send the event to the next higher control in the containment hierarchy instead.

Declared In


Sets the title for a control to the specified Core Foundation string.

OSStatus SetControlTitleWithCFString (
   ControlRef inControl,
   CFStringRef inString

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Changes the current setting of a control and redraws it accordingly. (Deprecated. Use SetControl32BitValue instead.)

Not recommended

void SetControlValue (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt16 newValue


A handle to the control whose current setting you wish to change. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The new setting for the control.


For controls whose values the user can set, you can use the SetControlValue function to change the value to the specified value and redraw the control to reflect the new setting. For checkboxes and radio buttons, the value 1 fills the control with the appropriate mark, and 0 removes the mark. For Mac OS 8 checkboxes and radio buttons, 2 represents a mixed state; see “Checkbox Value Constants” and “Radio Button Value Constants.” For scroll bars, SetControlValue redraws the scroll box where appropriate.

If the specified value is less than the minimum setting for the control, SetControlValue sets the control to its minimum setting; if the value is greater than the maximum setting, SetControlValue sets the control to its maximum.

When you create a control, you specify an initial setting either in the control resource or in the value parameter of the function NewControl. To determine a control’s current setting before changing it in response to a user’s click in that control, use the function GetControlValue.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Informs the Control Manager of the size of the content to which a control’s size is proportioned.

void SetControlViewSize (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt32 newViewSize


A handle to the control whose view size is to be set. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A value specifying the size of the content being displayed. This value should be expressed in terms of the same units of measurement as are used for the minimum, maximum, and current settings of the control.


Your application should call the SetControlViewSize function to support proportional scroll boxes. If the user selects the systemwide Appearance preference for proportional scroll boxes and your application doesn’t call SetControlViewSize, it will still have the traditional square scroll boxes.

To support a proportional scroll box, simply pass the size of the view area—in terms of whatever units the scroll bar uses—to SetControlViewSize. The system automatically handles resizing the scroll box, once your application supplies this information.

Declared In


Sets the visibility of a control, and any embedded controls, and specifies whether it should be drawn.

OSErr SetControlVisibility (
   ControlRef inControl,
   Boolean inIsVisible,
   Boolean inDoDraw


A handle to the control whose visibility is to be set.


A Boolean value indicating whether the control is visible or invisible. If you set this value to true, the control will be visible. If false, the control will be invisible. If you wish to show a control (and latent embedded subcontrols) but do not want to cause screen drawing, pass true for this parameter and false in the inDoDraw parameter.


A Boolean value indicating whether the control should be drawn or erased. If true, the control’s display on the screen should be updated (drawn or erased) based on the value passed in the inIsVisible parameter. If false, the display will not be updated.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


You should call the SetControlVisibility function instead of setting the contrlVis field of the control structure to set the visibility of a control and specify whether it will be drawn. If the control has embedded controls, SetControlVisibility allows you to set their visibility and specify whether or not they will be drawn. If you wish to show a control but do not want it to be drawn onscreen, pass true in the inIsVisible parameter and false in the inDoDraw parameter.

Declared In


Sets the last value of a disclosure triangle.

OSErr SetDisclosureTriangleLastValue (
   HIViewRef inDisclosureTriangle,
   SInt16 inValue


The control reference for the disclosure triangle whose last value is to be set.


The value to set. For possible values, see “Disclosure Triangle Constants.”

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the content information for an image well.

OSErr SetImageWellContentInfo (
   ControlRef inButton,
   ControlButtonContentInfoPtr inContent


The control reference for the image well whose content information is to be set.


The content to set.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets an image well transform.

OSErr SetImageWellTransform (
   ControlRef inButton,
   IconTransformType inTransform


The control reference for the image well.


The transform to set. For possible values, see the IconTransformType enumeration described in the Icon Services and Utilities Reference.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


An transform is a visual appearance modification that is to be made when drawing the control’s content.

Declared In


Sets the current keyboard focus to a specified control part for a window.

OSErr SetKeyboardFocus (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   ControlRef inControl,
   ControlFocusPart inPart


A pointer to the window containing the control that is to receive keyboard focus.


A handle to the control that is to receive keyboard focus.


A part code specifying the part of a control to receive keyboard focus. To clear a control’s keyboard focus, pass kControlFocusNoPart. For a description of this data type, see ControlFocusPart

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”


A control with keyboard focus receives keyboard events. The Dialog Manager tests to see which control has keyboard focus when a keyboard event is processed and sends the event to that control. If no control has keyboard focus, the keyboard event is discarded. A control retains keyboard focus if it is hidden or deactivated.

Keyboard focus is only available if an embedding hierarchy has been established in the focusable control’s window. The default focusing order is based on the order in which controls are added to the window. For more details on embedding hierarchies, see EmbedControl.

The SetKeyboardFocus function sets the keyboard focus to a specified control part. The control to receive keyboard focus can be deactivated or invisible. This permits you to set the focus for an item in a dialog box before the dialog box is displayed.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Enables and disables a tab control.

OSErr SetTabEnabled (
   ControlRef inTabControl,
   SInt16 inTabToHilite,
   Boolean inEnabled


The control reference for the tab.


The tab to highlight.


A Boolean whose value is true if the tab is to be enabled or false to disable the tab.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


Applies the proper background color for the given control to the current port.

OSErr SetUpControlBackground (
   ControlRef inControl,
   SInt16 inDepth,
   Boolean inIsColorDevice


The ControlRef that wants to erase. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A short integer indicating the color depth of the device onto which drawing will take place.On Mac OS X, this parameter is ignored; you should always pass 32.


A Boolean indicating whether the draw device is a color device. On Mac OS X, this parameter is ignored; you should always pass true.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.” An OSStatus code indicating success or failure. The most likely error is a controlHandleInvalidErr, resulting from a bad ControlRef. Any non-noErr result indicates that the color set up failed, and that the caller should probably give up its attempt to draw.


An embedding-savvy control which erases before drawing must ensure that its background color properly matches the body color of any parent controls on top of which it draws. This routine asks the Control Manager to determine and apply the proper background color to the current port.

If a ControlColorProc callback has been provided for the given control, the callback will be called to set up the background color. If no proc exists, or if the proc returns a value other than noErr, the Control Manager ascends the parent chain for the given control looking for a control which has a special background (see the kControlHasSpecialBackground feature bit). The first such parent is asked to set up the background color (see the kControlMsgSetUpBackground message). If no such parent exists, the Control Manager applies any ThemeBrush which has been associated with the owning window (see SetThemeWindowBackground).

Declared In


Applies the proper text color for the given control to the current port.¬¬

OSErr SetUpControlTextColor (
   ControlRef inControl,
   SInt16 inDepth,
   Boolean inIsColorDevice


The ControlRef that wants to draw text.


A short integer indicating the color depth of the device onto which drawing will take place. On Mac OS X, this parameter is ignored; you should always pass 32.


A Boolean indicating whether the draw device is a color device. On Mac OS X, this parameter is ignored; you should always pass true.

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.” An OSStatus code indicating success or failure. The most likely error is a controlHandleInvalidErr, resulting from a bad ControlRef. Any non-noErr result indicates that the color set up failed, and that the caller should probably give up its attempt to draw.


An embedding-savvy control which draws text must ensure that its text color properly contrasts the background on which it draws. This routine asks the Control Manager to determine and apply the proper text color to the current port.

If a ControlColorProc has been provided for the given control, the proc will be called to set up the text color. If no proc exists, or if the proc returns a value other than noErr, the Control Manager ascends the parent chain for the given control looking for a control which has a special background (see the kControlHasSpecialBackground feature bit). The first such parent is asked to set up the text color (see the kControlMsgApplyTextColor message). If no such parent exists, the Control Manager chooses a text color which contrasts any ThemeBrush which has been associated with the owning window (see SetThemeWindowBackground).

Declared In


Makes an invisible control, and any latent embedded controls, visible.

void ShowControl (
   ControlRef theControl


A handle to the control to make visible. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


If the specified control is invisible, the ShowControl function makes it visible and immediately draws the control within its window without using your window’s standard updating mechanism. Note that the ShowControl function draws the control in its window, but the control can still be completely or partially obscured by overlapping windows or other objects. If the control is already visible, ShowControl has no effect.

When showing groups of controls, the state of an embedded control that is hidden or deactivated is preserved, so that when the embedder control is shown or activated, the embedded control appears in the same state as the embedder. If the specified control has embedded controls, ShowControl makes the embedded controls visible as well.

An embedded control is considered latent when it is deactivated or hidden due to its embedder control being deactivated or hidden. If you call ShowControl on a latent embedded control whose embedder is disabled, the embedded control will remain invisible until its embedder control is enabled.

You can make a control invisible in several ways:

Declared In


Changes the size of a control’s rectangle.

void SizeControl (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt16 w,
   SInt16 h


A handle to the control you wish to resize.


The new width, in pixels, of the resized control.


The new height, in pixels, of the resized control.


The SizeControl function changes the rectangle specified in the contrlRect field of the control structure. The lower-right corner of the rectangle is adjusted so that it has the width and height specified by the w and h parameters the position of the upper-left corner is not changed. If the control is currently visible, it’s first hidden and then redrawn in its new size. The SizeControl function will change the window’s update region.

Related Sample Code
Declared In


Obtains the control part in which a mouse-down event occurred.

ControlPartCode TestControl (
   ControlRef theControl,
   Point testPoint


A handle to the control in which the mouse-down event occurred.


The point, in a window’s local coordinates, where the mouse-down event occurred.

Return Value

The part code of the control part, or 0 if the point is outside the control; see “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and“ Control State Part Code Constants.” If the control is invisible or inactive, TestControl returns 0. For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


The TestControl function is called by the FindControl and TrackControl functions; your application does not normally call it.

When the control specified by the parameter theControl is visible and active, TestControl tests which part of the control contains the point specified by the parameter testPoint.

Declared In


Responds to cursor movements in a control while the mouse button is down. (Deprecated. Use HandleControlClick instead.)

Not recommended

ControlPartCode TrackControl (
   ControlRef theControl,
   Point startPoint,
   ControlActionUPP actionProc


A handle to the control in which a mouse-down event occurred. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


A point, specified in coordinates local to the window, where the mouse-down event occurred.


A pointer to an action function defining the action your application takes while the user holds down the mouse button. The value of the actionProc parameter can be a valid procPtr, NULL, or -1. A value of -1 indicates that the control should either perform auto tracking, or if it is incapable of doing so, do nothing (like NULL). See ControlActionProcPtr for information about an action function to specify in this parameter.

Return Value

If the user releases the mouse button while the cursor is inside a control part, TrackControl returns a value of type ControlPartCodeidentifying the control part in which the mouse-up event occurs; see “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and“ Control State Part Code Constants.” TrackControl returns 0 if the user releases the mouse button while the cursor is outside the control part. If the user releases the mouse button when the cursor is in an indicator such as a scroll box, TrackControl calls the control’s control definition function to reposition the indicator. For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


When the Appearance Manager is available, you should typically call HandleControlClick instead of TrackControl to follow the user’s cursor movements in a control and provide visual feedback until the user releases the mouse button. Unlike the TrackControl function, HandleControlClick also accepts modifier key information so that the control may take into account the current modifier key state if the control is set up to handle its own tracking.

If the Appearance Manager is not available, you can use the TrackControl function to follow the user’s cursor movements in a control and provide visual feedback until the user releases the mouse button. The visual feedback given by TrackControl depends on the control part in which the mouse-down event occurs. When highlighting is appropriate, for example, TrackControl highlights the control part (and removes the highlighting when the user releases the mouse button). When the user holds down the mouse button while the cursor is in an indicator (such as the scroll box of a scroll bar) and moves the mouse, TrackControl responds by dragging a dotted outline of the indicator.

While the user holds down the mouse button with the cursor in one of the standard controls, TrackControl performs the following actions, depending on the value you pass in the parameter actionProc. (For other controls, what you pass in this parameter depends on how you define the control.)

Note that when you need to handle events in alert and dialog boxes, Dialog Manager functions automatically call FindControl and TrackControl.

Declared In


Draws controls in the specified update region of a window.

void UpdateControls (
   WindowRef inWindow,
   RgnHandle inUpdateRegion


On input, a pointer to the window containing the controls to update.


On input, a handle to the update region of the specified window.


The UpdateControls function, which should not be called in a compositing window, draws only those controls in the specified window that need updating. This function is faster than the DrawControls function, which draws all of the controls in a window. By contrast, UpdateControls draws only those controls in the update region.

Your application should call UpdateControls upon receiving an update event for a window that contains controls. While the Dialog Manager handles update events for controls in alert boxes and dialog boxes, Window Manager functions such as SelectWindow, ShowWindow, and BringToFront do not automatically call UpdateControls to display the window’s controls.

In response to an update event, you normally call UpdateControls after using the Window Manager function BeginUpdate and before using the Window Manager function EndUpdate. You should set the updateRegion parameter to the visible region of the window’s port, as specified in the port’s visRgn field. Note that if your application draws parts of a control outside of its rectangle, UpdateControls might not redraw it.

Declared In

Callbacks by Task

Defining Your Own Action Function

Defining Your Own Control Definition Function

Defining Your Own Key Filter Function

Defining Your Own Text Validation Function

Defining Your Own User Pane Functions




Defines actions to be performed repeatedly in response to a mouse-down event in a control part.

typedef void (*ControlActionProcPtr) (
   ControlRef theControl,
   ControlPartCode partCode

If you name your function MyControlActionProc, you would declare it like this:

void MyControlActionProc (
   ControlRef theControl,
   ControlPartCode partCode


The control in which the mouse-down event occurred. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The control part in which the mouse-down event occurred; see “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.” When the cursor is still in the control part where the mouse-down event first occurred, this parameter contains that control’s part code. When the user drags the cursor outside the original control part, this parameter contains 0.


The Control Manager defines the data type ControlActionUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlActionUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlActionUPP myActionUPP;
myActionUPP = NewControlActionUPP (MyControlActionCallback);

When a mouse-down event occurs in a control, HandleControlClick and TrackControl respond as is appropriate, typically by highlighting the control or dragging the indicator as long as the user holds down the mouse button. You can define other actions to be performed repeatedly during this interval. To do so, define your own action function and point to it in the actionProc parameter of the TrackControl function or the inAction parameter of HandleControlClick. This is the only way to specify actions in response to all mouse-down events in a control or indicator.

When your action function is called for a control part, the action function is passed a handle to the control and the control’s part code. The action function should then respond as is appropriate. MyActionProc is an example of such an action function. The only exception to this is for indicators that don’t support live feedback.

If the mouse-down event occurs in an indicator of a control that does not support live feedback, your action function should take no parameters, because the user may move the cursor outside the indicator while dragging it.

As an alternative to passing a pointer to your action function in a parameter to TrackControl, you can use the function SetControlAction to store a pointer to the action function in the contrlAction field in the control structure. When you pass Pointer(–1) instead of a function pointer to TrackControl, TrackControl uses the action function pointed to in the control structure.

Declared In


typedef OSStatus (*ControlCNTLToCollectionProcPtr) (
   const Rect * bounds,
   SInt16 value,
   Boolean visible,
   SInt16 max,
   SInt16 min,
   SInt16 procID,
   SInt32 refCon,
   ConstStr255Param title,
   Collection collection

If you name your function MyControlCNTLToCollectionProc, you would declare it like this:

OSStatus ControlCNTLToCollectionProcPtr (
   const Rect * bounds,
   SInt16 value,
   Boolean visible,
   SInt16 max,
   SInt16 min,
   SInt16 procID,
   SInt32 refCon,
   ConstStr255Param title,
   Collection collection

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


typedef OSStatus (*ControlColorProcPtr) (
   ControlRef inControl,
   SInt16 inMessage,
   SInt16 inDrawDepth,
   Boolean inDrawInColor

If you name your function MyControlColorProc, you would declare it like this:

OSStatus ControlColorProcPtr (
   ControlRef inControl,
   SInt16 inMessage,
   SInt16 inDrawDepth,
   Boolean inDrawInColor

Return Value

A result code. See “Control Manager Result Codes.”

Declared In


If you wish to define new, nonstandard controls for your application, you must write a control definition function and either register it with the system using RegisterControlDefinition or create it directly using CreateCustomControl.

typedef SInt32 (*ControlDefProcPtr) (
   SInt16 varCode,
   ControlRef theControl,
   ControlDefProcMessage message,
   SInt32 param

If you name your function MyControlDefProc, you would declare it like this:

SInt32 MyControlDefProc (
   SInt16 varCode,
   ControlRef theControl,
   ControlDefProcMessage message,
   SInt32 param


The control’s variation code.


A handle to the control that the operation will affect.


A code for the task to be performed. See “Control Definition Message Constants” for a description of the constants which you can use here. The subsections that follow explain each of these tasks in detail. For a description of this data type, see ControlDefProcMessage.


Data associated with the task specified by the message parameter. If the task requires no data, this parameter is ignored.

Return Value

The function results that your control definition function returns depend on the value that the Control Manager passes in the message parameter.


Note that Carbon does not allow you to store custom control definitions in a 'CDEF' resource file as you could in preCarbon systems.

The Control Manager defines the data type ControlDefUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlDefUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlDefUPP myControlDefUPP;
myControlDefUPP = NewControlDefUPP (MyControlDefCallback);

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform a control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. In addition to standard control definition functions, defined by the system, you can make your own custom control definition functions.

When various Control Manager functions need to perform a type-dependent action on the control, they call the control definition function and pass it the variation code for its type as a parameter. You can define your own variation codes; this allows you to use one custom definition to handle several variations of the same general control.

To define your own type of control, you write a control definition function, compile it as a resource of type 'CDEF', and store it in your resource file. Whenever you create a control, you specify a control definition ID, which the Control Manager uses to determine the control definition function. The control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of the control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. Thus, for a given resource ID and variation code

control definition ID = (16 x resource ID) + variation code

For example, buttons, checkboxes, and radio buttons all use the standard control definition function with resource ID 0. Because they have variation codes of 0, 1, and 2, respectively, their respective control definition IDs are 0, 1, and 2. See the control definition IDs in the “Control Manager Constants” section for more details.

The Control Manager calls the Resource Manager to access a control definition function with the given resource ID. The Resource Manager reads a control definition function into memory and returns a handle to it. The Control Manager stores this handle in the contrlDefProc field of the control structure.

The Control Manager calls your control definition function under various circumstances; the Control Manager uses the message parameter to inform your control definition function what action it must perform. The data that the Control Manager passes in the param parameter, the action that your control definition function must undertake, and the function results that your control definition function returns all depend on the value that the Control Manager passes in the message parameter. The rest of this section describes how to respond to the various values that the Control Manager passes in the message parameter.

Drawing the Control or Its Part

When the Control Manager passes the value drawCntl in the message parameter, your control definition function should respond by drawing the indicator or the entire control.

The Control Manager passes one of the drawing constants described in ReverseKeyboardFocus in the low word of the param parameter to specify whether the user is drawing an indicator or the whole control. The high-order word of the param parameter may contain undefined data; therefore, evaluate only the low-order word of this parameter.

With the exception of part code 128, which is reserved for future use and should not be used, any other value indicates a part code for the control.

If the specified control is visible, your control definition function should draw the control (or the part specified in the param parameter) within the control’s rectangle. If the control is invisible (that is, if its contrlVis field is set to 0), your control definition function does nothing.

When drawing the control or its part, take into account the current values of its contrlHilite and contrlValue fields in the control structure.

If the part code for your control’s indicator is passed in param, assume that the indicator hasn’t moved the Control Manager, for example, may be calling your control definition function so that you may simply highlight the indicator. However, when your application calls ClearKeyboardFocus, SetKeyboardFocus, and “Control Meta Part Code Constants,” they in turn may call your control definition function with the drawCntl message to redraw the indicator. Since these functions have no way of determining what part code you chose for your indicator, they all pass 129 in param, meaning that you should move your indicator. Your control definition function must detect this part code as a special case and remove the indicator from its former location before drawing it. If your control has more than one indicator, you should interpret 129 to mean all indicators.

When sent the message drawCntl, your control definition function should return 0 as its function result.

Testing Where the Mouse-Down Event Occurs

When the Control Manager passes the value for the testCntl constant in the message parameter, your control definition function should respond by determining whether a specified point is in a visible control.

The Control Manager passes a point (in local coordinates) in the param parameter. The point’s vertical coordinate is contained in the high-order word of the long integer, and horizontal coordinate is contained in the low-order word.

Your control definition function should return the part code of the part that contains the specified point; it should return 0 if the point is outside the control or if the control is inactive.

Calculating the Control and Indicator Regions on 24-Bit Systems

When the Control Manager passes the value for the calcCRgns constant in the message parameter, your control definition function should calculate the region passed in the param parameter for the specified control or its indicator.

The Control Manager passes a QuickDraw region handle in the param parameter. If the high-order bit of param is set, the region requested is that of the control’s indicator otherwise, the region requested is that of the entire control. Your control definition function should clear the high bit of the region handle before calculating the region.

When passed this message, your control definition function should always return 0, and it should express the region in the local coordinate system of the control’s window.

Note that the calcCRgns message will never be sent to any system running on 32-bit mode and is therefore obsolete in Mac OS 7.6 and later. On Mac OS 7.6 and later, the calcCntlRgn and calcThumbRgn messages are sent instead.

Calculating the Control and Indicator Regions on 32-Bit Systems

When the Control Manager passes the values for the calcCntlRgn or calcThumbRgn constants in the message parameter, your control definition function should calculate the region for the specified control or its indicator using the QuickDraw region handle passed in the param parameter.

If the Control Manager passes the value for the calcThumbRgn constant in the message parameter, calculate the region occupied by the indicator. If the Control Manager passes the value for the calcCntlRgn constant in the message parameter, calculate the region for the entire control.

When passed this message, your control definition function should always return 0, and it should express the region in the local coordinate system of the control’s window.

Performing Additional Control Initialization

After initializing fields of a control structure as appropriate when creating a new control, the Control Manager passes initCntl in the message parameter to give your control definition function the opportunity to perform any type-specific initialization you may require. For example, the standard control definition function for scroll bars allocates space for a region to hold the scroll box and stores the region handle in the contrlData field of the new control structure.

When passed the value for the initCntl constant in the message parameter, your control definition function should ignore the param parameter and return 0 as a function result.

Performing Additional Control Disposal Actions

The function DisposeControl passes dispCntl in the message parameter to give your control definition function the opportunity to carry out any additional actions when disposing of a control. For example, the standard definition function for scroll bars releases the memory occupied by the scroll box region, whose handle is kept in the contrlData field of the control structure.

When passed the value for the dispCntl constant in the message parameter, your control definition function should ignore the param parameter and return 0 as a function result.

Dragging the Control or Its Indicator

When a mouse-up event occurs in the indicator of a control, the “ Control State Part Code Constants” or ControlKeyDownRec functions call your control definition function and pass posCntl in the message parameter. In this case, the Control Manager passes a point (in coordinates local to the control’s window) in the param parameter that specifies the vertical and horizontal offset, in pixels, by which your control definition function should move the indicator from its current position. Typically, this is the offset between the points where the cursor was when the user pressed and released the mouse button while dragging the indicator. The point’s vertical offset is contained in the high-order word of the param parameter, and its horizontal offset is contained in the low-order word.

Your definition function should calculate the control’s new setting based on the given offset and then, to reflect the new setting, redraw the control and update the contrlValue field in the control structure. Your control definition function should ignore the param parameter and return 0 as a function result.

Calculating Parameters for Dragging the Indicator

When the Control Manager passes the value for thumbCntl in the message parameter, your control definition function should respond by calculating values analogous to the limitRect, slopRect, and axis parameters of DragControl that constrain how the indicator is dragged. On entry, the fields and limitRect.left contain the point where the mouse-down event first occurred.

The Control Manager passes a pointer to a structure of type IndicatorDragConstraint in the param parameter. Your definition function should store the appropriate values into the fields of the structure pointed to by the param parameter; they’re analogous to the similarly named parameters of the Window Manager function DragGrayRgn.

Performing Custom Dragging

When the Control Manager passes the value for the dragCntl constant in the message parameter, the param parameter typically contains a custom dragging constant with one of the values described in “Drag Control Constants” to specify whether the user is dragging an indicator or the whole control.

When the Appearance Manager is present, the message kControlMsgHandleTracking should be sent instead of dragCntl to handle any custom tracking; see “Performing Custom Tracking” below.

If you want to use the Control Manager’s default method of dragging, which is to call DragControl to drag the control or the Window Manager function DragGrayRgn to drag its indicator, return 0 as the function result for your control definition function.

If your control definition function returns a non-zero value, your control definition function (not the Control Manager) must drag the specified control (or its indicator) to follow the cursor until the user releases the mouse button. If the user drags the entire control, your definition function should use the function MoveControl to reposition the control to its new location after the user releases the mouse button. If the user drags the indicator, your definition function must calculate the control’s new setting (based on the pixel offset between the points where the cursor was when the user pressed and released the mouse button while dragging the indicator) and then, to reflect the new setting, redraw the control and update the contrlValue field in the control structure. Note that, in this case, the functions HandleControlClick and TrackControl return 0 whether or not the user changes the indicator’s position. Thus, you must determine whether the user has changed the control’s setting by another method, for instance, by comparing the control’s value before and after the call to HandleControlClick.

Executing an Action Function

The only way to specify actions in response to all mouse-down events in a control or its indicator is to define your own control definition function that specifies an action function. When you create the control, your control definition function must first respond to the initCntl message by storing (ControlDefUPP)-1L in the contrlAction field of the control structure. (The Control Manager sends the initCntl message to your control definition function after initializing the fields of a new control structure.) Then, when your application passes (ControlActionUPP)-1L in the actionProc n passes (ControlActionUPP)-1L in the actionProc parameter of HandleControlClick or TrackControl, HandleControlClick calls your control definition function with the autoTrack message. The Control Manager passes the part code of the part where the mouse-down event occurs in the param parameter. Your control definition function should then use this information to respond as an action function would.

Note that for the autoTrack message, the high-order word of the param parameter may contain undefined data; therefore, evaluate only the low-order word of this parameter.

If the mouse-down event occurs in an indicator of a control that supports live feedback, your action function should take two parameters (a handle to the control and the part code of the control where the mouse-down event first occurred). This action function is the same one you would use to define actions to be performed in control part codes in respotrolActionProcPtr"> ControlActionProcPtr.

If the mouse-down event occurs in an indicator of a control that does not support live feedback, your action function should take no parameters, because the user may move the cursor outside the indicator while dragging it.

Specifying Whether Appearance-Compliant Messages Are Supported

If your control definition function supports Appearance-compliant messages, it should return kControlSupportsNewMessages as a function result when the Control Manager passes kControlMsgTestNewMsgSupport in the message parameter.

Specifying Which Appearance-Compliant Messages Are Supported

If your control definition function supports Appearance-compliant messages, it should return a bit field of the features it supports in response to the kControlMsgGetFeatures message. Your control definition function should ignore the param parameter.

Drawing a Ghost Image of the Indicator

If your control definition function supports indicator ghosting, it should return kControlSupportsGhosting as one of the feature bits in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set and the control indicator is being tracked, the Control Manager calls your control definition function and passes kControlMsgDrawGhost in the message parameter. A handle to the region where the ghost should be drawn will be passed in the param parameter.

Your control definition function should respond by redrawing the control with the ghosted indicator at the specified location and should return 0 as its function result.

Note that the ghost indicator should always be drawn before the actual indicator so that it appears underneath the actual indicator.

Calculating the Optimal Control Rectangle

If your control definition function supports calculating the optimal dimensions of the control rectangle, it should return kControlSupportsCalcBestRect as one of the feature bits in response to the kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set and GetBestControlRect is called, the Control Manager will call your control definition function and pass kControlMsgCalcBestRect in the message parameter. The Control Manager passes a pointer to a control size calculation structure, ControlCalcSizeRec, in the param parameter.

Your control definition function should respond by calculating the width and height of the optimal control rectangle and adjusting the rectangle by setting the height and width fields of the control size calculation structure to the appropriate values. If your control definition function displays text, it should pass in the offset from the bottom of control to the base of the text in the baseLine field of the structure. Your control definition function should return the offset value stored in the structure’s in the baseLine field of the structure. Your control definition function should return the offset value stored in the structure’s baseLine field.

Performing Custom Tracking

If your control definition function supports custom tracking, it should return kControlHandlesTracking as one of the feature bits in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set and a mouse-down event occurs in your control, TrackControl or HandleControlClick calls your control definition function and passes kControlMsgHandlesTracking in the message parameter. The Control Manager passes a pointer to a control tracking structure, ControlTrackingRec, in the param parameter. Your control definition function should respond appropriately and return the part code that was hit, or kControlNoPart if the mouse-down event occurred outside the control; see “Control Meta Part Code Constants” “Control Part Code Constants ” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.”

Handling Keyboard Focus

If your control definition function can change its keyboard focus, it should set kControlSupportsFocus and kControlGetsFocusOnClick as feature bits in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If these bits are set and the AdvanceKeyboardFocus, ReverseKeyboardFocus, ClearKeyboardFocus, or SetKeyboardFocus function is called, the Control Manager calls your control definition function and passes kControlMsgFocus in the message parameter.

The Control Manager passes one of the control focus part code constants described in “Control Meta Part Code Constants.”

If the Control Manager passes in a part code, your control definition function should focus on the specified part code. Your function can interpret this in any way it wishes.

Your control definition function should return the control focus part code or actual control part that was focused on. Return kControlFocusNoPart if your control does not accept focus or has just relinquished it. Return a non-zero part code to indicate that your control received keyboard focus. Your control definition function is responsible for maintaining which part is focused.

Handling Keyboard Events

If your control definition function can handle keyboard events, it should return kControlSupportsFocus —every control that supports keyboard focus must also be able to handle keyboard events—as one of the feature bits in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set, the Control Manager will pass kControlMsgKeyDown in the message parameter. The Control Manager passes a pointer to a control key down structure, ControlKeyDownRec, in the param parameter. Your control definition function should respond by processing the keyboard event as appropriate and return 0 as the function result.

Performing Idle Processing

If your control definition function can perform idle processing, it should return kControlWantsIdle as one of the feature bits in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set and IdleControls is called for the window your control is in, the Control Manager will pass kControlMsgIdle in the message parameter. Your control definition function should ignore the param parameter and respond appropriately. For example, indeterminate progress indicators and asynchronous arrows use idle time to perform their animation.

Your control definition function should return 0 as the function result.

Getting and Setting Control-Specific Data

If your control definition function supports getting and setting control-specific data, it should return kControlSupportsDataAccess as one of its features bits in response to the kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set, the Control Manager will call your control definition function and pass kControlMsgSetData in the message parameter when ControlDataAccessRec, in the param parameter. Your definition function should respond by filling out the structure and returning an operating system status message as the function result.

Handling Activate and Deactivate Events

If your control definition function wants to be informed whenever it is being activated or deactivated, it should return kControlWantsActivate as one of the feature bits in response to the kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set and your control definition function is being activated or deactivated, the Control Manager calls it and passes kControlMsgActivate in the message parameter. The Control Manager passes a 0 or 1 in the param parameter. A value of 0 indicates that the control is being deactivated; 1 indicates that it is being activated.

Your control definition function should respond by performing any special processing before the user pane becomes activated or deactivated, such as deactivating its TEHandle or ListHandle if it is about to be deactivated.

Your control definition function should return 0 as the function result.

Setting a Control’s Background Color or Pattern

If your control definition function supports embedding and draws its own background, it should return kControlHasSpecialBackground as one of the feature bits in response to the kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set and an embedding hierarchy of controls is being drawn in your control, the Control Manager passes kControlMsgSetUpBackground in the message parameter of your control definition function. The Control Manager passes a pointer to a filled-in control background structure, ControlBackgroundRec, in the param parameter. Your control definition function should respond by setting its background color or pattern to whatever is appropriate given the bit depth and device type passed in. Your control definition function should return 0 as the function result.

Supporting Live Feedback

If your control definition function supports live feedback while tracking the indicator, it should return kControlSupportsLiveFeedback as one of the feature bits in response to the kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set, the Control Manager will call your control definition function when it tracks the indicator and pass kControlMsgCalcValueFromPos in the message parameter. The Control Manager passes a handle to the indicator region being dragged in the param parameter.

Your control definition function should respond by calculating its value and drawing the control based on the new indicator region passed in. Your control definition function should not recalculate its indicator position. After the user is done dragging the indicator, your control definition function will be called with a posCntl message at which time you can recalculate the position of the indicator. Not recalculating the indicator position each time your control definition function is called creates a smooth dragging experience for the user.

Your control definition function should return 0 as the function result.

Being Informed When Subcontrols Are Added or Removed

If your control definition function wishes to be informed when subcontrols are added or removed, it should return kControlSupportsEmbedding as one of the feature bits in response to the kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set, the Control Manager passes ControlMsgSubControlAdded in the message parameter immediately after a subcontrol is added, or it passes kControlMsgSubControlRemoved just before a subcontrol is removed.

Being Informed When Subcontrols Are Added or Removed

If your control definition function wishes to be informed when subcontrols are added or removed, it should return kControlSupportsEmbedding as one of the feature bits in response to the kControlMsgGetFeatures message. If this bit is set, the Control Manager passes ControlMsgSubControlAdded in the message parameter immediately after a subcontrol is added, or it passes kControlMsgSubControlRemoved just before a subcontrol is removed from your embedder control. A handle to the control being added or removed from the embedding hierarchy is passed in the param parameter. Your control definition function should respond appropriately and return 0 as the function result.

Typically, a control definition function only supports this message if it wants to do extra processing in response to changes in its embedded controls. Radio groups use these messages to perform necessary processing for handling embedded controls. For example, if a currently selected radio button is deleted, the group can adjust itself accordingly.

Carbon Porting Notes

Moving forward, you should consider using Carbon Event-based custom controls rather than those based on CDEF messages. See Handling Carbon Windows and Controls for more information about creating Carbon event-based controls.

Declared In


Ensures that the content of an editable text control is valid.

typedef void (*ControlEditTextValidationProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control

If you name your function MyControlEditTextValidationProc, you would declare it like this:

void MyControlEditTextValidationProc (
   ControlRef control


A handle to the control containing the editable text to be validated. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


Your application typically uses a MyControlEditTextValidationCallback function in conjunction with a key filter function to ensure that editable text is valid in cases such as a cut, paste, or clear, where a key filter cannot be called. Use the kControlEditTextValidationProcTag control data tag constant, described in “Editable Text Control Data Tag Constants,” with the functions SetControlData and GetControlData to set or retrieve a MyControlEditTextValidationCallback function.

Note that if you are using the inline input editable text control variant, the Control Manager will not call your MyControlEditTextValidationCallback function during inline input. Instead, you may install your own Text Services Manager TSMTEPostUpdateUPP callback function to validate text during inline input, or your application can validate the input itself, immediately prior to using the text.

The Control Manager defines the data type ControlEditTextValidationUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlEditTextValidationUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlEditTextValidationUPP myControlEditTextValidationUPP;
myControlEditTextValidationUPP = NewControlEditTextValidationUPP (MyControlEditTextValidationCallback);

You can then pass myControlEditTextValidationUPP in the inData parameter of SetControlData. When you no longer need the universal procedure pointer, you should remove it using the DisposeRoutineDescriptor function.

Declared In


The key filter function allows for the interception and possible changing of keystrokes destined for a control.

typedef ControlKeyFilterResult (*ControlKeyFilterProcPtr) (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt16 * keyCode,
   SInt16 * charCode,
   EventModifiers * modifiers

If you name your function MyControlKeyFilterProc, you would declare it like this:

ControlKeyFilterResult MyControlKeyFilterProc (
   ControlRef theControl,
   SInt16 * keyCode,
   SInt16 * charCode,
   EventModifiers * modifiers


A handle to the control in which the key-down event occurred.


The virtual key code derived from the event structure. This value represents the key pressed or released by the user. It is always the same for a specific physical key on a particular keyboard regardless of which modifier keys were also pressed.


A particular character derived from the event structure. This value depends on the virtual key code, the state of the modifier keys, and the current 'KCHR' resource. Because this filter provides WorldScript-encoded text in its parameters, it provides no meaningful information for key events generated when a Unicode keyboard layout or input method is active; these layouts and input methods generate Unicode text that often cannot be translated into any WorldScript encoding.


The constant in the modifiers field of the event structure specifying the state of the modifier keys and the mouse button at the time the event was posted.

Return Value

Returns a value indicating whether or not it allowed or blocked keystrokes; see “Key Filter Result Codes.” For a description of this data type, see ControlKeyFilterResult.


Controls that support text input (such as editable text and list box controls) can attach a key filter function to filter key strokes and modify them on return.

Important:  On Mac OS X, you should avoid using this filter, or at most, use the filter as an indication that the text is changing but do not depend on the charCode parameter to the filter. Use a kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent Carbon event handler as a replacement for the ControlKeyFilter callback; on Mac OS X v10.4 and later, you can also use a kEventTextShouldChangeInRange or kEventTextDidChange event handler.

The Control Manager defines the data type ControlKeyFilterUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlKeyFilterUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlKeyFilterUPP myControlKeyFilterUPP;
myControlKeyFilterUPP = NewControlKeyFilterUPP (MyControlKeyFilterCallback);

Your key filter function can intercept and change keystrokes destined for a control. Your key filter function can change the keystroke, leave it alone, or block your control definition function from receiving it. For example, an editable text control can use a key filter function to allow only numeric values to be input in its field.

Declared In


Handles activate and deactivate event processing.

typedef void (*ControlUserPaneActivateProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control,
   Boolean activating

If you name your function MyControlUserPaneActivateProc, you would declare it like this:

void MyControlUserPaneActivateProc (
   ControlRef control,
   Boolean activating


A handle to the control in which the activate event occurred.


If true, the control is being activated. If false, the control is being deactivated.


The Control Manager defines the data type UserPaneActivateUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlUserPaneActivateUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlUserPaneActivateUPP myControlUserPaneActivateUPP;
myControlUserPaneActivateUPP = NewControlUserPaneActivateUPP (MyControlUserPaneActivateCallback);

Your MyControlUserPaneActivateCallback function should perform any special processing before the user pane becomes activated or deactivated. For example, it should deactivate its TEHandle or ListHandle if the user pane is about to be deactivated.

This function is called only if you’ve set the kControlWantsActivate feature bit on creation of the user pane control.

Once you have provided a user pane application-defined function, you can call the function SetControlData in order to associate your function with a control. User pane application-defined functions are identified to SetControlData by tag constants for a description of the tag constants, see the “Control Manager Constants” section. For example, once you have created the function MyControlUserPaneActivateCallback, pass kControlUserPaneActivateProcTag in the tagName parameter of SetControlData.

Declared In


Sets the background color or pattern for user panes that support embedding.

typedef void (*ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlBackgroundPtr info

If you name your function MyControlUserPaneBackgroundProc, you would declare it like this:

void MyControlUserPaneBackgroundProc (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlBackgroundPtr info


A handle to the control for which the background color or pattern is to be set.


A pointer to information such as the depth and type of the drawing device. For a description of the ControlBackgroundPtr data type, see ControlBackgroundRec.


The Control Manager defines the data type ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP myControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP;
myControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP = NewControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP (MyControlUserPaneBackgroundCallback);

Your MyControlUserPaneBackgroundCallback function should set the user pane background color or pattern to whatever is appropriate given the bit depth and device type passed in. Your MyControlUserPaneBackgroundCallback function is called to set up the background color. This ensures that when an embedded control calls EraseRgn or EraseRect, the background is erased to the correct color or pattern.

This function is called only if there is a control embedded in the user pane and if you’ve set the kControlHasSpecialBackground and kControlSupportsEmbedding feature bits on creation of the user pane control.

Once you have provided a user pane application-defined function, you can call the function SetControlData in order to associate your function with a control. User pane application-defined functions are identified to SetControlData by tag constants for a description of the tag constants, see the “Control Manager Constants” section. For example, once you have created the function MyControlUserPaneBackgroundCallback, pass kControlUserPaneBackgroundProcTag in the tagName parameter of SetControlData.

Declared In


Draws the content of your user pane control in the rectangle of user pane control.

typedef void (*ControlUserPaneDrawProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control,
   SInt16 part

If you name your function MyControlUserPaneDrawProc, you would declare it like this:

void MyControlUserPaneDrawProc (
   ControlRef control,
   SInt16 part


A handle to the user pane control in which you wish drawing to occur. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The part code of the control you should draw. If 0, draw the entire control.


The Control Manager defines the data type ControlUserPaneDrawUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlUserPaneDrawUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlUserPaneDrawUPP myControlUserPaneDrawUPP;
myControlUserPaneDrawUPP = NewControlUserPaneDrawUPP (MyControlUserPaneDrawCallback);

Application-defined user pane functions provide you with the ability to create a custom theme-compliant control without writing your own control definition function. A user pane is a general purpose stub control; it can be used as the root control for a window, as well as providing a way to hook in application-defined functions such as those described below. When the Appearance Manager is available, user panes should be used in dialog boxes instead of user items.

Once you have provided a user pane application-defined function, you can call the function SetControlData in order to associate your function with a control. User pane application-defined functions are identified to SetControlData by tag constants for a description of the tag constants, see the “Control Manager Constants” section.

For example, to set a user pane draw function, pass the constant kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag in the tagName parameter of SetControlData.The Control Manager then draws the control using a universal procedure pointer to your user pane draw function.

Declared In


Handles keyboard focus.

typedef ControlPartCode (*ControlUserPaneFocusProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlFocusPart action

If you name your function MyControlUserPaneFocusProc, you would declare it like this:

ControlPartCode MyControlUserPaneFocusProc (
   ControlRef control,
   ControlFocusPart action


A handle to the control that is to adjust its focus.


The part code of the user pane to receive keyboard focus; see ControlDefProcPtr.

Return Value

The part of the user pane actually focused. The constant kControlFocusNoPart is returned if the user pane has lost the focus or cannot be focused. For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


The Control Manager defines the data type ControlUserPaneFocusUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlUserPaneFocusUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlUserPaneFocusUPP myControlUserPaneFocusUPP;
myControlUserPaneFocusUPP = NewControlUserPaneFocusUPP (MyControlUserPaneFocusCallback);

Your MyControlUserPaneFocusCallback function is called in response to a change in keyboard focus. It should respond by changing keyboard focus based on the part code passed in the action parameter. This function is called only if you’ve set the kControlSupportsFocus feature bit on creation of the user pane control.

Once you have provided a user pane application-defined function, you can call the function SetControlData in order to associate your function with a control. User pane application-defined functions are identified to SetControlData by tag constants for a description of the tag constants, see the “Control Manager Constants” section. For example, once you have created the function MyControlUserPaneFocusCallback, pass kControlUserPaneFocusProcTag in the tagName parameter of SetControlData.

Declared In


Returns the part code of the control that the point was in when the mouse-down event occurred.

typedef ControlPartCode (*ControlUserPaneHitTestProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control,
   Point where

If you name your function MyControlUserPaneHitTestProc, you would declare it like this:

ControlPartCode MyControlUserPaneHitTestProc (
   ControlRef control,
   Point where


A handle to the control in which the mouse-down event occurred. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The point, in a window’s local coordinates, where the mouse-down event occurred.

Return Value

The part code of the control where the mouse-down event occurred. If the point was not over a control, your function should return kControlNoPart. For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


The Control Manager defines the data type ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlUserPaneHitTestUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP myControlUserPaneHitTestUPP;
myControlUserPaneHitTestUPP = NewControlUserPaneHitTestUPP (MyControlUserPaneHitTestCallback);

Once you have provided a user pane application-defined function, you can call the function SetControlData in order to associate your function with a control. User pane application-defined functions are identified to SetControlData by tag constants for a description of the tag constants, see the “Control Manager Constants” section. For example, once you have created the function MyControlUserPaneHitTestCallback, pass kControlUserPaneHitTestProcTag in the tagName parameter of SetControlData.

Declared In


Performs idle processing.

typedef void (*ControlUserPaneIdleProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control

If you name your function MyControlUserPaneIdleProc, you would declare it like this:

void MyControlUserPaneIdleProc (
   ControlRef control


A handle to the control for which you wish to perform idle processing. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The Control Manager defines the data type ControlUserPaneIdleUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlUserPaneIdleUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlUserPaneIdleUPP myControlUserPaneIdleUPP;
myControlUserPaneIdleUPP = NewControlUserPaneIdleUPP (MyControlUserPaneIdleCallback);

This function is called only if you’ve set the kControlWantsIdle feature bit on creation of the user pane control.

Once you have provided a user pane application-defined function, you can call the function SetControlData in order to associate your function with a control. User pane application-defined functions are identified to SetControlData by tag constants for a description of the tag constants, see the “Control Manager Constants” section. For example, once you have created the function MyControlUserPaneIdleCallback, pass kControlUserPaneIdleProcTag in the tagName parameter of SetControlData.

Declared In


Handles keyboard event processing.

typedef ControlPartCode (*ControlUserPaneKeyDownProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control,
   SInt16 keyCode,
   SInt16 charCode,
   SInt16 modifiers

If you name your function MyControlUserPaneKeyDownProc, you would declare it like this:

ControlPartCode MyControlUserPaneKeyDownProc (
   ControlRef control,
   SInt16 keyCode,
   SInt16 charCode,
   SInt16 modifiers


A handle to the control in which the keyboard event occurred. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The virtual key code derived from event structure. This value represents the key pressed or released by the user. It is always the same for a specific physical key on a particular keyboard regardless of which modifier keys were also pressed.


A particular character derived from the event structure. This value depends on the virtual key code, the state of the modifier keys, and the current 'KCHR' resource.


The constant in the modifiers field of the event structure specifying the state of the modifier keys and the mouse button at the time the event was posted.

Return Value

The part code of the control where the keyboard event occurred. If the keyboard event did not occur in a control, your function should return kControlNoPart. For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


The Control Manager defines the data type UserPaneKeyDownUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP myControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP;
myControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP = NewControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP (MyControlUserPaneKeyDownCallback);

Your MyControlUserPaneKeyDownCallback function should handle the key pressed or released by the user and return the part code of the control where the keyboard event occurred. This function is called only if you’ve set the kControlSupportsFocus feature bit on creation of the user pane control.

Once you have provided a user pane application-defined function, you can call the function SetControlData in order to associate your function with a control. User pane application-defined functions are identified to SetControlData by tag constants for a description of the tag constants, see the “Control Manager Constants” section. For example, once you have created the function MyControlUserPaneKeyDownCallback, pass kControlUserPaneKeyDownProcTag in the tagName parameter of SetControlData.

Declared In


Tracks a control while the user holds down the mouse button.

typedef ControlPartCode (*ControlUserPaneTrackingProcPtr) (
   ControlRef control,
   Point startPt,
   ControlActionUPP actionProc

If you name your function MyControlUserPaneTrackingProc, you would declare it like this:

ControlPartCode MyControlUserPaneTrackingProc (
   ControlRef control,
   Point startPt,
   ControlActionUPP actionProc


A handle to the control in which the mouse-down event occurred. For a description of this data type, see ControlRef.


The location of the cursor at the time the mouse button was first pressed, in local coordinates. Your application retrieves this point from the where field of the event structure.


A pointer to an action function defining what action your application takes while the user holds down the mouse button. The value of the actionProc parameter can be a valid procPtr, NULL, or -1. A value of -1 indicates that the control should either perform auto tracking, or if it is incapable of doing so, do nothing (like NULL). For a description of this data type, see ControlActionProcPtr.

Return Value

The part code of the control part that was tracked. If tracking was unsuccessful, kControlNoPartCode is returned. For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


The Control Manager defines the data type ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP to identify the universal procedure pointer for this application-defined callback function. To provide a pointer to your callback, you can use the function NewControlUserPaneTrackingUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP myControlUserPaneTrackingUPP;
myControlUserPaneTrackingUPP = NewControlUserPaneTrackingUPP (MyControlUserPaneTrackingCallback);

Your MyControlUserPaneTrackingCallback function should track the control by repeatedly calling the action function specified in the actionProc parameter until the mouse button is released. When the mouse button is released, your function should return the part code of the control part that was tracked. This function is called only if you’ve set the kControlHandlesTracking feature bit on creation of the user pane control.

Once you have provided a user pane application-defined function, you can call the function SetControlData in order to associate your function with a control. User pane application-defined functions are identified to SetControlData by tag constants for a description of the tag constants, see the “Control Manager Constants” section. For example, once you have created the function MyControlUserPaneTrackingCallback, pass kControlUserPaneTrackingProcTag in the tagName parameter of SetControlData.

Declared In


typedef Boolean (*EditUnicodePostUpdateProcPtr) (
   UniCharArrayHandle uniText,
   UniCharCount uniTextLength,
   UniCharArrayOffset iStartOffset,
   UniCharArrayOffset iEndOffset,
   void * refcon

If you name your function MyEditUnicodePostUpdateProc, you would declare it like this:

Boolean EditUnicodePostUpdateProcPtr (
   UniCharArrayHandle uniText,
   UniCharCount uniTextLength,
   UniCharArrayOffset iStartOffset,
   UniCharArrayOffset iEndOffset,
   void * refcon

Declared In

Data Types


typedef AuxCtlPtr* AuxCtlHandle;

Declared In


typedef AuxCtlRec* AuxCtlPtr;

Declared In


struct AuxCtlRec {
   Handle acNext;
   ControlRef acOwner;
   CCTabHandle acCTable;
   SInt16 acFlags;
   SInt32 acReserved;
   SInt32 acRefCon;
typedef AuxCtlRec AuxCtlRec;

Declared In


typedef UInt32 ClickActivationResult;

Declared In


struct ControlApplyTextColorRec {
   SInt16 depth;
   Boolean colorDevice;
   Boolean active;
typedef struct ControlApplyTextColorRec ControlApplyTextColorRec;
typedef ControlApplyTextColorRec * ControlApplyTextColorPtr;


The Control Manager sets this field to specify the bit depth (in pixels) of the current graphics port.


The Control Manager passes a value of true if you are drawing on a color device; otherwise, false.


The Control Manager passes a value of true to specify a color suitable for active text; otherwise, false.


If you implement a custom control definition function, when the Control Manager passes the message kControlMsgApplyTextColor in your control definition function’s message parameter, it also passes a pointer to a structure of type ControlApplyTextColorRec in the param parameter. The Control Manager sets the ControlApplyTextColorRec structure to contain data describing the current drawing environment, and your control definition function is responsible for using that data to apply the proper text color to the current graphics port.

See “Control Definition Message Constants” for more details on the kControlMsgApplyTextColor message.

Declared In


struct ControlBackgroundRec {
   SInt16 depth;
   Boolean colorDevice;
typedef struct ControlBackgroundRec ControlBackgroundRec;
typedef ControlBackgroundRec * ControlBackgroundPtr;


A signed 16-bit integer indicating the bit depth (in pixels) of the current graphics port.


A Boolean value. If true, you are drawing on a color device. If false, you are drawing on a monochrome device.

Declared In


typedef UInt16 ControlBevelButtonBehavior;

Declared In


typedef UInt16 ControlBevelButtonMenuBehavior;

Declared In


struct ControlButtonContentInfo {
   ControlContentType contentType
   union {
      SInt16 resID;
      CIconHandle cIconHandle;
      Handle iconSuite;
      IconRef iconRef;
      PicHandle picture;
      Handle ICONHandle;
      CGImageRef imageRef;
   } u;
typedef struct ControlButtonContentInfo ControlButtonContentInfo;
typedef ControlButtonContentInfo ControlImageContentInfo;


Specifies the bevel button or image well content type and whether the content is text-only, resource-based, or handle-based; see “Control Content Type Constants” for possible values. The value specified in the contentType field determines which of the other fields in the structure are used. For a description of this data type, see ControlContentType.


If the content type specified in the contentType field is kControlContentIconSuiteRes, kControlContentCIconRes, or kControlContentPictRes, this field contains the resource ID of a picture, color icon, or icon suite resource. If the contentType field is kControlContentCGImageRef, this field contains a CGImageRef.


You can use the ControlButtonContentInfo structure to specify the content for a bevel button or image well. Values of type ControlButtonContentInfo are set via SetControlData and obtained from GetControlData, in conjunction with the kControlBevelButtonContentTag and kControlImageWellContentTag constants; see “Bevel Button Control Data Tag Constants” and “Image Well Control Data Tag Constants.”

Version Notes

The ControlButtonContentInfo type is available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared In


struct ControlCalcSizeRec {
   SInt16 height;
   SInt16 width;
   SInt16 baseLine;
typedef struct ControlCalcSizeRec ControlCalcSizeRec;
typedef ControlCalcSizeRec * ControlCalcSizePtr;


The optimal height (in pixels) of the control’s bounding rectangle.


The optimal width (in pixels) of the control’s bounding rectangle.


The offset from the bottom of the control to the base of the text. This value is generally negative.

Declared In


typedef UInt32 ControlCapabilities;


struct ControlClickActivationRec {
   Point localPoint;
   EventModifiers modifiers;
   ClickActivationResult result;
typedef struct ControlClickActivationRec ControlClickActivationRec;
typedef ControlClickActivationRec * ControlClickActivationPtr;

Declared In


typedef SInt16 ControlContentType;

Declared In


struct ControlContextualMenuClickRec {
   Point localPoint;
   Boolean menuDisplayed;
typedef struct ControlContextualMenuClickRec ControlContextualMenuClickRec;
typedef ControlContextualMenuClickRec * ControlContextualMenuClickPtr;

Declared In


struct ControlDataAccessRec {
   ResType tag;
   ResType part;
   Size size;
   Ptr dataPtr;
typedef struct ControlDataAccessRec ControlDataAccessRec;
typedef ControlDataAccessRec * ControlDataAccessPtr;


A constant representing a piece of data that is passed in (in response to a kControlMsgSetData message) or returned (in response to a kControlMsgGetData message); see “Scrolling Text Box Control Data Tag Constants” for a description of these constants. The control definition function should return errDataNotSupported if the value in the tag parameter is unknown or invalid.


The part of the control that this data should be applied to. If the information is not tied to a specific part of the control or the control has no parts, pass 0.


On entry, the size of the buffer pointed to by the dataPtrfield. In response to a kControlMsgGetData message, this field should be adjusted to reflect the actual size of the data that the control is maintaining. If the size of the buffer being passed in is smaller than the actual size of the data, the control definition function should return errDataSizeMismatch.


A pointer to a buffer to read or write the information requested. In response to a kControlMsgGetData message, this field could be NULL, indicating that you wish to return the size of the data in the size field.

Declared In


typedef SInt16 ControlDefProcMessage;

Declared In


struct ControlDefSpec {
   ControlDefType defType
   union {
      ControlDefUPP defProc;
      void * classRef;
   } u;
typedef struct ControlDefSpec ControlDefSpec;

Declared In


typedef UInt32 ControlDefType;

Declared In


struct ControlEditTextSelectionRec {
   SInt16 selStart;
   SInt16 selEnd;
typedef struct ControlEditTextSelectionRec ControlEditTextSelectionRec;
typedef ControlEditTextSelectionRec * ControlEditTextSelectionPtr;


The start of the editable text selection.


The end of the editable text selection.


You can use the ControlEditTextSelectionRec type to specify a selection range in an editable text control. You pass a pointer to the editable text selection structure to GetControlData and SetControlData to access and set the current selection range in an editable text control.

Version Notes

The ControlEditTextSelectionRec type is available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared In


typedef SInt16 ControlFocusPart;

Declared In


struct ControlFontStyleRec {
   SInt16 flags;
   SInt16 font;
   SInt16 size;
   SInt16 style;
   SInt16 mode;
   SInt16 just;
   RGBColor foreColor;
   RGBColor backColor;
typedef struct ControlFontStyleRec ControlFontStyleRec;
typedef ControlFontStyleRec * ControlFontStylePtr;


A value specifying which fields of the structure should be applied to the control; see “Mac OS 8.5 Control Font Style Flag Constant” and “Control Font Style Flag Constants.” If none of the flags in the flags field of the structure are set, the control uses the system font unless the control variant kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant has been specified, in which case the control uses the window font.


If the kControlUseFontMask bit is set, then this field contains a value specifying the ID of the font family to use. If this bit is not set, then the system default font is used. A meta font constant can be specified instead; see “Meta Font Constants.”


If the kControlUseSizeMask bit is set, then this field contains a value specifying the point size of the text. If the kControlAddSizeMask bit is set, this value will represent the size to add to the current point size of the text. A meta font constant can be specified instead; see “Meta Font Constants.”


If the kControlUseFaceMask bit is set, then this field contains a value specifying which styles to apply to the text. If all bits are clear, the plain font style is used. The bit numbers and the styles they represent are bold (0), italic (1), underline (2), outline (3), shadow (4), condensed (5), and extended (6).


If the kControlUseModeMask bit is set, then this field contains a value specifying how characters are drawn in the bit image. See Inside Macintosh: Imaging With QuickDraw for a discussion of transfer modes.


If the kControlUseJustMask bit is set, then this field contains a value specifying text justification. Possible values are teFlushDefault (0), teCenter (1), teFlushRight (-1), and teFlushLeft (-2).


If the kControlUseForeColorMask bit is set, then this field contains an RGB color value to use when drawing the text.


If the kControlUseBackColorMask bit is set, then this field contains an RGB color value to use when drawing the background behind the text. In certain text modes, background color is ignored.


You can use the ControlFontStyleRec type to specify a control’s font. You pass a pointer to the control font style structure in the inStyle parameter of SetControlFontStyle to specify a control’s font. If none of the flags in the flags field of the structure are set, the control uses the system font unless the control variant kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant has been specified, in which case the control uses the window font. The ControlFontStyleRec type is available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Note that if you wish to specify the font for controls in a dialog box, you should use a dialog font table resource, which is automatically read in by the Dialog Manager.

Declared In


struct ControlGetRegionRec {
   RgnHandle region;
   ControlPartCode part;
typedef struct ControlGetRegionRec ControlGetRegionRec;
typedef ControlGetRegionRec * ControlGetRegionPtr;


A value allocated by the Control Manager. Your control definition function should set this field to the region that contains the control part specified in the part field.


The Control Manager passes a constant identifying the control part for which a region is to be obtained. For descriptions of possible values, see “Control Part Code Constants ,” “Control Part Code Constants ,” and “ Control State Part Code Constants.” For a description of this data type, see ControlPartCode.


If you implement a custom control definition function, when the Control Manager passes the message kControlMsgGetRegion in your control definition function’s message parameter, it also passes a pointer to a structure of type ControlGetRegionRec in the param parameter. Your control definition function is responsible for setting the region field of the ControlGetRegionRec structure to the region that contains the control part which the Control Manager specifies in the part field.

See “Control Definition Message Constants” for more details on the kControlMsgGetRegion message.

Declared In


typedef ControlRef ControlHandle;

Declared In


struct ControlID {
   OSType signature;
   SInt32 id;
typedef struct ControlID ControlID;
typedef ControlID HIViewID;

Declared In


typedef ControlButtonContentInfo ControlImageContentInfo;

Declared In


struct ControlKeyDownRec {
   EventModifiers modifiers;
   SInt16 keyCode;
   SInt16 charCode;
typedef struct ControlKeyDownRec ControlKeyDownRec;
typedef ControlKeyDownRec * ControlKeyDownPtr;


The constant in the modifiers field of the event structure specifying the state of the modifier keys and the mouse button at the time the event was posted.


The virtual key code derived from the event structure. This value represents the key pressed or released by the user. It is always the same for a specific physical key on a particular keyboard regardless of which modifier keys were also pressed.


A particular character derived from the event structure. This value depends on the virtual key code, the state of the modifier keys, and the current 'KCHR' resource.

Declared In


typedef SInt16 ControlKeyFilterResult;

Declared In


typedef UInt32 ControlKeyScriptBehavior;

Declared In


struct ControlKind {
   OSType signature;
   OSType kind;
typedef struct ControlKind ControlKind;

Declared In


typedef UInt32 ControlNotification;


typedef ControlNotificationProcPtr ControlNotificationUPP;


typedef SInt16 ControlPartCode;

Declared In


typedef UInt16 ControlPopupArrowOrientation;

Declared In


typedef UInt16 ControlPopupArrowSize;

Declared In


typedef ControlRecord* ControlPtr;

Declared In


struct ControlRecord {
   ControlRef nextControl;
   WindowRef contrlOwner;
   Rect contrlRect;
   UInt8 contrlVis;
   UInt8 contrlHilite;
   SInt16 contrlValue;
   SInt16 contrlMin;
   SInt16 contrlMax;
   Handle contrlDefProc;
   Handle contrlData;
   ControlActionUPP contrlAction;
   SInt32 contrlRfCon;
   Str255 contrlTitle;
typedef ControlRecord ControlRecord;

Declared In


Defines an opaque type that represents a control.

typedef struct OpaqueControlRef * ControlRef;


A control is a user interface object that gives feedback or otherwise facilitates user interaction. The ControlRef type is an opaque type used to describe a control’s properties. You can obtain and change the values in a control by calling specific control accessor functions.

Declared In


struct ControlSetCursorRec {
   Point localPoint;
   EventModifiers modifiers;
   Boolean cursorWasSet;
typedef struct ControlSetCursorRec ControlSetCursorRec;
typedef ControlSetCursorRec * ControlSetCursorPtr;

Declared In


typedef UInt16 ControlSize;

Declared In


struct ControlTabEntry {
   ControlButtonContentInfo * icon;
   CFStringRef name;
   Boolean enabled;
typedef struct ControlTabEntry ControlTabEntry;

Declared In


struct ControlTabInfoRec {
   SInt16 version;
   SInt16 iconSuiteID;
   Str255 name;
typedef struct ControlTabInfoRec ControlTabInfoRec;


The version of the tab information structure. The only currently available version value is 0.


The ID of an icon suite to use for the tab label. If the specified ID is not found, no icon is displayed for the tab label. Pass 0 for no icon.


The title to be used for the tab label.


You can use the ControlTabInfoRec type to specify the icon and title for a tab control. If you are not creating a tab control with a 'tab#' resource, you can call SetControlMaximum to set the number of tabs in a tab control. Then use the functions SetControlData and GetControlData with the ControlTabInfoRec structure to access information for an individual tab in a tab control.

Version Notes

The ControlTabInfoRec type is available with Appearance Manager 1.0.1 and later.

Declared In


struct ControlTabInfoRecV1 {
   SInt16 version;
   SInt16 iconSuiteID;
   CFStringRef name;
typedef struct ControlTabInfoRecV1 ControlTabInfoRecV1;

Declared In


struct ControlTemplate {
   Rect controlRect;
   SInt16 controlValue;
   Boolean controlVisible;
   UInt8 fill;
   SInt16 controlMaximum;
   SInt16 controlMinimum;
   SInt16 controlDefProcID;
   SInt32 controlReference;
   Str255 controlTitle;
typedef struct ControlTemplate ControlTemplate;
typedef ControlTemplate * ControlTemplatePtr;

Declared In


struct ControlTrackingRec {
   Point startPt;
   EventModifiers modifiers;
   ControlActionUPP action;
typedef struct ControlTrackingRec ControlTrackingRec;
typedef ControlTrackingRec * ControlTrackingPtr;


The location of the cursor at the time the mouse button was first pressed, in local coordinates. Your application retrieves this point from the where field of the event structure.


The constant in the modifiers field of the event structure specifying the state of the modifier keys and the mouse button at the time the event was posted.


A pointer to an action function defining what action your application takes while the user holds down the mouse button. The value of the actionProc parameter can be a valid procPtr, NULL, or -1. A value of -1 indicates that the control should either perform auto tracking, or if it is incapable of doing so, do nothing (like NULL). See ControlActionProcPtr for more information about the action function.

Declared In


typedef SInt16 ControlVariant;

Declared In


struct DataBrowserCallbacks {
   UInt32 version
   union {
      struct {
         DataBrowserItemDataUPP itemDataCallback;
         DataBrowserItemCompareUPP itemCompareCallback;
         DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP itemNotificationCallback;
         DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP addDragItemCallback;
         DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP acceptDragCallback;
         DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP receiveDragCallback;
         DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP postProcessDragCallback;
         DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP itemHelpContentCallback;
         DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP getContextualMenuCallback;
         DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP selectContextualMenuCallback;
      } v1;
   } u;
typedef struct DataBrowserCallbacks DataBrowserCallbacks;

Declared In


struct DataBrowserCustomCallbacks {
   UInt32 version
   union {
      struct {
         DataBrowserDrawItemUPP drawItemCallback;
         DataBrowserEditItemUPP editTextCallback;
         DataBrowserHitTestUPP hitTestCallback;
         DataBrowserTrackingUPP trackingCallback;
         DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP dragRegionCallback;
         DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP acceptDragCallback;
         DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP receiveDragCallback;
      } v1;
   } u;
typedef struct DataBrowserCustomCallbacks DataBrowserCustomCallbacks;

Declared In


typedef  DataBrowserDragFlags;

Declared In


struct DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc {
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnDesc propertyDesc;
   DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc headerBtnDesc;
typedef struct DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc;

Declared In


struct DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc {
   UInt32 version;
   UInt16 minimumWidth;
   UInt16 maximumWidth;
   SInt16 titleOffset;
   CFStringRef titleString;
   DataBrowserSortOrder initialOrder;
   ControlFontStyleRec btnFontStyle;
   ControlButtonContentInfo btnContentInfo;
typedef struct DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc;

Declared In


struct DataBrowserPropertyDesc {
   DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID;
   DataBrowserPropertyType propertyType;
   DataBrowserPropertyFlags propertyFlags;
typedef struct DataBrowserPropertyDesc DataBrowserPropertyDesc;
typedef DataBrowserPropertyDesc DataBrowserTableViewColumnDesc;

Declared In


typedef  DataBrowserPropertyFlags;

Declared In


typedef OSType DataBrowserPropertyPart;

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typedef OSType DataBrowserPropertyType;

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typedef DataBrowserPropertyDesc DataBrowserTableViewColumnDesc;

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typedef UInt32 DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex;

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typedef UInt32 DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex;

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typedef DataBrowserPropertyID DataBrowserTableViewColumnID;

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typedef OSType DataBrowserViewStyle;

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typedef void* DBItemProcDataType;

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typedef DataBrowserRevealOptions DBRevealItemDataType;

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typedef const DataBrowserItemID* DBSetSelectionDataType;

Declared In


struct IndicatorDragConstraint {
   Rect limitRect;
   Rect slopRect;
   DragConstraint axis;
typedef struct IndicatorDragConstraint IndicatorDragConstraint;
typedef IndicatorDragConstraint * IndicatorDragConstraintPtr;


A pointer to a rectangle—whose coordinates should normally coincide with or be contained in the window’s content region—delimiting the area in which the user can drag the control’s outline.


A pointer to a rectangle that allows some extra space for the user to move the mouse while still constraining the control within the rectangle specified in the limitRect parameter.


The axis along which the user may drag the control’s outline see “Part Identifier Constants.”

Declared In


typedef IndicatorDragConstraintPtr* IndicatorDragConstraintHandle;


struct PopupPrivateData {
   MenuRef mHandle;
   SInt16 mID;
typedef PopupPrivateData PopupPrivateData;


Use of this structure is not recommended. When the Appearance Manager is available, you should pass the value kControlPopupButtonMenuHandleTag in the tagName parameter of the GetControlData function to get the menu handle of a button, and the menu handle and the menu ID of the menu associated with a pop-up menu.

Declared In


typedef PopupPrivateDataPtr* PopupPrivateDataHandle;

Declared In


typedef PopupPrivateData* PopupPrivateDataPtr;

Declared In


Defines the HIObject class ID for the HIUserPane class.

#define kHIUserPaneClassID CFSTR("");



Appearance–compliant Push Button, Radio Button, and Checkbox Control Definition IDs

enum {
   kControlPushButtonProc = 368,
   kControlCheckBoxProc = 369,
   kControlRadioButtonProc = 370,
   kControlPushButLeftIconProc = 374,
   kControlPushButRightIconProc = 375


Resource ID: 23

Appearance-compliant push button.This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Resource ID: 23

Appearance-compliant checkbox. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Resource ID: 23

Appearance-compliant radio button. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Resource ID: 23

Appearance-compliant push button with a color icon to the left of the control title. (This direction is reversed when the system justification is right to left). The contrlMax field of the control structure for this control contains the resource ID of the 'cicn' resource drawn in the pushbutton. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Resource ID: 23

Appearance-compliant push button with a color icon to right of control title. (This direction is reversed when the system justification is right to left). The contrlMax field of the control structure for this control contains the resource ID of the 'cicn' resource drawn in the pushbutton. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see “Defining Your Own Control Definition Function”.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

If your application contains code that uses the older, pre-Appearance control definition IDs or their constants, your application can use the Appearance Manager to map the old IDs to those for the new, updated controls introduced by the Appearance Manager. In particular, the control definition IDs for pre-Appearance checkboxes, buttons, scroll bars, radio buttons, and pop-up menus will be automatically mapped to Appearance-compliant equivalents.

Asynchronous Arrows Control Definition ID

enum {
   kControlChasingArrowsProc = 112


Resource ID: 7

Asynchronous arrows. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIProgressViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.

Bevel Button Behavior Constants

enum {
   kControlBehaviorPushbutton = 0,
   kControlBehaviorToggles = 0x0100,
   kControlBehaviorSticky = 0x0200,
   kControlBehaviorSingleValueMenu = 0,
   kControlBehaviorMultiValueMenu = 0x4000,
   kControlBehaviorOffsetContents = 0x8000


Push button (momentary) behavior. The bevel button pops up after being clicked.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Toggle behavior. The bevel button toggles state automatically when clicked.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Sticky behavior. Once clicked, the bevel button stays down until your application sets the control’s value to 0. This behavior is useful in tool palettes and radio groups.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


If this bit is set, the menus are multi-valued. The bevel button does not maintain the menu value as it normally would (requiring that only one item is selected at a time). This allows the user to toggle entries in a menu and have multiple items checked. In this mode, the menu value accessed with the kControlMenuLastValueTag will return the value of the last menu item selected.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button contents are offset (one pixel down and to the right) when button is pressed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


You can pass the bevel button behavior constants in the high byte of the minimumValue parameter of NewControl to create a bevel button with a specific behavior.

You can pass the bevel button menu constant, kControlBehaviorMultiValueMenu, in the high byte of the minimumValue parameter of NewControl to create a bevel button with a menu of a certain behavior. Bevel buttons with menus have two values: the value of the button and the value of the menu. You can specify the direction of the pop-up menu arrow (down or right) by using the kControlBevelButtonMenuOnRight bevel button variant.

The bevel button behavior constants and the bevel button menu constant are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Bevel Button Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlBevelButtonContentTag = 'cont',
   kControlBevelButtonTransformTag = 'tran',
   kControlBevelButtonTextAlignTag = 'tali',
   kControlBevelButtonTextOffsetTag = 'toff',
   kControlBevelButtonGraphicAlignTag = 'gali',
   kControlBevelButtonGraphicOffsetTag = 'goff',
   kControlBevelButtonTextPlaceTag = 'tplc',
   kControlBevelButtonMenuValueTag = 'mval',
   kControlBevelButtonMenuHandleTag = 'mhnd',
   kControlBevelButtonMenuRefTag = 'mhnd',
   kControlBevelButtonCenterPopupGlyphTag = 'pglc',
   kControlBevelButtonIsMultiValueMenuTag = 'mult'


Gets or sets a bevel button’s content type for drawing see “Bevel Button Menu Constant.”

Data type returned or set: ControlButtonContentInfostructure

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets a transform that is added to the standard transform of a bevel button

Data type returned or set: IconTransformType

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets the alignment of text in a bevel button; see “Bevel Button Menu Constant.”

Data type returned or set: ControlButtonTextAlignment

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets the number of pixels that text is offset in a bevel button from the button’s left or right edge this is used with left, right, or system justification, but it is ignored when the text is center aligned.

Data type returned or set: SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets the alignment of graphics in a bevel button in relation to any text the button may contain; see “Bevel Button Menu Constant.”

Data type returned or set: ControlButtonGraphicAlignment

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets the horizontal and vertical amounts that a graphic element contained in a bevel button is offset from the button’s edges this value is ignored when the graphic is specified to be center aligned on the button. Note that offset values should not be used for bevel buttons with content of type kControlContentIconRef, because IconRef based icons may change with a theme switch; see “Bevel Button Menu Constant.”

Data type returned or set: point

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets the placement of a bevel button’s text see “Bevel Button Menu Constant.”

Data type returned or set: ControlButtonTextPlacement

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets the menu value for a bevel button with an attached menu; see “Bevel Button Menu Constant.”

Data type returned: SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets the menu handle for a bevel button with an attached menu. To set a non-resource-based menu for a bevel button, you must pass in a non-zero value in the initialValue parameter of the NewControl function, then call the SetControlData function with the kControlBevelButtonMenuHandleTag constant and the return value from a call to the NewMenu function.

Data type returned: MenuHandle

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets the position of the pop-up arrow in a bevel button when a pop-up menu is attached.

Data type returned or set: Boolean; if true, glyph is vertically centered on the right; if false, glyph is on the bottom right.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets whether the associated menu is a multi-value menu. Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Data type returned or set: Boolean; if true, the menu can have multiple selections; otherwise, false.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Bevel Button Control Definition IDs

enum {
   kControlBevelButtonSmallBevelProc = 32,
   kControlBevelButtonNormalBevelProc = 33,
   kControlBevelButtonLargeBevelProc = 34


Resource ID: 2

Bevel button with a small bevel.

kControlBevelButtonSmallBevelProc + kControlBevelButtonMenuOnRight

Resource ID: 2 Control Definition ID: 4

Small bevel button with a pop-up menu. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Resource ID: 2

Bevel button with a normal bevel. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Resource ID: 2

Bevel button with a large bevel. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Bevel Button Graphic Alignment Constants

typedef SInt16 ControlButtonGraphicAlignment;
enum {
   kControlBevelButtonAlignSysDirection = -1,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignCenter = 0,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignLeft = 1,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignRight = 2,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignTop = 3,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignBottom = 4,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignTopLeft = 5,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignBottomLeft = 6,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignTopRight = 7,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignBottomRight = 8


Bevel button graphic is aligned according to the system default script direction (only left or right).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned center.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned left.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned right.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned top.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned bottom.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned top left.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned bottom left.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned top right.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button graphic is aligned bottom right.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


You can use the ControlButtonGraphicAlignment constants to specify the alignment of icons and pictures in bevel buttons. These constants are passed in the inData parameter of SetControlData and returned by GetControlData.

Version Notes

The ControlButtonGraphicAlignment constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Bevel Button Menu Constant

enum {
   kControlBehaviorCommandMenu = 0x2000


If this bit is set, the menu contains commands, not choices, and should not be marked with a checkmark. If this bit is set, it overrides the kControlBehaviorMultiValueMenu bit. This constant is only available with Appearance 1.0.1 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


You can pass one or more bevel button menu constants in the high byte of the minimumValue parameter of NewControl to create a bevel button with a menu of a certain behavior. Bevel buttons with menus have two values: the value of the button and the value of the menu. You can specify the direction of the pop-up menu arrow (down or right) by using the kControlBevelButtonMenuOnRight bevel button variant.

Bevel Button Menu Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlBevelButtonLastMenuTag = 'lmnu',
   kControlBevelButtonMenuDelayTag = 'mdly'


Gets the menu ID of the last menu selected in the submenu or main menu. Available with Appearance Manager 1.0.1 and later.

Data type returned: SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets the delay (in number of ticks) before the menu is displayed. Available with Appearance Manager 1.0.1 and later.

Data type returned or set: SInt32

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Bevel Button Text Alignment Constants

typedef SInt16 ControlButtonTextAlignment;
enum {
   kControlBevelButtonAlignTextSysDirection = teFlushDefault,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignTextCenter = teCenter,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignTextFlushRight = teFlushRight,
   kControlBevelButtonAlignTextFlushLeft = teFlushLeft


Bevel button text is aligned according to the current script direction (left or right).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button text is aligned center.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button text is aligned flush right.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button text is aligned flush left.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


You can use the ControlButtonTextAlignment constants to specify the alignment of text in a bevel button. These constants are passed in the inData parameter of SetControlData and returned by GetControlData.

Version Notes

The ControlButtonTextAlignment constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Bevel Button Text Placement Constants

typedef SInt16 ControlButtonTextPlacement;
enum {
   kControlBevelButtonPlaceSysDirection = -1,
   kControlBevelButtonPlaceNormally = 0,
   kControlBevelButtonPlaceToRightOfGraphic = 1,
   kControlBevelButtonPlaceToLeftOfGraphic = 2,
   kControlBevelButtonPlaceBelowGraphic = 3,
   kControlBevelButtonPlaceAboveGraphic = 4


Bevel button text is placed according to the system default script direction.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button text is centered.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button text is placed to the right of the graphic.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button text is placed to the left of the graphic.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button text is placed below the graphic.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Bevel button text is placed above the graphic.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


You can use the ControlButtonTextPlacement constants to specify the placement of text in a bevel button, in relation to an icon or picture. These constants are passed in the inData parameter of SetControlData and returned by GetControlData. They can be used in conjunction with bevel button text and graphic alignment constants to create, for example, a button where the graphic and text are left justified with the text below the graphic.

Version Notes

The ControlButtonTextPlacement constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Checkbox and Radio Button AutoToggle Control Definition IDs

enum {
   kControlCheckBoxAutoToggleProc = 371,
   kControlRadioButtonAutoToggleProc = 372


Identifies a checkbox control ('CDEF' resource ID 23) that automatically changes among its various states (on, off, mixed) in response to user actions. Your application must only call the function GetControl32BitValue to get the checkbox’s new state—there is no need to manually change the control’s value after tracking successfully.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Identifies a radio button control ('CDEF' resource ID 23) that automatically changes among its various states (on, off, mixed) in response to user actions. Your application must only call the function GetControl32BitValue to get the radio button’s new state—there is no need to manually change the control’s value after tracking successfully.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines these new control definition IDs.

When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs. These constants, and their associated IDs, are not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Checkbox Value Constants

enum {
   kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue = 0,
   kControlCheckBoxCheckedValue = 1,
   kControlCheckBoxMixedValue = 2


The checkbox is unchecked.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


The checkbox is checked.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Mixed value. Indicates that a setting is on for some elements in a selection and off for others. This state only applies to standard Appearance-compliant checkboxes.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


The checkbox value constants specify the value of a standard checkbox control and are passed in the newValue parameter of SetControlValue and are returned by GetControlValue .

Version Notes

The checkbox value constants are changed with Appearance Manager 1.0 to support mixed-value checkboxes.

Clock Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlClockLongDateTag = 'date',
   kControlClockFontStyleTag = kControlFontStyleTag,
   kControlClockAnimatingTag = 'anim'


Gets or sets the clock control’s time or date.

Data type returned or set: LongDateRec structure. Note that depending on the variant of clock control specified, some of the fields in the longDateRec structure may not be valid. For example, if the control variant displays only a non-live user-adjustable date, the hour and minute fields are not valid and will contain garbage.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIClockView.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Clock Control Definition IDs

enum {
   kControlClockTimeProc = 240,
   kControlClockTimeSecondsProc = 241,
   kControlClockDateProc = 242,
   kControlClockMonthYearProc = 243


Resource ID: 15

Clock control displaying hour/minutes. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIClockView.h.


Resource ID: 15

Clock control displaying hours/minutes/seconds. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIClockView.h.


Resource ID: 15

Clock control displaying date/month/year. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIClockView.h.


Resource ID: 15

Clock control displaying month/year. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIClockView.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Clock Value Flag Constants

typedef UInt32 ControlClockFlags;
enum {
   kControlClockFlagStandard = 0,
   kControlClockNoFlags = 0,
   kControlClockFlagDisplayOnly = 1,
   kControlClockIsDisplayOnly = 1,
   kControlClockFlagLive = 2,
   kControlClockIsLive = 2


Indicates that clock is editable but does not display the current “live” time.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIClockView.h.


When only this bit is set, the clock is not editable. When this bit and the kControlClockIsLive bit is set, the clock automatically updates on idle (clock will have the current time).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIClockView.h.


When only this bit is set, the clock automatically updates on idle and any changes to the clock affect the system clock. When this bit and the kControlClockIsDisplayOnly bit is set, the clock automatically updates on idle (clock will have the current time), but is not editable.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIClockView.h.


You can use the clock value flag constants to specify behaviors for a clock control. You can pass one or more of these mask constants into the control ( 'CNTL' ) resource or in the initialValue parameter of NewControl. Note that the standard clock control is editable and supports keyboard focus. Also, the little arrows that allow manipulation of the date and time are part of the control, not a separate embedded little arrows control. The clock value flag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Control Definition Message Constants

The Control Manager passes constants of type ControlDefProcMessage to Indicate the action your control definition function must perform.

enum {
   drawCntl = 0,
   testCntl = 1,
   calcCRgns = 2,
   initCntl = 3,
   dispCntl = 4,
   posCntl = 5,
   thumbCntl = 6,
   dragCntl = 7,
   autoTrack = 8,
   calcCntlRgn = 10,
   calcThumbRgn = 11,
   drawThumbOutline = 12,
   kControlMsgDrawGhost = 13,
   kControlMsgCalcBestRect = 14,
   kControlMsgHandleTracking = 15,
   kControlMsgFocus = 16,
   kControlMsgKeyDown = 17,
   kControlMsgIdle = 18,
   kControlMsgGetFeatures = 19,
   kControlMsgSetData = 20,
   kControlMsgGetData = 21,
   kControlMsgActivate = 22,
   kControlMsgSetUpBackground = 23,
   kControlMsgCalcValueFromPos = 26,
   kControlMsgTestNewMsgSupport = 27,
   kControlMsgSubValueChanged = 25,
   kControlMsgSubControlAdded = 28,
   kControlMsgSubControlRemoved = 29,
   kControlMsgApplyTextColor = 30,
   kControlMsgGetRegion = 31,
   kControlMsgFlatten = 32,
   kControlMsgSetCursor = 33,
   kControlMsgDragEnter = 38,
   kControlMsgDragLeave = 39,
   kControlMsgDragWithin = 40,
   kControlMsgDragReceive = 41,
   kControlMsgDisplayDebugInfo = 46,
   kControlMsgContextualMenuClick = 47,
   kControlMsgGetClickActivation = 48


Draw the entire control or part of a control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Test where the mouse has been pressed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Calculate the region for the control or the indicator in 24-bit systems. This message is obsolete in Mac OS 7.6 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Perform additional control initialization.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Perform additional control disposal actions.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Move and update the indicator setting.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Calculate the parameters for dragging the indicator.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Perform customized dragging (of the control or its indicator).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Execute the specified action function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Calculate the control region in 32-bit systems.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Calculate the indicator region in 32-bit systems.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Draw a ghost image of the indicator.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Calculate the optimal control rectangle.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Perform custom tracking.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Handle keyboard focus.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Handle keyboard events.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Perform idle processing.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Specify which Appearance-compliant messages are supported.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Set control-specific data.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Get control-specific data.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Handle activate and deactivate events.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Set the control’s background color or pattern (only available if the control supports embedding).

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Support live feedback while dragging the indicator and calculate the control value based on the new indicator region.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Specify whether Appearance-compliant messages are supported.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Be informed that the value of a subcontrol embedded in the control has changed; this message is useful for radio groups.

Available with Appearance 1.0.1 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Be informed that a subcontrol has been embedded in the control.

Available with Appearance 1.0.1 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Be informed that a subcontrol is about to be removed from the control.

Available with Appearance 1.0.1 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Set the foreground color to be consistent with the current drawing environment and suitable for display against the background color or pattern. To indicate that your control definition function supports this message, set the kControlHasSpecialBackground feature bit. When this message is sent, the Control Manager passes a pointer to a structure of type ControlGetRegionRec in your control definition function’s param parameter. The Control Manager sets the ControlApplyTextColorRec structure to contain data describing the current drawing environment. Your control definition function is responsible for using this data to apply a text color which is consistent with the current theme and optimally readable on the control’s background. Your control definition function should return 0 as the function result.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Obtain the region occupied by the specified control part. To indicate that your control definition function supports this message, set the kControlSupportsGetRegion feature bit. When this message is sent, the Control Manager passes a pointer to a structure of type ControlGetRegionRec in your control definition function’s param parameter. Your control definition function is responsible for setting the region field of the ControlGetRegionRec structure to the region that contains the control part which the Control Manager specifies in the part field. Your control definition function return a result code of type OSStatus as the function result.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


The Control Manager may pass these constants in the message parameter of your control definition function to specify the actions that your function must perform. For more information, see ControlDefProcPtr.

Control Features Constants

enum {
   kControlSupportsGhosting = 1 << 0,
   kControlSupportsEmbedding = 1 << 1,
   kControlSupportsFocus = 1 << 2,
   kControlWantsIdle = 1 << 3,
   kControlWantsActivate = 1 << 4,
   kControlHandlesTracking = 1 << 5,
   kControlSupportsDataAccess = 1 << 6,
   kControlHasSpecialBackground = 1 << 7,
   kControlGetsFocusOnClick = 1 << 8,
   kControlSupportsCalcBestRect = 1 << 9,
   kControlSupportsLiveFeedback = 1 << 10,
   kControlHasRadioBehavior = 1 << 11,
   kControlSupportsDragAndDrop = 1 << 12,
   kControlAutoToggles = 1 << 14,
   kControlSupportsGetRegion = 1 << 17,
   kControlSupportsFlattening = 1 << 19,
   kControlSupportsSetCursor = 1 << 20,
   kControlSupportsContextualMenus = 1 << 21,
   kControlSupportsClickActivation = 1 << 22,
   kControlIdlesWithTimer = 1 << 23


If this bit (bit 0) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgDrawGhost message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 1) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgSubControlAdded and kControlMsgSubControlRemovedmessages.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 2) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgKeyDown message. If this bit and the kControlGetsFocusOnClick bit are set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgFocus message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 3) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgIdle message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 4) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgActivate message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 5) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgHandleTracking message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 6) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgGetData and kControlMsgSetData messages.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 7) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgSetUpBackground message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 8) and the kControlSupportsFocus bit are set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgFocus message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 9) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgCalcBestRect message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 10) is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgCalcValueFromPos message.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If this bit (bit 11) is set, the control definition function supports radio button behavior and can be embedded in a radio group control. This constant is available with Appearance 1.0.1 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the bit specified by this mask is set, the control definition function supports automatically changing among various states (on, off, mixed) in response to user actions.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the bit specified by this mask is set, the control definition function supports the kControlMsgGetRegion message, described in “Control Definition Message Constants.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If your control definition function supports Appearance-compliant messages, it should return a bit field of the features it supports, composed of one or more of these bits.

Control Focus Part Code Constants

enum {
   kControlFocusNoPart = 0,
   kControlFocusNextPart = -1,
   kControlFocusPrevPart = -2


Your control definition function should relinquish its focus and return kControlFocusNoPart. It might respond by deactivating its text edit handle and erasing its focus ring. If the control is at the end of its subparts, it should return kControlFocusNoPart. This tells the focusing mechanism to jump to the next control that supports focus.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Your control definition function should change keyboard focus to its next part, the entire control, or remove keyboard focus from the control, depending upon the circumstances.

For multiple part controls that already had keyboard focus, the next part of the control would receive keyboard focus when kControlFocusNextPart was passed in the param parameter. For example, a clock control with keyboard focus would change its focus to the left-most element of the control (the month field).

For single-part controls that did not have keyboard focus and are now receiving it, the entire control would receive keyboard focus when kControlFocusNextPart was passed in the param parameter.

For single-part controls that already had keyboard focus and are now losing it, the entire control would lose keyboard focus.

If you are passed kControlFocusNextPart and have run out of parts, return kControlFocusNoPart to indicate that the user tabbed past the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Your control definition function should change keyboard focus to its previous part, the entire control, or remove keyboard focus from the control, depending upon the circumstances.

For multiple part controls that already had keyboard focus, the previous part of the control would receive keyboard focus when kControlFocusPrevPart was passed in the param parameter. For example, a clock control with keyboard focus would change its focus to the right-most element of the control (the year field).

For single-part controls that did not have keyboard focus and are now receiving it, the entire control would receive keyboard focus when kControlFocusNextPart was passed in the param parameter.

For single-part controls that already had keyboard focus and are now losing it, the entire control would lose keyboard focus.

If you are passed kControlFocusPrevPart and have run out of parts, return kControlFocusNoPart to indicate that the user tabbed past the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.

Control Font Style and Key Filter Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlFontStyleTag = 'font',
   kControlKeyFilterTag = 'fltr',
   kControlKindTag = 'kind',
   kControlSizeTag = 'size'


Sent with a pointer to a ControlKind record to be filled in. Only valid for GetControlData.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Gets or sets the key filter function for controls that handle filtered input (includes editable text and list box).

Data type returned or set: ControlKeyFilterUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data (e.g., text in an editable text control). These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Control Font Style Flag Constants

enum {
   kControlUseFontMask = 0x0001,
   kControlUseFaceMask = 0x0002,
   kControlUseSizeMask = 0x0004,
   kControlUseForeColorMask = 0x0008,
   kControlUseBackColorMask = 0x0010,
   kControlUseModeMask = 0x0020,
   kControlUseJustMask = 0x0040,
   kControlUseAllMask = 0x00FF,
   kControlAddFontSizeMask = 0x0100


If the kControlUseFontMask flag is set (bit 0), the font field of the control font style structure is applied to the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the kControlUseFaceMask flag is set (bit 1), the style field of the control font style structure is applied to the control. This flag is ignored if you specify a meta font value; see “Meta Font Constants.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the kControlUseSizeMask flag is set (bit 2), the size field of the control font style structure is applied to the control. This flag is ignored if you specify a meta font value; see “Meta Font Constants.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the kControlUseForeColorMask flag is set (bit 3), the foreColor field of the control font style structure is applied to the control. This flag only applies to static text controls.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the kControlUseBackColorMask flag is set (bit 4), the backColor field of the control font style structure is applied to the control. This flag only applies to static text controls.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the kControlUseModeMask flag is set (bit 5), the text mode specified in the mode field of the control font style structure is applied to the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the kControlUseJustMask flag is set (bit 6), the just field of the control font style structure is applied to the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If kControlUseAllMask is used, all flags in this mask will be set except kControlUseAddFontSizeMask.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


If the kControlUseAddFontSizeMask flag is set (bit 8), the Dialog Manager will add a specified font size to the size field of the control font style structure. This flag is ignored if you specify a meta font value; see “Meta Font Constants.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


You can pass one or more control font style flag constants in the flags field of the control font style structure to specify the field(s) of the structure that should be applied to the control; see ControlFontStyleRec. If none of the flags are set, the control uses the system font unless a control variant specifies use of a window font.

Version Notes

These control font style flag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Control Key Script Behavior Constants

enum {
   kControlKeyScriptBehaviorAllowAnyScript = 'any ',
   kControlKeyScriptBehaviorPrefersRoman = 'prmn',
   kControlKeyScriptBehaviorRequiresRoman = 'rrmn'


Does not change the current keyboard and allows the user to change the keyboard at will. This is the default for non-password fields.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Changes the current keyboard to Roman whenever the editable text field receives focus but allows the user to change the keyboard at will. This is the default for password fields.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Changes the current keyboard to Roman whenever the editable text field receives focus and does not allow the user to change the keyboard.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


With the Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager, you can use these constants of type ControlKeyScriptBehavior to specify the kind of behavior to be used in an editable text control with respect to changing and locking the keyboard menu as the field is focused. The ControlKeyScriptBehavior constants are set and retrieved with the kControlEditTextKeyScriptBehaviorTag control data tag constant; for details on kControlEditTextKeyScriptBehaviorTag, see “Editable Text Control Data Tag Constants.”

Control Part Code Constants

enum {
   kControlLabelPart = 1,
   kControlMenuPart = 2,
   kControlTrianglePart = 4,
   kControlEditTextPart = 5,
   kControlPicturePart = 6,
   kControlIconPart = 7,
   kControlClockPart = 8,
   kControlListBoxPart = 24,
   kControlListBoxDoubleClickPart = 25,
   kControlImageWellPart = 26,
   kControlRadioGroupPart = 27,
   kControlButtonPart = 10,
   kControlCheckBoxPart = 11,
   kControlRadioButtonPart = 11,
   kControlUpButtonPart = 20,
   kControlDownButtonPart = 21,
   kControlPageUpPart = 22,
   kControlPageDownPart = 23,
   kControlClockHourDayPart = 9,
   kControlClockMinuteMonthPart = 10,
   kControlClockSecondYearPart = 11,
   kControlClockAMPMPart = 12,
   kControlDataBrowserPart = 24,
   kControlDataBrowserDraggedPart = 25


Identifies the label of a pop-up menu control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the menu of a pop-up menu control. For bevel buttons with a menu attached, this part code specifies a menu item of the bevel button.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies a disclosure triangle control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies an editable text control.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies a picture control.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies an icon control.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies a clock control.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies a list box control.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies a double-click in a list box control.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies an image well control.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies a radio group control.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0.2 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies either a push button or bevel button control. For bevel buttons with a menu attached, this part code specifies the button but not the attached menu.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies a checkbox control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies a radio button control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the up button of a scroll bar control (the arrow at the top or the left).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the down button of a scroll bar control (the arrow at the right or the bottom).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the page-up part of a scroll bar control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the page-down part of a scroll bar control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the part of a clock control that contains the hour or the day. The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control part code constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the part of a clock control that contains the minute or the month. The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control part code constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the part of a clock control that contains the second or the year. The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control part code constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the part of a clock control that contains the AM/PM information. The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control part code constant.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Constants of type ControlPartCode identify specific parts of controls.

Part codes are meaningful only within the scope of a single control definition function. For example, the standard tab control uses part codes 1...N, where N is the number of tabs, even though those numbers do collide with part codes defined for use with other control definition functions. Therefore, when you wish to specify part codes for the tab control for use with the function SetControlData, for example, you should use a part code corresponding to a 1-based index of the tab whose data you wish to set. In other words, the first tab is part code 1, the second tab is part code 2, and so on.

Control State Part Code Constants

enum {
   kControlNoPart = 0,
   kControlIndicatorPart = 129,
   kControlDisabledPart = 254,
   kControlInactivePart = 255


Identifies no specific control part. This value unhighlights any highlighted part of the control when passed to the HiliteControl function. For events in bevel buttons with an attached menu, this part code indicates that either the mouse was released outside the bevel button and menu or that the button was disabled.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Identifies the scroll box of a scroll bar control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Used with HiliteControlto disable the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Used with HiliteControl to make the control inactive.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Constants of type ControlPartCode identify specific parts of controls.

Part codes are meaningful only within the scope of a single control definition function. For example, the standard tab control uses part codes 1...N, where N is the number of tabs, even though those numbers do collide with part codes defined for use with other control definition functions. Therefore, when you wish to specify part codes for the tab control for use with the function SetControlData, for example, you should use a part code corresponding to a 1-based index of the tab whose data you wish to set. In other words, the first tab is part code 1, the second tab is part code 2, and so on.

Note that if you wish to create part codes for a custom control definition function, you may assign values anywhere within the ranges 1–128 and 130–253. Note also that the function FindControl does not typically return the kControlDisabledPart or kControlInactivePart part codes and never returns them with standard controls.

Control Variant Constants

enum {
   kControlNoVariant = 0,
   kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant = 1 << 3


Specifies no change to the standard control resource.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Specifies that the control use the window font for any control text.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


You can use the control variant constants with any of the standard control resource IDs to specify additional features of a control.

Version Notes

The control variant constants are changed with Appearance Manager 1.0 to support the additional control types available with the Appearance Manager.

Control Bevel Button Menu Placement Constants

typedef UInt16 ControlBevelButtonMenuPlacement;
enum {
   kControlBevelButtonMenuOnBottom = 0,
   kControlBevelButtonMenuOnRight = (1 << 2)

Control Bevel Thickness Constants

typedef UInt16 ControlBevelThickness;
enum {
   kControlBevelButtonSmallBevel = 0,
   kControlBevelButtonNormalBevel = 1,
   kControlBevelButtonLargeBevel = 2

Control Clock Type Constants

typedef UInt16 ControlClockType;
enum {
   kControlClockTypeHourMinute = 0,
   kControlClockTypeHourMinuteSecond = 1,
   kControlClockTypeMonthDayYear = 2,
   kControlClockTypeMonthYear = 3

Control Disclosure Triangle Orientation Constants

typedef UInt16 ControlDisclosureTriangleOrientation;
enum {
   kControlDisclosureTrianglePointDefault = 0,
   kControlDisclosureTrianglePointRight = 1,
   kControlDisclosureTrianglePointLeft = 2

Control Notify Constants

enum {
   controlNotifyNothing = 'nada',
   controlNotifyClick = 'clik',
   controlNotifyFocus = 'focu',
   controlNotifyKey = 'key '

Control Push Button Icon Alignment Constants

typedef UInt16 ControlPushButtonIconAlignment;
enum {
   kControlPushButtonIconOnLeft = 6,
   kControlPushButtonIconOnRight = 7

Control Round Button Size Constants

typedef SInt16 ControlRoundButtonSize;
enum {
   kControlRoundButtonNormalSize = kControlSizeNormal,
   kControlRoundButtonLargeSize = kControlSizeLarge

Control Slider Orientation Constants

typedef UInt16 ControlSliderOrientation;
enum {
   kControlSliderPointsDownOrRight = 0,
   kControlSliderPointsUpOrLeft = 1,
   kControlSliderDoesNotPoint = 2

Control Tab Direction Constants

typedef UInt16 ControlTabDirection;
enum {
   kControlTabDirectionNorth = 0,
   kControlTabDirectionSouth = 1,
   kControlTabDirectionEast = 2,
   kControlTabDirectionWest = 3

Control Tab Size Constants

typedef UInt16 ControlTabSize;
enum {
   kControlTabSizeLarge = kControlSizeNormal,
   kControlTabSizeSmall = kControlSizeSmall

Drag Control Constants

Specify whether the user is dragging an indicator or the whole control.

enum {
   kDragControlEntireControl = 0,
   kDragControlIndicator = 1


Dragging the entire control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Dragging the indicator.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.

Drawing Constants

enum {
   kDrawControlEntireControl = 0,
   kDrawControlIndicatorOnly = 129


Draw the entire control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Draw the indicator only.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


The Control Manager passes one of these drawing constants in the low word of the param parameter to specify whether the user is drawing an indicator or the whole control. The high-order word of the param parameter may contain undefined data; therefore, evaluate only the low-order word of this parameter.

Editable Text Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlEditTextStyleTag = kControlFontStyleTag,
   kControlEditTextTextTag = 'text',
   kControlEditTextTEHandleTag = 'than',
   kControlEditTextKeyFilterTag = kControlKeyFilterTag,
   kControlEditTextSelectionTag = 'sele',
   kControlEditTextPasswordTag = 'pass'
enum {
   kControlEditTextKeyScriptBehaviorTag = 'kscr',
   kControlEditTextLockedTag = 'lock',
   kControlEditTextFixedTextTag = 'ftxt',
   kControlEditTextValidationProcTag = 'vali',
   kControlEditTextInlinePreUpdateProcTag = 'prup',
   kControlEditTextInlinePostUpdateProcTag = 'poup'
enum {
   kControlEditTextCFStringTag = 'cfst',
   kControlEditTextPasswordCFStringTag = 'pwcf'


Gets or sets text in an editable text control.

Data type returned or set: character buffer

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets a handle to a text edit structure.

Data type returned: TEHandle

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Gets or sets the selection in an editable text control.

Data type returned or set: ControlEditTextSelectionRec structure

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets the kind of behavior to be used in an editable text control with respect to changing and locking the keyboard menu as the field is focused.

Data type retrieved or set: ControlKeyScriptBehavior. The default for password fields is kControlKeyScriptBehaviorPrefersRoman. The default for non-password fields is kControlKeyScriptBehaviorAllowAnyScript. See ControlEditTextValidationProcPtr for descriptions of possible values.

Available in Appearance 1.1 or Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets whether the text in an editable text control is currently editable.

Data type retrieved or set: Boolean; if true, the text is locked and cannot be edited; if false, the text is editable.

Available in Appearance 1.1 or Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets inline input text in an editable text control, after confirming any text in the active input area with the Text Services Manager function FixTSMDocument.

Data type retrieved or set: character buffer

Available in Appearance 1.1 or Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets a universal procedure pointer to a callback function such as that described in ControlEditTextValidationProcPtr, which can be used to validate editable text after an operation that changes the text, such as inline text entry, a cut, or paste.

Data type retrieved or set: ControlEditTextValidationUPP

Available in Appearance 1.1 or Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets a universal procedure pointer to a Text Services Manager pre-update callback function.

Data type retrieved or set: TSMTEPreUpdateUPP

Available in Appearance 1.1 or Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Gets or sets a universal procedure pointer to a Text Services Manager post-update callback function.

Data type retrieved or set: TSMTEPostUpdateUPP

Available in Appearance 1.1 or Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Retrieves the contents of the edit text field as a CFString.

Data type retrieved: CFStringRef. You must release the string when you no longer need it.

Available in CarbonLib 1.5 and Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Extract the content of the edit text field if it is a password field.

Data type retrieved: CFStringRef. You must release the string when you no longer need it.

Available in CarbonLib 1.5 and Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data (e.g., text in an editable text control). These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Editable Text Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlEditTextProc = 272,
   kControlEditTextPasswordProc = 274


Resource ID: 17

Editable text field for windows. This control maintains its own text handle (TEHandle).

This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Resource ID: 17

Editable text field for passwords. This control is supported by the Script Manager. Password text can be accessed via the kEditTextPasswordTag constant; see “Editable Text Control Data Tag Constants.”

This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Data Browser Error Constants

enum {
   errDataBrowserNotConfigured = -4970,
   errDataBrowserItemNotFound = -4971,
   errDataBrowserItemNotAdded = -4975,
   errDataBrowserPropertyNotFound = -4972,
   errDataBrowserInvalidPropertyPart = -4973,
   errDataBrowserInvalidPropertyData = -4974,
   errDataBrowserPropertyNotSupported = -4979

Group Box Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlGroupBoxMenuHandleTag = 'mhan',
   kControlGroupBoxMenuRefTag = 'mhan',
   kControlGroupBoxFontStyleTag = kControlFontStyleTag,
   kControlGroupBoxFrameRectTag = 'frec'


Gets the menu handle of a group box.

Data type returned: MenuHandle

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets the full rectangle that content is drawn in. This is slightly different from the content region because the full rectangle includes the frame drawn around the content. Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Data type returned: Rect

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Group Box Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlGroupBoxTextTitleProc = 160,
   kControlGroupBoxCheckBoxProc = 161,
   kControlGroupBoxPopupButtonProc = 162,
   kControlGroupBoxSecondaryTextTitleProc = 164,
   kControlGroupBoxSecondaryCheckBoxProc = 165,
   kControlGroupBoxSecondaryPopupButtonProc = 166


Resource ID: 10

Primary group box with text title. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Resource ID: 10

Primary group box with checkbox title. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Resource ID: 10

Primary group box with pop-up button title. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Resource ID: 10

Secondary group box with text title. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Resource ID: 10

Secondary group box with checkbox title. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Resource ID: 10

Secondary group box with pop-up button title. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Icon Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlIconTransformTag = 'trfm',
   kControlIconAlignmentTag = 'algn'


Gets or sets a transform that is added to the standard transform of an icon see “Icon Utilities.”

Data type returned or set: IconTransformType

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


Gets or sets an icon’s position (centered, left, right).

Data type returned or set: IconAlignmentType

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Icon Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlIconProc = 320,
   kControlIconNoTrackProc = 321,
   kControlIconSuiteProc = 322,
   kControlIconSuiteNoTrackProc = 323
enum {
   kControlIconRefProc = 324,
   kControlIconRefNoTrackProc = 325


Resource ID: 20

Icon control. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


Resource ID: 20

Non-tracking icon. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


Resource ID: 20

Icon suite. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


Resource ID: 20

Non-tracking icon suite. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


Identifies the variant of the icon control ('CDEF' resource ID 20) that supports all standard types of icon-based content. Note that you do not supply content for this control upon its creation with a call to the NewControl function. Rather, after the control’s creation you can set or change its content at any time by passing the SetControlData function the kControlIconContentTag control data tag constant and a ControlButtonContentInfo structure containing any of the allowable data types. Supported data types for this icon control variant are specified with the following ControlContentType values: kControlContentIconSuiteRes, kControlContentCIconRes (uses a black-and-white 'ICON' resource if the color resource isn’t available), kControlContentIconSuiteHandle, kControlContentCIconHandle, and kControlContentIconRef. Note, too, that if you supply the kControlContentIconRef value, you must first use Icon Services functions to register your resources and generate IconRef values. See the ControlButtonContentInfo data type and “Control Content Type Constants” for more information.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.

Available in Mac OS 8.5 and later.


Identifies the non-tracking variant of the icon control ('CDEF' resource ID 20) that supports all standard types of icon-based content. This control immediately returns kControlIconPart as the part code hit without tracking. Note that you do not supply content for this control upon its creation with a call to the NewControl function. Rather, after the control’s creation you can set or change its content at any time by passing the SetControlData function the kControlIconContentTag control data tag constant and a ControlButtonContentInfo structure containing any of the allowable data types. Supported data types for this icon control variant are specified with the following ControlContentType values: kControlContentIconSuiteRes, kControlContentCIconRes (uses a black-and-white 'ICON' resource if the color resource isn’t available), kControlContentIconSuiteHandle, kControlContentCIconHandle, and kControlContentIconRef. Note, too, that if you supply the kControlContentIconRef value, you must first use Icon Services functions to register your resources and generate IconRef values. See the ControlButtonContentInfo data type and “Control Content Type Constants” for more information.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.

Available in Mac OS 8.5 and later.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Image Well Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlImageWellContentTag = 'cont',
   kControlImageWellTransformTag = 'tran',
   kControlImageWellIsDragDestinationTag = 'drag'


Gets or sets the content for an image well; see ControlButtonContentInfo.

Data type returned or set: ControlButtonContentInfo structure

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


Gets or sets a transform that is added to the standard transform of an image well.

Data type returned or set: IconTransformType

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Image Well Control Definition ID

enum {
   kControlImageWellProc = 176


Resource ID: 11

Image well. This control behaves as a palette-type object: it can be selected by clicking, and clicking on another object should change the keyboard focus. If the keyboard focus is removed, your application should then set the value to 0 to remove the checked border.

This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.


enum {
   inLabel = kControlLabelPart,
   inMenu = kControlMenuPart,
   inTriangle = kControlTrianglePart,
   inButton = kControlButtonPart,
   inCheckBox = kControlCheckBoxPart,
   inUpButton = kControlUpButtonPart,
   inDownButton = kControlDownButtonPart,
   inPageUp = kControlPageUpPart,
   inPageDown = kControlPageDownPart


enum {
   inThumb = kControlIndicatorPart,
   kNoHiliteControlPart = kControlNoPart,
   kInIndicatorControlPart = kControlIndicatorPart,
   kReservedControlPart = kControlDisabledPart,
   kControlInactiveControlPart = kControlInactivePart


enum {
   kControlBevelButtonOwnedMenuRefTag = 'omrf',
   kControlBevelButtonKindTag = 'bebk'

Bevel Button Size Constants

enum {
   kControlBevelButtonSmallBevelVariant = 0,
   kControlBevelButtonNormalBevelVariant = (1 << 0),
   kControlBevelButtonLargeBevelVariant = (1 << 1),
   kControlBevelButtonMenuOnRightVariant = (1 << 2)

Control Can Auto Invalidate Constant

enum {
   kControlCanAutoInvalidate = 1

Control Chasing Arrows Animating Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlChasingArrowsAnimatingTag = 'anim'

Control Collection Tag Constants

Specify initial control values passed in a collection.

enum {
   kControlCollectionTagBounds = 'boun',
   kControlCollectionTagValue = 'valu',
   kControlCollectionTagMinimum = 'min ',
   kControlCollectionTagMaximum = 'max ',
   kControlCollectionTagViewSize = 'view',
   kControlCollectionTagVisibility = 'visi',
   kControlCollectionTagRefCon = 'refc',
   kControlCollectionTagTitle = 'titl',
   kControlCollectionTagUnicodeTitle = 'uttl',
   kControlCollectionTagIDSignature = 'idsi',
   kControlCollectionTagIDID = 'idid',
   kControlCollectionTagCommand = 'cmd ',
   kControlCollectionTagVarCode = 'varc'


A value of type Rect that contains the bounding rectangle of the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A value of type SInt32 that contains the value of the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A value of type SInt32 that contains the minimum value of the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A value of type SInt32 that contains the maximum value of the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A value of type SInt32 that contains the view size of the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A Boolean that contains the visible state of the control. This tag is only interpreted on CarbonLib versions through 1.5.x and Mac OS X v10.0.x. This tag is not interpreted on CarbonLib 1.6 and later nor on Mac OS X v10.1 and later; use of this tag is not recommended.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A value of type SInt32 that contains the refcon for the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A character array of arbitrary size that contains the title of the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A character array of arbitrary size that contains the title of the control as received via CFStringCreateExternalRepresentation.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


An OSType that contains the ControlID signature for the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A value of type SInt32 that contains the ControlID ID for the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A value of type UInt32 that contains the command.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


A value of type SInt16 that contains the variant for the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


These standard tags are used in the initial data collection that is passed in the param parameter to the initCntl message and in the kEventParamInitCollection parameter to the kEventControlInitialize event (Carbon only).

All tags at ID 0 in a control’s collection are reserved for Control Manager use. Custom control definitions should use other IDs.

Most of these tags are interpreted when you call CreateCustomControl. The Control Manager puts the value in the right place before it calls the control definition with the initialization message.

Control Collection Tag Subcontrols Constant

enum {
   kControlCollectionTagSubControls = 'subc'

Control Content Type Constants

enum {
   kControlContentTextOnly = 0,
   kControlNoContent = 0,
   kControlContentIconSuiteRes = 1,
   kControlContentCIconRes = 2,
   kControlContentPictRes = 3,
   kControlContentICONRes = 4,
   kControlContentIconSuiteHandle = 129,
   kControlContentCIconHandle = 130,
   kControlContentPictHandle = 131,
   kControlContentIconRef = 132,
   kControlContentICON = 133


Content type is text. This constant is passed in the contentType field of the ControlButtonContentInfo structure if the content is text only. The variation code kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant applies when text content is used.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Content type uses an icon suite resource ID. The resource ID of the icon suite resource you wish to display should be in the resID field of the ControlButtonContentInfo structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Content type is a color icon resource ID. The resource ID of the color icon resource you wish to display should be in the resID field of the ControlButtonContentInfo structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Content type is a picture resource ID. The resource ID of the picture resource you wish to display should be in the resID field of the ControlButtonContentInfo structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Content type is an icon suite handle. The handle of the icon suite you wish to display should be in the iconSuite field of the ControlButtonContentInfo structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Content type uses a color icon handle. The handle of the color icon you wish to display should be in the cIconHandle field of the ControlButtonContentInfo structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Content type uses a picture handle. The handle of the picture you wish to display should be in the picture field of the ControlButtonContentInfo structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Content type is IconRef. An IconRef value for the icon you wish to display should be provided in the iconRef field of the ControlButtonContentInfo structure. Note that the kControlBevelButtonGraphicOffsetTag control data tag constant should not be used with IconRef based bevel button content, because IconRef based icons may change with a theme switch; see “Bevel Button Control Data Tag Constants.” Supported with Mac OS 8.5 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.

Control Data Browser Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlDataBrowserIncludesFrameAndFocusTag = 'brdr',
   kControlDataBrowserKeyFilterTag = kControlEditTextKeyFilterTag,
   kControlDataBrowserEditTextKeyFilterTag = kControlDataBrowserKeyFilterTag,
   kControlDataBrowserEditTextValidationProcTag =  kControlEditTextValidationProcTag

Control Def Constants

enum {
   kControlDefProcPtr = 0,
   kControlDefObjectClass = 1


Indicates raw, proc-ptr based access.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


Indicates event-based definition (Mac OS X only).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.

Control Def Type Constants

enum {
   kControlDefProcType = 'CDEF',
   kControlTemplateResourceType = 'CNTL',
   kControlColorTableResourceType = 'cctb',
   kControlDefProcResourceType = 'CDEF'

Disclosure Triangle Constants

enum {
   kControlDisclosureButtonClosed = 0,
   kControlDisclosureButtonDisclosed = 1


The control will be drawn suggesting a closed state.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDisclosureViews.h.


The control will be drawn suggesting a disclosed state.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDisclosureViews.h.

Unicode Control Data Tags

Specify data tags used with Unicode edit text controls.

enum {
   kControlEditTextSingleLineTag = 'sglc',
   kControlEditTextInsertTextBufferTag = 'intx',
   kControlEditTextInsertCFStringRefTag = 'incf',
   kControlEditUnicodeTextPostUpdateProcTag = 'upup'


Indicates whether the control should always be single line.

Data to set or get is type Boolean.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets the control’s text as WorldScript encoded text. Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Data to get or set is an array of char types.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets the control’s text as a CFString. Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Data to get or set is type CFStringRef. If obtaining the string, be sure to release it after you are done with it.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets the post-update callback function.

Data to get or set is type UnicodePostUpdateUPP.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


You use these tags in conjunction with GetControlData and SetControlData on Unicode edit text controls.

Control Edit Unicode Text Post Update Proc Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlEditUnicodeTextPostUpdateProcTag = 'upup'

Control Edit Unicode Text Proc Constants

enum {
   kControlEditUnicodeTextProc = 912,
   kControlEditUnicodeTextPasswordProc = 914

Control Entire Control Constant

enum {
   kControlEntireControl = 0

Control Kind Bevel Button Constant

enum {
   kControlKindBevelButton = 'bevl'

Control Kind Chasing Arrows Constant

enum {
   kControlKindChasingArrows = 'carr'

Control Kind Clock Constant

enum {
   kControlKindClock = 'clck'

Control Kind Data Browser Constant

enum {
   kControlKindDataBrowser = 'datb'

Control Kind Disclosure Button Constant

enum {
   kControlKindDisclosureButton = 'disb'

Control Kind Disclosure Triangle Constant

enum {
   kControlKindDisclosureTriangle = 'dist'

Control Kind Edit Text Constant

enum {
   kControlKindEditText = 'etxt'

Control Kind Edit Unicode Text Constant

enum {
   kControlKindEditUnicodeText = 'eutx'

Control Kind Group Box Constants

enum {
   kControlKindGroupBox = 'grpb',
   kControlKindCheckGroupBox = 'cgrp',
   kControlKindPopupGroupBox = 'pgrp'

Control Kind Icon Constant

enum {
   kControlKindIcon = 'icon'

Control Kind Image Well Constant

enum {
   kControlKindImageWell = 'well'

Control Kind List Box Constant

enum {
   kControlKindListBox = 'lbox'


enum {
   kControlKindLittleArrows = 'larr'

Control Kind Picture Constant

enum {
   kControlKindPicture = 'pict'

Control Kind Placard Constant

enum {
   kControlKindPlacard = 'plac'

Control Kind Pop-up Arrow Constant

enum {
   kControlKindPopupArrow = 'parr'

Control Kind Pop-up Button Constant

enum {
   kControlKindPopupButton = 'popb'

Control Kind Progress Bar Constants

enum {
   kControlKindProgressBar = 'prgb',
   kControlKindRelevanceBar = 'relb'

Control Kind Push and Radio Button Constants

enum {
   kControlKindPushButton = 'push',
   kControlKindPushIconButton = 'picn',
   kControlKindRadioButton = 'rdio',
   kControlKindCheckBox = 'cbox'

Control Kind Radio Group Constant

enum {
   kControlKindRadioGroup = 'rgrp'

Control Kind Round Button Constant

enum {
   kControlKindRoundButton = 'rndb'

Control Kind Scroll Bar Constant

enum {
   kControlKindScrollBar = 'sbar'

Control Kind Scrolling Text Box Constant

enum {
   kControlKindScrollingTextBox = 'stbx'

Control Kind Separator Constant

enum {
   kControlKindSeparator = 'sepa'

Control Kind Signature Apple Constant

enum {
   kControlKindSignatureApple = 'appl'


Signature of all system controls.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.

Control Kind Slider Constant

enum {
   kControlKindSlider = 'sldr'

Control Kind Static Text Constant

enum {
   kControlKindStaticText = 'stxt'

Control Kind Tabs Constant

enum {
   kControlKindTabs = 'tabs'

Control Kind User Pane Constant

enum {
   kControlKindUserPane = 'upan'

Control Kind Window Header Constant

enum {
   kControlKindWindowHeader = 'whed'

Control Picture Handle Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlPictureHandleTag = 'pich'

Control Pop-up Arrow Orientation Constants

enum {
   kControlPopupArrowOrientationEast = 0,
   kControlPopupArrowOrientationWest = 1,
   kControlPopupArrowOrientationNorth = 2,
   kControlPopupArrowOrientationSouth = 3

Control Pop-up Arrow Size Constants

enum {
   kControlPopupArrowSizeNormal = 0,
   kControlPopupArrowSizeSmall = 1

Control Pop-up Button Check Current Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlPopupButtonCheckCurrentTag = 'chck'

Control Property Persistent Constant

enum {
   kControlPropertyPersistent = 0x00000001

Control Round Button Content and Size Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlRoundButtonContentTag = 'cont',
   kControlRoundButtonSizeTag = kControlSizeTag

Control Scrollbar Shows Arrows Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlScrollBarShowsArrowsTag = 'arro'

Control Size Constants

enum {
   kControlSizeNormal = 0,
   kControlSizeSmall = 1,
   kControlSizeLarge = 2,
   kControlSizeAuto = 0xFFFF

Control Supports New Messages Constant

enum {
   kControlSupportsNewMessages = ' ok '


The control definition function supports new messages introduced with Mac OS 8 and the Appearance Manager.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Not available to 64-bit applications.

Declared in Controls.h.


If your control definition function supports Appearance-compliant messages, it should return kControlSupportsNewMessages as a function result when the Control Manager passes kControlMsgTestNewMsgSupport in the message parameter.

Control Tab Image Content Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlTabImageContentTag = 'cont'

Control Tab Info Version Constants

enum {
   kControlTabInfoVersionZero = 0,
   kControlTabInfoVersionOne = 1

Control Tab Type Constants

enum {
   kControlTabListResType = 'tab#',
   kControlListDescResType = 'ldes'

Control Use Theme Font ID Mask Constant

enum {
   kControlUseThemeFontIDMask = 0x0080

Click Activation Constants

Specify constants that indicate the way a control prefers to respond to a click.

enum {
   kDoNotActivateAndIgnoreClick = 0,
   kDoNotActivateAndHandleClick = 1,
   kActivateAndIgnoreClick = 2,
   kActivateAndHandleClick = 3
typedef UInt32 ClickActivationResult;


Indicates that the click should be ignored and that the window should not be activated. This constant is defined for completeness and is rarely used.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Indicates that the control should handle the click while the window is still in the background.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Indicates that control doesn’t want to respond directly to the click, but window should still be brought forward.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Indicates that the control wants to respond to the click, but only after the window has been activated.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


These constants are used by GetControlClickActivation.

Selection Constants

enum {
   kDragSelect = 1,
   kSelectOnlyOne = 2,
   kResetSelection = 4,
   kCmdTogglesSelection = 8,
   kNoDisjointSelection = 16,
   kAlwaysExtendSelection = 32

Drag Tracking Enter Control Constants

enum {
   kDragTrackingEnterControl = 2,
   kDragTrackingInControl = 3,
   kDragTrackingLeaveControl = 4

Key Filter Result Codes

enum {
   kControlKeyFilterBlockKey = 0,
   kControlKeyFilterPassKey = 1


The keystroke is blocked and not received by the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


The keystroke is filtered and received by the control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Your key filter function returns these constants to specify whether or not a keystroke is filtered or blocked.

In Control Part Constants

enum {
   kInLabelControlPart = kControlLabelPart,
   kInMenuControlPart = kControlMenuPart,
   kInTriangleControlPart = kControlTrianglePart,
   kInButtonControlPart = kControlButtonPart,
   kInCheckBoxControlPart = kControlCheckBoxPart,
   kInUpButtonControlPart = kControlUpButtonPart,
   kInDownButtonControlPart = kControlDownButtonPart,
   kInPageUpControlPart = kControlPageUpPart,
   kInPageDownControlPart = kControlPageDownPart

Order Constants

enum {
   kOrderUndefined = 0,
   kOrderIncreasing = 1,
   kOrderDecreasing = 2

List Box Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlListBoxListHandleTag = 'lhan',
   kControlListBoxKeyFilterTag = kControlKeyFilterTag,
   kControlListBoxFontStyleTag = kControlFontStyleTag
enum {
   kControlListBoxDoubleClickTag = 'dblc',
   kControlListBoxLDEFTag = 'ldef'


Gets a handle to a list box.

Data type returned: ListHandle

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Checks to see whether the most recent click in a list box was a double click. Available with Appearance 1.0.1 and later.

Data type returned: Boolean; if true, the last click was a double click; if false, not.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Sets the 'LDEF' resource to be used to draw a list box’s contents this is useful for creating a list box without an 'ldes' resource. Available with Appearance 1.0.1 and later.

Data type set: SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

List Box Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlListBoxProc = 352,
   kControlListBoxAutoSizeProc = 353


Resource ID: 21

List box. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Resource ID: 21

Autosizing list box. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Little Arrows Control Definition ID Constant

enum {
   kControlLittleArrowsProc = 96


Resource ID: 6

Little arrows. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HILittleArrows.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.

Little Arrows Control Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlLittleArrowsIncrementValueTag = 'incr'


Gets or sets the increment value of the control. Currently, the little arrows control does not use the increment value because the control does not change the value itself. You must use an action proc to change the value. Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Data type retrieved: SInt32

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in HILittleArrows.h.

Mac OS 8.5 Bevel Button Control Data Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlBevelButtonScaleIconTag = 'scal'


Gets or sets whether, when the proper icon size is unavailable, an icon should be scaled for use with a given bevel button. This tag is only for use with icon suites or the IconRef data type.

Data type retrieved or set: Boolean. If true, indicates that if an icon of the ideal size isn’t available, a larger or smaller icon should be scaled to the ideal size. If false, no scaling should occur; instead, a smaller icon should be drawn or a larger icon clipped. Default is false.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control data tag constant. This constant is passed in the inTagName parameters of the functions SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass this constant in the inTagName parameter of the function GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. This constant can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application gets or sets can be of various types. The description here shows the data type for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Mac OS 8.5 Control Font Style Flag Constant

enum {
   kControlAddToMetaFontMask = 0x0200


If the bit specified by this mask is set, the control may use a meta-font while also adding other attributes to the font. If the bit specified by this mask is not set, but a meta-font is specified for the control, any additional attributes set for the font are ignored.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


With the Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager, you can pass this new control font style flag constant in the flags field of the ControlFontStyleRec structure to specify the fields of the structure that should be applied to the control. For more on control font style flag constants, see “Control Font Style Flag Constants” and the ControlFontStyleRec structure.

Mac OS 8.5 Editable Text Control Definition ID Constant

enum {
   kControlEditTextInlineInputProc = 276


Identifies the inline input variant of the editable text control ('CDEF' resource ID 17), which supports 2-byte script systems. This variant cannot be combined with the password variant of the editable text box.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control definition ID.

When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID. This of these constant, and its associated ID, is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Mac OS 8.5 Group Box Control Data Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlGroupBoxTitleRectTag = 'trec'


Gets the rectangle that contains the title of a group box (and any associated control, such as a checkbox or other button).

Data type retrieved: Rect

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control data tag constant. This constant is passed in the inTagName parameters of the functions SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass this constant in the inTagName parameter of the function GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. This constant can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application gets or sets can be of various types. The description here shows the data type for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Mac OS 8.5 Icon Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlIconResourceIDTag = 'ires',
   kControlIconContentTag = 'cont'


Gets or sets the resource ID of the icon to use.

Data type retrieved or set: SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


Gets or sets the type of content to be used in an icon control.

Data type retrieved or set: ControlButtonContentInfo.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIImageViews.h.


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines these new control data tag constants. These constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of the functions SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of the function GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application gets or sets can be of various types. The descriptions here show the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Mac OS 8.5 Pop-up Button Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlPopupButtonExtraHeightTag = 'exht',
   kControlPopupButtonOwnedMenuRefTag = 'omrf'


Gets or sets the amount of extra vertical white space in a pop-up menu button.

Data type set or retrieved: SInt16; default is 0.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Sets the menu to be displayed by the popup button control. This tag operates identically to kControlPopupButtonMenuRefTag, except that the popup button takes ownership of the specified menu. If the popup button is disposed, or a new menu is specified, the popup button control will automatically release the menu.

Data type set or retrieved: MenuRef


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control data tag constant. This constant is passed in the inTagName parameters of the functions SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass this constant in the inTagName parameter of the function GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. This constant can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application gets or sets can be of various types. The description here shows the data type for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Control Meta Part Code Constants

enum {
   kControlStructureMetaPart = -1,
   kControlContentMetaPart = -2,
   kControlOpaqueMetaPart = -3,
   kControlClickableMetaPart = -4


The entire area that the control will draw into. This area may extend beyond the bounds of the control (for example, if the control draws a focus ring outside of its bounds). You may return a superset of the drawn area if this is computationally easier to construct. This area is used to determine the area of a window that should be invalidated and redrawn when a control is invalidated. It is not necessary for a control to return a shape that precisely describes the structure area; for example, a control whose structure is an oval may simply return the oval's bounding rectangle. The default handler for the kEventControlGetPartRegion event returns the control's bounds when this part is requested.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


The area of the control in which embedded controls should be positioned. This part is only defined for controls that can contain other controls (for example, the group box). This area is largely informational and is not used by the Control Manager itself. The default handler for the kEventControlGetPartRegion event returns errInvalidPartCode when this part is requested.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


The area of the control that, when drawn, is filled with opaque pixels. You may also return a subset of the opaque area if this is computationally easier to construct. If a control is contained in a composited window, the Control Manager will use this area to optimize drawing of other controls that intersect this area; controls that are entirely contained within the opaque area, and that are z-ordered underneath this control, will not be drawn at all, since any drawing would be completely overwritten by this control. The default handler for the kEventControlGetPartRegion event returns an empty area when this part is requested.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


The area of the control that causes a mouse event to be captured by that control. If a mouse event falls inside the control bounds but outside of this area, then the Control Manager will allow the event to pass through the control to the next control behind it in z-order. This area is used to determine which parts of a window should allow async window dragging when clicked (the draggable area is computed by subtracting the clickable areas of controls in the window from the window's total area). You can also customize the clickable area of a control if you want the control to have an effectively transparent area (for example, a control that draws multiple tabs might want clicks in the space between the tabs to fall through to the next control rather than be captured by the tab-drawing control). The default handler for the kEventControlGetPartRegion event returns the control's bounds when this part is requested.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


An application that needs the structure and content regions of a control can call GetControlRegion and specify these meta-parts. A custom HIView that needs to specialize its opaque and clickable regions can provide a kEventControlGetPartRegion event handler that checks for these meta-parts and return an appropriate region (or HIShape).

Meta Font Constants

enum {
   kControlFontBigSystemFont = -1,
   kControlFontSmallSystemFont = -2,
   kControlFontSmallBoldSystemFont = -3,
   kControlFontViewSystemFont = -4


Use the system font.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Use the small system font.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Use the small emphasized system font (emphasis applied correctly for locale).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


You can use the meta font constants in the font field of the structure ControlFontStyleRec and the Font ID field of a dialog font table resource to specify the style, size, and font family of the control font. You should use these meta font constants whenever possible because the system font can change, depending upon the current theme. If none of these constants are specified, the control uses the system font unless directed to use a window font by a control variant.

Version Notes

The meta font constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Constraint Constants

enum {
   noConstraint = kNoConstraint,
   hAxisOnly = 1,
   vAxisOnly = 2

Part Identifier Constants

enum {
   cFrameColor = 0,
   cBodyColor = 1,
   cTextColor = 2,
   cThumbColor = 3,
   kNumberCtlCTabEntries = 4


Produces foreground color for scroll arrows and gray area.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Produces color of the scroll box.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


Produces text color for scroll bars. Currently unused.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.



Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in Controls.h.


The part identifier constants are not recommended with the Appearance Manager. When the Appearance Manager is available and you are using standard controls, part identifier constants are ignored and the colors are determined by the current theme. If you are creating your own control definition function, you can still use these constants in the partIdentifier field of a control color table structure to draw a control using colors other than the system default and to identify the part of a control that a color affects.

When the Appearance Manager is not present, you can use these constants in the partIdentifier field of a control color table resource 'cctb’ and the partIdentifier field of a control color table structure to identify the part of the control that the color affects.

Note that the colors you specify in the color table are blended to produce the colors that are actually used.

Picture Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlPictureProc = 304,
   kControlPictureNoTrackProc = 305


Resource ID: 19

Picture control. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Resource ID: 19

Non-tracking picture. Immediately returns kControlPicturePart as the part code hit without tracking.

This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Placard Control Definition ID Constant

enum {
   kControlPlacardProc = 224


Resource ID: 14

Placard. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.

Pop-up Menu Title Constants

enum {
   popupTitleBold = 1 << 8,
   popupTitleItalic = 1 << 9,
   popupTitleUnderline = 1 << 10,
   popupTitleOutline = 1 << 11,
   popupTitleShadow = 1 << 12,
   popupTitleCondense = 1 << 13,
   popupTitleExtend = 1 << 14,
   popupTitleNoStyle = 1 << 15


Draw title in bold font style.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Draw title in italic font style.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Draw title in underline font style.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Draw title in outline font style.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Draw title in shadow font style.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Draw title in condensed text font style.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Draw title in extended text font style.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Draw title in plain text font style.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


When you define a pop-up menu control in a control resource, you can use one or more of these constants in the initial setting field to specify where and how to draw the pop-up menu control title.

Pop-up Menu Title Justification Constants

enum {
   popupTitleLeftJust = 0x00000000,
   popupTitleCenterJust = 0x00000001,
   popupTitleRightJust = 0x000000FF


Place title to the left of the pop-up box.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Center title over the pop-up box.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Place title to the right of the pop-up box.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


When you define a pop-up menu control in a control resource, you can use one or more of these constants in the initial setting field to specify where and how to draw the pop-up menu control title.

Pop-up Arrow Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlPopupArrowEastProc = 192,
   kControlPopupArrowWestProc = 193,
   kControlPopupArrowNorthProc = 194,
   kControlPopupArrowSouthProc = 195,
   kControlPopupArrowSmallEastProc = 196,
   kControlPopupArrowSmallWestProc = 197,
   kControlPopupArrowSmallNorthProc = 198,
   kControlPopupArrowSmallSouthProc = 199


Resource ID: 12

Large, right-facing pop-up arrow. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Resource ID: 12

Large, left-facing pop-up arrow. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Resource ID: 12

Large, up-facing pop-up arrow. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Resource ID: 12

Large, down-facing pop-up arrow. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Resource ID: 12

Small, right-facing pop-up arrow. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Resource ID: 12

Small, left-facing pop-up arrow. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Resource ID: 12

Small, up-facing pop-up arrow. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Resource ID: 12

Small, down-facing pop-up arrow. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Pop-up Button Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlPopupButtonMenuHandleTag = 'mhan',
   kControlPopupButtonMenuRefTag = 'mhan',
   kControlPopupButtonMenuIDTag = 'mnid'


Gets or sets the menu handle for a popup button. Available with Appearance Manager 1.0.1 and later.

Data type returned or set: MenuHandle

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Gets or sets the menu reference assigned to a popup button. If setting the menu reference, the popup button does not own the menu, so you must dispose of it yourself. To allow the popup button to take ownership of the menu, use the kControlPopupButtonOwnedMenuRefTag tag (defined in “Mac OS 8.5 Pop-up Button Control Data Tag Constants”) instead.

Data type returned or set: MenuRef

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


Gets or sets the menu ID for a popup button. Available with Appearance Manager 1.0.1 and later.

Data type returned or set: SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Pop-up Button Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlPopupButtonProc = 400,
   kControlPopupFixedWidthVariant = 1 << 0,
   kControlPopupVariableWidthVariant = 1 << 1,
   kControlPopupUseAddResMenuVariant = 1 << 2,
   kControlPopupUseWFontVariant = kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant


Resource ID: 25

Appearance-compliant standard pop-up menu. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


(+ kControlPopupButtonProc)

Resource ID: 25

Appearance-compliant fixed-width pop-up menu. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


(+ kControlPopupButtonProc)

Resource ID: 25

Appearance-compliant variable-width pop-up menu. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


(+ kControlPopupButtonProc)

Resource ID: 25

Appearance-compliant pop-up menu with a value of type ResType in the contrlRfCon field of the control structure. The Menu Manager adds resources of this type to the menu.

This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


(+ kControlPopupButtonProc)

Resource ID: 25

Appearance-compliant pop-up menu with control title in window font. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIPopupButton.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Pop-up Width Constants

enum {
   popupFixedWidth = 1 << 0,
   popupVariableWidth = 1 << 1,
   popupUseAddResMenu = 1 << 2,
   popupUseWFont = 1 << 3

Pre–Appearance Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   pushButProc = 0,
   checkBoxProc = 1,
   radioButProc = 2,
   scrollBarProc = 16,
   popupMenuProc = 1008


Resource ID: 0

Pre-Appearance push button.

pushButProc + kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant:

Resource ID: 0

Pre-Appearance push button with its text in the window font.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Resource ID: 0

Pre-Appearance checkbox.

checkBoxProc + kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant:

Resource ID: 0

Pre-Appearance checkbox with a control title in the window font.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Resource ID: 0

Pre-Appearance radio button.

radioButProc + kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant:

Resource ID: 0

Pre-Appearance radio button with a title in the window font.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Resource ID: 0

Pre-Appearance scroll bar.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Resource ID: 63

Pre-Appearance standard pop-up menu.

popupMenuProc + popupFixedWidth:

Resource ID: 63; Control Definition ID: 1009

Pre-Appearance, fixed-width pop-up menu.

popupMenuProc + popupVariableWidth

Resource ID: 63; Control Definition ID: 1010

Pre-Appearance, variable-width pop-up menu.

popupMenuProc + popupUseAddResMenu

Resource ID: 63; Control Definition ID: 1012

Pre-Appearance pop-up menu with a value of type ResType in the contrlRfCon field of the control structure. The Menu Manager adds resources of this type to the menu.

popupMenuProc + popupUseWFont

Resource ID: 63; Control Definition ID: 1016

Pre-Appearance pop-up menu with a control title in the window font.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see “Defining Your Own Control Definition Function”.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

If your application contains code that uses the older, pre-Appearance control definition IDs or their constants, your application can use the Appearance Manager to map the old IDs to those for the new, updated controls introduced by the Appearance Manager. In particular, the control definition IDs for pre-Appearance checkboxes, buttons, scroll bars, radio buttons, and pop-up menus will be automatically mapped to Appearance-compliant equivalents.

Progress Bar Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlProgressBarIndeterminateTag = 'inde',
   kControlProgressBarAnimatingTag = 'anim'


Gets or sets whether a progress indicator is determinate or indeterminate.

Data type returned or set: Boolean; if true, switches to an indeterminate progress indicator; if false, switches to an determinate progress indicator.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIProgressViews.h.


You can use this control data tag constant to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. This constant is passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass this constant in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. This constant can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the description of this control data tag constant lists the data type for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

This control data tag constant is available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Progress Bar Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlProgressBarProc = 80,
   kControlRelevanceBarProc = 81


Resource ID: 5

Progress indicator. To make the control determinate or indeterminate, set the kControlProgressBarIndeterminateTag constant; see “Progress Bar Control Data Tag Constants.” Progress indicators are only horizontal in orientation; vertical progress indicators are not currently supported.

This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIProgressViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.

Push Button Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlPushButtonDefaultTag = 'dflt',
   kControlPushButtonCancelTag = 'cncl'


Tells Appearance-compliant button whether to draw a default ring, or returns whether the Appearance Manager draws a default ring for the button.

Data type returned or set: Boolean

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Gets or sets whether a given push button in a dialog or alert should be drawn with the theme-specific adornments for a Cancel button.

Data type retrieved or set: Boolean; default is false.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines this new control data tag constant. This constant is passed in the inTagName parameters of the functions SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass this constant in the inTagName parameter of the function GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. This constant can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application gets or sets can be of various types. The description here shows the data type for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Radio Button Value Constants

enum {
   kControlRadioButtonUncheckedValue = 0,
   kControlRadioButtonCheckedValue = 1,
   kControlRadioButtonMixedValue = 2


The radio button is unselected.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


The radio button is selected.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


Mixed value. Indicates that a setting is on for some elements in a selection and off for others. This state only applies to standard Appearance-compliant radio buttons.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


These constants specify the value of a standard radio button control and are passed in the newValue parameter of SetControlValue and are returned by GetControlValue.

Version Notes

The radio button value constants are changed with Appearance Manager 1.0 to support mixed-value radio buttons.

Radio Group Control Definition ID Constant

enum {
   kControlRadioGroupProc = 416


Resource ID: 26

Radio group. Embedder control for controls that have set the feature bit kControlHasRadioBehavior.

This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIButtonViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.

Scroll Bar Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlScrollBarProc = 384,
   kControlScrollBarLiveProc = 386


Resource ID: 24

Appearance-compliant scroll bar. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIScrollView.h.


Resource ID: 24

Appearance-compliant scroll bar with live feedback. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIScrollView.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Scrolling Text Box Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlScrollTextBoxDelayBeforeAutoScrollTag = 'stdl',
   kControlScrollTextBoxDelayBetweenAutoScrollTag = 'scdl',
   kControlScrollTextBoxAutoScrollAmountTag = 'samt',
   kControlScrollTextBoxContentsTag = 'tres',
   kControlScrollTextBoxAnimatingTag = 'anim'


Gets or sets the number of ticks to delay before the initial scrolling of an auto-scrolling text box control begins.

Data type retrieved or set: UInt32

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Gets or sets the number of ticks to delay between each unit of scrolling, for an auto-scrolling text box control. (The unit of scrolling for the auto-scrolling text box control is one pixel at a time, unless your application changes this value by calling the SetControlData function.)

Data type retrieved or set: UInt32

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Gets or sets the number of pixels by which an auto-scrolling text box control scrolls; default is 1.

Data type retrieved or set: UInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Sets the ID of a 'TEXT' resource—and, optionally, a 'styl' resource—to be used as the content in a scrolling or auto-scrolling text box control.

Data type set: SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines these new control data tag constants. These constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of the functions SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of the function GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application gets or sets can be of various types. The descriptions here show the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Scrolling Text Box Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlScrollTextBoxProc = 432,
   kControlScrollTextBoxAutoScrollProc = 433


Identifies the standard variant of the scrolling text box ('CDEF' resource ID 27), which contains a scroll bar. Your application can use the kControlScrollTextBoxProc ID to create a scrolling box of non-editable text, such as is used for an “About” box. You must pass the NewControl function the ID of a 'TEXT' resource—and, optionally, a 'styl' resource—to be used for the initial value of the control. The minimum and maximum values are reserved for the kControlScrollTextBoxProc variant and should be set to 0.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


Identifies the auto-scrolling variant of the scrolling text box ('CDEF' resource ID 27); this variant does not contain a scroll bar. Your application can use the kControlScrollTextBoxAutoScrollProc ID to create a scrolling box of non-editable text, such as is used for an “About” box. You must pass the NewControl function the ID of a 'TEXT' resource—and, optionally, a 'styl' resource—to be used for the initial value of the control. For the minimum value of the control, pass a value equal to the delay, in ticks, before the control begins scrolling this delay will also be used between when scrolling completes and when it begins again. For the maximum value of the control, pass a value equal to the delay, in ticks, between each unit of scrolling. The unit of scrolling for the auto-scrolling text box control is one pixel at a time, unless your application changes this value by calling the SetControlData function. Note that in order to advance the content of the text box—that is, to scroll the content—you must call the IdleControls function on a periodic basis, such as whenever you receive a null event.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in ControlDefinitions.h.


The Mac OS 8.5 Control Manager defines these new control definition IDs.

When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs. These constants, and their associated IDs, are not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Separator Line Control Definition ID Constant

enum {
   kControlSeparatorLineProc = 144


Resource ID: 9

Separator line.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HISeparator.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.

Slider Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlSliderProc = 48,
   kControlSliderLiveFeedback = (1 << 0),
   kControlSliderHasTickMarks = (1 << 1),
   kControlSliderReverseDirection = (1 << 2),
   kControlSliderNonDirectional = (1 << 3)


Resource ID: 3

Slider. Your application calls the function SetControlAction to set the last value for the control. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HISlider.h.


(+ kControlSliderProc)

Resource ID: 3

Slider with live feedback. The value of the control is updated automatically by the Control Manager before your action function is called. If no application-defined action function is supplied, the slider draws an outline of the indicator as the user moves it. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HISlider.h.


(+ kControlSliderProc)

Resource ID: 3

Slider with tick marks. The control rectangle must be large enough to include the tick marks. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HISlider.h.


(+ kControlSliderProc)

Resource ID: 3

Slider with a directional indicator. The indicator is positioned perpendicularly to the slider; that is, if the slider is horizontal, the indicator points up, and if the slider is vertical, the indicator points left. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HISlider.h.


(+ kControlSliderProc)

Resource ID: 3

Slider with a rectangular, non-directional indicator. This variant overrides the kSliderReverseDirection and kSliderHasTickMarks variants. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HISlider.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Static Text Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlStaticTextStyleTag = kControlFontStyleTag,
   kControlStaticTextTextTag = 'text',
   kControlStaticTextTextHeightTag = 'thei',
   kControlStaticTextTruncTag = 'trun',
   kControlStaticTextCFStringTag = 'cfst',
   kControlStaticTextIsMultilineTag = 'stim'


Gets or sets text in a static text control.

Data type returned or set: character buffer.

Declared in HITextViews.h.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.


Gets the height of text in a static text control. Available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Data type returned or set:SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets the control’s text truncation style. Truncation will not occur unless kControlStaticTextIsMultilineTag is set to false.

Data type returned or set: TruncCode. The value truncEnd indicates that characters are truncated off the end of the string; the value truncMiddle indicates that characters are truncated from the middle of the string. Default is a value of -1, which indicates that no truncation occurs and the text is wrapped instead.

Available with Appearance Manager 1.1 (Mac OS 8.5) and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets the control’s current text. When setting the text, the control retains the string, so you may release the string after calling SetControlData. If the string you set is mutable, the control will make a copy of the string, so any changes to the string after calling SetControlData will not affect the control. When retrieving the text, the control retains the string before returning it to you, so you must release the string after you are done with it.

Data type returned or set: CFStringRef

Available in CarbonLib 1.5 and later, and Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


Gets or sets a flag specifying whether the control draws its text in multiple lines if the text is too wide for the control bounds. If false, the control always draws the text in a single line.

Data type returned or set: Boolean

Declared in HITextViews.h.

Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Static Text Control Definition ID Constant

enum {
   kControlStaticTextProc = 288


Resource ID: 18

Static text field. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITextViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.

Text Proc Constants

enum {
   staticTextProc = 256,
   editTextProc = 272,
   iconProc = 288,
   userItemProc = 304,
   pictItemProc = 320

Tab Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlTabContentRectTag = 'rect',
   kControlTabEnabledFlagTag = 'enab',
   kControlTabFontStyleTag = kControlFontStyleTag


Gets the content rectangle of a tab control.

Data type returned: Rect

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITabbedView.h.


Enables or disables a single tab in a tab control.

Data type returned or set: Boolean; if true, enabled; if false, disabled.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITabbedView.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Tab Control Definition IDs

enum {
   kControlTabLargeProc = 128,
   kControlTabSmallProc = 129,
   kControlTabLargeNorthProc = 128,
   kControlTabSmallNorthProc = 129,
   kControlTabLargeSouthProc = 130,
   kControlTabSmallSouthProc = 131,
   kControlTabLargeEastProc = 132,
   kControlTabSmallEastProc = 133,
   kControlTabLargeWestProc = 134,
   kControlTabSmallWestProc = 135


Resource ID: 8

Normal tab control. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITabbedView.h.


Resource ID: none

Small tab control. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITabbedView.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Tab Control Info Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlTabInfoTag = 'tabi'


Gets or sets information for a tab in a tab control; see ControlTabInfoRec.

Data type returned or set: ControlTabInfoRec.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HITabbedView.h.


You can use this control data tag constant to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. This constant is passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass this constant in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. This constant can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the description of this control data tag constant lists the data type for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

This control data tag constant is available with Appearance Manager 1.0.1 and later.

Triangle Control Data Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlTriangleLastValueTag = 'last'


Gets or sets the last value of a disclosure triangle. Used primarily for setting up a disclosure triangle properly when using the auto-toggle variant.

Data type returned or set: SInt16

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDisclosureViews.h.


You can use this control data tag constant to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. This constant is passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass this constant in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. This constant can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the description of this control data tag constant lists the data type for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

This control data tag constant is available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

Triangle Control Definition ID Constants

enum {
   kControlTriangleProc = 64,
   kControlTriangleLeftFacingProc = 65,
   kControlTriangleAutoToggleProc = 66,
   kControlTriangleLeftFacingAutoToggleProc = 67


Resource ID: 4

Disclosure triangle. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDisclosureViews.h.


Resource ID: 4

Left-facing disclosure triangle. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDisclosureViews.h.


Resource ID: 4

Auto-tracking disclosure triangle. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDisclosureViews.h.


Resource ID: 4

Left-facing, auto-tracking disclosure triangle. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDisclosureViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

User Item and User Pane Control Data Tag Constants

enum {
   kControlUserItemDrawProcTag = 'uidp',
   kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag = 'draw',
   kControlUserPaneHitTestProcTag = 'hitt',
   kControlUserPaneTrackingProcTag = 'trak',
   kControlUserPaneIdleProcTag = 'idle',
   kControlUserPaneKeyDownProcTag = 'keyd',
   kControlUserPaneActivateProcTag = 'acti',
   kControlUserPaneFocusProcTag = 'foci',
   kControlUserPaneBackgroundProcTag = 'back'


Gets or sets an application-defined item drawing function. If an embedding hierarchy is established, a user pane drawing function should be used instead of an item drawing function.

Data type returned or set: UserItemUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets or sets a user pane drawing function; see ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr. Indicates that the Control Manager needs to draw a control.

Data type returned or set: ControlUserPaneDrawingUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets or sets a user pane hit-testing function. Indicates that the Control Manager needs to determine if a control part was hit; see ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr.

Data type returned or set: ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets or sets a user pane tracking function, which will be called when a control definition function returns the kControlHandlesTracking feature bit in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. Indicates that a user pane handles its own tracking; see ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr.

Data type returned or set: ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets or sets a user pane idle function, which will be called when a control definition function returns the kControlWantsIdle feature bit in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. Indicates that a user pane performs idle processing; see ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr.

Data type returned or set: ControlUserPaneIdleUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets or sets a user pane key down function, which will be called when a control definition function returns the kControlSupportsFocus feature bit in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. Indicates that a user pane performs keyboard event processing; see ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr.

Data type returned or set: ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets or sets a user pane activate function, which will be called when a control definition function returns the kControlWantsActivatefeature bit in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. Indicates that a user pane wants to be informed of activate and deactivate events; see ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr.

Data type returned or set: ControlUserPaneActivateUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets or sets a user pane keyboard focus function, which will be called when a control definition function returns the kControlSupportsFocus feature bit in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. Indicates that a user pane handles keyboard focus; see ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr.

Data type returned or set: ControlUserPaneFocusUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Gets or sets a user pane background function, which will be called when a control definition function returns the kControlHasSpecialBackgroundand kControlSupportsEmbeddingfeature bits in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message. Indicates that a user pane can set its background color or pattern; see ControlUserPaneBackgroundProcPtr.

Data type returned or set: ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


You can use the control data tag constants to set or obtain data that is associated with a control. The control data tag constants are passed in the inTagName parameters of SetControlData and GetControlData to specify the piece of data in a control that you wish to set or get. You can also pass these constants in the inTagName parameter of GetControlDataSize if you wish to determine the size of variable-length control data. These constants can also be used by custom control definition functions that return the feature bit kControlSupportsDataAccess in response to a kControlMsgGetFeatures message.

The data that your application sets or obtains can be of various types, dependent upon the control. Therefore, the descriptions of the control data tag constants list the data types for the information that you can set in the inData parameter to the SetControlData function and that you can get in the inBuffer parameter to the GetControlData function.

Version Notes

The control data tag constants are available with Appearance Manager 1.0 and later.

User Pane Control Definition ID Constant

enum {
   kControlUserPaneProc = 256


Resource ID: 16

User pane. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constant listed here in place of a control definition ID.

useWFont Constants

enum {
   useWFont = kControlUsesOwningWindowsFontVariant

Window Control Definition IDs

enum {
   kControlWindowHeaderProc = 336,
   kControlWindowListViewHeaderProc = 337


Resource ID: 21

Window header. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


Resource ID: 21

Window list view header. This control definition is new with the Appearance Manager and is not supported unless the Appearance Manager is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.


When creating a control, your application supplies a control definition ID to one of the Control Manager control-creation functions or to the control resource; see 'CNTL'. The control definition ID indicates the type of control to create. A control definition ID is an integer that contains the resource ID of a control definition function in its upper 12 bits and a variation code in its lower 4 bits. A control definition ID is derived as follows:

control definition ID = 16 * ( 'CDEF' resource ID) + variation code

A control definition function determines how a control generally looks and behaves. Control definition functions are stored as resources of type 'CDEF'. Various Control Manager functions call a control definition function whenever they need to perform some control-dependent action, such as drawing the control on the screen. For more information on how to create a control definition function, see ControlDefProcPtr.

A control definition function, in turn, can use a variation code to describe variations of the same basic control. For example, all pop-up arrows share the same basic control definition function, which is stored in a resource of type 'CDEF' and has a resource ID of 12. The standard pop-up arrow is large and points to the right; it has a control definition ID of 192. A variation of this is a large, left-pointing arrow, which has a control definition ID of 193. Still another variation, in which the arrow points up, has a control definition ID of 194.

Your application can use the constants listed here in place of control definition IDs.

Window Control Data List Header Tag Constant

enum {
   kControlWindowHeaderIsListHeaderTag = 'islh'


Set to true if the control is to draw as a list header. Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Data type returned or set: Boolean

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in HIContainerViews.h.

Result Codes

The table below lists the result codes returned by Control Manager functions.

Result CodeValueDescription
controlPropertyInvalid -5603

You called SetControlProperty, GetControlProperty, or a similar function with an illegal property creator OSType.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

controlPropertyNotFoundErr -5604

The property tag and creator combination does not exist for the specified control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errMessageNotSupported -30580

In general, this return value means a control, window, or menu definition does not support the message/event that underlies an API call. For example, if you call GetControlFeatures on a control whose control definition function doesn’t support “new messages” (the new group of CDEF messages that came into existence with the Appearance Manager on Mac OS 8), GetControlFeatures will return this error.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errDataNotSupported -30581

Returned from GetControlData and SetControlData if the control doesn’t support the tag name and/or part code that is passed in. It can also be returned from other functions that are essentially wrappers around GetControlData and SetControlData (such as SetControlFontStyle).

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errControlDoesntSupportFocus -30582

The control you passed to a focusing function (such as SetKeyboardFocus) doesn’t support focus. On Mac OS X, you’re likely to receive errCouldntSetFocus or eventNotHandledErr i instead.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errWindowDoesntSupportFocus -30583

The specified window does not support focus.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errUnknownControl -30584

This is a variant of (and serves the same purpose as) controlHandleInvalidErr. Various Control Manager functions return this error if one of the specified controls is NULL or otherwise invalid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errCouldntSetFocus -30585

The focus couldn’t be set to a given control or advanced through a hierarchy of controls. This could be because the control doesn’t support focusing, the control isn’t currently embedded in a window, or you are attempting to advance focus in a window that contains no focusable controls.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errNoRootControl -30586

No root control exists. Some examples of when you might receive this error include: 1) You called GetRootControl before anyone called CreateRootControl for a given non-compositing window. 2) You called a Control Manager function (such as ClearKeyboardFocus or AutoEmbedControl) that can only do its work if there’s a root control in the window, yet there’s no root control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errRootAlreadyExists -30587

Returned by CreateRootControl if a root control already exists for the specified control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errInvalidPartCode -30588

The ControlPartCode you passed to a Control Manager function is out of range, invalid, or otherwise unsupported. For example, GetControlRegion returns errInvalidPartCode if you pass kControlNoPart.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errControlsAlreadyExist -30589

You called CreateRootControl after creating one or more non-root controls in a window, which is illegal; if you want an embedding hierarchy on a given window, you must call CreateRootControl before creating any other controls for a given window.This is never returned on Mac OS X, because a root control is created automatically (if it doesn’t already exist) the first time any nonroot control is created in a window.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errControlIsNotEmbedder -30590

The control does not support embedding. Returned, for example, by GetIndexedSubControl and EmbedControl.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errDataSizeMismatch -30591

You called GetControlData or SetControlData with a buffer whose size does not match the size of the data you are attempting to get or set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errControlHiddenOrDisabled -30592

You called TrackControl, HandleControlClick, or a similar mouse tracking function, on a control that is invisible or disabled. You cannot track controls that are invisible or disabled.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errWindowRegionCodeInvalid -30593

The window region code is invalid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errCantEmbedIntoSelf -30594

You called EmbedControl (or a similar function) with the same control in the parent and child parameters. In other words, you cannot embed a control into itself.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errCantEmbedRoot -30595

You attempted to embed the root control in another control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errItemNotControl -30596

You called GetDialogItemAsControl on a dialog item (such as a kHelpDialogItem) that is not represented by a control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

controlInvalidDataVersionErr -30597

You called GetControlData or SetControlData with a buffer that represents a versioned structure, but the version is unsupported by the control definition. This can happen with the Tabs control and the kControlTabInfoTag.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

controlHandleInvalidErr -30599

The control reference passed in was invalid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

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