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Data Browser Reference

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The data browser application programming interface (API) provides a convenient way to present data for browsing and to create easily customized lists whose columns can be sorted, moved, and resized. It supports two presentation styles, each of which is derived from an abstract table-view base class:

The data browser programming interface has some routines that apply to both views while others are unique to one view. For functions that can be called for either, there may be differences in how the functions operate. Such differences are noted in the documentation for individual functions.

These terms are essential to understanding the reference:

After you’ve created, formatted, and configured a data browser, most of the work of keeping the data browser updated and responsive to user interaction happens through callbacks you provide. For example, all of the functions that get and set item data are called from within an item-data callback provided by your application. Your application has a wide latitude in what it can choose to handle through callbacks and the tasks it lets the system perform. At the very least, your application must provide an item-data callback. Otherwise no data will ever be written to the data browser user interface. Depending on the nature of your application, you may also want to provide callbacks to handle drag-and-drop behavior, to support contextual menus, and to perform custom drawing or some other custom behavior.

The data browser is available with CarbonLib 1.1 and later and in Mac OS X.

For conceptual information and instructions on how to write code that uses a data browser to display data, see Data Browser Programming Guide.

Functions by Task

Creating and Configuring a Data Browser

Manipulating Data Browser Attributes

Setting Up and Installing Callbacks

Formatting Table View

Table view is a base class from which list and column views are derived. Some functions in this group can be used with both list and column views, while others are useful only in list view.

Formatting List View

Formatting Column View

Adding and Removing Data Items

Accessing and Operating on All Items

Accessing and Displaying Individual Items

Selecting and Editing Items

Working With Attributes

Working With Containers

Working With Metrics

Getting and Setting Item Data

The functions in this section are called from within an item-data callback routine (DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr) provided by your application. The data browser invokes your item-data callback each time your application needs to provide data for the display. Your callback responds by calling the appropriate function from this section.

Working With Universal Procedure Pointers

The functions in this section create and dispose of universal procedure pointers (UPPs) to the callbacks you provide to the data browser. For each callback, there is a New, Dispose, and Invoke function. You don’t need to use an Invoke function, because the data browser invokes callbacks for you.

The documentation for the UPP functions in this section is boilerplate text—quite repetitive and you can likely skip over it. The more interesting documentation is for the callbacks themselves, which you can find in the section “Data Browser Callbacks.”

Working With AXUIElement References



Adds one or more items to a data browser.

OSStatus AddDataBrowserItems (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container,
   ItemCount numItems,
   const DataBrowserItemID *items,
   DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty


A data browser.


An item ID or the constant kDataBrowserNoItem. Pass the item ID that uniquely identifies the container to which you want to add items. Adding one or more items to an existing container opens the container. If you a pass kDataBrowserNoItem, the items are added to the root container.


The number of items in the array pointed to by the items parameter.


A pointer to an array of item ID values for the items you want to add to the data browser. You supply item ID values based on your own identification scheme. If you pass NULL, each time you call AddDataBrowserItems the data browser generates item ID values starting at 1. Calling the function in this way clears whatever items are in the container. Because of this clearing behavior, passing NULL is not recommended unless your application uses a data browser to display a simple list that is populated only once with data.


The property ID of the column whose sorting order matches the sorting order of the items array. A property ID is a four-character sequence that you assign to represent a column in list view. Pass kDataBrowserItemNoProperty if the items array is not sorted or if you don’t know the sorting order of your data. You’ll get the best performance from this function if you provide a sorting order.

Return Value

A result code. If the item ID specified by the container parameter is not classified as a container, returns errDataBrowserItemNotAdded if you attempt to add subitems to it. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Hierarchical lists are constructed in a top-down fashion. Your application must install all the top-level, or parent, item IDs in the data browser before it associates a list of item ID values as subitems. You can add items to a parent item only after the parent item is classified as a container. A container is an item for which the property kDataBrowserItemIsContainerProperty is set to true.

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Adds a column to a data browser that uses list view.

OSStatus AddDataBrowserListViewColumn (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc *columnDesc,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position


A data browser.


A pointer to the list view column description data structure that you have filled out with data that specifies the column property and display information for the column heading.


The position, among the columns already installed in the data browser, to insert this column. To insert this column to the right of all other columns, pass kDataBrowserListViewAppendColumn. The value 0 means the leftmost column.

Return Value

A result code; paramErr is returned if the columnDesc parameter is not properly initialized. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Typically you use the function AddDataBrowserListViewColumn in these cases:

Declared In


Adjusts the size of columns displayed in list view to take best advantage of the available space.

OSStatus AutoSizeDataBrowserListViewColumns (
   ControlRef browser


A data browser.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


When you call the function AutoSizeDataBrowserListViewColumns, it first calculates whether there is extra space or not enough space in the data browser. Then, the columns are resized using the following rules:

The function AutoSizeDataBrowserListViewColumns resizes only if the horizontal scroll bar is turned off. Your application can call the function SetDataBrowserHasScrollBars to turn off the horizontal scroll bar.

Declared In


Creates an AXUIElementRef that represents some part of a data browser accessibility hierarchy.

AXUIElementRef AXUIElementCreateWithDataBrowserAndItemInfo (
   ControlRef inDataBrowser,
   const DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo *inInfo


A data browser.


A DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo structure describing the part of the data browser for which you want to create an AXUIElementRef.

Return Value

An AXUIElementRef representing the part, or NULL if an AXUIElementRef cannot be created to represent the part you specified.

Declared In


Obtains a description of the part of a data browser represented by an AXUIElementRef.

OSStatus AXUIElementGetDataBrowserItemInfo (
   AXUIElementRef inElement,
   ControlRef inDataBrowser,
   UInt32 inDesiredInfoVersion,
   DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo *outInfo


An AXUIElementRef representing part of a data browser.


A data browser.


The version of DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo structure you want to get. Currently, the only supported version is zero, so you must pass 0 or 1 as the value of this parameter.


On input, a pointer to a DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo structure. On return, the structure is filled in with a description of the part of the data browser that the AXUIElementRef specified by inElement represents.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.” The function returns noErr if it was able to generate a description of the AXUIElementRef. If the AXUIElementRef does not represent the data browser you passed in, the function returns paramErr. If the AXUIElementRef represents some non-item part of the data browser, the function returns errDataBrowserItemNotFound.

Declared In


Closes a data browser container.

OSStatus CloseDataBrowserContainer (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container


A data browser.


The item ID of the container you want to close.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Normally the user navigates through a data hierarchy by clicking the disclosure triangle next to a container item in list view, or the container item (such as a folder icon) in column view. In either of these cases, the system automatically opens or closes the container. Under some circumstances your application may need to open or close a container programmatically, such as when you are restoring a display to its last known state. In such cases, you can call the function OpenDataBrowserContainer to disclose items in a container or the function CloseDataBrowserContainer to hide items in a container.

Declared In


Copies the text being edited by the user.

OSStatus CopyDataBrowserEditText (
   ControlRef browser,
   CFStringRef *text


A data browser.


On input, a CFStringRef variable initialized to anything other than NULL. See the Special Considerations for details. On return, a CFString object that contains a copy of the text edited by the user. You are responsible for releasing the string when you no longer need it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function is useful only if an edit session is in progress for an item. You can check whether an edit session is open by calling the function GetDataBrowserEditItem.

Special Considerations

For versions of Mac OS X prior to v10.4, the text parameter must be set to any value other than NULL. Do not allocate the CFStringRef, otherwise your application will leak memory. Instead provide code similar to the following to initialize the variable:

CFStringRef myText = 0XFFFFFFFF;

Declared In


Creates a data browser programmatically.

OSStatus CreateDataBrowserControl (
   WindowRef window,
   const Rect *boundsRect,
   DataBrowserViewStyle style,
   ControlRef *outControl


The window in which to place the data browser.


A pointer to a rectangle that specifies the location where you want the control to appear in the window.


The view style to use. Pass the constant kDataBrowserListView to draw the data browser using list view or kDataBrowserColumnView draw the data browser using column view. See “View Styles” for more information on these constants.


On input, a pointer to a control reference. On return, this is set to the newly created data browser. When you no longer need the data browser, call the Control Manager function DisposeControl to release it. When you dispose of the control, deallocate any universal procedure pointers you allocated for use with the control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function creates a data browser programmatically. If you create a data browser using Interface Builder, you don’t need to call CreateDataBrowserControl. Instead, you call the function GetControlByID to obtain a control reference that points to your data browser.

After you create a data browser by calling CreateDataBrowserControl, you can set such attributes as sorting order, scroll bars, and scroll position. See “Manipulating Data Browser Attributes” for the functions you can use to set data browser attributes.

You need to set up the display characteristics of the data browser by calling the appropriate functions. See “Formatting Table View,” “Formatting List View,” and “Formatting Column View” for information on the formatting functions you can call.

You need to call the functions InitDataBrowserCallbacks and SetDataBrowserCallbacks to install the callbacks needed for your data browser. At the very least, you must provide an item-data callback to add or change data items; you must do so regardless of the content your data browser displays—noncustom or custom. Otherwise, your data browser will be empty. See DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr for more information. If you present hierarchical data in list view, or use column view for browsing data, you must provide a callback to handle item notifications. See DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr and DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr.

You can optionally provide callbacks to:

If your data browser uses a list whose columns require custom drawing or behavior, you must also provide callbacks to handle the custom tasks. See InitDataBrowserCustomCallbacks and SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks for more information on initializing and installing callbacks for custom behavior. The custom tasks you can handle in list view include:

Declared In


Sets the attributes for a data browser.

OSStatus DataBrowserChangeAttributes (
   ControlRef inDataBrowser,
   OptionBits inAttributesToSet,
   OptionBits inAttributesToClear


A data browser.


The attributes to set. For possible values, see “Data Browser Attributes.”


The attributes to clear. For possible values, see “Data Browser Attributes.”

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Gets the attributes of a data browser.

OSStatus DataBrowserGetAttributes (
   ControlRef inDataBrowser,
   OptionBits *outAttributes


A data browser.


The attributes to get. This parameter cannot be NULL. For possible values, see “Data Browser Attributes.”

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Gets the value of a specified data browser metric.

OSStatus DataBrowserGetMetric (
   ControlRef inDataBrowser,
   DataBrowserMetric inMetric,
   Boolean *outUsingDefaultValue,
   CGFloat *outValue


A data browser.


The data browser metric value to get. For possible values, see“Data Browser Metric Values.”


On return, a Boolean whose value indicates whether the metric’s value is determined by the data browser’s default values. Pass NULL if you don’t want this information.


On return, the value of the metric.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.” If the inDataBrowser is not an instance of a data browser or if the value specified by inMetric is not known, DataBrowserGetMetric returns paramErr.

Declared In


Sets the value of a specified data browser metric.

OSStatus DataBrowserSetMetric (
   ControlRef inDataBrowser,
   DataBrowserMetric inMetric,
   Boolean inUseDefaultValue,
   CGFloat inValue


A data browser.


The data browser metric whose value is to be set. For possible values, see “Data Browser Metric Values.”


A Boolean whose value indicates whether you want the data browser to revert to the default value for the metric. If you pass true, inValue is ignored and a suitable default value is used. If you pass false, inValue is set as the value of the metric.


The value to set for the metric (if the value of inUsingDefaultValue is false).

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.” If the inDataBrowser is not an instance of a data browser or if the value specified by inMetric is not known, DataBrowserSetMetric returns paramErr.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an accept-drag callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP (
   DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserAcceptDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an add-drag-item callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP (
   DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserAddDragItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to a draw-item callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserDrawItemUPP (
   DataBrowserDrawItemUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserDrawItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an edit-item callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserEditItemUPP (
   DataBrowserEditItemUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserEditItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to a get-contextual-menu callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP (
   DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserGetContextualMenuProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to a hit-test callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserHitTestUPP (
   DataBrowserHitTestUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserHitTestProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-accept-drag callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP (
   DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemAcceptDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-comparison callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemCompareUPP (
   DataBrowserItemCompareUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemCompareProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-data callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemDataUPP (
   DataBrowserItemDataUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-drag-region callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP (
   DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemDragRgnProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-help-content callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP (
   DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemHelpContentProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-notification callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP (
   DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-notification-with-data callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP (
   DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-receive-drag callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP (
   DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemReceiveDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to an item-iterator callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserItemUPP (
   DataBrowserItemUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to a postprocess-drag callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP (
   DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserPostProcessDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to a receive-drag callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP (
   DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserReceiveDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to a select-contextual-menu callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP (
   DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Disposes of a universal procedure pointer to a tracking callback function.

void DisposeDataBrowserTrackingUPP (
   DataBrowserTrackingUPP userUPP


The universal procedure pointer to dispose of.


See the DataBrowserTrackingProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Determines whether the data browser is currently able to process a given editing command.

Boolean EnableDataBrowserEditCommand (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserEditCommand command


A data browser.


The editing command you want to enable. You can pass any of the constants described in “Editing Commands.”

Return Value

A value of true if the requested editing command can be performed by the data browser at this time.


Editing commands (Cut, Paste, Copy, and so on) can be enabled for an editable text field that is open and selected and for which the data browser is currently able to process the given command. For example, the data browser can process a Paste command only if there is text available on the Clipboard.

Editing commands are also available for a custom display type when the callbacks you install for the custom display indicate editing is available. Your application can call the function EnableDataBrowserEditCommand to discover if a specific editing command can be enabled. To execute an editing command, call the function ExecuteDataBrowserEditCommand.

Declared In


Executes an editing command.

OSStatus ExecuteDataBrowserEditCommand (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserEditCommand command


A data browser.


The editing command you want to execute. You can pass any of the constants described in “Editing Commands.”

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Editing commands can be executed for an editable text field that is open and selected. Your application can check to see if the editing command is enabled by first calling the function EnableDataBrowserEditCommand.

Declared In


Applies an item-iterator callback routine to each data item that meets the specified criteria.

OSStatus ForEachDataBrowserItem (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container,
   Boolean recurse,
   DataBrowserItemState state,
   DataBrowserItemUPP callback,
   void *clientData


A data browser.


An item ID or the constant kDataBrowserNoItem. To iterate through items that are organized as subitems of a container item, pass the item ID for the container. To iterate through all items displayed at the root of the data browser, pass the constant kDataBrowserNoItem.


A value that indicates whether or not to traverse the entire item hierarchy when applying the callback specified by the callback parameter. Pass true to apply the callback to all items in the hierarchy. Pass false if you want to apply the callback only to those items at the top level of the container or data browser.


A value that specifies the state of the items to which to apply the callback. Pass 0 if you want to apply the callback to all items, regardless of state. Otherwise, pass one of the constants described in “Item States.”


A universal procedure pointer to your item-iterator callback routine. This routine is called for every item ID that matches the specified criteria. See DataBrowserItemProcPtr for more information on the callback routine to supply.


A pointer to a buffer, local variable, or other storage location created and disposed of by your application and needed by your callback routine.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


The function ForEachDataBrowserItem is useful for enumerating and performing an operation on a set of item IDs.

Declared In


Obtains what determines the active state of the items in a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserActiveItems (
   ControlRef browser,
   Boolean *active


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, the variable is set to true if the active state of each item in the list is determined by the item property kDataBrowserItemIsActiveProperty. Otherwise, the variable is set to false to indicate that all items are inactive.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the callback routines installed for notifying your application of changes to a data browser and for providing the data to be displayed by the data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserCallbacks (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserCallbacks *callbacks


The data browser whose callback routines you want to obtain.


On input, a pointer to a DataBrowserCallbacks structure. On return, the structure contains universal procedure pointers to the callback routines installed for the data browser.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


When GetDataBrowserCallacks is used in conjunction with the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks, your application can override or replace one or more callbacks used by a data browser to notify your application of changes.

Declared In


Obtains the display type for a column view.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserColumnViewDisplayType (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserPropertyType *propertyType


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a display type variable. On return, the variable is set to the data type or control that is displayed in the data browser. No display types other than kDataBrowserIconAndTextType are currently supported in column view. See “Display Types” for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the current path for a selection in column view.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserColumnViewPath (
   ControlRef browser,
   Handle path


A data browser.


On input, a handle. On return, the handle contains an array of item ID values that specify the current path. Array element 0 is the root; array element N-1 is the target. You must allocate the handle before calling this function, and you are responsible for disposing of it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the length of the current path for a column view.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserColumnViewPathLength (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt32 *pathLength


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the number of levels in the path for the currently selected item.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the callbacks installed to implement custom drawing and behavior for the content in a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserCustomCallbacks *callbacks


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a DataBrowserCustomCallbacks structure. On return, the structure contains universal procedure pointers to the custom callback routines installed for the data browser.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


When GetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks is used in conjunction with the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks, your application can temporarily override or replace one or more callbacks used by a data browser to support custom drawing and custom behavior.

Declared In


Obtains the item ID and property ID values of the current editing session.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserEditItem (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID *item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID *property


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an item ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the item ID of the item that is being edited. If there is no editing session in progress, this parameter is set to kDataBrowserNoItem.


On input, a pointer to a property ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the property ID of the item that is being edited. If there is no editing session in progress, this parameter is set to 0.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the text being edited by the user.

Not Recommended

OSStatus GetDataBrowserEditText (
   ControlRef browser,
   CFMutableStringRef text


A data browser.


On return, the CFMutableString object is set to the text being edited by the user. Your application must allocate this object and pass it to the data browser. The data browser sets its contents to the current contents of the edit session text field. You must release this object when you no longer need it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function does not work. Instead use CopyDataBrowserEditText.

Declared In


Obtains the display state of horizontal and vertical scroll bars for a list view data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserHasScrollBars (
   ControlRef browser,
   Boolean *horiz,
   Boolean *vert


A list view data browser.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, the variable is set to true if the browser control has a horizontal scroll bar.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, the variable is set to true if the browser control has a vertical scroll bar.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


The function GetDataBrowserHasScrollBars is useful for determining if the browser control currently has scroll bars. For example, you would call the function AutoSizeDataBrowserListViewColumns only after you have determined the data browser does not have a horizontal scroll bar.

Declared In


Obtains the number of items whose state matches the specified state.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemCount (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container,
   Boolean recurse,
   DataBrowserItemState state,
   ItemCount *numItems


A data browser.


An item ID or the constant kDataBrowserNoItem. To obtain the number of items that are organized as subitems of a container item, pass the item ID for the container. To obtain the number of items displayed at the root of the data browser, provide the constant kDataBrowserNoItem.


A value that indicates whether or not to traverse the entire item hierarchy when counting. Pass true to obtain a count for all items in the hierarchy. Pass false if you want to count only those items at the top level of the container or data browser.


A value that specifies the state of the items to obtain. Only items that have this state are counted. Pass kDataBrowserItemAnyState if you want to count all items regardless of state. Otherwise, pass one of the constants described in “Item States”.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the number of items in the container that have the specified state.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the Boolean value for an item.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataBooleanValue (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   Boolean *theData


The item data reference for the item whose Boolean value you want to obtain. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataBooleanValue.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, the variable is set to the Boolean value.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You can obtain Boolean values for the following properties:

Declared In


Obtains the value for a checkbox.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataButtonValue (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   ThemeButtonValue *theData


The item data reference for the item whose checkbox setting you want to obtain. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataButtonValue.


On input, a pointer to a theme button value variable. On return, the variable is set to the checkbox setting. The value can be one of the following theme button value constants defined by the Appearance Manager,:

  • kThemeButtonOff indicates a checkbox that is not selected.

  • kThemeButtonOn indicates a checkbox that is selected.

  • kThemeButtonMixed draws a checkbox that in a mixed state, indicating that a setting is on for some items in a selection and off for others.

See Appearance Manager Reference for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your item-data callback calls this function in response to a set-data request for items that have the display type kDataBrowserCheckboxType.

Declared In


Obtains, as a 32-bit value, the date and time value displayed.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataDateTime (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   SInt32 *theData


The item data reference for the item whose date and time value you want to obtain. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataDateTime.


On input, a 32-bit value. On return, the value is set to the number of elapsed seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904. For more information about date and time encodings used in the Mac OS, see Date, Time, and Measurement Utilities Reference in Carbon Text & International Documentation.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function works only with items that have the property kDataBrowserDateTimeType. If the column has the property kDataBrowserRelativeDateTime, the date is displayed relative to the current time for the computer. For example, a time 24 hours prior to the current time is displayed as “Yesterday.” Other examples of relative date and time values are “Today, 1:45 PM” and “Yesterday, 7:30 AM.”

Declared In


Determines whether a checkbox is in the active or inactive state.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataDrawState (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   ThemeDrawState *theData


The item data reference for the checkbox whose drawing state you want to obtain. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataDrawState.


On input, a pointer to a theme draw state variable. On return, the variable is set to the drawing state for the item, either kThemeStateInactive or kThemeStateActive. See Appearance Manager Reference for more information on these constants.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your item-data callback calls this function in response to a get-data request for items that have display type kDataBrowserCheckboxType.

Declared In


Obtains the icon drawn for an item.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataIcon (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   IconRef *theData


The item data reference for the item whose icon you want to obtain. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataIcon.


On input, a pointer to an IconRef variable. On return, the variable is set to the icon that is displayed. You are responsible for disposing of the IconRef.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You call the function GetDataBrowserItemDataIcon from within a DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr callback routine to obtain the icon drawn in a column that has the kDataBrowserIconType display type or the kDataBrowserIconAndTextType display type.

Declared In


Obtains the transformation currently used to display an icon.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataIconTransform (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   IconTransformType *theData


The item data reference for the item whose icon transformation you want to obtain. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataIconTransform.


On input, an icon transformation type variable. On return, the variable is set to an icon transformation type. This value can be any of the icon transformation constants defined by Icon Services and Utilities. See Icon Services and Utilities Reference for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function works only with items that have either the property kDataBrowserIconAndTextType or kDataBrowserIconType.

Declared In


Obtains the item ID for an item whose property is another item’s ID.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataItemID (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   DataBrowserItemID *theData


The item data reference passed to your item-data callback.


On input, a pointer to an item ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the item ID associated with the itemData parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Typically you do not need to call this function. This function is used for item properties kDataBrowserParentContainerProperty or kDataBrowserContainerAliasIDProperty.

Declared In


Obtains, as a 64-bit value, the date and time value displayed.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataLongDateTime (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   LongDateTime *theData


The item data reference for the item whose long date and time value you want to obtain. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataLongDateTime.


On input, a 64-bit value. On return, the value is set to the number of seconds elapsed since midnight, January 1, 1904. For more information about date and time encodings used in the Mac OS, see Date, Time, and Measurement Utilities Reference in Carbon Text & International Documentation.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function works only with items that have the property kDataBrowserDateTimeType. If the column has the property kDataBrowserRelativeDateTime, the date is displayed relative to the current time for the computer. For example, a time 24 hours prior to the current time is displayed as “Yesterday.” Other examples of relative date and time values are “Today, 1:45 PM” and “Yesterday, 7:30 AM.”

Declared In


Obtains the maximum integer value that can be displayed; useful for such display types as sliders, progress bars, relevance indicators, and pop-up menus.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataMaximum (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   SInt32 *theData


The item data reference for the item whose maximum value you want to obtain. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataMaximum.


On input, a pointer to a signed 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the maximum value that can be displayed for the item.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the pop-up menu displayed.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataMenuRef (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   MenuRef *theData


The item data reference for the item whose pop-up menu you want to obtain. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataMenuRef.


On input, a pointer to a menu reference. On return, this is set to the currently displayed pop-up menu. The system retains the menu reference that you pass; you must release it when you no longer need it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your item-data callback calls this function in response to a get-data request for items that have the display type kDataBrowserPopupMenuType.

Declared In


Obtains the minimum integer value that can be displayed for an item; useful for such display types as sliders, progress bars, relevance indicators, and pop-up menus.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataMinimum (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   SInt32 *theData


The item data reference for the item whose minimum value you want to obtain. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataMinimum.


On input, a pointer to a signed 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the minimum value that can be displayed for the item.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the column property ID for the column in which an item resides.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataProperty (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   DataBrowserPropertyID *theData


The item data reference for the item whose property ID you want to obtain. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataProperty.


On input, a pointer to a property ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the property ID for the item.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


When your item-data callback is invoked for an item that has the property kDataBrowserItemIsEditableProperty, you call the function GetDataBrowserItemDataProperty to obtain the column property ID. Then, your callback can use the column property ID to determine whether the item is in a column whose data can be edited.

For example, consider a list view data browser whose columns are titled “Name” and “Date Modified.” Let’s say Name can be modified by the user, but the Date Modified column cannot. If the user clicks an item in one of the columns, your item-data callback is called to find out whether the clicked column is editable. Your callback needs to find out which column the “is editable” request is being made for by calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataProperty. In this example, after you obtain the property ID, you would check whether the column is the Date Modified column or the Name column. You’d allow editing only if the item is in the Name column.

Declared In


Obtains the color used to draw an item.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataRGBColor (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   RGBColor *theData


The item data reference for the item whose color you want to obtain. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataRGBColor.


On input, an RGB color variable. On return, the variable is set to the RGB values that specify the color of the item.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your item-data callback calls this function in response to a get-data request for items that have the display type kDataBrowserIconType or kDataBrowserIconAndTextType.

As of Mac OS X 10.3, this function does nothing.

Declared In


Obtains the text entered by the user.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataText (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   CFStringRef *theData


The item data reference for the item whose text you want to obtain. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataText.


On input, a CFStringRef variable. On return, a CFString object that contains the text. Your application must release the CFString object when it is no longer needed.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You can call the function GetDataBrowserItemDataText from inside an item-data callback routine when the callback’s setValue parameter is true. A value of true indicates that the displayed text has been modified by the user. In that case, your application calls GetDataBrowserItemDataText to retrieve the modified text.

Note that a column is editable only if the kDataBrowserPropertyIsEditable flag is set for the column.

Declared In


Obtains the value of an item; useful for such display types as sliders, progress bars, relevance indicators, and pop-up menus.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemDataValue (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   SInt32 *theData


The item data reference for the item whose integer value you want to obtain. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function GetDataBrowserItemDataValue.


On input, a pointer to a signed 32-bit integer. On return, it is set to the displayed value.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your application calls the function GetDataBrowserItemDataValue to obtain a new value for a display type when your item-data callback routine is called with the setValue parameter set to true.

Declared In


Obtains the bounds of a visual part of an item.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserPropertyPart part,
   Rect *bounds


A data browser.


The item ID that identifies the row.


The property ID that identifies the column.


The part for which you want to obtain information. The information requested depends on the type of information displayed in the column. It is up to your application to ensure it requests the appropriate information. See “Property Parts” for a list of the constants you can provide in this parameter.


On input, a pointer to a rectangle. On return, the rectangle contains the bounds for the specified part.

Return Value

A result code. If the item is not visible (scrolled off the screen), returns the result ItemNotFound. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains a list of the items that match a specified state; operates on items in the root container or traverses items in the data hierarchy.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItems (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container,
   Boolean recurse,
   DataBrowserItemState state,
   Handle items


A data browser.


An item ID or the constant kDataBrowserNoItem. To obtain a list of items that are organized as subitems of a container, pass the item ID of the container item. To obtain a list of items displayed in the root container, pass the constant kDataBrowserNoItem.


A value that indicates whether or not to traverse the entire item hierarchy when obtaining item IDs. Pass true to obtain item IDs for all items in the hierarchy. Pass false if you want to count only those item IDs at the top level of the container. If you pass true, you obtain a flattened list of item IDs. The list reflects the hierarchy maintained internally by the data browser and might not reflect the order of the items as they appear onscreen to the user.


The state of the items to obtain. Only items that have this state are returned in the items parameter. Pass 0 if you want to obtain all items regardless of state. Otherwise, pass one of the constants described in “Item States.”


On return, the contents of the handle contain an array of item ID values for the matching items. You must allocate and dispose of the handle. To determine the number of items in the array, call the function GetHandleSize and divide by the size of DataBrowserItemID. Note that the handle contents are completely replaced by the returned array.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


The function GetDataBrowserItems is a powerful routine for gathering information about the items displayed in a data browser. For example, to obtain a list of all the items the user has selected in a list, call the function with the state parameter set to kDataBrowserItemIsSelected. If your application is interested only in determining the number of items in a selection (and not the item IDs of those items), call the function GetDataBrowserItemCount.

Declared In


Obtains the state of an item.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserItemState (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemState *state


A data browser.


The item ID of the item whose state you want to check.


On input, a pointer to an item state variable. On return, the variable is set to a value that specifies the state of the item. See “Item States” for a description of the values that can be returned.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the property ID of the column whose items can display a disclosure triangle, and tells whether a disclosed item expands the row or adds rows.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserListViewDisclosureColumn (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID *column,
   Boolean *expandableRows


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a column ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the property ID of the currently selected column. If there is no disclosure column, the variable is set to kDataBrowserItemNoProperty. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, the variable specifies how a disclosed row behaves. The value true means that a container opens as a single row with an expanded height. The value false means a container opens to expose individual rows. See the Discussion for more details on expandable rows.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


When the expandableRows variable is set to true:

When the expandableRows variable is set to false:

Declared In


Obtains the height of the rectangular area where the column title appears.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserListViewHeaderBtnHeight (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt16 *height


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the height of the rectangular area where the column title appears. You can save this value if you plan to call the function SetDataBrowserListViewHeaderBtnHeight to turn off header button display. You can then use the value later to turn on header button display.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains a header description for a column in list view.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID column,
   DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc *desc


A data browser.


The property ID for the column whose list view header description you want to obtain. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.


On input, a pointer to a list view header description data structure. On return, the structure contains the header description for the specified column in list view.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


If your application allows the user to switch between column and list views, you can call this function to obtain the current header description and then save the description before you switch from list to column view. When you switch from column to list view, you can restore the list view header information by calling the function SetDataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc passing the header information you saved.

Declared In


Determines whether list view is set to use a plain white background.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserListViewUsePlainBackground (
   ControlRef browser,
   Boolean *usePlainBackground


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, the variable is true if list view is set to use a plain white background. Regardless of the value that is returned, Mac OS X supports only a plain white background. Mac OS 9 supports a plain white background as well as a shaded background.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the appearance and behavior attributes for a column.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserPropertyFlags (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserPropertyFlags *flags


A data browser.


The property ID of the column whose properties you want to obtain.


On input, a data browser property flags variable. On return, the variable is set to the property flags that specify the appearance and behavior attributes for a column. A DataBrowserPropertyFlags value is a 32-bit value that is divided into four parts as follows:

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the inset rectangle used by a data browser to position the scroll bar.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserScrollBarInset (
   ControlRef browser,
   Rect *insetRect


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a rectangle structure. On return, the rectangle contains the current inset settings for the data browser scroll bars. The left and right fields contain the horizontal inset values for the horizontal scroll bar, and the top and bottom fields contain the vertical inset values for the vertical scroll bar.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your application can call the functions GetDataBrowserScrollBarInset and SetDataBrowserScrollBarInset if you want to place placards or controls beside the horizontal scroll bars or above the vertical ones. To do so, first call GetDataBrowserScrollBarInset to obtain the current settings. After modifying the current inset settings to provide space for the placard or control, call SetDataBrowserScrollBarInset with the new values.

Declared In


Obtains the scrolling position of a list.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserScrollPosition (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt32 *top,
   UInt32 *left


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the current vertical scrolling position.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the current horizontal scrolling position.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Normally, you use the function GetDataBrowserScrollPosition in conjunction with SetDataBrowserScrollPosition to save and restore the scrolling position of a list to the user’s last scrolling position. These functions should not be used to scroll particular cells into the view. For that, call the function RevealDataBrowserItem.

Declared In


Obtains the first and last items in a selection.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserSelectionAnchor (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID *first,
   DataBrowserItemID *last


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an item ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the item ID of the first item in the selection.


On input, a pointer to an item ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the item ID of the last item in the selection.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the current selection behavior for a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserSelectionFlags (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserSelectionFlags *selectionFlags


A data browser.


On input, a data browser selection flags variable. On return, the variable is set to the current selection flags. See “User Selection Flags” for a list of the flags that can be returned.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Selection flags specify the selection behavior available to the user, such as whether the user can select discontinuous items.

Declared In


Gets the sorting order of the list view column that’s currently set for sorting.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserSortOrder (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserSortOrder *order


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a sorting order variable. On return, the variable is set to the sorting order of the current sort column in list view. See “Sorting Orders” for a list of the values that can be returned.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the property ID of the column currently used for sorting in list view.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserSortProperty (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserPropertyID *property


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a property ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the property ID of the column used for sorting.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You can call the function GetDataBrowserSortProperty to discover the property ID of the column currently used for sorting. To designate another column for the sorting operation, call the function SetDataBrowserSortProperty.

Declared In


Obtains the number of columns in a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnCount (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt32 *numColumns


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the number of columns in the data browser.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the column position for an item in a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnPosition (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID column,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex *position


A data browser.


The property ID for the list view column for which you want to obtain the position. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.


On input, a pointer to a column index variable. On return, the variable is set to the column index for the item; 0 is the leftmost column.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the property ID for a column in a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnProperty (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex column,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID *property


A data browser.


The column index of the column whose property ID you want to obtain.


On input, a pointer to a column ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the property ID for the column. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the default column width used for all columns in a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewColumnWidth (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt16 *width


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the column width, in pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Determines whether columns and rows are set to have variable widths.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewGeometry (
   ControlRef browser,
   Boolean *variableWidthColumns,
   Boolean *variableHeightRows


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, the variable is set to true if column widths can be changed or false if they cannot be changed.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, the variable is set to true if row heights can be changed or false if they cannot be changed.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the highlighting style used for a list view data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle *hiliteStyle


A list view data browser.


On input, a pointer to a highlighting style variable. On return, the variable is set to the highlighting style in use. See “Table View Highlighting Styles” for a description of the values that can be returned.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the item ID for the item displayed in the specified row.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewItemID (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex row,
   DataBrowserItemID *item


A data browser.


The row index for the item. The row index is the visual order of rows in the table onscreen. Rows are numbered starting at the top of the table, with the value 0, and proceeding sequentially to the bottom of the table.


On input, a pointer to an item ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the item ID of the data displayed in the row.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function is useful only in edge case situations for which you need to know what item ID is displayed in a particular row. For example, if you are performing some fairly involved and complex custom hit-testing, you might need to call this function.

Declared In


Obtains the visual position for the specified item in list view.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewItemRow (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex *row


A data browser.


The item ID for the item whose row index you want to obtain.


On input, a pointer to a row index variable. On return, the variable is set to the row index for the item.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You can use this function for items in list view. It is the inverse of the function GetDataBrowserTableViewItemID.

Declared In


Obtains the row height for a single row in a list view data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewItemRowHeight (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   UInt16 *height


A data browser.


The item ID of the item whose row height you want to obtain.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the row height, in pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the column width for a single column in a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewNamedColumnWidth (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID column,
   UInt16 *width


A data browser.


The property ID for the list view column whose width you want to obtain. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the width of the column, in pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the default row height used for all rows in a data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTableViewRowHeight (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt16 *height


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer. On return, this value is set to the row height, in pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Obtains the target for the data browser

OSStatus GetDataBrowserTarget (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID *target


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to an item ID variable. On return, the variable is set to the item ID for the currently assigned target.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


In column view, the target is the rightmost column. In list view, the target can be thought of as the root container.

Your application can call the function SetDataBrowserTarget to set an item ID to use as a target if you do not want to use the default target set by the data browser.

Declared In


Obtains the current view style settings for a list view.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserUserState (
   ControlRef browser,
   CFDictionaryRef *stateInfo


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a CFDictionaryRef. On return, a CFDictionary object that contains the current view style settings. You must release the object when you no longer need it by calling the function CFRelease. Note that although this parameter is typed as a CFData object, you must treat the result as a CFDictionary object because that is what the system fills out and returns to you.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You typically use this function to obtain the current user settings for the data browser so that you can save the settings to a preferences file. User settings include data such as sorting order, sorting column, and column widths. Later, you can restore the settings by calling the function SetDataBrowserUserState.

If you want to save the user settings to disk, you need to determine the length of the user-settings data in bytes. The following code shows how to calculate this length. First you need to convert the CFDictionary object you obtain from the function GetDataBrowserUserState to a property list. Then you can call the function CFDataGetLength to obtain the length, in bytes, of the property list.

CFDataRef myUserState = NULL;
OSStatus status;
ControlRef browser = GetDataBrowserFromWindow (window);
status = GetDataBrowserUserState (browser, &myUserState);
if (noErr == status)
  CFDataRef myTempDataRef = NULL;
  CFIndex index;
  if (myUserState != NULL)
    // Convert the user state dictionary to a property list.
    myTempDataRef = CFPropertyListCreateXMLData (NULL,
                        (CFPropertyListRef) myUserState);
    if (myTempDataRef != NULL)
        // Get the length, in bytes
      index = CFDataGetLength (myTempDataRef);
        // Call your function to save the data
        // You need to release the CFDataRef you created
      CFRelease (myTempDataRef);
 CFRelease (myUserState);
Declared In


Obtains the current view style for the specified data browser.

OSStatus GetDataBrowserViewStyle (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserViewStyle *style


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a view style variable. On return, the variable is set to the current view style for the specified data browser; can be either list view (kDataBrowserListView) or column view (kDataBrowserColumnView). See “View Styles” for more information on these constants.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Initializes a data browser callback structure in preparation for adding your own callbacks to the structure.

OSStatus InitDataBrowserCallbacks (
   DataBrowserCallbacks *callbacks


A pointer to a DataBrowserCallbacks structure. Before calling the function InitDataBrowserCallbacks, set the version field of this structure to kDataBrowserLatestCallbacks. On return, the fields in this structure are set to NULL.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


After you call this function, set the appropriate fields in the DataBrowserCallbacks structure to your callbacks. The DataBrowserCallbacks structure contains fields for the following:

After you assign your callbacks to the appropriate field, call the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

Note that this is a different set of callbacks from those that are assigned to fields in the DataBrowserCustomCallbacks data structure.

Declared In


Initializes the data browser custom callback structure in preparation for adding your own callbacks for custom drawing or custom behavior to the structure.

OSStatus InitDataBrowserCustomCallbacks (
   DataBrowserCustomCallbacks *callbacks


A pointer to a DataBrowserCustomCallbacks structure. Before calling the function InitDataBrowserCustomCallbacks, set the version field of this structure to kDataBrowserLatestCustomCallbacks. On return, the fields in this structure are set to NULL.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Custom callbacks refer to those callback routines that are used to implement custom drawing or custom behavior in your data browser. The data browser API supports a limited set of built-in display types: text, icon and text, checkboxes, and so forth. If you want to display something else, you install custom callbacks to perform drawing and handle user interaction.

After you call the function InitDataBrowserCustomCallbacks, set the appropriate fields in the DataBrowserCustomCallbacks structure to your callbacks. The DataBrowserCustomCallbacks structure contains fields for the following:

After you assign your custom callbacks to the appropriate field, call the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

Note that this is a different set of callbacks from those that are assigned to fields in the DataBrowserCallbacks data structure.

Declared In


Calls an accept-drag callback function.

Boolean InvokeDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragReference theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserAcceptDragProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an add-drag-item callback function.

Boolean InvokeDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragReference theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   ItemReference *itemRef,
   DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserAddDragItemProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls a draw-item callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserDrawItemUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserItemState itemState,
   const Rect *theRect,
   SInt16 gdDepth,
   Boolean colorDevice,
   DataBrowserDrawItemUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserDrawItemProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an edit-item callback function.

Boolean InvokeDataBrowserEditItemUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   CFStringRef theString,
   Rect *maxEditTextRect,
   Boolean *shrinkToFit,
   DataBrowserEditItemUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserEditItemProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls a get-contextual-menu callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   MenuRef *menu,
   UInt32 *helpType,
   CFStringRef *helpItemString,
   AEDesc *selection,
   DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserGetContextualMenuProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls a hit-test callback function.

Boolean InvokeDataBrowserHitTestUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   const Rect *mouseRect,
   DataBrowserHitTestUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserHitTestProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-accept-drag callback function.

DataBrowserDragFlags InvokeDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   DragReference theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemAcceptDragProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-comparison callback function.

Boolean InvokeDataBrowserItemCompareUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemOne,
   DataBrowserItemID itemTwo,
   DataBrowserPropertyID sortProperty,
   DataBrowserItemCompareUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemCompareProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-data callback function.

OSStatus InvokeDataBrowserItemDataUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   Boolean setValue,
   DataBrowserItemDataUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-drag-region callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   RgnHandle dragRgn,
   DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemDragRgnProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-help-content callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   HMContentRequest inRequest,
   HMContentProvidedType *outContentProvided,
   HMHelpContentRec *ioHelpContent,
   DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemHelpContentProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-notification callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemNotification message,
   DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP userUPP


In most cases you don’t need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-notification-with-data callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemNotification message,
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP userUPP


In most cases you don’t need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-receive-drag callback function.

Boolean InvokeDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserDragFlags dragFlags,
   DragReference theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemReceiveDragProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls an item-iterator callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserItemUPP (
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemState state,
   void *clientData,
   DataBrowserItemUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserItemProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls a postprocess-drag callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragReference theDrag,
   OSStatus trackDragResult,
   DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserPostProcessDragProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls a receive-drag callback function.

Boolean InvokeDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragReference theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserReceiveDragProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls a select-contextual-menu callback function.

void InvokeDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   MenuRef menu,
   UInt32 selectionType,
   SInt16 menuID,
   MenuItemIndex menuItem,
   DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Calls a tracking callback function.

DataBrowserTrackingResult InvokeDataBrowserTrackingUPP (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   Point startPt,
   EventModifiers modifiers,
   DataBrowserTrackingUPP userUPP


In most cases you do not need to use this function, because the system invokes your callback function for you. See the DataBrowserTrackingProcPtr callback function for more information and for a description of the parameters.

Declared In


Checks to see if a data item is selected.

Boolean IsDataBrowserItemSelected (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item


A data browser.


The item ID of the item to check.

Return Value

A value of true if the item is a member of the current selection.

Declared In


Moves or extends the current selection.

OSStatus MoveDataBrowserSelectionAnchor (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserSelectionAnchorDirection direction,
   Boolean extendSelection


A data browser.


The direction to move or extend the current selection. You can pass any one of the constants described in “Selection Anchor Directions.”


On input, a value that specifies whether to extend the current selection (true) or move the selection (false).

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an accept-drag callback function.

DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP NewDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP (
   DataBrowserAcceptDragProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your accept-drag callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserAcceptDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an add-drag-item callback function.

DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP NewDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP (
   DataBrowserAddDragItemProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your add-drag-item callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserAddDragItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to a draw-item callback function.

DataBrowserDrawItemUPP NewDataBrowserDrawItemUPP (
   DataBrowserDrawItemProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your draw-item callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserDrawItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an edit-item callback function.

DataBrowserEditItemUPP NewDataBrowserEditItemUPP (
   DataBrowserEditItemProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your edit-item callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserEditItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to a get-contextual-menu callback function.

DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP NewDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP (
   DataBrowserGetContextualMenuProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your get-contextual-menu callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserGetContextualMenuProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to a hit-test callback function.

DataBrowserHitTestUPP NewDataBrowserHitTestUPP (
   DataBrowserHitTestProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your hit-test callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserHitTestProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-accept-drag callback function.

DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP NewDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP (
   DataBrowserItemAcceptDragProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-accept-drag callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemAcceptDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-comparison callback function.

DataBrowserItemCompareUPP NewDataBrowserItemCompareUPP (
   DataBrowserItemCompareProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-comparison callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemCompareProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-data callback function.

DataBrowserItemDataUPP NewDataBrowserItemDataUPP (
   DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-data callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-drag-region callback function.

DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP NewDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP (
   DataBrowserItemDragRgnProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-drag-region callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemDragRgnProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-help-content callback function.

DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP NewDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP (
   DataBrowserItemHelpContentProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-help-content callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemHelpContentProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-notification callback function.

DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP NewDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP (
   DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-notification callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-notification-with-data callback function.

DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP NewDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP (
   DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-notification-with-data callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-receive-drag callback function.

DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP NewDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP (
   DataBrowserItemReceiveDragProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-receive-drag callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemReceiveDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to an item-iterator callback function.

DataBrowserItemUPP NewDataBrowserItemUPP (
   DataBrowserItemProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your item-iterator callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserItemProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to a postprocess-drag callback function.

DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP NewDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP (
   DataBrowserPostProcessDragProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your postprocess-drag callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserPostProcessDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to a receive-drag callback function.

DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP NewDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP (
   DataBrowserReceiveDragProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your receive-drag callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserReceiveDragProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to a select-contextual-menu callback function.

DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP NewDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP (
   DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your select-contextual-menu callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Creates a universal procedure pointer to a tracking callback function.

DataBrowserTrackingUPP NewDataBrowserTrackingUPP (
   DataBrowserTrackingProcPtr userRoutine


A pointer to your tracking callback function.

Return Value

The universal procedure pointer.


See the DataBrowserTrackingProcPtr callback function.

Declared In


Opens a data browser container.

OSStatus OpenDataBrowserContainer (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container


A data browser.


The item ID of the container to open.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Normally the user navigates through a data hierarchy by clicking the disclosure triangle next to a container item in list view, or the container item (such as a folder icon) in column view. In either of these cases, the system automatically opens or closes the container. Under some circumstances your application may need to open or close a container programmatically, such as when you are restoring a display to its last known state. In such cases, you can call the function OpenDataBrowserContainer to disclose items in a container or the function CloseDataBrowserContainer to hide items in a container.

Declared In


Removes one or more items from a data browser.

OSStatus RemoveDataBrowserItems (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container,
   ItemCount numItems,
   const DataBrowserItemID *items,
   DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty


A data browser.


An item ID or the constant kDataBrowserNoItem. Pass the item ID that uniquely identifies the container from which you want to remove items. Pass kDataBrowserNoItem to remove items from the root container.


The number of items in the array pointed to by the items parameter. To remove all items pass 0 and also pass NULL in the items parameter.


A pointer to an array of item ID values for the items you want to remove from the data browser. You can delete an arbitrary list of items from a container. To remove all items, pass NULL, and also pass 0 in the numItems parameter.


The property ID of the column whose sorting order is the same as the sorting order of the items array. A property ID is a value that identifies a column independent of its position in a data browser. Pass kDataBrowserItemNoProperty if the items array is not sorted or if you don’t know the sorting order. You’ll get the best performance from this function if you provide a sorting order.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Removes a column from a list view data browser.

OSStatus RemoveDataBrowserTableViewColumn (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID column


A data browser.


The property ID for the list view column you want to remove. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function works only for list view.

Declared In


Scrolls an item into view, optionally bringing a particular part of that item into view.

OSStatus RevealDataBrowserItem (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID,
   DataBrowserRevealOptions options


A data browser.


The item ID of the item to scroll into view.


The property ID of the column to scroll into view. A property ID is a four-character sequence that you assign to represent a column in list view. For column view, pass kDataBrowserNoItem.


A value that specifies how to position the item in the data browser. See “Reveal Options” for a list of the constants you can supply.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


In most cases the system takes care of scrolling for you. However, this function is useful if your application supports type-select and you want to scroll a matching item into view.

Declared In


Sets what determines the active state of the items in a data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserActiveItems (
   ControlRef browser,
   Boolean active


A data browser.


A value that specifies the new active state for the items displayed in the list. Pass true to make the active state of each item determined by what your callback reports for each item’s kDataBrowserItemIsActiveProperty property, or false to make all items inactive. Inactive items appear dimmed.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Passing true for the active parameter does not make all the items active. Instead it sets the active state of each individual item according to the value associated with the kDataBrowserItemIsActiveProperty property for that item. This means if the active property for an item is set to false, and you pass true for the active parameter, then the item is inactive.

Declared In


Sets the callback routines to use with a data browser, replacing any previously installed callbacks.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserCallbacks (
   ControlRef browser,
   const DataBrowserCallbacks *callbacks


A data browser.


A pointer to a DataBrowserCallbacks structure that is filled out with universal procedure pointers (UPPs) to the callback routines your application provides. At a minimum, you need to provide a UPP to an item-data callback (DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr).

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Before calling the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks you must first call InitDataBrowserCallbacks to initialize the data browser callback structure. Calling SetDataBrowserCallbacks replaces any callback routines you installed previously by calling this function.

You can supply the following callbacks. If you don’t supply callbacks in cases for which it’s optional, you get the default behavior provided by the data browser API.

Note that this function sets a different set of callbacks from those that are set by calling the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

To replace a callback, you first need to get the current set of callbacks by calling the function GetDataBrowserCallbacks. Set the appropriate fields in the DataBrowserCallbacks structure to your callback. Then you call the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks. Your application can set as many callbacks as appropriate.

The following code shows how to assign UPPs to the callbacks structure and then call the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks. The code assumes you have already called the function InitDataBrowserCallbacks to initialize the data browser callback structure.

myCallbacks.u.v1.itemNotificationCallback =
        NewDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP (MyItemNotificationCallback);
myCallbacks.u.v1.acceptDragCallback =
        NewDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP (MyAcceptDragCallback);
myCallbacks.u.v1.receiveDragCallback =
        NewDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP (MyReceiveDragCallback);
myCallbacks.u.v1.addDragItemCallback =
        NewDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP (MyAddDragItemCallback);
myCallbacks.u.v1.itemHelpContentCallback =
        NewDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP (MyItemHelpContentCallback);
myCallbacks.u.v1.getContextualMenuCallback =
        NewDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP (MyGetContextualMenuCallback);
myCallbacks.u.v1.selectContextualMenuCallback =
        NewDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP (
SetDataBrowserCallbacks (browser, &myCallbacks);
Declared In


Sets the display type for a data browser in column view.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserColumnViewDisplayType (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserPropertyType propertyType


A data browser.


The data type to be displayed in the data browser. The default is kDataBrowserIconAndTextType. Currently this is the only value you can supply for column view.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function is effectively not functional because no display types other than kDataBrowserIconAndTextType are currently supported. Note that the rightmost column can have the attribute kDataBrowserColumnViewPreviewProperty as long as you provide a callback to display the appropriate icon and text information in the preview column.

Declared In


Sets a path for a column view.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserColumnViewPath (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt32 length,
   const DataBrowserItemID *path


A data browser.


The number of items in the array passed in the path parameter.


The address to the first item in the array of item ID values that specifies the path. Array element 0 is the root; array element N - 1 is the target.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the custom callback routines to use with a data browser, replacing any previously installed custom callbacks.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks (
   ControlRef browser,
   const DataBrowserCustomCallbacks *callbacks


A data browser.


A pointer to a DataBrowserCustomCallbacks structure that is filled out with universal procedure pointers (UPPs) to the custom callback routines your application provides.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Before calling the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks you must first call InitDataBrowserCustomCallbacks to initialize the data browser custom callback structure. Calling SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks replaces any callback routines you installed previously by calling this function.

You can supply the following custom callback routines.

Note that this is a different set of callbacks from those that are installed by calling the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

To replace a callback, you first need to set the appropriate fields in the DataBrowserCustomCallbacks structure to your callbacks. Then you call the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks. The following code shows how to set custom callbacks. It assumes you have already called the function InitDataBrowserCustomCallbacks to initialize the data browser custom callback structure. Your application can set as many callbacks as appropriate.

myCustomCallbacks.u.v1.drawItemCallback =
        NewDataBrowserDrawItemUPP (MyDataBrowserDrawItemCallback);
myCustomCallbacks.u.v1.editItemCallback =
        NewDataBrowserEditItemUPP (MyDataBrowserEditItemCallback);
SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks (browser,&myCustomCallbacks);
Declared In


Programmatically starts or ends an editing session.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserEditItem (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property


A data browser.


The item ID of the item to make editable.


The property ID of the item to make editable.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You can call the function SetDataBrowserEditItem to begin or end an editing session programmatically for a text item. To begin an editing session for a text item, specify its item ID and property ID. To end an editing session, provide the constant kDataBrowserNoItem as the item ID number.

Declared In


Modifies the displayed contents of a text item while it is being edited.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserEditText (
   ControlRef browser,
   CFStringRef text


A data browser.


A CFString object that specifies the text to edit. The data browser makes its own copy of this object so it is safe to release your own reference after you call this function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You can use this function to programmatically change the text. For example, to paste data in response to a Paste command. This function is useful only if an edit session is in progress for an item. You can check whether can get session is open by calling the function GetDataBrowserEditItem.

Declared In


Sets the display state of horizontal and vertical scroll bars for a list view data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserHasScrollBars (
   ControlRef browser,
   Boolean horiz,
   Boolean vert


A list view data browser.


A value that specifies whether to display the browser control with (true) or without (false) a horizontal scroll bar.


A value that specifies whether to display the browser control with (true) or without (false) a vertical scroll bar.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


If the list your application displays is small and its coordinates do not extend beyond the bounds of the area used to display the list, then you can call SetDataBrowserHasScrollBars to turn off the display of scroll bars.

Declared In


Specifies a Boolean value for an item.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataBooleanValue (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   Boolean theData


The item data reference for the item whose Boolean value you want to set. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataBooleanValue.


The value to display.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your item-data callback calls this function in response to an inquiry for the following properties:

Declared In


Specifies a checkbox value.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataButtonValue (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   ThemeButtonValue theData


The item data reference for the item whose checkbox value you want to set. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataButtonValue.


The checkbox setting. You can supply any of the following theme button value constants defined by the Appearance Manager:

  • kThemeButtonOff draws a checkbox that is not selected.

  • kThemeButtonOn draws a checkbox that is selected.

  • kThemeButtonMixed draws a checkbox that in a mixed state, indicating that a setting is on for some items in a selection and off for others.

See Appearance Manager Reference for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your item-data callback calls this function in response to a set-data request for items that have the display type kDataBrowserCheckboxType.

Declared In


Specifies, as a 32-bit value, a date and time value to display.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataDateTime (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   SInt32 theData


The item data reference for the item whose date and time value you want to set. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataDateTime.


A 32-bit value that represents the number of elapsed seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904. For more information about date and time encodings used in the Mac OS, see Date, Time, and Measurement Utilities Reference.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function works only with items that have the property kDataBrowserDateTimeType. If the column has the property kDataBrowserRelativeDateTime, the date is displayed relative to the current time for the computer. For example, a time 24 hours before the current time is displayed as “Yesterday.” Other examples of relative date and time values are “Today, 1:45 PM” and “Yesterday, 7:30 AM.”

Declared In


Specifies whether to draw a checkbox in the active or inactive state.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataDrawState (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   ThemeDrawState theData


The item data reference for the item whose drawing state you want to set. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataDrawState.


The drawing state to use for the checkbox item. You can supply the following theme drawing state constants:

  • kThemeStateInactive draws the item in the inactive state.

  • kThemeStateActive draws the item in the active state.

See Appearance Manager Reference for more information on these constants.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your item-data callback calls this function in response to a set-data request for items that have the display type kDataBrowserCheckboxType.

Declared In


Specifies the icon to draw.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataIcon (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   IconRef theData


The item data reference for the item whose icon you want to set. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataIcon.


The icon to display. The data browser retains the icon, so you may release the IconRef after the function returns.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You call the function SetDataBrowserItemDataIcon from within a DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr callback routine to specify an icon to draw. You can specify an icon for any column that has the kDataBrowserIconType display type or the kDataBrowserIconAndTextType display type.

Declared In


Specifies a transformation to apply to an icon when it is drawn.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataIconTransform (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   IconTransformType theData


The item data reference for the item whose icon transformation you want to set. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataIconTransform.


An icon transformation type that specifies how to modify the appearance of the icon. You can pass any of the icon transformation constants defined by Icon Services and Utilities. See Icon Services and Utilities Reference for more information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function works only with items that either have the property kDataBrowserIconAndTextType or kDataBrowserIconType.

Declared In


Communicates a property of an item when that property is another item’s ID.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataItemID (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   DataBrowserItemID theData


The item data reference passed to your item-data callback.


The item ID to set.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


To display hierarchical data correctly the data browser needs to know whether an item is a container and whether the item is in a container (has a parent). So it sends a get-data request for the properties kDataBrowserParentContainerProperty and kDataBrowserContainerAliasIDProperty to your item-data callback.

The property kDataBrowserContainerAliasIDProperty is sent to your item-data callback to provide your application with a chance to follow an alias that the item might represent. If the incoming item is an alias to another item, you can call SetDataBrowserItemDataItemID to inform the data browser which other item the incoming item points to.

The property kDataBrowserParentContainerProperty is sent to your item-data callback to check whether an item has a parent. If it does, you call SetDataBrowserItemDataItemID, supplying the item ID of the parent in the parameter theData. If the item has no parent, set theData to 0.

Declared In


Specifies, as a 64-bit value, a date and time value to display.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataLongDateTime (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   const LongDateTime *theData


The item data reference for the item whose long date and time value you want to set. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataLongDateTime.


A pointer to a 64-bit value that represents the time as the number of elapsed seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904. For more information about date and time encodings used in the Mac OS, see Date, Time, and Measurement Utilities Reference in Carbon Text & International Documentation.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function works only with items that have the property kDataBrowserDateTimeType. If the column has the property kDataBrowserRelativeDateTime, the date is displayed relative to the current time for the computer. For example, a time 24 hours before the current time is displayed as “Yesterday.” Other examples of relative date and time values are “Today, 1:45 PM” and “Yesterday, 7:30 AM.”

Declared In


Specifies the maximum integer value that can be displayed for an item; useful for such display types as sliders, progress bars, relevance indicators, and pop-up menus.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataMaximum (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   SInt32 theData


The item data reference for the item whose maximum value you want to set. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataMaximum.


The maximum setting for content displayed for the item.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the pop-up menu to display.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataMenuRef (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   MenuRef theData


The item data reference for the item whose pop-up menu value you want to set. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataMenuRef.


The pop-up menu set to the value you want to display. The system retains the menu reference that you pass; you must release it when you no longer need it. Pass NULL if you no longer want a menu.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your item-data callback calls this function in response to a set-data request for an item whose display type is kDataBrowserPopupMenuType.

Declared In


Specifies the minimum integer value that can be displayed for an item; useful for such display types as sliders, progress bars, relevance indicators, and pop-up menus.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataMinimum (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   SInt32 theData


The item data reference for the item whose minimum value you want to set. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataMinimum.


The minimum setting for the displayed content.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Specifies a color to use when drawing an item.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataRGBColor (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   const RGBColor *theData


The item data reference for the item whose color you want to set. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataRGBColor.


A pointer to the RGB values that specify the color to use.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Typically this function is used to set the color for an item that is an icon type. Your item-data callback calls this function in response to a set-data request for items that have display type kDataBrowserIconType or kDataBrowserIconAndTextType.

Declared In


Specifies the text to draw.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataText (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   CFStringRef theData


The item data reference for the item whose text you want to set. This value is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataText.


The CFString object that contains the text you want to draw. You are responsible for releasing the CFString object.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You call the function SetDataBrowserItemDataText from inside a data callback routine when the item being drawn is inside a column that has the kDataBrowserTextType display type or the kDataBrowserIconAndTextType display type.

Declared In


Sets the value of an item; useful for such display types as sliders, progress bars, relevance indicators, and pop-up menus.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserItemDataValue (
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   SInt32 theData


The item data reference for the item whose integer value you want to set. The item data reference is passed to the callback routine from which you are calling the function SetDataBrowserItemDataValue.


The value to display. The value must be between the minimum and maximum values specified by calling the functions SetDataBrowserItemDataMinimum and SetDataBrowserItemDataMaximum. Values displayed by a progress bar can vary between the minimum and maximum values, inclusive.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your application calls the function SetDataBrowserItemDataValue to set a new value for a display type when your item-data callback routine is called with the setValue parameter set to false.

Declared In


Specifies whether there is a column that has disclosure triangles and, if so, which column.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserListViewDisclosureColumn (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID column,
   Boolean expandableRows


A data browser.


The property ID for the column for which you want to set as disclosure column. Only one column in list view can be designated as a disclosure column. Pass kDataBrowserNoItemProperty if you do not want a disclosure column. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.


A value that specifies how a disclosed row behaves. Pass true to have a container open as a single row with an expanded height. Pass false to have a container opens to expose other rows. See the Discussion for more details on expandable rows.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


A disclosure triangle next to an item denotes the item is a container. You can use the expandableRows parameter to specify whether an opened container displays its items in individual rows, as shown in the top of Figure 1 or increases its row height to accommodate the contained information, as shown in the bottom of the figure.

Figure 1  A container can open to more rows or expand to show more information

A container can open to more rows or expand to show more information

When the expandableRows parameter is set to true:

When the expandableRows parameter is set to false:

When a disclosure triangle is clicked by the user, your application receives the same notifications regardless of whether expandableRows is set to true or false. When your application receives a notification that an expandable row is toggled to open, call the function SetDataBrowserTableViewItemRowHeight to set the row to the appropriate height.

Declared In


Sets the height of the rectangular area where the column title appears.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserListViewHeaderBtnHeight (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt16 height


A data browser.


The height, in pixels, to use for the rectangular area where the column title appears. Pass 0 to turn off header button display. To turn on header button display, pass the value previously obtained from the function GetDataBrowserListViewHeaderBtnHeight. The default height is currently 17 pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Provides a description for a column title in list view.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID column,
   DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc *desc


A data browser.


The property ID for the column in list view whose title description you want to set. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.


The list view header description structure that you have filled out with data that describes the appearance of a column title in list view.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This functions allows you to change the behavior or appearance of a column title. Typically you call this function if your application:

Declared In


Specifies whether list view uses a plain white background.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserListViewUsePlainBackground (
   ControlRef browser,
   Boolean usePlainBackground


A data browser.


A value that specifies whether to use a plain background (true) or not to use a plain background (false). A plain background is an all-white background. In Mac OS X, passing false currently does nothing, as Mac OS X supports only a plain white background. However, pass true if you want a plain white background just in case the API changes in the future. In Mac OS 9, passing false causes the data browser to use a shaded background.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


A list view that does not use a plain background can use colors or patterns to distinguish one column from another. For example, you could specify a color to designate a column as the sorted column.

Declared In


Sets the appearance and behavior attributes for a column in list view.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserPropertyFlags (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserPropertyFlags flags


A data browser.


The property ID of the column whose appearance and behavior you want to set.


The property flags to apply. A DataBrowserPropertyFlags value is a 32-bit value that is divided into four parts as follows:

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the inset values to use for the scroll bars of a data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserScrollBarInset (
   ControlRef browser,
   Rect *insetRect


A data browser.


A pointer to a rectangle that specifies the inset values you want the data browser to use. The left and right fields contain the horizontal inset values for the horizontal scroll bar, and the top and bottom fields contain the vertical inset values for the vertical scroll bar.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your application can call the functions GetDataBrowserScrollBarInset and SetDataBrowserScrollBarInset if you want to place placards or controls beside the horizontal scroll bars or above the vertical ones. To do so, first call GetDataBrowserScrollBarInset to obtain the current settings. After modifying the current inset settings to provide space for the placard or control, call SetDataBrowserScrollBarInset with the new values.

Declared In


Scrolls a list to the specified position.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserScrollPosition (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt32 top,
   UInt32 left


A data browser.


The vertical scrolling position to use.


The horizontal scrolling position to use.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


The scrolling position (0,0) represents the home position, and is located at the top left of the data browser. Horizontal and vertical units are relative to the home position.

You can call this function to scroll a list to any arbitrary scrolling position. Normally, you use the function GetDataBrowserScrollPosition in conjunction with SetDataBrowserScrollPosition to save and restore the scrolling position of a list to the user’s last scrolling position. These functions should not be used to scroll particular cells into the view. For that, call the function RevealDataBrowserItem.

Declared In


Modifies the current selection by adding items, removing items, or toggling the selection state of items.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserSelectedItems (
   ControlRef browser,
   ItemCount numItems,
   const DataBrowserItemID *items,
   DataBrowserSetOption operation


A data browser.


The number of item ID values stored in the array pointed to by the items parameter.


A pointer to an array of the item IDs to modify the selection with.


The operation you want to perform on the current selection. You can add, assign, toggle, or remove the items specified by the items parameter. See “Selection State Options” for a list of the constants you can supply and a complete description of what each constant does.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets allowable selection behavior for a data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserSelectionFlags (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserSelectionFlags selectionFlags


A data browser.


Flags that specify the selection behavior you want to allow in the data browser. The flags control such things as whether discontinuous selections are allowed by the user. See “User Selection Flags” for detailed descriptions of these flags.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the sorting order for a list in list view.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserSortOrder (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserSortOrder order


A data browser.


The sorting order. See “Sorting Orders” for a list of the constants you can supply.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


List view tracks the sorting order by column. In Mac OS X, setting the sorting order only affects the sorting order of the column currently set for sorting.

Declared In


Designates the list view column to use for sorting.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserSortProperty (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property


A data browser.


The property ID of the column to use for sorting.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


If the list is not currently sorted, or if the list is currently sorted with a different column, then the list is sorted and redrawn. You can all the function GetDataBrowserSortProperty to obtain the property ID of the column currently used for sorting.

Declared In


Changes the visual position of a column in list view.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTableViewColumnPosition (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID column,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex position


A data browser.


The property ID for the list view column you want to move. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.


The position you want to move the column to.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


If you set your list to have the property kDataBrowserListViewMovableColumn, the user can rearrange columns by dragging. The function SetDataBrowserTableViewColumnPosition provides a way for your application to rearrange columns programmatically.

Declared In


Sets the default column width for all columns in a data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTableViewColumnWidth (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt16 width


A data browser.


The column width, in pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


You can override the default width for an individual list view column by calling the function SetDataBrowserTableViewNamedColumnWidth.

Declared In


Sets whether columns and rows can have variable widths in list view.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTableViewGeometry (
   ControlRef browser,
   Boolean variableWidthColumns,
   Boolean variableHeightRows


A data browser.


A Boolean value that specifies whether column widths can be variable (true) or not (false).


A Boolean value that specifies whether row heights can be variable (true) or not (false).

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


After you call the function SetDataBrowserTableViewGeometry to set up variable row heights or columns widths in list view, you can modify individual row heights or columns widths in list view by calling the appropriate function—either SetDataBrowserTableViewItemRowHeight or SetDataBrowserTableViewNamedColumnWidth.

Declared In


Sets the highlighting style to use for a list view data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle hiliteStyle


A list view data browser.


The highlighting style you want to use. See “Table View Highlighting Styles” for a description of the constants you can supply.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Changes the visual position for an item in a list view data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTableViewItemRow (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex row


A data browser.


The item ID for the item whose row you want to set.


The row index for the row you want to move the item to.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Sets the row height for a single row in a list view data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTableViewItemRowHeight (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   UInt16 height


A data browser.


The item ID for the item whose row height you want to set.


The row height, in pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Before calling this function, you must call the function SetDataBrowserTableViewGeometry to set up variable row heights.

Declared In


Sets the column width for a single column in a list view data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTableViewNamedColumnWidth (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnID column,
   UInt16 width


A data browser.


The property ID for the list view column whose width you want to set. The DataBrowserTableViewColumnID data type is the same as the DataBrowserPropertyID data type.


The width of the column, in pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Before calling this function, you must call the function SetDataBrowserTableViewGeometry to set up variable column widths.

Declared In


Sets the default row height for all rows in a data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTableViewRowHeight (
   ControlRef browser,
   UInt16 height


A data browser.


The row height, in pixels.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


This function sets the default row height for all rows. You override the default row height for an individual row by calling the function SetDataBrowserTableViewItemRowHeight.

Declared In


Sets the target for a data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserTarget (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID target


A data browser.


The item ID to assign as the target for the browser control.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Your application can set an item ID to use as a target if you do not want to use the default target set by the data browser. By default, the target is a container whose ID is kDataBrowserNoItem. For the list view, the target can be thought of as the root container. For the column view, the target is the rightmost column. When an item is dragged over a data browser but not dropped over any particular item, the target becomes the destination.

SetDataBrowserTarget changes the container that the data browser displays, thereby populating the data browser with items. If you use the function in column view, you must make sure your item-data callback responds to the property kDataBrowserItemParentContainerProperty by providing the item ID of the target’s parent. This allows the function SetDataBrowserColumnViewPath to process the data properly. The target is the leaf node item whose contents you want to display. However, unlike GetDataBrowserColumnViewPathLength, the function SetDataBrowserTarget doesn’t offer a way for you to communicate the item IDs of the rest of the column containers, so SetDataBrowserTarget asks for them explicitly by requesting the item’s parent, then the parent of the item’s parent, and so on.

You can pass a noncontainer item to this function in either list or column views. If you do, you must also respond to the property kDataBrowserItemParentContainerProperty. The data browser requests the parent of the target so it knows which container to display the contents of in the list view.

Declared In


Restores the view-style settings in list view to a previous state set by the user.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserUserState (
   ControlRef browser,
   CFDictionaryRef stateInfo


A data browser.


A CFDictionary object that specifies the view-style settings that you want to restore. Note that although this parameter is typed as a CFData object, you must supply a CFDictionary object because that is the form of the data the system expects.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Typically you use this function to restore the user state you previously obtained by calling the function GetDataBrowserUserState.

Declared In


Sets the view style of the specified data browser.

OSStatus SetDataBrowserViewStyle (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserViewStyle style


A data browser.


The view style to use. Pass the constant kDataBrowserListView to draw the data browser using list view or kDataBrowserColumnView to use column view. See “View Styles” for more information on these constants.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


Although you specify a view style when you call the function CreateDataBrowserControl, you can call SetDataBrowserViewStyle to change the style. Use SetDataBrowserViewStyle when you provide users the option of changing between list and column views.

After calling SetDataBrowserViewStyle, you need to perform the necessary tasks to configure the data browser for the view style you switched to. If you switch to list view, you need to set up list view header and column descriptions and call the function AddDataBrowserListViewColumn. You might also need to call other functions such as SetDataBrowserListViewDisclosureColumn (for hierarchical lists).

Declared In


Sorts a hierarchical list of items.

OSStatus SortDataBrowserContainer (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container,
   Boolean sortChildren


A data browser.


An item ID or the constant kDataBrowserNoItem. To sort all of the items that are organized as subitems of a container item, pass the item ID for the container item. To sort all of the items displayed at the top level of the data browser, pass the constant kDataBrowserNoItem.


A value that indicates whether to sort all items in the container hierarchy. Pass true to sort all items in the container hierarchy and false to sort just the immediate children of the container.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”

Declared In


Requests a redraw of one or more items in a data browser.

OSStatus UpdateDataBrowserItems (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID container,
   ItemCount numItems,
   const DataBrowserItemID *items,
   DataBrowserPropertyID preSortProperty,
   DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID


A data browser.


An item ID or the constant kDataBrowserNoItem. Pass the item ID that uniquely identifies the container. If you are updating one or more items that are in the root container, pass kDataBrowserNoItem.


The number of items in the array pointed to by the items parameter.


A pointer to an array of item ID values for the items you want to update. If you pass NULL or if the value kDataBrowserNoItem is an element in this array, then all rows are updated.


The property ID of the column whose sorting order is the same as the sorting order of the items array. A property ID is a four-character sequence that you assign to represent a column in list view. Pass kDataBrowserItemNoProperty if the items array is not sorted of if you don’t know the sorting order.


The property ID of the column that must be updated. To update all columns associated with the items in the items array, pass kDataBrowserNoItem.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


After your application makes changes to any of the data items in a data browser you must update the display by calling the function UpdateDataBrowserItems. Calling this function also updates any internal caches allocated by the data browser.

Declared In



Defines a pointer to an accept-drag callback function that determines whether your application can accept a drag object in the specified location.

typedef Boolean (*DataBrowserAcceptDragProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragRef theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item

You would declare an accept-drag callback function named MyDataBrowserAcceptDragCallback like this:

Boolean MyDataBrowserAcceptDragCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragRef theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item


A data browser.


The drag reference provided by the data browser to your callback.


The item ID of the item the drag object is held over. If the drag object is over the data browser but not over any specific item, the item parameter contains the item ID that represents one of the following:

  • In list view, the target. (See SetDataBrowserTarget.)

  • In column view, the item ID of the column the drag object is over

Return Value

Your callback returns true if it is capable of accepting the drag object in the location designated by the item parameter. Otherwise, your callback returns false.


The accept-drag callback is called by the data browser when your application needs to determine if it can accept a drag object in a particular location.

To provide a pointer to your accept-drag callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP MyDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP;
MyDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP = NewDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP to the acceptDragCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserAcceptDragUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an add-drag-item callback function that adds an item to a drag reference.

typedef Boolean (*DataBrowserAddDragItemProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragRef theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   ItemReference *itemRef

You would declare an add-drag-item callback function named MyDataBrowserAddDragItemCallback like this:

Boolean MyDataBrowserAddDragItemCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragRef theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   ItemRef *itemRef


A data browser.


The drag reference provided by the data browser to your callback.


The item ID of the item to add to the drag object.


A pointer to a drag item reference variable. Your callback must set this to the DragItemRef value that it passes to the Drag Manager function AddDragItemFlavor.

Return Value

Your callback returns true to indicate the item should be or is part of the drag object. Your callback returns false if the item isn’t part of the drag object.


The add-drag-item callback is called by the data browser when a drag operation needs to be started. The data browser iterates through the selected items, invoking your callback for each item. Your callback is called after the drag reference is created by the data browser but before the function TrackDrag is called by the system.

Your callback adds an item to the drag reference calling the function AddDragItemFlavor. When you call AddDragItemFlavor, you must provide a unique drag item reference (DragItemRef) for each data browser item that you add to the drag. You must also provide the data type of the added item (drag flavor type) and set the appropriate drag flavor flags.

The data browser handles imaging and adds transparency for you. As a result, you do not need to create or add your own transparency information to the drag reference.

To provide a pointer to your add-drag-item callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP MyDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP;
MyDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP = NewDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP to the addDragItemCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserAddDragItemUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to a draw-item callback function that draws a custom item.

typedef void (*DataBrowserDrawItemProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserItemState itemState,
   const Rect *theRect,
   SInt16 gdDepth,
   Boolean colorDevice

You would declare a draw-item callback function named MyDataBrowserDrawItemCallback like this:

void MyDataBrowserDrawItemCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserItemState itemState,
   const Rect *theRect,
   SInt16 gdDepth,
   Boolean colorDevice


A data browser.


The item ID for the item to draw.


The property ID for the item. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.


The state to use when drawing the item. See “Item States” for a description of the constants that can be provided to your callback.


A pointer to the bounding rectangle (in local coordinates, relative to the port) that specifies where to draw the item. This rectangle is the content rectangle, not the enclosing rectangle.


The bit depth of the current QuickDraw graphics port. The data browser sets the current QuickDraw port to the port that you draw into. This may not always be the port of the data browser’s own window.


A value that specifies whether the current QuickDraw port is a color device (true) or is not (false).


The draw-item callback is called by the data browser when an item whose display type is kDataBrowserCustomType needs to be drawn. Your application draws the item so it reflects the state specified by the itemState parameter.

To provide a pointer to your draw-item callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserDrawItemUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserDrawItemUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserDrawItemUPP MyDataBrowserDrawItemUPP;
MyDataBrowserDrawItemUPP = NewDataBrowserDrawItemUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserDrawItemUPP to the drawItemCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCustomCallbacks. You install your data browser custom callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserDrawItemUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an edit-item callback function that determines if the data browser should start an edit session for a custom item.

Not Recommended

typedef Boolean (*DataBrowserEditItemProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   CFStringRef theString,
   Rect *maxEditTextRect,
   Boolean *shrinkToFit

You would declare an edit-item callback function named MyDataBrowserEditItemCallback like this:

Boolean MyDataBrowserEditItemCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   CFStringRef theString,
   Rect *maxEditTextRect,
   Boolean *shrinkToFit


A data browser.


The item ID number for the item.


The property ID for the item. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.


The string to be edited. See Special Considerations for more information.


On input, a pointer to a rectangle structure. On return, set the rectangle to the largest size the edit field can grow to. If the text grows beyond the size of the edit field, the text scrolls as the user types. This parameter is used only if the parameter shrinkToFit is true. Otherwise, the current size of the text editing field is used.


On input, a pointer to a Boolean variable. On return, set this variable to true if you want the data browser to expand or shrink the text editing field to match the width of the text in the edit field. Note that this parameter is currently ignored; shrinkToFit is always true by default.

Return Value

A value that indicates whether or not you want to start an edit operation for the given property of the item. If your application performs the editing operation, your callback returns true. Otherwise, your callback returns false.


The edit-item callback is called by the data browser for an item whose property is kDataBrowserCustomType. Your callback must determine whether an editing session should be started and, if so, set the string to be edited, set the size of the edit rectangle, and specify whether the text editing field can adjust to match the width of the text in the edit field.

To provide a pointer to your edit-item callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserEditItemUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserEditItemUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserEditItemUPP MyDataBrowserEditItemUPP;
MyDataBrowserEditItemUPP = NewDataBrowserEditItemUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserEditItemUPP to the editItemCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCustomCallbacks. You install your data browser custom callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserEditItemUPP function.

Special Considerations

This callback does not work properly. The theString parameter is an immutable sting, which means it is not possible for the callback to set the string to the text that is to be edited.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to a get-contextual-menu callback function that obtains a menu and information about the menu.

typedef void (*DataBrowserGetContextualMenuProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   MenuRef *menu,
   UInt32 *helpType,
   CFStringRef *helpItemString,
   AEDesc *selection

You would declare a get-contextual-menu callback function named MyDataBrowserGetContextualMenuCallback like this:

void MyDataBrowserGetContextualMenuCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   MenuRef *menu,
   UInt32 *helpType,
   CFStringRef *helpItemString,
   AEDesc *selection


A data browser.


On input, a pointer to a menu. Your callback must set the pointer to the menu that you want to have displayed for the given item. Your application is responsible for disposing of the menu; you typically perform this task in the callback DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuProcPtr.


On input, a pointer to an unsigned 32-bit integer. On return, this value specifies the type of help available for this item. This value is then passed by the data browser to the Menu Manager function ContextualMenuSelect. You can provide one of the following values:

  • kCMHelpItemNoHelp if your application does not support help. The Menu Manager inserts an appropriate string into the menu and then disables the associated help item.

  • kCMHelpItemAppleGuide if your application supports Apple Guide help. The Menu Manager inserts the name of the main Apple Guide file into the menu and enables the associated help item. You can pass this in Mac OS 9. Apple Guide is not supported in Mac OS X. In Mac OS X, this value is ignored; a generic, but inactive, help item is displayed.

  • kCMHelpItemOtherHelp if your application supports some other form of help. In this case, your application must pass a valid string in the helpItemString parameter. The Menu Manager inserts the string in the menu and enables the associated help item.

See Menu Manager Reference for more information about these constants.


On input, a CFStringRef variable. On return, a CFString object that contains the name of the item to display in the contextual menu. This is the first item that appears in the contextual menu. If you pass NULL, the default string (“Help”) is displayed. Data Browser does not retain the string; it releases it.


On input, a pointer to an empty AEDesc data structure. On return, the structure contains the data supplied by your callback. The data browser passes this structure to the function ContextualMenuSelect.


The get-contextual-menu callback is called by the data browser when the user Control-clicks in the data browser. You application provides a menu and information about help that is (or is not) available for the data browser. You can determine what to provide for the content of the menu and what information to put in the AEDesc structure by calling the function GetDataBrowserItems with the state parameter set to kDataBrowserItemIsSelected. This tells you what items are selected, which you can then use to choose the appropriate information to supply.

To provide a pointer to your get-contextual-menu callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP MyDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP;
MyDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP = NewDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP to the getContextualMenuCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to a hit-test callback function that determines if the pointer is over content that can be selected or dragged.

typedef Boolean (*DataBrowserHitTestProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   const Rect *mouseRect

You would declare a hit-test callback function named MyDataBrowserHitTestCallback like this:

Boolean MyDataBrowserHitTestCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   const Rect *mouseRect


A data browser.


The item ID number for the item over which the pointer is located.


The property ID for the column in which the pointer is located. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.


A pointer to the bounding rectangle, in local coordinates, of the item.


A pointer to a rectangle structure that contains the local coordinates of the selection. If the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of this rectangle are identical, then a single point is being tested. If they differ, then the data browser is testing to see whether your custom item is inside of the bounding rectangle of a selection.

Return Value

Your application returns a true value for either of the following conditions:


The hit-test callback is called by the data browser when the user hovers the pointer over, clicks the mouse within, or drags within an item whose display type is kDataBrowserCustomType. Your callback can use the functions SetRect or SectRgn to determine if the selectable content of the custom item is part of the selection. Figure 2 illustrates a situation for which the selectable or draggable content area differs from the background area in which the item is displayed.

Figure 2  Differentiation between the selectable content and background

Differentiation between the selectable content and background

To provide a pointer to your hit-test callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserHitTestItemUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserHitTestUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserHitTestUPP MyDataBrowserHitTestUPP;
MyDataBrowserHitTestUPP = NewDataBrowserHitTestUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserHitTestUPP to the hitTestCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCustomCallbacks. You install your data browser custom callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserHitTestUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-accept-drag callback function that determines if a custom item can accept a drag object.

typedef DataBrowserDragFlags (*DataBrowserItemAcceptDragProcPtr)  (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   DragRef theDrag

You would declare an item-accept-drag callback function named MyDataBrowserItemAcceptDragCallback like this:

DataBrowserDragFlags MyDataBrowserItemAcceptDragCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   DragRef theDrag


A data browser.


The item ID number for the item the drag object is held over. If the drag object is over the data browser but not over any specific item, the item parameter contains the item ID that represents one of the following:

  • The target in list view. (See SetDataBrowserTarget.)

  • The column the drag object is over in column view


The property ID of the column the dragged object is over. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.


A pointer to the bounding rectangle of the item, in local coordinates relative to the current port.


The drag reference provided by the data browser to your callback.

Return Value

If your callback determines the drag object can be accepted, return a nonzero value that has the bit kDataBrowserItemIsDragTarget set. Otherwise return kDataBrowserItemNoState. The return value is then passed to your item-receive-drag callback in the dragFlags parameter.


The item-accept-drag callback is called by the data browser for an item whose display type is kDataBrowserCustomType when a drag object is moved over the item. Your application determines whether or not the associated item can accept the drag object. If the item cannot accept the drag object, return 0. Otherwise, if the item is an acceptable drop location for the drag object, return a nonzero value.

If the drag object was acceptable and the drop occurs over that same item ID and property ID pair, the DataBrowserDragFlags values you returned from your item-accept-drag callback are passed in the dragFlags parameter to your item-receive-drag callback. This allows you to generate state information during drag tracking that can be communicated to you at drop time.

Do not call the function SetOrigin in this or any of the other drag processing callbacks.

To provide a pointer to your item-accept-drag callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP MyDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP;
MyDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP = NewDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP to the itemAcceptDragCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCustomCallbacks. You install your data browser custom callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-comparison callback function that orders the values displayed in a column.

typedef Boolean (*DataBrowserItemCompareProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemOne,
   DataBrowserItemID itemTwo,
   DataBrowserPropertyID sortProperty

You would declare an item-comparison callback function named MyDataBrowserItemCompareCallback like this:

Boolean MyDataBrowserItemCompareCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemOne,
   DataBrowserItemID itemTwo,
   DataBrowserPropertyID sortProperty


A data browser.


The item ID of the first item to use in the comparison.


The item ID of the second item to use in the comparison.


The property ID for the column to sort. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.

Return Value

Your callback returns true if the value of the data referenced by itemOne is less than the value of the data referenced by itemTwo. It returns false if the value of the data referenced by itemOne is greater than or equal to the value of the data referenced by itemTwo.


The item-comparison callback is called by the data browser when it needs to order the values displayed in a column. Your callback determines the display type of the data, then carries out the appropriate comparison for that data.

If you want your callback to use secondary and tertiary sorting, your application must keep track of previous sorting operations. Then you must make sure that each time a user clicks a column, the column is sorted, but the associated sorting orders for secondary and tertiary items in the column are preserved.

To provide a pointer to your item-comparison callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemCompareUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemCompareUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserItemCompareUPP MyDataBrowserItemCompareUPP;
MyDataBrowserItemCompareUPP = NewDataBrowserItemCompareUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserItemCompareUPP to the itemCompareCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemCompareUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-data callback function that gets and sets properties for individual items in a data browser.

typedef OSStatus (*DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   Boolean setValue

You would declare an item-data callback function named MyDataBrowserItemDataCallback like this:

OSStatus MyDataBrowserItemDataCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData,
   Boolean setValue


The data browser.


The item ID of the item whose data is set or obtained.


A property ID. This value can be any of the following:

  • A four-character sequence that you assign to represent a column in list view.

  • Any of the API-defined properties, such as kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty for a column in column view or kDataBrowserItemIsContainerProperty for an item in list or column view that has children. See “Properties” for a complete list and more information on the API-defined properties.


The data buffer that either contains the data to set or receives the data to obtain.


A value that indicates whether data is to be obtained or set. This value is false if your application needs to set the value of the item by calling one of the set functions described in the section “Getting and Setting Item Data.” This value is true if the value of the item has changed. In this case, you should call the appropriate get function, passing the item data reference provided to you in the itemData parameter.

Return Value

A result code. See “Data Browser Result Codes.”


The item-data callback communicates data between the data browser and your application. When the data browser needs to display a value for an item, it invokes your callback to request the data. If the user changes the value, the data browser invokes your callback with a new copy of the data that you can use to replace your application’s internal copy. Your application must supply an item-data callback; otherwise, your data browser will not contain any data.

Your callback determines the kind of data is associated with an item and whether data needs to be obtained or set. Then, your callback takes the appropriate action by calling one of the functions listed in “Getting and Setting Item Data.”

To provide a pointer to your item-data callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemDataUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemDataUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserItemDataUPP MyDataBrowserItemDataUPP;
MyDataBrowserItemDataUPP = NewDataBrowserItemDataUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserItemDataUPP to the itemDataCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemDataUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-drag-region callback function that determines which part of the item rectangle to use when creating a transparent image for a dragged custom item.

typedef void (*DataBrowserItemDragRgnProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   RgnHandle dragRgn

You would declare an item-drag-region callback function named MyDataBrowserItemDragRgnCallback like this:

void MyDataBrowserItemDragRgnCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   RgnHandle dragRgn


A data browser.


The item ID number for the row for which the drag image is generated.


The property ID for the column for which the drag image is generated. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.


A pointer to the bounding rectangle of the item, in local coordinates.


On return, the drag region set to the portion of the rectangle to use for the transparent drag image. Typically this is the boundary of the content area inside your custom item. This region is used as a mask when passed to your custom draw-item callback.


The item-drag-region callback is called by the data browser for an item whose display type is kDataBrowserCustomType when a drag is about to begin. Your application determines which part of the item rectangle to use when creating the transparent image that appears during a drag operation. The data browser uses this area as a clipping region when it invokes your draw-item callback.

Do not call the function SetOrigin in this or any of the other drag processing callbacks.

To provide a pointer to your item-drag-region callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP MyDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP;
MyDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP = NewDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP to the itemDragRgnCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCustomCallbacks. You install your data browser custom callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-help-content callback function that provides help tag content for an item.

typedef void (*DataBrowserItemHelpContentProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   HMContentRequest inRequest,
   HMContentProvidedType *outContentProvided,
   HMHelpContentPtr ioHelpContent

You would declare an item-help-content callback function named MyDataBrowserItemHelpContentCallback like this:

void DataBrowserItemHelpContentCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   HMContentRequest inRequest,
   HMContentProvidedType *outContentProvided,
   HMHelpContentPtr ioHelpContent


A data browser.


The item ID of the item to provide help for.


The property ID of the column to provide help for. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.


On input, a value that indicates the nature of the help tag content request. Your callback is passed one of the following constants:

  • kHMSupplyContent indicates your callback needs to supply help content.

  • kHMDisposeContent indicates your callback must dispose of help content.


On input, a help-content-type variable. On return, the variable is set to one of the following constants that indicate whether your item-help callback was able to fulfill the request specified in the inRequest parameter:

  • kHMContentProvided indicates help content is provided in the ioHelpContent parameter.

  • kHMContentNotProvided indicates help content is not provided. When your callback returns this constant, the Carbon Help Manager consults other help content providers in the hierarchy until the request for help tag content is fulfilled, the top of the hierarchy is reached, or a help tag callback notifies the Carbon Help Manager to stop propagating the request.

  • kHMContentNotProvidedDontPropagate indicates help content is not provided. When your callback returns this constant, the Carbon Help Manager assumes that there is no help content for the data browser item and does not propagate the request.

See Carbon Help Manager Reference for more information on these constants.


A help tag structure that describes the help tag for the item. On input, the data browser passes a value in the version field. If the value of the inRequest parameter is kHMSupplyContent, your callback must fill in the remaining fields of the structure or specify that it is unable to fulfill the help tag content request.


The item-help-content callback is called by the data browser when the user hovers the pointer over an item in a data browser for which you’ve registered a help tag callback. Your application fills in the help tag structure pointed to by the ioHelpContent parameter.

When the help tag for the item is no longer needed, the data browser invokes your callback with a kHMDisposeContent request. When you receive this request, free any memory allocated for the help tag content and perform any other cleanup tasks that are necessary.

To provide a pointer to your item-help-content callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP MyDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP;
MyDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP = NewDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP to the itemHelpContentCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-notification callback function that notifies your application of changes in the data browser.

typedef void (*DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemNotification message

You would declare an item-notification callback function named MyDataBrowserItemNotificationCallback like this:

void MyDataBrowserItemNotificationCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemNotification message


A data browser.


The item ID of the item that generated the notification.


A notification. See “Item Notifications” for a description of the values that can be provided to your callback.


The item-notification callback is called by the data browser to notify your application of actions taken by the user (such as editing started, container opened, container closed) or any other condition that your application might choose to respond to. Your item-notification callback can evaluate the notification and take appropriate action.

To provide a pointer to your item-notification callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP MyDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP;
MyDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP = NewDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP to the itemNotificationCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemNotificationUPP function.

Special Considerations

In CarbonLib the item-notification callback is invoked with the three parameters shown in DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr. The four-parameter version—DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr—does not provide valid data in the fourth parameter. Any attempt to use the invalid data in a CarbonLib application may result in a crash.

In Mac OS X, the item-notification callback is invoked with the four parameters shown in DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr. In Mac OS X you have the option of using the DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr or the DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr. Which one you choose depends on whether your application needs to use the data passed to your callback in the fourth parameter (the itemData parameter).

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-notification-with-data callback function that notifies your application of changes in the data browser and supplies any data associated with the changes.

typedef void (*DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemNotification message,
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData

You would declare an item-notification-with-data callback function named MyDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemCallback like this:

void MyDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemNotification message,
   DataBrowserItemDataRef itemData


A data browser.


The item ID of the item that generated the notification.


A notification. See “Item Notifications” for a description of the values that can be provided to your callback.


The data associated with the changes in the data browser that caused this callback to be invoked. You pass this data to functions that get and set item data (such as SetDataBrowserItemDataIcon, SetDataBrowserItemDataText, GetDataBrowserItemDataIcon, and GetDataBrowserItemDataText). See “Getting and Setting Item Data” for a list of all the function that can use item data.


The item-notification-with-data callback is called by the data browser to notify your application of actions taken by the user (such as editing started, container opened, container closed) or any other condition that your application might choose to respond to. Your item-notification-with-data callback can evaluate the notification and take appropriate action. Unlike the callback DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr, the callback DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr provides a fourth parameter that contains any data associated with the item from which the notification is generated. This data is available only to Mac OS X applications. See Special Considerations for more details.

To provide a pointer to your item-notification-with-data callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

MyDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP =

You can then assign MyDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP to the itemNotificationCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemUPP function.

Special Considerations

In CarbonLib the item-notification callback is invoked with the three parameters shown in DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr. The four-parameter version (DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr) does not provide valid data in the fourth parameter. Any attempt to use the invalid data in a CarbonLib application may result in a crash.

In Mac OS X, the item-notification callback is invoked with the four parameters shown in DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr. In Mac OS X you have the option of using the DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr or the DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr. Which one you choose depends on whether your application needs to use the data passed to your callback in the fourth parameter (itemData).

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-iterator callback function that is applied by the function ForEachDataBrowserItem to each item in a data browser.

typedef void (*DataBrowserItemProcPtr) (
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemState state,
   void *clientData

You would declare an item-iterator callback function named MyDataBrowserItemCallback like this:

void MyDataBrowserItemCallback (
   DataBrowserItemID item,
   DataBrowserItemState state,
   void *clientData


The item ID of the item to operate on.


The state of the item. See “Item States” for a description of possible states. If the functionForEachDataBrowserItem is set up to operate on items of a specified state, then the state passed to your callback includes the state specified as a parameter to ForEachDataBrowserItem.


A pointer to a buffer, local variable, or other storage location created and disposed of by your application, and supplied to the data browser with a previous call to ForEachDataBrowserItem.


An item-iterator callback is supplied as a parameter to the function ForEachDataBrowserItem. The function applies your callback to each data item that meets the criteria specified by the function ForEachDataBrowserItem.

To provide a pointer to your item-iterator callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserItemUPP MyDataBrowserItemUPP;
MyDataBrowserItemUPP = NewDataBrowserItemUPP

You can then pass MyDataBrowserItemUPP in the callback parameter of the function ForEachDataBrowserItem. When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to an item-receive-drag callback function that receives a drop over a custom item.

typedef Boolean (*DataBrowserItemReceiveDragProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserDragFlags dragFlags,
   DragRef theDrag

You would declare an item-receive-drag callback function named MyDataBrowserItemReceiveDragCallback like this:

Boolean MyDataBrowserItemReceiveDragCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   DataBrowserDragFlags dragFlags,
   DragRef theDrag


A data browser.


The item ID number for the item over which the drop occurred.


The property ID for the column in which the drop occurred. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.


A drag flag. This value is kDataBrowserItemIsDragTarget if your item-accept-drag callback determined the drag object can be accepted.


The drag reference provided by the data browser to your callback.

Return Value

A value that indicates whether the drop is received. Your callback returns true if it successfully receives the drag object. If it returns false, zoom-back animation occurs.


After your item-accept-drag callback has determined that a location can accept a drag object and after a drop operation occurs, the data browser calls your item-receive-drag callback. Your application takes whatever actions necessary to add the dropped data to the data browser.

Do not call the function SetOrigin in this or any of the drag processing callbacks.

To provide a pointer to your item-receive-drag callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP MyDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP;
MyDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP = NewDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP to the itemReceiveDragCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCustomCallbacks. You install your data browser custom callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to a postprocess-drag callback function that performs necessary cleanup tasks, such as deallocating resources that were allocated by your other drag processing callbacks.

typedef void (*DataBrowserPostProcessDragProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragRef theDrag,
   OSStatus trackDragResult

You would declare a postprocess-drag callback function named MyDataBrowserPostProcessDragCallback like this:

void MyDataBrowserPostProcessDragCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragRef theDrag,
   OSStatus trackDragResult


A data browser.


The drag reference provided by the data browser to your callback.


The result returned by the function TrackDrag and passed to your callback by the data browser.


This callback is called after starting a drag from within the data browser. It is not called if the drag originated from somewhere else.

The postprocess-drag callback is called by the data browser after a drag process is complete and any drag processing callback routines you installed (add drag, accept drag, or receive drag callbacks) were called during the drag operation. Your postprocess-drag callback deallocates any resources that were allocated by your other drag-processing callbacks. Your postprocess-drag callback is called immediately before the drag reference is deallocated by the data browser so your application should not assume the drag reference exists after your callback completes.

To provide a pointer to your postprocess-drag callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP MyDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP;
MyDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP = NewDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP to the postProcessDragCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to a receive-drag callback function that extract items from a drag object and handles the drag item appropriately.

typedef Boolean (*DataBrowserReceiveDragProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragRef theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item

You would declare a receive-drag callback function named MyDataBrowserReceiveDragCallback like this:

Boolean MyDataBrowserReceiveDragCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DragRef theDrag,
   DataBrowserItemID item


A data browser.


The drag reference provided by the data browser to your callback.


The item ID of the item over which the drop operation occurred. If the drag object is over the data browser, but not over any specific item, the item parameter contains the item ID that represents one of the following:

  • In list view, the target. (See SetDataBrowserTarget.)

  • In column view, the item ID that represents the column the drag object is over

Return Value

Your callback returns true if it successfully processes the information in the drag object. Otherwise, your callback returns false to have zoom-back animation occur for the drag object, thereby indicating to the user that the drag operation was not successful.


The receive-drag callback is called by the data browser when your application needs to receive a drag object. Your application extracts the items it needs from the drag object and processes them appropriately.

To provide a pointer to your receive-drag callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP MyDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP;
MyDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP = NewDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP to the receiveDragCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserReceiveDragUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to a select-contextual-menu callback function that processes a contextual menu selection.

typedef void (*DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuProcPtr) (
   ControlRef browser,
   MenuRef menu,
   UInt32 selectionType,
   SInt16 menuID,
   MenuItemIndex menuItem

You would declare a select-contextual-menu callback function named MyDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuCallback like this:

void MyDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   MenuRef menu,
   UInt32 selectionType,
   SInt16 menuID,
   MenuItemIndex menuItem


A data browser.


On input, the menu reference your application provided to the data browser in the callback DataBrowserGetContextualMenuProcPtr.


On input, the selection type provided to the data browser from the Menu Manager function ContextualMenuSelect.


On input, the menu ID of the menu selected. This value is 0 if no selection was made.


The menu item index of the item selected.


The select-contextual-menu callback is called by the data browser when the user finishes interacting with a contextual menu. Your callback needs to:

To provide a pointer to your select-contextual-menu callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP MyDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP;
MyDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP =

You can then assign MyDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP to the selectContextualMenuCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCallbacks. You install your data browser callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP function.

Declared In


Defines a pointer to a tracking callback function that implements tracking behavior for such tasks as highlighting a button or providing animation when the user clicks a custom item.

typedef DataBrowserTrackingResult (*DataBrowserTrackingProcPtr)  (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   Point startPt,
   EventModifiers modifiers

You would declare a tracking callback function named MyDataBrowserTrackingCallback like this:

DataBrowserTrackingResult MyDataBrowserTrackingCallback (
   ControlRef browser,
   DataBrowserItemID itemID,
   DataBrowserPropertyID property,
   const Rect *theRect,
   Point startPt,
   EventModifiers modifiers


A data browser.


The item ID number for the item the user clicked.


The property ID for the column in which the pointer is located. In list view, this is the four-character sequence that you previously assigned to the column. In column view, this is the property kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty.


A pointer to the bounding rectangle of the item, in local coordinates relative to the current port.


The location of the pointer at the start of the click.


The state of the modifier keys. See Carbon Event Manager Reference in Carbon Events & Other Input Documentation for a list of the constants that can be passed to your callback.

Return Value

A tracking result that indicates whether further processing is required by the data browser. Your callback returns kDataBrowserStopTracking, kDataBrowserContentHit, or kDataBrowserNothingHit. See the Discussion for more details.


The tracking callback is called by the data browser for an item whose display type is kDataBrowserCustomType when a mouse click is inside the content area of the item. Your tracking callback is called only for mouse-down events and only after your DataBrowserHitTestProcPtr callback returns true. Your tracking callback performs one of following tasks:

To provide a pointer to your tracking callback, you create a universal procedure pointer (UPP) of type DataBrowserTrackingUPP, using the function NewDataBrowserTrackingUPP. You can do so with code similar to the following:

DataBrowserTrackingUPP MyDataBrowserTrackingUPP;
MyDataBrowserTrackingUPP = NewDataBrowserTrackingUPP

You can then assign MyDataBrowserTrackingUPP to the trackingCallback field of the structure DataBrowserCustomCallbacks. You install your data browser custom callbacks using the function SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

When you no longer need the UPP, remove it using the DisposeDataBrowserTrackingUPP function.

Declared In

Data Types


Contains a structure that describes data browser accessibility item information.

struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfo {
   UInt32 version;
   union {
      DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV0 v0;
      DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV1 v1;
   } u;
   typedef struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV0 v0;
   typedef struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV1 v1;


Identifies how to interpret the following union. Set this field to 0 if you fill out the union’s data in the form of a DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV0 structure. Set this field to 1 if you fill out the union’s data in the form of a DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV1 structure.


A DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV0 structure.


A DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV1 structure.


Contains a description of data browser accessibility item information.

struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV0 {
   DataBrowserItemID container;
   DataBrowserItemID item;
   DataBrowserPropertyID columnProperty;
   DataBrowserPropertyPart propertyPart;
typedef struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV0  DataBrowserAccessibilityInfoV0;


The DataBrowserItemID of the container the AXUIElementRef represents or lives within. Even kDataBrowserNoItem might be meaningful, since it is the root container ID if you haven’t overridden it via SetDataBrowserTarget. In list view, the container helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to either a disclosed child of another row, or the list as a whole. In column view, the container helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to a column. See also the description of the columnProperty field.


The DataBrowserItemID of the item the AXUIElementRef represents or lives within. If item is kDataBrowserNoItem, the AXUIElementRef represents just the container. In list view, item helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to a row or the root container as a whole. In column view, item helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to a cell or a column as a whole. See also the description of the columnProperty field.


The DataBrowserPropertyID of the column the AXUIElementRef represents or lives within. If columnProperty is kDataBrowserItemNoProperty and item is not kDataBrowserNoItem, the AXUIElementRef represents a whole row. In list view, this field helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to a cell or a row as a whole. In column view, columnProperty must always be set to kDataBrowserItemNoProperty unless the AXUIElementRef represents the preview column. When the AXUIElementRef represents the preview column, columnProperty must always be set to kDataBrowserColumnViewPreviewProperty and the other fields of this structure must be set to 0 or the equivalent constant.


The DataBrowserPropertyPart of the sub-cell part the AXUIElementRef represents. Examples include the disclosure triangle in a cell, the text in a cell, and the check box in a cell. If propertyPart is kDataBrowserPropertyEnclosingPart and columnProperty is not kDataBrowserItemNoProperty, the AXUIElementRef represents the cell as a whole. In both list view and column view, this field helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to either a sub-cell part or a cell as a whole. For column view, see also the description of the columnProperty field.


Contains a description of data browser accessibility item information that includes a row and a column index.

struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV1 {
   DataBrowserItemID container;
   DataBrowserItemID item;
   DataBrowserPropertyID columnProperty;
   DataBrowserPropertyPart propertyPart;
   DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex rowIndex;
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex columnIndex;
typedef struct DataBrowserAccessibilityItemInfoV1  DataBrowserAccessibilityInfoV1;


The DataBrowserItemID of the container the AXUIElementRef represents or lives within. Even kDataBrowserNoItem might be meaningful, since it is the root container ID if you haven’t overridden it via SetDataBrowserTarget. In list view, the container helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to either a disclosed child of another row, or the list as a whole. In column view, the container helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to a column. See also the description of the columnProperty field.


The DataBrowserItemID of the item the AXUIElementRef represents or lives within. If item is kDataBrowserNoItem, the AXUIElementRef represents just the container. In list view, item helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to a row or the root container as a whole. In column view, item helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to a cell or a column as a whole. See also the description of the columnProperty field.


The DataBrowserPropertyID of the column the AXUIElementRef represents or lives within. If columnProperty is kDataBrowserItemNoProperty and item is not kDataBrowserNoItem, the AXUIElementRef represents a whole row. In list view, this field helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to a cell or a row as a whole. In column view, columnProperty must always be set to kDataBrowserItemNoProperty unless the AXUIElementRef represents the preview column. When the AXUIElementRef represents the preview column, columnProperty must always be set to kDataBrowserColumnViewPreviewProperty and the other fields of this structure must be set to 0 or the equivalent constant.


The DataBrowserPropertyPart of the sub-cell part the AXUIElementRef represents. Examples include the disclosure triangle in a cell, the text in a cell, and the check box in a cell. If propertyPart is kDataBrowserPropertyEnclosingPart and columnProperty is not kDataBrowserItemNoProperty, the AXUIElementRef represents the cell as a whole. In both list view and column view, this field helps narrow down the AXUIElementRef to either a sub-cell part or a cell as a whole. For column view, see also the description of the columnProperty field.


The zero-based DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex of the row specified by the other parts of this structure. If the other parts of this structure do not specify a row or a part thereof, this field must be set to 0. Because this field is zero based, you must test the other parts of this structure to see whether this field is meaningful. In list view, when the other parts of this structure specify an item or part thereof, this field must be set to the row index at which the specified item can be found. In column view, when the other parts of this structure specify a cell or part thereof, this field must be set to the row index at which the specified cell can be found.


The zero-based DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex of the column specified by the other parts of this structure. If the other parts of this structure do not specify a column or a part thereof, this field must be set to zero. Because this field is zero based, you must test the other parts this structure to see whether this field is meaningful. In list view, when the other parts of this structure specify a cell or part thereof, this field must be set to the column index at which the specified cell can be found. In column view, when the other parts of this structure specify a column or part thereof, this field must be set to the column index at which the specified cell can be found.


Contains property and display information for a list view column.

struct DataBrowserPropertyDesc {
   DataBrowserPropertyID propertyID;
   DataBrowserPropertyType propertyType;
   DataBrowserPropertyFlags propertyFlags;
typedef struct DataBrowserPropertyDesc DataBrowserPropertyDesc;


A four-character sequence that uniquely identifies the column. If you use Interface Builder to design the data browser, this is the unique value you enter in the Property ID field in the column paned of the Info window for a list view column. (For example, mTxt or BLUE). The four-character sequence must have at least one uppercase letter in it because sequences that are all lowercase are reserved for Apple.


The data type or control type to be displayed in the column. See “Display Types” for a list of the possible values for this field.


A value that contains property flags that control the display or interaction provided by the column. This is a 32-bit value that is divided into four parts as follows:

Declared In


Contains universal procedure pointers (UPPs) to callback functions used to obtain information from your application or notify your application of changes to the data browser.

struct DataBrowserCallbacks {
   UInt32 version
   union {
      struct {
         DataBrowserItemDataUPP itemDataCallback;
         DataBrowserItemCompareUPP itemCompareCallback;
         DataBrowserItemNotificationUPP itemNotificationCallback;
         DataBrowserAddDragItemUPP addDragItemCallback;
         DataBrowserAcceptDragUPP acceptDragCallback;
         DataBrowserReceiveDragUPP receiveDragCallback;
         DataBrowserPostProcessDragUPP postProcessDragCallback;
         DataBrowserItemHelpContentUPP itemHelpContentCallback;
         DataBrowserGetContextualMenuUPP getContextualMenuCallback;
         DataBrowserSelectContextualMenuUPP selectContextualMenuCallback;
      } v1;
   } u;
typedef struct DataBrowserCallbacks DataBrowserCallbacks;


The version of the custom callbacks structure. Set this field to the constant kDataBrowserLatestCallbacks.


A universal procedure pointer to an item-data callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an item-compare callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an item-notification callback or item-notification-with-data callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an add-drag-item callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an accept-drag callback.


A universal procedure pointer to a receive-drag callback.


A universal procedure pointer to a postprocess-drag callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an item-help-content callback.


A universal procedure pointer to a get-contextual-menu callback.


A universal procedure pointer to a select-contextual-menu callback.


Your application does not need to fill out the entire data structure. It must provide a UPP to an item-data callback. You provide UPPs only for the other tasks your application wants to handle. For more information on installing callbacks, see the functions InitDataBrowserCallbacks and SetDataBrowserCallbacks.

Declared In


Contains universal procedure pointers (UPPs) to callback functions that implement custom drawing and user interaction for columns that have the display type kDataBrowserCustomType.

struct DataBrowserCustomCallbacks {
   UInt32 version
   union {
      struct {
         DataBrowserDrawItemUPP drawItemCallback;
         DataBrowserEditItemUPP editTextCallback;
         DataBrowserHitTestUPP hitTestCallback;
         DataBrowserTrackingUPP trackingCallback;
         DataBrowserItemDragRgnUPP dragRegionCallback;
         DataBrowserItemAcceptDragUPP acceptDragCallback;
         DataBrowserItemReceiveDragUPP receiveDragCallback;
      } v1;
   } u;
typedef struct DataBrowserCustomCallbacks DataBrowserCustomCallbacks;


The version of the custom callbacks structure. Use kDataBrowserLatestCustomCallbacks.


A universal procedure pointer to a draw-item callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an edit-text callback.


A universal procedure pointer to a hit-test callback


A universal procedure pointer to a tracking callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an item-drag-region callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an item-accept-drag callback.


A universal procedure pointer to an item-receive-drag callback.


Your application can use the DataBrowserCustomCallbacks structure to provide callbacks that control the presentation of user interface elements displayed inside a data browser. Your application does not need to fill out the entire data structure. You need to provide UPPs only for tasks your application wants to handle. For more information on installing callbacks, see the functions InitDataBrowserCustomCallbacks and SetDataBrowserCustomCallbacks.

Declared In


Defines a data type for values used in drag callbacks.

typedef unsigned long DataBrowserDragFlags;


This data type is used as a return value for the item-accept-drag callback (DataBrowserItemAcceptDragProcPtr) and as a parameter to the item-receive-drag callback (DataBrowserItemReceiveDragProcPtr). The values associated with this data type are kDataBrowserItemIsDragTarget and kDataBrowserItemNoState. See “Item States” for more information on these constants.

Declared In


Defines a data type for a pointer that specifies an item.

typedef void *DataBrowserItemDataRef;


Functions listed in “Getting and Setting Item Data” are called from within a data browser item-data callback routine (DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr). Each of these functions use a DataBrowserItemDataRef data type to specify the item to get or set data for.

Declared In


Defines a data type for a value that identifies an item independent of its position in a data browser.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserItemID;

Declared In


Defines a data type for a value that specifies the behavior and look of a data browser.

typedef unsigned long DataBrowserPropertyFlags;


These constants in the following sections are DataBrowserPropertyFlags data types:

Declared In


Defines a data type for a value that identifies a column independent of its position in a data browser.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserPropertyID;


Typically, this is a four-character sequence that you assign to represent a column in list view. For example, a column that displays song titles could be assigned a property ID of SONG and you’d assign it to a constant in your application using code similar to the following:

kSongColumn = SONG;

Then, each time call a function that requires a parameter of type DataBrowserPropertyID, supply the appropriate application-defined constant.

Declared In


Defines a data type for a value that specifies a row position in a table view.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserTableViewRowIndex;


Row indices are zero based.

Declared In


Defines a data type for a value that specifies column position in a table view.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserTableViewColumnIndex;


This data type is typically used for table-view formatting. Column indices are zero based.

Declared In


Defines a data type for a value that identifies a column independent of its position in a data browser.

typedef DataBrowserPropertyID DataBrowserTableViewColumnID;


For details on using this data type, see DataBrowserPropertyID.

Declared In


Defines a data type for a table view column description.

typedef DataBrowserPropertyDesc DataBrowserTableViewColumnDesc;


See the DataBrowserPropertyDesc data structure for more information.

Declared In


Describes the appearance of a column title in list view.

struct DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc {
   UInt32 version;
   UInt16 minimumWidth;
   UInt16 maximumWidth;
   SInt16 titleOffset;
   CFStringRef titleString;
   DataBrowserSortOrder initialOrder;
   ControlFontStyleRec btnFontStyle;
   ControlButtonContentInfo btnContentInfo;
typedef struct DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc;


The format of the structure. Set this field to the value kDataBrowserListViewLatestHeaderDesc.


For resizable columns, the smallest width to which the column can be resized. If the column is not resizable, set this to the same value as the maximumWidth field.


For resizable columns, the largest width to which the column can be resized. If the column is not resizable, set this to the same value as the minimumWidth field.


An offset, in pixels, from the left side of the column that specifies where the title text will be drawn. The title alignment (set in the just field of the btnFontStyle parameter) and the titleOffset values dictate the alignment and offset (inset by default) of the content of the column when displaying one of he predefined display types. Typically the title offset is set to 0.


The text to use for the column title. Set the string to NULL if you do not want to display a title.


The initial sorting order to use for the column when the column is the current sort column. After the data browser is visible, the user can change the sorting order. You can assign one of the following values:

  • kDataBrowserOrderIncreasing means this column sorts in ascending order.

  • kDataBrowserOrderDecreasing means this column sorts in descending order.


A structure that describes the contents of the column heading and how to draw them. This allows you to customize the font that the column title is drawn with, which is independent of the font used to draw the data in the column.


A structure that defines the icon, if any, to use for the column heading.

Declared In


Contains property information for a list view column and specifies display information for the column title.

struct DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc {
   DataBrowserTableViewColumnDesc propertyDesc;
   DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc headerBtnDesc;
typedef struct DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc DataBrowserListViewColumnDesc;


A structure that contains property and display information for a column. See DataBrowserTableViewColumnDesc for more information.


A structure that contains display information for the column title. See DataBrowserListViewHeaderDesc for more information.

Declared In


Defines the HIObject class ID for the HIDataBrowser class.

#define kHIDataBrowserClassID CFSTR("");



Callback Data Structure Version

Specifies the version of the latest standard callback data structure.

enum {
   kDataBrowserLatestCallbacks = 0


A convenience constant used in the DataBrowserCallbacks data structure to specify the version of the structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Control Data Tags

Define data-browser-specific tags for use with the Control Manager functions GetControlData and SetControlData.

enum {
   kControlDataBrowserIncludesFrameAndFocusTag = 'brdr',
   kControlDataBrowserKeyFilterTag = kControlEditTextKeyFilterTag,
   kControlDataBrowserEditTextKeyFilterTag =
   kControlDataBrowserEditTextValidationProcTag =


Include the frame and user focus. The associated data is of type Boolean.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Use a filter. The associated data is a universal procedure pointer to a ControlKeyFilterProcPtr callback. This callback is invoked when the user edits an item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Use a text filter. This is a duplicate of kControlDataBrowserKeyFilterTag.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Use a callback to validate the text. The associated data is a universal procedure pointer to a ControlEditTextValidataionProcPtr callback. This callback is invoked when the user finishes editing an item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


You can use these options with the Control Manger functions GetControlData and SetControlData.

Custom Callback Data Structure Version

Specifies the version of the latest custom callback data structure.

enum {
   kDataBrowserLatestCustomCallbacks = 0


A convenience constant used in the DataBrowserCustomCallbacks data structure to specify the version of the structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Data Browser Attributes

Specifies data browser attribute constants.

enum {
kDataBrowserAttributeNone = 0,
kDataBrowserAttributeColumnViewResizeWindow = (1 << 0),
kDataBrowserAttributeListViewAlternatingRowColors = (1 <<
kDataBrowserAttributeListViewDrawColumnDividers = (1 << 2)


The data browser has no attributes.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


In column view, this data browser is allowed to resize the owning window whenever necessary. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, situations where column resize operations need more visible space in the window. If you turn this attribute on, your window must tolerate being resized behind your application’s back. If your window needs to react to bounds changes, use a kEventWindowBoundsChanged event handler. If you need to constrain your window’s minimum and maximum bounds, use the kEventWindowGetMinimumSize and kEventWindowGetMaximumSize handlers, the SetWindowResizeLimits function, or something similar.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


In list view, this data browser should draw alternating row background colors. However, note that this attribute does not work with variable row heights as of Mac OS X v10.4.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


In list view, this data browser should draw a vertical line between the columns.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Use these constants in conjunction with DataBrowserGetAttributes and DataBrowserChangeAttributes.


Data Browser Control Kind Tag

Specifies the control type is a data browser.

enum {
kControlKindDataBrowser       = 'datb'


The data browser control type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


When you call the function GetControlKind with a control reference that represents a data browser, you obtain the data browser tag kControlKindDataBrowser as the control type.

Data Browser Metric Values

Specifies constants used by DataBrowserSetMetric.

enum {
kDataBrowserMetricCellContentInset = 1,
kDataBrowserMetricIconAndTextGap = 2,
kDataBrowserMetricDisclosureColumnEdgeInset = 3,
kDataBrowserMetricDisclosureTriangleAndContentGap = 4,
kDataBrowserMetricDisclosureColumnPerDepthGap = 5,
kDataBrowserMetricLast = kDataBrowserMetricDisclosureColumnPerDepthGap
typedef UInt32 DataBrowserMetric;


The content (icon, text, etc.) within a cell is drawn a certain amount in from the left and right edges of the cell. This metric governs the amount of inset.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


This metric controls the space between the icon and text within a column of type kDataBrowserIconAndTextType.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


In list view only, this metric is used instead of (not in addition to) DataBrowserMetricCellContentInset for the side of the cell in the disclosure column that displays the disclosure triangle.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


In list view only, this metric controls the amount of space between the disclosure triangle and the cell’s content.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


In list view only, this metric controls the amount of space in the disclosure column for each level of indentation in progressively deeper hierarchies of disclosed items.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Same as kDataBrowserMetricDisclosureColumnPerDepthGap.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Display Types

Specify a data type or control to display in a column.

typedef OSType DataBrowserPropertyType;
enum {
   kDataBrowserCustomType = 0x3F3F3F3F,
   kDataBrowserIconType = 'icnr',
   kDataBrowserTextType = 'text',
   kDataBrowserDateTimeType = 'date',
   kDataBrowserSliderType = 'sldr',
   kDataBrowserCheckboxType = 'chbx',
   kDataBrowserProgressBarType = 'prog',
   kDataBrowserRelevanceRankType = 'rank',
   kDataBrowserPopupMenuType = 'menu',
   kDataBrowserIconAndTextType = 'ticn'


Displays custom data defined by your application. You must install callbacks to handle items of this type. Use custom types with caution. In some cases custom types do not display properly or exhibit the appropriate behavior.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays icons. The associated data for the icon can be of type IconRef, IconTransformType, and RGBColor.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays text. The associated data is a CFString object.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays date and time information. The associated data can be of type DateTime or LongDateTime.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays slider controls. The associated data are values that define the minimum and maximum values and the current value for the slider. Avoid using slider controls in a data browser because, in some cases, they do not display properly onscreen.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays checkbox controls. The associated data is the current value of the checkbox and a ThemeButtonValue value. Avoid using checkbox controls in a data browser because, in some cases, they do not display properly onscreen.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays progress bar controls. The associated data are values that define the minimum and maximum values and the current setting for the progress bar.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays relevance indicators. The associated data are values that define the minimum and maximum values and the current setting for the relevance indicator. Avoid using relevance indicators in a data browser because, in some cases, they do not display properly onscreen.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays pop-up menus. The associated data is a MenuRef data type, a menu item ID, and the value of the pop-up menu, which indicates the item of the menu to draw in the pop-up menu. Avoid using pop-up menu controls in a data browser because, in some cases, they do not display properly onscreen.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Displays icon and text data. The associated data can be of any data type used for icons or text, such as an IconRef data type and a CFString object.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


You can use these constants to define what is displayed in a column. Each constant defines a presentation style and implies a specific set of primitive types or data structures.

Editing Commands

Specifies editing actions to apply to a data browser item.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserEditCommand;
enum {
   kDataBrowserEditMsgUndo = kHICommandUndo,
   kDataBrowserEditMsgRedo = kHICommandRedo,
   kDataBrowserEditMsgCut = kHICommandCut,
   kDataBrowserEditMsgCopy = kHICommandCopy,
   kDataBrowserEditMsgPaste = kHICommandPaste,
   kDataBrowserEditMsgClear = kHICommandClear,
   kDataBrowserEditMsgSelectAll = kHICommandSelectAll


Undo the last editing operation.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Redo the last editing operation that was undone.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Cut the contents of the selection to the Clipboard.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Copy the contents of the selection o the Clipboard.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Replace the contents of the selection with the contents of the Clipboard.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Remove the contents of the selection.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Select all of the text inside of the current edit session.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


These options are for use with the functions EnableDataBrowserEditCommand and ExecuteDataBrowserEditCommand.

Item Notifications

Specify notifications provided by the data browser to your application.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserItemNotification;
enum {
   kDataBrowserItemAdded = 1,
   kDataBrowserItemRemoved = 2,
   kDataBrowserEditStarted = 3,
   kDataBrowserEditStopped = 4,
   kDataBrowserItemSelected = 5,
   kDataBrowserItemDeselected = 6,
   kDataBrowserItemDoubleClicked = 7,
   kDataBrowserContainerOpened = 8,
   kDataBrowserContainerClosing = 9,
   kDataBrowserContainerClosed = 10,
   kDataBrowserContainerSorting = 11,
   kDataBrowserContainerSorted = 12,
   kDataBrowserUserStateChanged = 13,
   kDataBrowserSelectionSetChanged = 14,
   kDataBrowserTargetChanged = 15,
   kDataBrowserUserToggledContainer = 16


The specified item has been added to a container in the data browser.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The specified item has been removed from a container in the data browser.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


An text editing session has started for the specified item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


An text editing session has stopped for the specified item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


An item has been added to the selection set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


An item has been removed from the selection set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The user double-clicked an item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


A container has been opened.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


A container is about to close. This notification is sent at the start of the close operation. The container still contains its child items and it is still valid to pass them to data browser functions. The data browser handles closing automatically, so typically applications do not look for this notification. You’d use this only if you are interested in fetching information on the items before the close actually happens.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


A container has been closed. This notification is sent after the close operation, so it is no longer valid to pass child items to data browser functions.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


A container is about to be sorted.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


A container has been sorted.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The user has reformatted the view for the target. For example, the user changed a sorting order or a column width.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The selection set has been modified.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The target has changed to the specified item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The user has toggled opened or closed a container by clicking a disclosure triangle.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


These notifications are used with the callbacks DataBrowserItemNotificationProcPtr and DataBrowserItemNotificationWithItemProcPtr. Notifications sent for containers are the same regardless of whether the container opens to an expandable row or to individual rows for each item in the container.

Item States

Indicate the current state of an item in the data browser.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserItemState;
enum {
   kDataBrowserItemNoState = 0,
   kDataBrowserItemAnyState = (unsigned long) (-1),
   kDataBrowserItemIsSelected = 1 << 0,
   kDataBrowserContainerIsOpen = 1 << 1,
   kDataBrowserItemIsDragTarget = 1 << 2


The state is undefined.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Any state is acceptable.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The item is selected.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The item container is open. This state applies to:

  • A parent item in a hierarchical list in list view

  • An item in column view if the item’s contents are displayed in the next column

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The item is a drag target.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

List View Header Description Version

Defines the version of the list view header description data structure.

enum {
   kDataBrowserListViewLatestHeaderDesc = 0


A convenience constant that specifies the version of the list view header description data structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

List View Append Column

Defines the last column as the column to use for an append operation.

enum {
   kDataBrowserListViewAppendColumn = kDataBrowserTableViewLastColumn


The column to use for an append operation.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

No Item Constant

Specifies that there is no item to provide or obtain.

enum {
   kDataBrowserNoItem = 0L


A convenience constant used when there is no item to provide or obtain. This value is of type DataBrowserItemID.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Specify attributes for items, containers, and columns.

enum {
   kDataBrowserItemNoProperty = 0L,
   kDataBrowserItemIsActiveProperty = 1L,
   kDataBrowserItemIsSelectableProperty = 2L,
   kDataBrowserItemIsEditableProperty = 3L,
   kDataBrowserItemIsContainerProperty = 4L,
   kDataBrowserContainerIsOpenableProperty = 5L,
   kDataBrowserContainerIsClosableProperty = 6L,
   kDataBrowserContainerIsSortableProperty = 7L,
   kDataBrowserItemSelfIdentityProperty = 8L,
   kDataBrowserContainerAliasIDProperty = 9L,
   kDataBrowserColumnViewPreviewProperty = 10L,
   kDataBrowserItemParentContainerProperty = 11L


No property; no associated data.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The active state of the item. The associated data is of type Boolean. The default value true indicates the item is active.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The selection capability of the item. The associated data is of type Boolean. The default value true indicates the item can be selected.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The editing capability of the item. The associated data is of type Boolean. The default value false indicates the item cannot be edited.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The container attribute for an item. The associated data is of type Boolean. The default value false indicates the item cannot contain other items.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The opening capability of a container item. The associated data is of type Boolean. The default value true indicates the container can be opened.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The closing capability of a container item. The associated data is of type Boolean. The default value true indicates the container can be closed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The sorting capability of container item. The associated data is of type Boolean. The default value true indicates the items in the container can be sorted.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


This property is used only in column view for the item-data and item-compare callbacks. You should not use this property for anything else. It is passed to your item-data callback when the data browser needs to know the data to draw to represent the item. It is your responsibility to provide the data to display for that item in whatever format would be appropriate for the column view display type, which is kDataBrowserIconAndTextType.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


An alias or symbolic link from an item to a container item. The associated data is of type DataBrowserItemID. This property is sent to your item-data callback to provide your application with a chance to follow an alias that the item might represent. If the incoming item is an alias to another item, you can call the function SetDataBrowserItemDataItemID to inform the data browser which other item the incoming item points to.

This property is sent only from column view. Your support for it is optional. Your response allows the data browser to be a bit more memory efficient with its internal storage. If a given item is an alias to an item whose contents are already displayed in one column of the column view, the contents can be shared between those two columns.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The column displays a preview. There is no associated data. Available only in column view. This property is sent to your draw-item callback to indicate the need for you to draw a preview of the given item. It can be sent to other callbacks to provide an opportunity for your application to draw or track in the preview column.

You can also pass this in the propertyID parameter of the function RevealDataBrowserItem (along with the appropriate item ID of the item whose preview is displayed) to make sure the preview column is visible to the user.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Designates the parent of the specified item. The associated data is of type DataBrowserItemID. This is sent to your item-data callback when the data browser needs to know the parent container item for a given item.

In column view, this allows the function SetDataBrowserTarget to process the data properly. The target is the leaf node item whose contents you want to display, which is the rightmost column in column view. However, unlike SetDataBrowserColumnViewPath, the function SetDataBrowserTarget doesn’t offer a way for you to communicate the item IDs of the rest of the column containers, so SetDataBrowserTarget asks for them explicitly by requesting the item’s parent, then the parent of the item’s parent, and so on. (Your item-data callback might be called with the parent container property at times other than an explicit call to SetDataBrowserTarget, so your item-data callback should support this property.)

In list view, this property allows you to pass a non-container to SetDataBrowserTarget. In this case, the data browser requests the parent of the target so it knows which container to display the contents of in the list view. (Again, your item-data callback might be called with the parent container property at times other than an explicit call to SetDataBrowserTarget, so your item-data callback should be sure to support this property.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


You can use these constants along with the appropriate value to manage the attributes of items in a data browser. Typically your item-data callback responds to inquires about these properties by calling the appropriate accessor function from within the callback. See DataBrowserItemDataProcPtr for more information on the item-data callback. “Getting and Setting Item Data” describes the accessor functions.

Property Flags: Universal

Modify the appearance or behavior of display properties.

enum {
   kDataBrowserUniversalPropertyFlagsMask = 0xFF,
   kDataBrowserPropertyIsMutable = 1 << 0,
   kDataBrowserDefaultPropertyFlags = 0 << 0,
   kDataBrowserUniversalPropertyFlags =  kDataBrowserUniversalPropertyFlagsMask,
   kDataBrowserPropertyIsEditable = kDataBrowserPropertyIsMutable


Test for universal property flags. This constant is used by the data browser; your application doesn’t need to use it.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The property is mutable. You can assign this flag to the propertyFlags field of the DataBrowserPropertyDesc structure. You must set this flag is you want to allow editing of the text part of the property.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The default properties. You can assign this flag to the propertyFlags field of the DataBrowserPropertyDesc structure if all you need is the default behavior. The default is for all flags to be off.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Universal property flags. This constant is used by the data browser; your application doesn’t need to use it.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The data can be edited. You must set this flag if you want to allow editing of the text part of the property. This flag can be set if the values displayed in the column can be changed. If your application specifies this flag, then it must also provide a callback that allows the data browser to retrieve and store data values displayed in this column. You can assign this flag to the propertyFlags field of the DataBrowserPropertyDesc structure.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


These constants reside in bits 0–7 of the DataBrowserPropertyFlags data type.

Property Flags: Modifiers

Specify how to display the data associated with a display type.

enum {
   kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset = 8,
   kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsMask =
   0xFF << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserCheckboxTriState  =
   1 << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserDateTimeRelative  =
   1 << (kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset),
   kDataBrowserDateTimeDateOnly  =
   1 << (kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset + 1),
   kDataBrowserDateTimeTimeOnly  =
   1 << (kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset + 2),
   kDataBrowserDateTimeSecondsToo =
   1 << (kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset + 3),
   kDataBrowserSliderPlainThumb  =
   kThemeThumbPlain << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserSliderUpwardThumb =
   kThemeThumbUpward << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserSliderDownwardThumb =
   kThemeThumbDownward << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserDoNotTruncateText =
   3 << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserTruncateTextAtEnd =
   2 << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserTruncateTextMiddle =
   0 << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserTruncateTextAtStart =
   1 << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserPopupMenuButtonless =
   1 << kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserPropertyModificationFlags =
   kDataBrowserRelativeDateTime  = kDataBrowserDateTimeRelative


The offset value for this set of property flags.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Use to set or test for property modifier flags.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserCheckboxType display type to display a checkbox that can have on, off, and mixed-mode states instead of just on and off states.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserDateTimeType display type to display relative date and time.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserDateTimeType display type to display only the date.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserDateTimeType display type to display only the time.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserDateTimeType display type to display the time with seconds.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserSliderType display type to display a round thumb.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserSliderType display type to display a directional thumb that points up.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserSliderType display type to display a directional thumb that points down.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserTextType and the kDataBrowserIconAndTextType display types so they do not truncate text.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserTextType and the kDataBrowserIconAndTextType display types so they truncate text, if needed, at the end of the text string.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserTextType and the kDataBrowserIconAndTextType display types so they truncate text, if needed, in the middle of the text string.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Modifies the kDataBrowserTextType and the kDataBrowserIconAndTextType display type so they truncate text, if needed, at the beginning of the text string.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


This flag is only for use with columns of type kDataBrowserPopupMenuType and indicates that the popup is to be drawn in a sleek buttonless fashion. The text is drawn next to a popup glyph, and the whole cell is clickable.

Available on Mac OS X v10.4 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Old name. Instead use kDataBrowserPropertyFlagsMask.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Old name. Instead use kDataBrowserDateTimeRelative.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


These constants reside in bits 8–15 of the DataBrowserPropertyFlags data type.

Property Flags: Offset and Mask for List View Properties

Specify an offset and mask for bits 16–23 of the DataBrowserPropertyFlag data type.

enum {
   kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsOffset = 16,
   kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsMask =
   0xFF << kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsOffset,
   kDataBrowserViewSpecificPropertyFlags =


The offset value for this set of property flags.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Use to set or test for view-specific property flags.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Old name. Instead use kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsMask.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


See also “Property Flags: List View Column Behavior.”

Property Flags: List View Column Behavior

Specify behaviors for columns in list view.

typedef DataBrowserPropertyFlags DataBrowserListViewPropertyFlags;
enum {
   kDataBrowserListViewSelectionColumn =
   kDataBrowserListViewMovableColumn =
   1 << (kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsOffset  + 1),
   kDataBrowserListViewSortableColumn =
   1 << (kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsOffset  + 2),
   kDataBrowserListViewTypeSelectColumn =
   1 << (kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsOffset  + 3),
   kDataBrowserListViewNoGapForIconInHeaderButton =
   1 << (kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsOffset  + 4),
   kDataBrowserListViewDefaultColumnFlags =
   kDataBrowserListViewMovableColumn +


If you are using a minimally highlighted list, this indicates to draw the contents of this column as highlighted when the item is selected. (Minimal highlighting is the highlighting used by the Finder for list view prior to Mac OS X version 10.3.)

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The column is movable.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The column can be sorted.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The column is capable of being selected and having text entered. If one or more of your list view columns are marked as type-selectable, the data browser handles type-selection for you automatically. You can use this flag with columns whose display type is kDataBrowserTextType, kDataBrowserIconAndTextType, or kDataBrowserDateTimeType. If you set this flag for a column of another type, the type-select behavior is undefined. Turning on this flag causes the data browser to obtain keyboard input using a Carbon event handler instead of relying on calls to the function HandleControlKey.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Available in Mac OS X 10.3 and later.


Normally the text in a header button for a column of type kDataBrowserIconAndTextType is aligned as though it has an icon next to it even if no icon is specified for the header button. This flag indicates that space should not be reserved for an icon if no icon is provided for the header button. This flag allows a client to justify the left edge of the text in a header button to the left edge of the icon in the cells beneath it.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.


The default properties. You can assign this flag to the propertyFlags field of the DataBrowserPropertyDesc structure if all you need is the default behavior for list view.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


These constants reside in bits 16–23 of the DataBrowserPropertyFlags data type and are specific to a list view.

Property Flags: Offset and Mask for Client-Defined Properties

Specify an offset and mask for the high 8 bits of the DataBrowserPropertyFlag data type.

enum {
   kDataBrowserClientPropertyFlagsOffset = 24,
   kDataBrowserClientPropertyFlagsMask = (unsigned long)
   (0xFF << kDataBrowserClientPropertyFlagsOffset)


The offset value for this set of property flags.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The mask value for this set of property flags.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Bits 24–31 of the DataBrowserPropertyFlags data type are reserved for use by your application. You can set and query them for your own purposes.

Property Parts

Specify the visual components of a data type or control displayed in a column.

typedef OSType DataBrowserPropertyPart;
enum {
   kDataBrowserPropertyEnclosingPart = 0,
   kDataBrowserPropertyContentPart = '----',
   kDataBrowserPropertyDisclosurePart = 'disc',
   kDataBrowserPropertyTextPart = kDataBrowserTextType,
   kDataBrowserPropertyIconPart = kDataBrowserIconType,
   kDataBrowserPropertySliderPart = kDataBrowserSliderType,
   kDataBrowserPropertyCheckboxPart = kDataBrowserCheckboxType,
   kDataBrowserPropertyProgressBarPart = kDataBrowserProgressBarType,
   kDataBrowserPropertyRelevanceRankPart =


The outer boundary of an item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The content of an item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The location of a disclosure rectangle.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The location where text is drawn.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The location where an icon is displayed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The location of a slider.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The location of a checkbox.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The location of a progress bar.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


The location of a relevance indicator.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


You can pass these constants as a parameter to the function GetDataBrowserItemPartBounds to obtain a rectangle that contains the bounds for the specified part.

Reveal Options

Specify how to position an item in a data browser.

typedef UInt8 DataBrowserRevealOptions;
enum {
   kDataBrowserRevealOnly = 0,
   kDataBrowserRevealAndCenterInView = 1 << 0,
   kDataBrowserRevealWithoutSelecting = 1 << 1


Move the content of the data browser as little as possible to make the item visible, and show the item in a selected state.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Reveal the item so that, if possible, the item is centered in the data browser.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Reveal the item but do not select it.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


You can pass reveal options as a parameter to the function RevealDataBrowserItem. You can pass more than one at a time for combined functionality.

Selection Anchor Directions

Specify an anchor direction to apply when the user drags a data selection.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserSelectionAnchorDirection;
enum {
   kDataBrowserSelectionAnchorUp = 0,
   kDataBrowserSelectionAnchorDown = 1,
   kDataBrowserSelectionAnchorLeft = 2,
   kDataBrowserSelectionAnchorRight = 3


Apply the anchor direction at the top of the selection set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Apply the anchor direction at the bottom of the selection set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Apply the anchor direction at the left of the selection set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Apply the anchor direction at the right of the selection set.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


These options are for use with the function MoveDataBrowserSelectionAnchor.

Selection State Options

Specify how the selection state should be affected by a given list of items.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserSetOption;
enum {
   kDataBrowserItemsAdd = 0,
   kDataBrowserItemsAssign = 1,
   kDataBrowserItemsToggle = 2,
   kDataBrowserItemsRemove = 3


Add specified items to the existing set or selection.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Assign the destination set to the specified item and redraw the list appropriately.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Toggle the membership state of the specified items. Any of the items in the current selection are removed from the selection, and those items that are not in the selection are added to the selection.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Remove specified items from the existing set and redraw the items so they are not highlighted.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


These options are for use with the function SetDataBrowserSelectedItems.

Sorting Orders

Specify the order in which to sort data.

typedef UInt16 DataBrowserSortOrder;
enum {
   kDataBrowserOrderUndefined = 0,
   kDataBrowserOrderIncreasing = 1,
   kDataBrowserOrderDecreasing = 2


This constant has no meaning in the context of your application; don’t use it.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Sort in increasing order.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Sort in decreasing order.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Table View Highlighting Styles

Specify a highlighting style to use in list view.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserTableViewHiliteStyle;
enum {
   kDataBrowserTableViewMinimalHilite = 0,
   kDataBrowserTableViewFillHilite = 1


Use minimal highlighting. This is the highlighting used by the Finder for list view prior to Mac OS X v. 10.3. For this style, the highlight color for active items is kThemeBrushPrimaryHighlightColor and for inactive items the color is kThemeBrushSecondaryHighlightColor.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Use full-row highlighting. This is the highlighting used by the Finder for list view in Mac OS X v. 10.3. For this style, the highlight color in Mac OS X v. 10.3 for active items is kThemeBrushAlternatePrimaryHighlightColor and for inactive items the color is kThemeBrushSecondaryHighlightColor. Prior to Mac OS X v. 10.3 the highlight color for active and inactive items is kThemeBrushPrimaryHighlightColor.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Table View Last Column Value

Specifies the last column position.

enum {
   kDataBrowserTableViewLastColumn = -1


The last column position.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Table View Property Flag

Specifies a table view property.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserTableViewPropertyFlags;
enum {
   kDataBrowserTableViewSelectionColumn = 1 <<  kDataBrowserViewSpecificFlagsOffset


The column can be selected.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Tracking Results

Specify the outcome of tracking a drag operation.

typedef SInt16 DataBrowserTrackingResult;
enum {
   kDataBrowserContentHit = 1,
   kDataBrowserNothingHit = 0,
   kDataBrowserStopTracking = -1


Indicates that a selectable portion of the item was hit. The data browser will select the item and do other relevant actions as appropriate.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Indicates that a nonselectable portion—whitespace—was hit. The data browser won’t select the item, but it could, for example, start a selection rectangle.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Indicates the callback handled the click completely. The data browser will not attempt to display a contextual menu, start a drag, process a double-click, or draw a selection rectangle. The callback is responsible for all facets of click handling if it returns this value.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


These constants are returned from the custom tracking callback, DataBrowserTrackingProcPtr.

User Selection Flags

Specify allowable selection behavior.

typedef UInt32 DataBrowserSelectionFlags;
enum {
   kDataBrowserDragSelect = 1 << 0,
   kDataBrowserSelectOnlyOne = 1 << 1,
   kDataBrowserResetSelection = 1 << 2,
   kDataBrowserCmdTogglesSelection = 1 << 3,
   kDataBrowserNoDisjointSelection = 1 << 4,
   kDataBrowserAlwaysExtendSelection = 1 << 5,
   kDataBrowserNeverEmptySelectionSet = 1 << 6


Allows items to be selected by dragging. If the user to clicks the mouse to select a nondraggable item and drags the mouse, any item the pointer moves over is selected. This is on by default.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Only one item can be selected at a time. If you use this flag in conjunction with the flag kDataBrowserDragSelect, then as the user drags, previous items are deselected as each new item is dragged over.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Clears all selected items before processing the next selection. This is off by default.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Enables use of a command to toggle items in and out of a selection. This is on by default.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Prevents a discontinuous selection.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Multiple items can be selected without holding down a modifier key.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


There must always be at least one selected item; the user cannot deselect the last selected item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


You can use one or more of these flags together.

View Styles

Specify a style to use when displaying data in a data browser.

typedef OSType DataBrowserViewStyle;
enum {
   kDataBrowserNoView = '????',
   kDataBrowserListView = 'lstv',
   kDataBrowserColumnView = 'clmv'


There is no view.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Display data in a list. Lists can be hierarchical.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.


Display data in columns that can be browsed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

Declared in HIDataBrowser.h.

Result Codes

The most common result codes returned by the data browser are listed here.

Result CodeValueDescription
errDataBrowserNotConfigured -4970

The data browser is not properly configured.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errDataBrowserItemNotFound -4971

The item is not in the data browser.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errDataBrowserPropertyNotFound -4972

The property is not in the data browser.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errDataBrowserInvalidPropertyPart -4973

The property part is not valid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errDataBrowserInvalidPropertyData -4974

The property data is not valid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errDataBrowserItemNotAdded -4975

The item was not added to the data browser.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

errDataBrowserPropertyNotSupported -4979

The property is not supported in the data browser.

Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.

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