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Application Manager Reference

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Note: This document was previously titled Dock Manager Reference.

The Application Manager provides a set of functions that Mac OS X applications can use to perform various application-level tasks. For example, you can use the Application Manager to:

Functions by Task

Drawing in the Application Dock Tile

Working With the Dock Menu

Working With the Dock Icon

Getting Scripts and Encodings

Displaying an About Box

Controlling System-Provided User Interface Elements

Getting the Application Object

Getting the Focused Window



Returns a Quartz graphics context for drawing in the application Dock tile.

CGContextRef BeginCGContextForApplicationDockTile (

Return Value

A graphics context you can use to draw in the application Dock tile with Quartz 2D.


This function makes it possible to draw into the application Dock tile at a resolution of 128x128, which is the size of all Dock tiles prior to Mac OS X v10.5. If the user interface scale factor is not 1.0, the drawing will be scaled to the actual size of the tile.

This function locks the application Dock tile to prevent the Dock from drawing in the tile. When you are finished using the context, you must call the function EndCGContextForApplicationDockTile to release the context and the lock. Do not use CGEndContext or CFRelease for this purpose. To ensure that drawing to the context appears onscreen, you should call CGContextFlush before releasing the context.

See Also
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Creates a Quartz image from an image and a mask.

OSStatus CreateCGImageFromPixMaps (
   PixMapHandle inImage,
   PixMapHandle inMask,
   CGImageRef *outImage


A handle to the image you want to use to create the Quartz image. The image should be the same size as the mask. For use in the Dock, the image should be 128 pixels square. Otherwise, the image can be any size.


A handle to the mask to use as the alpha channel. The mask should be the same size as the image.


On return, a Quartz image.

Return Value

A result code.


The function CreateCGImageFromPixMaps uses the mask as the alpha channel for the resulting image. This allows you to have any level of transparency in the resulting image. You can pass the Quartz image as a parameter to any Quartz 2D drawing function, as well as to Dock tile functions such as the functions SetApplicationDockTileImage and OverlayApplicationDockTileImage. You can use CreateCGImageFromPixMaps to create an image for a badge, and then apply the badge to your application Dock icon.

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Releases the Quartz graphics context for an application Dock tile.

void EndCGContextForApplicationDockTile (
   CGContextRef inContext


A Quartz graphics context created by calling BeginCGContextForApplicationDockTile or HIApplicationCreateDockTileContext. On output, the context is invalid and should no longer be used.


This function also releases the lock on the application Dock tile, signaling the Dock that you are done drawing in the tile.

See Also
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Returns the menu containing items added to the contextual menu for your application Dock tile.

MenuRef GetApplicationDockTileMenu (

Return Value

The menu containing items added to your application Dock tile menu using the function SetApplicationDockTileMenu, or NULL if there are no additional menu items.

See Also
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Returns the application script.

ScriptCode GetApplicationScript (

Return Value

The application script.


Your application needs to get the application script when it uses a function, such as UseThemeFont, that takes a script code as a parameter.

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Returns the application text encoding for Resource Manager resources.

TextEncoding GetApplicationTextEncoding (

Return Value

The application text encoding.


Your application needs to use the application text encoding when it creates a CFString from text stored in Resource Manager resources. Typically the text uses a Mac encoding such as MacRoman or MacJapanese. For more information, see Programming With the Text Encoding Conversion Manager.

Related Sample Code
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Gets the presentation mode of the calling application.

void GetSystemUIMode (
   SystemUIMode *outMode,
   SystemUIOptions *outOptions


On output, the caller’s presentation mode. Pass NULL if you don't need this information. For a list of possible modes, see “Presentation Modes.” The presentation mode of an application determines which system-provided user interface elements are visible on the screen.


On output, the options for the caller’s presentation mode. Pass NULL if you don't need this information. For a list of possible options, see “Presentation Options.” Presentation options are used to inhibit or allow certain user interface elements and commands.


This function returns information about the presentation mode of the calling application, not the presentation mode of the current login session. The login session mode may be different, since the login session mode is determined by the presentation mode of the frontmost application. If the calling application is not currently the frontmost application, then its presentation mode will not be in use. To track changes in the login session’s presentation mode, you may handle the kEventAppSystemUIModeChanged Carbon event.

See Also
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Displays a generic, HI-compliant about box.

OSStatus HIAboutBox (
   CFDictionaryRef inOptions


A dictionary of standard strings, a dictionary with the name of a localized strings file from which to retrieve the strings, or NULL to retrieve the strings from the Info.plist file. See the discussion for details.

Return Value

A result code.


When this function is called, it displays a window called an about box that contains your application icon, name, software version, and other optional information. In a Carbon event–based application, the standard application event handler responds to the kHICommandAbout command by calling the function HIAboutBox for you. If your application menu has an About menu item, you will get this behavior for free. You don’t need to call this function unless you want to customize the contents of the about box.

In addition to the application name and version, this function is designed to display two additional strings in the about box, a copyright string and a description string. You can customize what this function displays by passing in various options in the inOptions parameter:

Note that the description string can only be specified in an options dictionary or a strings file; this function does not check your Info.plist file for a description string.

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Returns a Quartz graphics context for drawing in the application Dock tile.

CGContextRef HIApplicationCreateDockTileContext (
   HISize *outContextSize


On output, the size of the graphics context in which the application should draw.

Return Value

A Quartz graphics context you can use to draw in the application Dock tile. For more information about this context, see the Discussion below.


This function makes it possible to draw into the application Dock tile at a resolution other than 128x128, which is the size of all Dock tiles prior to Mac OS X v10.5. In Mac OS X v10.5 and later, dock tiles may use different sizes when the user interface scale factor is not 1.0.

Unlike BeginCGContextForApplicationDockTile, this function returns a context that has no transform applied to it; user space and device space are 1:1. Your application must use the output context size to determine the area in which you should draw in the context.

Because the Dock's tile size can change dynamically, applications that use this function should be prepared to redraw their Dock tile as necessary. A kEventAppUpdateDockTile Carbon event is sent when the application needs to redraw its Dock tile.

This function locks the application Dock tile to prevent the Dock from drawing in the tile. When you are finished using the context, you must call the function EndCGContextForApplicationDockTile to release the context and the lock. Do not use CGEndContext or CFRelease for this purpose. To ensure that drawing to the context appears onscreen, you should call CGContextFlush before releasing the context.

See Also
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Returns the currently running Carbon application object.

HIObjectRef HIApplicationGetCurrent (

Return Value

The current application object.


In Mac OS X v10.5 and later, you can use this function to install your own HIObject delegates on the application object.

The function GetApplicationEventTarget returns the event target associated with the application object.

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Returns either the modeless or effective focused window.

WindowRef HIApplicationGetFocus (
   Boolean inConsideringModalFocus


A Boolean value that specifies whether to return the effective focus (true) or the modeless focus (false).

Return Value

The focused window, or NULL if there is no focused window.


With the introduction of the modal focus stack in Mac OS X v10.5, an application may have two different focused windows: the modeless focus (the window most recently passed to the function SetUserFocusWindow), and the effective focus (either the modeless focus or, if there is a non-empty modal focus stack, the topmost window in the focus stack). This function returns either window.

Applications can use this function to determine if the modeless focus and effective focus are different windows. An application with a custom HIView can also use this function to determine if the application should show an insertion point. The insertion point should only be visible if the view is inside the effective focus.

Note that the function GetUserFocusWindow returns the modeless focus—the same window returned when you pass false to HIApplicationGetFocus.

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Displays a Spotlight search window.

OSStatus HISearchWindowShow (
   CFStringRef inSearchString,
   OptionBits inFlags


An initial query string. Pass NULL to open the search window with no initial query string.


Optional flags. Currently, you should pass kNilOptions.

Return Value

A result code.


This function displays a window with the standard Spotlight search interface. For more information, see Spotlight Query Programming Guide.

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Composites an image with your application's Dock icon.

OSStatus OverlayApplicationDockTileImage (
   CGImageRef inImage


The image to overlay onto your application Dock icon.

Return Value

A result code.


You can overlay an image, such as a badge, to indicate the application’s status to the user.

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Restores your application Dock icon to the application icon.

OSStatus RestoreApplicationDockTileImage (

Return Value

A result code.


If you’ve called the functions SetApplicationDockTileImage or OverlayApplicationDockTileImage, you can use the function RestoreApplicationDockTileImage to restore the Dock icon to the original application icon.

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Replaces an application Dock icon.

OSStatus SetApplicationDockTileImage (
   CGImageRef inImage


The image to use for your application Dock tile.

Return Value

A result code.


When an application starts up, by default the application icon is always used as the application Dock tile. You can use the function SetApplicationDockTileImage to replace the application icon with another image. This can be useful to indicate the state of the application to the user. If you set the image, it will not revert back to its original image when your application terminates. You need to manually restore it before quitting using the function RestoreApplicationDockTileImage.

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Adds items to the contextual menu for your application Dock tile.

OSStatus SetApplicationDockTileMenu (
   MenuRef inMenu


A menu containing the additional items, or NULL to remove the current menu.

Return Value

A result code.


When you position the cursor over an application Dock tile and hold down the mouse button, a contextual menu automatically displays a list of the application’s document windows and standard application Dock menu items such as Open at Login and Show in Finder. You can use the function SetApplicationDockTileMenu to add menu items to the contextual menu displayed for your application Dock tile. The items in the menu you pass to this function are inserted into your application Dock tile menu, between the list of document windows and the standard items.

This function increments the reference count of the menu you pass to it. Before the menu is displayed, it receives the Carbon events kEventMenuPopulate, kEventMenuOpening, and kEventMenuEnableItems, so any event handlers for these events can update the menu appropriately. You can receive notifications of and handle selections from the menu using kEventCommandProcess Carbon event handlers installed in the application event target. You must make sure each menu item has a command ID, as the kEventCommandProcess event sent to your application provides the menu item’s command ID.

When you use this function to pass a menu to the Dock, the following state of each menu item is preserved:

No other menu or menu item state is preserved when the menu is displayed by the Dock. For example, you can set a custom font for the menu or a menu item, but the menu as displayed by the Dock will not use that font.

See Also
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Sets the presentation mode of the calling application.

OSStatus SetSystemUIMode (
   SystemUIMode inMode,
   SystemUIOptions inOptions


The new presentation mode. Pass one of the constants listed in “Presentation Modes.” The presentation mode of an application determines which system-provided user interface elements are visible on the screen.


A mask that specifies options controlling how the specified presentation mode behaves. Pass one or more of the flags listed in “Presentation Options,” or zero to indicate that no options are needed. Presentation options are used to inhibit or allow certain user interface elements and commands.

Return Value

A result code.


The purpose of this function is to make it easier to implement a dedicated kiosk system, in which the user is not permitted access to certain elements and features in the system user interface. This function gives your application control over the visibility of the Dock and the menu bar, and over various other system-provided user interface features such as process switching, logout, restart, and shutdown.

If your application is frontmost and you call this function to request a new presentation mode, your presentation mode will take effect immediately. If another application becomes frontmost, the presentation mode you requested will no longer be in effect. If your application becomes frontmost again, the presentation mode you previously established will come back into effect.

When the frontmost application uses this function to change its presentation mode, a kEventAppSystemUIModeChanged Carbon event is sent to all applications that have registered for the event. This event is also sent when an application is activated; it contains the newly active application's presentation mode.

In addition to using this function, an application may also specify an initial presentation mode when it is launched by using the LSUIPresentationMode key in its Info.plist file. This key should be of type Number and should have the value of one of the presentation mode constants listed in “Presentation Modes.”

Special Considerations

If your application uses the LSUIElement or LSBackgroundOnly key in its Info.plist file, you should not use this function. The presentation mode of the current login session is determined by the presentation mode of the frontmost application, and applications that use these keys generally do not become the frontmost application.

See Also
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About Box Keys

Constants that specify keys used in an options dictionary passed to the function HIAboutBox.

#define kHIAboutBoxNameKey CFSTR("HIAboutBoxName")
#define kHIAboutBoxVersionKey CFSTR("HIAboutBoxVersion")
#define kHIAboutBoxCopyrightKey CFSTR("HIAboutBoxCopyright")
#define kHIAboutBoxDescriptionKey CFSTR("HIAboutBoxDescription")
#define kHIAboutBoxStringFileKey CFSTR("HIAboutBoxStringFile")


Key for the application name that replaces the name specified by the CFBundleName key in the Info.plist file.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


Key for the application software version number that replaces the version number specified by the CFBundleVersion key in the Info.plist file.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


Key for the application copyright notice that replaces the text specified by the CFBundleGetInfoString key in the Info.plist file.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


Key for a short description of the application.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


Key for the name of a localized strings file that contains about-box strings for the application.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


The values associated with the keys in an options dictionary are all strings.

HIToolbox Version Number

Constant that specifies the current version number of HIToolbox.

const float kHIToolboxVersionNumber;


The current HIToolbox version number, which is incremented each time that HIToolbox is rebuilt during the course of a Mac OS X release.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


You can use this constant to check for the presence of bug fixes documented in HIToolbox release notes. For example, to test for the HIToolbox included in Mac OS X 10.4.2, check that kHIToolboxVersionNumber is at least 220. See the header file MacApplication.h for a list of the version numbers for specific releases.

Presentation Modes

Constants used to control the presentation of user interface elements provided by Mac OS X, such as the menu bar and Dock.

enum {
   kUIModeNormal = 0,
   kUIModeContentSuppressed = 1,
   kUIModeContentHidden = 2,
   kUIModeAllSuppressed = 4,
   kUIModeAllHidden = 3,
typedef UInt32 SystemUIMode;


All standard system UI elements are visible.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


System UI elements positioned in the content area of the screen (the area other than the menu bar) are hidden. However, these elements may automatically show themselves in response to mouse movements or other user activity.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


System UI elements positioned in the content area of the screen (the area other than the menu bar) are hidden.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


All system UI elements (including the menu bar) are hidden. However, these elements may automatically show themselves in response to mouse movements or other user activity.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


All system UI elements (including the menu bar) are hidden.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


The presentation mode of an application determines which system-provided user interface elements are visible on the screen. Your application can specify its presentation mode using the function SetSystemUIMode.

Presentation Options

Flags used to control optional behavior of system-provided user interface elements and features.

enum {
   kUIOptionAutoShowMenuBar = 1 << 0,
   kUIOptionDisableAppleMenu = 1 << 2,
   kUIOptionDisableProcessSwitch = 1 << 3,
   kUIOptionDisableForceQuit = 1 << 4,
   kUIOptionDisableSessionTerminate = 1 << 5,
   kUIOptionDisableHide = 1 << 6
typedef OptionBits SystemUIOptions;


This flag specifies that the menu bar automatically shows itself when the user moves the mouse into the screen area that would ordinarily be occupied by the menu bar. Only valid for the presentation mode kUIModeAllHidden.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


This flag disables all items in the Apple menu. Valid for all presentation modes.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


This flag disables the Command-Tab and Command-Shift-Tab key sequences to switch the active process, and the global window rotation key sequence selected by the user in the Keyboard preference pane. The function SetFrontProcess may still be used to explicitly switch the active process. Only valid with presentation modes other than kUIModeNormal.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


This flag disables the Command-Option-Escape key sequence and the Force Quit menu item in the Apple menu to open the Force Quit window. Only valid with presentation modes other than kUIModeNormal.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


This flag disables the Power key (if present) and the Restart, Shut Down, and Log Out menu items in the Apple menu. Only valid with modes other than kUIModeNormal.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


This flag disables the Hide menu item in the Application menu. Note that this option does not prevent this application from being hidden if Hide Others is selected in some other application.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in MacApplication.h.


Presentation mode options are used to inhibit or allow certain user interface elements and commands. Your application can specify these options using the function SetSystemUIMode.

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