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Index of Concepts: . -- C

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 Index Entry Section

 .a (archives)11.4 Suffix Rules for Archive Files
 .C10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .c10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .cc10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .ch10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .cpp10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .d4.14 Generating Prerequisites Automatically
 .def10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .dvi10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .f10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .F10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .info10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .l10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .LIBPATTERNS, and link libraries4.5.6 Directory Search for Link Libraries
 .ln10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .mod10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .o10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .o10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .p10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .PRECIOUS intermediate files10.4 Chains of Implicit Rules
 .r10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .s10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .S10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .sh10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .sym10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .tex10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .texi10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .texinfo10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .txinfo10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .w10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .web10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 .y10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules

 :: rules (double-colon)4.13 Double-Colon Rules
 :=6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables
 :=6.5 Setting Variables

 =6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables
 =6.5 Setting Variables
 =, expansionVariable Assignment

 ? (wildcard character)4.4 Using Wildcard Characters in File Names
 ?=6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables
 ?=6.5 Setting Variables
 ?=, expansionVariable Assignment

 @ (in commands)5.2 Command Echoing
 @, and define5.8 Defining Canned Command Sequences

 […] (wildcard characters)4.4 Using Wildcard Characters in File Names

 \ (backslash), for continuation lines2.2 A Simple Makefile
 \ (backslash), in commands5.1.1 Splitting Command Lines
 \ (backslash), to quote %4.5.2 The vpath Directive
 \ (backslash), to quote %4.12.1 Syntax of Static Pattern Rules
 \ (backslash), to quote %8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis

 __.SYMDEF11.2.1 Updating Archive Symbol Directories

 ~ (tilde)4.4 Using Wildcard Characters in File Names

 abspath8.3 Functions for File Names
 algorithm for directory search4.5.3 How Directory Searches are Performed
 all (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 appending to variables6.6 Appending More Text to Variables
 ar10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 archive11. Using make to Update Archive Files
 archive member targets11.1 Archive Members as Targets
 archive symbol directory updating11.2.1 Updating Archive Symbol Directories
 archive, and -j11.3 Dangers When Using Archives
 archive, and parallel execution11.3 Dangers When Using Archives
 archive, suffix rule for11.4 Suffix Rules for Archive Files
 Arg list too long5.7.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make
 arguments of functions8.1 Function Call Syntax
 as10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 as10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 assembly, rule to compile10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 automatic generation of prerequisites3.3 Including Other Makefiles
 automatic generation of prerequisites4.14 Generating Prerequisites Automatically
 automatic variables10.5.3 Automatic Variables
 automatic variables in prerequisites10.5.3 Automatic Variables

 backquotes8.11 The shell Function
 backslash (\), for continuation lines2.2 A Simple Makefile
 backslash (\), in commands5.1.1 Splitting Command Lines
 backslash (\), to quote %4.5.2 The vpath Directive
 backslash (\), to quote %4.12.1 Syntax of Static Pattern Rules
 backslash (\), to quote %8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
 backslashes in pathnames and wildcard expansion4.4.2 Pitfalls of Using Wildcards
 basename8.3 Functions for File Names
 binary packages14.6 Install Command Categories
 broken pipe5.4 Parallel Execution
 bugs, reporting1.2 Problems and Bugs
 built-in special targets4.9 Special Built-in Target Names

 C++, rule to compile10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 C, rule to compile10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 cc10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 cc10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 cc10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 cd (shell command)5.3 Command Execution
 cd (shell command)5.7.1 How the MAKE Variable Works
 chains of rules10.4 Chains of Implicit Rules
 check (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 clean (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 clean target2.2 A Simple Makefile
 clean target2.7 Rules for Cleaning the Directory
 cleaning up2.7 Rules for Cleaning the Directory
 clobber (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 co10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 co10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 combining rules by prerequisite2.6 Another Style of Makefile
 command line variable definitions, and recursion5.7.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make
 command line variables9.5 Overriding Variables
 command syntax5.1 Command Syntax
 commands4.2 Rule Syntax
 commands setting shell variables5.3 Command Execution
 commands, backslash (\) in5.1.1 Splitting Command Lines
 commands, comments in5.1 Command Syntax
 commands, echoing5.2 Command Echoing
 commands, empty5.9 Using Empty Commands
 commands, errors in5.5 Errors in Commands
 commands, execution5.3 Command Execution
 commands, execution in parallel5.4 Parallel Execution
 commands, expansion8.11 The shell Function
 commands, how to write5. Writing the Commands in Rules
 commands, instead of executing9.3 Instead of Executing the Commands
 commands, introduction to2.1 What a Rule Looks Like
 commands, quoting newlines in5.1.1 Splitting Command Lines
 commands, sequences of5.8 Defining Canned Command Sequences
 commands, splitting5.1.1 Splitting Command Lines
 commands, using variables in5.1.2 Using Variables in Commands
 comments, in commands5.1 Command Syntax
 comments, in makefile3.1 What Makefiles Contain
 compatibility12. Features of GNU make
 compatibility in exporting5.7.2 Communicating Variables to a Sub-make
 compilation, testing9.6 Testing the Compilation of a Program
 computed variable name6.3.2 Computed Variable Names
 conditional expansion8.4 Functions for Conditionals
 conditional variable assignment6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables
 conditionals7. Conditional Parts of Makefiles
 continuation lines2.2 A Simple Makefile
 controlling make8.12 Functions That Control Make
 conventions for makefiles14. Makefile Conventions
 ctangle10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 ctangle10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 cweave10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 cweave10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules

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