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Index of Concepts: S -- T

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 Index Entry Section

 s. (SCCS file prefix)10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 SCCS, rule to extract from10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 search algorithm, implicit rule10.8 Implicit Rule Search Algorithm
 search path for prerequisites (VPATH)4.5 Searching Directories for Prerequisites
 search path for prerequisites (VPATH), and implicit rules4.5.5 Directory Search and Implicit Rules
 search path for prerequisites (VPATH), and link libraries4.5.6 Directory Search for Link Libraries
 searching for strings8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
 secondary expansion3.10 Secondary Expansion
 secondary expansion and explicit rulesSecondary Expansion of Explicit Rules
 secondary expansion and implicit rulesSecondary Expansion of Implicit Rules
 secondary expansion and static pattern rulesSecondary Expansion of Static Pattern Rules
 secondary files10.4 Chains of Implicit Rules
 secondary targets4.9 Special Built-in Target Names
 sed (shell command)4.14 Generating Prerequisites Automatically
 selecting a word8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
 selecting word lists8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
 sequences of commands5.8 Defining Canned Command Sequences
 setting options from environment5.7.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make
 setting options in makefiles5.7.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make
 setting variables6.5 Setting Variables
 several rules for one target4.11 Multiple Rules for One Target
 several targets in a rule4.10 Multiple Targets in a Rule
 shar (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 shell command2.2 A Simple Makefile
 shell command, and directory search4.5.4 Writing Shell Commands with Directory Search
 shell command, execution5.3 Command Execution
 shell command, function for8.11 The shell Function
 shell file name pattern (in include)3.3 Including Other Makefiles
 shell variables, setting in commands5.3 Command Execution
 shell wildcards (in include)3.3 Including Other Makefiles
 shell, choosing the5.3.1 Choosing the Shell
 SHELL, exported value5.7.2 Communicating Variables to a Sub-make
 SHELL, import from environment6.9 Variables from the Environment
 shell, in DOS and WindowsChoosing a Shell in DOS and Windows
 SHELL, MS-DOS specificsChoosing a Shell in DOS and Windows
 SHELL, value of5.3.1 Choosing the Shell
 signal5.6 Interrupting or Killing make
 silent operation5.2 Command Echoing
 simple makefile2.2 A Simple Makefile
 simple variable expansion6. How to Use Variables
 simplifying with variables2.4 Variables Make Makefiles Simpler
 simply expanded variables6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables
 sorting words8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
 spaces, in variable values6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables
 spaces, stripping8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
 special targets4.9 Special Built-in Target Names
 special variables3.6 Other Special Variables
 specifying makefile name3.2 What Name to Give Your Makefile
 splitting commands5.1.1 Splitting Command Lines
 standard input5.4 Parallel Execution
 standards conformance1. Overview of make
 standards for makefiles14. Makefile Conventions
 static pattern rule4.12 Static Pattern Rules
 static pattern rule, syntax of4.12.1 Syntax of Static Pattern Rules
 static pattern rule, versus implicit4.12.2 Static Pattern Rules versus Implicit Rules
 static pattern rules, secondary expansion ofSecondary Expansion of Static Pattern Rules
 stem4.12.1 Syntax of Static Pattern Rules
 stem10.5.4 How Patterns Match
 stem, variable for10.5.3 Automatic Variables
 stopping make8.12 Functions That Control Make
 strings, searching for8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
 stripping whitespace8.2 Functions for String Substitution and Analysis
 sub-make5.7.2 Communicating Variables to a Sub-make
 subdirectories, recursion for5.7 Recursive Use of make
 substitution variable reference6.3.1 Substitution References
 suffix rule10.7 Old-Fashioned Suffix Rules
 suffix rule, for archive11.4 Suffix Rules for Archive Files
 suffix, adding8.3 Functions for File Names
 suffix, function to find8.3 Functions for File Names
 suffix, substituting in variables6.3.1 Substitution References
 switches9.7 Summary of Options
 symbol directories, updating archive11.2.1 Updating Archive Symbol Directories
 syntax of commands5.1 Command Syntax
 syntax of rules4.2 Rule Syntax

 tab character (in commands)4.2 Rule Syntax
 tabs in rules2.1 What a Rule Looks Like
 TAGS (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 tangle10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 tangle10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 tar (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 target4. Writing Rules
 target pattern, implicit10.5.1 Introduction to Pattern Rules
 target pattern, static (not implicit)4.12.1 Syntax of Static Pattern Rules
 target, deleting on error5.5 Errors in Commands
 target, deleting on interrupt5.6 Interrupting or Killing make
 target, expansionRule Definition
 target, multiple in pattern rule10.5.1 Introduction to Pattern Rules
 target, multiple rules for one4.11 Multiple Rules for One Target
 target, touching9.3 Instead of Executing the Commands
 target-specific variables6.10 Target-specific Variable Values
 targets4.2 Rule Syntax
 targets without a file4.6 Phony Targets
 targets, built-in special4.9 Special Built-in Target Names
 targets, empty4.8 Empty Target Files to Record Events
 targets, force4.7 Rules without Commands or Prerequisites
 targets, introduction to2.1 What a Rule Looks Like
 targets, multiple4.10 Multiple Targets in a Rule
 targets, phony4.6 Phony Targets
 terminal rule10.5.5 Match-Anything Pattern Rules
 test (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 testing compilation9.6 Testing the Compilation of a Program
 tex10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 tex10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 TeX, rule to run10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 texi2dvi10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 texi2dvi10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 Texinfo, rule to format10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 tilde (~)4.4 Using Wildcard Characters in File Names
 touch (shell command)4.4.1 Wildcard Examples
 touch (shell command)4.8 Empty Target Files to Record Events
 touching files9.3 Instead of Executing the Commands
 traditional directory search (GPATH)4.5.3 How Directory Searches are Performed
 types of prerequisites4.3 Types of Prerequisites

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