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Index of Concepts: H -- O

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 Index Entry Section

 home directory4.4 Using Wildcard Characters in File Names

 IEEE Standard 1003.21. Overview of make
 ifdef, expansionConditional Statements
 ifeq, expansionConditional Statements
 ifndef, expansionConditional Statements
 ifneq, expansionConditional Statements
 implicit rule10. Using Implicit Rules
 implicit rule, and directory search4.5.5 Directory Search and Implicit Rules
 implicit rule, and VPATH4.5.5 Directory Search and Implicit Rules
 implicit rule, definition of3.1 What Makefiles Contain
 implicit rule, expansionRule Definition
 implicit rule, how to use10.1 Using Implicit Rules
 implicit rule, introduction to2.5 Letting make Deduce the Commands
 implicit rule, predefined10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 implicit rule, search algorithm10.8 Implicit Rule Search Algorithm
 implicit rules, secondary expansion ofSecondary Expansion of Implicit Rules
 included makefiles, default directories3.3 Including Other Makefiles
 including (MAKEFILE_LIST variable)3.5 The Variable MAKEFILE_LIST
 including (MAKEFILES variable)3.4 The Variable MAKEFILES
 including other makefiles3.3 Including Other Makefiles
 incompatibilities13. Incompatibilities and Missing Features
 Info, rule to format10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 install (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 intermediate files10.4 Chains of Implicit Rules
 intermediate files, preserving10.4 Chains of Implicit Rules
 intermediate targets, explicit4.9 Special Built-in Target Names
 interrupt5.6 Interrupting or Killing make

 job slots5.4 Parallel Execution
 job slots, and recursion5.7.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make
 jobs, limiting based on load5.4 Parallel Execution
 joining lists of words8.3 Functions for File Names

 killing (interruption)5.6 Interrupting or Killing make

 last-resort default rules10.6 Defining Last-Resort Default Rules
 ld10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 lex10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 lex10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 Lex, rule to run10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 libraries for linking, directory search4.5.6 Directory Search for Link Libraries
 library archive, suffix rule for11.4 Suffix Rules for Archive Files
 limiting jobs based on load5.4 Parallel Execution
 link libraries, and directory search4.5.6 Directory Search for Link Libraries
 link libraries, patterns matching4.5.6 Directory Search for Link Libraries
 linking, predefined rule for10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 lint10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 lint10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 lint, rule to run10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 list of all prerequisites10.5.3 Automatic Variables
 list of changed prerequisites10.5.3 Automatic Variables
 load average5.4 Parallel Execution
 loops in variable expansion6.2 The Two Flavors of Variables
 lpr (shell command)4.4.1 Wildcard Examples
 lpr (shell command)4.8 Empty Target Files to Record Events

 m2c10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 m2c10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 macro6. How to Use Variables
 make depend4.14 Generating Prerequisites Automatically
 makefile2. An Introduction to Makefiles
 makefile name3.2 What Name to Give Your Makefile
 makefile name, how to specify3.2 What Name to Give Your Makefile
 makefile rule parts2.1 What a Rule Looks Like
 makefile syntax, evaluating8.8 The eval Function
 makefile, and MAKEFILES variable3.4 The Variable MAKEFILES
 makefile, conventions for14. Makefile Conventions
 makefile, how make processes2.3 How make Processes a Makefile
 makefile, how to write3. Writing Makefiles
 makefile, including3.3 Including Other Makefiles
 makefile, overriding3.8 Overriding Part of Another Makefile
 makefile, parsing3.9 How make Reads a Makefile
 makefile, remaking of3.7 How Makefiles Are Remade
 makefile, simple2.2 A Simple Makefile
 makefiles, and MAKEFILE_LIST variable3.5 The Variable MAKEFILE_LIST
 makefiles, and special variables3.6 Other Special Variables
 makeinfo10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 makeinfo10.3 Variables Used by Implicit Rules
 match-anything rule10.5.5 Match-Anything Pattern Rules
 match-anything rule, used to override3.8 Overriding Part of Another Makefile
 missing features13. Incompatibilities and Missing Features
 mistakes with wildcards4.4.2 Pitfalls of Using Wildcards
 modified variable reference6.3.1 Substitution References
 Modula-2, rule to compile10.2 Catalogue of Implicit Rules
 mostlyclean (standard target)9.2 Arguments to Specify the Goals
 multiple rules for one target4.11 Multiple Rules for One Target
 multiple rules for one target (::)4.13 Double-Colon Rules
 multiple targets4.10 Multiple Targets in a Rule
 multiple targets, in pattern rule10.5.1 Introduction to Pattern Rules

 name of makefile3.2 What Name to Give Your Makefile
 name of makefile, how to specify3.2 What Name to Give Your Makefile
 nested variable reference6.3.2 Computed Variable Names
 newline, quoting, in commands5.1.1 Splitting Command Lines
 newline, quoting, in makefile2.2 A Simple Makefile
 nondirectory part8.3 Functions for File Names
 normal prerequisites4.3 Types of Prerequisites

 obj2.4 Variables Make Makefiles Simpler
 OBJ2.4 Variables Make Makefiles Simpler
 objects2.4 Variables Make Makefiles Simpler
 OBJECTS2.4 Variables Make Makefiles Simpler
 OBJS2.4 Variables Make Makefiles Simpler
 objs2.4 Variables Make Makefiles Simpler
 old-fashioned suffix rules10.7 Old-Fashioned Suffix Rules
 options9.7 Summary of Options
 options, and recursion5.7.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make
 options, setting from environment5.7.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make
 options, setting in makefiles5.7.3 Communicating Options to a Sub-make
 order of pattern rules10.5.1 Introduction to Pattern Rules
 order-only prerequisites4.3 Types of Prerequisites
 origin of variable8.9 The origin Function
 overriding makefiles3.8 Overriding Part of Another Makefile
 overriding variables with arguments9.5 Overriding Variables
 overriding with override6.7 The override Directive

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