
A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

Numerals   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   

8BIM Dictionary Keys 1
Abstract Color Space Constants 1
Access Method Features 1
Accessibility Event Class 1
Accessibility Event Constants 1
Accessibility Event Parameters 1
AcquireIconRef function 1
Actions 1
ActivatePalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Activation Contexts 1
Active Device Only Values 1
AddComp function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
AddIconToSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
addMax constant 1
addOver constant 1
addPin constant 1
AddPt function 1
AddSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
adMin constant 1
AEAddressDesc data type 1
AEArrayData structure 1
AEArrayDataPointer data type 1
AEArrayType data type 1
AEBuild Error Codes 1
AEBuildAppleEvent function 1
AEBuildDesc function 1
AEBuildError structure 1
AEBuildParameters function 1
aeBuildSyntaxBadData constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxBadDesc constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxBadEOF constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxBadHex constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxBadNegative constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxBadToken constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxCoercedList constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxMissingQuote constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoCloseBrace constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoCloseBracket constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoCloseHex constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoCloseParen constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoCloseString constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoColon constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoEOF constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoErr constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxNoKey constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxOddHex constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxUncoercedDoubleAt constant 1
aeBuildSyntaxUncoercedHex constant 1
AECallObjectAccessor function 1
AECheckIsRecord function 1
AECoerceDesc function 1
AECoerceDescProcPtr callback 1
AECoerceDescUPP data type 1
AECoercePtr function 1
AECoercePtrProcPtr callback 1
AECoercePtrUPP data type 1
AECoercionHandlerUPP data type 1
AECountItems function 1
AECreateAppleEvent function 1
AECreateDesc function 1
AECreateDescFromExternalPtr function 1
AECreateList function 1
AECreateRemoteProcessResolver function 1
AEDataStorage data type 1
AEDataStorageType data type 1
AEDecodeMessage function 1
AEDeleteItem function 1
AEDeleteKeyDesc function 1
AEDeleteParam function 1
AEDesc structure 1
AEDescList data type 1
AEDisposeDesc function 1
AEDisposeExternalProcPtr callback 1
AEDisposeExternalUPP data type 1
AEDisposeRemoteProcessResolver function 1
AEDisposeToken function 1
AEDuplicateDesc function 1
AEEventClass data type 1
AEEventHandlerProcPtr callback 1
AEEventHandlerUPP data type 1
AEEventID data type 1
AEEventSource data type 1
AEFilterProcPtr callback 1
AEFilterUPP data type 1
AEFlattenDesc function 1
AEGetArray function 1
AEGetAttributeDesc function 1
AEGetAttributePtr function 1
AEGetCoercionHandler function 1
AEGetDescData function 1
AEGetDescDataRange function 1
AEGetDescDataSize function 1
AEGetEventHandler function 1
AEGetInteractionAllowed function 1
AEGetKeyDesc function 1
AEGetKeyPtr function 1
AEGetNthDesc function 1
AEGetNthPtr function 1
AEGetObjectAccessor function 1
AEGetParamDesc function 1
AEGetParamPtr function 1
AEGetRegisteredMachPort function 1
AEGetSpecialHandler function 1
AEGetTheCurrentEvent function 1
AEIdleProcPtr callback 1
AEIdleUPP data type 1
AEInitializeDesc function 1
AEInstallCoercionHandler function 1
AEInstallEventHandler function 1
AEInstallObjectAccessor function 1
AEInstallSpecialHandler function 1
AEInteractAllowed data type 1
AEInteractWithUser function 1
AEKeyDesc structure 1
AEKeyword data type 1
AEManagerInfo function 1
AEObjectInit function 1
AEPrintDescToHandle function 1
AEProcessAppleEvent function 1
AEProcessMessage function 1
AEPutArray function 1
AEPutAttributeDesc function 1
AEPutAttributePtr function 1
AEPutDesc function 1
AEPutKeyDesc function 1
AEPutKeyPtr function 1
AEPutParamDesc function 1
AEPutParamPtr function 1
AEPutPtr function 1
AERecord data type 1
AERemoteProcessResolverCallback callback 1
AERemoteProcessResolverContext structure 1
AERemoteProcessResolverGetProcesses function 1
AERemoteProcessResolverRef data type 1
AERemoteProcessResolverScheduleWithRunLoop function 1
AERemoveCoercionHandler function 1
AERemoveEventHandler function 1
AERemoveObjectAccessor function 1
AERemoveSpecialHandler function 1
AEReplaceDescData function 1
AEResetTimer function 1
AEResolve function 1
AEResumeTheCurrentEvent function 1
AEReturnID data type 1
AESend function 1
AESendMessage function 1
AESendMode 1
AESendOptions data type 1
AESendPriority data type 1
AESetInteractionAllowed function 1
AESetObjectCallbacks function 1
AESetTheCurrentEvent function 1
AESizeOfAttribute function 1
AESizeOfFlattenedDesc function 1
AESizeOfKeyDesc function 1
AESizeOfNthItem function 1
AESizeOfParam function 1
AEStreamClose function 1
AEStreamCloseDesc function 1
AEStreamCloseList function 1
AEStreamCloseRecord function 1
AEStreamCreateEvent function 1
AEStreamOpen function 1
AEStreamOpenDesc function 1
AEStreamOpenEvent function 1
AEStreamOpenKeyDesc function 1
AEStreamOpenList function 1
AEStreamOpenRecord function 1
AEStreamOptionalParam function 1
AEStreamRef data type 1
AEStreamSetRecordType function 1
AEStreamWriteAEDesc function 1
AEStreamWriteData function 1
AEStreamWriteDesc function 1
AEStreamWriteKey function 1
AEStreamWriteKeyDesc function 1
AESuspendTheCurrentEvent function 1
AETransactionID data type 1
AEUnflattenDesc function 1
Alert Icon Constants 1
alignPix constant 1
All Morphemes Constant 1
allDevices constant 1
allInit constant 1
AllocCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
AllowPurgePixels function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Alpha Information for Images 1
Analysis Engine Keywords 1
Analysis Engine Type Definitions 1
Analysis Results Constants 1
AngleFromSlope function 1
AnimateEntry function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
AnimatePalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
appIsDaemon constant 1
Apple Event Constants 1
Apple Event Notification Keywords 1
Apple Event Recording Event ID Constants 1
AppleEvent data type 1
appleMark constant 1
applFont constant 1
appMemFullErr constant 1
appModeErr constant 1
AppParameters structure 1
appVersionTooOld constant 1
AsscEntry structure 1
Assorted Options 1
atNone 1
ATSCreateFontQueryRunLoopSource function 1
ATSCubicClosePathProcPtr callback 1
ATSCubicClosePathUPP data type 1
ATSCubicCurveToProcPtr callback 1
ATSCubicCurveToUPP data type 1
ATSCubicLineToProcPtr callback 1
ATSCubicLineToUPP data type 1
ATSCubicMoveToProcPtr callback 1
ATSCubicMoveToUPP data type 1
ATSFlatDataFontNameDataHeader structure 1
ATSFlatDataFontSpecRawNameData structure 1
ATSFlatDataFontSpecRawNameDataHeader structure 1
ATSFlatDataLayoutControlsDataHeader structure 1
ATSFlatDataLineInfoData structure 1
ATSFlatDataLineInfoHeader structure 1
ATSFlatDataMainHeaderBlock structure 1
ATSFlatDataStyleListFeatureData structure 1
ATSFlatDataStyleListHeader structure 1
ATSFlatDataStyleListStyleDataHeader structure 1
ATSFlatDataStyleListVariationData structure 1
ATSFlatDataStyleRunDataHeader structure 1
ATSFlatDataTextLayoutDataHeader structure 1
ATSFontActivateFromFileReference function 1
ATSFontActivateFromFileSpecification function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ATSFontActivateFromMemory function 1
ATSFontApplierFunction callback 1
ATSFontApplyFunction function 1
ATSFontContainerRef data type 1
ATSFontDeactivate function 1
ATSFontFamilyApplierFunction callback 1
ATSFontFamilyApplyFunction function 1
ATSFontFamilyFindFromName function 1
ATSFontFamilyFindFromQuickDrawName function 1
ATSFontFamilyGetEncoding function 1
ATSFontFamilyGetGeneration function 1
ATSFontFamilyGetName function 1
ATSFontFamilyGetQuickDrawName function 1
ATSFontFamilyIterator data type 1
ATSFontFamilyIteratorCreate function 1
ATSFontFamilyIteratorNext function 1
ATSFontFamilyIteratorRelease function 1
ATSFontFamilyIteratorReset function 1
ATSFontFamilyRef data type 1
ATSFontFilter structure 1
ATSFontFindFromContainer function 1
ATSFontFindFromName function 1
ATSFontFindFromPostScriptName function 1
ATSFontGetAutoActivationSettingForApplication function 1
ATSFontGetContainer function 1
ATSFontGetContainerFromFileReference function 1
ATSFontGetFileReference function 1
ATSFontGetFileSpecification function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ATSFontGetFontFamilyResource function 1
ATSFontGetGeneration function 1
ATSFontGetGlobalAutoActivationSetting function 1
ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics function 1
ATSFontGetName function 1
ATSFontGetPostScriptName function 1
ATSFontGetTable function 1
ATSFontGetTableDirectory function 1
ATSFontGetVerticalMetrics function 1
ATSFontIsEnabled function 1
ATSFontIterator data type 1
ATSFontIteratorCreate function 1
ATSFontIteratorNext function 1
ATSFontIteratorRelease function 1
ATSFontIteratorReset function 1
ATSFontMetrics structure 1
ATSFontNotificationInfoRef data type 1
ATSFontNotificationRef data type 1
ATSFontNotificationSubscribe function 1
ATSFontNotificationUnsubscribe function 1
ATSFontNotify function 1
ATSFontQueryCallback callback 1
ATSFontQuerySourceContext structure 1
ATSFontRef data type 1
ATSFontSetAutoActivationSettingForApplication function 1
ATSFontSetEnabled function 1
ATSFontSetGlobalAutoActivationSetting function 1
ATSFontSize data type 1
ATSGeneration data type 1
ATSGetGeneration function 1
ATSGlyph data type 1
ATSGlyphIdealMetrics structure 1
ATSGlyphRef data type 1
ATSGlyphScreenMetrics structure 1
ATSJustPriorityWidthDeltaOverrides data type 1
ATSJustWidthDeltaEntryOverride structure 1
ATSLayoutRecord structure 1
ATSNotificationCallback callback 1
ATSOptionFlags data type 1
ATSQuadraticClosePathProcPtr callback 1
ATSQuadraticClosePathUPP data type 1
ATSQuadraticCurveProcPtr callback 1
ATSQuadraticCurveUPP data type 1
ATSQuadraticLineProcPtr callback 1
ATSQuadraticLineUPP data type 1
ATSQuadraticNewPathProcPtr callback 1
ATSQuadraticNewPathUPP data type 1
ATSTrapezoid structure 1
ATSUAttributeInfo structure 1
ATSUAttributeValuePtr data type 1
ATSUBackgroundColor data type 1
ATSUBackgroundData structure 1
ATSUBatchBreakLines function 1
ATSUBreakLine function 1
ATSUCalculateBaselineDeltas function 1
ATSUCaret structure 1
ATSUClearAttributes function 1
ATSUClearFontFeatures function 1
ATSUClearFontVariations function 1
ATSUClearLayoutCache function 1
ATSUClearLayoutControls function 1
ATSUClearLineControls function 1
ATSUClearSoftLineBreaks function 1
ATSUClearStyle function 1
ATSUCompareStyles function 1
ATSUCopyAttributes function 1
ATSUCopyLayoutControls function 1
ATSUCopyLineControls function 1
ATSUCopyToHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.1) 1
ATSUCountFontFeatureSelectors function 1
ATSUCountFontFeatureTypes function 1
ATSUCountFontInstances function 1
ATSUCountFontNames function 1
ATSUCountFontTracking function 1
ATSUCountFontVariations function 1
ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle function 1
ATSUCreateAndCopyTextLayout function 1
ATSUCreateFontFallbacks function 1
ATSUCreateStyle function 1
ATSUCreateTextLayout function 1
ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr function 1
ATSUCurvePath structure 1
ATSUCurvePaths structure 1
ATSUDirectAddStyleSettingRef function 1
ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromLineRef function 1
ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout function 1
ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideProcPtr callback 1
ATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP structure 1
ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr function 1
ATSUDisposeFontFallbacks function 1
ATSUDisposeStyle function 1
ATSUDisposeTextLayout function 1
ATSUDrawGlyphInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
ATSUDrawText function 1
ATSUFindFontFromName function 1
ATSUFindFontName function 1
ATSUFlattenStyleRunsToStream function 1
ATSUFONDtoFontID function 1
ATSUFontCount function 1
ATSUFontFallbacks data type 1
ATSUFontFeatureSelector data type 1
ATSUFontFeatureType data type 1
ATSUFontID data type 1
ATSUFontIDtoFOND function 1
ATSUFontVariationAxis data type 1
ATSUFontVariationValue data type 1
ATSUGetAllAttributes function 1
ATSUGetAllFontFeatures function 1
ATSUGetAllFontVariations function 1
ATSUGetAllLayoutControls function 1
ATSUGetAllLineControls function 1
ATSUGetAttribute function 1
ATSUGetContinuousAttributes function 1
ATSUGetFontFallbacks function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
ATSUGetFontFeature function 1
ATSUGetFontFeatureNameCode function 1
ATSUGetFontFeatureSelectors function 1
ATSUGetFontFeatureTypes function 1
ATSUGetFontIDs function 1
ATSUGetFontInstance function 1
ATSUGetFontInstanceNameCode function 1
ATSUGetFontVariationNameCode function 1
ATSUGetFontVariationValue function 1
ATSUGetGlyphBounds function 1
ATSUGetGlyphInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
ATSUGetIndFontName function 1
ATSUGetIndFontTracking function 1
ATSUGetIndFontVariation function 1
ATSUGetLayoutControl function 1
ATSUGetLineControl function 1
ATSUGetNativeCurveType function 1
ATSUGetObjFontFallbacks function 1
ATSUGetRunStyle function 1
ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks function 1
ATSUGetStyleRefCon function 1
ATSUGetTabArray function 1
ATSUGetTextHighlight function 1
ATSUGetTextLayoutRefCon function 1
ATSUGetTextLocation function 1
ATSUGetTransientFontMatching function 1
ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds function 1
ATSUGlyphGetCubicPaths function 1
ATSUGlyphGetCurvePaths function 1
ATSUGlyphGetIdealMetrics function 1
ATSUGlyphGetQuadraticPaths function 1
ATSUGlyphGetScreenMetrics function 1
ATSUGlyphInfo structure 1
ATSUGlyphInfoArray structure 1
ATSUGlyphSelector structure 1
ATSUHighlightInactiveText function 1
ATSUHighlightText function 1
ATSUIdle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
ATSULayoutOperationOverrideSpecifier structure 1
ATSULeftwardCursorPosition function 1
ATSULineRef structure 1
ATSUMatchFontsToText function 1
ATSUMeasureText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
ATSUMeasureTextImage function 1
ATSUNextCursorPosition function 1
ATSUOffsetToCursorPosition function 1
ATSUOffsetToPosition function 1
ATSUOverwriteAttributes function 1
ATSUPositionToCursorOffset function 1
ATSUPositionToOffset function 1
ATSUPreviousCursorPosition function 1
ATSURGBAlphaColor structure 1
ATSURightwardCursorPosition function 1
ATSUSetAttributes function 1
ATSUSetFontFallbacks function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
ATSUSetFontFeatures function 1
ATSUSetHighlightingMethod function 1
ATSUSetLayoutControls function 1
ATSUSetLineControls function 1
ATSUSetObjFontFallbacks function 1
ATSUSetRunStyle function 1
ATSUSetSoftLineBreak function 1
ATSUSetStyleRefCon function 1
ATSUSetTabArray function 1
ATSUSetTextHandleLocation function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.0) 1
ATSUSetTextLayoutRefCon function 1
ATSUSetTextPointerLocation function 1
ATSUSetTransientFontMatching function 1
ATSUSetVariations function 1
ATSUStyle data type 1
ATSUStyleIsEmpty function 1
ATSUStyleRunInfo structure 1
ATSUStyleSettingRef structure 1
ATSUTab structure 1
ATSUTextDeleted function 1
ATSUTextInserted function 1
ATSUTextLayout data type 1
ATSUTextMeasurement data type 1
ATSUTextMoved function 1
ATSUUnderwriteAttributes function 1
ATSUUnflattenStyleRunsFromStream function 1
ATSUUnhighlightData structure 1
ATSUUnhighlightText function 1
Attribute Constants 1
Attribute Tags 1
Attributes 1
Automatic Activation Settings 1
Auxiliary Dictionary Keys 1
AVLocationRec structure 1
AVPowerStatePtr data type 1
AVPowerStateRec data type 1
AXDescendingSortDirection constant 1
AXNotificationHIObjectNotify function 1
AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier function 1
AXUIElementGetHIObject function 1
AXUIElementGetIdentifier function 1
BackColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Background Data Types 1
BackPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
BackPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
badDictFormat constant 1
badInputText constant 1
badPasteboardFlavorErr constant 1
badPasteboardIndexErr constant 1
badPasteboardItemErr constant 1
badPasteboardSyncErr constant 1
BitMap structure 1
BitMapToRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Bits16 data type 1
blackColor constant 1
blend constant 1
Blend Modes 1
blueColor constant 1
Box Dictionary Keys 1
bufTooSmall constant 1
burstDevice constant 1
cAEList 1
CalcCMask function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CalcColorTableProcPtr callback 1
CalcColorTableUPP data type 1
CalcMask function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Calibrator Name Prefix 1
CalibratorInfo structure 1
Callback Constants for the AEResolve Function 1
Camera Maker Dictionaries 1
Canon Camera Dictionary Keys 1
cantLoadPickMethodErr constant 1
Caret Direction Constants 1
Caret Movement Types 1
Catalog Information Bitmask 1
ccntTokenRecord structure 1
CCrsr structure 1
cDepthErr constant 1
cDevErr constant 1
cFTPItem constant 1
CGAcquireDisplayFadeReservation function 1
CGAffineTransform structure 1
CGAffineTransformConcat function 1
CGAffineTransformEqualToTransform function 1
CGAffineTransformIdentity 1
CGAffineTransformIdentity constant 1
CGAffineTransformInvert function 1
CGAffineTransformIsIdentity function 1
CGAffineTransformMake function 1
CGAffineTransformMakeRotation function 1
CGAffineTransformMakeScale function 1
CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation function 1
CGAffineTransformRotate function 1
CGAffineTransformScale function 1
CGAffineTransformTranslate function 1
CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition function 1
CGBeamPosition data type 1
CGBeginDisplayConfiguration function 1
CGBitmapContextCreate function 1
CGBitmapContextCreateImage function 1
CGBitmapContextGetAlphaInfo function 1
CGBitmapContextGetBitmapInfo function 1
CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent function 1
CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerPixel function 1
CGBitmapContextGetBytesPerRow function 1
CGBitmapContextGetColorSpace function 1
CGBitmapContextGetData function 1
CGBitmapContextGetHeight function 1
CGBitmapContextGetWidth function 1
CGButtonCount data type 1
CGByteValue data type 1
CGCancelDisplayConfiguration function 1
CGCaptureAllDisplays function 1
CGCaptureAllDisplaysWithOptions function 1
CGCharCode data type 1
CGColorCreate function 1
CGColorCreateCopy function 1
CGColorCreateCopyWithAlpha function 1
CGColorCreateGenericCMYK function 1
CGColorCreateGenericGray function 1
CGColorCreateGenericRGB function 1
CGColorCreateWithPattern function 1
CGColorEqualToColor function 1
CGColorGetAlpha function 1
CGColorGetColorSpace function 1
CGColorGetComponents function 1
CGColorGetConstantColor function 1
CGColorGetNumberOfComponents function 1
CGColorGetPattern function 1
CGColorGetTypeID function 1
CGColorRef data type 1
CGColorRelease function 1
CGColorRetain function 1
CGColorSpaceCopyICCProfile function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateCalibratedGray function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateCalibratedRGB function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateICCBased function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateIndexed function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateLab function 1
CGColorSpaceCreatePattern function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateWithName function 1
CGColorSpaceCreateWithPlatformColorSpace function 1
CGColorSpaceGetBaseColorSpace function 1
CGColorSpaceGetColorTable function 1
CGColorSpaceGetColorTableCount function 1
CGColorSpaceGetModel function 1
CGColorSpaceGetNumberOfComponents function 1
CGColorSpaceGetTypeID function 1
CGColorSpaceRef data type 1
CGColorSpaceRelease function 1
CGColorSpaceRetain function 1
CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration function 1
CGConfigureDisplayFadeEffect function 1
CGConfigureDisplayMirrorOfDisplay function 1
CGConfigureDisplayMode function 1
CGConfigureDisplayOrigin function 1
CGConfigureDisplayStereoOperation function 1
CGContextAddArc function 1
CGContextAddArcToPoint function 1
CGContextAddCurveToPoint function 1
CGContextAddEllipseInRect function 1
CGContextAddLines function 1
CGContextAddLineToPoint function 1
CGContextAddPath function 1
CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint function 1
CGContextAddRect function 1
CGContextAddRects function 1
CGContextBeginPage function 1
CGContextBeginPath function 1
CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer function 1
CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect function 1
CGContextClearRect function 1
CGContextClip function 1
CGContextClipToMask function 1
CGContextClipToRect function 1
CGContextClipToRects function 1
CGContextClosePath function 1
CGContextConcatCTM function 1
CGContextConvertPointToDeviceSpace function 1
CGContextConvertPointToUserSpace function 1
CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace function 1
CGContextConvertRectToUserSpace function 1
CGContextConvertSizeToDeviceSpace function 1
CGContextConvertSizeToUserSpace function 1
CGContextDrawImage function 1
CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint function 1
CGContextDrawLayerInRect function 1
CGContextDrawLinearGradient function 1
CGContextDrawPath function 1
CGContextDrawPDFDocument function 1
CGContextDrawPDFPage function 1
CGContextDrawRadialGradient function 1
CGContextDrawShading function 1
CGContextDrawTiledImage function 1
CGContextEndPage function 1
CGContextEndTransparencyLayer function 1
CGContextEOClip function 1
CGContextEOFillPath function 1
CGContextFillEllipseInRect function 1
CGContextFillPath function 1
CGContextFillRect function 1
CGContextFillRects function 1
CGContextFlush function 1
CGContextGetClipBoundingBox function 1
CGContextGetCTM function 1
CGContextGetInterpolationQuality function 1
CGContextGetPathBoundingBox function 1
CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint function 1
CGContextGetTextMatrix function 1
CGContextGetTextPosition function 1
CGContextGetTypeID function 1
CGContextGetUserSpaceToDeviceSpaceTransform function 1
CGContextIsPathEmpty function 1
CGContextMoveToPoint function 1
CGContextPathContainsPoint function 1
CGContextRef data type 1
CGContextRelease function 1
CGContextReplacePathWithStrokedPath function 1
CGContextRestoreGState function 1
CGContextRetain function 1
CGContextRotateCTM function 1
CGContextSaveGState function 1
CGContextScaleCTM function 1
CGContextSelectFont function 1
CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing function 1
CGContextSetAlpha function 1
CGContextSetBlendMode function 1
CGContextSetCharacterSpacing function 1
CGContextSetCMYKFillColor function 1
CGContextSetCMYKStrokeColor function 1
CGContextSetFillColor function 1
CGContextSetFillColorSpace function 1
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor function 1
CGContextSetFillPattern function 1
CGContextSetFlatness function 1
CGContextSetFont function 1
CGContextSetFontSize function 1
CGContextSetGrayFillColor function 1
CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor function 1
CGContextSetInterpolationQuality function 1
CGContextSetLineCap function 1
CGContextSetLineDash function 1
CGContextSetLineJoin function 1
CGContextSetLineWidth function 1
CGContextSetMiterLimit function 1
CGContextSetPatternPhase function 1
CGContextSetRenderingIntent function 1
CGContextSetRGBFillColor function 1
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor function 1
CGContextSetShadow function 1
CGContextSetShadowWithColor function 1
CGContextSetShouldAntialias function 1
CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts function 1
CGContextSetStrokeColor function 1
CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace function 1
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor function 1
CGContextSetStrokePattern function 1
CGContextSetTextDrawingMode function 1
CGContextSetTextMatrix function 1
CGContextSetTextPosition function 1
CGContextShowGlyphs function 1
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint function 1
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPositions function 1
CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances function 1
CGContextShowText function 1
CGContextShowTextAtPoint function 1
CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect function 1
CGContextStrokeLineSegments function 1
CGContextStrokePath function 1
CGContextStrokeRect function 1
CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth function 1
CGContextSynchronize function 1
CGContextTranslateCTM function 1
CGCursorIsDrawnInFramebuffer function 1
CGCursorIsVisible function 1
CGDataConsumerCallbacks structure 1
CGDataConsumerCreate function 1
CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData function 1
CGDataConsumerCreateWithURL function 1
CGDataConsumerGetTypeID function 1
CGDataConsumerPutBytesCallback callback 1
CGDataConsumerRef data type 1
CGDataConsumerRelease function 1
CGDataConsumerReleaseInfoCallback callback 1
CGDataConsumerRetain function 1
CGDataProviderCallbacks structure 1
CGDataProviderCopyData function 1
CGDataProviderCreate function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CGDataProviderCreateDirect function 1
CGDataProviderCreateDirectAccess function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CGDataProviderCreateSequential function 1
CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData function 1
CGDataProviderCreateWithData function 1
CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename function 1
CGDataProviderCreateWithURL function 1
CGDataProviderDirectAccessCallbacks structure 1
CGDataProviderDirectCallbacks structure 1
CGDataProviderGetBytePointerCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderGetBytesAtOffsetCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderGetBytesCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderGetTypeID function 1
CGDataProviderRef data type 1
CGDataProviderRelease function 1
CGDataProviderReleaseBytePointerCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderReleaseDataCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderReleaseInfoCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderRetain function 1
CGDataProviderRewindCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderSequentialCallbacks structure 1
CGDataProviderSkipBytesCallback callback 1
CGDataProviderSkipForwardCallback callback 1
CGDeviceByteColor structure 1
CGDeviceColor structure 1
CGDirectDisplayID data type 1
CGDirectPaletteRef data type 1
CGDisplayAddressForPosition function 1
CGDisplayAvailableModes function 1
CGDisplayBaseAddress function 1
CGDisplayBeamPosition function 1
CGDisplayBestModeForParameters function 1
CGDisplayBestModeForParametersAndRefreshRate function 1
function 1
CGDisplayBitsPerPixel function 1
CGDisplayBitsPerSample function 1
CGDisplayBlendFraction data type 1
CGDisplayBounds function 1
CGDisplayBytesPerRow function 1
CGDisplayCanSetPalette function 1
CGDisplayCapture function 1
CGDisplayCaptureWithOptions function 1
CGDisplayConfigRef data type 1
CGDisplayCoord data type 1
CGDisplayCopyColorSpace function 1
CGDisplayCount data type 1
CGDisplayCurrentMode function 1
CGDisplayErr data type 1
CGDisplayFade function 1
CGDisplayFadeInterval data type 1
CGDisplayFadeOperationInProgress function 1
CGDisplayFadeReservationToken data type 1
CGDisplayGammaTableCapacity function 1
CGDisplayGetDrawingContext function 1
CGDisplayHideCursor function 1
CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask function 1
CGDisplayIOServicePort function 1
CGDisplayIsActive function 1
CGDisplayIsAlwaysInMirrorSet function 1
CGDisplayIsAsleep function 1
CGDisplayIsBuiltin function 1
CGDisplayIsCaptured function 1
CGDisplayIsInHWMirrorSet function 1
CGDisplayIsInMirrorSet function 1
CGDisplayIsMain function 1
CGDisplayIsOnline function 1
CGDisplayIsStereo function 1
CGDisplayMirrorsDisplay function 1
CGDisplayModelNumber function 1
CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint function 1
CGDisplayPixelsHigh function 1
CGDisplayPixelsWide function 1
CGDisplayPrimaryDisplay function 1
CGDisplayReconfigurationCallBack callback 1
CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback function 1
CGDisplayRelease function 1
CGDisplayRemoveReconfigurationCallback function 1
CGDisplayReservationInterval data type 1
CGDisplayRestoreColorSyncSettings function 1
CGDisplayRotation function 1
CGDisplaySamplesPerPixel function 1
CGDisplayScreenSize function 1
CGDisplaySerialNumber function 1
CGDisplaySetPalette function 1
CGDisplaySetStereoOperation function 1
CGDisplayShowCursor function 1
CGDisplaySwitchToMode function 1
CGDisplayUnitNumber function 1
CGDisplayUsesOpenGLAcceleration function 1
CGDisplayVendorNumber function 1
CGDisplayWaitForBeamPositionOutsideLines function 1
CGEnableEventStateCombining function 1
CGError data type 1
CGEventCreate function 1
CGEventCreateCopy function 1
CGEventCreateData function 1
CGEventCreateFromData function 1
CGEventCreateKeyboardEvent function 1
CGEventCreateMouseEvent function 1
CGEventCreateScrollWheelEvent function 1
CGEventCreateSourceFromEvent function 1
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function 1
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function 1
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CGFunctionRetain function 1
CGGammaValue data type 1
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CGGetEventTapList function 1
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CGGLContextCreate function 1
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CGImageCreate function 1
CGImageCreateCopy function 1
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CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider function 1
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CGImageGetBitsPerComponent function 1
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CGImageGetDataProvider function 1
CGImageGetDecode function 1
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CGImageGetRenderingIntent function 1
CGImageGetShouldInterpolate function 1
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CGImageMaskCreate function 1
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CGInhibitLocalEvents function 1
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CGPathCreateMutableCopy function 1
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checkMark constant 1
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cHTML constant 1
chunky 1
CIcon structure 1
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cKeystroke 1
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clipPix constant 1
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cmComment constant 1
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cmContinueProfileSel constant 1
CMConvertFixedXYZToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertHLSToRGB function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertHSVToRGB function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertLabToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertLuvToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertRGBToGray function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertRGBToHLS function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertRGBToHSV function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToFixedXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToLab function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToLuv function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertXYZToYxy function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMConvertYxyToXYZ function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMCopyProfile function 1
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cmCopyrightTag constant 1
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CMCountProfileElements function 1
cmCreateNewAccess constant 1
CMCreateProfileIdentifier function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmCS1ChromTag constant 1
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cmEndAccess constant 1
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cmGeometryUnknown constant 1
CMGetColorSyncFolderSpec function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetColorSyncVersion function 1
CMGetCWInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetDefaultDevice function 1
CMGetDefaultProfileBySpace function 1
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CMGetDeviceDefaultProfileID function 1
CMGetDeviceFactoryProfiles function 1
CMGetDeviceInfo function 1
CMGetDeviceProfile function 1
CMGetDeviceProfiles function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetDeviceState function 1
CMGetGammaByAVID function 1
CMGetImageSpace function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetImageSpaceProcPtr callback 1
CMGetIndImageProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetIndImageProfileProcPtr callback 1
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CMGetIndProfileElement function 1
CMGetIndProfileElementInfo function 1
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CMGetNamedColorInfo function 1
CMGetNamedColorName function 1
CMGetNamedColorValue function 1
CMGetPartialProfileElement function 1
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CMGetProfileElement function 1
CMGetProfileHeader function 1
CMGetProfileLocation function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMGetProfileMD5 function 1
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CMGetPS2ColorSpace function 1
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cmGray16LSpace constant 1
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CMHeader structure 1
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cmIlluminantD55 constant 1
cmIlluminantD65 constant 1
cmIlluminantD93 constant 1
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cmIlluminantF8 constant 1
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cmLinkClass constant 1
CMLinkImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMLinkImageProcPtr callback 1
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cmLong10ColorPacking constant 1
cmLong8ColorPacking constant 1
cmLuminanceTag constant 1
CMLut16Type structure 1
CMLut8Type structure 1
cmLUV32Space constant 1
CMLuvColor structure 1
cmLuvData constant 1
cmLUVSpace constant 1
CMM Function Selectors 1
cmMagentaResponse constant 1
cmMagicNumber constant 1
CMMakeAndModel structure 1
cmMakeAndModelTag constant 1
CMMakeAndModelType structure 1
CMMakeProfile function 1
cmMatchAnyProfile constant 1
cmMatchApplProfileVersion constant 1
cmMatchAttributes constant 1
cmMatchBlack constant 1
cmMatchCMMType constant 1
cmMatchDataColorSpace constant 1
cmMatchDataType constant 1
cmMatchDeviceAttributes constant 1
cmMatchDeviceManufacturer constant 1
cmMatchDeviceModel constant 1
cmMatchDeviceType constant 1
CMMatchFlag data type 1
cmMatchFlags constant 1
CMMatchImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMMatchImageProcPtr callback 1
cmMatchManufacturer constant 1
cmMatchModel constant 1
CMMatchOption data type 1
cmMatchOptions constant 1
cmMatchProfileClass constant 1
cmMatchProfileCMMType constant 1
cmMatchProfileConnectionSpace constant 1
cmMatchProfileFlags constant 1
CMMatchRef data type 1
cmMatchWhite constant 1
cmMCEight8Space constant 1
cmMCEightSpace constant 1
cmMCFive8Space constant 1
cmMCFiveSpace constant 1
cmMCH5Data constant 1
cmMCH6Data constant 1
cmMCH7Data constant 1
cmMCH8Data constant 1
cmMCSeven8Space constant 1
cmMCSevenSpace constant 1
cmMCSix8Space constant 1
cmMCSixSpace constant 1
cmMeasurementTag constant 1
CMMeasurementType structure 1
cmMediaBlackPointTag constant 1
cmMediaWhitePointTag constant 1
cmMethodError constant 1
cmMethodNotFound constant 1
CMMInfo structure 1
CMMInfoRecord structure 1
CMMInterfaceVersion constant 1
CMMIterateProcPtr callback 1
CMMIterateUPP data type 1
cmMonitorDevice constant 1
CMMultichannel5Color structure 1
CMMultichannel6Color structure 1
CMMultichannel7Color structure 1
CMMultichannel8Color structure 1
CMMultiFunctCLUTType structure 1
CMMultiFunctLutA2BType data type 1
CMMultiFunctLutB2AType data type 1
CMMultiFunctLutType structure 1
CMMultiLocalizedUniCodeEntryRec structure 1
CMMultiLocalizedUniCodeType structure 1
CMNamedColor structure 1
CMNamedColor2EntryType structure 1
cmNamedColor2Tag constant 1
CMNamedColor2Type structure 1
cmNamedColorClass constant 1
cmNamedColorNotFound constant 1
cmNamedColorTag constant 1
CMNamedColorType structure 1
cmNamedData constant 1
cmNamedIndexed32LSpace constant 1
cmNamedIndexed32Space constant 1
cmNamedIndexedSpace constant 1
CMNativeDisplayInfo structure 1
cmNativeDisplayInfoTag constant 1
CMNativeDisplayInfoType structure 1
cmNativeMatchingPreferred constant 1
CMNewProfile function 1
CMNewProfileSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmNoColorPacking constant 1
cmNoCurrentProfile constant 1
cmNoGDevicesError constant 1
cmNoProfileBase constant 1
cmNormalMode constant 1
cmNoSpace constant 1
cmNumHeaderElements constant 1
cmOneBitDirectPacking constant 1
cmOnePlusLastResponse constant 1
CMOpenProfile function 1
cmOpenReadAccess constant 1
cmOpenReadSpool constant 1
cmOpenWriteAccess constant 1
cmOpenWriteSpool constant 1
cmOriginalProfileLocationSize constant 1
cmOutputClass constant 1
cmOutputUse constant 1
CMParametricCurveType structure 1
cmParametricType0 constant 1
cmParametricType1 constant 1
cmParametricType2 constant 1
cmParametricType3 constant 1
cmParametricType4 constant 1
cmPathBasedProfile constant 1
CMPathLocation structure 1
cmPerceptual constant 1
cmPerceptualMatch constant 1
cmPreview0Tag constant 1
cmPreview1Tag constant 1
cmPreview2Tag constant 1
cmPrinterDevice constant 1
cmPrinterDeviceClass constant 1
cmProcedureBasedProfile constant 1
CMProcedureLocation structure 1
CMProfile structure 1
CMProfileAccessProcPtr callback 1
CMProfileAccessUPP data type 1
CMProfileChromaticities structure 1
cmProfileDescriptionMLTag constant 1
cmProfileDescriptionTag constant 1
CMProfileElementExists function 1
cmProfileError constant 1
CMProfileFilterProc data type 1
CMProfileFilterProcPtr callback 1
CMProfileFilterUPP data type 1
CMProfileIdentifier structure 1
CMProfileIdentifierFolderSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMProfileIdentifierListSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmProfileIdentifierSel constant 1
CMProfileIterateData structure 1
cmProfileIterateDataVersion1 constant 1
cmProfileIterateDataVersion2 constant 1
cmProfileIterateDataVersion3 constant 1
CMProfileIterateProcPtr callback 1
CMProfileIterateUPP data type 1
CMProfileLocation structure 1
cmProfileMajorVersionMask constant 1
CMProfileMD5 data type 1
CMProfileModified function 1
CMProfileName structure 1
CMProfileNamePtr data type 1
cmProfileNotFound constant 1
CMProfileRef data type 1
CMProfileResponse structure 1
CMProfileSearchRecord structure 1
CMProfileSearchRef data type 1
cmProfileSequenceDescTag constant 1
CMProfileSequenceDescType structure 1
cmProfilesIdentical constant 1
CMProfLoc structure 1
cmProofDeviceClass constant 1
CMProofImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMProofImageProcPtr callback 1
cmProofUse constant 1
cmPrtrDefaultScreens constant 1
cmPS2CRD0Tag constant 1
cmPS2CRD1Tag constant 1
cmPS2CRD2Tag constant 1
cmPS2CRD3Tag constant 1
cmPS2CRDVMSizeTag constant 1
CMPS2CRDVMSizeType structure 1
cmPS2CSATag constant 1
cmPS2RenderingIntentTag constant 1
cmPS7bit constant 1
cmPS8bit constant 1
cmPtrBasedProfile constant 1
CMPtrLocation structure 1
cmQualityMask constant 1
cmRangeOverFlow constant 1
cmReadAccess constant 1
cmReadSpool constant 1
cmRedColorantTag constant 1
cmRedResponse constant 1
cmRedTRCTag constant 1
cmReflective constant 1
cmReflectiveTransparentMask constant 1
CMRegisterColorDevice function 1
cmRelativeColorimetric constant 1
CMRemoveProfileElement function 1
cmReservedSpace1 constant 1
cmReservedSpace2 constant 1
cmReverseChannelPacking constant 1
cmRGB16LSpace constant 1
cmRGB16Space constant 1
cmRGB24Space constant 1
cmRGB32Space constant 1
cmRGB48LSpace constant 1
cmRGB48Space constant 1
cmRGB565LSpace constant 1
cmRGB565Space constant 1
cmRGBA32PmulSpace constant 1
cmRGBA32Space constant 1
cmRGBA64LPmulSpace constant 1
cmRGBA64LSpace constant 1
cmRGBA64PmulSpace constant 1
cmRGBA64Space constant 1
cmRGBAPmulSpace constant 1
cmRGBASpace constant 1
CMRGBColor structure 1
cmRGBData constant 1
cmRGBSpace constant 1
CMS15Fixed16ArrayType structure 1
cmSaturation constant 1
cmSaturationMatch constant 1
cmScannerDevice constant 1
cmScannerDeviceClass constant 1
CMScreeningChannelRec structure 1
cmScreeningDescTag constant 1
cmScreeningTag constant 1
CMScreeningType structure 1
cmSearchError constant 1
CMSearchGetIndProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSearchGetIndProfileFileSpec function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSearchRecord structure 1
CMSetDefaultDevice function 1
CMSetDefaultProfileBySpace function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSetDefaultProfileByUse function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSetDeviceDefaultProfileID function 1
CMSetDeviceFactoryProfiles function 1
CMSetDeviceProfile function 1
CMSetDeviceProfiles function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSetDeviceState function 1
CMSetGammaByAVID function 1
CMSetIndImageProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMSetIndImageProfileProcPtr callback 1
CMSetPartialProfileElement function 1
CMSetProfileByAVID function 1
CMSetProfileDescriptions function 1
CMSetProfileElement function 1
CMSetProfileElementReference function 1
CMSetProfileElementSize function 1
CMSetProfileHeader function 1
CMSetProfileLocalizedStringDictionary function 1
CMSetSystemProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmSigCrdInfoType constant 1
cmSigCurveType constant 1
cmSigDataType constant 1
cmSigDateTimeType constant 1
cmSigLut16Type constant 1
cmSigLut8Type constant 1
cmSigMakeAndModelType constant 1
cmSigMeasurementType constant 1
cmSigMultiFunctA2BType constant 1
cmSigMultiFunctB2AType constant 1
cmSigMultiLocalizedUniCodeType constant 1
cmSigNamedColor2Type constant 1
cmSigNamedColorType constant 1
cmSigNativeDisplayInfoType constant 1
CMSignatureType structure 1
cmSigParametricCurveType constant 1
cmSigProfileDescriptionType constant 1
cmSigProfileSequenceDescType constant 1
cmSigPS2CRDVMSizeType constant 1
cmSigS15Fixed16Type constant 1
cmSigScreeningType constant 1
cmSigSignatureType constant 1
cmSigTextType constant 1
cmSigU16Fixed16Type constant 1
cmSigU1Fixed15Type constant 1
cmSigUcrBgType constant 1
cmSigUInt16Type constant 1
cmSigUInt32Type constant 1
cmSigUInt64Type constant 1
cmSigUInt8Type constant 1
cmSigUnicodeTextType constant 1
cmSigVideoCardGammaType constant 1
cmSigViewingConditionsType constant 1
cmSigXYZType constant 1
cmspFavorEmbeddedMask constant 1
cmspInvalidImageFile constant 1
cmspInvalidImageSpace constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileDest constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileEmbed constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileLink constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileProof constant 1
cmspInvalidProfileSource constant 1
cmSpotFunctionCross constant 1
cmSpotFunctionDefault constant 1
cmSpotFunctionDiamond constant 1
cmSpotFunctionEllipse constant 1
cmSpotFunctionLine constant 1
cmSpotFunctionRound constant 1
cmSpotFunctionSquare constant 1
cmSpotFunctionUnknown constant 1
cmSRGB16ChannelEncoding constant 1
cmSRGBData constant 1
cmStdobs1931TwoDegrees constant 1
cmStdobs1964TenDegrees constant 1
cmStdobsUnknown constant 1
CMTagElemTable structure 1
CMTagRecord structure 1
cmTechnologyAMDisplay constant 1
cmTechnologyCRTDisplay constant 1
cmTechnologyDigitalCamera constant 1
cmTechnologyDyeSublimationPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyElectrophotographicPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyElectrostaticPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyFilmScanner constant 1
cmTechnologyFilmWriter constant 1
cmTechnologyFlexography constant 1
cmTechnologyGravure constant 1
cmTechnologyInkJetPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyOffsetLithography constant 1
cmTechnologyPhotoCD constant 1
cmTechnologyPhotographicPaperPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyPhotoImageSetter constant 1
cmTechnologyPMDisplay constant 1
cmTechnologyProjectionTelevision constant 1
cmTechnologyReflectiveScanner constant 1
cmTechnologySilkscreen constant 1
cmTechnologyTag constant 1
cmTechnologyThermalWaxPrinter constant 1
cmTechnologyVideoCamera constant 1
cmTechnologyVideoMonitor constant 1
CMTextDescriptionType structure 1
CMTextType structure 1
cmTrap constant 1
cmTurnOffCache constant 1
CMU16Fixed16ArrayType structure 1
cmUcrBgTag constant 1
CMUcrBgType structure 1
cmUcrResponse constant 1
CMUInt16ArrayType structure 1
CMUInt32ArrayType structure 1
CMUInt64ArrayType structure 1
CMUInt8ArrayType structure 1
CMUnembedImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMUnembedImageProcPtr callback 1
CMUnicodeTextType structure 1
CMUnregisterColorDevice function 1
cmUnsupportedDataType constant 1
CMUpdateProfile function 1
CMUpdateProfileSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cmUseDefaultChromaticAdaptation constant 1
CMValidateProfile function 1
CMValidImage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
CMValidImageProcPtr callback 1
CMVideoCardGamma structure 1
CMVideoCardGammaFormula structure 1
cmVideoCardGammaFormulaType constant 1
CMVideoCardGammaTable structure 1
cmVideoCardGammaTableType constant 1
cmVideoCardGammaTag constant 1
CMVideoCardGammaType structure 1
cmViewingConditionsDescTag constant 1
cmViewingConditionsTag constant 1
CMViewingConditionsType structure 1
cmVonKriesChromaticAdaptation constant 1
cmWord565ColorPacking constant 1
cmWord5ColorPacking constant 1
CMWorldRef data type 1
cmWriteAccess constant 1
cmWriteSpool constant 1
cmXYZ24Space constant 1
cmXYZ32Space constant 1
cmXYZ48LSpace constant 1
cmXYZ48Space constant 1
CMXYZColor structure 1
CMXYZComponent data type 1
cmXYZData constant 1
cmXYZSpace constant 1
CMXYZType structure 1
cmYCbCrData constant 1
cmYellowResponse constant 1
CMYKColor data type 1
cmYXY32Space constant 1
CMYxyColor structure 1
cmYxyData constant 1
cmYXYSpace constant 1
cNoMemErr constant 1
Color Bank Type 1
Color Constants 1
Color Information Type 1
Color Management Module Component Interface 1
Color Model Values 1
Color Modes 1
Color Packing for Color Spaces 1
Color Rendering Intents 1
Color Responses 1
Color Selection Method 1
Color Space Constants With Packing Formats 1
Color Space Masks 1
Color Space Models 1
Color Space Names 1
Color Space Signatures 1
Color2Index function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
ColorBankIs555 constant 1
ColorBankIsCustom constant 1
ColorBankIsExactAnd555 constant 1
ColorBit function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
ColorComplementProcPtr callback 1
ColorComplementUPP data type 1
ColorInfo structure 1
ColorSearchProcPtr callback 1
ColorSearchUPP data type 1
ColorSpec structure 1
colorsRequestedErr constant 1
ColorSync Options 1
ColorSync Scripting AppleEvent Errorsl 1
ColorTable structure 1
colorXorXFer 1
Command Delimiter Keys 1
commandMark constant 1
CommentSpec structure 1
Comparison Operator Constants 1
Component Identifiers 1
Component Identifiers (Deprecated) 1
Component Interface Version 1
Component Selector Proc Information 1
Component Selectors 1
CompositeIconRef function 1
Confirm Flags 1
Conjugation Constants 1
Constant Colors 1
Constants for Object Specifiers, Positions, and Logical and Comparison Operations 1
ConstATSUAttributeValuePtr data type 1
ConstCStrList data type 1
ConstPatternParam data type 1
ConstPMRectList data type 1
Constraint Types 1
ConstSInt32List data type 1
Context Options 1
ContinueSpeech function 1
Control Flags Constants 1
Control Panel Message Codes 1
Control Panel Result Codes 1
Convenience Constants 1 2
Converter Setup Ticket Keys 1
Converting Mask 1
CopyBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CopyDeepMask function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CopyMask function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CopyPalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CopyPhonemesFromText function 1
CopyPixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CopyPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CopyProcessName function 1
CopyRgn function 1
CopySpeechProperty function 1
CountImageProfilesProcPtr callback 1
CountVoices function 1
cParagraph constant 1
cPICT constant 1
CProcRec structure 1
cProperty constant 1
cProtectErr constant 1
CQDProcs structure 1
cRangeErr constant 1
CreateCGContextForPort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CreateCompDescriptor function 1
CreateLogicalDescriptor function 1
CreateNewPort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CreateNewPortForCGDisplayID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CreateObjSpecifier function 1
CreateOffsetDescriptor function 1
CreateRangeDescriptor function 1
cResErr constant 1
cRGBColor constant 1
crossCursor constant 1
CSpecArray data type 1
CStrList structure 1
CS_MAX_PATH constant 1
CTab2Palette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CTabChanged function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
cTempMemErr constant 1
cURL 1
cURL constant 1
Current Device Versions 1
Current Info Versions 1
Current Major Version Mask 1
Current Voice Keys 1
Cursor ID Constants 1
Cursor structure 1
CursorComponentChanged function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CursorComponentSetData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
cursorDoesAnimate 1
CursorImageRec structure 1
CursorInfo structure 1
Curve Types 1
CustomXFerProcPtr callback 1
CustomXFerRec structure 1
cVersion 1
CWCheckBitmap function 1
CWCheckColors function 1
CWCheckPixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CWConcatColorWorld function 1
CWDisposeColorWorld function 1
CWFillLookupTexture function 1
CWindowPtr data type 1
CWMatchBitmap function 1
CWMatchColors function 1
CWMatchPixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
CWNewLinkProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
cyanColor constant 1
Data Array Constants 1
Data Not Specified Constants 1
Data Not Wanted Constants 1
Data Representation Formats 1
Data Transfer Commands 1
Data Transmission Keys 1
Data Type Element Values 1
DCMAccessMethodID data type 1
DCMAccessMethodIterator data type 1
DCMAddRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
dcmBadDataSizeErr constant 1
dcmBadDictionaryErr constant 1
dcmBadFeatureErr constant 1
dcmBadFieldInfoErr constant 1
dcmBadFieldTypeErr constant 1
dcmBadFindMethodErr constant 1
dcmBadKeyErr constant 1
dcmBadPropertyErr constant 1
dcmBlockFullErr constant 1
dcmBufferOverflowErr constant 1
DCMCloseDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMCompactDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMCountObjectIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMCountRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMCountRecordIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMCreateAccessMethodIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMCreateDictionaryIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMCreateFieldInfoRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMDeleteDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMDeleteRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMDeriveNewDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
dcmDictionaryBusyErr constant 1
DCMDictionaryHeader structure 1
DCMDictionaryID data type 1
DCMDictionaryIterator data type 1
dcmDictionaryNotOpenErr constant 1
DCMDictionaryRef data type 1
DCMDisposeObjectIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMDisposeRecordIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
dcmDupRecordErr constant 1
DCMFieldTag data type 1
DCMFieldType data type 1
DCMFindRecords function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMFoundRecordIterator data type 1
DCMGetAccessMethodIDFromName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetDictionaryFieldInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetDictionaryIDFromFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetDictionaryIDFromRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetDictionaryProperty function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetDictionaryPropertyList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetDictionaryWriteAccess function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetFieldAttributes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetFieldData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetFieldDefaultData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetFieldFindMethods function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetFieldMaxRecordSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetFieldTagAndType function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetFileFromDictionaryID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetNextRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetNthRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetPrevRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMGetRecordSequenceNumber function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMIterateFoundRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMIterateObject function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
dcmIterationCompleteErr constant 1
DCMLibraryVersion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
dcmNecessaryFieldErr constant 1
DCMNewDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
dcmNoAccessMethodErr constant 1
dcmNoFieldErr constant 1
dcmNoRecordErr constant 1
dcmNotDictionaryErr constant 1
DCMObjectID data type 1
DCMObjectIterator data type 1
DCMObjectRef data type 1
DCMOpenDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
dcmParamErr constant 1
dcmPermissionErr constant 1
DCMProgressFilterProcPtr callback 1
DCMProgressFilterUPP data type 1
dcmProtectedErr constant 1
DCMRegisterDictionaryFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMReleaseDictionaryWriteAccess function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMReorganizeDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMResetObjectIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMSetDictionaryProperty function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DCMSetFieldData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
dcmTooManyKeyErr constant 1
DCMUniqueID data type 1
DCMUnregisterDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
Default CMM Signature 1
Default Copy/Collate Value 1
Default Environment Names 1
Default IDs 1
Default Options 1
DelComp function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Deleted Glyph Code 1
DelimiterInfo structure 1
DelSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DeltaPoint function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
deltapoint function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Dependent Notification Constants 1
DependentNotifyRec structure 1
Deprecated Language Constants 1
Descriptor Type Constants 1
DescType data type 1
Destination Properties 1
Destination Types 1
destPortErr constant 1
Device and Media Attributes 1
Device Attribute Constants 1
Device Attribute Values for Version 2.x Profiles 1
Device Classes 1
Device Loop Flags 1
Device States 1
Device Types 1
deviceIsIndirect 1
DeviceLoop function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DeviceLoopDrawingProcPtr callback 1
DeviceLoopDrawingUPP data type 1
DeviceLoopFlags data type 1
DialogPtr data type 1
diamondMark constant 1
Dictionary Classes 1
Dictionary Information Constants 1
Dictionary Properties 1
DiffRgn function 1
Direct Data Selectors 1
directType constant 1
Display Capture Options 1
Display Configuration Change Flags 1
Display Configuration Scopes 1
Display Fade Blend Fractions 1
Display Fade Constants 1
Display Gestalt Constants 1
Display ID Defaults 1
Display Mode Flags 1
Display Mode Optional Properties 1
Display Mode Standard Properties 1
Display Version Values 1
Display/Device ID Constants 1
DisplayListEntryRec structure 1
DisposeAECoerceDescUPP function 1
DisposeAECoercePtrUPP function 1
DisposeAEDisposeExternalUPP function 1
DisposeAEEventHandlerUPP function 1
DisposeAEFilterUPP function 1
DisposeAEIdleUPP function 1
DisposeATSCubicClosePathUPP function 1
DisposeATSCubicCurveToUPP function 1
DisposeATSCubicLineToUPP function 1
DisposeATSCubicMoveToUPP function 1
DisposeATSQuadraticClosePathUPP function 1
DisposeATSQuadraticCurveUPP function 1
DisposeATSQuadraticLineUPP function 1
DisposeATSQuadraticNewPathUPP function 1
DisposeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP function 1
DisposeCalcColorTableUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeCCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeCIcon function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMBitmapCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMConcatCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMFlattenUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMMIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMProfileAccessUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMProfileFilterUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeCMProfileIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeColorComplementUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeColorPickMethodProcPtr callback 1
DisposeColorPickMethodUPP data type 1
DisposeColorSearchUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeCTable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDeviceLoopDrawingUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDisposeColorPickMethodUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDMComponentListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDMDisplayListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDMExtendedNotificationUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDMNotificationUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDMProfileListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeDragGrayRgnUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeFBCCallbackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeFBCHitTestUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeFMFontCallbackFilterUPP function 1
DisposeFMFontFamilyCallbackFilterUPP function 1
DisposeGDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeGWorld function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeIconActionUPP function 1
DisposeIconGetterUPP function 1
DisposeIconSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
DisposeInitPickMethodUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeOSLAccessorUPP function 1
DisposeOSLAdjustMarksUPP function 1
DisposeOSLCompareUPP function 1
DisposeOSLCountUPP function 1
DisposeOSLDisposeTokenUPP function 1
DisposeOSLGetErrDescUPP function 1
DisposeOSLGetMarkTokenUPP function 1
DisposeOSLMarkUPP function 1
DisposePalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposePictInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposePixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposePixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposePMIdleUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposePort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDArcUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDBitsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDCommentUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDGetPicUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDJShieldCursorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDLineUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDOpcodeUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDOvalUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDPolyUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDPutPicUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDRectUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDRgnUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDRRectUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDStdGlyphsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDTextUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeQDTxMeasUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeRecordColorsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeRedrawBackgroundUPP function 1
DisposeRegionToRectsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeRgn function 1
DisposeScreenBuffer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DisposeSpeechChannel function 1
DisposeSpeechDoneUPP function 1
DisposeSpeechErrorUPP function 1
DisposeSpeechPhonemeUPP function 1
DisposeSpeechSyncUPP function 1
DisposeSpeechTextDoneUPP function 1
DisposeSpeechWordUPP function 1
DisposeStyleRunDirectionUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
ditherCopy constant 1
ditherPix constant 1
DMAddDisplay function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
dmAllDisplays constant 1
DMBeginConfigureDisplays function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMBlockMirroring function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMCanMirrorNow function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMCheckDisplayMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMComponentListEntryRec structure 1
DMComponentListIteratorProcPtr callback 1
DMComponentListIteratorUPP data type 1
DMConfirmConfiguration function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMDepthInfoBlockRec structure 1
DMDepthInfoRec structure 1
DMDisableDisplay function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMDisplayListIteratorProcPtr callback 1
DMDisplayListIteratorUPP data type 1
DMDisplayModeListEntryRec structure 1
DMDisplayModeListIteratorProcPtr callback 1
DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP data type 1
DMDisplayTimingInfoRec structure 1
DMDisposeAVComponent function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMDisposeDisplay function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMDisposeList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMDrawDesktopRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMDrawDesktopRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMEnableDisplay function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMEndConfigureDisplays function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMExtendedNotificationProcPtr callback 1
DMExtendedNotificationUPP data type 1
DMFidelityType data type 1
DMGetAVPowerState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetDeskRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetDeviceAVIDByPortAVID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetDeviceComponentByAVID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetDisplayComponent function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetDisplayMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetEnableByAVID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetFirstScreenDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetGDeviceByDisplayID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetGraphicInfoByAVID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetIndexedComponentFromList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetIndexedDisplayModeFromList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetNameByAVID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetNextMirroredDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetNextScreenDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMGetPortComponentByAVID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMIsMirroringOn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMListIndexType data type 1
DMListType data type 1
DMMakeAndModelRec structure 1
DMMirrorDevices function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMModalFilterUPP data type 1
DMMoveDisplay function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewAVDeviceList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewAVEngineList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewAVIDByDeviceComponent function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewAVIDByPortComponent function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewAVPanelList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewAVPortListByDeviceAVID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewAVPortListByPortType function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewDisplay function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNewDisplayModeList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMNotificationProcPtr callback 1
DMNotificationUPP data type 1
dmOnlyActiveDisplays constant 1
DMProcessInfoPtr data type 1
DMProfileListEntryRec structure 1
DMProfileListIteratorProcPtr callback 1
DMProfileListIteratorUPP data type 1
DMQDIsMirroringCapable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMRegisterExtendedNotifyProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMRegisterNotifyProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMRemoveDisplay function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMRemoveExtendedNotifyProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMRemoveNotifyProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMResolveDisplayComponents function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMSaveScreenPrefs function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMSendDependentNotification function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMSetAVPowerState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMSetDisplayComponent function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMSetDisplayMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMSetEnableByAVID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMSetMainDisplay function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMUnblockMirroring function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DMUnmirrorDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DNG Dictionary Keys 1
Document Format Strings 1
Document Ticket Keys 1
dontMatchSeeds constant 1
Drag Constraint Constants 1
DragConstraint data type 1
DragGrayRgnProcPtr callback 1
DragGrayRgnUPP data type 1
DrawChar function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Drawing Resolution Keys 1
DrawJustified function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DrawPicture function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DrawString function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
DrawText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Duplex Modes 1
Duplex Options 1
duplicatePasteboardFlavorErr constant 1
Edit Preference Constants 1
Element Tags and Signatures for Version 1.0 Profiles 1
Embedded Profile Flags 1
Embedded Profile Identifiers 1
EmbedImageProcPtr callback 1
EmptyRect function 1
EmptyRgn function 1
Engine Limitations 1
Entry2Index function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
EqualPt function 1
EqualRect function 1
EqualRgn function 1
erase constant 1
EraseArc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
EraseOval function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
ErasePoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
EraseRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
EraseRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
EraseRoundRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
errAEAccessorNotFound constant 1
errAEBadKeyForm constant 1
errAEBadListItem constant 1
errAEBadTestKey constant 1
errAEBufferTooSmall constant 1
errAEBuildSyntaxError constant 1
errAECantHandleClass constant 1
errAECantPutThatThere constant 1
errAECantSupplyType constant 1
errAECantUndo constant 1
errAECoercionFail constant 1
errAECorruptData constant 1
errAEDescIsNull constant 1
errAEDescNotFound constant 1
errAEDuplicateHandler constant 1
errAEEmptyListContainer constant 1
errAEEventFailed constant 1
errAEEventFiltered constant 1
errAEEventNotHandled constant 1
errAEHandlerNotFound constant 1
errAEIllegalIndex constant 1
errAEImpossibleRange constant 1
errAEIndexTooLarge constant 1
errAEInTransaction constant 1
errAENegativeCount constant 1
errAENewerVersion constant 1
errAENoSuchLogical constant 1
errAENoSuchObject constant 1
errAENoSuchTransaction constant 1
errAENotAEDesc constant 1
errAENotAnElement constant 1
errAENotAnEnumMember constant 1
errAENotAnObjectSpec constant 1
errAENotAppleEvent constant 1
errAENotASingleObject constant 1
errAENotASpecialFunction constant 1
errAENotModifiable constant 1
errAENoUserInteraction constant 1
errAENoUserSelection constant 1
errAEParamMissed constant 1
errAEPrivilegeError constant 1
errAEPropertiesClash constant 1
errAEReadDenied constant 1
errAEReceiveEscapeCurrent constant 1
errAEReceiveTerminate constant 1
errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn constant 1
errAEReplyNotArrived constant 1
errAEReplyNotValid constant 1
errAEStreamAlreadyConverted constant 1
errAEStreamBadNesting constant 1
errAETimeout constant 1
errAETypeError constant 1
errAEUnknownAddressType constant 1
errAEUnknownObjectType constant 1
errAEUnknownSendMode constant 1
errAEWaitCanceled constant 1
errAEWriteDenied constant 1
errAEWrongDataType constant 1
errAEWrongNumberArgs constant 1
errASCantCompareMoreThan32k constant 1
errASCantConsiderAndIgnore constant 1
errASIllegalFormalParameter constant 1
errASNoResultReturned constant 1
errASParameterNotForEvent constant 1
errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep constant 1
errIANoErr constant 1
Error Callback User-Information String 1
Error Handling Options 1
eScheme 1
Event Class Constants 1
Event Fields 1
Event Filter Masks 1
Event Flags 1
Event Handler Flags 1
Event ID Constants 1
Event Source Constants 1
Event Source States 1
Event Source Token 1
Event Suppression States 1
Event Tap Locations 1
Event Tap Options 1
Event Tap Placement 1
Event Type Mask 1
Event Types 1
EXIF Auxiliary Dictionary Keys 1
EXIF Dictionary Keys 1
ExitToShell function 1
ext32Device constant 1
Extension Launch Codes 1
Factoring Constants 1
FamRec structure 1
FBCAddAllVolumesToSession function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCAddVolumeToSession function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCBlindExampleSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCBlindExampleSearchWithCallback function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCCallbackProcPtr callback 1
FBCCallbackUPP data type 1
FBCCloneSearchSession function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCCreateSearchSession function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCDeleteIndexFileForFolder function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCDestroySearchSession function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCDestroyWordList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCDisposeSummary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCDoCFStringSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCDoExampleSearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCDoQuerySearch function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCFindIndexFileFolderForFolder function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetHitCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetHitDocument function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetHitDocumentRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetHitScore function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetMatchedWords function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetSessionVolumeCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetSessionVolumes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetSummaryOfCFString function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetSummarySentenceCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetSummarySentences function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCGetTopicWords function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCHitTestProcPtr callback 1
FBCHitTestUPP data type 1
FBCIndexItems function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCIndexItemsInLanguages function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCReleaseSessionHits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCRemoveVolumeFromSession function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCSearchSession data type 1
FBCSetCallback function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCSetHeapReservation function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCSetSessionCallback function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCSetSessionHitTest function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCSetSessionVolumes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCSummarize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCSummarizeCFString function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCSummaryRef data type 1
FBCVolumeIndexPhysicalSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCVolumeIndexTimeStamp function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCVolumeIsIndexed function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCVolumeIsRemote function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FBCWordItem data type 1
FBCWordList data type 1
Fetch options 1
FetchFontInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Fidelity Check Constants 1
Field Attributes 1
Field Data Tags 1
Field Data Types 1
Field Info Record Entries 1
Field Info Record Types 1
File Creator Constants 1
File Specification Header Size 1
File Specification Header Size (Deprecated) 1
File Type Constants 1
Filesharing Privilege Icon Constants 1
fill constant 1
FillArc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillCArc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillCOval function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillCPoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillCRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillCRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillCRoundRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillOval function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillPoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FillRoundRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
fixedFont constant 1
fixedType constant 1
Flag Mask Definitions for Version 2.x Profiles 1
Flattened Data Font Type Selectors 1
Flattened Data Format Selectors 1
Flattened Data Version Numbers 1
Flattened Style Run Data Options 1
FlushIconRefs function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
FlushIconRefsByVolume function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
FM Filter Format 1
FM Filter Selectors 1
FM Font Technologies 1
FMActivateFonts function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMCreateFontFamilyInstanceIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMCreateFontFamilyIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMCreateFontIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMDeactivateFonts function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMDisposeFontFamilyInstanceIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMDisposeFontFamilyIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMDisposeFontIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMetricRec structure 1
FMetricRecHandle data type 1
FMetricRecPtr data type 1
FMFilter structure 1
FMFont data type 1
FMFontCallbackFilterProcPtr callback 1
FMFontCallbackFilterUPP data type 1
FMFontContainer data type 1
FMFontDirectoryFilter structure 1
FMFontFamily data type 1
FMFontFamilyCallbackFilterProcPtr callback 1
FMFontFamilyCallbackFilterUPP data type 1
FMFontFamilyInstance structure 1
FMFontFamilyInstanceIterator structure 1
FMFontFamilyIterator structure 1
FMFontGetCGFontRefFromFontFamilyInstance function 1
FMFontInstance structure 1
FMFontIterator structure 1
FMFontSize data type 1
FMFontSpecification structure 1
FMFontStyle data type 1
FMGeneration data type 1
FMGetATSFontFamilyRefFromFontFamily function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetATSFontRefFromFont function 1
FMGetFontContainer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontContainerFromFontFamilyInstance function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFamilyFromATSFontFamilyRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFamilyFromName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFamilyGeneration function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFamilyInstanceFromFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFamilyName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFamilyResource function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFamilyTextEncoding function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFormat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontFromATSFontRef function 1
FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontGeneration function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontTable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetFontTableDirectory function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetGeneration function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
FMGetNextFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetNextFontFamily function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMGetNextFontFamilyInstance function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMInput structure 1
FMOutPtr data type 1
FMOutput structure 1
FMOutputPtr data type 1
FMResetFontFamilyInstanceIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMResetFontFamilyIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMResetFontIterator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FMSwapFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FNSEnabled function 1
FNSFeatureFlags data type 1
FNSFontProfile data type 1
FNSFontReference data type 1
FNSMatchDefaultsGet function 1
FNSProfileAddReference function 1
FNSProfileClear function 1
FNSProfileClose function 1
FNSProfileCompact function 1
FNSProfileCountReferences function 1
FNSProfileCreate function 1
FNSProfileCreateWithFSRef function 1
FNSProfileGetIndReference function 1
FNSProfileGetVersion function 1
FNSProfileMatchReference function 1
FNSProfileOpen function 1
FNSProfileOpenWithFSRef function 1
FNSProfileRemoveIndReference function 1
FNSProfileRemoveReference function 1
FNSReferenceCountNames function 1
FNSReferenceCreate function 1
FNSReferenceCreateFromFamily function 1
FNSReferenceDispose function 1
FNSReferenceFindName function 1
FNSReferenceFlatten function 1
FNSReferenceFlattenedSize function 1
FNSReferenceGetFamilyInfo function 1
FNSReferenceGetIndName function 1
FNSReferenceGetVersion function 1
FNSReferenceMatch function 1
FNSReferenceMatchFamilies function 1
FNSReferenceMatchFonts function 1
FNSReferenceUnflatten function 1
FNSSysInfo structure 1
FNSSysInfoGet function 1
Folder Icon Constants 1
Font Constants 1
Font Fallback Methods 1
Font Filter Selectors 1
Font Filter Versions 1
Font Formats 1
Font ID Constants 1
Font Profile Constants 1
Font Query Message ID 1
Font Request Query Keys 1
Font Table Index Values 1
Font Variation Axis Keys 1
FontAssoc structure 1
FontFamilyID data type 1
FontInfo structure 1
FontMetrics function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FontPointSize data type 1
FontRec structure 1
FontRecHdl data type 1
FontRecPtr data type 1
FontSpec structure 1
fontWid constant 1
ForEachIconDo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ForeColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
formAbsolutePosition constant 1
Format-Specific Dictionaries 1
FormatOrder data type 1
formName constant 1
formPropertyID constant 1
formRange constant 1
formRelativePosition constant 1
formTest constant 1
formUniqueID constant 1
formWhose constant 1
frame constant 1
FrameArc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FrameOval function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FramePoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FrameRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FrameRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
FrameRoundRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Front Process Options 1
fxdFntH constant 1
fxdFntHW constant 1
fxdFntW constant 1
GammaTbl structure 1
gdDevType constant 1
GDevice structure 1
GDeviceChanged function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Gender Constants 1
genericDocumentIconResource 1
Geometric Zeroes 1
Geometrical Null 1
Get Name By AVID Mask 1
GetAppFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetBackColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetCCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetCIcon function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetClip function 1
GetCPixel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetCTable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetCTSeed function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetCurrentProcess function 1
GetCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetCustomIconsEnabled function 1
GetDefFontSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetDeviceList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetEntryColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetEntryUsage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetFNum function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetFontInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetFontName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetForeColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetFormatOrder function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetFrontProcess function 1
GetGDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetGray function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetGWorld function 1
GetGWorldDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetGWorldPixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetIcon function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetIconCacheData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetIconCacheProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetIconFamilyData function 1
GetIconFromSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetIconRef function 1
GetIconRefFromComponent function 1
GetIconRefFromFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetIconRefFromFileInfo function 1
GetIconRefFromFolder function 1
GetIconRefFromIconFamilyPtr function 1
GetIconRefFromTypeInfo function 1
GetIconRefOwners function 1
GetIconRefVariant function 1
GetIconSizesFromIconRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.3) 1
GetIconSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetImageSpaceProcPtr callback 1
GetIndImageProfileProcPtr callback 1
GetIndPattern function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetIndVoice function 1
GetLabel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetMainDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetMaskTable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetMaxDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetNewPalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetNextDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetNextProcess function 1
GetOutlinePreferred function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPaletteUpdates function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPattern function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPen function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPenState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPictInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPicture function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPixBaseAddr function 1
GetPixBounds function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPixDepth function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPixel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPixelsState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPixMapInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPixRowBytes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortBackColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortBackPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortBitMapForCopyBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortBounds function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortChExtra function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortClipRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortCustomXFerProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortFillPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortForeColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortFracHPenLocation function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortGrafProcs function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortHiliteColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortOpColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortPenLocation function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortPenMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortPenPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortPenSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortPenVisibility function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortPixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortSpExtra function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortTextFace function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortTextFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortTextMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortTextSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPortVisibleRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetPreserveGlyph function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetProcessBundleLocation function 1
GetProcessForPID function 1
GetProcessInformation function 1
GetProcessPID function 1
GetQDGlobalsArrow function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetQDGlobalsBlack function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetQDGlobalsDarkGray function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetQDGlobalsGray function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetQDGlobalsLightGray function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetQDGlobalsRandomSeed function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetQDGlobalsScreenBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetQDGlobalsThePort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetQDGlobalsWhite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetRegionBounds function 1
GetSpeechInfo function 1
GetSpeechPitch function 1
GetSpeechRate function 1
GetSubTable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetSuiteLabel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
GetSysFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GetVoiceDescription function 1
GetVoiceInfo function 1
GIF Dictionary Keys 1
Global Scope Option 1
GlobalToLocal function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Glyph Collection Types 1
Glyph Direction Selectors 1
Glyph Origin Selectors 1
Glyph Property Flags 1
GlyphID data type 1
GPS Dictionary Keys 1
Gradient Drawing Options 1
GrafDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
GrafPort structure 1
GrafPtr data type 1
GrafVars structure 1
GrafVerb data type 1
Graphics Context Types 1
Graphics Device Type Constants 1
Graphics World Flags 1
grayishTextOr constant 1
greenColor constant 1
gwFlagErr constant 1
GWorldFlags data type 1
GWorldPtr data type 1
HandleToRgn function 1
hardwareConfigErr constant 1
HasDepth function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Height and Width Constants 1
HICopyAccessibilityActionDescription function 1
HICopyAccessibilityRoleDescription function 1
HideCursor function 1
HidePen function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Highlight Methods 1
hilite constant 1
HiliteColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
HiliteText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
HIObjectIsAccessibilityIgnored function 1
HIObjectOverrideAccessibilityContainment function 1
HIObjectSetAccessibilityIgnored function 1
HIObjectSetAuxiliaryAccessibilityAttribute function 1
HomographAccent data type 1
HomographDicInfoRec structure 1
HomographWeight data type 1
iBeamCursor constant 1
ICAddMapEntry function 1
ICAddProfile function 1
ICAppSpec structure 1
ICAppSpecList structure 1
ICBegin function 1
ICC Profile Versions 1
ICCAddMapEntry function 1
ICCAddProfile function 1
ICCBegin function 1
ICCChooseConfig function 1
ICCChooseNewConfig function 1
ICCCountMapEntries function 1
ICCCountPref function 1
ICCCountProfiles function 1
ICCCreateGURLEvent function 1
ICCDefaultFileName function 1
ICCDeleteMapEntry function 1
ICCDeletePref function 1
ICCDeleteProfile function 1
ICCEditPreferences function 1
ICCEnd function 1
ICCFindConfigFile function 1
ICCFindPrefHandle function 1
ICCFindUserConfigFile function 1
ICCGeneralFindConfigFile function 1
ICCGetComponentInstance function 1
ICCGetConfigName function 1
ICCGetConfigReference function 1
ICCGetCurrentProfile function 1
ICCGetDefaultPref function 1
ICCGetIndMapEntry function 1
ICCGetIndPref function 1
ICCGetIndProfile function 1
ICCGetMapEntry function 1
ICCGetMappingInterruptSafe function 1
ICCGetPerm function 1
ICCGetPref function 1
ICCGetPrefHandle function 1
ICCGetProfileName function 1
ICCGetSeed function 1
ICCGetSeedInterruptSafe function 1
ICCGetVersion function 1
ICCharTable structure 1
ICChooseConfig function 1
ICChooseNewConfig function 1
ICCLaunchURL function 1
ICCMapEntriesFilename function 1
ICCMapEntriesTypeCreator function 1
ICCMapFilename function 1
ICCMapTypeCreator function 1
icConfigInappropriateErr constant 1
icConfigNotFoundErr constant 1
ICConfigRef structure 1
ICCountMapEntries function 1
ICCountPref function 1
ICCountProfiles function 1
ICCParseURL function 1
ICCreateGURLEvent function 1
ICCRefreshCaches function 1
ICCRequiresInterruptSafe function 1
ICCSendGURLEvent function 1
ICCSetConfigReference function 1
ICCSetCurrentProfile function 1
ICCSetMapEntry function 1
ICCSetPref function 1
ICCSetPrefHandle function 1
ICCSetProfileName function 1
ICCSpecifyConfigFile function 1
ICCStart function 1
ICCStop function 1
ICDefaultFileName function 1
ICDeleteMapEntry function 1
ICDeletePref function 1
ICDeleteProfile function 1
ICDirSpec structure 1
ICEditPreferences function 1
ICEnd function 1
ICError data type 1
ICFileInfo structure 1
ICFileSpec structure 1
ICFindConfigFile function 1
ICFindPrefHandle function 1
ICFindUserConfigFile function 1
ICFontRecord structure 1
ICGeneralFindConfigFile function 1
ICGetComponentInstance function 1
ICGetConfigName function 1
ICGetConfigReference function 1
ICGetCurrentProfile function 1
ICGetDefaultPref function 1
ICGetIndMapEntry function 1
ICGetIndPref function 1
ICGetIndProfile function 1
ICGetMapEntry function 1
ICGetMappingInterruptSafe function 1
ICGetPerm function 1
ICGetPref function 1
ICGetPrefHandle function 1
ICGetProfileName function 1
ICGetSeed function 1
ICGetSeedInterruptSafe function 1
ICGetVersion function 1
ICInstance data type 1
icInternalErr constant 1
ICLaunchURL function 1
ICMapEntriesFilename function 1
ICMapEntriesTypeCreator function 1
ICMapEntry structure 1
ICMapFilename function 1
ICMapTypeCreator function 1
icNoMoreWritersErr constant 1
icNothingToOverrideErr constant 1
icNoURLErr constant 1
Icon Alignment Constants 1
Icon Selector Constants 1
Icon Services Usage Flag 1
Icon Transformation Constants 1
IconActionProcPtr callback 1
IconActionUPP data type 1
IconCacheRef data type 1
IconFamilyToIconSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
IconGetterProcPtr callback 1
IconGetterUPP data type 1
IconIDToRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
IconMethodToRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
IconRef data type 1
IconRefContainsCGPoint function 1
IconRefIntersectsCGRect function 1
IconRefToHIShape function 1
IconRefToIconFamily function 1
IconRefToRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
IconSuiteRef data type 1
IconSuiteToIconFamily function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
IconSuiteToRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ICParseURL function 1
icPermErr constant 1
icPrefDataErr constant 1
icPrefNotFoundErr constant 1
icProfileNotFoundErr constant 1
ICRefreshCaches function 1
ICRequiresInterruptSafe function 1
ICSendGURLEvent function 1
ICServiceEntry structure 1
ICServices structure 1
ICSetConfigReference function 1
ICSetCurrentProfile function 1
ICSetMapEntry function 1
ICSetPref function 1
ICSetPrefHandle function 1
ICSetProfileName function 1
ICSpecifyConfigFile function 1
ICStart function 1
ICStop function 1
icTooManyProfilesErr constant 1
icTruncatedErr constant 1
ID Constants for the AECreateAppleEvent Function 1
Illuminant Measurement Endocings 1
Image Bitmap Information 1
Image Source Container Properties 1
Image Source Option Dictionary Keys 1
Image Source Status 1
Include Masks 1
incompatibleVoice constant 1
Index2Color function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Individual Image Properties 1
InitCursor function 1
InitGDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InitPalettes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InitPickMethodProcPtr callback 1
InitPickMethodUPP data type 1
InsetRect function 1
InsetRgn function 1
Installable Options 1
Internet Icon Constants 1
internetConfigurationComponent data type 1
Interpolation Qualities 1
IntlText structure 1
invalColReq 1
Invalid Font ID Constant 1
Invalid Values 1
invalidIconRefErr constant 1
invert constant 1
InvertArc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvertColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvertOval function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvertPoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvertRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvertRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvertRoundRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeAECoerceDescUPP function 1
InvokeAECoercePtrUPP function 1
InvokeAEDisposeExternalUPP function 1
InvokeAEEventHandlerUPP function 1
InvokeAEFilterUPP function 1
InvokeAEIdleUPP function 1
InvokeATSCubicClosePathUPP function 1
InvokeATSCubicCurveToUPP function 1
InvokeATSCubicLineToUPP function 1
InvokeATSCubicMoveToUPP function 1
InvokeATSQuadraticClosePathUPP function 1
InvokeATSQuadraticCurveUPP function 1
InvokeATSQuadraticLineUPP function 1
InvokeATSQuadraticNewPathUPP function 1
InvokeATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP function 1
InvokeCalcColorTableUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeCMBitmapCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMConcatCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMFlattenUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMMIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMProfileAccessUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMProfileFilterUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeCMProfileIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
InvokeColorComplementUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeColorSearchUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDeviceLoopDrawingUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDisposeColorPickMethodUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDMComponentListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDMDisplayListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDMExtendedNotificationUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDMNotificationUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDMProfileListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeDragGrayRgnUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeFBCCallbackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeFBCHitTestUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeFMFontCallbackFilterUPP function 1
InvokeFMFontFamilyCallbackFilterUPP function 1
InvokeIconActionUPP function 1
InvokeIconGetterUPP function 1
InvokeInitPickMethodUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeOSLAccessorUPP function 1
InvokeOSLAdjustMarksUPP function 1
InvokeOSLCompareUPP function 1
InvokeOSLCountUPP function 1
InvokeOSLDisposeTokenUPP function 1
InvokeOSLGetErrDescUPP function 1
InvokeOSLGetMarkTokenUPP function 1
InvokeOSLMarkUPP function 1
InvokePMIdleUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDArcUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDBitsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDCommentUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDGetPicUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDJShieldCursorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDLineUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDOpcodeUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDOvalUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDPolyUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDPutPicUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDRectUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDRgnUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDRRectUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDStdGlyphsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDTextUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeQDTxMeasUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeRecordColorsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeRedrawBackgroundUPP function 1
InvokeRegionToRectsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
InvokeSpeechDoneUPP function 1
InvokeSpeechErrorUPP function 1
InvokeSpeechPhonemeUPP function 1
InvokeSpeechSyncUPP function 1
InvokeSpeechTextDoneUPP function 1
InvokeSpeechWordUPP function 1
InvokeStyleRunDirectionUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IPTC Dictionary Keys 1
IsAntiAliasedTextEnabled function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsDataAvailableInIconRef function 1
IsIconRefComposite function 1
IsIconRefMaskEmpty function 1
IsOutline function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsPortClipRegionEmpty function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsPortColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsPortOffscreen function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsPortPictureBeingDefined function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsPortPolyBeingDefined function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsPortRegionBeingDefined function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsPortVisibleRegionEmpty function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsProcessVisible function 1
IsRegionRectangular function 1
IsValidIconRef function 1
IsValidPort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
IsValidRgnHandle function 1
ITab structure 1
italicBit 1
Item Flags 1
Item Value Types 1
Iteration Precedence Options 1
Iteration Scopes 1
JapanesePartOfSpeech data type 1
JFIF Dictionary Keys 1
Job Ticket Keys 1
k1MonochromePixelFormat 1
kAEAll constant 1
kAEAlwaysInteract constant 1
kAEAND constant 1
kAEAnswer constant 1
kAEAny constant 1
kAEApplicationDied constant 1
kAEBeginsWith constant 1
kAECanInteract constant 1
kAECanSwitchLayer constant 1
kAEContains constant 1
kAECoreSuite constant 1
kAEDataArray constant 1
kAEDebugPOSTHeader 1
kAEDefaultTimeout constant 1
kAEDescArray constant 1
kAEDirectCall constant 1
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kAEDisplaySummary constant 1
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kAEDontReconnect constant 1
kAEDontRecord constant 1
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kAEEndsWith constant 1
kAEEquals constant 1
kAEFinderEvents constant 1
kAEFirst constant 1
kAEGetPrivilegeSelection 1
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kAEGreaterThanEquals constant 1
kAEHandleArray 1
kAEHandleArray constant 1
kAEHighPriority constant 1
kAEHTTPProxyHostAttr constant 1
kAEHTTPProxyPortAttr constant 1
kAEIDoMarking constant 1
kAEIDoMinimum constant 1
kAEIDoWhose constant 1
kAEInfo 1
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kAEInteractWithSelf constant 1
kAEInternetSuite 1
kAEISHTTPSearchArgs 1
kAEKeyDescArray constant 1
kAELast constant 1
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kAELocalProcess constant 1
kAELogOut 1
kAEMenuClass 1
kAEMiddle constant 1
kAEMouseClass 1
kAENeverInteract constant 1
kAENext constant 1
kAENoDispatch constant 1
kAENonmodifiable 1
kAENoReply constant 1
kAENormalPriority constant 1
kAENOT constant 1
kAENotifyRecording constant 1
kAENotifyStartRecording constant 1
kAENotifyStopRecording constant 1
kAEOpenApplication constant 1
kAEOpenContents constant 1
kAEOpenDocuments constant 1
kAEOR constant 1
kAEPackedArray constant 1
kAEPrevious constant 1
kAEPrintDocuments constant 1
kAEProcessNonReplyEvents constant 1
kAEQDNotOr 1
kAEQueueReply constant 1
kAEQuitApplication constant 1
kAERemoteProcess constant 1
kAERemoteProcessNameKey constant 1
kAERemoteProcessProcessIDKey constant 1
kAERemoteProcessURLKey constant 1
kAERemoteProcessUserIDKey constant 1
kAEReopenApplication constant 1
kAESameProcess constant 1
kAESetPosition 1
kAEShowPreferences constant 1
kAESocks4Protocol 1
kAEStartRecording constant 1
kAEStopRecording constant 1
kAESystemConfigNotice constant 1
kAEUnknownSource constant 1
kAEUseHTTPProxyAttr 1
kAEUseHTTPProxyAttr constant 1
kAEUserTerminology 1
kAEUseSocksAttr 1
kAEUseStandardDispatch constant 1
kAEUTHasReturningParam 1
kAEWaitReply constant 1
kAEWantReceipt constant 1
kAEZoomIn 1
kAlignAbsoluteCenter constant 1
kAlignBottom constant 1
kAlignBottomLeft constant 1
kAlignBottomRight constant 1
kAlignCenterBottom constant 1
kAlignCenterLeft constant 1
kAlignCenterRight constant 1
kAlignCenterTop constant 1
kAlignHorizontalCenter constant 1
kAlignLeft constant 1
kAlignNone constant 1
kAlignRight constant 1
kAlignTop constant 1
kAlignTopLeft constant 1
kAlignTopRight constant 1
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kAllPPDDomains constant 1
kAnyTransactionID constant 1
kATSBoldQDStretch constant 1
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kATSFlatDataUstlCurrentVersion constant 1
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kATSFlatDataUstlVersion1 constant 1
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kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope constant 1
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kATSOptionFlagsUseDataForkAsResourceFork constant 1
kATSOptionFlagsUseResourceFork constant 1
kATSOtherCurveType constant 1
kATSQuadCurveType constant 1
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kATSQueryFontPostScriptName constant 1
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kATSStyleNoOptions constant 1
kATSUAfterWithStreamShiftTag constant 1
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kATSUByCluster constant 1
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constant 1
kATSUEndAlignment constant 1
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kAutoGenerateReturnID constant 1
kAXAllowedValuesAttribute constant 1
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kPMPageScalingVerticalKey constant 1
kPMPageScalingVerticalStr constant 1
kPMPageTicket constant 1
kPMPageTicketPrelude constant 1
kPMPageTicketType constant 1
kPMPaperInfoList constant 1
kPMPaperInfoListStr constant 1
kPMPaperInfoPrelude constant 1
kPMPaperInfoTicket constant 1
kPMPaperInfoTicketType constant 1
kPMPaperNameKey constant 1
kPMPaperNameStr constant 1
kPMPaperSourceKey constant 1
kPMPaperSourceStr constant 1
kPMPaperTypeKey constant 1
kPMPaperTypeStr constant 1
kPMPhaseAppDrawing constant 1
kPMPhaseConverting constant 1
kPMPhaseDialogsUp constant 1
kPMPhaseKey constant 1
kPMPhasePostAppDrawing constant 1
kPMPhasePostConversion constant 1
kPMPhasePostDialogs constant 1
kPMPhasePreAppDrawing constant 1
kPMPhasePreConversion constant 1
kPMPhasePreDialog constant 1
kPMPhasePrinting constant 1
kPMPhaseStr constant 1
kPMPhaseUnknown constant 1
kPMPortrait constant 1
kPMPPDDescriptionType constant 1
kPMPPDDictKey constant 1
kPMPPDDictStr constant 1
kPMPreviewKey constant 1
kPMPreviewStr constant 1
kPMPrimaryPaperFeedKey constant 1
kPMPrimaryPaperFeedStr constant 1
kPMPrintAllPages constant 1
kPMPrintBackupRecordDataKey constant 1
kPMPrintBackupRecordDataStr constant 1
kPMPrintBackupRecordHdlKey constant 1
kPMPrintBackupRecordHdlStr constant 1
kPMPrintCustomDialogHdlKey constant 1
kPMPrintCustomDialogHdlStr constant 1
kPMPrinterAddressKey constant 1
kPMPrinterAddressStr constant 1
kPMPrinterFontKey constant 1
kPMPrinterFontStr constant 1
kPMPrinterIdle constant 1
kPMPrinterInfoPrelude constant 1
kPMPrinterInfoTicket constant 1
kPMPrinterInfoTicketType constant 1
kPMPrinterIsPostScriptDriverKey constant 1
kPMPrinterIsPostScriptDriverStr constant 1
kPMPrinterLongNameKey constant 1
kPMPrinterLongNameStr constant 1
kPMPrinterMaxResKey constant 1
kPMPrinterMaxResStr constant 1
kPMPrinterMinResKey constant 1
kPMPrinterMinResStr constant 1
kPMPrinterModuleFormatKey constant 1
kPMPrinterModuleFormatStr constant 1
kPMPrinterProcessing constant 1
kPMPrinterShortNameKey constant 1
kPMPrinterShortNameStr constant 1
kPMPrinterStopped constant 1
kPMPrinterSuggestedResKey constant 1
kPMPrinterSuggestedResStr constant 1
kPMPrintOrientationKey constant 1
kPMPrintOrientationStr constant 1
kPMPrintScalingAlignmentKey constant 1
kPMPrintScalingAlignmentStr constant 1
kPMPrintScalingHorizontalKey constant 1
kPMPrintScalingHorizontalStr constant 1
kPMPrintScalingVerticalKey constant 1
kPMPrintScalingVerticalStr constant 1
kPMPrintSettingsPrelude constant 1
kPMPrintSettingsTicket constant 1
kPMPrintSettingsTicketType constant 1
kPMPSErrorHandlerKey constant 1
kPMPSErrorHandlerStr constant 1
kPMPSErrorOnScreenKey constant 1
kPMPSErrorOnScreenStr constant 1
kPMPSTargetLanguageLevel1 constant 1
kPMPSTargetLanguageLevel1and2 constant 1
kPMPSTargetLanguageLevel2 constant 1
kPMPSTargetLanguageLevel2and3 constant 1
kPMPSTargetLanguageLevel3 constant 1
kPMPSTargetLanguageLevelDefault constant 1
kPMPSTargetLanguageLevelUnknown constant 1
kPMPSTraySwitchKey constant 1
kPMPSTraySwitchStr constant 1
kPMPSTTRasterizerAccept68K constant 1
kPMPSTTRasterizerNone constant 1
kPMPSTTRasterizerType42 constant 1
kPMPSTTRasterizerUnknown constant 1
kPMQualityBest constant 1
kPMQualityDraft constant 1
kPMQualityHighest constant 1
kPMQualityInkSaver constant 1
kPMQualityKey constant 1
kPMQualityLowest constant 1
kPMQualityNormal constant 1
kPMQualityPhoto constant 1
kPMQualityStr constant 1
kPMRequestedPixelFormatKey constant 1
kPMRequestedPixelFormatStr constant 1
kPMRequestedPixelLayoutKey constant 1
kPMRequestedPixelLayoutStr constant 1
kPMRequiredBandHeightKey constant 1
kPMRequiredBandHeightStr constant 1
kPMReverseLandscape constant 1
kPMReverseOrderKey constant 1
kPMReverseOrderStr constant 1
kPMReversePortrait constant 1
kPMSecondaryPaperFeedKey constant 1
kPMSecondaryPaperFeedStr constant 1
kPMSimplexTumble constant 1 2
kPMSourceProfile constant 1
kPMSpoolFormatKey constant 1
kPMSpoolFormatStr constant 1
kPMStringConversionFailure constant 1
kPMSubTicketNotFound constant 1
kPMSupportsColorKey constant 1
kPMSupportsColorStr constant 1
kPMTemplateIsLocked constant 1
kPMTemplatePrelude constant 1
kPMTicketIsLocked constant 1
kPMTicketList constant 1
kPMTicketListPrelude constant 1
kPMTicketListType constant 1
kPMTicketTypeNotFound constant 1
kPMTicketTypeUnknown constant 1
kPMTopLevel constant 1
kPMTotalMemAvailableKey constant 1
kPMTotalMemAvailableStr constant 1
kPMTotalMemInstalledKey constant 1
kPMTotalMemInstalledStr constant 1
kPMTransparentCommKey constant 1
kPMTransparentCommStr constant 1
kPMUnadjustedPageRectKey constant 1
kPMUnadjustedPageRectStr constant 1
kPMUnadjustedPaperRectKey constant 1
kPMUnadjustedPaperRectStr constant 1
kPMUnknownDataType constant 1
kPMUnlocked constant 1
kPMUpdateTicketFailed constant 1
kPMUserLanguageKey constant 1
kPMUserLanguageStr constant 1
kPMValidateTicketFailed constant 1
kPMValueArray constant 1
kPMValueBoolean constant 1
kPMValueData constant 1
kPMValueDate constant 1
kPMValueDict constant 1
kPMValueDouble constant 1
kPMValueDoubleRange constant 1
kPMValueOutOfRange constant 1
kPMValuePMRect constant 1
kPMValueSInt32 constant 1
kPMValueSInt32Range constant 1
kPMValueString constant 1
kPMValueTicket constant 1
kPMValueUInt32 constant 1
kPMValueUInt32Range constant 1
kPMValueUndefined constant 1
kPMWhiteSkippingEnabledKey constant 1
kPMWhiteSkippingEnabledStr constant 1
kPMXMLParseError constant 1
kPreflightThenPause constant 1
kPrinterFontStatus 1
kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication constant 1
kPSErrorHandler constant 1
kPSInjectionAfterSubsection constant 1
kPSInjectionBeforeSubsection constant 1
kPSInjectionMaxDictSize constant 1
kPSInjectionPageKey constant 1
kPSInjectionPlacementKey constant 1
kPSInjectionPostScriptKey constant 1
kPSInjectionReplaceSubsection constant 1
kPSInjectionSectionKey constant 1
kPSInjectionSubSectionKey constant 1
kPSNoErrorHandler constant 1
kPSPageInjectAllPages constant 1
kQDCorruptPICTDataErr constant 1
kQDCursorAlreadyRegistered constant 1
kQDCursorNotRegistered constant 1
kQDGrafVerbFrame 1
kQDNoColorHWCursorSupport constant 1
kQDNoPalette constant 1
kQDParseRegionFromTop 1
kQDRegionToRectsMsgInit 1
kQDUseDefaultTextRendering 1
kReadExtensionTermsMask 1
kRedrawHighlighting constant 1
kRenderCursorInHardware 1
kSelectorAll1BitData constant 1
kSelectorAll32BitData constant 1
kSelectorAll4BitData constant 1
kSelectorAll8BitData constant 1
kSelectorAllAvailableData constant 1
kSelectorAllHugeData constant 1
kSelectorAllLargeData constant 1
kSelectorAllMiniData constant 1
kSelectorAllSmallData constant 1
kSelectorHuge1Bit constant 1
kSelectorHuge32Bit constant 1
kSelectorHuge4Bit constant 1
kSelectorHuge8Bit constant 1
kSelectorHuge8BitMask constant 1
kSelectorLarge1Bit constant 1
kSelectorLarge32Bit constant 1
kSelectorLarge4Bit constant 1
kSelectorLarge8Bit constant 1
kSelectorLarge8BitMask constant 1
kSelectorMini1Bit constant 1
kSelectorMini4Bit constant 1
kSelectorMini8Bit constant 1
kSelectorSmall1Bit constant 1
kSelectorSmall32Bit constant 1
kSelectorSmall4Bit constant 1
kSelectorSmall8Bit constant 1
kSelectorSmall8BitMask constant 1
kSetFrontProcessFrontWindowOnly constant 1
kShowModeBit constant 1
kSOAP1999Schema 1
kSpeechCharacterModeProperty constant 1
kSpeechCommandDelimiterProperty constant 1
kSpeechCommandPrefix constant 1
kSpeechCommandSuffix constant 1
kSpeechCurrentVoiceProperty constant 1
kSpeechDictionaryAbbreviations constant 1
kSpeechDictionaryEntryPhonemes constant 1
kSpeechDictionaryEntrySpelling constant 1
kSpeechDictionaryLocaleIdentifier constant 1
kSpeechDictionaryModificationDate constant 1
kSpeechDictionaryPronunciations constant 1
kSpeechErrorCallbackSpokenString constant 1
kSpeechErrorCFCallBack constant 1
kSpeechErrorCount constant 1
kSpeechErrorNewest constant 1
kSpeechErrorNewestCharacterOffset constant 1
kSpeechErrorOldest constant 1
kSpeechErrorOldestCharacterOffset constant 1
kSpeechErrorsProperty constant 1
kSpeechInputModeProperty constant 1
kSpeechModeLiteral constant 1
kSpeechModeNormal constant 1
kSpeechModePhoneme constant 1
kSpeechModeText constant 1
kSpeechNoEndingProsody constant 1
kSpeechNoSpeechInterrupt constant 1
kSpeechNumberModeProperty constant 1
kSpeechOutputToFileURLProperty constant 1
kSpeechPhonemeCallBack constant 1
kSpeechPhonemeInfoExample constant 1
kSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteEnd constant 1
kSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteStart constant 1
kSpeechPhonemeInfoOpcode constant 1
kSpeechPhonemeInfoSymbol constant 1
kSpeechPhonemeSymbolsProperty constant 1
kSpeechPitchBaseProperty constant 1
kSpeechPitchModProperty constant 1
kSpeechPreflightThenPause constant 1
kSpeechRateProperty constant 1
kSpeechRecentSyncProperty constant 1
kSpeechRefConProperty constant 1
kSpeechResetProperty constant 1
kSpeechSpeechDoneCallBack constant 1
kSpeechStatusNumberOfCharactersLeft constant 1
kSpeechStatusOutputBusy constant 1
kSpeechStatusOutputPaused constant 1
kSpeechStatusPhonemeCode constant 1
kSpeechStatusProperty constant 1
kSpeechSyncCallBack constant 1
kSpeechSynthesizerInfoIdentifier constant 1
kSpeechSynthesizerInfoProperty constant 1
kSpeechSynthesizerInfoVersion constant 1
kSpeechTextDoneCallBack constant 1
kSpeechVoiceCreator constant 1
kSpeechVoiceID constant 1
kSpeechVolumeProperty constant 1
kSpeechWordCFCallBack constant 1
kSysSWTooOld constant 1
kSystemPPDDomain constant 1
kSystemProcess constant 1
kTextServiceClass 1
kTextToSpeechSynthType constant 1
kTextToSpeechVoiceBundleType constant 1
kTextToSpeechVoiceFileType constant 1
kTextToSpeechVoiceType constant 1
kTSMHiliteBlockFillText constant 1
kTSMHiliteCaretPosition 1
kTSMHiliteCaretPosition constant 1
kTSMHiliteConvertedText constant 1
kTSMHiliteNoHilite constant 1
kTSMHiliteOutlineText constant 1
kTSMHiliteRawText constant 1
kTSMHiliteSelectedConvertedText constant 1
kTSMHiliteSelectedRawText constant 1
kTSMHiliteSelectedText constant 1
kTSMOutsideOfBody 1
kUseAtoB constant 1
kUseBtoA constant 1
kUseBtoB constant 1
kUseProfileIntent constant 1
kUserPPDDomain constant 1
kVerticalConstraint constant 1
kXFer1PixelAtATime 1
LAAddNewWord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LACloseAnalysisContext function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LACloseDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAContextRef data type 1
LAContinuousMorphemeAnalysis function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LACreateCustomEnvironment function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LADeleteCustomEnvironment function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
laDictionaryNotOpenedErr constant 1
laDictionaryTooManyErr constant 1
laDictionaryUnknownErr constant 1
laEngineNotFoundErr constant 1
laEnvironmentBusyErr constant 1
laEnvironmentExistErr constant 1
laEnvironmentNotFoundErr constant 1
LAEnvironmentRef data type 1
laFailAnalysisErr constant 1
LAGetEnvironmentList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAGetEnvironmentName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAGetEnvironmentRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAGetMorphemes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAHomograph data type 1
laInvalidPathErr constant 1
LALibraryVersion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAListAvailableDictionaries function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAMorpheme data type 1
LAMorphemeAnalysis function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAMorphemeBundle data type 1
LAMorphemePath data type 1
LAMorphemeRec structure 1
LAMorphemesArray structure 1
Language Constants 1
laNoMoreMorphemeErr constant 1
LAOpenAnalysisContext function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAOpenDictionary function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
laPropertyErr constant 1
laPropertyIsReadOnlyErr constant 1
LAPropertyKey data type 1
laPropertyNotFoundErr constant 1
LAPropertyType data type 1
laPropertyUnknownErr constant 1
laPropertyValueErr constant 1
LAResetAnalysis function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LAShiftMorphemes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
laTextOverFlowErr constant 1
LATextToMorphemes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
laTooSmallBufferErr constant 1
Launch Apple Event Constants 1
Launch Options 1
launchAllow24Bit constant 1
LaunchApplication function 1
launchContinue constant 1
launchDontSwitch constant 1
launchInhibitDaemon constant 1
launchNoFileFlags constant 1
LaunchParamBlockRec structure 1
launchUseMinimum constant 1
Layout Callback Status Values 1
Layout Operation Selectors 1
Leading and Trailing Constants 1
leftCaret constant 1
leftStyleRun constant 1
Line Alignment Selectors 1
Line Cap Styles 1
Line function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Line Height and Font Tracking Selectors 1
Line Joins 1
Line Justification Selectors 1
Line Layout Attribute Tags 1
Line Layout Width Selector 1
Line Truncation Selectors 1
LineTo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
List Ticket Keys 1
Listing Permissions 1
LMGetCursorNew function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetDeviceList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetFractEnable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetHiliteMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetHiliteRGB function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetLastFOND function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetLastSPExtra function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetMainDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetQDColors function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetScrHRes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetScrVRes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetTheGDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetWidthListHand function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetWidthPtr function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMGetWidthTabHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetCursorNew function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetDeviceList function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetFractEnable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetHiliteMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetHiliteRGB function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetLastFOND function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetLastSPExtra function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetMainDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetQDColors function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetScrHRes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetScrVRes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetTheGDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetWidthListHand function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetWidthPtr function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LMSetWidthTabHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LoadIconCache function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
LocalToGlobal function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Lock State 1
LockPixels function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
LockPortBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Macintosh 68K Trap Word 1
MacPolygon structure 1
MacRegion structure 1
magentaColor constant 1
Magic Cookie Number 1
mainScreen constant 1
MakeIconCache function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
MakeITable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
MakeRGBPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
MakeVoiceSpec function 1
Map Constants 1
Map Entry Flags 1
Map Entry Masks 1
Map Fixed Length Constants 1
mapPix constant 1
MapPoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
MapPt function 1
MapRect function 1
MapRgn function 1
Marking Character Constants 1
Match Flags Field 1
Match Profiles 1.0 1
Match Profiles 2.0 1
MatchImageProcPtr callback 1
Matching Options 1
MatchRec structure 1
Maximum Path Size 1
MeasureJustified function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Measurement Flares 1
MeasureText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Measurment Geometries 1
medianMethod constant 1
memFragErr constant 1
Memory Keys 1
middleStyleRun constant 1
Miscellaneous Icon Constants 1
Mode List Masks 1
modeLiteral constant 1
modeNormal constant 1
modePhonemes constant 1
modeText constant 1
Morpheme Key Values 1
Morpheme Type Analysis Constants 1
Morpheme Types 1
MorphemePartOfSpeech data type 1
Morphemes Array Version 1
MorphemeTextRange structure 1
Mouse Buttons 1
Mouse Subtypes 1
Move function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
MovePortTo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
MoveTo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Name Flags 1
Named Color Spaces (Deprecated) 1
NameTable structure 1
NCMBeginMatching function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NCMConcatProfileSet structure 1
NCMConcatProfileSpec structure 1
NCMDeviceProfileInfo structure 1
NCMDrawMatchedPicture function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NCMGetProfileLocation function 1
NCMSetSystemProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NCMUnflattenProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NCMUseProfileComment function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NCWConcatColorWorld function 1
NCWNewColorWorld function 1
NCWNewLinkProfile function 1
Networking Icon Constants 1
New Engine List Constants 1
NewAECoerceDescUPP function 1
NewAECoercePtrUPP function 1
NewAEDisposeExternalUPP function 1
NewAEEventHandlerUPP function 1
NewAEFilterUPP function 1
NewAEIdleUPP function 1
NewATSCubicClosePathUPP function 1
NewATSCubicCurveToUPP function 1
NewATSCubicLineToUPP function 1
NewATSCubicMoveToUPP function 1
NewATSQuadraticClosePathUPP function 1
NewATSQuadraticCurveUPP function 1
NewATSQuadraticLineUPP function 1
NewATSQuadraticNewPathUPP function 1
NewATSUDirectLayoutOperationOverrideUPP function 1
NewCalcColorTableUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewCMBitmapCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMConcatCallBackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMFlattenUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMMIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMProfileAccessUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMProfileFilterUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewCMProfileIterateUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewColorComplementUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewColorSearchUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
newDepth constant 1
NewDeviceLoopDrawingUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewDisposeColorPickMethodUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewDMComponentListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewDMDisplayListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewDMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewDMExtendedNotificationUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewDMNotificationUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewDMProfileListIteratorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewDragGrayRgnUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewFBCCallbackUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewFBCHitTestUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewFMFontCallbackFilterUPP function 1
NewFMFontFamilyCallbackFilterUPP function 1
NewGDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewGWorld function 1
NewGWorldFromPtr function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewIconActionUPP function 1
NewIconGetterUPP function 1
NewIconSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
NewInitPickMethodUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewOSLAccessorUPP function 1
NewOSLAdjustMarksUPP function 1
NewOSLCompareUPP function 1
NewOSLCountUPP function 1
NewOSLDisposeTokenUPP function 1
NewOSLGetErrDescUPP function 1
NewOSLGetMarkTokenUPP function 1
NewOSLMarkUPP function 1
NewPalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewPictInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewPixMap function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewPMIdleUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDArcUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDBitsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDCommentUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDGetPicUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDJShieldCursorUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDLineUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDOpcodeUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDOvalUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDPolyUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDPutPicUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDRectUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDRgnUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDRRectUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDStdGlyphsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDTextUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewQDTxMeasUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewRecordColorsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewRedrawBackgroundUPP function 1
NewRegionToRectsUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewRgn function 1
newRowBytes constant 1
NewScreenBuffer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewSpeechChannel function 1
NewSpeechDoneUPP function 1
NewSpeechErrorUPP function 1
NewSpeechPhonemeUPP function 1
NewSpeechSyncUPP function 1
NewSpeechTextDoneUPP function 1
NewSpeechWordUPP function 1
NewStyleRunDirectionUPP function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
NewTempScreenBuffer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Nikon Camera Dictionary Keys 1
No Selectors Option 1
noDriver constant 1
noErr constant 1
noIconDataAvailableErr constant 1
noMaskFoundErr constant 1
noMemForPictPlaybackErr constant 1
noNewDevice constant 1
noPasteboardPromiseKeeperErr constant 1
noPortErr constant 1
NoPurgePixels function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
normalBit 1
noSuchIconErr constant 1
noSynthFound constant 1
notAppropriateForClassic constant 1
Notification Actions 1
Notification Messages 1
Notification Options 1
Notification Types 1
Notifications 1
notPasteboardOwnerErr constant 1
notPatBic constant 1
notPatCopy constant 1
notPatOr constant 1
notPatXor constant 1
notSrcBic constant 1
notSrcCopy constant 1
notSrcOr constant 1
notSrcXor constant 1
notTruncated constant 1
NSetPalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
nsStackErr constant 1
Numeric Descriptor Type Constants 1
Object Class ID Constants 1
ObscureCursor function 1
Obsolete Caret Placement Values 1
Obsolete Color Response Values 1
Obsolete Color Space Signatures 1
Obsolete Device Type Names 1
OffscreenVersion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
OffsetArray structure 1
OffsetArrayHandle data type 1
OffsetPoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
OffsetRect function 1
OffsetRgn function 1
onlyStyleRun constant 1
OpColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
OpenCPicParams structure 1
OpenCPicture function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
OpenCursorComponent function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
OpenPicture function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
OpenPoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
OpenRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Orientations and Sort Directions 1
OSLAccessorProcPtr callback 1
OSLAccessorUPP data type 1
OSLAdjustMarksProcPtr callback 1
OSLAdjustMarksUPP data type 1
OSLCompareProcPtr callback 1
OSLCompareUPP data type 1
OSLCountProcPtr callback 1
OSLCountUPP data type 1
OSLDisposeTokenProcPtr callback 1
OSLDisposeTokenUPP data type 1
OSLGetErrDescProcPtr callback 1
OSLGetErrDescUPP data type 1
OSLGetMarkTokenProcPtr callback 1
OSLGetMarkTokenUPP data type 1
OSLMarkProcPtr callback 1
OSLMarkUPP data type 1
Other Descriptor Type Constants 1
OutlineMetrics function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Output Intent Dictionary Keys 1
OverrideIconRef function 1
OverrideIconRefFromResource function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PackBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Page Format Ticket Keys 1
Page Orientation Constants 1
Page Ticket Key 1
paint constant 1
PaintArc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PaintOval function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PaintPoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PaintRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PaintRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PaintRoundRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Palette structure 1
Palette2CTab function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Panel List Flags 1
Paper Info Ticket Keys 1
Parameterized Attributes 1
Parametric Types 1
pArcAngle 1
Parts of Speech Constants 1
Parts of Speech Masks 1
Pasteboard Flavor Flags 1
Pasteboard Name Constants 1
Pasteboard Promise Constants 1
Pasteboard Synchronization Flags 1
PasteboardClear function 1
PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData function 1
PasteboardCopyItemFlavors function 1
PasteboardCopyName function 1
PasteboardCopyPasteLocation function 1
PasteboardCreate function 1
PasteboardGetItemCount function 1
PasteboardGetItemFlavorFlags function 1
PasteboardGetItemIdentifier function 1
PasteboardItemID data type 1
PasteboardPromiseKeeperProcPtr callback 1
PasteboardPutItemFlavor function 1
PasteboardRef data type 1
PasteboardResolvePromises function 1
PasteboardSetPasteLocation function 1
PasteboardSetPromiseKeeper function 1
PasteboardSynchronize function 1
patBic constant 1
patCopy constant 1
Path Drawing Modes 1
Path Element Types 1
patOr constant 1
Pattern structure 1
patXor constant 1
PauseSpeechAt function 1
pDCMAccessMethod constant 1
pDCMClass constant 1
pDCMCopyright constant 1
pDCMListing constant 1
pDCMLocale constant 1
pDCMMaintenance constant 1
pDCMPermission constant 1
PDF Boxes 1
PDF Object Types 1
PDF Workflow Dictionary Keys 1
PenMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PenNormal function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PenPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PenPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PenSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PenState structure 1
Permission Levels 1
Permissions 1
pFormula 1
Phase Values 1
Phoneme Symbols Keys 1
PhonemeDescriptor structure 1
PhonemeInfo structure 1
PicComment function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PictInfo structure 1
PictInfoID data type 1
pictInfoIDErr constant 1
pictInfoVerbErr constant 1
pictInfoVersionErr constant 1
Picture Comment Kinds 1
Picture Comment Selectors 1
Picture structure 1
pictureDataErr constant 1
Pixel Formats 1
pixelsLocked constant 1
pixelsPurgeable constant 1
PixelToChar function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PixelType data type 1
PixMap structure 1
PixMap32Bit function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
pixMapTooDeepErr constant 1
PixPat structure 1
PixPatChanged function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
pixPurge constant 1
pixPurgeBit 1
Platform Enumeration Values 1
PlotCIcon function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PlotCIconHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PlotIcon function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PlotIconHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PlotIconID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PlotIconMethod function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PlotIconRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PlotIconRefInContext function 1
PlotIconSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PlotSICNHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
plusCursor constant 1
pmAllUpdates constant 1
pmAnimated constant 1
PmBackColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMBegin function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
pmBkUpdates constant 1
pmBlack constant 1
PMCGImageCreateWithEPSDataProvider function 1
PMColorMode data type 1
PMConvertOldPrintRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMCopyAvailablePPDs function 1
PMCopyLocalizedPPD function 1
PMCopyPageFormat function 1
PMCopyPPDData function 1
PMCopyPrintSettings function 1
pmCourteous constant 1
PMCreateGenericPrinter function 1
PMCreatePageFormat function 1
PMCreatePageFormatWithPMPaper function 1
PMCreatePrintSettings function 1
PMCreateSession function 1
PMDefaultPageFormat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMDefaultPrintSettings function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMDialog data type 1
PMDisableColorSync function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMDisposePageFormat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMDisposePrintSettings function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
pmDithered constant 1
PMEnableColorSync function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMEnd function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMError function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
pmExplicit constant 1
pmFgUpdates constant 1
PMFlattenPageFormat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMFlattenPageFormatToCFData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMFlattenPageFormatToURL function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMFlattenPrintSettings function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMFlattenPrintSettingsToCFData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMFlattenPrintSettingsToURL function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PmForeColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGeneral function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetAdjustedPageRect function 1
PMGetAdjustedPaperRect function 1
PMGetCollate function 1
PMGetColorMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetCopies function 1
PMGetDestination function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMGetDriverCreator function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetDriverReleaseInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetDuplex function 1
PMGetFirstPage function 1
PMGetGrafPtr function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetIndexedPrinterResolution function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetJobName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetJobNameCFString function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMGetLanguageInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetLastPage function 1
PMGetOrientation function 1
PMGetPageFormatExtendedData function 1
PMGetPageFormatPaper function 1
PMGetPageRange function 1
PMGetPhysicalPageSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetPhysicalPaperSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetPrinterResolution function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetPrinterResolutionCount function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMGetPrintSettingsExtendedData function 1
PMGetResolution function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMGetScale function 1
PMGetUnadjustedPageRect function 1
PMGetUnadjustedPaperRect function 1
PMgrVersion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMIdleProcPtr callback 1
PMIdleUPP data type 1
pmInhibitC2 constant 1
pmInhibitC4 constant 1
pmInhibitC8 constant 1
pmInhibitG2 constant 1
pmInhibitG4 constant 1
pmInhibitG8 constant 1
PMIsPostScriptDriver function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMLanguageInfo structure 1
PMMakeOldPrintRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMNewPageFormat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMNewPrintSettings function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
pmNoUpdates constant 1
PMObject data type 1
PMPageFormat data type 1
PMPageFormatCreateDataRepresentation function 1
PMPageFormatCreateWithDataRepresentation function 1
PMPageFormatGetPrinterID function 1
PMPageScalingHorizontalKey constant 1
PMPaper data type 1
PMPaperCreate function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMPaperCreateCustom function 1
PMPaperCreateLocalizedName function 1
PMPaperGetHeight function 1
PMPaperGetID function 1
PMPaperGetMargins function 1
PMPaperGetName function 1
PMPaperGetPPDPaperName function 1
PMPaperGetPrinterID function 1
PMPaperGetWidth function 1
PMPaperIsCustom function 1
PMPaperMargins data type 1
PMPostScriptBegin function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMPostScriptData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMPostScriptEnd function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMPostScriptFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMPostScriptHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMPreset data type 1
PMPresetCopyName function 1
PMPresetCreatePrintSettings function 1
PMPresetGetAttributes function 1
PMPrintContext data type 1
PMPrinter data type 1
PMPrinterCopyDescriptionURL function 1
PMPrinterCopyDeviceURI function 1
PMPrinterCopyHostName function 1
PMPrinterCopyPresets function 1
PMPrinterCreateFromPrinterID function 1
PMPrinterGetCommInfo function 1
PMPrinterGetDescriptionURL function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMPrinterGetDeviceURI function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMPrinterGetDriverCreator function 1
PMPrinterGetDriverReleaseInfo function 1
PMPrinterGetID function 1
PMPrinterGetIndexedPrinterResolution function 1
PMPrinterGetLanguageInfo function 1
PMPrinterGetLocation function 1
PMPrinterGetMakeAndModelName function 1
PMPrinterGetMimeTypes function 1
PMPrinterGetName function 1
PMPrinterGetOutputResolution function 1
PMPrinterGetPaperList function 1
PMPrinterGetPrinterResolution function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMPrinterGetPrinterResolutionCount function 1
PMPrinterGetState function 1
PMPrinterIsDefault function 1
PMPrinterIsFavorite function 1
PMPrinterIsPostScriptCapable function 1
PMPrinterIsPostScriptPrinter function 1
PMPrinterIsRemote function 1
PMPrinterPrintWithFile function 1
PMPrinterPrintWithProvider function 1
PMPrinterSetDefault function 1
PMPrinterSetOutputResolution function 1
PMPrinterWritePostScriptToURL function 1
PMPrintingPhaseType data type 1
PMPrintSession data type 1
PMPrintSettings data type 1
PMPrintSettingsCopyAsDictionary function 1
PMPrintSettingsCopyKeys function 1
PMPrintSettingsCreateDataRepresentation function 1
PMPrintSettingsCreateWithDataRepresentation function 1
PMPrintSettingsGetJobName function 1
PMPrintSettingsGetValue function 1
PMPrintSettingsSetJobName function 1
PMPrintSettingsSetValue function 1
PMPrintSettingsToOptions function 1
PMPrintSettingsToOptionsWithPrinterAndPageFormat function 1
PMRect structure 1
PMRectList structure 1
PMRelease function 1
PMResolution structure 1
PMRetain function 1
PMServer data type 1
PMServerCreatePrinterList function 1
PMServerLaunchPrinterBrowser function 1
PMSessionBeginCGDocumentNoDialog function 1
PMSessionBeginDocumentNoDialog function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMSessionBeginPageNoDialog function 1
PMSessionConvertOldPrintRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionCopyDestinationFormat function 1
PMSessionCopyDestinationLocation function 1
PMSessionCopyOutputFormatList function 1
PMSessionCreatePageFormatList function 1
PMSessionCreatePrinterList function 1
PMSessionDefaultPageFormat function 1
PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings function 1
PMSessionDisableColorSync function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMSessionEnableColorSync function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMSessionEndDocumentNoDialog function 1
PMSessionEndPageNoDialog function 1
PMSessionError function 1
PMSessionGeneral function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionGetCGGraphicsContext function 1
PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter function 1
PMSessionGetDataFromSession function 1
PMSessionGetDestinationType function 1
PMSessionGetDocumentFormatGeneration function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionGetDocumentFormatSupported function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionGetGraphicsContext function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMSessionIsDocumentFormatSupported function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionMakeOldPrintRecord function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionPostScriptBegin function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionPostScriptData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionPostScriptEnd function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionPostScriptFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionPostScriptHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionSetCurrentPMPrinter function 1
PMSessionSetCurrentPrinter function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionSetDataInSession function 1
PMSessionSetDestination function 1
PMSessionSetDocumentFormatGeneration function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionSetError function 1
PMSessionSetIdleProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionSetPSInjectionData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSessionValidatePageFormat function 1
PMSessionValidatePrintSettings function 1
PMSetAdjustedPageRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMSetCollate function 1
PMSetColorMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSetCopies function 1
PMSetDuplex function 1
PMSetError function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSetFirstPage function 1
PMSetIdleProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSetJobName function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSetJobNameCFString function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMSetLastPage function 1
PMSetOrientation function 1
PMSetPageFormatExtendedData function 1
PMSetPageRange function 1
PMSetPhysicalPaperSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMSetPrintSettingsExtendedData function 1
PMSetProfile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMSetResolution function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMSetScale function 1
PMSetUnadjustedPaperRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMTemplateCreate function 1
PMTemplateCreateXML function 1
PMTemplateDelete function 1
PMTemplateGetBooleanDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetCFArrayConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetCFDataDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetCFDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetCFRangeConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetConstraintType function 1
PMTemplateGetDoubleDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetDoubleListConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetDoubleRangeConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetDoubleRangeDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetDoubleRangesConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetListTicketConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetPMRectDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetPMRectListConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetPMTicketDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetSInt32DefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetSInt32ListConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetSInt32RangeConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetSInt32RangeDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateGetSInt32RangesConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateGetValueType function 1
PMTemplateIsLocked function 1
PMTemplateLoadFromXML function 1
PMTemplateMakeEntry function 1
PMTemplateMakeFullEntry function 1
PMTemplateMergeTemplates function 1
PMTemplateRef data type 1
PMTemplateRemoveEntry function 1
PMTemplateSetBooleanDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetCFArrayConstraintValue function 1
PMTemplateSetCFDataDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetCFDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetCFRangeConstraint function 1
PMTemplateSetDoubleDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetDoubleListConstraint function 1
PMTemplateSetDoubleRangeConstraint function 1
PMTemplateSetDoubleRangeDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetDoubleRangesConstraint function 1
PMTemplateSetPMRectDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetPMRectListConstraint function 1
PMTemplateSetPMTicketDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetPMTicketListConstraint function 1
PMTemplateSetSInt32DefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetSInt32ListConstraint function 1
PMTemplateSetSInt32RangeConstraint function 1
PMTemplateSetSInt32RangeDefaultValue function 1
PMTemplateSetSInt32RangesConstraint function 1
PMTemplateValidateItem function 1
PMTicketConfirmTicket function 1
PMTicketContainsItem function 1
PMTicketContainsTicket function 1
PMTicketCopy function 1
PMTicketCopyItem function 1
PMTicketCreate function 1
PMTicketCreateTemplate function 1
PMTicketDeleteItem function 1
PMTicketErrors data type 1
PMTicketFillFromArray function 1
PMTicketGetAllocator function 1
PMTicketGetAPIVersion function 1
PMTicketGetBoolean function 1
PMTicketGetBytes function 1
PMTicketGetCFArray function 1
PMTicketGetCFBoolean function 1
PMTicketGetCFData function 1
PMTicketGetCFDate function 1
PMTicketGetCFDictionary function 1
PMTicketGetCFNumber function 1
PMTicketGetCFString function 1
PMTicketGetCString function 1
PMTicketGetDouble function 1
PMTicketGetEnumType function 1
PMTicketGetIndexPMResolution function 1
PMTicketGetItem function 1
PMTicketGetLockedState function 1
PMTicketGetMetaItem function 1
PMTicketGetPMRect function 1
PMTicketGetPMResolution function 1
PMTicketGetPPDDict function 1
PMTicketGetPString function 1
PMTicketGetRetainCount function 1
PMTicketGetSInt32 function 1
PMTicketGetTicket function 1
PMTicketGetType function 1
PMTicketGetUInt32 function 1
PMTicketIsItemLocked function 1
PMTicketItemStruct structure 1
PMTicketItemType data type 1
PMTicketLockItem function 1
PMTicketReadXMLFromFile function 1
PMTicketRef data type 1
PMTicketRelease function 1
PMTicketReleaseAndClear function 1
PMTicketReleaseItem function 1
PMTicketRemoveTicket function 1
PMTicketRetain function 1
PMTicketSetBoolean function 1
PMTicketSetBytes function 1
PMTicketSetCFArray function 1
PMTicketSetCFBoolean function 1
PMTicketSetCFData function 1
PMTicketSetCFDate function 1
PMTicketSetCFDictionary function 1
PMTicketSetCFNumber function 1
PMTicketSetCFString function 1
PMTicketSetCString function 1
PMTicketSetCStringArray function 1
PMTicketSetDouble function 1
PMTicketSetDoubleArray function 1
PMTicketSetItem function 1
PMTicketSetMetaItem function 1
PMTicketSetPMRect function 1
PMTicketSetPMRectArray function 1
PMTicketSetPMResolution function 1
PMTicketSetPMResolutionArray function 1
PMTicketSetPString function 1
PMTicketSetSInt32 function 1
PMTicketSetSInt32Array function 1
PMTicketSetTemplate function 1
PMTicketSetTicket function 1
PMTicketSetUInt32 function 1
PMTicketSetUInt32Array function 1
PMTicketToXML function 1
PMTicketType data type 1
PMTicketUnlockItem function 1
PMTicketValidate function 1
PMTicketWriteXML function 1
PMTicketWriteXMLToFile function 1
pmTolerant constant 1
PMUnflattenPageFormat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMUnflattenPageFormatWithCFData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMUnflattenPageFormatWithURL function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMUnflattenPrintSettings function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMUnflattenPrintSettingsWithCFData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMUnflattenPrintSettingsWithURL function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PMValidatePageFormat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMValidatePrintSettings function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PMValueType data type 1
pmWhite constant 1
PMWorkflowCopyItems function 1
PMWorkflowSubmitPDFWithOptions function 1
PMWorkflowSubmitPDFWithSettings function 1
PMXMLToTicket function 1
pNewElementLoc 1
PNG Dictionary Keys 1
Polygon data type 1
popularMethod constant 1
Port List Flags 1
PortChanged function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PortionLine function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PortSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
PostScript Data Formats 1
PostScript Injection Dictionary Keys 1
PostScript Injection Placement Options 1
PostScript Injection Sections 1
PostScript Injection Subsections 1
PostScript Language Level Targets 1
PostScript Page Injection Options 1
PostScript Printer Description File Domains 1
PostScript Printer Description Tags 1
PostScript Printer Driver Keys 1
Preference Attribute Bits and Masks 1
Preference Attribute Masks 1
Print All Pages Constant 1
Print Quality Modes 1
Print Queue States 1
Print Settings Ticket Keys 1
Printer Description Types 1
Printer Driver Creator Code Key 1
Printer Font Keys 1
Printer Info Ticket Keys 1
PrinterFontStatus structure 1
PrinterScalingStatus structure 1
PrinterStatusOpcode data type 1
Printing Phase Types 1
Priority Constants for the AESend Function (Deprecated in Mac OS X) 1
Process Identification Constants 1
Process Mode Flags 1
Process Transformation Constant 1
ProcessInfoExtendedRec structure 1
ProcessInfoRec structure 1
ProcessInformationCopyDictionary function 1
ProcessSerialNumber structure 1
procNotFound constant 1
Profile Access Procedures 1
Profile Classes 1
Profile Concatenation Values 1
Profile Flags 1
Profile IDs 1
Profile Iteration Constants 1
Profile Iteration Values 1
Profile Location Sizes 1
Profile Location Type 1
Profile Options 1
propFont constant 1
ProtectEntry function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
protocolErr constant 1
prpFntH constant 1
prpFntHW constant 1
prpFntW constant 1
pScheme 1
Pt2Rect function 1
pTextStyles 1
PtInIconID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PtInIconMethod function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PtInIconRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PtInIconSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
PtInRect function 1
PtInRgn function 1
PtToAngle function 1
Public Tags 1
Public Type Signatures 1
QDAddRectToDirtyRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDAddRegionToDirtyRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDArcProcPtr callback 1
QDArcUPP data type 1
QDBeginCGContext function 1
QDBitsProcPtr callback 1
QDBitsUPP data type 1
QDByte data type 1
QDCommentProcPtr callback 1
QDCommentUPP data type 1
QDDisplayWaitCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDDisposeRegionBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDDone function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDEndCGContext function 1
QDErr data type 1
QDError function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDFlushPortBuffer function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDGetCGDirectDisplayID function 1
QDGetCursorData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDGetDirtyRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDGetPatternOrigin function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDGetPicProcPtr callback 1
QDGetPictureBounds function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDGetPicUPP data type 1
QDGlobals structure 1
QDGlobalToLocalPoint function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDGlobalToLocalRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDGlobalToLocalRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDIsNamedPixMapCursorRegistered function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDIsPortBufferDirty function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDIsPortBuffered function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDJShieldCursorProcPtr callback 1
QDJShieldCursorUPP data type 1
QDLineProcPtr callback 1
QDLineUPP data type 1
QDLocalToGlobalPoint function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDLocalToGlobalRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDLocalToGlobalRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDOpcodeProcPtr callback 1
QDOpcodeUPP data type 1
QDOvalProcPtr callback 1
QDOvalUPP data type 1
QDPictCreateWithProvider function 1
QDPictCreateWithURL function 1
QDPictDrawToCGContext function 1
QDPictGetBounds function 1
QDPictGetResolution function 1
QDPictRef data type 1
QDPictRelease function 1
QDPictRetain function 1
QDPolyProcPtr callback 1
QDPolyUPP data type 1
QDPrinterStatusProcPtr callback 1
QDPrinterStatusUPP data type 1
QDProcs structure 1
QDPutPicProcPtr callback 1
QDPutPicUPP data type 1
QDRectProcPtr callback 1
QDRectUPP data type 1
QDRegionBitsRef data type 1
QDRegionParseDirection data type 1
QDRegionToRects function 1
QDRegisterNamedPixMapCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDRestoreRegionBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDRgnProcPtr callback 1
QDRgnUPP data type 1
QDRRectProcPtr callback 1
QDRRectUPP data type 1
QDSaveRegionBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDSetCursorScale function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDSetDirtyRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDSetNamedPixMapCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDSetPatternOrigin function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDStdGlyphsProcPtr callback 1
QDStdGlyphsUPP data type 1
QDSwapPort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDSwapPortTextFlags function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDSwapTextFlags function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDTextBounds function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
QDTextProcPtr callback 1
QDTextUPP data type 1
QDTxMeasProcPtr callback 1
QDTxMeasUPP data type 1
QDUnregisterNamedPixMapCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Quality Flag Values for Version 2.x Profiles 1
QuickTime User Interface Default Font 1
ramInit constant 1
Random function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Rasterizer Options 1
ReadIconFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ReadIconFromFSRef function 1
RealColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RealFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
reallocPix constant 1
RecordColorsProcPtr callback 1
RecordColorsUPP data type 1
recordComments constant 1
recordFontInfo constant 1
RecordPictInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RecordPixMapInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RectInIconID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
RectInIconMethod function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
RectInIconRef function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
RectInIconSuite function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
RectInRgn function 1
RectRgn function 1
redColor constant 1
RedrawBackgroundProcPtr callback 1
RedrawBackgroundUPP data type 1
RegionToRectsProcPtr callback 1
RegionToRectsUPP data type 1
RegisterIconRefFromFSRef function 1
RegisterIconRefFromIconFamily function 1
RegisterIconRefFromIconFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
RegisterIconRefFromResource function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ReleaseIconRef function 1
Remote Process Dictionary Keys 1
RemoveIconRefOverride function 1
Rendering Intent Values for Version 2.x Profiles 1
ReqListRec structure 1
Reserved Count Constants 1
Reserved Window Levels 1
ReserveEntry function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
ResizePalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RestoreBack function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RestoreDeviceClut function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RestoreEntries function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RestoreFore function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Resume Event Dispatch Constants 1
RetrievePictInfo function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
returnColorTable constant 1
returnPalette constant 1
RGBBackColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RGBColor structure 1
RGBForeColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
RgnHandle data type 1
RgnToHandle function 1
rgnTooBigErr constant 1
rightCaret constant 1
rightStyleRun constant 1
Roles 1
SameProcess function 1
SaveBack function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SaveEntries function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SaveFore function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
ScalePt function 1
Scoping Options 1
Screen Encoding Tags 1
Screen Update Operations 1
screenActive constant 1
screenDevice constant 1
ScreenRes function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Scrolling Event Units 1
ScrollRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Search Methods 1
SectRect function 1
SectRegionWithPortClipRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SectRegionWithPortVisibleRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SectRgn function 1
SeedCFill function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SeedFill function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Services Bits 1
Services Constants 1
Services Masks 1
sessClosedErr constant 1
SetAntiAliasedTextEnabled function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetCCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetClientID function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetClip function 1
SetCPixel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetCursor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetCursorComponent function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetCustomIconsEnabled function 1
SetDepth function 1
SetDeviceAttribute function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetEmptyRgn function 1
SetEntries function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetEntryColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetEntryUsage function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetFractEnable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetFrontProcess function 1
SetFrontProcessWithOptions function 1
SetFScaleDisable function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetGDevice function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetGWorld function 1
SetIconCacheData function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetIconCacheProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
SetIconFamilyData function 1
SetIndImageProfileProcPtr callback 1
SetOrigin function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetOutlinePreferred function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPalette function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPaletteUpdates function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPenState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPixelsState function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortBackPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortBounds function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortClipRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortCustomXFerProc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortFillPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortFracHPenLocation function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortGrafProcs function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortOpColor function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortPenMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortPenPixPat function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortPenSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortPix function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortTextFace function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortTextFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortTextMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortTextSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPortVisibleRegion function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPreserveGlyph function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetPt function 1
SetQDError function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetQDGlobalsArrow function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetQDGlobalsRandomSeed function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetRect function 1
SetRectRgn function 1
SetSpeechInfo function 1
SetSpeechPitch function 1
SetSpeechProperty function 1
SetSpeechRate function 1
SetStdCProcs function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetStdProcs function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SetSuiteLabel function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
ShieldCursor function 1
ShowCursor function 1
ShowHideProcess function 1
ShowPen function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
singleDevices constant 1
singleDevicesBit 1
SInt32List structure 1
SizeResourceRec structure 1
SlopeFromAngle function 1
smBreakChar constant 1
smBreakOverflow constant 1
smBreakWord constant 1
smHilite constant 1
smLeftCaret constant 1
smLeftStyleRun constant 1
smMiddleStyleRun constant 1
smNotTruncated constant 1
smOnlyStyleRun constant 1
smRightCaret constant 1
smRightStyleRun constant 1
smTruncated constant 1
smTruncEnd constant 1
smTruncErr constant 1
smTruncMiddle constant 1
soCharacterMode constant 1
soCommandDelimiter constant 1
soCurrentA5 constant 1
soCurrentVoice constant 1
soErrorCallBack constant 1
soErrors constant 1
soInputMode constant 1
soNumberMode constant 1
soOutputToFileWithCFURL constant 1
soPhonemeCallBack constant 1
soPhonemeSymbols constant 1
soPitchBase constant 1
soPitchMod constant 1
soRate constant 1
soRecentSync constant 1
soRefCon constant 1
soReset constant 1
soSoundOutput constant 1
soSpeechDoneCallBack constant 1
soStatus constant 1
soSyncCallBack constant 1
soSynthExtension constant 1
soSynthType constant 1
soTextDoneCallBack constant 1
Source, Pattern, and Arithmetic Transfer Mode Constants 1
soVoiceDescription constant 1
soVoiceFile constant 1
soVolume constant 1
soWordCallBack constant 1
SpaceExtra function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SpeakBuffer function 1
SpeakCFString function 1
SpeakString function 1
SpeakText function 1
Special Folder Icon Constants 1
Special Handler Callback Constants 1
Speech Dictionary Keys 1
Speech Error Keys 1
Speech Status Keys 1
Speech Synthesis Manager Operating System Types 1
Speech Synthesizer Information Keys 1
Speech-Channel Information Constants 1
Speech-Channel Modes 1
Speech-Channel Modes for Core Foundation-based Functions 1
Speech-Channel Properties 1
SpeechBusy function 1
SpeechBusySystemWide function 1
SpeechChannelRecord structure 1
SpeechDoneProcPtr callback 1
SpeechDoneUPP data type 1
SpeechErrorCFProcPtr callback 1
SpeechErrorInfo structure 1
SpeechErrorProcPtr callback 1
SpeechErrorUPP data type 1
SpeechManagerVersion function 1
SpeechPhonemeProcPtr callback 1
SpeechPhonemeUPP data type 1
SpeechStatusInfo structure 1
SpeechSyncProcPtr callback 1
SpeechSyncUPP data type 1
SpeechTextDoneProcPtr callback 1
SpeechTextDoneUPP data type 1
SpeechVersionInfo structure 1
SpeechWordCFProcPtr callback 1
SpeechWordProcPtr callback 1
SpeechWordUPP data type 1
SpeechXtndData structure 1
Spot Function Values 1
SProcRec structure 1
srcBic constant 1
srcCopy constant 1
srcOr constant 1
srcXor constant 1
Standard Finder Icon Constants 1
Standard Icon Badge Constants 1
Standard Icon Resources 1
Standard Oberver 1
StandardGlyphs function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
startupFolderIconResource 1
StdArc function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdComment function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdGetPic function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdLine function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdOpcode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdOval function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdPoly function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdPutPic function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdRgn function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdRRect function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
stdtext function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StdTxMeas function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Stop Speech Locations 1
StopSpeech function 1
StopSpeechAt function 1
stretchPix constant 1
StringWidth function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StuffHex function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Style Comparison Options 1
Style Line Break Values 1
Style Line Count Types 1
Style Rendering Options 1
Style Run Position Constants 1
StyledLineBreak function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
StyleRunDirectionProcPtr callback 1
StyleRunDirectionUPP data type 1
StyleTable structure 1
subOver constant 1
subPin constant 1
SubPt function 1
Subroles 1
Summary Change Flags 1
suppressBlackAndWhite constant 1
svLarge1Bit 1
SwapPortPicSaveHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SwapPortPolySaveHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
SwapPortRegionSaveHandle function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Switch Flags 1
SyncCGContextOriginWithPort function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Synthesizer Option Keys 1
synthNotReady constant 1
synthOpenFailed constant 1
System and Application Fonts 1
System Icon Constant 1
systemFont constant 1
systemMethod constant 1
Tab Positioning Options 1
Tag Constants 1
Tag Type Information 1
Technology Tag Descriptions 1
Template Entry Data Types 1
Template Strings 1
Termination Options 1
TestDeviceAttribute function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Text Buffer Convenience Constants 1
Text Drawing Modes 1
Text Encodings 1
TextFace function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TextFont function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TextMode function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TextRange structure 1
TextRangeArray structure 1
TextSize function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TextToPhonemes function 1
TextWidth function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
tfAntiAlias constant 1
tfUnicode constant 1
Ticket Levels 1
Ticket Type Strings 1
Ticket Types 1
TIFF Dictionary Keys 1
Tiling Patterns 1
Timeout Constants 1
Toolbar Icons 1
TransformProcessType function 1
transparent constant 1
truncated constant 1
Truncation Positions 1
Truncation Status Values 1
truncEnd constant 1
truncErr constant 1
truncMiddle constant 1
TruncString function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TruncText function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
TScriptingSizeResource structure 1
ttNone 1
txFlag Constants 1
type128BitFloatingPoint constant 1
typeAbsoluteOrdinal constant 1
typeAEList constant 1
typeAERecord constant 1
typeAEText 1
typeAlias constant 1
typeAppleEvent constant 1
typeApplicationBundleID 1
typeApplicationBundleID constant 1
typeApplicationURL constant 1
typeApplSignature constant 1
typeAppParameters constant 1
typeBoolean constant 1
typeChar constant 1
typeComp constant 1
typeCompDescriptor constant 1
typeCString constant 1
typeCurrentContainer constant 1
typeDCMFieldAttributes constant 1
typeDCMFindMethod constant 1
typeDecimalStruct constant 1
typeEncodedString constant 1
typeEnumerated constant 1
typeExtended constant 1
typeFalse constant 1
typeFileURL constant 1
typeFinderWindow 1
typeFloat constant 1
typeFSRef constant 1
typeFSS constant 1
typeHIMenu 1
typeIEEE32BitFloatingPoint constant 1
typeIEEE64BitFloatingPoint constant 1
typeIndexDescriptor constant 1
typeInteger constant 1
typeIntlText constant 1
typeKernelProcessID 1
typeKernelProcessID constant 1
typeKeyword constant 1
typeLogicalDescriptor constant 1
typeLongFloat constant 1
typeLongInteger constant 1
typeMachPort 1
typeMachPort constant 1
typeMagnitude constant 1
typeMeters 1
typeNull constant 1
typeObjectBeingExamined constant 1
typeObjectSpecifier constant 1
typeOSLTokenList constant 1
typePixelMap 1
typeProcessSerialNumber constant 1
typeProperty constant 1
typePString constant 1
typeRangeDescriptor constant 1
typeRelativeDescriptor constant 1
typeReplyPortAttr 1
typeSectionH constant 1
typeSessionID 1
typeSessionID constant 1
typeShortFloat constant 1
typeShortInteger constant 1
typeSInt16 constant 1
typeSInt32 constant 1
typeSInt64 constant 1
typeSMFloat constant 1
typeSMInt 1
typeSMInt constant 1
typeStyledText constant 1
typeStyledUnicodeText constant 1
typeTargetID constant 1
typeTIFF 1
typeToken constant 1
typeTrue constant 1
typeType constant 1
typeUInt16 constant 1
typeUInt32 constant 1
typeUInt64 constant 1
typeUnicodeText 1
typeUnicodeText constant 1
typeUTF16ExternalRepresentation constant 1
typeUTF8Text constant 1
typeWildCard constant 1
UnembedImageProcPtr callback 1
Unflattened Style Run Data Options 1
UnionRect function 1
UnionRgn function 1
UnlockPixels function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
UnlockPortBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
UnpackBits function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
UnregisterIconRef function 1
Update Constants 1
UpdateGWorld function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
UpdateIconRef function 1
updPixMemErr constant 1
Usage Constants 1
Use Types 1
UseDictionary function 1
User Cancellation Constant 1
User Interaction Constants 1
User Interaction Level Constants 1
User Interaction Masks 1
Users and Groups Icon Constants 1
UseSpeechDictionary function 1
useTempMem constant 1
vAEBuildAppleEvent function 1
vAEBuildDesc function 1
vAEBuildParameters function 1
ValidateImageProcPtr callback 1
ValidateSpaceProcPtr callback 1
Verb Constants 1
Version Constants 1 2
Vertical Character Types 1
Video Card Gamma Signatures 1
Video Card Gamma Storage Types 1
Video Card Gamma Tags 1
VisibleLength function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4) 1
Voice Information Selectors 1
VoiceDescription structure 1
VoiceFileInfo structure 1
voiceNotFound constant 1
VoiceSpec structure 1
WakeUpProcess function 1
watchCursor constant 1
whiteColor constant 1
Whose Test Constants 1
WidEntry structure 1
WidTable structure 1
WidthTable structure 1
WidthTableHdl data type 1
WidthTablePtr data type 1
Wild Card Values 1
Window Level Keys 1
Window Server Session Properties 1
WindowPtr data type 1
WriteIconFile function (Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.5) 1
WritingCode structure 1
wrongApplicationPlatform constant 1
xColorSpec structure 1
xCSpecArray data type 1
XorRgn function 1
yellowColor constant 1

© 2007 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Last updated: 2007-10-31)

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