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Using Carbon Functionality in a Cocoa Application

Objective-C is a superset of ANSI C, so calling Carbon functions from a Cocoa application is easy as long as they are not user interface functions. A Cocoa application can always call low-level Carbon functions because Cocoa already links against the Application Services framework. To use high-level Carbon functions, a Cocoa application must import Carbon.h and link against the Carbon framework.

The following sections describe some of the situations in which you can use Carbon functions (other than user interface ones) in a Cocoa application:

The situations in which you can call Carbon functions in a Cocoa application are not limited to the examples in this article. The examples illustrate the variety of ways that you can use non-UI Carbon functions in a Cocoa application. If you want to use a Carbon interface in a Cocoa application, read “Using a Carbon User Interface in a Cocoa Application.”

Working With QuickTime Movies

The Cocoa NSMovieView class displays an NSMovie (a wrapper for a QuickTime movie) in a frame and provides methods to play and edit the movie. Although there are methods for editing, setting the view size, setting the controller, setting play modes, and handling sound, the methods in the NSMovieView class do not access all the functionality available for working with QuickTime movies. For example, there are no methods to set the language of a QuickTime movie if alternate language tracks are available. However, you can call any QuickTime function from your Cocoa application, such as the function SetMovieLanguage. All you need to do is to initialize the Movie Toolbox by calling the QuickTime function EnterMovies.

See QuickTime Framework Reference for information on the QuickTime functions you can call from your application.

Listing 1 shows one example of calling QuickTime functions from a Cocoa method. The code in the listing builds an array of track media types for a QuickTime movie. The track media types are displayed in the NSTableView control in the movie’s properties window. An explanation of each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 1  Building an array of track media types for a QuickTime movie

// Before you call QuickTime functions you must initialize the
// Movie Toolbox by calling the function EnterMovies();
- (void) myBuildTrackMediaTypesArray:(NSMovie *) movie
    short i;
    Movie qtmovie = [movie QTMovie];
    for (i = 0; i < GetMovieTrackCount (qtmovie); ++i)                  // 1
        Str255  mediaName;
        OSErr   myErr;
        Track   movieTrack = GetMovieIndTrack (qtmovie, i+1);           // 2
        Media   trackMedia = GetTrackMedia (movieTrack);                // 3
        MediaHandler trackMediaHandler = GetMediaHandler(trackMedia);
        myErr = MediaGetName (trackMediaHandler, mediaName, 0, NULL);   // 4
        [myMovieTrackMediaTypesArray insertObject:[
                        NSString stringWithCString:&mediaName[1]
                    atIndex:i];                                        // 5

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Calls the QuickTime function GetMovieTrackCount to obtain the number of tracks in the movie.

  2. Calls the QuickTime function GetMovieIndTrack to determine the track identifier for a track. Note that tracks start at an index value of 1.

  3. Calls the QuickTime function GetTrackMedia to obtain the media structure that contains sample data for the track.

  4. Calls the QuickTime function MediaGetName to obtain the name (Str255) of the media type.

  5. Adds the media name to the NSArray as an NSString.

For more information, see NSMovieView Class Reference.

Accessing a Resource Fork From Cocoa

A Cocoa application that works with legacy files may need to read the resource fork of a Mac OS 9 file and then parse the resource data. The Resource Manager is a Carbon API, so you can call the appropriate functions from within your Cocoa code, as shown in Listing 2. Once you read the data you can call the Cocoa method stringWithCString:length: to obtain an NSString that you can then parse.

Listing 2  Calling Resource Manager functions from a Cocoa application

    FSRef ref;
    NSString* theFilePath;    // the full path of the resources file
    if (FSPathMakeRef ([theFilePath fileSystemRepresentation], &ref, NULL)
        == noErr)
        short res = FSOpenResFile (&ref, fsRdPerm);
        if (ResError() == noErr)
            // Code that calls Resource Manager functions to read resources
            // goes here.

Using the FSRef Data Type

The File Manager in Carbon uses the FSRef data type for specifying the name and location of a file or directory. When you call Carbon functions from a Cocoa application, you may need to pass an FSRef as a parameter to one of the functions, or you may receive an FSRef as a return value. For example, if you call the Alias Manager function FSResolveAliasFile, you must supply an FSRef that identifies the alias. An FSRef is an opaque 80-byte structure, so typically a pointer is used to pass an FSRef as a parameter.

Given a path to a file that already exists, you can use the code in Listing 3 to obtain an FSRef that identifies the file. An explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 3  A Cocoa method to convert a path into an FSRef

- (BOOL) myMakeFSRef:(FSRef *) outFSRef fromPath:(NSString *)inPath
    OSStatus status = noErr;
    status = FSPathMakeRef ([inPath fileSystemRepresentation],
                               NULL); // 1
    return status == noErr; // 2

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Calls the File Manager function FSPathMakeRef to convert a path into an FSRef. The outFSRef parameter must point to an actual FSRef structure.

  2. Returns YES if the conversion was successful.

Given an FSRef to a file that already exists, you can use the code in Listing 4 to obtain a URL. An explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 4  A Cocoa method to convert an FSRef into a URL

- (NSURL *) myCreateURLFromFSRef:(FSRef *)inFSRef
    NSURL* url = nil;
    UInt8 path[PATH_MAX];
    OSStatus status = noErr;
    status = FSRefMakePath (inFSRef, (UInt8*)path, sizeof(path)); // 1
    if (status == noErr) {
        url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:path]]; // 2
    return url; // 3

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Calls the File Manager function FSRefMakePath to convert the FSRef into a path.

  2. Uses the path to create a new NSURL object.

  3. Returns an NSURL object if the conversion was successful.

For complete documentation of the File Manager, see File Manager Reference.

Managing Core Foundation Objects in Cocoa

Cocoa and Core Foundation use similar memory allocation conventions to allocate, retain, and release objects. In general, Core Foundation functions that have Copy or Create in their name return values the caller must release, while other functions return values the caller should not release. Cocoa objects created with alloc, copy, or new methods must be released by the caller, while all other return values should not be released by the caller. In addition, there is a set of data types that can be used interchangeably; these are referred to as toll-free bridged data types. (See “Interchangeable Data Types” for a list.) As a result, you can use functions and methods from both environments in the same application.

The following code calls the Cocoa method initWithCharacters to initialize a newly allocated NSString. After the code that uses the string is executed, you need to release the string.

NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters: ...];
// Your code that uses the string goes here.
[str release];

You can achieve the same result by calling the following Carbon code. This code uses the Core Foundation function CFStringCreateWithCharacters.

CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(...);
// Your code that uses the string goes here.
CFRelease (str);

The following code calls the Core Foundation function CFStringCreateWithCharacters, casts the returned string to a Cocoa NSString, and releases the string using the Cocoa method release.

NSString *str = (NSString *) CFStringCreateWithCharacters(...);
// Your code that uses the string goes here.
[str release];

Similarly, the following code intermixes Core Foundation and Cocoa but calls the Cocoa method autorelease to dispose of the string.

NSString *str = (NSString *) CFStringCreateWithCharacters(...);
// Your code that uses the string goes here.
[str autorelease];

Note:  Because Core Foundation has no concept of autoreleasing, a larger percentage of Core Foundation functions are Copy or Create functions as compared to the Cocoa methods that use alloc, copy, or new. You must make sure your Cocoa code releases Core Foundation objects, when appropriate, using either the release or autorelease method.

For a more information, see either the Cocoa programming topic Memory Management Programming Guide for Cocoa or the Core Foundation programming topic Memory Management Programming Guide for Core Foundation.

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