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Performance Considerations

Performance is a key aspect of any software system. Nowhere is this more true than in the kernel, where small performance problems tend to be magnified by repeated execution. For this reason, it is extremely important that your code be as efficient as possible.

This chapter discusses the importance of low interrupt latency and fine-grained locking and tells you how to determine what portions of your code would benefit most from more efficient design.

In this section:

Interrupt Latency
Locking Bottlenecks
Code Profiling

Interrupt Latency

In Mac OS X, you will probably never need to write code that runs in an interrupt context. In general, only motherboard hardware requires this. However, in the unlikely event that you do need to write code in an interrupt context, interrupt latency should be a primary concern.

Interrupt latency refers to the delay between an interrupt being generated and an interrupt handler actually beginning to service that interrupt. In practice, the worst case interrupt latency is closely tied to the amount of time spent in supervisor mode (also called kernel mode) with interrupts off while handling some other interrupt. Low interrupt latency is necessary for reasonable overall performance, particularly when working with audio and video. In order to have reasonable soft real-time performance (for example, performance of multimedia applications), the interrupt latency caused by every device driver must be both small and bounded.

Mac OS X takes great care to bound and minimize interrupt latency for built-in drivers. It does this primarily through the use of interrupt service threads (also known as I/O service threads).

When Mac OS X takes an interrupt, the low-level trap handlers call up to a generic interrupt handling routine that clears the pending interrupt bit in the interrupt controller and calls a device-specific interrupt handler. That device-specific handler, in turn, sends a message to an interrupt service thread to notify it that an interrupt has occurred, and then the handler returns. When no further interrupts are pending, control returns to the currently executing thread.

The next time the interrupt service thread is scheduled, it checks to see if an interrupt has occurred, then services the interrupt. As the name suggests, this actually is happening in a thread context, not an interrupt context. This design causes two major differences from traditional operating system design:

This model is crucial to the performance of Mac OS X. You should not attempt to circumvent this design by doing large amounts of work in an interrupt context. Doing so will be detrimental to the overall performance of the system.

Locking Bottlenecks

It is difficult to communicate data between multiple threads or between thread and interrupt contexts without using locking or other synchronization. This locking protects your data from getting clobbered by another thread. However, it also has the unfortunate side effect of being a potential bottleneck.

In some types of communication (particularly n-way), locking can dramatically hinder performance by allowing only one thing to happen at a time. Read-write locks, discussed in “Synchronization Primitives,” can help alleviate this problem in the most common situation where multiple clients need to be able to read information but only rarely need to modify that data.

However, there are many cases where read-write locks are not helpful. This section discusses some possible problems and ways of improving performance within those constraints.

Working With Highly Contended Locks

When many threads need to obtain a lock (or a small number of threads need to obtain a lock frequently), this lock is considered highly contended. Highly contended locks frequently represent faulty code design, but they are sometimes unavoidable. In those cases, the lock tends to become a major performance bottleneck.

Take, for example, the issue of many-to-many communication that must be synchronized through a common buffer. While some improvement can be gained by using read-write locks instead of an ordinary mutex, the issue of multiple writers means that read-write locks still perform badly.

One possible solution for this many-to-many communication problem is to break the lock up into multiple locks. Instead of sharing a single buffer for the communication itself, make a shared buffer that contains accounting information for the communication (for example, a list of buffers available for reading). Then assign each individual buffer its own lock. The readers might then need to check several locations to find the right data, but this still frequently yields better performance, since writers must only contend for a write lock while modifying the accounting information.

Another solution for many-to-many communications is to eliminate the buffer entirely and communicate using message passing, sockets, IPC, RPC, or other methods.

Yet another solution is to restructure your code in a way that the locking is unnecessary. This is often much more difficult. One method that is often helpful is to take advantage of flags and atomic increments, as outlined in the next paragraph. For simplicity, a single-writer, single-reader example is presented, but it is possible to extend this idea to more complicated designs.

Take a buffer with some number of slots. Keep a read index and a write index into that buffer. When the write index and read index are the same, there is no data in the buffer. When writing, clear the next location. Then do an atomic increment on the pointer. Write the data. End by setting a flag at that new location that says that the data is valid.

Note that this solution becomes much more difficult when dealing with multiple readers and multiple writers, and as such, is beyond the scope of this section.

Reducing Contention by Decreasing Granularity

One of the fundamental properties of locks is granularity. The granularity of a lock refers to the amount of code or data that it protects. A lock that protects a large block of code or a large amount of data is referred to as a coarse-grained lock, while a lock that protects only a small amount of code or data is referred to as a fine-grained lock. A coarse-grained lock is much more likely to be contended (needed by one thread while being held by another) than a more finely grained lock.

There are two basic ways of decreasing granularity. The first is to minimize the amount of code executed while a lock is held. For example, if you have code that calculates a value and stores it into a table, don’t take the lock before calling the function and release it after the function returns. Instead, take the lock in that piece of code right before you write the data, and release it as soon as you no longer need it.

Of course, reducing the amount of protected code is not always possible or practical if the code needs to guarantee consistency where the value it is writing depends on other values in the table, since those values could change before you obtain the lock, requiring you to go back and redo the work.

It is also possible to reduce granularity by locking the data in smaller units. In the above example, you could have a lock on each cell of the table. When updating cells in the table, you would start by determining the cells on which the destination cell depends, then lock those cells and the destination cell in some fixed order. (To avoid deadlock, you must always either lock cells in the same order or use an appropriate try function and release all locks on failure.)

Once you have locked all the cells involved, you can then perform your calculation and release the locks, confident that no other thread has corrupted your calculations. However, by locking on a smaller unit of data, you have also reduced the likelihood of two threads needing to access the same cell.

A slightly more radical version of this is to use read-write locks on a per-cell basis and always upgrade in a particular order. This is, however, rather extreme, and difficult to do correctly.

Code Profiling

Code profiling means determining how often certain pieces of code are executed. By knowing how frequently a piece of code is used, you can more accurately gauge the importance of optimizing that piece of code. There are a number of good tools for profiling user space applications. However, code profiling in the kernel is a very different beast, since it isn’t reasonable to attach to it like you would a running process. (It is possible by using a second computer, but even then, it is not a trivial task.)

This section describes two useful ways of profiling your kernel code: counters and lock profiling. Any changes you make to allow code profiling should be done only during development. These are not the sort of changes that you want to release to end users.

Using Counters for Code Profiling

The first method of code profiling is with counters. To profile a section of code with a counter, you must first create a global variable whose name describes that piece of code and initialize it to zero. You then add something like

            foo_counter++; #endif

in the appropriate piece of code. If you then define PROFILING, that counter is created and initialized to zero, then incremented each time the code in question is executed.

One small snag with this sort of profiling is the problem of obtaining the data. This can be done in several ways. The simplest is probably to install a sysctl, using the address of foo_counter as an argument. Then, you could simply issue the sysctl command from the command line and read or clear the variable. Adding a sysctl is described in more detail in “BSD sysctl API .”

In addition to using sysctl, you could also obtain the data by printing its value when unloading the module (in the case of a KEXT) or by using a remote debugger to attach to the kernel and directly inspecting the variable. However, a sysctl provides the most flexibility. With a sysctl, you can sample the value at any time, not just when the module is unloaded. The ability to arbitrarily sample the value makes it easier to determine the importance of a piece of code to one particular action.

If you are developing code for use in the I/O Kit, you should probably use your driver’s setProperties call instead of a sysctl.

Lock Profiling

Lock profiling is another useful way to find the cause of code inefficiency. Lock profiling can give you the following information:

Put another way, this allows you to determine the contention of a lock, and in so doing, can help you to minimize contention by code restructuring.

There are many different ways to do lock profiling. The most common way is to create your own lock calls that increment a counter and then call the real locking functions. When you move from debugging into a testing cycle before release, you can then replace the functions with defines to cause the actual functions to be called directly. For example, you might write something like this:

extern struct timeval time;
boolean_t   mymutex_try(mymutex_t *lock) {
    int ret;
    if (ret) {
    return ret;
void    mymutex_lock(mymutex_t *lock) {
    if (!(mymutex_try(lock))) {
    lock->starttime = time.tv_sec;
void    mymutex_unlock(mymutex_t *lock) {
    lock->lockheldtime += (time.tv_sec - lock->starttime);

This routine has accuracy only to the nearest second, which is not particularly accurate. Ideally, you want to keep track of both time.tv_sec and time.tv_usec and roll the microseconds into seconds as the number gets large.

From this information, you can obtain the average time the lock was held by dividing the total time held by the number of times it was held. It also tells you the number of times a lock was taken immediately instead of waiting, which is a valuable piece of data when analyzing contention.

As with counter-based profiling, after you have written code to record lock use and contention, you must find a way to obtain that information. A sysctl is a good way of doing this, since it is relatively easy to implement and can provide a “snapshot” view of the data structure at any point in time. For more information on adding a sysctl, see “BSD sysctl API .”

Another way to do lock profiling is to use the built-in ETAP (Event Trace Analysis Package). This package consists of additional code designed for lock profiling. However, since this requires a kernel recompile, it is generally not recommended.

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