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Managing Program Execution

Xcode provides several mechanisms to control and monitor the execution of an inferior (a program being debugged). While debugging a program you can:

This section describes the facilities Xcode provides to let you control and monitor the execution of your program.

In this section:

Using Breakpoints
Using Watchpoints
Pausing on Core Services Debugging Functions

Using Breakpoints

Breakpoints let you perform actions on certain events, such as when program execution reaches a certain point in the code. Table 6-1 lists the three types of breakpoints.

Table 6-1  Breakpoint types

Breakpoint type


File line

Execution reaches a specific code line.


A specific routine is called.

C++ exception

A particular C++ exception is thrown.

You can add one or more breakpoint actions to a breakpoint. A breakpoint action is an operation that Xcode performs when the breakpoint is triggered. The default action (when the breakpoint has no breakpoint action associated to it) is to pause program execution. However, Xcode also supports:

Managing Breakpoints

The following sections show how to view, add, activate/deactivate, customize, and remove breakpoints.

Viewing Breakpoints

The breakpoints window lets you view and modify breakpoints set in the current project, as well as any defined for the current user. To open the breakpoints window, choose Run > Show > Breakpoints.

Figure 6-1 shows the breakpoints window.

Figure 6-1  Breakpoints window

The Breakpoints window

Breakpoints are collected in the Breakpoints smart group. This smart group contains two subgroups: the Project Breakpoints group contains breakpoints specific to the current project and the Global Breakpoints group contains breakpoints defined for the current user. Project breakpoints are stored in the project's user file; that is, they are saved for the current user and the current project. Global breakpoints are available to you in any project that you open.

You can select the Project Breakpoints group or the Global Breakpoints group to see only those breakpoints in the detail view; you can also open the group to see its contents in the outline view. Selecting the Breakpoints smart group displays all available breakpoints in the detail view.

Here is what the detail view for breakpoints contains:

You can delete, and turn off/on any existing breakpoint in your project in the breakpoints window. You can also create symbolic breakpoints. However, you can add a breakpoint to a specific line of code only from the editor or the console.

To view the source code for a breakpoint, double-click the breakpoint in the breakpoints window. This opens the source file in which the breakpoint is set (or the function is defined) in a separate editor window.

Adding File-Line Breakpoints

To add a file-line breakpoint, perform one of the following tasks:

You can easily move a file-line breakpoint from one code line to another line by dragging the breakpoint arrow to the new line within the code editor.

Adding Symbolic Breakpoints

To add a symbolic breakpoint, perform one of the following tasks:

Note: When you set a breakpoint on an Objective-C method, you must include the brackets and a plus or minus sign. For example, to stop whenever a Cocoa exception is raised, enter -[NSException raise].

Adding C++ Exception Breakpoints

To add a C++ exception breakpoint:

Select the trigger code line and choose Run > Manage Breakpoints > Add C++ Exception Breakpoint.

In the dialog that appears, enter the name of the trigger exception.

To stop on all C++ exceptions, select All Exceptions.

Importing and Exporting Breakpoints

Xcode allows you to import and export breakpoints. This feature lets you share sets of breakpoints with other developers working on the same project, or across projects.

To export breakpoints, select the breakpoints you want to export from the Breakpoints smart group in the Groups & Files list and choose Run > Manage Breakpoints > Export Breakpoints.

To import breakpoints into a project, open the Breakpoints smart group and select the group to which you want to add the breakpoints—either Project Breakpoints or Global Breakpoints and choose:

Xcode menu bar: Run > Manage Breakpoints > Import Breakpoints

Xcode adds a new subgroup containing the imported breakpoints to the selected breakpoints group.

Grouping Breakpoints

To group existing breakpoints, select them in the Breakpoints smart group and choose:

Groups & Files shortcut menu: Group

You can create your own groups within the Breakpoints smart group to organize breakpoints. To add a breakpoints group:

  1. Select either the Project Breakpoints or the Global Breakpoints group, depending on which breakpoint realm you want to operate on.

  2. Choose Project > New Group.

To rename an existing group, Control-click the group and choose Rename.

To delete a group, select it and press Delete.

Removing Breakpoints

You can remove breakpoints using the text editor of the breakpoints window.

To remove a fine-line breakpoint, open the breakpoint’s file in the text editor and drag the breakpoint indicator out of the gutter. You may also select the code line with the breakpoint and choose Run > Manage Breakpoints > Remove Breakpoint at Current Line.

To remove symbolic and C++ exception breakpoints, open the breakpoints window, select the breakpoint, and press Delete.

Turning Breakpoints On/Off

In the course of debugging a program, you may find that you don’t currently want the debugger to use a particular breakpoint that you have set, but you don’t want to delete it entirely, either, in case you want to use it again at a later time. Instead of deleting the breakpoint from your project, you can simply turn it off. Breakpoints that are turned off are not triggered during program execution.

You can turn on/off any breakpoint in your project in the breakpoints window. To turn on/off a breakpoint, open the breakpoints window and click the checkbox beside the breakpoint you want to modify. A breakpoint is turned on when this checkbox is selected.

You can also turn on/off file-line breakpoints from the text editor by clicking the breakpoint in the gutter. Breakpoints that are turned off appear as a light-gray arrow in the gutter.

You can turn on/off more than one breakpoint—or even groups of breakpoints—at once. To do so:

  1. Select the breakpoints you want to turn on/off in the Breakpoints smart group in the Groups & Files list. You can select the individual breakpoints or a breakpoint group.

  2. Choose Enable Breakpoints or Disable Breakpoints from the gutter shortcut menu to turn them on or off, respectively.

To quickly turn on a set of breakpoints, disabling any other breakpoints for the project, select the breakpoints you want to turn on and choose Enable Only These Breakpoints from the gutter Option shortcut menu (Control-Option-click). Turning on/off a breakpoints group affects all breakpoints in that group and in all its subgroups.

Using Breakpoint Templates

Xcode provides a number of breakpoint templates that you can use to insert file line breakpoints that are preconfigured with various breakpoint actions. To add a breakpoint based on one of these templates, use:

Text editor gutter shortcut menu: Built-in Breakpoints

These are the breakpoint templates:

When you choose one of these templates, Xcode inserts a breakpoint at the current line of code and configures it with the appropriate action. You can edit the breakpoint action in the breakpoints window.

You can create your own breakpoint templates from any breakpoints that you have configured by placing them in a group called Template Breakpoints. Any breakpoints that you add to this group will appear in the Built-in Breakpoints gutter shortcut menu.

Conditionalizing Breakpoints

To have the debugger execute breakpoint actions only under certain circumstances, you can associate an execute condition or an ignore condition with a file-line or symbolic breakpoint. See “Viewing Breakpoints” to learn more about these conditions.

Each time it encounters the breakpoint, the debugger evaluates the expression. If the expression is true—that is, if it evaluates to a nonzero value—the debugger stops at the breakpoint and Xcode performs any breakpoint actions. Breakpoint conditions are currently supported only when using GDB.

Creating Breakpoint Actions

As described in “Using Breakpoints,” by default, breakpoints pause the execution of your program. However, you can have breakpoints perform other actions when they are triggered. For example, you can have a breakpoint log additional information to the console, execute a debugger or shell command, or alert you by playing a sound.

To associate a breakpoint action with a breakpoint, open the breakpoint in the breakpoints window. This displays the interface for specifying breakpoint actions, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2  Breakpoint action editor

A breakpoint action in Xcode

To add an action, click the plus (+) button. Choose the type of action you want Xcode to perform from the actions pop-up menu. Each action has a different interface for specifying the message to log, the sound to play, and so forth.

You can choose any of the following actions:

Xcode supports these breakpoint actions for GDB, the Java debugger, and the AppleScript debugger. Note, however, that the debugger commands that you can pass to the Java and AppleScript debuggers using a debugger command action are limited.

You can use the value of GDB expressions in some breakpoint actions. These expressions can return the value of a local variable or the result of a function call. The breakpoint actions on which you can use GDB expressions are: Log, Shell Command, and AppleScript. To execute a GDB expression in a breakpoint action, surround the expression with @ characters. For example, to print the value of the local variable i, use a Log action with the text i = @i@. To print the name of the running program, use a Log action with the text Program name is @(char*)getprogname()@.

Using Watchpoints

To monitor changes to the value of variables or data items, you can set watchpoints. A watchpoint pauses execution of the program whenever the value of the watched item changes. You can set a watchpoint on a variable only when execution of the program is halted. To set a watchpoint on a variable:

  1. With execution of the program paused at a breakpoint, select the variable in the Variable list in the Debugger window. See “Viewing Variables in the Debugger window” to learn more about the Variable list.

  2. Choose one of the following:

    • Run > Variables View > Watch Variable

    • Watch Variable from the variable list shortcut menu

    Xcode displays a magnifying glass next to the variable to indicate that the variable is being watched, as shown in Figure 6-3.

Figure 6-3  Watched variable in the Variable list

A watched variable in the Variable view

When the value of the variable changes, Xcode pauses execution of the program and displays a dialog showing the location of the program counter and the new value of the variable. If execution of the program moves beyond the scope of the current variable, Xcode deletes the watchpoint and pauses execution of the program.

Important: Watching local variables, located on the stack, can cause your program to crash if system calls are made in the current function.

Pausing on Core Services Debugging Functions

The Core Services framework includes functions, such as Debugger and DebugStr, that break into the debugger with a message. If your code contains calls to these functions, you can tell the Xcode debugger to stop when it encounters them.

You can turn on this feature for an individual executable, as described in “Executable-Environment Debugging Information” in Xcode Project Management Guide, or for all executables in the current project. To toggle this feature on/off, choose Run > Stop on Debugger()/DebugStr().

Note: Xcode implements this feature by setting the USERBREAK environment variable to 1, which causes these functions to send a SIGINT signal to the current process, breaking into the debugger.

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